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893真菌是担子菌变种,对其在国赤米、麦芽等物上生长的菌体对鸡的抗(ND)病性的影响及其多糖提取物对鸡增重的影响进行了研究。结果表明,893真菌作添加剂饲喂雏鸡,对有母源抗体的雏鸡有一定抗新城病毒的作用,但在母源抗体降低或消失后,则与对照无差异;其真菌多糖液对AA肉鸡有一定增重作用,两个剂量之间也略有差异。  相似文献   

饲用抗生素的禁用给养殖业带来巨大挑战,寻找饲用抗生素替代品迫在眉睫。海藻提取物具有提高动物生产性能、改善肠道形态、维持肠道微生物平衡、促进免疫器官发育、降低炎症并提高机体抗氧化能力等特点,具有成为饲用抗生素替代品的潜力。本文重点综述了海藻提取物对猪和鸡生产性能、肠道健康、免疫力和抗氧能力影响的研究进展,为海藻提取物在养殖业上的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

陈安国  苏卫琴 《饲料工业》1994,15(12):22-22
酶制剂对仔猪增重效果的影响浙江农业大学动物科学学院陈安国,吴小革,朱旭初浙江省长兴八达生化公司苏卫琴浙江省鄞县梅湖万猪场闻尧祥宁波市东方万猪场周立明,蔡建明为进一步验证酶制剂在仔猪饲粮中应用效果,我们于1994年4至5月进行了本试验。1.材料与方法1...  相似文献   

膨润土对雏鸡增重的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
膨润土对雏鸡增重的影响刘华,杨香梅,刘大同,王新军(新疆塔里木农垦大学843300)膨润土俗称粘土、皂土,地质文献中称斑脱岩。膨润土具有很多特殊的化学性质,如:离子交换性、吸附性、膨胀置换、粘合、催化和抗毒性等,含有丰富的常、微量元素。此外,它还能使...  相似文献   

在饲料中添加菊苣养鸡增重效果好   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
菊苣是菊科,菊苣属,多年生草本植物,原产欧洲,80年代我国引入后培育成大叶型品种。本县自1999年引进试栽后.现已发展栽培36.13hm^2,由于其抗病力较强,适口性好,受到畜禽养殖户的欢迎。2003年4月笔者在大龙镇祥查村进行了菊苣作为日粮添加饲喂福建青脚贡鸡的增重对比试验。现介绍如下.供养殖户参考。  相似文献   

将瑞香狼毒以不同比例添加于饲料中,观察其对雏鸡增重及抗球虫作用的影响。饲养试验表明:0.3%、0.6%给药组与空白对照组相比增重差异不显著,而1.0%给药组与空白对照组相比增重差异显著。同时临床观察发现,长时间饲喂添加了1.0%瑞香狼毒的饲料,会致雏鸡慢性中毒,发育受阻,甚至死亡。接种球虫发病后,0.3%、0.6%、1.0%给药组有一定的预防作用,症状出现较晚、症状表现较轻。而1.5%给药组,还有一定的治疗效果。  相似文献   

黄芪对肉仔鸡增重的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄芪对肉仔鸡增重的影响王玉山(大连机械化养鸡场116036)近年来,有人用中草药黄芪饲喂珍禽类和肉仔鸡,取得了一些进展。为了验证其真实可靠性,以拓宽饲料添加剂领域,充分利用我国宝贵的中草药资源,笔者于1994年7月24日到8月17日,共计56天。进行...  相似文献   

鸡球虫苗对增重的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
凡养鸡的地方,几乎都有鸡球虫。集约化养鸡场则是球虫病爆发的最适宜场所,其发病率为50%~70%;死亡率20%~30%,严重时高达80%(孔繁瑶,1991)。在各种鸡病中,球虫病的发生率最高(Biggs,1982),占1/6~1/5(左仰贤,1991)。据Bhogal(1992)称,全世界每年因鸡球虫病造成的损失达20亿美元。我国年养鸡量为30~60亿只,按每只0-2~0-3元(郁明发,1989)的抗球虫药支出计算,我国年支出抗球虫药费是6~18亿元人民币。截止今日,控制球虫病的主要手段仍然是化学…  相似文献   

1. The individual weight gains of 371 broiler chickens in a commercial flock were monitored to establish individual growth patterns.

2. The relationship between early and final body weight was investigated for individual chickens.

3. The feasibility of automatic separation of birds into different weight groups was evaluated and consideration given as to whether this technique could be used for sex‐separation of an as‐hatched flock.

4. The results suggest that the present commercial practice of male selection at flock depopulation may be less reliable than many producers believe.  相似文献   

1?Dietary phytic acid (PA) reduces the apparent digestion and of dietary nutrients, increases the excretion of endogenous amino acids and minerals and reduces the concentration of blood glucose.

2?An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of phytic acid on the absorption capacity of the intestine in broiler chicken, using a D-xylose absorption test.

3?Three groups of ten 26-d-old apparently healthy broiler cockerels (Ross 308) were dosed with D-xylose solution (500 mg/kg BW, Group 1) or D-xylose solution + PA (330 or 660 mg/5 ml/bird, in groups 2 and 3), respectively. The plasma concentration of D-xylose was measured at 40-min intervals after ingestion of test materials, for a total of 160 min.

4?There was a quadratic correlation between the concentration of plasma D-xylose and time in all experimental groups (P < 0?001, R 2= 0?78, 0?80 and 0?81 for groups 1–3, respectively). Ingestion of PA at 660 mg reduced the concentration of plasma D-xylose by 21?6 and 10?5% at 40 and 80 min after ingestion of the test material, indicating a lower absorption of this sugar.

5?It was concluded that dietary phytates might affect the productive performance of chicken, at least partly, by disturbing the transport mechanisms involved in the absorption of nutrients.  相似文献   

1. Four experiments involving 23,800 settable eggs of commercial broiler parent stocks were conducted to determine the effect of gamma irradiation before egg incubation on hatchability and body weight of hatched chicks. 2. Irradiation doses were 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.40, 0.80 and 1.2 Grays (Gy) for experiment 1; 0, 0.15 and 1.2 Gy for experiment 2; 0 and 0.15 Gy for experiment 3; 0, 1.6 and 2.1 Gy for experiment 4. Dose rate was about 0.12 Gy/min. 3. Gamma irradiation at doses of 0.05 to 1.6 Gy before incubation did not affect embryo development, whereas a dose of 2.1 Gy was harmful.  相似文献   

Tunnel ventilation has been adopted as an effective approach to combatting heat stress in poultry. Setting tunnel air velocity to levels that ensure bird comfort, while optimizing performance is an important goal. In recent years, biotelemetry has provided a way to effectively evaluate the impact of management practices on poultry physiology. In this study, we present an approach for evaluating the effects of heat stress and tunnel ventilation on poultry deep body temperature (DBT) using biotelemetry. Three consecutive experiments were conducted using 6 broilers, each at the ages of 8.6, 9.0, and 9.4 wk. Experiments spanned approximately 12 h each and led to 18 data sets. DBT responses of birds under no ventilation rose by as much as 3°C as a result of step increases in ambient temperature. Birds exposed to tunnel ventilation maintained a lower DBT by as much as 0.9°C. During experiment days, birds exposed to tunnel ventilation consistently gained weight with a percentage weight gain ranging from 1% to 11%. Birds not exposed to tunnel ventilation behaved less consistently with some gaining as much as 14% while others lost as much as 9%. Although further studies are required to derive more comprehensive and more statistically significant results, this study provided preliminary data that is needed to warrant such studies, and a stepping stone for making optimal management and risk assessment decisions that are based on physiological needs of the birds.  相似文献   

<正>海藻糖(Trehalose)又名茧蜜糖、蘑菇糖、漏芦糖或簟糖,是在动物、植物、微生物中广泛分布的一种低聚糖,当生物处于逆境时,其含量增加,是一种典型的应激代谢产物。海藻糖由两分子的吡喃葡萄糖单体以α-1,1-糖苷键连接而成,其化学名为α-D-吡喃葡萄糖基-α-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷,分子式为C12H12O11,相对分子量为378.33(含两分子结晶水),熔点为97℃,加热会失去结晶水。由于其分子结构对  相似文献   

1. Real-time ultrasound (RTU) is a fast, non-destructive and relatively inexpensive technique to estimate body composition in animals. 2. A total of 835 Hubbard, Ross and Cobb broilers from different flocks were randomly selected, weighed and two RTU measurements were taken from both sides of their breast muscles (BM). Immediately following ultrasonography, broilers were processed and dissected to determine carcase, boneless BM, leg quarter and wing weights. Data were utilised to develop multiple linear regression equations (MLRE) to estimate carcase part weights. 3. Factors such as sex, age or genetic line did not contribute significantly to the accuracy of the models. The measurement in the right side was consistently more efficient than the left for estimating BM weight. 4. The following MLRE was estimated from live body weight (BW) and RTU area images: BM (g) = -94.3476 + 0.1518 * BW (g) + 5.1644 * BM-RTU area (cm2) (R2 = 0.97). 5. Due to the allometric relationships among body parts the following equations were also estimated: Legs (g) = -56.6738 + 0.2846 * BW (g) + 2.1570 * BM-RTU area (cm2) (R2 = 0.98) and Total Meat Cuts (g) = -142.0567 + 0.4638 * BW (g) + 5.1236 * BM-RTU area (cm2) (R2 = 0.99). 6. The results indicated that it was possible to estimate BM and other carcase cut weights with high accuracy from RTU measurements.  相似文献   

能量是肉鸡日粮中的重要组分 ,主要来源于谷物类饲料 ,我国肉鸡能量饲料以玉米为主。玉米因加工温度不同 ,其糊化度发生改变 ,从而影响玉米的营养价值 (Hongtrakul等 ,1 997、1 998)。因加工温度不同引起玉米生熟程度的不同 ,有可能影响消化器官以及其他内脏器官的生长发育 ,进而影响肉用仔鸡对玉米为主的日粮营养素利用率及其生产性能。本试验旨在添加或不添加酶制剂Avizyme 1 5 0 0 (Finnfeeds公司提供 )的条件下 ,探索不同干燥温度的玉米 ,对肉用仔鸡内脏器官重量的影响。1 材料和方法1 1 玉米处理 将玉米…  相似文献   

植物甾醇对肉鸡生产性能的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
日粮中分别添加0、5、10、20、40和80 mg/kg植物甾醇,研究其对肉仔鸡生产性能的影响。结果表明,20、40 mg/kg植物甾醇添加组能提高前期(0~21 d)日增重,其中40 mg/kg组达显著水平(P<0.05);5、10、40和80 mg/kg组均能提高后期(22~42 d)和全期(0~42 d)日增重(P>0.05)。20、40 mg/kg组能提高前期平均重,其中40 mg/kg组达极显著水平(P<0.01);5、10、40和80 mg/kg添加组均能提高后期平均重(P>0.05)。40 mg/kg植物甾醇添加组有提高前期、后期及全期饲料转化效率的趋势(P>0.05)。各组间死淘率差异均不显著(P>0.05)。从增重和饲料转化效率来看,肉仔鸡饲料中添加40 mg/kg的植物甾醇效果最好。  相似文献   

1. Eggs were stored for two different times at varying temperatures. The effects on hatchability, chick weight at hatch and hatching time were examined in two broiler breeder lines from 33 to 58 weeks of age. 2. Short storage (1 to 3 d). Storage at 20 degrees C compared with 16.5 degrees C reduced hatchability of all eggs set. No effect was observed on hatchability of fertile eggs, hatching time or chick weight. 3. Long storage (9 to 11 d). Storage at 16.5 degrees C compared with 10 degrees C decreased both hatchability of fertile eggs and chick weight at hatch. Incidence of early embryonic death increased and incubation time decreased at 16.5 degrees C compared with 10 degrees C. 4. Chicks from morning eggs were heavier than those from afternoon eggs irrespective of storage conditions. 5. Hatchability (all eggs set and fertile eggs) and chick weight varied with hen age irrespective of storage conditions. During long storage, hatching time varied with hen age independently of breeder line, storage temperature or egg laying time. 6. Hatchability (all eggs set and fertile eggs) was higher in line A than in line B. Line B eggs hatched later and produced heavier chicks than line A eggs irrespective of storage time.  相似文献   

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