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European Journal of Plant Pathology - Pyrenophora teres causes one of the most destructive barley diseases in semi-arid production areas worldwide. With the burgeoning issue of soil salinization,...  相似文献   

瓜类细菌性果斑病是西瓜、甜瓜等瓜类作物的重要细菌性病害。为筛选防控果斑病的有效药剂, 本研究比较了13种药剂浸种带菌西瓜种子不同时间对果斑病的防治效果及对种子发芽的影响;并通过“先喷药后接种”和“先接种后喷药”, 比较了13种药剂对西瓜苗期果斑病的预防和治疗效果, 同时测定了助剂8.6%聚乙二醇对13种药剂的增效作用。药剂浸种试验结果表明, 带菌种子在10%阿苯达唑750倍液、2%春雷霉素300倍液中浸种12 h, 对果斑病的防效均达到100%, 发芽率比清水浸种分别高16.20百分点和16.34百分点;杀菌剂1号200倍液处理12 h的防效较好, 为85.58%, 且促进种子萌发。苗期喷施药剂的试验结果表明, 13种药剂对果斑病的预防效果均好于治疗效果, 预防效果和治疗效果都超过60%的药剂有7种, 以10%阿苯达唑600倍液对果斑病的防效最好, 预防效果和治疗效果分别为87.58%和75.70%, 与8.6%聚乙二醇混配后分别提高至94.12%和81.31%, 增效作用显著。本研究结果为后续田间试验和大面积推广应用提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

The effect of barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) on the development of net blotch (Pyrenophora eves) and leaf blotch (Rhynchosporium secalis) was examined on seven barley cuitivars. Seedlings were infected with BYDV at the two-leaf stage (G.S. 12). Their susceptibility to three isolates of p teres and isolates of two races (U.K. 1, U.K. 2) of R. secalis was examined at the four-leaf stsge (G.S. 14) and when plants were more mature (G.S. 33/38). At G.S. 14 numbers of lesions produced by P. teres and R. secalis were reduced, on average, by 37 and 72% respectively, and at G.S. 33/38 by 61 and 74%.  相似文献   

Two susceptible barley cultivars and two moderately resistant advanced breeding lines were grown as pure stands and as the 11 possible equi-proportional mixtures over three field seasons, in the presence of scald and net blotch. Plots were either inoculated with infested straw, or non-inoculated and sprayed with fungicide. On average, the variety mixtures restricted leaf disease development by 12%. However, mixtures of either or both susceptible cultivar/s with the moderately resistant line 1861018 restricted disease severity by 20-32%. Generally, the mixtures did not increase yield relative to the mean of the pure stands. However, in the year of highest disease severity, yield was increased by 7% owing to mixing in the inoculated plots. In addition, one mixture consistently increased yield (mean of 4%) and one mixture had consistently lower yields (mean of 6%)) over years and inoculation treatments. Thus, careful evaluation is required in this environment and with these genotypes in order to identify mixtures with positive effects on disease control and yield.  相似文献   

In a series of field trials from 1977 to 1979, steeping sugar beet seed in thiram gave slightly better plant establishment than the ethyl mercury phosphate (EMP) steep currently applied to all sugar beet seed used in England. Steeping in a phenyl mercury acetate solution gave establishment close enough to EMP steep to show that it could be used as a replacement for EMP if the latter were unavailable for agricultural use. TCMTB steep and maneb slurry were clearly inferior to EMP steep, particularly when the incidence of seed-borne Phoma betae was high.  相似文献   

Both airborne spores of Rhynchosporium secalis and seed infection have been implied as major sources of primary inoculum for barley leaf blotch (scald) epidemics in fields without previous history of barley cropping. However, little is known about their relative importance in the onset of disease. Results from both quantitative real‐time PCR and visual assessments indicated that seed infection was the main source of inoculum in the field trial conducted in this study. Glasshouse studies established that the pathogen can be transmitted from infected seeds into roots, shoots and leaves without causing symptoms. Plants in the field trial remained symptomless for approximately four months before symptoms were observed in the crop. Covering the crop during part of the growing season was shown to prevent pathogen growth, despite the use of infected seed, indicating that changes in the physiological condition of the plant and/or environmental conditions may trigger disease development. However, once the disease appeared in the field it quickly became uniform throughout the cropping area. Only small amounts of R. secalis DNA were measured in 24 h spore‐trap tape samples using PCR. Inoculum levels equivalent to spore concentrations between 30 and 60 spores per m3 of air were only detected on three occasions during the growing season. The temporal pattern and level of detection of R. secalis DNA in spore tape samples indicated that airborne inoculum was limited and most likely represented rain‐splashed conidia rather than putative ascospores.  相似文献   

水稻窄条斑病是浙江杭州地区的新病害,本研究从症状识别、种子传病及防治药剂测试三方面入手对该病害进行研究。结果表明,通过对光观察病斑透明度,观察有无菌脓及喷菌现象可有效地将水稻窄条斑病与水稻细菌性条斑病区分开;水稻窄条斑病种子可带菌传病,传病率因品种和种子来源不同而异;25%丙环唑EC和50%多菌灵WP对水稻窄条斑病均有较好防效,其中以25%丙环唑EC有效成分用量150g/hm2为最佳,防效达68.73%。  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of [3H]-triforine in barley plants has been studied. 15 and 30 days after treatment, unchanged triforine amounted to 57.5 and 43.2% respectively, and of three soluble metabolites detected, piperazine (0.3 and 4.0%) and N-[2, 2,2-trichloro-1-(piperazin-1-yl)ethyl] formamide (12.9 and 8.4%), the latter for the first time as a metabolite in plants, were identified using t.1.c. with four solvent systems. The solid residue contained 23.1 and 38.2% of bound label after 15 and 30 days respectively.  相似文献   

A Pyrenophora teres f. teres population in North Dakota was analyzed for virulence variation and genetic diversity using 75 monospore isolates that were collected across a 4-year period (2004 to 2007) from two North Dakota State University agricultural experiment stations at Fargo and Langdon. Pathogenicity tests by inoculation onto 22 barley differential lines at seedling stage revealed 49 pathotypes, indicating a wide range of pathogenic diversity. Two-way analysis of variance of disease ratings revealed a significant difference in the virulence among isolates and in the resistance among barley lines, as well as in the interactions between the two. 'CI5791', 'Algerian', and 'Heartland' were three barley lines showing a high level of seedling resistance to all North Dakota isolates tested; however, many previously reported resistance genes have been overcome. Forty multilocus genotypes were identified from this set of isolates by genotyping at 13 simple-sequence repeat loci. High percentages of clonal cultures were detected in the samplings from 2005 and 2007 in Fargo and 2005 in Langdon. Using a clone-corrected sample set, the mean gene diversity (h) was estimated to be 0.58, approximately the same for both locations. The calculated Wright's F(ST) value is small (0.11) but was significantly >0, indicating a significant differentiation between the Fargo and Langdon populations. In the gametic disequilibrium test, only 3 of 78 possible pairwise comparisons over all isolates showed significant (P < 0.05) nonrandom association, suggesting a random mating mode. Our results suggest that the populations from the two locations are derived from a common source and undergo frequent recombination. This research provides important information for barley breeders regarding development and deployment of cultivars with resistance to net form net blotch in this region.  相似文献   

Knowledge of pathotype diversity and virulence in local populations of Pyrenophora teres is a prerequisite to screening for durable resistance to net blotch. The current study aimed to quantify the virulence level of Moroccan isolates, identify and designate existing pathotypes, and select resistant genotypes. We developed a method for virulence quantification of P. teres isolates based on a conversion of infection responses into frequencies for use in correspondence analysis. Coordinates of the first axis of this analysis had a virulence spectrum and ranked isolates from virulent to avirulent. Mixed model analysis was also devised for virulence quantification. Coordinates of the first dimension of correspondence analysis were linearly correlated to BLUPs (Best Linear Unbiased Predictors) of the mixed model. A genotype by genotype by environment model (GGE) coupled with cluster analysis differentiated P. teres isolates into ten and nine pathotypes for net- and spot-forms respectively. Populations of these two forms were dissimilar in terms of classes of virulence. For P. teres f. maculata, avirulent, moderately virulent and highly virulent isolates represented one-third of the population, whereas 90% of P. teres f. teres population was composed of avirulent to moderately avirulent isolates. Barley differential sets were subsequently reduced to two new sets that simplified pathotyping through a key code based on resistant or susceptible reactions. Dendrograms of cluster analysis based on GGE analysis depicted the stability of a genotype’s reactions across all isolates, and using only resistant cultivars as sources of resistance to control net blotch disease would, based on this analysis, fail to control all pathotypes. Therefore, we propose an alternative breeding strategy to control net blotch effectively.  相似文献   

Bacterial fruit blotch (BFB) of cucurbits, caused by Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli, is a serious threat to the watermelon and melon industries. To date, there are no commercial cultivars of cucurbit crops resistant to the disease. Here we assessed the level of tolerance to bacterial fruit blotch of various commercial cultivars as well as breeding and wild lines of melon, using seed-transmission assays and seedling-inoculation experiments. Selected cultivars were also tested in a greenhouse experiment with mature plants. All tested cultivars/lines were found to be susceptible to the pathogen, and most of them showed different responses (relative tolerance vs. susceptibility) in the different assays; however, some consistent trends were found: cv. ADIR339 was relatively tolerant in all tested assays, and cv. 6407 and wild lines BLB-B and EAD-B were relatively tolerant in seed-transmission assays. We also provide evidence supporting a strong correlation between the level of susceptibility of a cultivar/line and the ability of the pathogen to adhere to or penetrate the seed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to assess melon cultivars/lines for bacterial fruit blotch response.  相似文献   

选用本实验室组配的1号杀菌剂和3种常用药剂,比较了不同药剂及不同浓度的1号杀菌剂处理人工接菌的西瓜种子后对种子发芽、幼苗生长的促进作用和对果斑病的防治效果。结果显示:与对照CK1(种子破壳,清水处理)相比较,72%农用硫酸链霉素可溶粉剂7.2×102μg/mL处理2h、40%甲醛1.6×103μg/mL处理1h和1号杀菌剂0.5×104μg/mL处理2h,发芽势分别高出10.5%、6.7%和4.9%。供试药剂中1号杀菌剂处理种子对果斑病有较好的防治效果,1号杀菌剂0.5×104μg/mL处理2h、1%盐酸3.7×103μg/mL处理30min、40%甲醛溶液处理1h和72%农用硫酸链霉素可溶粉剂7.2×102μg/mL处理2h防治效果分别为74.7%、73.7%、58.5%和49.3%。  相似文献   

大麦种质对叶斑病的抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 由麦根腐平脐蠕胞菌引起的叶斑病在世界各大麦种植区均有发生,严重影响大麦的产量和品质。选育和应用抗性品种是防控该病害最有效的策略,然而可利用的抗源非常有限。在本研究中对中国233份具有代表性的大麦种质资源进行成株期抗叶斑病田间人工接种鉴定,发现只有垦啤麦5号等10份材料对3个供试菌株都表现抗病,仅占供试材料的4.3%。另外对37份国内外重要的叶斑病抗源材料进行苗期及成株期抗叶斑病鉴定,结果显示成株期抗叶斑病材料所占比例为41%~46%,苗期抗性材料所占比例为50%~64%,其中ND17293等11份材料在苗期和成株期对3个菌株均表现为抗病,可作为抗源继续加以利用;基于上述鉴定结果,进一步分析发现供试大麦苗期对三个菌株的抗病比例均高于成株期抗病比例,说明大麦在不同生育期对叶斑病的抗性存在较大差异。另外发现大麦对B. sorokiniana不同致病类型的抗性也存在明显的专化性。  相似文献   

Hormesis is a dose response phenomenon in which low, non-damaging doses of a stressor bring about a positive response in the organism undergoing treatment. Evidence is provided here that hormetic UV-C treatments of tomato seed can control disease caused by Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL) and f. sp. radicis-lycopersici (FORL) on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Treating seeds with a 4 kJ m−2 dose of UV-C significantly reduced both the disease incidence and progression of B. cinerea, with approximately 10% reductions in both on cv. Shirley. Disease severity assays for FOL and FORL on cv. Moneymaker showed dose-dependent responses: UV-C treatments of 4 and 6 kJ m−2 significantly reduced the disease severity scores of FOL, whilst only the 6 kJ m−2 showed significant reductions for FORL. To determine the effects of treatment on germination and seedling growth, UV-C doses of 4, 8 and 12 kJ m−2 were performed on cv. Shirley. No negative impacts on germination or seedling growth were observed for any of the treatments. However, the 8 kJ m−2 treatment showed significant biostimulation, with increases in seedling, root and hypocotyl dry weight of 11.4%, 23.1% and 12.0%, respectively, when compared to the control. Furthermore, significant increases in the root-mass fraction (10.6%) and root:shoot ratio (13.1%) along with a decrease in shoot-mass fraction (2.0%) indicates that the 8 kJ m−2 treatment stimulated root growth to the greatest extent. There was no effect on hypocotyl and primary root length or the number of lateral roots, indicating no adverse effects to basic root architecture or seedling growth.  相似文献   

Barley spot blotch (SB), caused by Cochliobolus sativus, is an important barley disease which causes extensive grain yield losses. These losses may not always correlate directly with the amount of diseased leaf area. Two barley cultivars, Quebracho (susceptible to SB) and Carumbé (with intermediate susceptibility to SB), were compared in field experiments in 2003, 2004 and 2006. Plots of each cultivar were either inoculated with C. sativus or protected with fungicide under field conditions to generate contrasting treatments: i) diseased, and ii) free of disease, respectively. SB severity over the growing season, photosynthetic rate on leaves with no visible symptoms and grain yield were assessed for each treatment and year. There was no treatment effect on cv. Carumbé, while cv. Quebracho showed a significant yield reduction, even though SB severity during the grain filling period was <10 %. This yield reduction was associated with a reduced photosynthetic rate at the beginning of the grain filling period in cv. Quebracho. A similar experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions, adding a treatment without inoculum or fungicide. There were no differences in photosynthetic rate or grain yield per plant among treatments. These results suggest a distinct physiological response to SB infection among cultivars affecting leaf photosynthetic rate, and SB severity may not be the best estimator of yield losses caused by SB.  相似文献   

For wheat, the optimum time to apply fungicide to control disease on a given leaf layer is usually at, or shortly after, full leaf emergence. Data from field experiments on barley were used to investigate whether the same relationship was applicable to control of leaf blotch on barley. Replicated plots of winter barley were sown in the autumns of 1991, 1992 and 1993 at sites in southwest England with high risk of Rhynchosporium secalis infection. Single fungicide treatments at four doses (0·25, 0·5, 0·75 or 1·0 times the label rate) were applied at one of eight different spray times, starting in mid-March in each year, with intervals of 10–11 days between spray timings. Disease was assessed every 10–11 days and area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) values were used to construct fungicide dose by spray time response surfaces for each of the upper four leaves, for each year. Spray timings shortly before leaf emergence were found to minimize the AUDPC for each year and leaf layer, and also the effective dose (the dose required to achieve a specified level of control), similar to wheat. Fungicide treatments on barley were effective for a longer period before leaf emergence than afterwards, probably because treatments before emergence of the target leaf reduced inoculum production on leaves below. This partly explains why fungicides tend to be applied earlier in the growth of barley compared with wheat.  相似文献   

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