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Cancer is an emotionally charged disease. During treatment, it is not uncommon for pet owners to engage veterinarians in frank discussions and emotional confrontations based on their fears and anxieties about cancer. Pet loss counseling skills are invaluable when dealing with clients after the death of their companion animal. Incorporating pet loss counseling into a veterinary practice is pragmatic as well as compassionate because clients who feel that they have received good emotional care in addition to medical care return to the veterinarian with new pets and recommend the practice to others.  相似文献   

In Germany pet owners are present during X-ray examinations of dogs and cats. Due to a change in the German X-ray Ordinance and the directive "Radiation Protection in Veterinary Medicine" it is necessary to determine the body dose of the pet owners.This study in the Clinic for Small Animals includes at least ten measurements for each of thirteen X-ray examinations of a dog and four of a cat. The equivalent doses of eye lens, thyroid, chest, hands, gonads, and lower leg were measured using TLD (LiF:Mg,Cu,P).The maximum value of 52 microSv was measured on the right hand.The 99 % -quantiles amount to 13 microSv for eye lens, 9 microSv for thyroid, 2.3 microSv for chest (under lead apron), 14 microSv for both hands, 2.1 microSv for gonads (under lead apron), and 2.0 microSv for lower leg. In every case the median and mean values at the seven measuring positions are lower than 2.5 microSv per radiograph. In view of the constant measured equivalent doses under the lead apron of less than 5 microSv for the trunk and gonads per X-ray examination the measurement of the personal dose of the pet owner during every X-ray examination of small animals is not justified. Alternatively, with reference to up-to-date measurements and the presented paper a certificate of exemption from the dose determination for pet owners could be applied for from the local authority.  相似文献   

日本 iDog"宠物狗"日本的世嘉公司也看准了音乐浪潮,推出了把音乐作为卖点的电子玩具 iDog。iDog 的包装风格也非常的"iPod",样式甚至大小都与 iPod 的包装很相似。iDog 本身的设计非常简单,以宠物狗作为原型,但造型比较夸张,突出了脸、鼻子和耳朵,并且利  相似文献   

宋伟  李兵 《饲料广角》2003,(15):31-32
在野外,鸟类采食几种有限的食物以满足飞行、生长和繁殖的需要,鸟的这些食物已经过了几千年的进化选择。但由于许多野生植物含有拮抗因子或缺乏许多必须营养素,且野生鸟的采食范围大和采食量较大,所以不能供给家养鸟与野生鸟类同样的日粮。笼养鸟生活在不同的环境条件下,需要饲喂不同的饲粮以满足它们的需要。 目前有一种错误的观念产生,许多鸟类饲养者认为成分复杂、昂贵、深加工生产的饲粮最有营养。但事实上一些易制的、经济的饲粮也可能  相似文献   

歌德曾经说过一句话:"一头训练有素的犬可以体现出主人的智慧."受过训练的犬,它知道保持室内的清洁,在家里守规矩,出外可以在主人身边随行,在自行车旁跟着跑,从不侵扰别人,甚至还可以承起保护主人和主人财产的责任.  相似文献   

世界宠物食品企业排名及全球宠物食品市场现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1世界排名前40名宠物食品企业垄断是世界宠物食品生产的特点之一。根据“欧洲透视”(全球消费市场调查研究权威机构)的调查,2003年,世界排名前5位的宠物食品生产企业其市场份额占全球的65.1%,同比增加0.4%;销售额占全球的65.3%,同比增加0.42%。2003年全球宠物食品销售额为35亿美元,同比增加10.78%(表1)。表1世界排名前40名宠物食品企业的市场份额和销售额公司市场占有率/%零售额/百万美元玛氏雀巢宝洁高露洁D el M onte Foods C o.N utro Products Inc.A grolim en SAM eow M ix C O.U ni-Charm C orp.N isshin Flour M illing C o…  相似文献   

The histamine contents of a range of North American commercial pet foods and pet food ingredients were determined by a spectrofluorometric technique. The change in histamine content of open cans of pet food stored in a refrigerator or at room temperature was also investigated. The histamine content of the pet foods examined ranged from a low of 0.16 microg/g in a liquid critical care diet to a high of 65.5 microg/g in a canned fish diet. The amount of histamine in the foods tested was insufficient to cause histamine toxicosis but it cannot be excluded that some of the foods contained sufficient histamine to cause idiosyncratic reactions in histamine-sensitive cats. Storage of opened cans of pet food, either under refrigeration or at room temperature, did not significantly increase the histamine content of most pet foods.  相似文献   

宋伟  张宏福 《饲料广角》2003,(6):30-30,34
许多人认为管理宠物食品的宠物食品法规应该是全世界统一的。过去,曾两次尝试讨论这一观念,但很快认识到达到一致性和协调性很难。  相似文献   

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