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肉牛三位点永久性瘘管手术的护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瘘管牛是进行动物营养学研究所需要的重要试验动物。瘘管一般分为临时性瘘管和永久性瘘管,永久性瘘管由于具有成本低、利用年限长等优点,得到较广泛的应用。进行营养物质消化代谢研究常用的永久性瘘管有瘤胃瘘管、十二指肠前端瘘管和回肠末端瘘管,同时安有上述三个瘘管的牛称为三位点瘘管牛。  相似文献   

本试验是对鲁西黄牛采用手术方法安装消化道多位点永久性瘘管,以便于研究牛的消化道的功能.选择5头体重约为400~450 kg的鲁西黄牛进行了瘤胃、十二指肠和回肠末端三位点“T”型瘘管二次手术.与传统方法相比较,本试验手术方法对牛损伤小,利于术后护理和牛体况恢复快.  相似文献   

消化道永久性瘘管的手术装置技术为动物营养学研究的重要手段之一。笔者于2000年至2006年期间,共对60多只试验羊进行了同体消化道多位点永久性瘘管的手术装置。随着不断探索和改进,瘘管的手术装置技术不断提高,方法已经较为完善。本文介绍了对羊消化道多位点瘘管的手术安装方法及体会。  相似文献   

绵羊人造瘤胃瘘管的手术体会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
永久性瘤胃瘘是研究反刍动物消化功能试验的主要手段之一 ,广泛应用于教学和科研等实践中 ,但相关资料所介绍的手术方法不尽相同。因科研需要 ,笔者于 2 0 0 0年 5月份对12只 4~ 5月龄 ,体重为 35~ 40kg的绵羊做了永久性人造瘤胃瘘手术。术后全部绵羊的瘤胃瘘管都保持到 2个月以上。在手术过程中 ,笔者综合各种资料所介绍的方法 ,并针对实际操作进行了一定的改进 ,观察术后结果 ,对如何能使手术效果更好一些深有体会 ,现总结如下 ,供同行参考。1 手术方法所有羊只术前禁食 2 4h。麻醉采用鹿眠宝 (东北农业大学动物医学学院外科教研室…  相似文献   

牛消化器官的造瘘技术已成为反刍动物营养科学研究的主要手段之一。笔者于2010年3月对7头试验宣汉黄牛进行了同体消化道多位点瘘管手术,由于手术方法合理,术后护理得当,手术成功率100%。本文对宣汉黄牛的永久性瘤胃瘘管和十二指肠、回肠末端"T"型瘘管的手术过程及术后护理进行总结,为其推广运用提供一定参考。  相似文献   

狍实验性瘤胃瘘管手术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
狍是哺乳纲、真兽亚纲、偶蹄目、反刍亚目、鹿科、狍属动物,在我国主要分布于东北、西北地区,是国家二级保护的野生动物。由于狍肉、狍茸、狍鞭、狍心及狍血等产品具有极高的营养和药用价值,因此这些产品一直供不应求。长期以来,人们主要以猎捕野生狍的方式获取狍产品,导致野生狍濒临灭绝的厄运。  相似文献   

主要介绍了瘤胃粘连法安装大口径牛瘤胃瘘管的手术方法,与传统的瘤胃切开安装法相比,该法操作简易、护理方便、施术牛恢复快,能最大限度地维持瘤胃环境,更适合消化代谢试验。  相似文献   

牛消化道多位点瘘管的手术装置技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消化器官的造瘘技术为反刍动物营养科学研究的主要手段之一 ,笔者于 1996年至 2 0 0 3年共对 18头试验牛进行了同体消化道多位点瘘管手术。除 4头试验用牛术后淘汰外 ,其余 14头均满足科研需要。为了推广实验用牛的瘘管安装技术 ,为反刍动物营养学研究提供方法 ,本文对牛消化道多位点瘘管的手术安装方法进行报道  相似文献   

奶牛消化道三位体瘘管术的后期护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奶牛三位体瘘管就是通过手术的办法,将软体硅胶瘘管埋殖于瘤胃、十二指肠前端、回肠末端,用于反刍动物营养教学和研究的永久性瘘管。它具有成本低、使用时间长、效率高等特点。可直接有效地对各种营养物质灌注和取样。目前被广泛应用于反刍动物营养研究领域。中国农业科学院畜牧研究所反刍动物营养研究室2005年3月对4头一岁奶牛成功地实施了消化道三位体瘘管手术。“三位体瘘管术”的后期护理是瘘管牛能否存活的关键。笔者作为试验牛场的兽医,对这四头瘘管牛实施了全程护理。经过60天的护理和观察,四头瘘管牛的创面已痊愈,各项生理体征和饮…  相似文献   

为了研究反刍动物消化代谢、微生态环境、生理生化等指标,永久性瘤胃试验瘘管是常选用的试验手段之一,广泛应用于教学和科研等实践中,试验采用新的手术方法对4头锦江黄牛进行了永久性人造瘤胃试验瘘管安置手术.结果表明:手术后,所有施术黄牛精神状态、体温及食欲等方面均表现正常.15 d后检查发现,全部施术黄牛的瘤胃壁都与腹膜、腹肌...  相似文献   

The average time the test feed remains in sheep was determined with ewes during three stages of the reproduction cycle. The feed was labelled with 51Cr2O3. Experiment conditions are described under which the experiments can be carried out within the permissible limits.  相似文献   

The rate of passage of experimental diets based on non-conventional feeds through the alimentary tract of rams was studied. The composition of diets was as follows: barley straw (D-2, D-1), conditioned beech sawdust (D-2, D-1), waste cellulose fibre (D-2, D-1), lactosylureide (D-2), peanut waste (D-2), urea (D-1), wood molasses (D-2, D-1) and mineral supplement (D-2, W-1). The control feed (K) contained straw, barley, beet molasses and mineral supplement. As a marker was used a single application (50 g) of polyethylene (PE), particle size 0.4 mm and specific weight 0.924, which formed 3.9, 3.5 and 4% of the diet dry matter. After 10 days the recovery of polyethylene amounting to 81.23% (D-2), 84.78% (D-1) and 86.6% (K) was established. The polyethylene losses occurred most probably at its administration in feed (10-12%), elapsing of polyethylene excreted after 10 days following the administration (0.5-1.5%) and by potential retention in rumen and large intestine. Maximal excretion of feces was observed during the second day after administration of the markered feed; after three days the excretion was as follows: group D-2-62%, group D-1-57% and control group 75.6%. A longer retention time in rumen at feeding D-2 and D-1 diets can be contributed to a high content of fibre in these diets. The digestibility of dry matter in diet D-2 amounted to 61.2%, i n diet D-1 to 62.3% and in control diet to 68.7%. Higher digestibility of feed is in accordance with its higher excreting. As shown by the results, the diets based on non-conventional feeds (secondary wood sources) lead to the prolongation of feed retention time in rumen and slow down the rate of passage through the alimentary tract.  相似文献   

Motility of the digestive tract of 4 sheep was studied with radiotelemetric equipment. After base line records were made, each sheep was overfed with 70 g of grain per kilogram of body weight. The ruminoreticulum did not become static until the ingesta pH was less than 5. The cecum had the same patterns of motility and pH as did the ruminoreticulum, but these returned to normal more quickly in surviving sheep. The motility patterns of the abomasum and the small intestine were more erratic. Results indicated that considerable quantities of grain (substrate for microbial growth) reached the cecum before ruminoreticular motility was inhibited.  相似文献   

本文选择了4只瘘管蒙古羯羊,通过在绵羊日粮中添加沙葱提取物,采集瘤胃液和食糜,分离和筛选乳酸菌,添加亚油酸培养来研究沙葱提取物对绵羊消化道乳酸菌产共轭亚油酸(CLA)含量的影响。结果表明,沙葱提取物显著提高绵羊瘤胃和十二指肠中乳酸菌的数量和CLA的含量,且十二指肠中的大于瘤胃中的。这为进一步调控绵羊瘤胃内环境,提高羊肉中CLA含量打下基础。  相似文献   

An external fixing instrument (minifixateur externe) recently developed for use in humans and marketed by the name of "MANUFLEX", its accessories, possible applications and fields of indication are described. The apparatus has been patented in Hungary and an international patent has been applied for. In the second part of the paper the application of the external fixateur for treating bone fractures of dogs is reported, together with the practical experience gained with it so far. As the clinical trials gave favourable results and since the instrument is available for veterinary practitioners at a reasonable price, MANUFLEX may become a gap-filling apparatus in the instrumentarium of small animal surgery.  相似文献   

Two metabolism trials were conducted with 12 crossbred wether lambs, each surgically equipped with a ruminal catheter and abomasal and ileal cannulae, to study the effect of K infusion in different sites of the digestive tract on site of absorption and flow of minerals. The treatments consisted of the infusion of 33.6, 12.0 or 12.0 g K/d as bicarbonate into either the rumen, abomasum or ileum, respectively. Each trial consisted of a minimum 5-d preliminary period, five 3-d collection periods to determine mineral balance and a 6-d sampling period to determine mineral flow and site of absorption. Chromic oxide was incorporated into the diet for use as a marker. Magnesium was absorbed primarily from the preintestinal region. Ruminal infusion of K tended to decrease preintestinal Mg absorption. Absorption of Mg in the entire tract was decreased (P less than .05) 43% when K was infused into the rumen. There was a slight absorption of Mg in the small intestine, followed by a net secretion into the large intestine. Serum Mg levels tended to be depressed in lambs infused with K intraruminally. Calcium flow from the preintestinal region was decreased (P less than .05) by infusion of K into the rumen. Only lambs infused with K in the rumen had a net secretion of Na into the small intestine. The large intestine was the primary site of net Na absorption for ruminal-infused lambs. Phosphorus flow from the preintestinal region was decreased (P less than .05) by infusion of K into the rumen. Potassium flow from both the preintestine and small intestine was increased (P less than .05) by ruminal K infusion. The infusion of K into the rumen, abomasum or ileum increased (P less than .05) the total absorption of K, with the small intestine being the major absorptive site. The infusion of potassium bicarbonate into the rumen of sheep raised (P less than .05) the pH of the ruminal contents 15%. Ruminal infusion of K depresses Mg absorption, while the infusion of K into the abomasum or ileum does not affect Mg absorption. Therefore, the role of K in grass tetany may be via this depression of Mg absorption.  相似文献   

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