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Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars showed differential tolerance to chlorsulfuron. Cultivar Kotare showed no injury symptoms following foliar applications of chlorsulfuron at 15 or 60 g a.i. ha?1, while cultivars Rongotea and Lancer showed early damage in pot and field experiments at both rates of chlorsulfuron. Cultivars Abele and Jasper were intermediate in their response. The number of spikelets per ear was the only yield component affected by chlorsulfuron and was reduced in Lancer and Rongotea. Retention, uptake and transiocation of chlorsulfuron were not different between Kotare and Ron-gotea. Within 48 h of application, Kotare metabolized 92–2% of [14C]chlorsulfuron, while Lancer and Rongotea metabolized only 43–5% and 63% of the herbicide, respectively. The concentration of chlorsulfuron in young tissues of Kotare, Lancer and Rongotea, 48 h after application was calculated as 1.2, 31.9 and 15.6 ng g?1 dry weight, respectively. It is concluded that differential rates of metabolism are the main reason for differences in sensitivity to chlorsulfuron between the wheat cultivars tested. Le mécanisme des différences de tolérance au chlorsulfuron entre variétés de blé Des variétés de blé (Triticum aestivum L.) ont montré des différences de tolérance au chlorsul-furon. On n'a aucun symptôme de phytotoxicité sur la variété‘Kotare’ après une application foliaire de chlorsulfuron à 15 ou 60 g m.a. ha?1, alors que les variétés ‘Rongotea’ et ‘Lancer’ présentaient des symptômes précoces aux deux doses, dans des expériences en pot et au champ. La réponse des variété‘Abele’ et ‘Jasper’était intermédiaire. Le nombre de grains par épillet était la seule composante du rendement affectée parle chlorsulfuron et était réduit chez Lancer et Rongotea. La rétention, la pénétration et la migration de chlorsulfuron n'était pas différentes entre Kotare et Rongotea. Quarante huit heures après le traitement, Kotare avait metabolise 92,2% du [14C]chlorsulfuron, alors que Lancer et Rongotea ne métabolisaient que respectivement 43,5 et 63% de l'herbicide. La concentration de chlorsulfuron dans les tissus jeunes de Kotare, Lancer et Rongotea 48 h après la traitement a étéévaluée à respectivement 1,2,31,9 et 15,6 ng g?1 de matière sèche. Il est conclu que des différences de vitesse de métabolisation sont la raison principale des différences de sensibilité au chlorsulfuron observées chez les variétés de blé testées. Mechanismen der unterschiedlichen Reaktion von Weizensorten auf Chlorsulfuron-Behandlun-gen Es wurde eine unterschiedliche Toleranz bei Weizensorten (Triticum aestivum L.) gegenüber Chlorsulfuron-Behandlungen beobachtet. Bei der Sorte ‘Kotare’ traten nach Behandlungen mit 15 oder 60 g AS ha keine Schadsymtome auf, während die Sorten ‘Rongotea’ und ‘Lancer’ sowohl in Topfals auch in Freilandversuchen bei beiden Dosen frühe Schädigungen erlitten; die Sorten ‘Abel’ und ‘Jasper’ reagierten mittelstark. Unter den Ertragskomponenten war nur die Zahl der Ährchen pro Ähre betroffen, sie war bei ‘Lancer’ und ‘Rongotea’ reduziert. Aufnahme und Translokation des Wirkstoffs waren bei ‘Kotare’ und ‘Rongotea’ gleich. Bei ‘Kotare’ war [14C]Chlorsulfuron 48 h nach der Applikation zu 92,2 % metabolisiert, bei ‘Rongotea’ zu 63 % und bei ‘Lancer’ zu 43,5 %. In jungen Geweben dieser Sorten lagen die Chlor-sulfuron-Konzentrationen 48 h nach der Anwendung bei 1,2, 15,6 und 31,9 ng g?1 TM. Die unterschiedlichen Metabolisierungsraten bei den untersuchten Weizensorten wurden für den Hauptgrund für die Toleranzunterschiede gegenüber Chlorsulfuron gehalten. 相似文献
P. N. P. CHOW 《Weed Research》1988,28(3):145-150
In field experiments with spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Neepawa), the low rate (0·02 kg ha-1) of chlorsulfuron significantly reduced wild oat control from individual applications of only barban and diclofop-methyl. The high rate (008 kg ha-1) affected wild oat control by all four graminicides, including difenzoquat and flam-prop-methyl. In most cases, the graminicides did not affect the broad-leaved weed control of chlorsulfuran. Overall, a low rate of chlorsulfuron in mixture with graminicides did not reduce wheat yield, whereas a high rate of chlorsulfuron in the mixtures gave a significant yield reduction compared with individual graminicides applied alone. All herbicide treatments increased wheat yield over the control. In the glasshouse, reduction in wild oat control by diclofop-methyl was directly related to the rate of chlorsulfuron added to diclofop-methyl. The effect of 0·02 kg ha-1 chlorsulfuron on control of wild oat was decreased when the rate of diclofop-methyl increased from 0·5 to 0·9 kg ha-1 and was completely eliminated when diclofop-methyl reached 1·1 kg ha-1. Conversely, diclofop-methyl (0·7 and 1·1 kg ha-1) gave some reduction of wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis L.) and redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retrofiexus L.) control by chlorsulfuron (0·01 and 0·02 kg ha-1), even though in some cases diclofop-methyl/chlorsul-furon gave better control of these broad-leaved weeds. In the laboratory, the absorption and translocation of [14C]-diclofop-nieihyl in wild oat seedlings were significantly reduced when chlorsulfuron was added, compared with [14C]-diclo-fop-methyl applied alone. Effet du chlorsulfuron sur l'efficacité et l'effet sur le rendement de quatre graminicides Dans des essais de plein champ sur blé de printemps (Triticuni aestivum L., cv. Neepawa), la faible dose (0, 02 kg ha-1) de chlorsulfuron a réduit significativement l'efficacité d'une application séparée de barbane et de diclofop-methyl. La forte dose (0, 08 kg ha-1) a contrarié la destruction de la folle avoine pour les quatre graminicides dont le difenzoquat et le flamprop-methyl. Dans la plupart des cas, les graminicides n'ont pas eu d'incidence sur la destruction des dicotylédones par le chlorsulfuron. Par ailleurs. une faible dose de chlorsulfuron en mélange avec les graminicides n'a pas réduit le rendement en blé, en revanche, une forte dose de chlorsulfuron en mélange a entrainé une baisse significative de rendement en comparaison des graminicides appliqués seuls. Tous les traitements herbicides ont entrainé un gain de rendement par rapport au témoin non traité. En serre, la réduction d'efficacité sur folle avoine du diclofop-methyl était directement correlée à la dose de chlorsulfuron ajouté. Les effets de 0, 02 kg ha-1 sur la destruction de la folle avoine baissaient quand le niveau de diclofop-methyl augmentait de 0,5 à 0,9 kg ha-1 et étaient complètement éliminés quand la dose de diclofop-methyl atteignait 1, 1 kg ha-1. Par ailleurs, le diclofop-méthyl (0,7 et 1,1 kg ha-1) a réduit l'efficacité du chlorsulfuron (0,01 et 0,02 kg ha-1) sur la sanve (Sinapis arvensis L.) et l'amaranthe réflechie (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) même si dans certains cas l'association diclofop-mélhyl-chtorsulfuron a eu une meilleure efficacité sur ces mauvaises herbes. Au laboratoire, l'ab sorption et la translocation du diclofop-methyl C14 dans les plantules de folle avoine ont été réduites significativement par l'addition de chlor-sulfuron en comparaison du diciofop-méthyl C14 appliqué seul. Wirkung von Chlorsulfuron zusammen mil Vier Graminiziden auf die Unkrautbekämpfung und den Ertrag von Weizen In Freilandversuehen mit Sommerweizen (Triticum aesttotm L. ‘Neepawa’) verminderie Chlorsulfuron in niedriger Aufwandmenge (0,02 kg ha-1) den Bekämpfungserfolg gegen Flug-Hafer nur bei Barban und Diclofop-menthyl. Die hohe Aufwandmenge (0,08 kg ha-1)beeinträchtigte die Wirkung aller 4 Graminizide, einschliesslich Difenzoquat und Flamprop-methyl. Die Graminizide beeinfiussten die Wirkung von Chlorsulfuron gegen zweikeimblättrige Arten meistens nicht, Der Weizenertrag blieb bei der Mischung der niedrigen Aufwandmenge von Chlorsulfuron mit den Graminiziden unverändert, die hohe Aufwandmenge führte aber in den Mischungen zu einem signifikaten Abfall des Ertrags, vergli-chen mit dem bei Anwendung der Graminizide allein. Mit allen Herbizidbehandlungen wurden gegenüber Unbehandelt höhere Erträge erzielt. Im Gewächshaus war die Wirkung von Diclofopmethyl gegen Flug-Hafer direkt von der zugefügten Menge an Chlorsulfuron abhängig. Der Einfluss von 0,02 kg ha-1 Chlorsulfuron aif die Bekämpfung von Fiug-Hafer nahm ab. wenn die Aufwundmenge von Diclofop-methyl von 0,5 auf 0,9 kg ha-1 gesteigert wurde; bei 1, 1 kg ha-1 Diclofop-methyl war er aufgehoben. Andererseits trat bei 0,7 und 1,1 kg ha-1 Diclofop-methyl eine Minderung der Wirkung von Chlosulfuron (0,01 und 0,02 kg ha-1) gegen Acker-Senf (Sina-psis arvensis L.) und Zurückgekrümmten Fuchsschwanz (Amarenthus retroflexus L.) ein, wenn auch dise Mischung in einigen Fällen gegen dise Arten starker wirkte. Im Labor wurde einc signifikant geringere Absorption und Trans-lokation von 14C-Diclofop-methyl in Keimpflan-zen des Flug-Hafers beobachtet, wenn Chlorsulfuron zugefügt worden war. 相似文献
R J Jettner S R Walker J D Churchett F P C Blamey S W Adkins & K Bell 《Weed Research》1999,39(4):287-295
The sensitivity of 22 major crops, pastures and weeds from the north-east grain region of Australia to atrazine and chlorsulfuron residues was determined in a glasshouse using a soil-free bioassay system. A logistic equation was fitted to the seedling fresh weights as a function of the logarithm of herbicide concentration by non-linear regression and used to calculate the doses for 10%, 30% and 50% inhibition of seedling growth (ID10 , ID30 and ID50 ). The ID50 for atrazine ranged from 0.03 to 0.04 mg a.i. L–1 for Salvia reflexa Hornem. and barley to 1.47 mg a.i. L–1 for sorghum. The ID50 for chlorsulfuron ranged from 0.19 to 0.21 μg a.i. L–1 for lucerne and snail medic to 102 μg a.i. L–1 for wheat. Based on ID50 values measured, the predicted responses of each species to a range of concentrations of atrazine and chlorsulfuron were classified into four categories ranging from no damage to severe damage. These sensitivity data will assist in planning cropping sequences in soils previously treated with atrazine or chlorsulfuron. 相似文献
K. E. PALLETT 《Weed Research》1982,22(6):329-335
The contact action of difenzoquat was investigated on seedlings of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars tolerant (Maris Butler) and susceptible (Sicco) to the translocated etTect of the herbicide on the apical meristem. Applied as a spray the chemical caused an increase in electrolyte leakage before the development of visible damage. Chlorophyll levels were also reduced and both effects were greater on Maris Butler than Sicco. Droplets of difenzoquat caused similar ultrastructural effects on the two cultivars. These included swelling of the chloroplasts with subsequent disorganization of the thylakoid system accompanied by disruption of other cellular components. Similar effects have been reported with paraquat and it is suggested that the contact action of difenzoquat is due to a weak paraquat type activity. 相似文献
陕西省小麦抗白粉病基因及新育成小麦品种(系)抗白粉病分析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
为明确已知小麦抗白粉病基因载体品种以及2005—2007年陕西省新育成小麦品种(系)的抗病性,采集陕西关中不同地区小麦白粉病菌作为菌源,分年度在人工诱发病圃中对32份已知抗白粉病基因品种及578份新育成小麦品种(系)进行鉴定。结果表明,目前在陕西省仅Pm21、Pm4a、Pm5 6、Pm2 Talent及小黑麦具有优良的抗病性;Pm4b、Pm5(Mli)、Pm13、Pm19、Pm"Era"、Pm2 Mld的抗病性较弱;其它基因抗病性较差。新育成的小麦品种(系)中绝大部分对白粉病表现感病,苗期和成株期均抗病的材料仅27份,占4.67%,成株期抗病性的46份,占7.96%,其中,簇毛麦后代材料抗病性较高。 相似文献
为明确黄淮南片麦区主栽小麦品种对赤霉病的抗性水平。采用人工接种鉴定的方法对黄淮南片的河南、安徽、陕西和江苏四省的65份主栽小麦品种进行赤霉病抗性鉴定,经土表接种抗侵染型鉴定,中抗品种有‘徐农0029’、‘西农511’和‘保麦6号’,中感品种有‘徐麦31’、‘瑞华520’和‘西农3517’等18份,高感品种44份;经单花滴注接种抗扩展型鉴定,中抗品种为‘西农511’,中感品种有‘烟5158’、‘西农889’、‘西农2000’等14份,高感品种50份。由此可见,黄淮南片麦区主栽小麦品种对赤霉病抗性普遍较差,建议根据各地赤霉病发生程度,选择适宜抗性指标,结合现代育种技术,逐步提高主栽小麦品种的抗性水平。 相似文献
基于活性亚结构拼接方法,在氯磺隆分子中苯环的5位引入不同磺酰氨基,设计合成了4个氯磺隆衍生物 ( H01 ~ H04 ),其结构经核磁共振氢谱(1H NMR)、碳谱(13C NMR)和高分辨质谱(HRMS)确证。初步的生物活性测试结果表明,目标化合物在有效成分150 g/hm2测试浓度下表现出较好的除草活性,其中:苗前处理时, H01 、 H02 及 H04 对油菜生长的抑制率均高于85%, H01 对反枝苋的抑制率为100%,优于对照药剂氯磺隆 (68.8%);苗后处理时, H04 对油菜和反枝苋的抑制率均与氯磺隆相当,对稗草的抑制率 (85.2%) 优于对照药剂氯磺隆 (68.8%)。安全性测试结果表明,目标化合物对小麦和玉米生长的抑制率均低于氯磺隆。苗前处理时, H01 和 H04 对小麦安全, H01 ~ H04 对玉米的抑制率均低于氯磺隆;苗后处理时, H01 ~ H04 对玉米生长无抑制作用。降解试验结果表明, H01 ~ H04 在碱性土壤 (pH 8.39) 中的降解半衰期为44.43~53.32 d,比氯磺隆的半衰期 (157.53 d) 明显缩短。研究结果表明, H01 和 H04 可作为潜在的小麦田和玉米田磺酰脲类除草剂候选药物。本文可为进一步设计具有高效除草活性、降解速率快以及作物安全性高的新型磺酰脲类除草剂提供参考。 相似文献
The intensity of thrips and wheat blossom midges (WBM) infestations in twelve wheat cultivars was evaluated at the Plant Breeding Station, Silstedt, central Germany in 2008 & 2009 growing crop seasons. The research aimed at selecting the least infested cultivar to be profitably used in the forthcoming cultivation. Infestation levels were studied in flowering and milky stages (GS 65 and 73) of each cultivar in every single-spikelet in sample of 10 ears in both years. There were significant differences in thrips and (WBM) densities among different cultivars in both years. Thrips numbers were the highest in T??rkis, Global and Esket cultivars, while the lowest values were recorded in Robigus, Brompton and Carenius. The results showed that the highest WBM infestation was observed in T??rkis, Tommi and Potenzial; on the other hand the lowest WBM infestation was found in some insect resistant cultivars (Brompton, Skalmeje, Robigus, Welford and Glasgow). The infested ears were positively correlated with the numbers of WBM among cultivars. The obtained results would give a good guide for choosing the proper cultivars which proved highly resistant to their specific pests. 相似文献
小麦条锈病流行小种对小麦新品系产量的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
研究了小麦条锈病流行小种条中30、31、32对不同小麦品种(系)的影响.结果表明:目前小麦条锈病流行小种因品种(系)不同可平均减产1 206kg/hm2,减幅15.1%,最大减产3076.50kg/hm2,减幅45.9%;千粒重平均下降5.52g,降幅14%,最大下降14.0g,降幅40%;穗粒数的差异较小,平均下降0.01粒,降幅0.13%.相关分析表明,条锈病的反应型和严重度是影响小麦产量和千粒重的主要因素,相关系数均达极显著水平;普遍率也具有一定的影响,但未达到显著水平.根据减产程度将材料分为三种类型,即按接种与药剂防治的差异分为极显著、显著和不显著.我们认为:小麦条锈病对产量影响较大,生产中应注意利用接种与药剂防治差异不显著的抗锈材料;在缺乏抗锈材料的地区,如果材料不抗条锈病,但产量等其他性状突出,则可以考虑采用药剂防治. 相似文献
A single-spore wheat isolate of S. nodorum was passaged once through barley and a barley isolate passaged once through wheat. Reisolations from barley leaves were designated as either 'original-type wheat' (OTW) and resembled the wheat isolate used for inoculations in morphology, or 'sector-type barley' (STB) resembling the known morphology of barley isolates. Reisolations from wheat were similarly designated either OTB or STW. Sub-cultures of STB were significantly more pathogenic to barley in a glasshouse experiment than OTW, and vice versa. Similarly STW was significantly more pathogenic to wheat than OTB, and vice versa.
A single-spore wheat isolate was also passaged 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 times through barley and a barley isolate passaged similarly through wheat. Disease assessment and yield data from a field experiment showed that the pathogenicity of the passaged wheat isolate remained largely unaltered from that of the original isolate. However, the barley isolate responded after the third wheat passage by causing significantly less disease and significantly higher yields in barley than the unpassaged isolate; conversely, on wheat, disease levels significantly increased and yield slgnficantly decreased after the second wheat passage.
Data obtained are discussed in the context of cultural observations made on colony morphology during host passage sequences and possible genetic mechanisms responsible. 相似文献
A single-spore wheat isolate was also passaged 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 times through barley and a barley isolate passaged similarly through wheat. Disease assessment and yield data from a field experiment showed that the pathogenicity of the passaged wheat isolate remained largely unaltered from that of the original isolate. However, the barley isolate responded after the third wheat passage by causing significantly less disease and significantly higher yields in barley than the unpassaged isolate; conversely, on wheat, disease levels significantly increased and yield slgnficantly decreased after the second wheat passage.
Data obtained are discussed in the context of cultural observations made on colony morphology during host passage sequences and possible genetic mechanisms responsible. 相似文献
黄淮冬麦区区试品种的抗条锈鉴定 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对34个黄淮冬麦区区试品种和4个生产对照品种进行了苗期分小种鉴定和成株期混合小种鉴定。结果表明,苗期有44.74%的品种抗条中29号小种,26.32%的品种抗条中31号小种.10.53%的品种抗条中32号小种,仅有1个品种对3个小种均表现抗病。成株期有10个品种表现抗病,其中大部分可能为慢锈型或高温抗锈性品种。 相似文献
不同品种冬小麦的抗旱性鉴定与分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以13个抗旱等级不同的冬小麦品种为材料,设旱地和水地两种处理,在冬小麦起身期、拔节期、挑旗期、抽穗开花期、灌浆期、乳熟期测定了叶片相对含水量、叶绿素含量、叶片渗透调节能力、脯氨酸含量、丙二醛含量、SOD活性、POD活性等7个与抗旱相关的生理指标。计算各指标旱、水地差值绝对值,并与抗旱指数分别进行相关、逐步回归、通径、灰色关联分析。结果表明,挑旗期叶绿素含量差值、拔节期叶片渗透调节能力、起身期脯氨酸含量差值、拔节期丙二醛含量差值、灌浆期SOD活性差值等5个生理指标与冬小麦抗旱性显著相关,可作为抗旱鉴定指标。 相似文献
Conidial germination, appressorial formation. penetration of epidermal walls, formation of intracellular vesicles and growth of intracellular hyphae in epidermal cells occurred within 12 h of inoculation. Hyphae then grew slowly between mesophyll cells for the next 12 h. Some papillae formed beneath appressoria and most infected epidermal cells retained stain by 24 h after inoculation, indicating major changes in cellular physiology. Slight differences between cultivars in some of these events were not related to resistance.
On the second day. intercellular hyphae emerged more extensively from the infection sites into the mesophyll of the susceptible cultivar Banks, and formed significantly larger mycelia than in the resistant cultivar BH1146 by 3-5 days from inoculation. Rapid intercellular growth then continued in the susceptible cultivar but not in the resistant cultivar. Necrotic lesions expanded faster in the susceptible cultivar from day 3. By day 10. most lesions in this cultivar were large and light brown with a conspicuous chlorotic margin but those in the resistant cultivar were small and dark brown with inconspicuous chlorosis. 相似文献
On the second day. intercellular hyphae emerged more extensively from the infection sites into the mesophyll of the susceptible cultivar Banks, and formed significantly larger mycelia than in the resistant cultivar BH1146 by 3-5 days from inoculation. Rapid intercellular growth then continued in the susceptible cultivar but not in the resistant cultivar. Necrotic lesions expanded faster in the susceptible cultivar from day 3. By day 10. most lesions in this cultivar were large and light brown with a conspicuous chlorotic margin but those in the resistant cultivar were small and dark brown with inconspicuous chlorosis. 相似文献
50个小麦生产及后备品种(系)的抗白粉病基因推导 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为明确我国小麦品种(系)中抗白粉病基因的组成,利用25个不同毒性的小麦白粉菌菌株对50个小麦生产及后备品种(系)进行抗白粉病基因推导,结果表明,参试的50个小麦品种(系)中有8个小麦品种(系)对供试的25个菌株全部感病,5个品种含有抗病基因Pm8,2个品种含有Pm4a,9个品种含有Pm2+6,4个品种含有Pm2,22个品种(系)可能含有供试基因之外的其他抗性基因或新基因。此研究结果可为小麦抗病育种以及品种利用提供依据。 相似文献
为了明确高抗品种‘华麦1号’的抗禾谷孢囊线虫机制,以Pluronic F-127胶体为介质,比较了禾谷孢囊线虫2龄幼虫(J2)侵入根系前对抗病品种‘华麦1号’与感病品种‘豫麦34’和‘矮抗58’的根尖趋性差异,并采用室内人工接种法观察了线虫侵入3个品种后的发育进程。结果表明,J2对3个品种的根尖均表现明显的趋性,对‘矮抗58’的趋性最强,而对‘华麦1号’的最弱,接种4h和6h时‘华麦1号’与‘矮抗58’根尖吸引的线虫总量差异显著(P0.05);组织染色观察到J2对3个品种的根系均有一定数量的侵入,但高抗品种‘华麦1号’根系侵入的幼虫量和后期形成的白雌虫量均显著低于感病品种‘豫麦34’和‘矮抗58’。结果证实,‘华麦1号’的抗性机制主要表现为减少线虫的有效侵入量、抑制侵入后的线虫生长发育。 相似文献
L. Riccioni A. Inman H. A. Magnus M. Valvassori A. Porta-Puglia G. Conca G. Di Giambattista K. Hughes M. Coates R. Bowyer A. Barnes C. E. Sansford J. Razzaghian A. Prince G. L. Peterson 《Plant pathology》2008,57(4):612-622
Representative European wheat cultivars were tested under quarantine containment for their susceptibility to Tilletia indica, the cause of Karnal bunt of wheat. Fifteen winter and 15 spring wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) and 11 durum wheat ( Triticum durum ) cultivars were inoculated by boot injection just prior to ear emergence to test their physiological susceptibility. Selected cultivars were then re-tested by spray inoculation after ear emergence to determine their morphological susceptibility, which is a better predictor of field susceptibility. At maturity, the ears and seeds were assessed for incidence and severity of disease. For the physiological susceptibility tests, 13/15 winter wheat cultivars were infected and the percentage of infected seeds ranged from 1 to 32%. For spring cultivars, 13/15 cultivars were infected and the percentage of infected seeds ranged from 1 to 48%. For the durum cultivars, 9/11 were infected and the percentage of infected seeds ranged from 2 to 95%. Across all cultivars, 35/41 were infected. Based on historical Karnal bunt susceptibility categories using coefficients of infection, one cultivar was classed as highly susceptible, three as susceptible, 11 as moderately susceptible, 20 as resistant and only six as highly resistant. The spray-inoculation morphological susceptibility tests broadly confirmed the physiological susceptibility results, although lower levels of infection were observed. Overall, the range of susceptibility was similar to that found in cultivars grown in Karnal bunt affected countries. The results demonstrate that European wheat cultivars are susceptible to T. indica and thus could potentially support the establishment of T. indica if introduced into Europe. 相似文献
[目的] 采用基因推导法对目前甘肃省小麦主要生产品种及高代品系进行抗白粉基因分析,为甘肃省白粉病的抗病育种和品种使用及布局提供依据。[方法] 利用21个小麦白粉菌株,结合品种系谱对甘肃14个小麦生产品种及28个高代品系进行抗白粉基因推导。[结果] 14个生产品种中,1个含Pm8,1个含Pm4b,4个含未知抗病基因,其余8个对所有供试菌株全部表现感病;28个高代品系中,5个含Pm8〖STBZ〗,2个含Pm〖STBX〗3〖STBZ〗a,1个含Pm〖STBX〗4〖STBZ〗b,1个含Pm〖STBX〗30〖STBZ〗,5个含未知抗病基因,其余14个对所有供试菌株全部表现感病。[结论] 目前甘肃小麦生产品种及高代品系中缺乏抗白粉病基因,一旦条件适宜,小麦白粉病在甘肃地区极易发生和流行,应该引起生产管理部门和育种专家的注意和重视。 相似文献