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During the late Qing Dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China(1870-1930),the social classes in Yangzhou were basically dominated by officials,businessmen,and scholars.In the building number,scale,and functional evolution of their home gardens,these three classes were different,reflecting abundant connotation of characteristic of the time and regional culture,revealing the inheritance path of Yangzhou culture,as well as the richness and diversity of home gardens in Yangzhou during the late Qing Dynasty and the early period of the Republic of China.  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing socio-economic structures, social classes and their relations in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, this paper took residential gardens of three principal groups(officials, merchants and literati) for example, analyzed functional features and layouts of the gardens, explored artistic characteristics and cultural connotations of the local residential gardens, so as to provide references for the conservation and construction of historic and cultural cities, design and expression of modern urban livable spaces.  相似文献   

247000 安徽省池州市建设路20号池州师范专科学校历史与社会学系  相似文献   

Traditional garden is a vital element of traditional cultural heritage in China, and it is a common concern of the public to protect, inherit and develop traditional cultural heritage. This paper, on the basis of investigating current protection of royal gardens, private gardens in southern regions of the Yangtze River, and gardens in different regions, summarized 4 fundamental modes of traditional garden protection, namely protective development mode, developmental protection mode, controlled protection mode, no-protection mode. Advantages and disadvantages of different modes were reviewed, protective development was proposed as a traditional garden protection mode adaptive to actual conditions of China.  相似文献   

晚清时期,面对中国传统农业出现的日益严重的危机和西方的经济冲击,为改变颓势,摆脱国用匮绌的窘境,清政府采取了一系列改良和发展农业政策和措施,推动了传统农业的变革,主要表现在农务管理机构、农会组织、农业学堂、农事试验场和农业公司的建立上。这给我们留下了许多经验,引发了我们对当前农业建设的多方面思考。  相似文献   

1840年以前的清代是农业发展的繁荣鼎盛时期,关中农学家杨屾是蚕桑业发展的领军人物,对关中农业发展有很大的贡献,但其农桑并存的观点并未持续发展.以杨屾的农桑俱全的种植思想为切入点,总结了这一时期陕西关中主要副业发展的特点,即由蚕桑业发展为植棉业.试图分别从棉与桑发展的条件着手,用多个角度全面的分析清代棉桑关系变更的原因.最后得出的结论是杨屾农桑观点在当时社会、经济、技术条件下具有可行性,后未发展下去是历史发展的必然性.  相似文献   

Academy is a special education organization and academic research institute in ancient China, founded in the Tang Dynasty, and prospered in the Ming and Qing Dynasty. Academy garden as a type of classical Chinese garden shows ethnic characteristics in the regions inhabited by ethnic groups.  相似文献   

王树英 《中国农学通报》2015,31(29):248-252
为了弘扬中国古代农耕文化,继承传统农学精华,对晚清大学士祁隽藻撰写的《马首农言》一书,进行了全面探讨。对该书中关于整体提高“三农”经济、文化、风俗的改革性主张以及该农书中介绍的核心技术锄耕作业进行了总结,指出祁隽藻的《马首农言》所论所述,切合实际,针对性强,曾对当时及以后的国内“三农”活动,产生过积极的指导作用,并认为这是一部思想性和学术水准很高的著作。今天,重新认识和研究《马首农言》,对于进一步开发、利用、保护和弘扬祖国优秀的传统农耕文化遗产,吸取其颇具价值的文化营养,意义甚为重大,特别是对于培养国人的民族自豪感和爱国精神包括净化乡间民风而言,是很有必要的。  相似文献   

吴宾  党晓虹 《中国农学通报》2005,21(10):405-405
明清时期,平原地区宜农土地的垦殖基本饱和,人口继续膨胀,人均耕地日益减少,严峻的生存危机迫使人们大量涌入资源丰富、荒而未僻的广大山区,从而掀起山区开发的高潮,山区经济成为社会发展中最活跃的因素。从明清时期陕南地区的人口迁移及其成因的分析,探讨该地区农业人口增长的基本规律及农业开发的基本轮廓。  相似文献   

Located in the east of Xi'an, Dongguan District is the area to the east of the Ming City wall.There is a great deal of precious architectural heritages in the area, including shrines such as the Wangji Temple, the Baxian Temple, the Catholic Church and the Laomu Temple, as well as protected dwellings such as the Xingqing Palace, the royal palace of the flouring period of the Tang Dynasty, and the Courtyard of Family Xi, etc.. Currently, securing Dongguan District protection and development has confronted with severe challenges. Based on the in-depth investigation of the status quo and objective analysis of pros and cons, this paper gives a clear definition for Dongguan District protection and development, and profoundly analyses courtyards, streets, landscape environment and human environment of the Dongguan District, so as to formulate protective methods as well as measures and explore development approaches.  相似文献   

Bone-inlaid wooden art is a very old artistic form that has a strong artistic appeal and local flavor. It can be traced back to the Longshan Culture in the late Neolithic Age, and becomes mature in the late Qing Dynasty. As time lapses, however, bone-inlaid wooden art is gradually out of sight. It was not until June 2008 when Ningbo bone-inlaid wooden art was included in the "second batch of national intangible cultural heritage protection list" that it once again caused social concern. Ningbo bone-inlaid wooden art has a long history, and its craftsmanship is complex. Many bone-inlaid wooden works in Ningbo have been damaged more or less. Therefore, workers in the field of heritage protection should undertake a more systematic protection and repair work based on scientific research, making contributions to the heritage and development of intangible cultural heritage.  相似文献   

Classical garden as a kind of comprehensive art embodies a nation's culture and spirit, and culture has a direct impact on the style of classical gardens in the same period. Traditional Chinese and Korean gardens have intimate connection with each other and have their own unique systems. Also it is no exception in culture, that is, similar traditional cultures have different manifestations in their respective classical gardens. This study analyzes different manifestations of yin and yang and Five Elements Theory, thought of immortals and Confucianism in classical gardens of China and Korea.  相似文献   

At the turn of the 18th-19th century,in the process of developing missionary business in China,there was a debate about the nature of traditional Chinese sacrificial rites among missionaries,that is,whether the traditional rites of Confucius and Christianity were consistent.With the intervention of the Vatican and the Qing Dynasty,the Chinese rites controversy evolved into the dispute over Chinese imperial power and Roman religious imperial power.The missionary career in China also experienced the transformation from the toleration order,exclusion order and the ticket receiving order to the prohibition order.The sharp opposition between Chinese imperial power and Roman religious imperial power led to the desperate situation of Christian career in China.The missionaries naturally vented their dissatisfaction with China,the good image of China gradually collapsed,and the western image of China began to decline rapidly.  相似文献   

晋南小米醋酿造工艺史探述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小米醋历史悠久,是最早的粮食醋之一。最早出现于夏商时期,在魏晋南北朝时期得到了较大发展,唐宋时期得到普及和应用扩大化,逐渐拓展到药用领域,在元代达到酿造工艺的顶峰时期。清末民初,随着资本主义在中国萌芽,小米醋作坊也如雨后春笋般林立起来。详述了晋南小米醋工艺发展演进的历史,对小米醋的工艺保护提供了重要的理论基础。  相似文献   

With deep research into historical gardens as well as the existing ones in both China and Japan, this article compares the gardens' origins and evolution in the two countries, and draws the conclusion that the gardens in each country emerged and developed naturally, and classical Chinese gardens originated earlier than those in Japan, but made their progress in a much slower way.  相似文献   

From the perspective of delighting and sentimental function of water in classical Chinese gardens, the concept of "play with water" or "dabbling" was introduced. Play-with-water landscapes in many classical Chinese gardens were investigated and classified into 4 types: sound play, shadow play, human play, and water fowl play. Concrete design techniques were explored.  相似文献   

中国传统经济条件下,农民主要依靠传统的农业经济维生,自给自足的小农经济是传统农业社会家庭经济的特点。一旦农业经济的收入不足以维持家庭生计,农民就会考虑到从事其他职业,这种行为称为兼业化行为。明清时期处于封建社会晚期,资本主义萌芽已经出现,正处于社会转型期,小农的行为趋向正反映了该时期的历史特点。农民兼业的动因出于压力、需求等因素;而农民的兼业行为一方面对于农民自身的生活条件改善和自身观念的变化带来影响,另一方面为稳定社会秩序和促进社会经济发展等具有重要作用。正确理解明清时期农民的兼业化行为,对于今天建设社会主义和谐社会、妥善解决农民问题具有一定历史借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Formation and evolution of rural settlement patterns in Lianzhou City,Guangdong Province were analyzed from the perspective of space and time,on the basis of its gazetteer and relevant historical data.The results show that Lianzhou was first founded in the sixth year of Yuanding Period of the Western Han Dynasty,and its development could be roughly classified into 6 stages according to the construction of south–north traffic lines and regional development progress,and it witnessed the fastest development in the Ming and Qing Dynasty.In terms of spatial distribution,rural settlements in the local area show spatial continuity,Lianzhou Town is the core of rural settlement growth in the city,and towns with the most concentrated rural settlements in all stages are located in central-west and northeast parts of the city,and those with lower density of rural settlements are mostly located in minority regions in the north and mountainous areas in the east.On the basis of the above facts,the paper studies the influence of natural geological conditions,immigrant,traffic,economic development and ethnic composition on the establishment and development of rural settlements in Lianzhou City.  相似文献   

This article brings forward the institution of a "Qing Dynasty Culture Heritage Corridor-From Beijing to Shenyang".This corridor spans more than 600 km,composes of more than 50 important historic nodes.There are 6 nodes in the world culture heritage list;12 nodes in the national cultural relic protection unit list and 18 nodes in the cultural relic protection unit list of Liaoning or Hebei Provinces.To establish and protect the "Qing Dynasty Culture Heritage Corridor-From Beijing to Shenyang" is the demand of protecting this linear cultural sight heritage1,is also the demand of constructing high effect and basic forward-looking zoology establishment,is the demand of developing cultural tour even more.Especially,this heritage protecting method like heritage corridor is not sufficiently recognized today,instituting one heritage corridor provided with characteristic of our country has important meanings.  相似文献   

Ecological garden views were adopted to re-explore benefits of garden landscaping, co-prosperity of man and tree was applied to study application modes of plants in ecological gardens. Green spaces in ecological gardens should be evenly and reasonably distributed, actual conditions of the planning site respected, outstanding styles and diversified plant furnishings defined. Three layouts of ecological gardens and the future development trend of modern ecological gardens were introduced.  相似文献   

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