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1948年我大学毕业以后,就由我的恩师王栋介绍,被设在兰州的国立兽医学院聘为助教,继续留在中央大学跟随王栋老师进修草原与牧草学。1949年4月南京解放了。但西北战场长期处于胶着状态,我焦急地等待兰州的解放。这时东北军政委员会派张克威、陈凌风率领东北招聘团来到南京招聘科技干部。他们2位生动活泼的演讲,加上回答问题的亲切热情,带来解放区的清新风,在青年同学中引起轰动,纷纷报名去东北。我周围不少同学都报了名。我也难以抑制内心的激情,决定与他们一同去东北,而且把一部分书籍交给我的好友童昆周带到哈尔滨去了。 相似文献
2006年是抗美援越战争胜利30周年.这使我想起了作为中国专家在越南工作的日子.记载下一些琐事,也许可以反映一个时代的侧面. 相似文献
光明日报2003年6月9日的网页上,有这样一个标题:《贺兰山的岩羊多得使人愁》,是该报记者庄电一的一则通讯,令人关注。 相似文献
草业琐谈之七——草地-肉牛生产线 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
2001年6月初,我随着中国工程院考察团访问宁夏回族自治区.当时在传统灌溉农业区,看到已经有若干农户,他们几家联合起来,有人专管买牛,有人专管肥育,有人专管饲料,有人专管屠宰销售,自发地连成一串,俨然这是一个肉牛生产线. 相似文献
赵庆儒同志(1928-2001年)离开我们已经6个年头了.我初次会见庆儒同志是1982年10月,在开中国畜牧兽医学会第五次全国会员代表大会的时候. 我管他叫大厅长,是因为他管事管得宽.作为农业厅长,他不是传统的那种"以粮为纲"的农业厅长.他还管草地、畜牧、研发、培训.他是"大农业"的厅长. 相似文献
自从1950年来到西北,胡杨就是我的老相识了.胡杨的坚韧和壮美令人折服.胡杨(还有牦牛,这里暂且不说)是我心中的图腾,我对它顶礼膜拜. 相似文献
回忆越南,最想表达的是中越两国人民的友情.但偏偏最后来写,因为内容太丰富,再三咀嚼回味,也难以理出个头绪来. 相似文献
想谈谈草业科学源头的故事.这不仅有趣,也有利于了解草业科学航程的时空坐标,还将有助于对草业科学的全面了解并判断它的发展趋向. 自从有了人类的渔猎活动,草业生产的素材就开始积累.这些素材,在不同的历史时期,不同的生态区域,不断累积和发展,逐渐形成了自己的生产特征,也就连带出现了相应的科学内涵. 相似文献
Respiratory measurements and blood-gas and acid-base values are reported in nine term induced foals. Measurements were performed at 2, 15, 30 and 60 mins, 4, 12, 24 and 48 h, and four and seven days after birth. Minute respiratory volume was significantly lower at birth than values from 12 h old. Tidal volume peaked at 60 mins old, while respiration rate decreased significantly at 15 mins after birth. Oxygen consumption was high at birth and decreased to its lowest values at 24 and 48 h. The respiratory exchange ratio and ventilatory equivalent showed few significant changes to seven days, as did the minute alveolar ventilation and physiological deadspace. The blood-gas and acid-base values indicated that the foals rapidly establish adequate pulmonary ventilation within minutes of birth, and that those values changed little from 12 h to seven days after birth. Body position had a significant effect on arterial oxygen tension with Pao2 values in lateral recumbency being, on average, 14 mmHg lower than when the foals were standing. 相似文献
意蜂采用2,3日龄工蜂幼虫产浆的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对意蜂采用2和3日龄工蜂幼虫产浆的王台接受率和不同时间取浆浆量进行了研究。研究结果显示:①2日龄工蜂幼虫的王台接受率(82.42%)与采用3日龄幼虫的(81.21%)无显著差异;②2和3日龄幼虫产浆的台平均产浆量最高峰分别在各自移虫后第60小时和第48小时,浆量较高时段分别在移虫后上时和第42-54小时;③2日龄幼虫产浆最高时段台平产浆量(0.3754g)极显著高于3日龄的(0.3157g)但采用 相似文献
Infection perorally with enteropathogenic E. coli (ST +LT) bacteria in 57 newborn piglets gave rise to watery diarrhoea in 50 (88%) piglets and was lethal in 17 (34 %) cases. The diarrhoea was associated with a progressing partially compensated metabolic acidosis indicated by significantly decreased pH, pCO2 and RE values. The acidosis (BE-values) was significantly correlated with increased blood LA and serum K+ values. The dehydration during the disease was confirmed by increased Hb, Hct, serum protein and urea values as well as loss of weight. The changes were most pronounced in piglets that died and a BE value of —10 mmol/1 seemed to be a critical limit at which the prognosis could be considered poor.The changes in acid-base status and water balance was confirmed in 64 piglets with spontaneous cases of E. coli diarrhoea.Key words: E. coli, diarrhoea, acidosis, piglet 相似文献
所谓肉牛百日肥育,是指把350kg以上的改良架子牛,分3个期段(适应期、正常育肥期、强化育肥期),经过3个多月的肥育,使牛的体重达到500~550kg,膘度达到不露肋骨、不露腰角、不露坐骨结节、不露脊骨的4不露标准,而且食肚要小,屠宰率达到56%左右。具体肥育方法是:1选购架子牛架子牛的优劣与肥育速度及肉牛品质关系甚大,是确保高效饲养的首要环节,应注意以下几个方面。1.1品种:应选购肉用牛的杂交后代,如西门塔尔牛、利木赞牛、德国黄牛、夏洛来牛与本地牛附:肉牛肥育日粮配方(表1)、添加剂配方(表2)表1肉牛肥育日粮配方g阶段精料粗料合计玉米高… 相似文献
Efficiency of microbial phytase supplementation in diets formulated with different calcium:phosphorus ratios,supplied to broilers from 22 to 33 days old 下载免费PDF全文
L. de P. Naves P. B. Rodrigues L. do V. Teixeira E. C. de Oliveira M. M. Saldanha R. R. Alvarenga A. D. Corrêa R. R. Lima 《Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition》2015,99(1):139-149
An experiment was conducted with broilers from 22 to 33 days of age to evaluate the efficiency of six microbial phytases supplemented in diets (1500 FTU/kg) that were formulated with three different calcium:available phosphorus (Ca:Pavail) ratios (4.5:1.0, 6.0:1.0 and 7.5:1.0). A positive control diet without phytase was formulated with a Ca:Pavail ratio of 7.5:3.4 to meet the nutritional requirements of the broilers. The P and ash contents of the tibia, magnesium in the plasma, performance, balance and retention of phytate phosphorus (Pphyt), intake of total P and nitrogen (N), nitrogen‐corrected apparent metabolizable energy and apparent digestibility of dry matter of the diets were not influenced (p > 0.05) by the type of phytase or the dietary Ca:Pavail ratio. However, there was an interaction (p < 0.05) between the phytase type and the Ca:Pavail ratio for the retention coefficients of total P, Ca and N. Phytase B resulted in the highest Ca deposition in the tibia (p < 0.01). Phytases D, E and F reduced the Ca concentrations in the tibia (p < 0.01) and plasma (p < 0.05). Phytase D increased the P level in the plasma and decreased the total P excretion (p < 0.01). Phytases E and F increased Ca excretion, while phytase A reduced it (p < 0.01). Regardless of the phytase type, increasing the dietary Ca:Pavail ratio reduced (p < 0.05) the plasma P concentration and the excretion of total P and N and, conversely, increased (p < 0.05) the plasma concentration, intake and excretion of Ca. For the rearing period evaluated, it is possible to reduce the Pavail of the diet to 1.0 g/kg when Ca is maintained at 7.5 g/kg, and the diet is supplemented with 1500 FTU of phytase A, C, D or E/kg. This diet allows the maintenance of performance and adequate bone mineralization, and it improves the Ca, total P and Pphyt utilization in addition to reducing the excretion of N and P into the environment. 相似文献
In the late fall and winter of 1982 to 1983, 112 crossbred gilts were used in a factorially arranged experiment to determine the effect of confinement on the age at which a gilt reaches first estrus (puberty). Two environments (confinement and non-confinement) and three ages at movement to non-confinement (100, 140, and 180 d) were studied. No differences were detected (P greater than .05) between confinement and non-confinement in the proportions of gilts reaching puberty by 210 d of age. Gilts were older at puberty (P less than .05) in confinement than in non-confinement (192.0 vs 187.7 d) and had a longer interval (P less than .05) from first boar contact to first estrus (12.1 vs 7.8 d). Age at puberty (192.1 vs 187.0 vs 190.5 d) and the proportion reaching puberty (56.4 vs 45.7 vs 65.8%) were not different (P greater than .05) between age-of-movement groups. However, a higher (P less than .05) proportion of the non-confinement gilts reached puberty within 10 d after the beginning of boar exposure than confinement (44.6 vs 26.8%). Moving gilts from confinement to non-confinement (pasture) at 180 d appeared to be the most effective method tested for inducing puberty in gilts. 相似文献