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The study evaluated the use of the Mastazyme ELISA for quantification of Neospora caninum (N. caninum) specific IgG in bovine milk and examined the relationship between serum and milk antibodies in two dairy herds. The serum and milk antibodies both had bimodal distributions in each herd. This was mainly due to between cow variation: in both herds, approximately two thirds of cows were either clearly and consistently seropositive or seronegative for N. caninum with one third consistently near the threshold. Milk and serum N. caninum IgG were strongly related. This relationship was modelled using a linear mixed model including a polynomial term for serum, the effect of herd, and between and within cow variance components. The latter gave a significantly better fit to the data than a model that allowed for a different relationship for the positive and negative (according to the serum test) groups of observations. The sensitivity and specificity (based on serum percentage positivity (pp)) of the milk antibody was determined for different milk pp thresholds. In spite of the differences between the relationship of milk to serum seen for the two herds, for those estimates with sufficient precision, sensitivity and specificity greater than 0.73 for both herds were obtained using single thresholds of 14 and 15.5 for milk pp in both herds based on, as our gold standard, serum antibody pp thresholds of 22.5 and 25, respectively. If milk antibody is to be used for detecting persistently infected cows, the higher threshold of 15.5 may be suitable while for epidemiological screening 14 would be preferable. Further validation in a greater number of herds is required, but our results suggest that this test may prove to be a useful adjunct to serum N. caninum IgG assays in the monitoring of N. caninum infection as part of herd health programmes and epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is an apicomplexan protozoan parasite that is one of the most important infectious causes of abortion in both dairy and beef cattle in many countries. The objectives of this longitudinal study were to determine the prevalence, rates of vertical and horizontal transmission of N. caninum and hazard for culling of N. caninum-seropositive animals in three Brazilian dairy herds. Blood samples from all animals were collected nine times at each of the three farms over a two-year period. Serum was tested for antibodies against N. caninum using the indirect fluorescent antibody test with a cutoff value of 1:100. The percentage of N. caninum-positive samples at each sampling time ranged at Farm I from 3.32% to 11.71%, at Farm II from 3.90% to 22.06% and at Farm III from 3.90% to 22.06%. The number of positive serological reactions varied in relation to the number of repeated samples taken from individual animals at each farm. In all herds, there was a high degree (P<0.05) of association between the N. caninum serological status of dams and daughters. The seropositive conversion rate was estimated as 0.37%, 3.00% and 6.94% per 100 cow-years at Farms I, II and III, respectively. The seronegative conversion rate was estimated as 31.58% and 11.11% per 100 cow-years at Farms I and III, respectively. In all herds, there was no difference (P>0.05) in the culling rate between the cattle that were seropositive cattle and seronegative for N. caninum infection. The results from this study confirm the importance of vertical transmission in the epidemiology of N. caninum. Although a few positive seroconversions indicated horizontal transmission, it does not appear to be the major route of infection for N. caninum.  相似文献   

Abortions apparently due to Neospora caninum in two Swiss dairy herds were investigated by means of a PCR and ELISA, and other potential causes were eliminated. In addition, a case-control study of 24 case herds and 24 control herds indicated that N caninum-associated abortions were more likely to occur in herds with antibodies to Coxiella burnetii (with an odds ratio [OR] of 3.38 with a 95 per cent confidence interval [CI] of 1.82 to 6.22), whereas the likelihood was less in herds with antibodies to Leptospira species (OR 0.34,95 per cent CI 0.13 to 0.75), or in herds with antibodies to bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus (OR 0.75,95 per cent CI 0.56 to 1.00), or Chlamydia psittaci (OR 0.18,95 per cent CI 0.09 to 0.35), or in herds in which BVD virus had been isolated from an aborted fetus (OR 0.11,95 per cent CI 0.02 to 0-58).  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was used to test the relationship between herd seroprevalence to Neospora caninum and various potential herd-level risk factors in 60 dairy farms located in two distinct regions in southern Brazil. Thirty farms were randomly selected from within each region. A questionnaire was designed to summarize each farm's production system as it might relate to N. caninum transmission. The questionnaire contained 105 closed questions relating to general characteristics of the farms, farm facilities, management, source of food and water, herd health, environment and biosecurity, which included questions relevant to N. caninum transmission, including presence and number of dogs and other animals, purchase of animals and contact with man. Serum samples were collected from 40% of animals in each farm and N. caninum antibodies were detected by immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT). The association between potential risk factors and the probability of an animal being seropositive was modeled using a generalized estimation equations (GEE) logistic regression model. The model accounted for multilevel correlation of data from multiple animals within herds. The mean (+/-S.D.) number of animals in the 60 herds was 64.5 (+/-45.6), ranging from 20 to 280 females. Blood samples were collected from 1549 animals. The size of the farms varied from 4 to 100 ha (mean 30.1+/-25.9 ha). At least one dog was found in 57 of the 60 dairy farms (95%). The mean number of dogs was 3.1 (+/-1.9), ranging from 0 to 10. All females were raised on pasture. For all cattle sampled, N. caninum seroprevalence was 17.8%. Overall, 93.3% of herds (56/60) had at least one seropositive animal identified. Four variables were significantly associated with N. caninum sero-response in the 57 dairy farms, which were included in the final multivariable model: the number of dogs on the farm, farm area (hectares), feeding pooled sources of colostrum and region. The odds of a cow being seropositive increased 1.13 times for each additional dog present on the farm (P=0.021). Cattle from farms that fed calves colostrum pooled from multiple cows had 1.79 times greater odds for being seropositive for N. caninum (P<0.003). The probability of being seropositive was inverse to the area of the farms, such that cattle had 0.92 times the odds to be seropositive (P=0.014) for each additional 10 ha of farmland. Finally, cattle from farms in region one had 0.71 times the odds to be seropositive than cattle from region two (P=0.035). Results of this study suggest that several risk factors may explain why dairy cattle in Brazil may become exposed to N. caninum. However, further investigation of these factors is necessary because the purpose of this study was to refine and generate hypotheses on N. caninum transmission.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is widely recognized as one of the most important abortifacients in cattle and causes substantial financial losses to bovine livestock production. This study aimed to calculate the losses caused by N. caninum on Swiss dairy farms and to evaluate the efficacy and profitability of the control strategies culling, not breeding replacements and chemotherapy of calves on farm level. Three different farm sizes with high, medium and low herd prevalences were defined. Epidemiological and financial models were used to simulate the effect of control strategies on the prevalence over time and to perform a cost-benefit analysis. The median annual losses on farm level ranged between CHF 3094.- (= Euro 1875; 60 dairy cattle, high prevalence) and CHF 134.- (= Euro 81; 15 dairy cattle, low prevalence). Culling of animals that had any abortion or a N. caninum abortion, or not breeding replacements from such animals, respectively, were neither effective nor profitable. Only the strategy "not breeding replacements from N. caninum seropositive cows" on farms with a high prevalence was financially attractive. The strategy "chemotherapy of calves" should be re-evaluated as soon as new data regarding the efficacy of treatment and a corresponding protocol have been scientifically validated.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate the risk factors of Neospora caninum infection in dogs and cats found in dairy herds in western Thailand. A case-control study was conducted in dairy herds in three western provinces including Nakhon Pathom, Ratchaburi and Kanchanaburi. Blood samples of pets from 14 positive dairy herds and 26 herds from negative neighbouring farms which were randomly selected, in total blood samples from dogs and cats from 40 herds were collected and examined for antibodies against N. caninum infections using competitive ELISA and indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT). No seropositive cats were found. Of the 38 positive dogs, four (10.5%) were seropositive to N. caninum, which was higher than the proportion of seropositive in the negative herd population (one of 76, 1.3%). The higher proportion of seropositive farm dogs as compared with neighbouring dogs tended to be significant (P = 0.055).  相似文献   

This study investigated the epidemiology of Neospora caninum in three tropical dairy herds in North Queensland, Australia. All animals in the herds were bled, and the sera were tested by ELISA for N. caninum antibodies. Herd records were examined, and the number of calves carried to term and the number of abortions which occurred over the lifetime of each animal were recorded to determine the abortion rate for each animal. Pedigrees were constructed for two of the herds to investigate whether vertical transmission was occurring. The seroprevalence of N. caninum ranged from 23% to 34%. The abortion rate in seropositive animals was significantly (p < 0.001) higher than in seronegative animals in all three herds (12-20.1% cf. 3.6-7%). Overall, the probability of a calf being seropositive was 3.5 times higher when the dam was also seropositive than when the dam was seronegative. Subsequent selective breeding employed by one herd reduced the N. caninum seroprevalence from 23% to 5% over a 9-year period. This study shows that N. caninum infection is prevalent in North Queensland dairy cattle, and both post-natal infection and vertical transmission are common.  相似文献   

Infection with Neospora caninum in three young dogs is described. The predominant clinical signs were lower motor neuron deficits of the pelvic limbs, bladder and rectum. In two cases there was liver infection and dysfunction. The younger dogs had an acute onset rapidly progressive syndrome. The older dog had a similar but more chronic course. The diagnosis was confirmed by an immunofluorescence antibody test. The parasite is sensitive to clindamycin and trimethoprim/sulphonamide preparations, however the prognosis for return to function is poor especially if muscle contracture has occurred.  相似文献   

Twenty-one dairy herds with a history of Neospora caninum-associated abortions were used for a longitudinal serological study. A total of 1,676 animals were blood sampled 3 times and used to evaluate a single serological screening for N. caninum antibodies. The results of the first serological screening were compared with the results based on three consecutive samples, whereby two or more positive or negative test results per animal were considered to determine its serological status as positive or negative, respectively. In both test regimes 95.3% of the animals had the same interpretation, of which 33.9% were seropositive, and 61.3% seronegative. Relative sensitivity of one-time sampling compared to three consecutive samplings was 94.7%, while relative specificity was 95.6%. Relative specificity differed between herds. Predictive values positive and negative of one-time sampling were 92.4 and 97%, respectively. The agreement between one-time sampling and three consecutive samplings, kappa, was 0.90. For evaluation of discrepant results age distribution and pedigree data were used to provide clues regarding likelihood of transmission. Age clustering of seropositive animals was interpreted to indicate a point source infection. Daughter-mother relationships were used for the interpretation of congenital infections. The proportion of congenital infection decreased with increasing parity of the mother. Seropositive heifers had 80% congenitally infected offspring, while in older cows 66% of the offspring was congenitally infected, possibly due an increased immunity to transplacental infection with age. It is concluded that a single serological screening of a whole herd in connection with an analysis of age distribution and pedigree data is a rapid and valid method to interpret the serologic status of individual animals and to study the mode of transmission of N. caninum.  相似文献   

Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) has been used in human and veterinary medicine as a skin testing for evaluating in vivo cell-mediated immune responses (CMIR). Whereas CMIR is a key process to control intracellular pathogens, its value at identifying cattle exposed to the abortigenic intracellular coccidian parasite Neospora caninum is unknown. In this work, we have evaluated a DTH skin testing in cattle exposed to N. caninum and still seronegative. Female calves were experimentally sensitized by subcutaneous (SC) inoculation with live tachyzoites of N. caninum (NC-Argentina LP1) in sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (group A; n: 8) whereas other calveswere mock-sensitized with PBS (group B; n: 6). Two DTH skin tests were performed by intradermal inoculation with a soluble lysate of N. caninum tachyzoites (NC-Argentina LP1) in the neck region at 60d and 960 d after sensitization. Skinfold thickness at the intradermal inoculation site was measured at 0, 24, 48 h post each DTH skin test and skin biopsies taken for microscopic evaluation. Specific N. caninum antibodies kinetics was evaluated all throughthe experiment. We found that whereas N. caninum specific antibodies remained below the ELISA cut-off, a distinctive skinfold thickness increase was detected in sensitized animals (group A) at the DTH skin test site, showing induration, swelling and inflammatory infiltration. Mock sensitized animals (group B) showed no skinfold thickness growth and lacked specific antibody response. Thus, N. caninum DTH skin testing could be a useful diagnostic tool for the detection of CMIR during N. caninum infection in non-humoral responders.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to detect the presence of Neospora caninum in tissues from wild rodents associated with dairy farms in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Individuals from Mus musculus, Rattus novergicus and Spermophilus variegatus were caught in dairy farms with history of positive status to N. caninum. A total of 33 rodents were caught from which samples were taken of brain, spinal cord, liver and heart and were tested with nested PCR and Immunohistochemistry (IHC). Results obtained with PCR showed that M. musculus had 77% (10/13) positive samples to N. caninum, S. variegatus had 71% (10/14) and R. novergicus had 50% (3/6). The results obtained with IHC showed that 15% (2/13) of M. musculus individuals were positive, while 43% (6/14) of S. variegatus and 33% (2/6) R. novergicus were also positive. This is the first report of the presence of N. caninum in S. variegatus.  相似文献   

本研究用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)对采集自北京地区的94份奶牛血清(随机采集)和河北地区的55份奶牛血清(有流产史奶牛),进行Neospora caninum血清抗体检测。结果发现,北京地区随机采集的奶牛血清N.caninum抗体阳性率为18.1%(17/94),河北地区有流产史的奶牛N.caninum血清抗体阳性率为23.6%(13/55)。采用牛奶记录体系(DHI)对北京地区17头N.caninum血清抗体阳性牛进行了日产奶量、乳中蛋白率和乳脂率的测定,并与同群牛中134头阴性牛比较。结果表明,N.caninum血清抗体阳性牛日产奶量比阴性牛降低9.7%,乳中蛋白率和乳脂率分别降低20%和15.4%。初步证明N.caninum血清抗体阳性奶牛产奶量降低及奶品质的下降。对不同N.caninum抗体滴度阳性牛的泌乳期主要生产性能比较发现,其生产性能的变化与抗体滴度无明显相关性。  相似文献   

The seroprevalence, in dairy cattle, of antibodies to Neospora caninum, the relationship between seropositivity and age (heifer versus cow), the relationship of herd infection with herd size and the relationship of herd infection with the presence of dogs on the farm were studied. The study involved 549 cows and 82 dogs in 59 dairy herds in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) with NC-specific monoclonal antibody was used to detect the NC antibodies in the sera. Individual and herd seroprevalence of NC were 5.5% (30/549) and 34% (20/59), respectively. No significant relationships between NC seropositivity with the age of the cows (heifer versus cow; P > 0.05) and between herd infection and the presence of dogs on the farm (P > 0.05) were found. Herd size significantly affected herd infection (P < 0.05) with higher infection in large than small herds (> or = 21 versus < or = 20 cows). Of 12 cows with a history of abortion, one was seropositive to NC. The seroprevalence of NC antibodies in dogs was 1.2% (1/82). This is the first NC seroprevalence study in dogs in Thailand. It was concluded that Neospora infection was more common at the herd level rather than the individual level in Thailand and the presence of dogs on the farm was not related to the level of herd infection. Caution should be taken in the interpretation of serological tests from the farm dogs.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe the seroepidemiology of Neospora caninum infection in dogs in close contact with dairy cattle and dogs from urban areas of Aguascalientes, Mexico, as well as to estimate the possible association between age, gender and size of these groups and seroprevalence. Sera were obtained from samples of 152 dogs in dairy farms and 116 in the urban area, and were subjected to ELISA test. General seroprevalence reached 32%, while the seroprevalence in farm dogs (41%) was significantly higher than in dogs from the urban area (20%) (p<0.05). Regarding age groups, general seroprevalence was greater among dogs between 11 and 15 years of age (67%) remaining equal between males and females (32 and 31%, respectively). Nevertheless, females resident in farms had a higher seroprevalence (42%) than female resident in the urban area. Regarding size, large-sized animals had greater seroprevalence in farms (58%), while in the urban area medium-sized animals were those that had the highest seroprevalence (27%). It was found that dairy farm dogs had a higher risk of infection (OR=2.79; p=0.0004), and that in said group, the age range from <1 to 5 years of age was identified as a risk factor (OR=3.11, p=0.001).  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine by nested PCR probe the presence of Neospora caninum in fetal brain tissue from aborted dairy fetuses in Aguascalientes, a state in the central part of Mexico. Forty-four fetal brains from eight dairy farms were analyzed using single tube nested PCR probe with primers NF1, NS2, NR1 and SR1, with histopathology as the reference technique. From the 44 bovine fetuses studied, 35 (80%) were diagnosed as being infected by N. caninum using PCR probe and 20 (45%) were considered positive by histopathology, because they had lesions suggestive of bovine neosporosis. Fair agreement was observed (31%) between both probes. The age of aborting cows ranged from 1.6 to 2.9-year-old in 17 (49%) of the positive cases diagnosed by PCR. Gestational ages of aborted fetuses ranged from <3 to 9 months, with average of 5.6 months, and no statistical significant difference was observed when ages of infected and no infected fetuses were compared (P > 0.05). The frequency of N. caninum positive cases observed could be considered to be higher than other areas of Mexico and other countries.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Neospora caninum is a major cause of abortion in cattle throughout the world. In the process of propagating Neospora in vitro and producing specific antibodies for development of diagnostic assays in the food supply, our laboratory identified the presence of bovine antibodies to N. caninum in fetal bovine sera. The sera were produced commercially and preferentially recommended for tissue culture use and monoclonal antibody production. Seventeen different fetal bovine serum samples of different grades and from four different companies were examined for the presence of total IgG, IgG1, IgG2, and IgM specific for N. caninum. All of the tested serum samples recognized N. caninum specific bands on Western blot. Low IgG serum also recognized these antigens but with lower intensity. Antibody response was also evaluated using a commercially available ELISA kit for N. caninum.  相似文献   

Udder health in dairy cattle infected with Neospora caninum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Blood samples were collected from 3449 cows on 57 representative Ontario dairy herds during the summer of 1998 and analysed for antibody to Neospora caninum using an ELISA. Forty-eight herds (2742 cattle) contained at least one N. caninum-seropositive animal. Two composite milk samples were collected from all cattle: the first on the day of blood collection and the second 68 to 365 days later. All milk samples were submitted for bacteriological culture. Ontario Dairy Herd Improvement Corporation (DHI) data were available for 3162 cattle in the 57 herds at the time of bleeding. Furthermore, complete DHI data were available for 1658 cattle that were culled between 12 and 24 months following blood collection. Using a standardised ELISA sample-to-positive (S/P) cut-off of ≥0.45, the corrected seroprevalence was 8.2% overall and 10.1% within seropositive herds. At blood collection the odds of N. caninum-seropositive cows having a high linear score (≥4.0; equivalent to a somatic cell count ≥200,000 cells/ml) was 27% less than for seronegative animals. Similarly, at the time of culling, the odds of having a high linear score was 22% less in N. caninum-seropositive cattle. Overall, linear score was lower in N. caninum-seropositive cattle at culling. After controlling for herd, parity, days in milk, and the interval between collection of milk samples, the odds of N. caninum-seropositive cattle testing positive for an environmental pathogen (i.e. environmental Streptococcus species and coliforms) on the second milk sample was 56% less than for seronegative animals. The odds were 83% less at a higher ELISA S/P cut-off of ≥0.70. Finally, the odds of N. caninum-seropositive cattle developing a new infection with a major pathogen (environmental or contagious) were 60% less than seronegative cows using the higher ELISA S/P cut-off.  相似文献   

Monensin use against Neospora caninum challenge in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a randomized controlled trial design, a randomly allocated intervention group of 15 cows received a slow-release bolus that delivered 100 days of monensin. The negative control group of 15 cows received a placebo bolus that was identical to the monensin bolus, except without the monensin. Two weeks after bolus administration, all cows were challenged with a 2 ml subcutaneous injection of a live tachyzoite suspension. Whole blood and serum samples were collected from each cow every week for the first month post-challenge, and then every 2 weeks for the next 2 months. The extracted DNA from whole blood was tested for the Nc-5 gene fragment of Neospora caninum using a quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction. Serum was tested for antibodies to N. caninum using the IDEXX ELISA. Cows treated with monensin boluses had a significantly lower humoral immune response than cows treated with placebo boluses at one time point post-challenge (week 4 post-challenge). However, when adjusting for repeated measures within cows, the P value for this humoral difference was 0.098. No DNA for N. caninum was detected in either group, likely due to study design features.  相似文献   

Bovine neosporosis is caused by the protozoan Neospora caninum and is one of the major causes of abortion in cows. Cattle are intermediate hosts of this parasite and may have asymptomatic or symptomatic infections. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate oxidative stress marker reactive oxygen species (ROS), thiobarbituric reactive acid substances (TBARS) levels, glutathione S-transferase (GST), adenosine deaminase (ADA), and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) activities in dairy cows seropositives for N. caninum (asymptomatic or symptomatic). Dairy cows (n = 90) were tested by immunofluorescent antibody assay (IFA) for N. caninum and divided accordingly into three groups: the group A (seronegatives, n = 30), the group B (seropositives and asymptomatic, n = 30), and the group C (seropositives and symptomatic, n = 30). It was observed increased levels of TBARS and reduced (P < 0.05) BChE activity in seropositives either asymptomatic or symptomatic animals. ROS levels and ADA activity increased, and GST activity decreased (P < 0.05) only in seropositives symptomatic dairy cows (the group C) compared to seronegatives dairy cows (the group A). Based on these results, it was observed that seropositive animals showed cell damage associated with oxidative stress and inflammation, mainly in those with symptomatic infections. Increased seric ROS levels and BChE activity may have influenced N. caninum pathogenesis in symptomatic animals due to increased cell damage and exacerbated inflammatory response, leading to the development of clinical signs.  相似文献   

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