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In the nine years from 1993 to 2001, 210 cases of rabies were recorded in domestic animals in South Korea; 115 cattle, 94 dogs and one farmed deer were affected. The annual incidence of rabies cases increased to a peak of 64 in 1998, and then decreased to about 30 cases per year. The cases were confined to the northern part of Kyounggi and Kangwon provinces. One hundred and forty-six cases (69.5 per cent) occurred in Kyounggi and 64 cases (30.5 per cent) in Kangwon province, and about 82 per cent of them were confined to two counties in Kyounggi province (29 per cent in Paju and 28.1 per cent in Younchun) and to Chulwon county in Kangwon province (25.2 per cent). However, over several years the outbreaks gradually moved south and east in both Kyounggi and Kangwon provinces. There were more rabies cases in cattle than in dogs, suggesting that the disease is transmitted by the sylvatic cycle. To investigate the relationship between rabies in domestic animals and wild animals, 107 wild animals, including Korean raccoon dogs, badgers, weasels and feral cats, were tested for rabies; 21 of the 67 Korean raccoon dogs tested (31 per cent) were infected. The cases in domestic animals were most common in winter, from December to February, and least common in summer, from June to September.  相似文献   



Oral rabies vaccination (ORV) in rabies infected regions should target the primary rabies vector species, which in Lithuania includes raccoon dogs as well as red foxes. Specific investigations on ORV in raccoon dogs are needed e.g. evaluation of vaccine effectiveness under field conditions. The objective of the current study was to investigate the efficacy of the ORV programme 2006-2010 in Lithuania by examining the number of rabies cases and estimating the prevalences of a tetracycline biomarker (TTC) and rabies virus antibodies in raccoon dogs.


From 2006 to 2010, 12.5 million rabies vaccine-baits were distributed by aircraft. Baiting occurred twice per year (spring and autumn), targeting raccoon dogs and red foxes in a 63,000 km2 area of Lithuania. The mandibles of raccoon dogs found dead or killed in the vaccination area were analyzed by fluorescence microscopy for the presence of the TTC. Rabies virus sera neutralizing anti-glycoprotein antibody titres were determined using an indirect ELISA method and seroconversion (> 0.5 EU/ml) rates were estimated.


During the study period, 51.5% of raccoon dog mandibles were positive for TTC. 1688 of 3260 tested adults and 69 of 175 tested cubs were TTC positive. Forty-seven percent of raccoon dog serum samples were positive for rabies virus antibodies. 302 of 621 investigated adults and 33 of 95 investigated cubs were seropositive. In the same time 302 of 684 and 43 of 124 tested samples were TTC and ELISA positive in spring; whereas 1455 of 2751 and 292 of 592 tested samples were TTC and ELISA positive in autumn. There was a positive correlation between the number of TTC and antibody positive animals for both adult and cub groups.


ORV was effective in reducing the prevalence of rabies in the raccoon dog population in Lithuania. The prevalence of rabies cases in raccoon dogs in Lithuania decreased from 60.7% in 2006-2007 to 6.5% in 2009-2010.  相似文献   

通过调查问卷方式得知2010-2016年玉林市犬只饲养量年均20.13万头,免疫犬年均为13.64万头,免疫密度年均为67.74%,仍存在未经免疫的犬。ELISA方法检测免疫犬抗体阳性率为91.57%(1509/1648),非免疫犬为4.13%(10/242);RT-PCR方法检测520份犬脑组织,病原检出率为5.00%(26/520)。通过数据分析与实际情况结合,表明玉林市犬狂犬病免疫抗体合格率较高,疫苗效果表现稳定,外观健康犬仍携带狂犬病病毒。  相似文献   

为了分析眉山市狂犬病流行特点,提出防控对策,控制狂犬病发生,笔者针对眉山市及所辖区县上报的2008~2011年狂犬病临床病例进行了流行病学调查与分析。  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌菌病(布病)是一种人畜共患传染病,是我国《畜禽防疫条例》和《传染病防治》规定的二类传染病和限期控制的地方病之一,它不但影响畜牧业的发展,而且严重危害人身健康。因此,对家畜布病的调查,可以及时发现疫情,以便采取措施防制人、畜布病的流行。  相似文献   

Between 1990 and 2000, more than 1600 mycoplasmas and the related acholeplasmas were identified from ruminant animals by the Mycoplasma Group at the Veterinary Laboratories Agency--Weybridge. Mycoplasma bovis was the most commonly identified pathogen, mostly from pneumonic calves but occasionally from cattle with mastitis and arthritis. Mycoplasma canis was first isolated in Britain in 1995 from pneumonic calves and the number of isolates increased to 18 per cent of the total mycoplasmas isolated from cattle in 1999. The ELISA for antibodies to M. bovis detected 1971 positive samples (22 per cent) among 8959 serum samples, mainly from pneumonic cattle. Other mycoplasmas identified included Mycoplasma dispar from the lungs of cattle with respiratory disease, and Mycoplasma bovigenitalium from the reproductive tract of cows with vulvovaginitis and infertility. Mycoplasma bovirhinis and Acholeplasma species were found commonly but are thought to be more opportunistic than pathogenic. In sheep and goats, the majority of Mycoplasma species isolated were identified as Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae from pneumonic sheep, Mycoplasma conjunctivae from sheep with keratoconjunctivitis, and the ubiquitous Mycoplasma arginini.  相似文献   

伪狂犬病(Pseudorabies),也被称为奥者士奇病(Aujeszky's disease),是由伪狂犬病病毒引起的猪和其他动物的一种重要传染病.尽管在一些国家伪狂犬病已经被根除,但在我国的许多省份该病仍然呈地方性流行,给养猪业造成了重大经济损失.文中对伪狂犬病在我国的流行情况进行综述,并提出防控措施.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Analysis of the cost of 8 distributions of oral rabies vaccine (ORV) with strains known to infect raccoons in Ohio between 1997 and 2000. DESIGN: Original study. PROCEDURE: Fishmeal bait containing ORV was distributed on foot, by vehicle, and by helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft. The cost of personnel, vehicles, and helicopter and aircraft use and other associated expenses were obtained from field records and interviews with personnel and agencies involved in the ORV program. RESULTS: Each bait distribution lasted approximately 1 week. Areas baited ranged from 1,701 km2 to 6,497 km2. Density varied for each distribution, with means of 79 baits/km2 for ground baiting and 93 baits/km2 for aerial baiting. Typically, 72 people participated in the ground portion of each distribution and 32 in the aerial portion. The cost of ground baiting (mean +/- SD, 19.24 dollars/km2 +/- 6.35 dollars/km2) was consistently less than that for air baiting (mean +/- SD, 24.71 dollars/km2 +/- 4.65 dollars/kml) for each distribution. The total cost of distribution varied from 30,568 dollars to 145,842 dollars (mean, 96,791 dollars), and bait cost varied from 150,714 dollars to 1,029,423 dollars (mean, 543,839 dollars). The total cost of ORV distributions ranged from 102 dollars/km2 to 261 dollars/km2 (mean, 153 dollars/km2). CONCLUSIONS: In the United States, rabies strains that infect raccoons have been responsible for the largest increase in rabies in animals in the past 3 decades. Use of ORV is a promising new tool that can be used to control rabies in raccoons. Documenting the estimated cost of implementing an ORV program may lead to more efficient use of resources to control and limit the spread of rabies. In addition, accurately measured distribution costs can be used to perform an economic cost-benefit analysis for an ORV program.  相似文献   

Between 1990 and 2000, 317 herds of cattle in Northern Ireland were identified as being seropositive to Brucella abortus, and 68 per cent of them were attributed to transmission from neighbouring herds or to local spread. Of particular significance were three primary outbreaks in 1997, which resulted in significant secondary and tertiary spread. Three spatial clusters were identified, corresponding to two of the primary outbreaks, and the herd density and within-herd spread were highest in the largest cluster. Abortions in an infected herd and the disease-risk status of the disclosure test were positively associated with an increased within-herd prevalence.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to isolate gram-positive cocci from cows with mastitis and to determine their resistance to beta-lactamic antibiotics. Eight hundred and nine strains were isolated and identified as staphylococci (n=516), streptococci (n=199) and enterococci (n=94) from sub-clinical and clinical cases of bovine mastitis in Lithuania. The most common causative agents of udder disease included: S. epidermidis (n=176), S. aureus (n=176), S. agalactiae (n=134), S. hyicus (136) and E. hirae (n=68). Isolates were analysed for antimicrobial resistance to penicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, cephalothin, cephalexin, amoxicillin + clavulanate. The susceptibility patterns were analysed using the agar disk diffusion method. S. aureus showed the highest level of resistance to amoxicillin (81.3%), penicillin (76.7%) and ampicillin (78.4%). The corresponding values for CNS strains were 59.7%, 59.7% and 50.6% against penicillin, ampicillin and amoxicillin respectively. Streptococci were the most frequently resistant to amoxicillin (29.3%), and enterococci to penicillin (27%), amoxicillin (27.5%) and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (23.8%). The resistance of all tested mastitis pathogens to aminopenicillins and penicillin highly correlated (r=0.83). Compared with other antibiotics, amoxicillin and clavulanic acid combination tended to be more effective (p<0.05) against all tested bacteria in vitro. However, S. aureus, in 38.1% of cases, was resistant to this combination of antimicrobials. This study demonstrates that S. epidermidis, S. aureus, S. hyicus, S. agalactiae and E. hirae remain the most frequent mastitis causative agents on Lithuanian cattle farms. The highest resistance in vitro to penicillins was demonstrated by S. aureus, S. hyicus and S. intermedius. Resistance to cephalosporins remains low, irrespective of bacterial species of gram-positive cocci.  相似文献   

The epizootic of rabies in raccoons entered Maryland in 1981 and systematically moved through the state affecting raccoons in all counties except those of the lower Eastern Shore. A precoded surveillance form was provided to all county and city health departments and data were requested for each animal head submitted for testing for the year 1985. The disease persisted and, in 1987, all counties previously reporting rabies in raccoons also had documented cases in other species. The incidence of rabies in raccoons increased in late winter and peaked in March. Most human exposures occurred during daylight hours and in private yards. Agricultural areas were similarly affected by rabid animals. Analysis of vaccination status of animals exposed to rabid animals gave estimations of statewide vaccination rates for dogs (70%) and cats (28%). The danger of rabies in cats was emphasized by the large number of animals exposed by each rabid cat. The spillover of rabies in raccoons to other species persisted in all jurisdiction through 1992, with periodic upsurges of disease at 3- to 4-year intervals as the raccoon population is replenished. Rabies was not diagnosed in any human beings.  相似文献   

Recovery of pigs from rabies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Based on passive and active data, we report on an epidemiological assessment of surveillance and control of rinderpest (RP) in Uganda between 1990 and 1998. Active data were collected by administration of questionnaires to animal health personnel and their auxiliaries and to stockowners in six selected districts of eastern and northeastern Uganda. Passive data were extracted from vaccination and seromonitoring reports, and from field and laboratory reports. RP events were classified as “confirmed outbreaks”, “suspected outbreaks” and “rumours”. The classification of 56% of the RP events as “suspected outbreaks” indicates the difficulty in investigating disease outbreaks in Uganda. Although vaccination coverage and seroprevalence were <85% (the recommended target), they nevertheless corresponded well-reflecting effective vaccination. However, because of the low seroprevalence, a sizable population of cattle in Uganda remained at risk of RP. The agreement between the local and national disease reporting systems was low-to-moderate (κ=0.39); this indicates inefficiency in disease reporting.

Risk factors for RP outbreaks were cattle raids and communal grazing. Based on overlaid thematic maps of seroprevalence, vaccination coverage and RP events, close spatial and temporal associations were observed between cattle raids, transhumance and outbreaks and rumours. The high-risk areas were in the eastern and northeastern parts of the country. The results of this study support a phase approach of following the OIE pathway.  相似文献   

一、美国在美国,饲养宠物非常普遍。由宠物带来的传染病就成为一大难题。仅以狂犬病为例,上世纪50年代初,美国每年动物狂犬病发病数超过1.5万例,其中有近5000例为家养宠物狂犬病,人被传染也有10多例。在采取一系列管理措施后,本世纪初,美国每年报告的动物狂犬病降至约7000例,其  相似文献   

Before 1985 the situation regarding enzootic bovine leukosis (EBL) in Lithuanian cattle was described only haphazardly. In 1986 serological investigations were initiated together with an eradication programme. The EBL bovine leukosis virus (BLV) situation was monitored by the Institute of Immunology Vilnius University, national and regional veterinary laboratories. Starting in 1986 all EBL-positive cattle were separated from negative cattle into BLV-infected and BLV-free herds. To create the latter, calves were fed pasteurized milk. The seroprevalence in 1990 was 7.29%, but it steadily declined to 0.32% in 2006.  相似文献   

Summary Rabies virus was isolated from apparently normal blood-sucking(Desmodus rotundus) and insectivorous(Artibeus planirostris) bats caught in Bolivia. The virus was identified by immunofluorescence, biological and sero-neutralisation tests.
Aislamiento Del Virus Rábico De Murciélagos en Bolivia
Resumen Se aisló el virus rábico de vampiros (Desmodus rotundus) y murciélagos insectivoros (Artibeus planirostris) aparentemente sanos. El virus se identificó por inmunofluorescencia y pruebas biológicas y de seroneutralización.

Isolement Du Virus Rabique Chez Des Chauves-souris, En Bolivie
Résumé Du virus rabique a été isolé chez des chauves-souris hémo (Desmodus rotundus) et insectivores (Artibeus planirostris) apparemment normales, capturées en Bolivie. Le virus a été identifié par immunofluorescence et des tests biologiques et de séro-neutralisation.

广西2000-2002年度狂犬病流行概况及防制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
狂犬病 (Rabies)是由狂犬病病毒 (Rabies virus)引起的一种人兽共患急性接触性传染病。人和多种动物对本病都有易感性 ,病犬和带毒野犬是主要传染源 ;人主要是受到病犬咬伤、抓伤而感染发病 ,对人、畜的生命健康威胁较大。广西壮族自治区历来是狂犬病的高发区 ,这几年虽然加大了狂犬病的防制力度 ,但由于自然环境和社会因素的影响 ,全区的狂犬病疫情仍然比较严重。1 流行概况1.1  2 0 0 0年 ,全区共有南丹县、天峨县、全州县、凤山县、大化县、西林县、融安县、隆林县、环江县、玉州区等 10个县 (区 )发生狂犬病疫情 ,病死动物 39头 ,其…  相似文献   

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