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水稻侧深施肥技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

黄淮地区超高产水稻实地氮肥管理技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究并建立了水稻超高产实地氮肥管理模式。实地氮肥管理模式为:应用Stanford公式(依据土壤养分的有效供给量、水稻的目标产量和稻株对养分的吸收量、当季的氮肥利用率)确定氮、磷、钾总施肥量,依据叶色或叶片含氮量与SPAD值或LCC读数的对应关系,确定主要生育期(分蘖期、穗分化始期和雌雄蕊形成期)水稻需氮供氮的SPAD和LCC指标值,并结合品种的源库特征,对氮肥追肥的施用期和施用量进行调节;穗数型品种或库限制型品种,注重施用促花肥或促(花肥)、保(花肥)结合,大穗型品种或源限制型品种,注重施用粒肥或保(花肥)、粒(肥)结合。建立的实地氮肥管理模式可以显著增加产量、提高氮肥利用效率。  相似文献   

水稻抗倒伏施肥技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
倒伏是水稻生产中的一个严重问题,水稻茎秆倒伏严重影响水稻产量和稻谷品质,倒伏发生越早,损失越大。从施肥方法和肥料组成等方面,综述了防止水稻倒伏施肥技术研究进展,提出了有待拓宽和深化研究的内容。  相似文献   

水稻施肥技术对产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

水稻侧深施肥技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

水稻种子包衣后安排了3种不同的施肥方法,研究结果表明,采用全层一次性施肥法,满足了水稻包衣种子秧苗素质高,早发性好的需肥要求,促进了早分蘖和低节位分蘖。大田表现有效穗多,产量高。  相似文献   

氮素是影响水稻产量和品质的重要因子,也是影响农田生态条件的重要因子,通过了解黑龙江省稻田土壤氮循环规律,根据土壤地力等级,确定稻田施氮量,按照水稻对氮素的吸收规律适量补充氮肥,凭借叶龄模式理论确定水稻生育时期,利用叶色卡的色级与叶片的颜色比较确定氮素的丰缺状况,适时适量追施促花肥和保花肥,调控水稻长势长相,产量达到8.5~9.0 t/hm2的目标。  相似文献   

应用水稻侧深施肥技术 ,可提高肥料利用率 ,节约成本 ,增加效益 ,对水稻品质提级效果显著  相似文献   

水稻优化施肥技术主要依据土壤供肥能力和水稻的目标产量来确定N、P、K肥的总用量,利用叶龄来确定水稻生育期,在主要生育期,根据叶色卡的数值确定N肥追施量,以最大限度地满足水稻高产群体各个时期对养分的需求,达到目标产量。超高产试验(SSNM_2)达到716.7 kg/667 m~2,比农民习惯施肥增产173.8 kg/667 m~2,增加效益234.3元/667 m~2。  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》2002,74(1):37-66
Irrigated rice (Oryza sativa L.) yield increases in Asia have slowed down in recent years. Further, yield increases are likely to occur in smaller increments through fine-tuning of crop management. On-farm experiments at 179 sites in eight key irrigated rice domains of Asia were conducted from 1997 to 1999 to evaluate a new approach for site-specific nutrient management (SSNM). Large variation in initial soil fertility characteristics and indigenous supply of N, P, and K was observed among the eight intensive rice domains as well as among farms within each domain. Field- and season-specific NPK applications were calculated by accounting for the indigenous nutrient supply, yield targets, and nutrient demand as a function of the interactions between N, P, and K. Nitrogen applications were fine-tuned based on season-specific rules and field-specific monitoring of crop N status. The performance of SSNM was tested for four successive rice crops. Average grain yield in the SSNM increased by 0.36 Mg ha−1 (7%) compared to the current farmers’ fertilizer practice (FFP) measured in the same cropping seasons or 0.54 Mg ha−1 (11%) compared to the baseline FFP yield before intervention. Average nutrient uptake under SSNM increased by about 10% in the same seasons or by 13% (N) and 21% (P, K) compared to the baseline data. Yield increases were associated with a 4% decrease in the average N rate, but larger amounts of fertilizer-K at sites where the previous K use was low. Average N use efficiencies increased by 30–40%, mainly through the use of improved in-season N management schemes. Across all sites and four successive rice crops, profitability increased by US$ 46 ha−1 per crop or 12% of the total average net return. The performance of SSNM did not differ significantly between high-yielding and low-yielding climatic seasons, but improved over time with larger benefits observed in the second year. Average profitability increased from US$ 32 ha−1 pre crop in the first year to US$ 61 ha−1 pre crop in the second year due to improvements in the SSNM approach and re-capitalization of P and K applied in the first year. SSNM required little extra credit for financing, and remained profitable even if rice prices are somewhat lower than current levels. Further, scope for improvement exists at many sites by alleviating other crop management constraints to nutrient use efficiency. Profit increases ranged from US$ 4 to 82 ha−1 per crop among eight rice domains. However, profit decreases occurred in about 25% of all cases, indicating that a certain minimum level of crop care is required for SSNM to be profitable. Yields at sites with labor-saving direct-seeding of larger fields were about 1 Mg ha−1 lower than those achieved at sites with labor-intensive transplanting and good management, raising concern about future trends in rice production. SSNM has potential for improving yields and nutrient efficiency in irrigated rice to close existing yield gaps. The major challenge for SSNM will be to retain the success of the approach while reducing the complexity of the technology as it is disseminated to farmers. The nature of the approach will need to be tailored to specific circumstances in different countries. In some areas, SSNM may be field or farm specific, but in many areas it is likely to be just region and season-specific.  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - System of rice intensification (SRI) together with appropriate nutrient management holds promise in increasing rice productivity with micronutrient enriched grains....  相似文献   

This study was conducted in an attempt to determine the proper nitrogen and phosphorus application levels, nitrogen split application ratio, and application method for environmental-friendly rice production in a salt-affected rice paddy field, which was located in the Saemangeum reclaimed tidal belt on the western coast of South Korea, between April 1, 2003 and October 10, 2004. All treatments were replicated three times in a randomized block design (5 m × 4 m plot) with 11 treatments (total 33 plots). We designed three treatments for the evaluation of reasonable application levels of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers (A1–A3); five treatments to evaluate the nitrogen split application system (T1–T5); and three treatments to determine the proper application for chemical fertilizer (M1–M3). There was no significant difference of amylose and protein content among the application levels, application methods, and nitrogen split application ratios (P < 0.05). No significant differences in grain yield and yield components of rice were observed among the different application levels, application methods, and nitrogen split application ratios (P < 0.05). In order to save labor in agricultural households, preserve or enhance the grain quality of rice, and reduce nutrient losses, we determined that the optimum application level of nitrogen fertilizer was 140 kg ha−1; the application split ratio of nitrogen fertilizer at four different periods was 40% for basal fertilization, 20% for maximum tilling stage, 30% for the panicle formation stage, and 10% for the booting stage; and the best application methods were deep layer application and whole layer application.  相似文献   

宁波市水稻土养分现状调查与研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张硕 《中国稻米》2002,8(3):30-31
万物生长土壤起 ,土壤的养分状况直接影响着作物的产出率 ,决定作物的基础产量。1983年第二次土壤普查时的水稻土养分数据 ,迄今已有17~18年 ,已较难指导当前的农业生产 ,特别是近10年来 ,配方施肥、优化配方施肥、平衡施肥及补钾工程、沃土工程的蓬勃开展 ,伴随着粮食单产的不断提高 ,肥料结构、施肥水平及土壤肥力都在发生变化。为了及时了解和掌握宁波市水稻土的肥力状况 ,指导科学种田 ,宁波市土肥站于1999年末到2000年初采集了81个水稻土样 ,2000年末到2001年初采集了78个水稻土样共159个进行了一次…  相似文献   

System of rice intensification (SRI) is a water-saving agro-technique being popularized in Southern Asia including India. A particular key practice in SRI, reduced water application (no continuous flooding), needs to be more farmer-friendly for its mass adoption under traditional and non-traditional cultivation. A field experiment was conducted maintaining different water regimes throughout the crop season (vegetative as well as reproductive stages) by scheduling irrigation applications at 1, 3, or 5 days after disappearance of ponded water (DADPW), using two different plant spacings and two different varieties. With an increase in the period of water stress, tiller production was increased significantly (P ≤ 0.05) and found to be maximum under prolonged stress, i.e., 5 days after disappearance of ponded water (5 DADPW). Increased tiller production did not result in yield increments, but yield-contributing parameters (panicle weight, grain weight per panicle, filled grain percentage, and test weight) were confirmed as critical determinants of yield. Plant nutrient (NPK) uptake was reduced under stress conditions, but the translocation of phosphorus and potassium from sources to sink was increased significantly in this study. Nutrient utilization efficiency was also enhanced under mild (3 DADPW) to prolonged (5 DADPW) water stress conditions. No significant reduction in yield was recorded under mild water stress, and this resulted in increased water productivity; however, significant yield loss was observed under prolonged water stress (5 DADPW).  相似文献   

The cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) is known to contain two major subspecies, indica (O. sativa L. ssp. indica) and japonica (O. sativa L. ssp. japonica). The indica and japonica differentiation resulted in significance of hybrid sterility and hybrid breakdown, which are barriers of gene flow between the two major subgene pools within O. sativa. Traditional classification of indica and japonica germplasm based on isozymes. Here, we report the identification of several random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers that have alleles specific in indica or japonica varieties and thus provide a quick and accurate tool to distinguish japonica lines from indica ones.  相似文献   

从1997~1999年在晚稻育秧上试验证明 ,施用壮秧剂能明显提高秧苗素质 ,表现为返青快 ,有效穗多产量增。但在连晚塑盘育秧上应用 ,遇到高温或大雨 ,有药害死苗现象发生。现把晚稻不同育秧方法壮秧剂施用效果、施用技术和注意点介绍如下 :一、施用效果1 施用壮秧剂能明显提高秧苗素质连晚3种育秧方式施用壮秧剂后 ,秧苗素质明显提高 ,表现为叶色深绿 ,叶龄增加 ,绿叶数增多 ,茎基宽 ,根数多 ,地上部、地下部百株干重高 ,在15~20天秧龄控长效果明显 ,超过20天秧龄控长效果消失(表1)。2 施用壮秧剂能增产连晚3种育秧方式…  相似文献   

The present experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of elevated [CO_2] with varying nutrient management on rice–rice production system. The experiment was conducted in the open field and inside open-top chambers(OTCs) of ambient [CO_2](≈ 390 μmol L-1) and elevated [CO_2] environment(25% above ambient) during wet and dry seasons in 2011–2013at Kharagpur, India. The nutrient management included recommended doses of N, P, and K as chemical fertilizer(CF), integration of chemical and organic sources, and application of increased(25% higher) doses of CF. The higher [CO_2] level in the OTC increased aboveground biomass but marginally decreased filled grains per panicle and grain yield of rice, compared to the ambient environment. However, crop root biomass was increased significantly under elevated [CO_2]. With respect to nutrient management, increasing the dose of CF increased grain yield significantly in both seasons. At the recommended dose of nutrients, integrated nutrient management was comparable to CF in the wet season, but significantly inferior in the dry season, in its effect on growth and yield of rice. The [CO_2] elevation in OTC led to a marginal increase in organic C and available P content of soil, but a decrease in available N content. It was concluded that increased doses of nutrients via integration of chemical and organic sources in the wet season and chemical sources alone in the dry season will minimize the adverse effect of future climate on rice production in subtropical India.  相似文献   

Potato nutrient management in sustainable cropping systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sustainable nutrient management involves a set of management practices designed to conserve soil resources, to maintain or enhance productivity, and to help reduce growers’ reliance on chemical fertilizers. Sustainable nutrient management systems will most certainly rely heavily on the use of legume rotation crops and/or organic soil amendments. To realize the full benefit to the crop ecosystem, sustainable nutrient management programs will also likely require longer crop rotations with less frequent potato production. There is considerable research evidence indicating that these systems can maintain or increase productivity while having positive impacts on nutrient supply, soil physical properties, and soil conservation. However, their successful adoption and continued use on a large scale will require resolution of uncertainties related to economic risk associated with inconsistent nutrient availability in alternative nutrient management systems, potential environmental risks associated with excessive P applications in animal manures, and the potential for increased potato pest incidence resulting from manure application.  相似文献   

Environmental impacts of potato nutrient management   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Use of soluble chemical fertilizers for crop production, particularly to supply nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, has increased potato yields and quality for several decades. Over the past 10 years, however, there has been an increased concern over the environmental impact of agricultural fertilizers, particularly as nonpoint sources of water pollution. Currently, nitrogen is a target for improved use efficiencies in potato to reduce potential nitrate contamination of groundwater. Phosphorus management is increasingly being examined as a potential non-point source contaminant of surface waters. Potato researchers throughout North America are conducting studies that focus on maintaining or enhancing crop production while reducing the potential of negative environmental impacts. Precision agriculture, cover crops, slow-release fertilizers, and genetic manipulation are key strategies being studied. Concurrently, new challenges are arising, such as concerns over phosphorus leaching and heavy metal contamination in fertilizers. These have the potential to restrict nutrient use in agricultural systems, requiring both potato producers and scientists to seek additional alternatives to improve nutrient-use efficiency.  相似文献   

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