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距非洲猪瘟首次在中国暴发至今已一年多。非洲猪瘟疫情不仅严重影响了我国生猪产业的正常运行,而且也使得生猪养殖主体的信心受到严重打击。但大量实践表明,完善的生物安全体系对猪场防控非洲猪瘟疫情能够起到良好的效果。为降低非洲猪瘟带来的危害和损失,文章立足于规模猪场,从基础设施、人员管理、车辆管理、物资管理、风险动物控制和污物处理等多个方面对规模化猪场非洲猪瘟的防控进行论述,对规模猪场生物安全体系的建立进行探讨。  相似文献   

实施完善的生物安全管理措施能够有效地预防猪场疫病的发生,最大限度地降低猪场爆发重大疫病或外来疫病的风险,这已经是国内外规模化猪场广泛认可的经济有效的猪场疫病防控手段。当前我国非洲猪瘟防控形势不容乐观,疫情频发,个别规模化猪场也未能幸免,这是对我国养猪业和动物疫病防控体系的严峻考验,同时暴露了我国规模化猪场在生物安全管理上的欠缺和漏洞。笔者就规模化猪场生物安全管理的一般性措施及健全针对非洲猪瘟的生物安全防疫管理进行阐述,希望能为规模化猪场防控非洲猪瘟提供有益帮助。  相似文献   

当前非洲猪瘟多发,防控形势日益严峻,给规模化猪场带来了巨大压力。完善的生物安全措施能有效预防疾病的发生,降低猪场发生重大动物疫病的风险。本文通过汲取国内外猪场在生物安全上取得的成功经验,提出了基于非洲猪瘟防控的生物安全措施,为规模化猪场的非洲猪瘟防控提供积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

生猪养殖业在广西畜牧业和农业生产中的地位举足轻重,而玉林市是全区养殖密度最高的地区之一。2018年玉林市生猪出栏615.81万头,超过全区生猪出栏量的1/4。我国自2018年8月3日在辽宁省沈阳市首次发生非洲猪瘟疫情以来,非洲猪瘟对我国养猪业造成灾难性的打击。玉林市于2019年5月27日首次在生猪养殖大县博白发生非洲猪瘟疫情,紧接着于2019年7月5日在陆川县也发生非洲猪瘟疫情。非洲猪瘟疫情发生以来,我市整个生猪养殖链都受到沉重的打击,生猪存栏量也急剧下降,全市各有关部门一直在努力推进非洲猪瘟防控的各项措施,取得阶段性成效。按照国务院和农业农村部等各级部门的要求,当务之急是恢复生猪生产、增加生猪产能,最大限度地降低疫病造成的损失。2020年以来,通过对玉林市现存规模化猪场的调查走访,了解到虽然各养殖场生物安全防控意识得到了很大提高,非洲猪瘟也得到了有效控制,但生猪生产仍恢复不到原先水平。为了查清困扰规模化猪场猪群的主要疫病存在情况,本研究对玉林市规模猪场的环境进行了猪群主要疫病病原的调查和分析,旨在为我市规模猪场疫病防控提供参考。  相似文献   

正近日,记者从中国农业科学院非洲猪瘟防控与生猪复养技术推介会上获悉,针对稳定和恢复生猪生产的迫切需求,中国农科院哈尔滨兽医研究所联合大北农集团,基于对非洲猪瘟的科学认知,以高级别生物安全实验室的生物安全理念为理论基础,结合实践经验共同研究建立全流程复养技术体系并推广应用,形成了"规模化猪场生物安全防控技术体系",制定了《规模化猪场复养技术要点》,指导猪场开展复养工作,该技术已在黑龙江大北农  相似文献   

猪场生物安全系统要点   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
建立生物安全体系是猪场防控疾病的前提,也是最经济有效的疫病防治措施。2018年我国发生非洲猪瘟以来,疫情对我国生猪养殖业带来深刻影响,在未来很长一段时间内该病都将是我国猪场的常态化疾病。非洲猪瘟疫情发生后,我国养猪业创新性地提出了系列生物安全防控技术,建立了能够有效应对疫情常态威胁的生物安全技术体系,两年多来的防控实践证明了这些生物安全防控手段的有效性。文章总结了猪场生物安全体系建设和管理中的关键环节及注意事项,希望可以为猪场非洲猪瘟防控提供参考。  相似文献   

自2018年我国发生非洲猪瘟疫情以来,生猪养殖业遭受了巨大经济损失。安徽省长丰县一家自繁自养生猪养殖场,从控制传染源、切断传播途径和保护易感动物3个方面,通过改建基础设施,控制饮水、生物媒介(蚊蝇虫鼠等)、粪污等,改进生物安全管理,加强对饲料生产与运输、场内外人员和车辆流动、出猪、消毒、病死动物无害化处理等管理,有效防控了非洲猪瘟,平均每月出栏生猪1 000头。长丰县动物疫病预防控制中心结合中国动物疫病预防控制中心印发的《中小养猪场户非洲猪瘟防控技术指南》以及安徽省农业农村厅印发的《安徽省规模化猪场和种猪场非洲猪瘟生物安全防控技术规范(试行)》,对该猪场生物安全措施进行了技术集成和推广。该县2020年12月生猪存栏量较去年同期增长近3倍,取得了一定成效。该规模猪场非洲猪瘟防疫实践为安徽省乃至全国其他地区生猪养殖场户防控非洲猪瘟,恢复生猪生产提供了参考。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟是生猪养殖业的头号杀手。我国发生非洲猪瘟以来,非洲猪瘟受到全社会的普遍关注,各级政府和养殖企业采取了一系列的防控措施,取得了良好的防控效果。本文就规模化养猪场非洲猪瘟生物安全防控措施进行了分析,希望能够对规模化生猪养殖场防控非洲猪瘟提供参考。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟在我国流行已有两年多的时间,尽管很多科研团队都在致力于非洲猪瘟疫苗的研发,但尚未有治疗措施和有效的疫苗来控制该病。因此现阶段“生物安全”是控制非洲猪瘟最为有效,也是唯一的方法。文章总结出目前规模化猪场常见的感染风险有“人员流动、物品流动、车辆流动、水源流动、猪群流动”(即“五流”),并提出严格控制“五流”的生物安全防控措施(即“五流”生物安全防控),以减少外界病原与猪只的接触,稀释病原浓度,降低病原载量,最大程度地降低规模化养猪场感染疾病的风险。为当前规模化猪场建立有效的生物安全措施提供参考。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟发生至今,已对我国养猪业造成了巨大的经济损失。在当前非洲猪瘟疫情严峻的形势下,加快构建猪场生物安全体系刻不容缓。文章主要从提高全员生物安全意识、非洲猪瘟防范措施的升级、日常关键点防范要求及如何确保执行到位这四大方面,探讨了笔者所在企业的新式猪场生物安全防控的主要措施,为我国规模化新式猪场防控非洲猪瘟疫情提供参考。  相似文献   

A 27‐year‐old Thoroughbred gelding was examined for a right nasal mass visible inside the right nares. Airflow through the right nostril was absent. Endoscopy and radiography revealed the mass to occupy the entire right nasal passage. Nasal biopsies were inconclusive, so en bloc resection was performed. A diagnosis of an incompletely resected osteoblastic osteosarcoma was made. Endoscopic biopsies performed 4 weeks post surgery revealed osteosarcoma cells present in the caudal right nasal cavity. Metastatic disease was not present in mandibular lymph node aspirates or on thoracic radiographs. The right nasal passage was irradiated with 12 treatments over the course of 4 weeks. Comfort and quality of life were excellent during treatment and no adverse side effects were noted. Endoscopy and follow‐up biopsies at 1, 2, 4, 12 and 14 months post radiation therapy have not found any evidence of regrowth of the osteosarcoma.  相似文献   

An 18-year-old African elephant was determined to have a nonrepairable crack in its left tusk. Treatment included extraction of the tusk, using rotational and extractional forces, and administration of antibiotics, followed by 1 year of flushing the opened tusk cavity with warm tap water. Two years after surgery, the elephant was healthy, and the tusk cavity was 80% filled with normal tissue.  相似文献   

An open radial fracture in an adult horse (450 kg) was repaired by internal fixation, using two 18-hole 4.5-mm broad dynamic compression plates and 5.5- and 4.5-mm bone screws. The fracture healed completely, but when evaluated 9 months after surgery, the horse was lame on the fractured limb at a trot. Local infiltration of anesthesia along the distal half of the bone plates greatly ameliorated the lameness, suggesting that the plates were irritating the soft tissues and extensor tendons along the cranial and lateral aspects of the antebrachium. Both bone plates were removed simultaneously with no complications, and the horse became sound.  相似文献   

This case report describes the use synthetic bone graft particulate and 24% EDTA gel to treat an infrabony defect adjacent to the mandibular right first molar tooth in an American Eskimo dog. Postoperative examination 33-months following surgery showed osseous integration at the infrabony defect and restoration of the periodontal ligament space with a small refractory periodontal pocket.  相似文献   

Ectopic teeth occur because of failure of the first branchial cleft to close during development and are found mostly in young horses. Such dentigerous cysts are often located at the base of the ear, forming a notable swelling with a fistula, as it was the case with the two year old Iceland mare ?Runa?. In order to confirm the diagnosis, x-ray images were taken, which is also necessary to locate the ectopic tooth correctly. While operating, the whole cystic membrane should be removed and it is important to prevent adjacent nerves and blood vessels from damage. Prognosis for complete healing after removing an ectopic tooth is excellent.  相似文献   

Hyaluronidase was put into immobilizing syringes for 58 of 104 moose captured with a fentanyl/xylazine mixture. Induction times were measured for both groups and were related to injection site as well as drug mixture. Hyaluronidase-treated moose had significantly shorter induction times than others. Injection site also had a significant effect on induction times.  相似文献   

Objective: To report surgical planning, technique, and outcome of stabilization surgery in an adult dog with occipitoatlantoaxial malformation (OAAM). Study Design: Clinical report. Animal: A 19‐month‐old, 25.5 kg, male castrated, Shiba Inu. Methods: Radiographic and magnetic resonance imaging were used to identify and characterize OAAM. Using a ventral approach to the cranial cervical region 2 cortical bone screws were inserted from the axis into the malformed atlas and occiput. Results: Ambulation was conserved postoperatively. Within 4 weeks, neurologic examination was mostly normal except for decreased proprioception in the right pelvic limb. At 9 months, the dog retained an extended neck posture, but had no neurologic abnormalities. Conclusion: OAAM should be considered as a differential diagnosis in an adult dog with cervical myelopathy. Surgical fixation with cortical bone screws using a ventral approach can be successful.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old intact female Huacaya alpaca (Lama pacos) was presented for recent development of male behavior. Serum testosterone concentration was determined to be 969.1 pg/ml by using radioimmunoassay, while the range in 33 healthy female adult intact alpacas was 11.7-62.1 pg/ml. An ovarian mass was suspected, and an exploratory laparotomy was performed. A tan mass was present on the left ovary. Histologically, the mass was composed of closely packed, plump, polygonal cells with central round nuclei with granular chromatin and abundant eosinophilic finely granular to vesiculate cytoplasm. An ovarian benign interstitial (Leydig) cell tumor was diagnosed.  相似文献   

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