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为消除赛马临时性国际移动障碍,保障进(出)口国动物卫生状态和赛马健康状态,OIE、FEI和IFHA共同制定了高健康高性能马(HHP)概念。基于《OIE陆生动物卫生法典》生物安全等措施实施HHP风险降低策略,运维一个功能分区,将HHP马和其他马属动物隔离开来,以防止发生疫病国际性传播。在HHP标准条件下,OIE对25种重要马病传播风险进行了定性评估:17种疫病发生传播风险极低,但非洲马瘟、马流感、马传染性贫血、马梨形虫病、马鼻疽和委内瑞拉马脑炎等6种疫病仍有不同程度的传播风险,需要实施特定卫生要求,如实验室检测、治疗、免疫接种等。HHP概念为赛马临时国际移动提供了普遍适用的可行性方案,给发展中国家参与国际赛马运动提供了机遇。我国应加强马属动物疫病监测和疫情报告管理,持续推进马病无疫区(EDFZ)建设和我国HHP马匹认可工作。  相似文献   

为便利赛马跨境移动同时保障良好的动物卫生保护水平,促进更多国家特别是发展中国家举办高水平国际马术赛事及出境参赛,世界动物卫生组织(OIE)提出了"高健康高性能马"(HHP)和"马无疫区"(EDFZ)两项创新概念。本文对于HHP认证和EDFZ建设的理念与指南规范进行阐述解析,同时介绍了国内外实施应用OIE新概念现状,并就我国建立EDFZ与开展HHP认证以及进一步完善赛马临时性进出境检疫监管措施等方面进行了探讨,为促进我国马术运动及现代马产业发展提供参考。  相似文献   

利用语音信号和噪声分帧信号在频域上的小波框架分解后能量分布特征的明显差异性,本文提供了一种高性能的静音检测算法,算法引入了一种分段阈值和判决平滑机制,获得了较好的静音检测效果。仿真结果表明,在噪声功率时变和低信噪比的情况下,检测算法仍具备高准确率,性能明显优于一些传统算法。  相似文献   

为"同一个世界,同一个健康"而奋斗,实现动物-人类-生态共同健康繁荣。这是2007年12月在印度新德里召开的禽流感及流感大流行部长级国际会议提出的口号。当今人类仍然面临着很多挑战,需要全球性解决方案。挑战之一是新  相似文献   

本文通过在理论与实践上的探索,提出了动物防疫和动物防疫监督规范体系的总体框架与结构,即由两个层次组成;第一层次是有关法律法规;第二次是有关规章和准则,包括五个组成部分。对其涵 盖的内容进行了论述,供同行研讨 。  相似文献   

马是人类社会发展的重要组成部分,人类种草养马历史悠久,但人们对马用饲草的认识和研究还不足,致使现代马业和草业科学发展存在严重脱节现象,影响了两者的可持续发展。因此,结合现代马业发展趋势及其对饲草的利用特点,综述了草地放牧、青干草、青贮及半干青贮饲草等在现代马业发展中的研究与实践现状,并提出了现代马业发展中草业科学存在的问题及建议,以期为保障现代马业的可持续发展提供理论指导,为拓展我国现代草业科学与技术发展空间提供参考。  相似文献   

利用微卫星标记对蒙古马和纯血马遗传多样性的研究   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
通过13个微卫星座位对蒙古马和纯血马两大品种的60匹马进行了遗传检测。用8%非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分离PCR扩增产物,并用银染法显色。通过软件计算了各微卫星座位的等位基因频率、有效等位基因数(Ne)、多态信息含量(PIC)和杂合度(H)。结果13个座位中UCDEQ440变异最大,TKY16变异最小;纯血马的Ne、PIC和H的平均值均稍高于蒙古马;总群体的平均遗传分化系数是0.0429。这些研究将为今后我国培育优良品种马提供思路。  相似文献   

The unwanted horse is one of the most significant welfare issues facing the U.S. horse industry. This paper discussed the causes of the problem, the types of horses affected, options, pending legislation and efforts by the industry to solve it.  相似文献   

马科学研究动态和马业发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
马业是历史悠久的产业.分布于世界各地,世界马业的发展方向是现代马业,以赛马为代表。综述了马的遗传改良、营养研究、繁殖技术、疾病控制等方面的研究动态.对马业的发展趋势,以及马匹的调教、管理等方面作了综合的阐述。  相似文献   

Infectious diseases are an important cause of morbidity and mortality in horses, along with economic costs and broader impacts associated with the loss of members of a species that generates income, acts as a working animal and is a companion. Endemic diseases continue to challenge, emerging diseases are an ever‐present threat and outbreaks can be both destructive and disruptive. While infectious diseases can never be completely prevented, measures can be introduced to restrict the entry of pathogens into a population or limit the implications of the presence of a pathogen. Objective research regarding infection control and biosecurity in horses is limited, yet a variety of practical infection prevention and control measures can be used. Unfortunately, infection control can be challenging, because of the nature of the equine industry (e.g. frequent horse movement) and endemic pathogens, but also because of lack of understanding or motivation to try to improve practices. Recognition of the basic concepts of infection control and biosecurity, and indeed the need for measures to control infectious diseases, is the foundation for successful infection prevention and control.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to clarify the current status of endangered Kiso horse, population statistics and biological traits, in order to take a step for the conservation by scientific approach. We surveyed 125 Kiso horses (86.2% of the whole breed), analyzed the construction of the population, and calculated the coefficient of inbreeding and effective population size. Moreover, we confirmed coat color variations and the traditional traits of the Kiso horse, and measured their height at the withers and chest circumference to clarify their physical characteristics. The population pyramid of the horses was stationary or contractive, suggesting a reduction of the population in the near future. The effective population size of the horse (47.9) suggested that the diversity was much less than their census size, and the high coefficient of inbreeding, 0.11 ± 0.07 on average, suggested that the horses were surely inbred. The horses had only 4 coat colors; bay, dark bay, buckskin dun, and chestnut, and 116 horses (92.8%) were bayish color, suggesting the fixation in their coat color. Moreover, the majority of them had dorsal stripe (83 horses; 66.4%), and the average heights at withers(131.9 ± 4.4 cm) and chest circumference (167.1 ± 10.1 cm) were not significantly different between males and females.  相似文献   

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