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家畜分子育种研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述了家畜(猪)的主效数量性状基因座育种和转基因育种的研究进展。主要包括构建基因图谱,并据此定位主效数量性状基因座或与之连锁的DNA标记;通过转基因技术来改良家畜重要经济性状或生产生化制剂或进行器官移植的研究。  相似文献   

从当前的发展情况来看.牛分子育种的研究主要以分子标记为基础进行标记辅助选择(即主效数量性状基因座育种).然后以转基因技术为基础进行转基因育种.本文就分子育种的理论基础——功能基因组学的研究、国内外现代牛分子育种的研究现状及其发展趋势作以综述。  相似文献   

分子生物学的发展,使人们能够从分子水平上探讨肉牛的育种.本文综述了肉牛遗传资源的保护和利用、基因组学和转基因技术的研究现状和进展,着重阐述了肉牛基因图谱的构建和数量性状基因座的检测与利用,同时指出肉牛分子育种的前景和存在问题.  相似文献   

DNA标记与动物分子育种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简要介绍了DNA分子标记的种类,特点和产生的理论机制。阐述了基于DNA标记找且分子育种的应用策略,对各应用领域的进展进行了生产力回顾,同时指出了分子育种中尚存在的总理2。  相似文献   

奶牛育种基因标记技术及在黑龙江省应用的前景展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
动物分子育种是依据分子遗传学和分子数量遗传学原理,利用DNA重组技术来改良畜禽品种的新兴学科.本文从奶牛分子育种的角度,着重阐述了奶牛基因标记技术育种的研究进展,以及通过DNA分子标记技术来改良奶牛重要生产性状或筛选、培育优秀种公牛和种子母牛等.同时指出了奶牛分子育种是将来奶牛品种改良的主要工具.  相似文献   

简要介绍了影响猪主要经济性状的主效基因和QTL,阐述了标记辅助选择和基因打靶技术的基本方法,探讨了分子育种技术在猪品种繁育中的应用。  相似文献   

禽病,一直是养禽业的难题。提高家禽的抗病性与健康水平已成为世界养禽业普遍关注的问题。随着分子生物学技术的发展,采用遗传学方法从遗传本质上提高家禽的抗病能力,增强免疫功能的抗病育种则愈发显得重要。本文就抗病育种的遗传基础、抗病育种的方法及在家禽生产中的成功运用做了简单介绍,最后对抗病育种的发展前景做了展望。  相似文献   

家禽的抗病育种研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
刘博  黄炎坤  杜垒 《畜牧与兽医》2005,37(10):47-49
禽病一直是养禽业的难题,提高家禽的抗病性与健康水平已成为世界养禽业普遍关注的问题。随着分子生物学技术的发展,采用遗传学方法从遗传本质上提高家禽的抗病能力,增强免疫功能的抗病育种则愈发显得重要。本文就抗病育种的遗传基础、抗病育种的方法及其在家禽生产中的成功运用作了简单介绍,最后对抗病育种的发展前景作了展望。  相似文献   

随着分子遗传学、计算机科学、信息科学和现代生物技术的迅速发展,由分子遗传学与数量遗传学结合产生的新兴交叉学科--分子数量遗传学也得到了一定的发展,并为动物分子育种奠定了理论基础.与传统的动物育种方法相比,动物分子育种是直接在DNA水平上对性状的基因型或基因进行选择,因而其选种的准确性大大提高.同时,转基因技术的成功应用不仅可提高畜牧业的生产效率,还可拓展家畜的新用途.本文综合论述了分子育种及其在牦牛育种中的应用情况.  相似文献   

分子育种及其在牦牛育种中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着分子遗传学、计算机科学、信息科学和现代生物技术的迅速发展,由分子遗传学与数量遗传学结合产生的新兴交叉学科——分子数量遗传学也得到了一定的发展,并为动物分子育种奠定了理论基础。与传统的动物育种方法相比,动物分子育种是直接在DNA水平上对性状的基因型或基因进行选择,因而其选种的准确性大大提高。同时,转基因技术的成功应用不仅可提高畜牧业的生产效率,还可拓展家畜的新用途。本文综合论述了分子育种及其在牦牛育种中的应用情况。  相似文献   

Effects of early postpartum breeding in dairy cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

近几年,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,奶产品需求量逐年增加,我县城郊出现了以发展饲料转化率占第一位的奶牛养殖热.饲养奶牛的过程中,多数农户饲养管理粗放,在产乳技术的诸多环节上存在很多不合理性,影响了奶牛产奶性能的发挥,造成奶牛产乳量减少,效益不高.根据笔者在实际工作中的体会,简单谈一下实现奶牛高产高效的技术要点,供奶牛户参考.  相似文献   

本文围绕引起奶牛繁殖障碍的3个主要因素(饲养管理不当、生殖器管疾病和繁殖技术失误),从奶牛繁殖障碍的发病原因、临床症状、诊断方法、治疗原则以及预防对策上进行了概述。  相似文献   

Repeat breeding (RB), defined as cows failure to conceive from 3 or more regularly spaced services in the absence of detectable abnormalities, is a costly problem for the dairy producer. To elucidate the occurrence of RB in Swedish dairy herds and to identify risk factors of the syndrome totally 57,616 dairy cows in 1,541 herds were investigated based on data from the official Swedish production-, AI- and disease-recording schemes. The characteristics of the RB syndrome were studied on both herd and individual cow level. The effects of risk factors on the herd frequency of RB were studied by logistic regression. A generalised linear mixed model with logit link, and accounting for herd-level variation by including a random effect of herd, was used to study the individual animal risk for RB. The total percentage of RB animals was 10.1% and the median proportion of RB animals in the herds studied was 7.5%. The proportion of RB cows in herds increased with decreased herd sizes with decreased average days from calving to first AI, with increased herd incidence of clinical mastitis, with decreased reproductive disorders, and increased other diseases treated by a veterinarian. On animal level, the risk factors were milk yield, lactation number, difficult calving or dystocia, season at first service, days in milk at first service and veterinary treatment for reproductive disorders before the first service. Cows being an RB animal in the previous lactation had a higher risk of becoming an RB animal also in the present lactation. In conclusion our results show that the repeat breeding syndrome is a multifactorial problem involving a number of extrinsic factors as well as intrinsic factors coupled to the individual animal.  相似文献   

经济社会的发展使人们对牛肉的经济性和肉品质要求提高,培育生长性能和生产性能更加良好的肉牛品种的重要性日益凸显。随着分子生物学技术的进步,动物育种逐渐从表型性状研究向基因调控发展,通过分子标记辅助育种能够更加快速准确的选择目标性状,分子育种技术提高了品种培育效率并降低了成本,且繁育的后代优良性状更加稳定,其应用范围也越来越广泛。目前新疆肉牛分子育种的应用较少,多停留在理论研究阶段,且存在着经费不足和育种场规模小、难以获得足够的样本等问题。本文综合阐述了分子育种的概述、肉牛分子育种研究进展和新疆肉牛分子育种现状,旨在为新疆肉牛分子育种工作提供一定的思路和理论依据。  相似文献   

Cost-benefit analysis using net present value (NPV) as the economic evaluation criterion was used to investigate the economic merits of four breeding strategies used for genetic improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. The breeding strategies were evaluated over a 25-year period. The costs involved in setting up and running each strategy were obtained from large-scale dairy cattle farms, and government and private institutions involved in genetic improvement of dairy cattle. Only benefits from genetic improvement were considered. The impact on NPV due to changes in genetic and economic parameters was investigated. The ranking of the breeding strategies greatly differed with genetic ranking. Among the local selection programs, a strategy utilizing young bulls, sons of local bulls, was more profitable than one utilizing old progeny tested bulls. Continuous semen importation was not an economically viable alternative. The strategy utilizing young bulls progeny of imported bulls (PIB) was only viable if imports were from countries which are >2.00 SD in genetic merit above the local dairy cattle population. The ranking of strategies was not sensitive to changes in genetic parameters but to economic parameters. The use of local semen from young bulls progeny of local proven bulls is recommended. Alternatively, PIB can be utilized but the semen will have to be imported from countries which are >2.00 SD above the local dairy cattle population or the cost of imported semen should be?≤?US$40 per straw.  相似文献   

Cost-benefit analysis using net present value (NPV) as the economic evaluation criterion was used to investigate the economic merits of four breeding strategies used for genetic improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. The breeding strategies were evaluated over a 25-year period. The costs involved in setting up and running each strategy were obtained from large-scale dairy cattle farms, and government and private institutions involved in genetic improvement of dairy cattle. Only benefits from genetic improvement were considered. The impact on NPV due to changes in genetic and economic parameters was investigated. The ranking of the breeding strategies greatly differed with genetic ranking. Among the local selection programs, a strategy utilizing young bulls, sons of local bulls, was more profitable than one utilizing old progeny tested bulls. Continuous semen importation was not an economically viable alternative. The strategy utilizing young bulls progeny of imported bulls (PIB) was only viable if imports were from countries which are >2.00 SD in genetic merit above the local dairy cattle population. The ranking of strategies was not sensitive to changes in genetic parameters but to economic parameters. The use of local semen from young bulls progeny of local proven bulls is recommended. Alternatively, PIB can be utilized but the semen will have to be imported from countries which are >2.00 SD above the local dairy cattle population or the cost of imported semen should be ≤ US$40 per straw.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: A stochastic simulation model of an open nucleus scheme was used to study the consequences of the breeding strategy and biased lactation records for population cows. Selection was for a single sex-limited trait with a heritability of 0.25 and based on animal model breeding value estimates. Selection of dams was across age classes while sires were required to have a progeny test before they could be selected as proven bull or bull sire. Dams to breed nucleus replacements and young bulls could be selected from the nucleus and the top population which contained 240 and 1600 replacement heifers annually. The first 15 years of the simulated period was used to reach a population with an equilibrium genetic progress for a progeny testing scheme. Comparisons were based on the 25 year period after an alternative breeding scheme was adopted. The annual genetic gain was calculated from the last 10 years of that period. The annual genetic gain in an open nucleus breeding scheme was .247 σ(a) . The annual genetic gain increased 5.4% when MOET was also used on cows selected to breed replacements for the top population. When, in addition the number of sires used on top population cows was reduced from 8 to 4, that being the number used in the nucleus, the annual genetic gain increased by another 2.8%. The reduction in annual genetic gain due to biased lactation records of top population cows ranged from 4.6 to 15.4%. The average bias in estimated breeding values of the top population dams selected to breed nucleus replacements ranged from 0.53 to 2,52 σ(a) . The regression coefficient of the EBV of the bull after progeny testing on the EBV of the dam at the time of selection was 0.55 without biased lactations and ranged from 0.10 to 0.27 with biased lactations. The reduction in genetic gain was especially related to the regression coefficient and to a lesser extent to the average bias. In practice, the expected reduction in annual genetic gain from biased lactation records of population cows is expected to be between 5 and 10 %. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Stochastische Simulation von Milchvieh-Nukleussystemen: Einflu? der Zuchtstrategie und verzerrter Zuchtwerte in der Population Eine stochastische Simulation eines offenen Nukleussystems wurde zur Untersuchung der Konsequenzen der Zuchtstrategie und verzerrter Laktationsabschlüsse für Populationskühe untersucht. Selektion bezog sich auf ein einzelnes weibliches Merkmal mit Heritabilit?t von 1/4 und gründete auf Tiermodell Zuchtwertsch?tzungen, Selektion von Muttertieren über Altersklassen, w?hrend Stiere vor der Selektion einen Nachkommenschaftstest haben mu?ten. Muttertiere für Nukleus- und Jungstiere kommen vom Nukleus und Spitzen der Population, die 240 und 1600 nachgestellte Kalbinnen umfa?ten. Die ersten 15 Jahre der simulierten Periode wurden zum Erreichen einer Population mit Gleichgewichtsfortschritt für ein Nachkommenschaftsprüfsystem verwendet. Vergleiche beruhten auf einer 25-Jahre-Periode nach Einrichtung des alternativen Zuchtsystems, und der j?hrliche Zuchtfortschritt wurde für die letzten 10 Jahre berechnet. Der j?hrliche Zuchtfortschritt im offenen Nukleussystem war 0,247 σ(a) und nahm um 5,4% zu, wenn MOETauch für Kühe zum Ersatz der Spitzenpopulation verwendet wurde. Wenn darüber hinaus die Zahl der Vatertiere in der Spitzenpopulation von 8 auf 4 reduziert wurde, die Zahl der im Nukleus verwendeten, konnte der j?hrliche genetische Fortschritt um weitere 2, 8% gesteigert werden. Die Verminderung des Zuchtfortschrittes auf Grund von verzerrten Laktationsabschlüssen der Spitzenkühe der Population variierte von 4,6 bis 15,4%. Die durchschnittliche Verzerrung der gesch?tzten Zuchtwerte der Populationsspitzenkühe für die Nukleusremonte bewegte sich von 0,53 bis 2,52 σ(a) . Der Regressionskoeffizient von EBV der Stiere auf Grund von Nachkommenschaftsprüfung auf EBV der Muttertiere beim Zeitpunkt der Selektion war 0,55 ohne verzerrte Laktationen und schwankte zwischen 0,10 und 0,27 bei verzerrten Laktationen. Die Verminderung des genetischen Fortschritts hing deutlich mit dem Regressionskoeffizient zusammen und weniger mit der durchschnittlichen Verzerrung. In der Praxis ist zu erwarten, da? die Reduktion des Zuchtfortschrittes durch verzerrte Laktationsabschlüsse der Population zwischen 5 und 10% liegt.  相似文献   

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