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The transformation of traditional agriculture to agricultural systems which foster growth and development requires the availability of improved crop production and crop protection inputs, as well as the skills to safely and effectively utilize these inputs. The typical progression of agricultural development involves an initial focus on increasing crop yields, with pest management as a secondary consideration and the safety and health aspects of agricultural practices as tertiary considerations. This common hierarchy can lead to inefficiencies because of the close interrelatedness of crop production and crop protection in determining the profitability and stability of new agricultural systems. This article outlines the advantages of simultaneous rather than sequential address of crop production, protection, and safety in agricultural development.  相似文献   

From 1981 to 1984, 27 experiments were carried out to evaluate and develop the EPIPRE system for supervised pest and disease management in wheat. The results of these experiments led to an adjustment of the EPIPRE recommendation for control ofSeptoria spp. After this adjustment only minor differences remained between EPIPRE and the general recommendation in the number and type of sprays and in net yields. The EPIPRE advice models for stripe rust, leaf rust, mildew and cereal aphids were reliable. More research is needed onSeptoria spp. and the modelling of pesticide action and efficiency. Reduction in pesticide application as a result of using EPIPRE was less than was expected at the start of the EPIPRE project. A reason for this is that pesticide use in wheat in the Netherlands is low in comparison with surrounding countries. Application of sprays above the level of EPIPRE recommendation were often found to be economically worthwhile, but their economic advantage, compared to the adapted EPIPRE recommendation or to the general recommendation, was small and did not justify intensive, high-input crop protection strategies. EPIPRE had positive educational effects, but probably few short-term economic benefits for the farmer. This limits the participation in the advice system. In the future the EPIPRE information on disease and pest management will be incorporated into a computerized management system for wheat growing, that comprises all crop husbandry measures from sowing to harvest.Samenvatting Van 1981 tot 1984 werden 27 proeven uitgevoerd om het EPIPRE-systeem voor geleide bestrijding van ziekten en plagen in tarwe te evalueren en verder te ontwikkelen. De resultaten van deze experimenten gaven aanleiding tot een forse aanpassing van het EPIPRE-advies voorSeptoria spp. Na deze aanpassing verschilden het EPIPRE advies en het Algemene advies, zoals gegeven door de Voorlichtingsdientst, nog slechts weinig wat betreft het aantal en het type van de bespuitingen en de netto opbrengst. De EPIPRE-adviesmodellen voor gele roest, bruine roest, meeldauw en bladluizen bleken te voldoen. VoorSeptoria spp. en het modelleren van de werking en efficiëntie van bestrijdingsmiddelen is meer onderzoek nodig. De reductie in het gebruik van bestrijdingsmiddelen door gebruik van EPIPRE bleek minder te zijn dan aanvankelijk werd verwacht. Een van de redenen hiervoor is dat het gebruik van bestrijdingsmiddelen in de tarweteelt in Nederland laag is in vergelijking met omringende landen. Vaker spuiten dan EPIPRE adviseerde bleek vaak economisch verantwoord, maar het voordeel t.o.v. EPIPRE of het Algemene advies was klein en geeft geen reden om over te gaan tot intensieve bestrijdingsregimes. Deelnemers aan EPIPRE waarderen de educatieve aspecten van het systeem, maar hebben waarschijnlijk op korte termijn slechts weinig economische voordelen van deelname. Dit bemoeilijkt de uitbreiding van het aantal deelnemers. In de komende jaren zal de EPIPRE-advisering ingebouwd worden in een compleet geautomatiseerd teeltbegeleidingssysteem, dat alle belangrijke teelthandeling van zaaien tot oogsten zal bevatten.  相似文献   

农业有害生物检疫是通过法律、行政和技术的手段,防止危险性植物病、虫、杂草和其他有害生物的人为传播,保障农业生产的安全,促进贸易发展的措施,具有预防性、预警性和彻底性,要求法规与技术相结合、国际与国内相结合、预防与铲除并举。本文基于对我国农业有害生物检疫学科的发展规律,国内研究现状及差距的分析,探讨了我国农业有害生物检疫学科的体系建设及促进学科发展的主要策略。  相似文献   

植物病害时空流行动态模拟模型的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 一个描述在二维空间中单一种植或混合种植的植物群体内病害时、空流行动态的计算机随机模拟模型构建完成。模型由寄主、病原2个组分和病斑产孢、孢子传播、孢子着落、孢子侵染、病斑潜育、寄主生长、病害控制等一系列代表病害流行生物学过程的子模型构成。模型采用了面向对象的程序设计方法,用C++语言编写,能以病害流行曲线图、空间分布图、数据列表等方式显示模拟结果。测试结果表明:模型能反映植物病害流行过程的本质规律,既可作为植物病害流行学教学工具,帮助学生理解病害流行的时、空动态规律和不同因子对病害流行的影响,也可以作为研究工具,对流行学的某些理论问题进行模拟研究  相似文献   

Disruption of arthropod development is considered under the action of juvenoids (synthetic analogues of juvenile hormone), ecdysones (a class of compounds interacting with the hormone), diflubenzuron and its analogues and, finally, compounds with an anti-hormone action. The compound's action is classified empirically by the symptoms produced in mosquito larvae.  相似文献   

设施农业发展与蔬菜病虫害无公害防治对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
设施农业是采用比较先进、系统的人工设施,改善农作物生长环境,进行优质高效的一种生产方式。它是1种高投入、高产出、知识与技术密集的集约化型产业。20世纪80年代以来,在一些发达国家,设施农业发展很快,目前已经普遍采用计算机控制的大型工厂化设施,进行恒定条件下的全天候生产,效益大为提高。河北省“八五”期间开始实施设施农业工程,取得了突破性进展。“九五”以来,设施蔬菜更是成为许多地方农业经济、农业发展和农民增收的支柱产业。但不容忽视的是,设施农业的发展也为蔬菜病虫害的发生提供了有利条件。有害生物周年存活,病害的发生和…  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spotted wing drosophila (SWD), Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, was found along the west coast of the United States, beginning in 2008 and 2009, infesting a wide variety of small and stone fruit crops. This pest is a serious economic threat, as noted in its native range (Asia), because it lays eggs within ripening fruit before harvest, leading to crop loss. The aim of this paper is to describe the process in order to create collaboration, communication routes and evaluation methods in response to a new invasive pest. RESULTS: Funding was secured and a program (SWD*IPM) was quickly developed to address social, economic and biological components. Communication routes were outlined, and a stakeholder advisory panel was established to guide program objectives. A central website was created to host up‐to‐date information. An online monitoring and mapping program for D. suzukii in Oregon fruit‐growing regions illustrated the range, distribution and seasonal abundance of the pest. In addition, a program for backyard fruit growers was initiated to examine citizen scientists' roles in managing D. suzukii infestations in the urban setting. A monitoring kit, laminated educational cards, dry fly mounts and quick‐time videos were some of the tools used to educate growers. First‐year challenges for dealing with a new pest are discussed. CONCLUSION: The discovery and subsequent response to an exotic pest is information intensive and requires a well‐planned, coordinated Extension and evaluation effort. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

苹果果实日灼预测预报计算机模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了及时准确地预测预报苹果果实日灼发生的时间,提高预防措施的效果,特研制了本计算机模型.通过对树上活体果实表面温度进行生长季全程连续监测,同步对比相应的气象资料,研究了主要气象因子(包括气温、日照、风速和相对湿度)与果实表面温度的相关性,确定了上述气象要素与果实表面温度变化的多元回归方程.此外,通过比较研究不同品种、果实发育期以及树势对果实日灼敏感性的差异,确定了不同品种果实日灼阈值温度以及这些因子在影响果实日灼中的效应参数.将模型预测值与田间果实温度实测值进行对比,验证该模型预报结果符合率达85.22%.近两年该模型已开始在美国华盛顿州果园试用.通过在本模型的用户界面下拉菜单中选择品种、月份和树势,并在相应位置输入当日11∶00~14∶00平均日照、气温、风速和相对湿度数值,即可得到当日是否发生果实日灼的预测预报结果.  相似文献   

Urbanization and associated landscaping has increased the abundance of year-round habitat for waterfowl, resulting in vegetation damage, loss of recreational activities, air transportation mishaps and health hazards. As part of a research program to develop socially acceptable techniques for management of pest bird populations, we are evaluating nicarbazin as a contraceptive in pest and surrogate avian species. As reproductive studies with Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) are tedious due to the difficulty of conducting controlled field studies and/or breeding geese in captivity, we evaluated the effects of oral nicarbazin administration on the production and hatchability of chicken eggs. Blood plasma and egg DNC concentrations were correlated to contraceptive efficacy. Subsequent studies are being conducted with geese to determine the diet nicarbazin concentration required to produce the desired blood and plasma DNC concentrations. This approach permits the expeditious evaluation of formulations and dosing regimes by simply monitoring blood DNC concentrations in target species.  相似文献   

Empirical equations were used to calculate the moisture content of surface soil from measurements of rainfall and daily maximum and minimum air temperatures. Air temperatures were also used to calculate soil temperatures. There was good agreement between calculated and measured moisture contents and temperatures from Wellesbourne and from some sites in North America. The equations were incorporated into a simulation model for the prediction of herbicide persistence. Results from the model were essentially the same, whether calculated or measured soil moistures and temperatures were used in the calculations.  相似文献   

推进农业有害生物监测预警事业发展的思考   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
改革开放30年来,我国农业有害生物监测预警蓬勃发展.在当前的发展中,既面临挑战,也充满了机遇.在总结分析发展中存在问题的基础上.提出了健全体系、建设队伍、强化保障、完善手段、研发技术、规范管理和注重宣传的发展对策.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the problem of interrelationship between macroclimate of the region, mesoclimate of the biotope studied and microclimate of the tick niches proper, necessary for the research of tick ecology. New methods for the solution of microclimatological studies are proposed and the relationship between macro-and mesoclimate, or that between temperature in the tick cage and environment, is formulated. In choosing optimal intervals of data acquisition a two-hour interval (every even hour of the day) has proved to be the most suitable.  相似文献   

A quantitative pathway model, QPAFood, has been designed to support risk assessment for plant pest entry into European Union (EU) territory on a range of edible plant commodities via trade flows. The model calculates the distribution of an imported infested/infected commodity along a pathway into and within the EU from source countries, based on Eurostat data and other data/information. The model determines the implications of global trade pathways for the potential arrival of the infested commodity in the EU28 Member States. Within each Member State, the calculation proceeds by distributing the commodity according to uses, notably retail or processing, to the vulnerable area of commercial host crops determined in each NUTS2 region and then quantifies the consequent potential for pest–host contact which could lead to pest transfer. Annual and monthly estimates of contact risk are tabulated and visualized for Member States and NUTS2 regions. The model was developed originally for the European Food Safety Authority using four case studies of specific pest–commodity combinations. These pests had relatively limited host ranges and the model has now been extended in the context of the EC FP7 DROPSA project for the multiple commodity pathways associated with the highly polyphagous fruit pest Drosophila suzukii.  相似文献   

在病虫害综合防治中,提倡优先使用生物防治、物理防治和栽培防治等技术.但是在许多情况下,使用化学农药防治病虫是必须的.问题是一般农民很难掌握合理使用化学农药的时机和条件,不可避免地过多地使用化学农药.  相似文献   

A model was developed to accompany the EPPO decision support scheme for express pest risk analysis (PRA) and provide a calculated overall risk and uncertainty for the PRA and so act as a reference for the judgement of overall risk and uncertainty provided by expert working groups. Implemented in Excel, it is readily accessible to PRA practitioners and offers: (a) a consistent and explained weighting of the different risk factors and a rationale for the way they are combined, (b) a calculated integration of the risk factor distributions to facilitate judgement of overall uncertainty, and (c) an account of the interaction between the rating and the uncertainty score so that, for example, an overall rating of moderate is not necessarily used to reflect uncertainty about assessments in which the risk is neither obviously high nor low. Of the nine published express PRAs examined, the rating and uncertainty predicted by the model were: in agreement with five; differed in both rating and uncertainty in one case; differed in rating only in one case; and differed in uncertainty only in two cases. Possible reasons for these differences were examined and the interpretation of model results to inform assessments is discussed.  相似文献   

A dynamic model simulating infection of apple leaves by Venturia inaequalis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new dynamic model of the infection of apple leaves by Venturia inaequalis is described. The model begins with the release of spores by rain and incorporates the effect of light on the discharge of ascospores from pseudothecia. The model then simulates infection through the sub-processes of germination, appressorium formation and penetration, separately for ascospores and conidia landed concurrently on wet leaves. The rate of the infection process is determined using different equations for ascospores and conidia. Spore mortality when leaves dry is determined by the stage of infection and RH in the dry period. The infection process is driven by surface wetness, temperature and RH. The progress of each infection period is measured as infection efficiency (IE), namely the percentage of landed spores which have penetrated and thereby infected leaves. The final IE quantifies the favourability of weather in each infection period. In orchard tests in each of three years, the new model detected crucial infection periods in spring and early summer which accounted for outbreaks of leaf scab. These periods were not detected by a static model based on Mills'criteria. The models performed similarly in detecting infection periods later in summer.  相似文献   

Bioassays of Lacanobia subjuncta (Grote and Robinson) larvae established baseline LC50 values and identified the potential of reduced-risk, organophosphate replacement and naturally derived insecticides (eg chloronicotinyls, spinosyns, oxadiazines, insect growth regulators, microbial insecticides and particle films) to control this pest. The toxicities of these products were compared with those of organophosphate, carbamate, chlorinated cyclodiene and synthetic pyrethroid insecticides used in the management of lepidopteran pests in Washington apple orchards. Field trials were conducted comparing candidate insecticides to conventional alternatives. Several new insecticides (eg spinosad, methoxyfenozide, indoxacarb and an aluminosilicate particle film) proved to be effective for the management of L subjuncta. We summarize the goals and challenges of developing an integrated pest management program for new and resurgent pests as insecticide tools continue to change, and propose a hypothesis for the sudden increase in pest status of L subjuncta based on organophosphate tolerances. The role of novel insecticides with unique modes of action in resistance management and the encouragement of biological control are also discussed.  相似文献   

外来生物风险分析指标体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文依据有害生物风险分析国际标准,利用层次分析法,提出了基于传播途径的外来有害生物的风险分析的分级标准和评价方法。  相似文献   

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