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Summary Seventy-two plants regenerated from leaf-derived calli of a single plant of Lotus corniculatus have been evaluated for several morphological and agronomical traits. The analysis of selfed and polycross progenies of the regenerants indicates that the variation among regenerants was, at least in part, of genetic origin. Most of the mutations induced by tissue culture were recessive and were detected only after sexual propagation. Although in vitro culture had a depressive effect for most of the traits, the selfed progenies of 2 regenerants displayed higher values for leaflet width and seed yield than the selfed progeny of the initial plant. However the somaclonal variation did not increase the variation for any trait with respect to the variation of the donor cultivar of the initial plant.  相似文献   

Summary Plants of Lotus corniculatus regenerated from single genotype-derived calli showed for several agronomic and morphological traits a variation similar to that present in the original population. Comparisons of the results obtained under field conditions during the 2nd and 3rd year from plant regeneration show: a) the maintenance of significant variance within callus-derived population for several traits examined; b) the total disappearance of minus variants indicating a time-related decrease of depressive in vitro effects.Research work supported by C.N.R., Italy-Special grant I.P.R.A.-Subproject 1. Paper n. 553.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic relationships of condensed tannins (CT) with other forage quality parameters have not been adequately studied in birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.). The objectives were to bidirectionally select for CT concentration in birdsfoot trefoil to determine selection response and to create populations for examination of genetic relationships of CT with forage quality parameters, principally lignin. High-and low-tannin parental clones were selected from NC-83 birdsfoot trefoil germplasm and intercrossed to produce Syn1 populations. Herbage samples, harvested for two years at two locations, were analyzed from high-tannin, low-tannin, and parental populations for CT concentration, herbage yield, and forage quality parameters. The mean condensed tannin concentrations in the high-and low-tannin populations were 69.3±0.8 and 21.1±0.8 g catechin equivalent (CE) kg-1 dry matter (DM) compared with 36.4±0.8 g CE kg-1 DM in the parental population. The selection response exhibited a quadratic relationship, with selection for increased CT concentration more effective than for reduced CT concentration. Compared with the parental population, acid detergent lignin (ADL) was higher, and crude protein (CP) and in vitro digestible dry matter (IVDDM) concentrations were lower for the high-tannin population and the converse was true for the low-tannin population. Lignin concentration was positively correlated with CT concentration (rg=0.66 P0.01).Abbreviations ADF acid detergent fiber - ADL acid detergent lignin - CP crude protein - CT condensed tannins - IVDDM in vitro digestible dry matter - NDF neutral detergent fiber - NIRS near infrared reflectance spectroscopy  相似文献   

Summary Five lines of field beans (Vicia faba L.) bred and selected for a high level of self-fertility have demonstrated heritable differences in distribution of seed yield on the reproductive nodes when grown under conditions of selfpollination. Fully self-fertile genotypes produce a large proportion of the seed yield on the lower nodes. The breeding and selection for both self-fertility and the distribution of seed yield is discussed.  相似文献   

Information on the genetic variability of seed yield and yield components is limited and no information is available on correlations among seed yield and yield components and direct and indirect effects of the yield components on seed yield in switchgrass, Panicum virgatum L. Accordingly, we conducted replicated experiments at Chickasha and Perkins, OK, in 1998 involving 11 lowland type switchgrass populations to assess genetic variation for seed yield and yield components, quantify interrelationships among them, and determine direct and indirect effects of yield components on seed yield through path coefficient analysis to identify traits for indirect selection of seed yield. Significant (P ≤ 0.01) variation existed among the 11 populations over locations for percent seed set and 100-seed weight. Seed yield/plant and the seed yield components panicle number/plant, spikelet number/panicle, and seed number/panicle had significant (P ≤ 0.05) population × location interactions, indicating substantial environmental influence on these traits for these populations. Accordingly, data for these traits were analyzed separately for each location revealing significant (P ≤ 0.01) differences among populations at both locations for each of these traits. Phenotypic correlation between seed yield/plant and seed number/panicle was positive (r = 0.76** at Chickasha and r = 0.72** at Perkins). Path coefficient analyses revealed that seed number/panicle had the highest positive direct effect on seed yield at both locations. Ample genetic variability was present among the switchgrass populations studied to allow breeding improvement of seed yield. Selection for increased seed number/panicle would be the most effective means of indirectly selecting for higher seed yield within this germplasm. Correlation and path coefficient analyses among biomass yield, seed yield, and harvest index indicated that, at least within the switchgrass germplasm studied, it would be possible to breed switchgrass cultivars with enhanced biomass yielding ability and sufficient seed production capability for their commercial propagation.  相似文献   

Summary X irradiation of dry seeds of Corchorus capsularis L. cv. JRC 212 induced variations in plant height as evidenced by the high values of genotypic variance and heritability estimate in M3 generation. Selection on the basis of line mean of plant height in M3 generation was effective in increasing plant height as well as fibre yield in M3 generation. A higher response for plant height rather than for fibre yield itself was observed in lower irradiation dose while responses for these two traits were almost similar in higher dose. An average of 12% increase in fibre yield was achieved in M6 generation when all top five lines were selected. The top two lines, had 17% and 16% higher fibre yield than that of control.  相似文献   

Breeding efforts to improve grain yield, seed protein concentration and early maturity in pea (Pisum sativum L.) have proven to be difficult. The use of molecular markers will improve our understanding of the genetic factors conditioning these traits and is expected to assist in selection of superior genotypes. This study was conducted to identify genetic loci associated with grain yield, seed protein concentration and early maturity in pea. A population of 88 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) that was developed from a cross between 'Carneval' and 'MP1401' was evaluated at 13 environments across the provinces of Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Canada in 1998, 1999 and 2000. A linkage map consisting of 193 AFLPs (amplified fragment length polymorphism), 13 RAPDs (random amplified polymorphic DNA) and one STS (sequence tagged site) marker was used to identify putative quantitative trait loci (QTL) for grain yield, seed protein concentration and early maturity. Four QTL were identified each for grain yield and days to maturity, and three QTL were identified for seed protein concentration. A multiple QTL model for each trait showed that these genomic regions accounted for 39%, 45% and 35% of the total phenotypic variation for grain yield, seed protein concentration and days to maturity, respectively. The consistency of these QTL across environments and their potential for marker-assisted selection are discussed in this report.  相似文献   

Summary Pedigree selection for seed yield, using early generation yield tests, was practiced from the F2 to F7 in two populations of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in three plant densities: 66, 133, and 266 thousand plants ha-1 at CIAT-Palmira, Colombia. The six highest yielding lines selected from each plant-density, along with 13 parents, were evaluated in a 7×7 lattice design with three replications at the three densities utilized for selection, and at 399,000 plants ha-1 in 1988 and 1989.Based on the mean performance of selected lines and the mean of the parents, selection for seed yield was effective in all densities in both populations. However, none of the lines selected from the population within the race Mesoamerica (TC 4673) significantly outyielded their best parent under any plant density. The highest yielding lines selected from the interracial population (TR 4635) outyielded their best parent irrespective of the plant-density used for selection. The highest yielding line originated from the highest density used for selection. Low density was neither good for selection nor for evaluation and identification of high-yielding cultivars of common bean. There was no significant difference between the mean yield of lines selected at the intermediate and high population densities. The effects of plant density, year, and their interactions were significant for seed yield.  相似文献   

A. Elgersma 《Euphytica》1990,51(2):151-161
Summary Seed yield in perennial ryegrass is low and selection criteria for high seed production are lacking. Indirect selection in spaced plants would be efficient, but spaced-plant traits need to be identified that correlate with seed yield in drilled plots. Spaced plants were studied of nine perennial ryegrass cultivars with a different seed production when grown in plots. Genotypic variation within cultivars for seed yield components and other traits was assessed in four environments in replicated clonal experiments. Extensive genotypic variation for most traits was present within each cultivar. Based on cultivar means of 25 or 50 genotypes, significant differences among cultivars were found for most traits. Cultivar-year interactions were found for most traits, but no significant cultivar-location interactions were generally found. Spaced-plant traits in general showed poor correlation to corresponding traits in drilled plots. Cultivars with contrasting seed yield in plots could not be distinguished on the basis of their spaced-plant traits and therefore no criteria for indirect selection for seed production in drilled plots could be identified in spaced plants.  相似文献   

B. Y. Chen  W. K. Heneen 《Euphytica》1992,59(2-3):157-163
Summary Seed colour inheritance was studied in five yellow-seeded and one black-seeded B. campestris accessions. Diallel crosses between the yellow-seeded types indicated that the four var. yellow sarson accessions of Indian origin had the same genotype for seed colour but were different from the Swedish yellow-seeded breeding line. Black seed colour was dominant over yellow. The segregation patterns for seed colour in F2 (Including reciprocals) and BC1 (backcross of F1 to the yellow-seeded parent) indicated that the black seed colour was conditioned by a single dominant gene. Seed colour was mainly controlled by the maternal genotype but influenced by the interplay between the maternal and endosperm and/or embryonic genotypes. For developing yellow-seeded B. napus genotypes, resynthesized B. napus lines containing genes for yellow seed (Chen et al., 1988) were crossed with B. napus of yellow/brown seeds, or with yellow-seeded B. carinata. Yellow-seeded F2 plants were found in the crosses that involved the B. napus breeding line. However, this yellow-seeded character did not breed true up to F4. Crosses between a yellow-seeded F3 plant and a monogenomically controlled black-seeded B. napus line of resynthesized origin revealed that the black-seeded trait in the B. alboglabra genome was possibly governed by two independently dominant genes with duplicated effect. Crossability between the resynthesized B. napus lines as female and B. carinata as male was fairly high. The sterility of the F1 plants prevented further breeding progress for developing yellow-seeded B. napus by this strategy.  相似文献   

A diversity arrays technology (DArT) map was constructed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting seed colour, hairy leaf, seedling anthocyanin, leaf chlorosis and days to flowering in Brassica rapa using a F2 population from a cross between two parents with contrasting traits. Two genes with dominant epistatic interaction were responsible for seed colour. One major dominant gene controls the hairy leaf trait. Seedling anthocyanin was controlled by a major single dominant gene. The parents did not exhibit leaf chlorosis; however, 32% F2 plants showed leaf chlorosis in the population. A distorted segregation was observed for days to flowering in the F2 population. A linkage map was constructed with 376 DArT markers distributed over 12 linkage groups covering 579.7 cM. The DArT markers were assigned on different chromosomes of B. rapa using B. rapa genome sequences and DArT consensus map of B. napus. Two QTL (RSC1‐2 and RSC12‐56) located on chromosome A8 and chromosome A9 were identified for seed colour, which explained 19.4% and 18.2% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. The seed colour marker located in the ortholog to Arabidopsis thaliana Transparent Testa2 (AtTT2). Two QTL RLH6‐0 and RLH9‐16 were identified for hairy leaf, which explained 31.6% and 20.7% phenotypic variation, respectively. A single QTL (RSAn‐12‐157) on chromosome A7, which explained 12.8% of phenotypic variation was detected for seedling anthocyanin. The seedling anthocyanin marker is found within the A. thaliana Transparent Testa12 (AtTT12) ortholog. A QTL (RLC6‐04) for leaf chlorosis was identified, which explained 55.3% of phenotypic variation. QTL for hairy leaf and leaf chlorosis were located 0–4 cM apart on the same chromosome A1. A single QTL (RDF‐10‐0) for days to flowering was identified, which explained 21.4% phenotypic variation.  相似文献   

Summary Starting with two heterogeneous F2 populations, each based on 20 cross combinations, different selection procedures were applied for four consecutive selection cycles. Three of the selection procedures involved seed yield per plant (SYP): (i) direct selection for SYP (DSY); (ii) indexselection for SYP (ISY) with plant length, the ratio of the vegetative top to plant length, end of grain filling and duration of the generative stage as auxiliary characters and finally; (iii) independent culling levels selection (ICL) for the index described above and crude protein content. For ICL-selection the attention is focussed on SYP in this paper.For all three selection procedures, predicted and realized responses were calculated and expressed as percentage of a corresponding non-selected population. The intensities of selection differed over selection methods and generations, mostly due to practical constraints.As far as predicted responses are concerned, ISY-selection seemed to be slightly superior to DSY-selection and DSY-selection to ICL-selection. This order may partly be due to differences in selection intensity. However, none of the predictions was very accurate, but the predictions of ICL-selection seemed to be the most accurate. This has been ascribed also to the relative mild selection intensity applied in ICL-selection. It is concluded that a decision in favour of a complicated selection procedure like index selection based on predicted responses only cannot be defended. As far as realized responses are concerned, DSY-selection seems to be slightly superior to the other two selection procedures, as it is the only procedure that resulted in a more or less stable positive response to selection.The auxiliary characters, especially plant length, showed a marked correlated response to all three selection procedures. In case of direct selection for SYP this seemed paradoxical with the inefficiency of index selection, but, it may reflect the differences in the genuine genotypic correlations and the estimated genotypic correlations.  相似文献   

Yields of large-seeded Andean (A) common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars of Chile and Nueva Granada races are 40 to 60% lower compared to their Middle American (M) counterparts of small-seeded Mesoamerica and medium-seeded Durango races. Our objective was to use the concept of congruity backcrossing between Andean x Middle American inter-gene pool [AM 11833 = A 483 (A)///// A 686 (M) //// PVA 800A(A)/// ‘Carioca’ (M)// Carioca (M)/ G 19833 (A)] and between races within Andean gene pool [i.e., intra-gene pool Andean, AA 11834 = A483 (A)//// ‘Cardinal’(A) /// ‘Blanco Español’(A) // BlancoEspañol (A) / ‘Taylor’ (A)] to compare selection for seed yield improvement of large-seeded Andean beans. Seven hundred sixty seven F2-derived F3 (F2:3) families were produced for each population. Visual appraisal for total plant performance, combined with seed yield from non-replicated plots was used for selection of 551 families in F2:3, 182 families in F2:4, and 91 families in F2:5 in each population. Eight hundred twenty three F5:6 lines were developed from the 91 F2:5 families in each population. Visual selection, combined with seed yield in non-replicated plots was again used to select 294 lines in F5:6 in each population. Similarly, 44 highest yielding F5:7 lines were selected in AM 11833 and 39 F5:7 lines in AA 11834. Thus, single plant selections were made in the F2 and F5, and plants within each plot were harvested in bulk in F3, F4, F6, and F7. Thirty nine F5:8 lines from AA 11834 and 44 lines from AM 11833, parents, and checks were evaluated at Popayán and Quilichao, Colombia in 1998 and 1999. Selected lines in both populations, on average, out-yielded the mean of their large-seeded Andean parents. Mean yield of the lines selected from AM 11833 was 50% higher than AA 11834 lines. Twelve F5:8 lines out-yielded the highest yielding Andean parents G 19833 and A 483 in AM 11833, whereas only one line yielded significantly higher (p < 0.05) than the highest yielding parent A 483 in AA 11834. However, none of selected lines out-yielded small-seeded Middle American parents used in AM 11833 (A 686 and ‘Carioca’). The mean 100 seed-weight of AA 11834 was 36 g compared to 28 G for AM 11833 F5:8 lines. Selected lines had similar days to maturity as parents in AM 11833, and matured 3 d later in AA11834. Correlation coefficients between yield and 100 seed-weight were negative in both populations. Yield and days to maturity were positively correlated in AA 11834.  相似文献   

Summary Stability in yield components was estimated in several species of Triticum grown across a range of soil moisture. The aim was to assess the effect of varying soil moisture on mechanisms leading to grain yield stability, particularly in the accessions identified as having stable yields and drought resistance viz., T. sphaerococcum, T. vavilovii and T. aestivum cv. C 306 (Paper I of this series). The study indicated that number of grains per spike provided stability to the accessions of T. sphaerococcum and T. vavilovii whereas number of spikes per unit area contributed towards the stability of T. aestivum cv. C 306. It is suggested that these accessions could be utilized as the genetic sources for improving specific yield components with regard to grain yield stability under droughted conditions.  相似文献   

The number of vascular bundles in peduncle and the ratio of vascular bundles to primary rachis branches (V/R ratio)distinguishable between indica andjaponica, are the traits associated with the processes of differentiation between indica and japonica inrice (Oryza sativa L.). In this paper a doubled-haploid population derived from the F1 hybrid of a cross between anindica cultivar and a japonicacultivar was used to map quantitative trait loci(QTLs) controlling numbers of vascular bundles in peduncle, primary rachis branches and the V/R ratio. For vascular bundles, three QTLs were detected and they collectively explained 58.8% of the total variation. Among them, the QTLqVB-8 with the largest effect,located on chromosome 8, individually accounted for 31.1% of the total variation. Two QTLs controlling primary rachis branches, located on chromosome 8and 10 respectively, were identified and they individually explained 10.5% and18.0% of the total variation respectively. Three QTLs for the V/R ratio, mapped on chromosome 1, 2 and 8, respectively,jointly explained 61.3% of the total variation. Of the three QTLs, the QTL qV/R-1 with the largest additive effect,explained 25.3% of the total variation,was located on chromosome 1 and found to be closely linked to the gene sh-2, a major gene underlying grain-shattering ability. In addition, four and two pairs of significant epistatic QTLs were detected for vascular bundles and the V/R ratio,respectively, but none for rachis branches. Our results suggested that the numbers of vascular bundles and primary rachis branches were independently controlled by different polygenic systems, but the two polygenic systems shared a fraction of quantitative trait loci. The present study also demonstrated that the chromosome region carrying the QTL qV/R-1 for the V/R ratio and the gene sh-2 might play an important role in the processes ofindica-japonica differentiation in rice (Oryza sativa L.). This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Extent of heterosis for seed yield is an indicator for transgressive segregation in cross of self-pollinated crops. However, the extent of heterosis is thought to be related to the genetic diversity among the parents. Isoenzymic variation was used for estimating the genetic diversity. Eight varieties of green gram (Vigna radiata) were characterized for esterase, amylases, phosphatases, catalase and peroxidase isoenzymes. Differences in these systems were used to calculate a diversity index (D.I.). Hybrids produced from an inbred pair having higher D.I.'s outyielded those with low D.I.'s. However, the correlation (r) between D.I. and heterosis for seed yield was not consistent in different seasons but some of the desirable crosses could be singled out on the basis of D.I.  相似文献   

J. G. Boonman 《Euphytica》1978,27(2):419-426
Summary A study was made over three seasons of seed yield characters in replicated genotypes of two maturity classes selected from within both Mbarara and Masaba Rhodes.Within maturity classes significant 2–4 fold ranges were observed in PGS (pure germinating seed) yield. The component most responsible for this increase was seed setting. Significant differences were also observed in seed retention, 1000-seed weight, head number and the number and length of racemes.Even though heading date, within a maturity class of a variety did not vary more than 10 days, differences were significant and the early-heading plants were the most productive in seed yield characters.Heritability estimates, based on individual plants, ranged from less than 0.10 for % PGS to over 0.30 for 1000-seed weight and raceme characters.  相似文献   

Summary Four populations of linseed derived from five parents were advanced from the F2 to the F6 generation by SSD and to the F5 by pedigree selection. These populations were used to compare the efficiency of the two methods in order to provide superior genotypes with respect to grain yield and oil content, i.e. oil yield. The results showed minimum differences between pedigree and SSD lines for grain yield, where in only one cross the SSD lines were significantly superior to the pedigree lines. Since pedigree selection was carried out for both, seed yield and oil content, a positive response to selection was expected. However, early selection for yield, a character with low heritability, was not successful. On the contrary, significant differences for oil content were detected between the two groups of lines in three of the four crosses studied. In these cases the pedigree lines were superior to the SSD lines. These results demonstrate that strict selection in early generations for oil content, a character with comparatively high heritability, is feasible and successful in linseed. However, selection for seed yield should be postponed to later inbred generations. Consequently, in breeding for maximum oil yield of linseed a two-step selection procedure is recommended.Abbreviations PS pedigree selection - SSD single seed descent - TGW thousand grain weight  相似文献   

Summary Five parents from each of four race groups of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were hybridized to produce five crosses within each group. Also, five crosses were made for each of the six possible combinations among four groups. Parents, F1 and F2, and parents, F2 and F3 were evaluated for seed yield in 1990 and 1991, respecitively, at two locations in Colombia.Yield of parents belonging to Middle American races and crosses among them was higher than that of races of Andean origin. Positive correlations were found among the mid-parent value, F1, F2 and F3. Also, the mid-parent value predicted the mean seed yield of all possible lines that could be derived from the F-generation in 42 out of 47 crosses. Four crosses, all between common bean races of Andean and Middle American origin, indicated a possible loss of favorable epistatic parental alleles. On average, mean yield of interracial F1 hybrids was higher than that of intraracial ones.Positive heteroris (26.4%–123.8%) over the mid-parent in 31 crosses, and F1s yielding higher (23.7%–91.8%) than the high parent in 20 crosses and yielding higher (22.1%–53.2%) than the highest control among all parents (MAM 13) in 12 crosses, were found. Heritability, estimated by the parent-offspring regression, ranged from 0.42± 0.07 to 0.49±0.04. Expected and realized gains from selection (at 20% selection pressure) ranged from 10.3% to 21.0% over the mean of F1 hybrids and F2 and F3 population bulks.  相似文献   

Summary Environmental correlation coefficients were computed among all pairs of five traits, namely grain yield, heading date, number of tillers per m2, plant height and 1000-grain weight (grain size) using 30 Triticum durum and 30 Triticum aestivum varieties grown in 18 environments. Grain yield was significantly correlated with the other four traits in almost all of the varieties. The mean correlation coefficient over all varieties ranged from 0.58 to –0.83 for durum wheat and 0.66 to 0.88 for aestivum wheat. The correlation coefficients between heading date and the other traits were also significant, ranging from –0.45 to –0.79 in durum wheat and –0.61 to –0.85 in aestivum wheat. The correlation coefficient between number of tillers with plant height and 1000-grain weight were the smallest, 0.19–0.32 in durum wheat and 0.39–0.60 in aestivum wheat. It was concluded that agronomic practices favouring early and good stand establishment in the dry regions will favour the yield components and important adaptive traits, which contribute towards larger yields. Significant differences were found among genotypes in the environmental correlation coefficients and the associated changes in one trait as a result of changes in other traits.  相似文献   

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