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Microsatellite markers were developed for epidemiological studies on the black locust gall midge Obolodiplosis robiniae (Haldeman) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), a native North America pest introduced to Europe and Asia. Polymorphism at each locus was tested on 68 individuals from six populations reared from infected host leaves of Robinia pseudoacacia L. collected in China. Fourteen loci were found to be polymorphic, with the number of alleles ranging from 3 to 10. The observed heterozygosity varied evenly from 0.2667 to 0.6540. For populations, the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.1429 to 1.000. The allele frequency of the predominant allele varied from 0.250 to 0.500. All loci with negative FST values indicated heterozygote excess in each locus with six populations. Of 14 loci, four were observed to have FST values up to 0.05, which indicated negligible genetic differentiation within the population. Significant deviations (P < 0.05) from the expected Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, as evaluated using the Markov chain algorithm for each locus and for all six populations, were observed, and genotypic linkage disequilibrium was clearly detected. These markers represent a useful tool to design strategies for integrated pest management and in the study of population evolution in this important introduced pest.  相似文献   

The chalcidoid wasp, Macroglenes penetrans (Kirby), is an important parasitoid of wheat midge, Sitodiplosis mosellana (Géhin), in Europe and western Canada. Emergence of adult wasps was evaluated at 12 sites in Saskatchewan in 1991-2000. Emergence was assessed in relation to calendar days and accumulated degree-days above five different threshold air temperatures. Male wasps emerged 1-2 days before the female wasps. Dates for 10%, 50% and 90% emergence of both wasp sexes were July 16, July 21 and July 30, respectively. Standard deviations (SD) indicated that emergence dates varied by 6.2-7.7 days. The variation in dates related to degree-day accumulations between March 1 and July 31. Wasps emerged 2-12 days earlier than expected at sites with the highest accumulation and 2-17 days later than expected at sites with the lowest accumulation. Accumulated degree-days above 9 °C provided the most accurate estimate of 10% emergence (450 DD, SD = 2.4 days) and 90% emergence (579 DD, SD = 5.0 days). Accumulated degree-days above 5 or 9 °C provided the most accurate estimate of 50% emergence (823 DD, SD = 3.0 days; 503 DD, SD = 3.1 days, respectively). Deviations between observed and expected emergence were greatest at sites with either low or high precipitation. In most instances, wasps emerged 1-8 days earlier than expected at sites that received 20-40 mm rain in May and 1-11 days later than expected at sites that received more than 145 mm rain in May and June. Degree-days above 5 or 9 °C minimized the variation at these sites. Emergence was re-assessed in 2008 and 2009. In both years, accumulated degree-days above 9 °C predicted 10%, 50% and 90% emergence within 0.1-2.2 days. Forecast maps, based on daily degree-day accumulations above 9 °C, would assist producers in monitoring their fields for the presence of wasps. Producers could also adjust the timing, rate and placement of sprays for control of wheat midge to protect and conserve the parasitoid.  相似文献   

The wasp Spalangia endius Walker (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) is a major parasitoid of the pupae of fruit flies, which are a common agricultural pest. An understanding of this intricate host–parasitoid interaction could provide basic information necessary for the sustainable integrated biological control of fruit flies. In this study, we investigated the effect of S. endius on different-aged pupae of the melon fly Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett by using choice and nonchoice tests under laboratory conditions. We showed that S. endius females oviposited, and their progeny successfully developed, in different-aged pupae of B. cucurbitae regardless of the method of exposure. There was an oviposition preference for 3–5-d-old pupa. The highest mean percentage parasitism occurred on 4- and 5-d-old hosts, followed by 2- and 3-d-old hosts. The average development time for both males and females was significantly longer in 6–7-d-old hosts than in the younger host stages. Adult females that developed from younger host pupae (2–5-d old) were significantly heavier than those from older host pupae (6–7-d old), and they also lived longer. The sex ratio (proportion of females) of the parasite progeny decreased with an increase in host age. Host mortality also decreased gradually as the pupal age increased. The differences in development time, body weight, and longevity between females and males were significant. These results suggest that S. endius is a good candidate for the biological control of B. cucurbitae.  相似文献   

Haplo-diploid sex determination in the parasitoid wasp, Nasonia vitripennis (Walker), allows females to adjust their brood sex ratios. Females influence whether ova are fertilized, producing diploid females, or remain unfertilized, producing haploid males. Females appear to adjust their brood sex ratios to minimize ‘local mate competition,’ i.e., competition among sons for mates. Because mating occurs between siblings, females may optimize mating opportunities for their offspring by producing only enough sons to inseminate daughters when ovipositing alone, and producing more sons when superparasitism is likely. Although widely accepted, this hypothesis makes no assumptions about gamete limitation in either sex. Because sperm are used to produce daughters, repeated oviposition could reduce sperm supplies, causing females to produce more sons. In contrast, if egg-limited females produce smaller broods, they might use fewer sperm, making sperm limitation less likely. To investigate whether repeated oviposition and female fertility influence gamete limitation within females, we created two treatments of six mated female wasps, which each received a series of six hosts at intervals of 24 or 48 h. All females produced at least one mixed-sex brood (63 total broods; 3,696 offspring). As expected, if females became sperm-limited, in both treatments, brood sex ratios became increasingly male-biased with increasing host number. Interhost interval did not affect brood size, total offspring number, or sex ratio, indicating females did not become egg limited. Our results support earlier studies showing sperm depletion affects sex allocation in N. vitripennis¸ and could limit adaptive sex ratio manipulation in these parasitoid wasps.  相似文献   

Longevity, developmental time and offspring survival of parasitoid wasps are decisive in their effective performance as biocontrol agents. Optimum temperature range determines parasitoid survival, development and reproduction. Thus, controlling this abiotic factor is a key to the success of pest management programs. Adult longevity, developmental time from egg to adult and survival of immatures of Aganaspis daci were assessed in the laboratory under different constant temperatures; adult longevity without hosts, but with the provision of water and honey, and developmental time and survival of immatures from host pupae, whose larvae had been exposed to parasitoids. Results showed that longevity depended on temperature decreasing in the range 15–20 °C (36 – 25 days), but was lower in the range 25–35 °C (10 – 7 days). Regarding developmental time from egg to adult and survival of immatures, our results showed that 20 and 25 °C are the most suitable temperatures. At 15 and 30 °C mortality of the immature stages was very high (>90%) or developmental time to adult was very slow (>3 months). Immatures did not survive at 35 °C. We found no significant differences in developmental time to adult or survival of immatures between 20 and 25 °C. The sex ratio of parasitoid progeny was female biased at 25 °C; the proportion of females increased at all cases with temperature. The to and K for total development were 8.5 °C and 500 DD, respectively. Our findings provide some guidance for future inundative or inoculative field releases of this parasitoid for the management of Ceratitis capitata in Spain.  相似文献   

Between November 1998 and March 1999, bands of nymphs of Locusta migratoria were aerially treated using a ULV oil formulation of strain FI-985 of Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum. At a dose of 3–4×1012 conidia/ha, there was <10% survival of locusts in treated sorghum crops, open grassland or open woodland with grass. Decline was less at lower doses or in dense woodland. During the first week after treatment, bands showed little change in numbers, but then rapidly declined in size and rate of movement. The decline was slower where vegetation was tall or dense, or where bands were large and moved out of the treated area a few days after spraying. In areas where bands were treated with Metarhizium, populations were suppressed in that few adult swarms formed. Adjacent untreated areas had many adult swarms which had to be controlled using chemical insecticides. Preventive locust control, as currently practised in Australia, involves beginning treatment when areas of band and swarm are small and the potential for direct damage limited. The clear demonstration that Metarhizium can suppress small local populations of L. migratoria indicate that it could be a valuable component of preventive control programmes against this species. The delay in mortality when treating with Metarhizium would be no impediment to its use in such programmes.  相似文献   

Bactrocera invadens, the Asian fruit fly, was first reported in Kenya in 2003, and it spread fast to most tropical countries in Africa. To our knowledge, there is no detailed data on the fruit damage and status of fruit flies in Arba Minch and elsewhere in Ethiopia. Hence, information on the species composition and pest status of the fruit fly species is urgent to plan management strategies in the area. Fruit flies were captured using male parapheromone-baited traps. Matured mango (Mangifera indica) fruits were collected from randomly selected mango trees and incubated individually in cages (15 by 15 by 15 cm) with sandy soil. B. invadens was the predominant (96%; 952 of 992) captured species and the only fruit fly species emerging from mango fruits incubated in the laboratory. The mean number of adult B. invadens emerging per mango fruit was 35.25, indicating that the species is the most devastating mango fruit fly in the area. The loss due to this species would be serious if no management strategies are implemented.  相似文献   

Bradysia odoriphaga Yang and Zhang (Diptera: Sciaridae), the Chinese chive root maggot, is a destructive pest of Allium vegetables and flowers that causes severe losses in northern China. Novel biological control technologies are needed for controlling this pest. We identified a new entomopathogenic fungus isolated from infected B. odoriphaga larvae and evaluated the susceptibility of the biological stages of B. odoriphaga and the effects of temperature on fungus growth and pathogenicity. Based on morphological characteristics and molecular phylogeny, the fungus was identified as Mucor hiemalis BO-1 (Mucorales: Mucorales). This fungus had the strongest virulence to B. odoriphaga larvae followed by eggs and pupae, while B. odoriphaga adults were not susceptible. A temperature range of 18–28°C was optimum for the growth and sporulation of M. hiemalis BO-1 and virulence to B. odoriphaga larvae. At 3 and 5 d after inoculation with 105 spores/ml at 23°C, the survival rates were 24.8% and 4.8% (2nd instar larvae), respectively, and 49.6% and 12.8% (4th instar larvae), respectively. The potted plant trials confirmed that M. hiemalis BO-1 exerted excellent control efficiency against B. odoriphaga larvae, and the control exceeded 80% within 5 d when the spore concentration applied exceeded 107 spores/ml. In conclusion, these findings supported the hypotheses that this fungus could serve as an effective control agent against B. odoriphaga larvae and is worth being further tested to determine its full potential as a biocontrol agent.  相似文献   

The twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), is one of the most important and highly polyphagous pests of vegetables and other crops worldwide. Experiments were conducted in the laboratory and greenhouse to evaluate corn (Zea mays L.) as a banker plant for the predatory gall midge, Feltiella acarisuga (Vallot) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) to potentially control T. urticae. Choice and no-choice experiments were carried out to determine the host plant preference of an alternative prey, Oligonychus pratensis (Banks)(Acari: Tetranychidae) to corn and green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Results showed that O. pratensis adults strongly preferred corn as a host plant and posed no risk to green bean. F. acarisuga was found to fly at least 7.0 m to search for new preys on green bean plants, and over 176 F. acarisuga larvae per leaf were recorded at 14 d after dispersal. F. acarisuga proved to be an excellent predator of both T. urticae and O. pratensis. The predation by F. acarisuga to T. urticae and O. pratensis ranged from 43.7 to 67.9% and 59.2 to 90.3%, respectively, under laboratory conditions. In a non-cage study, 81.2% of T. urticae population was suppressed by F. acarisuga in reference to the control (cage treatment). The results showed that this banker plant system has potential for controlling T. urticae in greenhouse vegetable production.  相似文献   

Insecticides can have consequences for beneficial arthropods. Insect parasitoids can contact insecticides through direct exposure spray droplets or residues on crop foliage. Here, we focus on better understand the response of Meteorus pulchricornis (Wesmael), a parasitoid wasp of lepidopteran pests, and its detoxification mechanisms on stress caused by phoxim and cypermethrin. Hence, we determined the dose–mortality curves and estimating the sublethal concentrations (LC30 and LC50). Then, we applied the sublethal concentrations against adult parasitoids to assess its survival, parasitism efficacy, and also developmental and morphometric parameters of their offspring. Simultaneously, we check the activities of glutathione S-transferase (GST), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and peroxidase (POD) after sublethal exposure of both insecticides, which has measured until 48 h after treatment. Overall, phoxim and cypermethrin exhibited acute lethal activity toward the parasitoid with LC50 values 4.608 and 8.570 mg/liter, respectively. Also, we detect that LC30 was able to trigger the enzymatic activity of GST, AChE, and POD, suggesting a potential detoxification mechanism. However, even when subjected to sublethal exposure, our results indicate strong negatives effects, in particular for phoxim, which has affected the parasitism efficacy and also the developmental and morphometric parameters of M. pulchricornis offspring. Therefore, it can be concluded that both phoxim and cypermethrin have negative impacts on M. pulchricornis and we suggest cautioning their use and the need for semifield and field assessments to confirm such an impact.  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama being a vector of huanglongbing (HLB), citrus greening disease is the most destructive pest of citrus and the management of D. citri is crucial for successful control of HLB. We evaluated adult populations of D. citri from twelve districts of Punjab, Pakistan for resistance to seven different insecticides. Different levels of resistance ratios were observed for all insecticides (chlorpyrifos, bifenthrin, imidacloprid, acetamiprid, thiamethoxam, nitenpyram and chlorfenapyr). Field collected populations of D. citri were highly resistant to imidacloprid as compared to the susceptible population. The resistance ratios were in range of 236.6–759.5, 55.5–212.8, 13.1–46.4, 31.4–216.7, 8.6–89.4-fold for imidacloprid, acetamiprid, chlorfenapyr, nitenpyram, and thiamethoxam, respectively and 39.8–107.1 and 32.7–124.5-fold in case of conventional insecticides i.e., bifenthrin and chlorpyrifos, respectively. Nitenpyram and thiamethoxam, with no or very low resistance should be used in combination or in rotation with other pest management tactics for managing resistance in D. citri. The correlation analysis of the LC50's of insecticides showing positive and negative correlations among different insecticides in all tested populations, suggests mechanism of cross-resistance. Imidacloprid showed a positive correlation with acetamaprid, but a negative correlation with thiamethoxam from the neonicotenoid group, while the resistance to chlorfenpyr positively correlated with chlorpyrifos and bifenthrin in the pyrethroid group. Multiple resistance mechanisms could be the reason behind the development of such a high resistance in the D. citri.  相似文献   

合理的茎蘖组合是提升小麦绿色高效生产的重要因素。为了解湖北稻茬小麦主要茎蘖对产量及主要农艺性状的影响,以大穗型小麦品种川麦104和多穗型小麦品种扬麦15为材料,于2016-2018年在湖北十堰和武汉两地稻茬麦大田条件下,设置低(1.35×106~1.65×106株·hm^-2)、中(2.85×106~3.15×106株·hm^-2)、高(4.35×106~4.65×106株·hm^-2)三种种植密度,分析了主茎(S)、分蘖1(T1)、分蘖2(T2)和分蘖3(T3)(按出现先后顺序)的成穗率、产量贡献率及相关农艺性状的表现。结果表明:(1)湖北稻茬小麦成穗茎蘖农艺性状表现值偏低,除穗长和茎高受品种的影响最大外,其他被测性状受影响程度表现为蘖位>种植密度>品种;(2)在主茎均能成穗的情况下,分蘖成穗率随蘖位和种植密度的升高而降低,大穗型品种川麦104的降幅大于多穗型品种扬麦15;(3)主茎产量贡献率随种植密度的升高而升高(35.12%~54.50%),分蘖1产量贡献率稳定在23.25%~25.50%,分蘖2和分蘖3的产量贡献率随种植密度升高而降低,分别为14.59%~23.22%和5.42%~16.77%;(4)主茎的穗粒数(35.94~44.13粒)和穗粒重(1.44~1.93 g)显著高于其分蘖,茎高、茎蘖收获指数和穗茎节长只在川麦104中、高种植密度下的分蘖3与其他茎蘖差异显著;穗长、可孕小穗数和不孕小穗数有随蘖位和种植密度升高而变劣的趋势。聚类分析得出:湖北稻茬小麦绿色高效生产模式,以主茎成穗为主体,低种植密度下增加分蘖1和分蘖2,争取分蘖3成穗为辅;中种植密度下争取分蘖1+分蘖2成穗为辅;而高种植密度下争取分蘖1成穗为辅。  相似文献   

For 16 years a bucket-type trap known as the Sensus fruit fly trap has been used to monitor three fruit fly pest species Ceratitis capitata, Ceratitis rosa and Ceratitis cosyra in South African fruit industries. The relative efficiencies of lures sold for monitoring fruit flies with the Sensus trap in South Africa were determined in field experiments where laboratory-reared C. capitata, C. rosa and C. cosyra were released in a mango orchard within a few metres of Sensus traps containing either Capilure (trimedlure or tert-butyl 4 (or 5) -chloro-2-methylcyclohexane carboxylate), Ceratitislure (protein hydrolysate plus β-caryophyllene) or Questlure (protein hydrolysate plus plant extracts). When using 12-day-old flies, Capilure caught 3 times more C. capitata males than C. rosa males and this difference was more extreme when 3-day-old flies were released. Ceratitislure caught significantly more 12-day-old C. cosyra males than 12-day-old C. capitata males, but the difference was reversed when 3-day-old flies were compared. Questlure showed the least differences between species and age but recovered the lowest proportion of released species. Further comparisons were conducted in an orchard with wild flies using other known attractants in larger yellow Probodelt bucket traps. Capilure caught more male C. capitata than BioLure Fruit Fly 3-component, but BioLure 2-component (trimethylamine and ammonium acetate) was more effective than Questlure for C. capitata females. The 3-component lure was also more effective than both Capilure and Questlure for male and female C. rosa, respectively. Ceratitislure was the most effective lure for male C. cosyra flies and BioLure 3-component was more effective than Ceratitislure and Questlure for female C. cosyra flies. The intervention threshold of 4 flies/trap/week previously used in citrus with Capilure for C. rosa was lowered to 2 C. rosa/trap/week when using the Sensus trap due to the lower sensitivity of this trap-lure combination found for C. rosa in this study. The 3-component lure, or the 2-component combination of trimethylamine and ammonium acetate in a ratio of 1:8 in the Sensus trap capsule, would be more effective for both sexes of all three Ceratitis species than the Questlure that is currently being used.  相似文献   

The causes of high biological diversity in biodiversity hotspots have long been a major subject of study in conservation biology. To investigate this matter, we conducted a phylogeographic study of five Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) species from East and Southeast Asia: Drosophila albomicans Duda, D. formosana Duda, D. immigrans Sturtevant, D. melanogaster Meigen, and D. simulans Sturtevant. We collected 185 samples from 28 localities in eight countries. From each collected individual, we sequenced the autosomal extra sex comb gene (esc) and seven mitochondrial genes, including nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydrate-reductase dehydrogenase subunit 4 (ND4), ND4L, tRNA-His, tRNA-Pro, tRNA-Thr, partial ND5, and partial ND6. Phylogenetic analyses using maximum- likelihood and Bayesian methods revealed interesting population structure and identified the existence of two distinct D. formosana lineages (Southeast Asian and Taiwanese populations). Genetic differentiation among groups of D. immigrans suggests the possibility of endemic speciation in Taiwan. In contrast, D. melanogaster remained one extensively large population throughout East and Southeast Asia, including nearby islets. A molecular clock was used to estimate divergence times, which were compared with past geographical events to infer evolutionary scenarios. Our findings suggest that interglacial periods may have caused population isolation, thus enhancing population differentiation more strongly for some of the Drosophila species. The population structure of each Drosophila species in East and Southeast Asia has been influenced by past geographic events.  相似文献   

The hexagonal structure of the honey bee comb cell has been the source of many studies attempting to understand its structure and function. In the storage area of the comb, only honey is stored and no brood is reared. We predicted that honey bees may construct different hexagonal cells for brood rearing and honey storage. We used quantitative analyses to evaluate the structure and function of the natural comb cell in the Chinese bee, Apis cerana cerana and the Italian bee, A. mellifera ligustica. We made cell molds using a crystal glue solution and measured the structure and inclination of cells. We found that the comb cells of A. c. cerana had both upward-sloping and downward-sloping cells; while the A. m. ligustica cells all tilted upwards. Interestingly, the cells did not conform to the regular hexagonal prism structure and showed irregular diameter sizes. In both species, comb cells also were differentiated into worker, drone and honey cells, differing in their diameter and depth. This study revealed unique differences in the structure and function of comb cells and showed that honey bees design their cells with precise engineering to increase storage capacity, and to create adequate growing room for their brood.  相似文献   

为了探讨小麦骨干亲本育成许多品种的遗传基础及主要性状在后代品种中的遗传传递,分析了矮孟牛的3个原始亲本、7个种质姊妹系及128个衍生品种(系)的高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)、籽粒蛋白质含量、沉淀值及其演化情况.结果表明,原始亲本、矮孟牛种质姊妹系及衍生品种(系)籽粒蛋白质含量的平均值分别为12.07%、12.93%和12.38%,变幅分别为11.58%~12.48%、11.71%~13.98%和10.42%~14.38%;沉淀值的平均值分别为32.12、32.76和23.29 mL,变幅分别为25.41~29.39 mL、19.71~31.86 mL、14.42~45.26mL.说明在衍生品种(系)中,蛋白含量和沉淀值的遗传基础均被拓宽了.在HMW-GS方面,衍生品种(系)比原始亲本和姊妹系增加了2*、17+18、5+10和2+10亚基,说明各育种单位在利用其高产、高抗等优质性状的同时也对品质性状进行了改良.  相似文献   

The potential of the parasitoid Psyllaephagus bliteus Riek for the biological control of the eucalyptus pest Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae) nymphs is high. This research sought to analyze the courtship, male competition, and mating behavior of P. bliteus at the proportions of 1:1 and 2:1 males to female in a Petri dish (5 cm diameter), and to describe the ovary histology of virgin and mated females of this parasitoid. At 1:1, males touch the antennae and thorax–abdomen of females during courtship, but females avoid mate attempts before they are 48 h old. At 2:1, the competition between male parasitoids inhibits mating. The histology of ovaries of virgin and mated P. bliteus females is similar, with two well-defined germarium and vitellarium regions, with oocytes at different developmental stages, including mature ones rich in yolk and with eggshell. A clearer understanding of the reproductive behavior and histology of P. bliteus aids in the use of this parasitoid for the biological control of G. brimblecombei.  相似文献   

Toxoneuron nigriceps Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a koinobiont endoparasitoid of the tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens F. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), derives nutrition from the host hemolymph during the internal portion of its larval development but feeds destructively on host tissues externally after egression. To investigate the importance of this tissue-feeding phase, and to evaluate the behaviors associated with postegression feeding, T. nigriceps larvae were subjected to one of four treatments: 1) allowed to carry out normal tissue feeding, 2) deprived of tissue feeding, 3) presented with tissues scraped away from the host remains, and 4) fed tissues scraped from an unparasitized H. virescens larva. Additionally, total carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins were quantified from pre and posttissue feeding T. nigriceps larvae to examine the effect of postegression feeding on parasitoid nutritional physiology. Parasitoids that received no tissues after egression, or that received tissue from an unparasitized H. virescens larva, had significantly smaller body masses at all stages than those allowed to feed naturally or fed tissues scraped from a parasitized host. Parasitoids that underwent normal host feeding after egression also reached larger masses then those fed scraped host tissue. Parasitoids that received no tissue after egression survived to adulthood significantly less often than those that were presented with any H. virescens tissue. This suggests that postegression tissue feeding is a vital developmental step for T. nigriceps, and that T. nigriceps will not only feed when normal postegression behavior is disrupted, but will also feed on unparasitized tissue. The quantification of macronutrients in the tissues of pre and posttissue feeding T. nigriceps larvae showed significantly elevated proportions of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates in the tissues of larvae that had completed feeding, with the greatest difference being in total lipids.  相似文献   

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