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An infestation of Western Flower Thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), recently developed on young citrus trees in a greenhouse devoted to rearing Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama. Large numbers of young flush leaves were killed which negatively impacted ACP, as ACP is dependent on flush for oviposition and nymph development. Further, WFT predated on immature ACP killing a large proportion of young nymphs. Two experiments were subsequently conducted to assess WFT damage to two ACP rearing host plants, orange jasmine [Murraya exotica (L.)] and sweet orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck]. Direct comparisons of WFT damage to the two host plants were not made because the plants were not studied at the same time and the age of adults used in the experiments was not known. An infestation of ten adult WFT per flush shoot caused significant damage to orange jasmine: most (73%) flush shoots were killed, and shoots not killed were significantly growth retarded. Ten adult WFT per flush shoot caused little damage to sweet orange. A third experiment showed that five adult WFT per 90 ACP eggs predated on large numbers of eggs and 1st instar ACP − only 13% of the eggs hatched and developed beyond the 1st nymphal instar (WFT did not attack later instars). Predation on ACP immatures in this experiment included an evaluation of a minute pirate bug [Orius insidiosus (Say), regarded as effective against WFT] also at five adults per 90 ACP eggs. All ACP eggs were killed by this predator before eclosion. O. insidiosis might be useful for reducing infestations of WFT on citrus or other ACP host plants, but the predator would be incompatible with rearing ACP.  相似文献   

Six types of sticky card traps differing in color and trapping adhesive were evaluated for monitoring Asian citrus psyllid in citrus in the United States (Florida and Texas). We coded the six traps as ASYellow, GLYellow, RWYellow, ASACP, ASGreen and MGGreen. The ASYellow, GLYellow and RWYellow traps were a bright yellow color to the human eye but the yellow color of these traps varied in intensity. To the human eye, the ASACP traps were a lime-green color, the MGGreen trap was a fluorescent yellow-green color, and the ASGreen trap was a green color. Spectral reflectance measurements were taken to categorize the color (wavelength) spectrum of each trap. Percent reflectance in the green and yellow wavelength regions was similar among the ASYellow, GLYellow, RWYellow and ASACP traps. Three of the six sticky traps (GLYellow, RWYellow and MGGreen) were treated with a traditional gluey adhesive material. The other three traps were treated with No Mess Sticky Card™ adhesive, a hot-melted, pressure-sensitive adhesive material. Trapping studies were conducted in Florida and Texas during April–May comparing four of the traps and during September–October comparing all six traps. Data collected during April–May indicated there were no significant differences in numbers of adults captured on ASGreen, ASYellow, ASACP and GLYellow traps. In seven comparisons of all six traps during September–October, the GLYellow and RWYellow traps each captured significantly fewer adults in one comparison, the MGGreen trap captured fewer adults in two comparisons, and the ASGreen trap captured fewer in three comparisons. There was no evidence that any one of the six traps would be best at detecting psyllids when adult populations are scarce. There was no significant difference between the two adhesive materials with respect to numbers of adults captured on traps.  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae), is an important pest of citrus in the United States of America primarily because it vectors ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’, the bacterium putatively responsible for Asiatic huanglongbing (HLB). Asiatic HLB is considered one of the most serious diseases of citrus. In the United States where Asiatic HLB was first found in the state of Florida, vector control is considered an essential component to mitigate pathogen infection and spread of the disease. Therefore commercial citrus growers in Florida have adopted intensive insecticide programs to manage psyllid populations. However, the repetitive use of insecticides for ACP control is expensive and interferes with biological control of ACP and other citrus pests. As an alternative to insecticides, reports from Vietnam indicated that infestations of ACP in citrus (and consequently incidence of HLB) were reduced when citrus was interplanted with white guava, Psidium guajava L. Speculations were that guava volatiles reduced ACP infestations in citrus by either repelling ACP or interfering with ACP ability to locate and infest citrus grown next to guava. We present the results of two studies conducted in Florida (where both ACP and HLB occur) to assess ACP infestations and HLB incidence in citrus interplanted with either white or pink guava compared to infestations and disease incidence in citrus grown as a monoculture, both in orchards and nurseries. In the field study, the effect of guava on ACP infestations was assessed alone and in combination with insecticide or oil applications. Significant reductions in ACP infestations in citrus interplanted with pink guava were identified, but there was no reduction in citrus interplanted with white guava. The effect of pink guava on ACP infestations could be investigated further. However, intercropping citrus with either white or pink guava did not prevent the introduction and spread of HLB. Conclusions from field studies regarding guava as a management tactic against ACP were difficult to make due to persistent nematode problems and freeze damage to guava, which could have interfered with the production of guava volatiles responsible for deterring ACP infestations. Conversely, citrus nursery trees interspersed with guava did show reduced HLB incidence and disease progression over time. However, vector and disease reduction resulting from guava intercropping in citrus nurseries was not adequate to recommend it as a management strategy.  相似文献   

Huanglongbing (HLB), also known as citrus greening disease, has spread to and is seriously threatening the citrus industry in more than 40 countries. The HLB pathogen is a phloem limited bacteria, Candidatus Liberibacter spp. There is little information pertaining to the effects of different citrus rootstocks and interstocks against HLB in Citrus reticulata. The objective of this study was to evaluate the beneficial effects of different combinations of citrus rootstocks and interstocks against HLB using side grafting. There were no symptoms of HLB when C. grandis was used as rootstock with C. hystrix as the interstock and vice versa six months after inoculation. However, C. Liberbribacter asiaticus was detected in the scion using second PCR amplification. A high rate of disease severity was observed when C. aurantum was used as rootstock and C. aurantifolia as the interstock and vice versa. This study showed that C. Liberibacter asiaticus can be detected by conventional PCR and characteristics of their detrimental effects include low rate of vegetative growth and reduction of dry matter, root dry matter, plant height and stem diameter.  相似文献   

Citrus Bacterial Canker (CBC) is a serious disease that affects production of almost all commercial citrus cultivars in subtropical citrus growing regions worldwide. The causal agent, Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc), is classified as a quarantine pathogen in European Union (EU) which necessitates treatment of citrus fruit before entry into the EU marketing zone. In this study, the effectiveness of selected bactericides for leaf and fruit disinfection was evaluated. Bacterial aggregation and viability were assayed on abiotic or biotic surfaces in vitro and in planta after treatments with NaCl, CuSO4, NaClO, sodium orthophenylphenate and two hydrogen peroxide based compounds. Most of the bactericides at higher concentrations reduced biofilm formation and Xcc viability compared to the non-treated control, but did not completely prevent or remove biofilms or eradicate Xcc from either biotic or abiotic surfaces. Some of the bactericides at sub-lethal concentrations increased aggregates in which Xcc was viable. Based on these results, we conclude that exposure to the bactericides is variable depending on biofilm formation and that plant and fruit disinfection will not only require treatment with an effective bactericide to kill the bacterium but also include the biofilm disruption.  相似文献   

Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is a global pest of citrus and vector of Candidatus Liberibacter, a bacteria that causes huanglongbing or greening, a devastating disease of citrus. Mature citrus trees are dormant in winter and produce most new shoots in spring, followed by sporadic canopy growth in summer and fall. Young shoots are required for oviposition and nymphal development, but adults can survive and overwinter on hardened leaves. Surviving adults reproduce in spring shoots and their progeny are probably responsible for a large portion of disease spread as they disperse to search for food. Therefore, foliar sprays of broad-spectrum insecticides applied to mature trees in winter were evaluated in a commercial citrus orchard as tactic to reduce pest populations and insecticide use in spring and summer when beneficial insects are most active. A single spray of chlorpyrifos (2.8 kg a.i. ha−1) in January 2007 reduced adult psyllids an average of 10-fold over six months compared to untreated trees. The following year, differences with the untreated control averaged 15-fold for over five months following a single spray of chlorpyrifos, fenpropathrin (0.34 kg a.i. ha−1), or oxamyl (1.12 kg a.i. ha−1) applied in January. Spiders, lacewings and ladybeetles were equally abundant during the growing season in both treated and untreated trees both years (P = 0.05). Thus foliar sprays of broad-spectrum insecticides before spring growth suppressed D. citri for five to six months, with no detectible impact on key natural enemies. This tactic has been widely adopted to control the psyllid in Florida, in some cases area-wide. Additional sprays during the growing season should be based on scouting and targeted at adults before anticipated new flush.  相似文献   

Bactericera cockerelli has recently become a major concern because of its direct feeding and vectoring of bacterial diseases in many solanaceous crops. The repellency of four biorational insecticides, MOI-201 (a Chinese medicine plant extract), Requiem (a plant extract of Chenopodium ambrosioides), BugOil (a mixture of four plant essential oils), and SunSpray oil (a mineral oil), to B. cockerelli adults was tested on tomato. In a no-choice test, all the insecticides had significant repellency to adults and deterred oviposition as compared with untreated controls. Of the four insecticides, the two oils showed a stronger repellency to adults and deterred oviposition more strongly than Requiem or MOI-201. In a choice test, all insecticides had significant repellency to adults and deterred oviposition compared to untreated controls. Of the four tested insecticides, <1 adults and no eggs were found on the leaves treated with SunSpray Oil, BugOil or Requiem 3 d after treatment. The repellency rates of these three insecticides were 77.2–95.4%. MOI-201 also repelled adults significantly and deterred oviposition compared to untreated controls even though it was the least effective insecticide among the four evaluated. In conclusion, all four insecticides tested showed significant repellency to B. cockerelli adults and deterred oviposition, especially the two oils. The overall repellency to potato psyllid adults can be arranged in a descending order of SunSpray oil > BugOil > Requiem > MOI-201. These insecticides could be used in integrated pest management programs targeted against the potato psyllid on solanaceous crops.  相似文献   

The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama being a vector of huanglongbing (HLB), citrus greening disease is the most destructive pest of citrus and the management of D. citri is crucial for successful control of HLB. We evaluated adult populations of D. citri from twelve districts of Punjab, Pakistan for resistance to seven different insecticides. Different levels of resistance ratios were observed for all insecticides (chlorpyrifos, bifenthrin, imidacloprid, acetamiprid, thiamethoxam, nitenpyram and chlorfenapyr). Field collected populations of D. citri were highly resistant to imidacloprid as compared to the susceptible population. The resistance ratios were in range of 236.6–759.5, 55.5–212.8, 13.1–46.4, 31.4–216.7, 8.6–89.4-fold for imidacloprid, acetamiprid, chlorfenapyr, nitenpyram, and thiamethoxam, respectively and 39.8–107.1 and 32.7–124.5-fold in case of conventional insecticides i.e., bifenthrin and chlorpyrifos, respectively. Nitenpyram and thiamethoxam, with no or very low resistance should be used in combination or in rotation with other pest management tactics for managing resistance in D. citri. The correlation analysis of the LC50's of insecticides showing positive and negative correlations among different insecticides in all tested populations, suggests mechanism of cross-resistance. Imidacloprid showed a positive correlation with acetamaprid, but a negative correlation with thiamethoxam from the neonicotenoid group, while the resistance to chlorfenpyr positively correlated with chlorpyrifos and bifenthrin in the pyrethroid group. Multiple resistance mechanisms could be the reason behind the development of such a high resistance in the D. citri.  相似文献   

Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Kuwayama), preferentially orient toward citrus hosts infected with the phytopathogenic bacterium, Candidatus liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) the agent of citrus greening (Huanglongbing, HLB), compared to uninfected counterparts. We investigated whether this preference for the odors of infected plants could be useful for the development of an attract-and-kill (AK) device for D. citri. Twenty-nine blends of volatile organic compounds derived from the odor of citrus infected with CLas were tested in laboratory olfactometer tests, and two blends were also assessed under field conditions. A seven component blend of tricosane: geranial: methyl salicylate: geranyl acetone: linalool: phenylacetaldehyde: (E)-β-ocimene in a 0.40: 0.06: 0.08: 0.29: 0.08: 0.06: 0.03 ratio released from a proprietary slow-release matrix attracted twice more D. citri to yellow sticky traps compared with blank control traps. The attractive blend was subsequently co-formulated with spinosad insecticide into a slow-release matrix to create a prototype AK formulation against D. citri. This formulation effectively reduced the population density of D. citri up to 84% as measured with tap counts when deployed at a density of eight 2.5 g dollops per tree as compared with untreated controls in small plot field trials conducted in citrus orchards. Psyllid populations were not statistically affected at a deployment rate of four dollops per tree. Our results indicate that an AK formulation incorporating spinosad and a volatile blend signature of citrus greening into a slow-release matrix may be useful to suppress D. citri populations.  相似文献   

Citrus greening is a serious disease affecting citrus production in Florida and different parts of the world. This disease is spread by an insect vector and the trees are killed several years after infection. There is no known treatment for the disease. Disease detection and removal of infected trees is a critical part of citrus greening disease management efforts. This paper reports the evaluation of spectral features extracted from visible-near infrared spectroradiometer spectra for their potential to detect citrus greening disease. The extraction of spectral features is an effort to lower the cost of the optical sensor while maintaining their performance. Spectral features: (i) spectral reflectance bands and (ii) vegetation indices (VIs) were derived from 350-2,500 nm spectral reflectance data using two feature extraction methods: stepwise discriminant analysis and stepwise regression analysis. Following the selection of spectral features, the features were assessed using two classifiers, quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) and soft independent modeling of classification analogies (SIMCA) to determine the overall and individual class classification accuracies. The classification results indicated that both the spectral features (spectral bands and VIs) yielded good overall (higher than 80%) and healthy class (higher than 85%) classification accuracies using the QDA-based algorithm. The SIMCA-based algorithm yielded good average citrus greening class classification accuracy (higher than 83%) using selected spectral features. Thus, the present study demonstrates the applicability of utilizing spectral features for detection of greening in citrus.  相似文献   

Changes in chemical composition and the activities of hydrolytic enzymes during four different stages of maturity, viz. mature green (MG), color turning (CT), ripe (R), and overripe (OR), have been studied in guava fruits cv. Banarsi Surkha. Chlorophyll content decreased while carotenoid content increased during ripening. Starch content decreased with concomitant increase in alcohol-soluble sugars. Cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin also decreased up to ripe stage, while pectin continued to decrease up to OR stage. PG (polygalacturonase) and cellulase exhibited progressive increase in activity throughout ripening, whereas pectin methyl esterase (PME) activity increased up to CT stage and decreased at R stage. The activities of alpha-amylase and beta-amylase decreased significantly with ripening. The most notable metabolic changes occurred between MG and CT stage, implying that for improved postharvest handling, guava fruits may be harvested at CT stage.  相似文献   

增施有机肥对番石榴产量和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨在施用化肥的基础上增施有机肥对番石榴一年两批果实产量和品质的影响,以期为番石榴科学施肥提供依据。以‘红香1号’番石榴为研究对象,以单施化肥为对照,比较每株增施有机肥2.5、5.0、7.5、10.0 kg对番石榴果实外观性状、产量、品质和经济效益的影响。结果表明:在施用化肥的基础上,增施有机肥可增加单果质量,增大纵径、横径和果形指数,改善果实外观性状,提高产量,同时提高了果实可溶性固形物、Vc、可溶性糖和还原糖的含量,降低可滴定酸含量,改善果实风味,提高果实品质和经济效益;其中每株增施7.5 kg有机肥效果最佳,与CK相比,第1批和第2批果实的单果质量、果实纵径和横径分别增长了32.48%和20.77%、31.70%和33.97%、25.43%和24.58%,可溶性固形物、Vc、可溶性糖和还原糖分别提高了14.95%和25.76%、56.58%和57.55%、56.93%和53.23%、40.87%和50.54%,可滴定酸含量降低了25.00%和19.35%,总利润提高了55.46%。  相似文献   

番石榴果实生长发育和营养品质变化规律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究2个品种番石榴果实生长发育和营养品质的变化规律,为制定番石榴丰产优质栽培技术措施和品种推广提供参考依据。以福建省漳州市栽培的‘彩虹’和‘红宝石’2个品种的番石榴果实为试验材料。花谢后第1天,作为果实发育的起点,每7 d采样一次,直到果实成熟。测定果实单果质量、纵径、横径、果形指数、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、总糖和维生素C等指标。结果表明:‘彩虹’和‘红宝石’番石榴果实质量增长变化曲线十分相似,均表现为"快-慢-快"的双S型动态变化曲线,其质量增长过程可分为3个生长期:第1次膨大期、生长缓慢期和第2次膨大期;2个品种果实生长过程纵、横径的变化也分为3个生长时期,即2个生长高峰期和1个生长缓慢期,均表现为"快-慢-快"的双S型动态变化曲线,果实形状均由长椭圆形变为椭圆型;果实第2次膨大期(‘彩虹’为花后78~113 d,‘红宝石’为花后71~99 d)),2个品种果实的可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、总糖和维生素C含量均随着时间延长而增加,但‘红宝石’果实的可溶性固形物、可滴定酸和维生素C含量在整个过程中显著高于‘彩虹’。  相似文献   

In this study, we develop and validate multiple regression models to estimate the degree of fruit scarring by citrus thrips, Scirtothrips citri (Moulton), from heat and chill degree days. Regression coefficients indicate that cool weather during early March (2 March–16 March) and warm weather during bloom are associated with high levels of thrips scarring. The biological mechanisms leading to the temperature-fruit scarring relationships are unknown. An economic analysis suggests that using model predictions may increase the average financial return per hectare and reduce the number of insecticide treatments applied against citrus thrips.  相似文献   

Root–knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are major pests of vegetables especially in the tropics and subtropics. All commercial okra varieties are susceptible to root knot nematodes and cause substantial losses. The objective of this study is to find out resistant germplasm in order to facilitate our breeders for gene manipulation. A greenhouse study was conducted to evaluate 28 okra cultivars against Meloidogyne incognita inoculated with 5000 eggs. Five cultivars (Bamya Yalova, 19,232, 19,236, 1,922,121, and Green Wonder) had significantly fewer root galls and eggs and less reduction in plant growth (shoot weight and root length), than most of the other entries. A positive relationship was demonstrated between root galls and reduction in plant growth parameters measured. These cultivars may improve okra production in fields infested with M. incognita. During our study, none of the cultivars tested were observed to be immune or resistant to nematode infection according to a scale where: good host [susceptible] when Pf/Pi (Pf = Final population of nematodes after harvest and Pi = Initial population of nematodes which was used as inoculum during experiment) > 5.0, fair, better [moderately resistant] if 5.0 ≥ Pf/Pi > 1, poor if 1 > Pf/Pi > 0, and non-host [resistant] when Pf/Pi = 0. The cultivars, including 19,224, 19,235, Pusa Sawami, Ikra-1, Ikra-2 and Sabzperi China Red, were found to be susceptible with Pf/Pi > 5.0, and they were declared as good hosts of M. incognita. While all the other cultivars were moderately resistant, with 0 ≥ Pf/Pi > 1 but still a significant penetration of nematodes was found. The regression studies showed positive and significant relationships between the number of galls and the reduction in shoot weight (r2 = 0.95), number of galls and reduction in shoot length (r2 = 0.81), and number of galls and decrease in root length (r2 = 0.89).  相似文献   

有色黏虫板对柑橘木虱的监测及防治研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柑橘黄龙病是柑橘生产中的重大病害,随着其在全球范围内的传播蔓延,该病已成为近年来柑橘生产和研究中普遍关注的热点。柑橘木虱(Diaphorina citri Kuwayama)是传播柑橘黄龙病菌(Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus)的主要虫媒,对柑橘木虱种群的准确监测与有效防控是控制柑橘木虱传播黄龙病的关键所在。有色黏虫板是一种利用昆虫趋色性,对小型飞行昆虫进行监测与诱杀的重要物理防治手段。有色黏虫板同样适用于监测和诱捕柑橘木虱,但黏虫板的颜色、光源、气候条件、悬挂黏虫板的植物种类及其挥发性信息化合物成分等都会影响黏虫板对柑橘木虱的诱集效果。本文在综合国内外柑橘木虱防控技术的基础上,将近年来利用有色黏虫板,监测与防控柑橘木虱的最新进展进行综述,并对有色黏虫板的发展前景给予展望。  相似文献   

番石榴属于桃金娘科(Myrtaceae)番石榴属(Psidium),其果实富含蛋白质、维生素C等营养成分和抗氧化物质,是近年来福建省重点发展的亚热带名优水果之一。番石榴果实生长发育、产量和品质形成的重要物质基础之一是矿质养分,但果实生长发育中中微量矿质养分变化规律,特别是中微量矿质养分对不同品种果实品质的贡献度尚未明确。为了研究番石榴果实的中微量矿质养分的变化规律及其对品质的影响,以‘彩虹’和‘红宝石’番石榴为研究对象,测定了果实不同生长发育期Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn 6种中微量元素含量和Vc、TA、总糖、TSS等果实品质指标,并采用相关性分析(SPSS)和方差分解分析(VPA)分析了中微量矿质元素和果实品质的相关性。2种番石榴果实生长发育过程中,6种中微量元素的含量随着果实的生长发育呈现上升趋势,可分为缓慢增长期和快速增长期。其中,‘红宝石’番石榴的分界点为谢花后64~71 d,‘彩虹’番石榴为谢花后78~85 d。SPSS分析表明,中微量养分含量影响‘彩虹’番石榴和‘红宝石’番石榴果实品质的形成。除‘红宝石’番石榴的Ca含量、Fe含量与TSS在0.05水平上正相关,其余中微量矿质元素含量与Vc、TA、总糖、TSS均在0.01水平上正相关。进一步的VPA结果显示,Mn是2种番石榴果实品质的共性元素,Ca、Fe、Mn含量解释了‘彩虹’番石榴品质变化的73%,Mg、Cu、Mn含量解释了‘红宝石’番石榴品质变化的98%。因此,2种番石榴果实风味差异的主要因素分别是Ca、Fe、Mg、Cu含量。生产上,需要根据立地条件,合理选择番石榴品种,注重中微量元素的施用,提高番石榴的品质和营养价值。本研究为不同番石榴品种施肥的优化及高优栽培提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

The T36 strain of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) expressing green fluorescent protein gene (CTV-GFP) was used to detect replication of CTV in wild-type (WT) ‘Hamlin’ sweet orange plants and those transformed with the use of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain harboring a binary vector with a coat protein gene from either T36 or T30 isolate of CTV. Soil-adapted WT and transgenic plants were challenged with CTV by grafting shoots from CTV-GFP infected plants. None of the transgenic plants appeared to be able to inhibit CTV replication as CTV-associated GFP fluorescence in all of them was detected by fluorescent microscopy. For the purpose of comparison of two different methods, CTV multiplication in transgenic plants was also examined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) assays. GFP-labeled CTV represents a useful tool for estimation of susceptibility of citrus cultivars or transgenic lines to CTV infection. This method using CTV-GFP is simpler, cheaper and less time-consuming than ELISA.  相似文献   

Guava (Psidium guajava) fruits of cv. L-49 with individual shrink wrapping using 9 LLDPE film could be successfully stored up to 12 days at ambient and 18 days in evaporative cool chamber with negligible loss in vitamin C content. The untreated fruits lose 25–30% of ascorbic acid within 1week after harvest. Delay in senescence and metabolic activities as supported by less changes in soluble solids, sugars, acidity, respiration, and ethylene evaluation rate was also observed in individual shrink wrapped fruits in cool chamber. The spoilage of fruits by Fusarium rots was significantly less in cool chamber in individually shrink wrapped fruits followed by Sta-fresh treatment. Sta-fresh was more effective in cool chamber than ambient. Individually stored wrapped fruits scored a better value of sensory score than Sta-fresh under both the storage condition.  相似文献   

Nine citrus-related species and 349 citrus rootstocks were evaluated under either field or laboratory conditions for resistance to the citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella (Stainton). Field results confirmed the widespread susceptibility of citrus to the leafminer. Only 0.9% of the trees checked during one growing season escaped damage by flushing once early in the season. Laboratory assays showed that differences among citrus rootstocks existed, but levels of resistance detected were not high enough to establish a breeding program. Contrary to these results, two citroids, Murraya koenigii (L.) Sprengel and Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retzius) Corrêa, exhibited antibiotic effects against first instar larvae and may provide a source of pest-resistance genes for breeders.  相似文献   

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