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The effect of light intensity on the synthesis of oxalate and cation concentration in leaves, stems and roots ofC. amarànthicolor L. was investigated. It appears that oxalic acid is synthesized in leaves from metabolites of both photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic origin. In roots the effect of light on the oxalic acid synthesis was different to that of leaves and stems. Cation uptake seems to increase with increase in oxalic acid production.The influence of applications of superphosphate (single) urea, calcium ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride and salinity on the oxalate production and cation make up ofC. album L. was also studied. All the nutrients except at low levels of calcium ammonium nitrate depressed slightly the oxalate synthesis in leaves. The influence of the applications of sodium chloride and potassium chloride was more pronounced although the higher levels of both of these salts gave almost an equal yield of oxalic acid. These results suggest that the soil nutrients can only partly regulate the oxalic acid production in this plant. The findings also support the belief that chloride or the other anions, if available, are absorbed, compete for cations and depress the oxalate synthesis.
Zusammenfassung Untersucht wurde der Einflu der Lichtintensität auf die Oxalatsynthese und die Kationenkonzentration in Blättern, Stengeln und Wurzeln von Chenopodium amaranthicolor L. Es scheint, da in den Blättern die Oxalsäure aus Metaboliten synthetisiert wird, die sowohl photosynthetischen als auch nicht photosynthetischen Ursprungs sein können. Der Einflu des Lichtes auf die Oxalsäuresynthese in den Wurzeln weicht von dem in den Blättern und Stengeln ab. Die Kationenaufnahme scheint mit der Zunahme der Oxalsäureproduktion anzústeigen.Des weiteren wurde der Einflu von Superphosphat, Harnstoff, Kalkammon-Salpeter, Kaliumchlorid und Natriumchlorid auf die Oxalatbildung und die Kationenaufnahme bei Chenopodium album untersucht. Alle hier angeführten Nährstoffe, mit Ausnahme der geringsten Gabe Kalkammon-Salpeter, wirkte depressiv auf die Oxalatsynthese in den Blättern. Natrium- und Kaliumchlorid hatten den stärksten Einflu, wobei zwischen diesen beiden Salzen kein Unterschied bestand. Diese Ergebnisse legen den Gedanken nahe, da die Bodennährstoffe nur teilweise die Oxalsäureproduktion in dieser Pflanze regulieren. Auerdem stützen sie die Annahme, da Chloride oder andere Anionen, sofern sie verfügbar sind, absorbiert werden und als Konkurrenten um die Kationen auftreten und sich somit auf die Oxalatsynthese hemmend auswirken.

Professor of biochemistry  相似文献   

采用10%聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)模拟干旱胁迫的方法,研究其对14个甘蓝型油菜品种发芽期生理生化性状的影响。结果表明,PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫后,幼苗的相对活力指数在0.32-0.79之间,14个品种的平均相对活力指数为0.49。干旱胁迫后,14个油菜品种的平均苗高比对照降低40.68%,平均单株鲜重比对照降低34.2%,平均成苗率比对照降低18%。但干旱胁迫对根系生长的影响差异不显著。PEG-6000模拟干旱胁迫后,幼苗丙二醛(MDA)、可溶性糖、脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白的含量和电导率均比对照极显著提高,丙二醛的平均含量比对照提高96.7%,可溶性糖平均含量比对照提高75.0%,脯氨酸平均含量比对照增加2204.9%,可溶性蛋白的平均含量比对照增加56.2%,平均电导率比对照增加34.8%。在各种指标中,相对活力指数较为直观、综合地反映了发芽和生长性状,可作为油菜发芽期抗旱鉴定的主要指标。  相似文献   

Aerobic rice culture is a new technology designed to reduce water use, but the vulnerability of rice to aerobic condition has limited its development. The objective of this study was to characterize the root growth and stomatal behaviour of four rice cultivars grown in flooded and aerobic culture for 2 years. In aerobic culture, where the soil water potential at 20-cm depth averaged between −15 and −30 kPa, total root biomass was significantly lower than in flooded culture for the whole growth period, owing to a reduction in root biomass in the surface layer. Dry-matter partitioning to roots decreased, but the ratio of deep root biomass to total root biomass tended to be higher in aerobic culture than in flooded culture. The low root-to-shoot ratio and poor root growth in the surface layer in aerobic culture are attributable to the considerable reduction in adventitious root number. As a result, the varietal difference in total root biomass was due largely to individual root growth in aerobic culture. Stomatal closure was distinct at the vegetative stage in aerobic culture, even when the soil water potential was near field capacity, partly because of the poor rooting vigour. When the soil water potential at 20-cm depth was below −50 kPa, the stomatal behaviour reflected the root growth in the subsurface layer. These results suggest the role of vigorous root growth in soil water uptake and hence, in maintaining transpiration in aerobic rice culture.  相似文献   

为深入理解橡胶树的化感抑制作用,采用适当浓度的橡胶叶水浸提液处理刚萌动的花生种子10 d,测定花生幼苗早期根系形态及其生理指标。结果表明:橡胶叶水浸提液能显著降低花生幼苗胚根长度、苗高、根鲜重、地上部鲜重以及根冠比,对根生长的抑制作用比地上部强烈;能显著降低根系总长、根表面积、根体积和根尖数,但对根平均直径有轻微的促进作用,与对照相比,差异不显著;能显著降低根系SOD、POD、CAT活性、可溶性蛋白质、可溶性糖、脯氨酸含量以及根系活力,却明显增加根系MDA含量和相对电导率。说明橡胶叶水浸提液可通过破坏花生幼苗的抗氧化防御机制,降低其渗透调节能力,减少根系的吸收面积,抑制根系的吸收活性来抑制花生幼苗的生长。  相似文献   

Chick pea seeds of twenty eight varieties were analysed for alpha amylase inhibitor activity (AIA) using salivary amylase. The effects of heat treatment and germination on the activity of the antinutritional factor was investigated. Heat treatment and germination decreased the activity of amylase inhibitor. Chick pea meal was also subjected to UV irradiation and pressure cooking. These treatments decreased alpha amylase inhibitor activity. The amylase inhibitor activity decreased as the days of germination increased and negligible inhibitor activity was observed on the 6th day of germination.  相似文献   

Five bacterial strains (TR1 to TR5) isolated from root nodules of fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) were tested for their plant growth promotory traits and biocontrol potential against Fusarium oxysporum. On the basis of morphological, physiological, biochemical and molecular characteristics, strains TR1 and TR3 - TR5 were identified as Ensifer meliloti, and TR2 as Rhizobium leguminosarum. All bacterial isolates utilized phosphate in vitro. Except TR5, all isolates produced IAA and none of them showed volatile cyanogens production. Except TR3, all isolates produced in vitro siderophore. Isolate TR1 and TR4 showed chitinase production while only TR2 showed β-1,3-glucanase activity. Isolates TR1, TR2 and TR5 exhibited ACC deaminase activity. Isolates TR1, TR2 and TR4 inhibited the growth of F. oxysporum, causing loss of structural integrity of the mycelium, hyphal perforation, lysis, fragmentation and degradation. The potential for nodulation and nitrogen fixation of the strains were confirmed by amplification of 500 bp nodC and 781 bp nifH fragments. The application of the TR1 + TR2 combination resulted in increased grain yield by 35% and 36% of fenugreek in two consecutive field trials, respectively as compared to control. Maximum increments in vigour index, nodule number and root and shoot biomass were recorded with seed inoculated with consortium (TR1 + TR2) followed by single inoculation as compared to control. The antibiotic resistant marker strain of E. meliloti TR1strep+ and R. leguminosarum TR2tet+ confirmed the efficient colonization of fenugreek roots. This study showed that these rhizobial isolates have properties of biocontrol agents and may be applied to promote the growth of fenugreek.  相似文献   

There was no appreciable change in proteinase inhibitory activity in sorghum upon dry heat treatment. However, moist heating reduced trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitors to a greater degree. Germination (5 days) brought about complete reduction in proteinase inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1986,15(2):109-124
Eighteen experiments at three hot tropical sites (5–12 °S, 180–800 m) within Peru were run with various mulches over a 4-year period.Mulch, although suppressing weed growth, favoured both crop emergence and the stand of tuber-bearing plants at final harvest. Canopy development, crop cover and light interception over the season were almost invariably improved by mulch. Tuber initiation, when measured, was earlier and tuber growth rates greater for mulched plants. Tuber yield was consistently increased by mulch in all but two experiments, averaging 25% over all experiments.Yield improvements due to mulch were less evident at the hottest site, where high soil temperature (> 25 °C) during the night at tuber depth, high natural reflectivity of the soil (0.18), a large sand fraction in the soil, and cloudy days and nights, were considered responsible for inconsistent benefits of mulch on tuber yield.At another site, where mulch was also tested during the rainy season, yield was on average improved by mulch in a proportion similar to that during the dry season at the same site. Mulch was particularly beneficial in improving all measured aspects of crop growth and yield when combined with agronomic treatments that, on their own, predisposed plants to greater heat stress. For example, mulch was more effective in ridge than on the flat plantings, at planting depth less than 7 cm, at lower plant populations and for small-canopied determinate clones.Environmental and biological criteria for the successful use of mulch for potato cultivation in hot climates are discussed.  相似文献   

In a four-year study, we investigated the relationship between the damage to root nodules of organically produced pea (Pisum sativum L.) by the larvae of the pea leaf weevil (Sitona lineatus L.) and the abundance of adult weevils. In addition to studying natural infestations, we established artificial infestations within cages to assess the impact of different weevil densities on yield parameters and determinants of the nitrogen balance. Densities of 0.2 adult S. lineatus per plant (20 individuals per m2) reduced the number of seeds and pods per plant by 18% and 15%, respectively; seeds per pod and thousand-seed weight remained unaffected. A three-fold or five-fold increase in weevil abundance (13–40 or 20 to 100 individuals per m2) did not result in an additional reduction in yield. Moreover, the higher weevil abundance did not adversely affect the N-harvest index or soil nitrogen content. We suspect that the impact of adult S. lineatus on yield and nitrogen parameters is limited by the density-dependent mortality of the larvae. Survival of larvae in turn depends on the nodulation of the plants, which is largely regulated by the supply of water. The assumption that organic cropping systems are at specific risk from the pea leaf weevil was confirmed by increasing population densities during the study period. However, yield losses were independent of adult attack within a wide range of weevil abundance, which indicates the complexity of assessing larval damage based on adult infestation level. An enhanced intraspecific competition among larvae may account for the absence of linear relationships, considering that especially young instars failed to establish in root nodules at higher densities. We found that adult densities of 0.2 individuals per plant and subsequent larval densities of 7 individuals per plant resulted in destruction of 37% of the root nodules on primary roots, which was much below destruction values reported in other studies. In conclusion, we recommend an early monitoring of weevils and early initiation of control strategies because yield losses were caused by even low weevil densities. Finally, the tolerance of P. sativum to S. lineatus was influenced by the yield level, i.e., tolerance to S. lineatus decreased as yield increased.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):306-315

The effect of a long term of soil compaction on dry matter production (DMP) and water use in rice cultivated under limited water supply during the reproductive stage is unknown. Our objectives were to determine which of the transpiration (Tr) or water use efficiency (WUE) is dominant in determining DMP under compacted and desiccated soil conditions. When irrigation in the period around the reproductive stage was terminated in artificially compacted and non-compacted fields, the rate of suppression of DMP by soil compaction was similar in the three rice cultivars, but DMP was higher in drought resistant cultivars having deep root density at the heading stage. Six cultivars were grown in pots of 1.0 m in depth containing the soils of three levels of soil bulk density (SBD). Water supply was restricted by keeping the water table in the pot deep without irrigation during the reproductive stage. DMP and Tr in all cultivars decreased with increasing SBD, and a close relationship was seen between DMP and Tr. WUE was thus a fairly stable factor for all cultivars examined. Tr was positively correlated with root length density and was relatively maintained at a high SBD in drought-resistant cultivars having a higher root length density. We concluded that water shortage under compacted soil conditions during reproductive stage suppressed the DMP, and DMP suppression accompanied a reduction of Tr due to poor root development rather than the reduction of WUE. In the drought-resistant cultivars reduction of DMP was relatively small due to their highly developed root systems that allowed high water absorption from the deep layers in the compacted soil.  相似文献   

Summary True potato seed of 17 progenies were evaluated during 2002-03 and 2003-04 crop seasons for 12 characters related to seed germination, seedling growth and weed population in nursery beds and tuber yield of transplanted seedlings under non-solarized field conditions. Solarization was found to have beneficial effect on seed germination, seedling growth and yield of transplanted seedlings. Total weeds and major annual weedCornopus didymus were reduced to a great extent due to solarization. However solarization had no effect onCyperus rotundus. Progenies also showed significant differences among themselves for the various characters studied. The progeny x solarization interaction was also significant for all the characters. Yield increase in present study shows that the approach involving raising of seedlings in solarized nursery beds and subsequent transfer of seedlings to non-solarized field would be cost-effective and profitable for raising true seed crop of potato.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of cropping frequency on the yield of potato and on the development of soil-borne diseases was studied from 1979 to 1985 in a crop rotation experiment on a marine clay soil. Tuber yield decreased markedly with increasing cropping frequency. The yield of cv. Hertha was reduced by 27% in continuous cropping and by 15% in a wheat/potato or sugar beet/potato rotation, when compared with the rotation wheat/sugar beet/oats/potato. However, a pot experiment showed that yield depression in continuous cropping depended on the cultivar used. Crop growth declined in the second part of the growing season, and senescence accelerated as the cropping frequency increased.Verticillium dahliae was the most important yield-reducing factor. Root infection by this fungus was stimulated by the root-lesion nematodePratylenchus neglectus.  相似文献   

K. Scholte 《Potato Research》1990,33(2):181-190
Summary A crop rotation experiment was carried out on a light sandy soil in 1979–1986 to study the effects of the frequency of potato cropping on yield, quality and on the occurrence of soil-borne pathogens other than potato cyst nematodes. Tuber yield decreased markedly with increasing cropping frequency, but also depended on what crops were grown in rotation with potato. Growth during the early part of the season, as well as the length of the growing period, were reduced in short rotations. The fungiVerticillium dahliae andRhizoctonia solani, and root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) were the most important yield reducing pathogens. The effects of rotation depended on the cultivar used. The percentage of mis-shapen tubers increased with increasing cropping frequency and after application of granular nematicides, but the incidence of common scab (Streptomyces scabies) was not affected.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the variation in laboratory fodder quality traits in stover of 16 cultivars of pearl millet grown over 2 consecutive years and subjected to two different fertilizer regimes and planting densities. Stover quality traits were nitrogen and sugar content, in vitro digestibility and metabolizable energy content as well as yield of digestible and metabolizable stover. Significant (P < 0.05) cultivar-dependent variations were observed for all these quality traits. Stover nitrogen contents were mostly below the levels (1.2% of dry matter) considered to be the minimum required for efficient feed digestion in the rumen, but choice of cultivar plus nitrogen fertilizer application could raise nitrogen levels to near, equal or above this threshold. Stover sugar contents were below 5% and mostly concentrated in the stems. Across management regimes stover in vitro digestibility varied by about 4% units, and by about 3–5% units within individual management regimes. Stover metabolizable energy contents of cultivars varied such that stover from superior cultivars could provide the energy maintenance requirement of livestock and theoretically moderate levels of live weight gains, while livestock fed on stover from poor cultivars would lose live weight. Yields of digestible and metabolizable stover (yield of stover dry matter times stover in vitro digestibility/metabolizable energy) varied among cultivars by at least 1.7-fold. Stover quality traits and grain yields of cultivars were largely unrelated (P > 0.05) suggesting that high stover quality will not be achieved on the expense of grain yield. Heritabilities for stover quality traits were high (h2 > 0.73) except for stover nitrogen content (h2 > 0.56).  相似文献   

In silvopastoral systems, tree growth and the composition and productivity of pasture can be modified by management practices such as initial fertilization when tree seedlings are more sensitive to understorey competition. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of fertilization with different types of sewage sludge (anaerobic sludge, composted sludge and pelletized sludge), using different rates of incorporation and mineralization with traditional treatments (with and without mineral fertilizers) on the growth of newly established ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) and on pasture development, to obtain sustainable management practices that enhance the growth of both components. Soil characteristics, tree growth, sward composition and pasture development were modified differently according to the type of sewage sludge used, and for similar total nitrogen inputs. Anaerobic sludge had a higher initial effect on both tree and pasture productivity. Pelletized sludge sustained better tree and pasture production. Composted sludge was found to be the most appropriate treatment for improving soil characteristics over the long term on sandy soils. It was concluded that pelletized sludge should be promoted because it enhances productivity, allows for better nutrient recovery and is less costly to store and apply compared with anaerobic sludge and composted sludge. No toxic concentrations of Zn or Cu were found in plants or in the soil despite higher concentrations being present in the applied sludge than in soil.  相似文献   

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