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Tillage alters corn root distribution in coarse-textured soil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Root responses to tillage vary and the driving factors are not well understood. Characterization of root response is requisite to optimize fertilizer placement and to understand limitations to no-till production. Corn (Zea mays L.) root length and weight were measured in the top 0.3 m of coarse-textured soil (Psammentic Hapludalf) in southwestern Ontario, Canada after 5, 6 and 7 yr of conventional and no-till management. Root length density in the top 0.1 m was greater under no-till (17 km m−3) than under conventional till (7 km m−3) 2 yr out of 3. Root length density was 4 km m−3 lower under no-till than under conventional till in the 0.15 to 0.3 m layer 1 yr out of 3, but otherwise root growth below 0.1 m was unaffected by tillage. Each year, root length and weight were distributed more horizontally under no-till than under conventional till. Corn grain yields did not vary with tillage, even though soil water content was often greater under no-till. The increase in soil water (of between 0.01 and 0.03 m3 m−3) was partly due to increased water holding capacity—water held between −8 and −200 kPa matric potential was usually greater under no-till (0.07 m3 m−3) than under conventional till (0.06 m3 m−3) in the top 0.15 m. The shift in root distribution was apparently driven by soil structure because variation in bulk density with tillage and depth followed the same trends as variation in root length. Bulk density was greater under no-till (1.5 Mg m−3) than under conventional till (1.4 Mg m−3) in the top 0.15 m. In the top 0.075 m, the proportion of the total space occupied by capillary pores (<36 μm diameter) was greater under no-till (17%) than under conventional till (15%), there were more dry-stable aggregates under no-till (9% of total soil in the 0.85–5.7 mm size fraction) than under conventional till (7%), and a greater proportion of these aggregates were water-stable under no-till (25%) than under conventional till (16%). Greater bulk density may trigger formation of lateral roots, and greater aggregation contribute to the more superficial development by deflecting roots from their gravitropic pathway. Given the more superficial root distribution under no-till, shallower placement of downwardly mobile nutrients such as nitrogen may be more efficient than knife-injection.  相似文献   

玉米根系在土壤剖面中的分布研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
玉米根系在土壤剖面中的分布是准确量化植被与气候相互作用不可缺少的参数,也是玉米生产科学管理和节水农业发展的重要科学依据.在中国气象科学研究院固城生态环境与农业气象实验站内的大型根系观测系统中,采用地下室玻璃窗观测法和方形整段标本法,观测了"屯玉46号"玉米的根深、根宽、根长和根重,分析了玉米根长、根长密度、根重密度和根系粗度等在土壤剖面中的分布状况.结果表明,玉米根长、根干重均随土壤深度的增加基本呈递减类型.吐丝期0~40 cm土层根长占整层根长51.5%,0~80 cm土层占76.2%,0~120 cm土层占90.5%.乳熟后期其分布趋势与吐丝期相似.玉米根系粗度随着土壤深度增加,在上层呈减少分布型,在下层呈增加分布型.乳熟后期,玉米最大根深可达230 cm,根长总量达8.288 km·m-2,显示出该玉米品种有较发达的根系.通过玻璃窗观测的根深大于远离玻璃窗处的根深.  相似文献   

开展根系生物量的观测和研究,建立通用性的根系生物量模型对于开展生态系统生物量的监测和评估具有重要意义。为得到根系生物量的实时信息,2016年9月末利用挖土法和根系扫描系统,获取玉米根系的生物量及生态指标,分析了玉米根系生物量的垂直分布特征并建立了根系生物量与根系生态指标之间的模拟方程。结果表明:玉米根系生物量主要集中于0~30 cm,占玉米根系垂直分布量的94.44%。利用普通最小二乘法建立根系生物量模型均存在异方差问题,增加根长作为自变量建立的根系生物量模型显著提高了模拟精度,决定系数(R2)达0.91以上。采用对数转换消除方程的异方差及比较不同的模拟方程后发现,玉米根系生物量与根径和根长的组合变量(D2H)建立的指数函数是模拟玉米根系生物量的最优方程,决定系数(R2)最高,为0.90,平均绝对误差(MAE)、估计值的标准误差(SEE)、平均预估误差(MPE)均最小,满足了模拟方程的精度要求。对该方程进一步验证发现,模拟值和实测值之间的相关系数为0.92,说明此模型能较好地模拟根系生物量。利用根系生物量模型结合微根管法,可解决根系生物量实时观测难的问题。  相似文献   

Fine root (diameter < 2 mm) production, mortality and decomposition have been poorly estimated at ecosystem scales due to technical limitations. The soil coring method can accurately assess fine root biomass and necromass, but the concurrent growth, death and decomposition processes were not reasonably assessed during the sampling period, leading to greatly biased rate estimates. We developed a dynamic-flow method with two variations to address these processes by combining the soil coring method with an improved decomposition experiment. For a certain interval i (1 ≤ i) in the growing season, the dead fine roots were classified into fine roots dying before the start of interval i (GⅠ-i) and those dying during interval i (GⅡ-i). The decompositions of GⅠ-i and GⅡ-i were separately quantified and integrated into a modified mass balance model to estimate the production, mortality and decomposition. An example study conducted in a secondary Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica Fischer ex Ledebour) forest showed that fine root production, mortality and decomposition were greatly underestimated by conventional soil coring methods failing to address the simultaneous growth, death and decomposition processes but overestimated by the method in which the decompositions of GⅠ-i and GⅡ-i were not separately determined and the decomposition rate was assumed to be constant. The dynamic-flow method greatly improved the accuracy of fine root estimates and can be widely applied to forests.  相似文献   

土壤水分对作物根系生长及分布的调控作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
研究了作物根系生长、分布对不同土壤水分条件,特别是水分胁迫条件和不同灌溉方式的动态响应特征及其与冠部生长、籽粒产量和水分利用的关系,指出对作物根系实施调控的方法,为寻求节水高产途径提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

For forest ecosystems, the relationship between root biomass, root growth and soil nitrification is still debated. Following repeated findings of significant differences in soil nitrification beneath comparable stands at the Breuil experimental site, a reciprocal soil exchange experiment combining high (H)‐ and low (L)‐nitrifying stands was conducted to highlight the effect of tree root colonization on the control of nitrification. Soil percent nitrification and fine root biomass were measured in undisturbed and in transplanted soil cores after 16 and 28 months. In undisturbed soils, the fine root biomass varied by tree species and explained only 14% of the variation in percent nitrification. In transplanted soil cores, percent nitrification converged, at different rates, towards values close to those measured in the undisturbed soil at the receptor stands. On the one hand, percent nitrification increased rapidly in soil cores from L transferred to H, while soil core colonization by roots remained low during the study period. Soil cores might have been colonized by active nitrifiers from their new environment, or/and the activity of the nitrifiers originally present was less suppressed by root activity in their new environment. On the other hand, percent nitrification decreased progressively in soil cores from H transferred to L as root colonization increased. This suggests that root colonization reduced nitrifier population and activity. Our findings suggest that the often‐reported influence of forest species on soil nitrification is probably multifactorial but the tree root colonization contributes.  相似文献   

The capability of the soil water balance model SIMWASER to predict the impact of soil compaction upon the yield of maize (Zea mays L.) is tested, using the results of a field experiment on the influence of soil compaction by wheel pressure upon soil structure, water regime and plant growth. The experimental site was located on an Eutric Cambisol with loamy silt soil texture at an elevation of 260 m in the northern, semi-humid sub-alpine zone of Austria. Within the experimental field a 7 m wide strip was compacted by a tractor driven trailer just before planting maize in May 1988. Compression effects due to trailer traffic resulted in distinct differences of physical and mechanical soil parameters in comparison with the uncompressed experimental plots down to a depth of about 30 cm: bulk density and penetration resistance at field capacity were increased from 1.45 to 1.85 g/cm3, and from 0.8 to 1.5 MPa, respectively, while air-filled pore space as well as infiltration rate were appreciable lowered from about 0.08–0.02 cm3/cm3 and from 50 to 0.5 cm per day, respectively. The overall effect was a clear depression of the dry matter grain yield from 7184 kg/ha of the non-compacted plot to 5272 kg/ha in the compacted field strip. The deterministic and functional model SIMWASER simulates the water balance and the crop yield for any number of crop rotations and years, provided that daily weather records (air temperature, humidity of air, global radiation, wind and precipitation) are available. Crop growth and soil water regime are coupled together by the physiological processes of transpiration and assimilation, which take place at the same time through the stomata of the plant leaves and are both reacting in the same direction to changes in the soil water availability within the rooting zone. The water availability during rainless seasons depends on the hydraulic properties of the soil profile within the rooting depth and on rooting density. Rooting depth and density are affected by both the type of the crop and the penetration resistance of the soil, which depends on the soil moisture status and may be strongly increased by soil compaction. The model SIMWASER was able to simulate these effects as shown by the calculated grain yields, which amounted in the non-compacted plot to 7512 and to 5558 kg dry matter/ha in the compacted plot.  相似文献   

为探明华北平原灌溉条件下秸秆覆盖的土壤温度效应对冬小麦根系和籽粒产量的影响,利用大田试验研究了不同秸秆覆盖时间和覆盖量处理对冬小麦土壤温度、根系和籽粒产量的影响。试验设冬小麦播种后覆盖和三叶期覆盖,覆盖量设上茬作物(夏玉米)秸秆全量覆盖(HM)、1/2量覆盖(MM)、1/3量覆盖(LM)和不覆盖(CK)。结果表明:1)与不覆盖(CK)相比,播种后覆盖和三叶期覆盖冬小麦产量分别降低8.6%和2.0%,播种后覆盖减产幅度大于三叶期覆盖;播种后减产是由于小麦千粒重比CK降低4.1%、穗粒数降低6.6%和收获指数降低2.4%,三叶期覆盖减产的原因是收获时有效穗数比CK降低5.8%造成。播种后覆盖处理中随着覆盖量的增加千粒重、有效穗数、收获指数显著降低,三叶期覆盖处理的产量构成没有显著差异。2)秸秆覆盖对小麦分蘖期和越冬期(冬季)土壤温度具有提升作用。覆盖处理日均温平均比CK提高0.56℃;小麦返青期后随着气温的升高,秸秆覆盖具有降温作用。冬季秸秆覆盖提升土壤温度的贡献主要是提升了夜间土壤温度,返青后降温的作用是降低白天的土壤温度;冬季随覆盖量增加增温效应增大,返青后随着覆盖量的增加降温效应增加,各覆盖处理间的土壤温度差异不显著。3)秸秆覆盖促进了冬季冬小麦根系生长,秸秆覆盖处理的根长密度大于CK;返青后秸秆覆盖减弱了根系生长,至扬花期随小麦冠层覆盖度增加,秸秆覆盖与CK的根长密度差异减小。由于小麦分蘖期和越冬期土壤温度高于CK,根系生长快于CK,消耗了更多的土壤氮,造成返青—拔节期土壤全氮含量低于CK。因此,华北平原冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟灌溉区,为了降低秸秆覆盖对冬小麦产量的不利作用,秸秆覆盖应在三叶期后实施,覆盖量采用上茬玉米秸秆产量的1/3~1/2,其余秸秆可以用于畜牧业饲料。  相似文献   

为了研究玉米生长后期根系的生长发育规律,利用中国气象局固城农业气象试验站大型根剖面系统,采用微根管观测系统及方形整段标本法和地下根系室玻璃窗,对‘屯玉46号’玉米根系的生长状况进行了试验研究。结果表明:垂直方向上,方形整段标本法和微根管法测得的根长密度占整层总根长密度比例的变化趋势一致,相关系数分别为0.987和0.717,且两种方法在0~20 cm土层的根长密度比例均为最大。0~60 cm土层为玉米根系生长活跃区,方形整段标本法测得根长密度生长量为其余层的4倍。两种方法测得的根长密度无显著差异,相关系数为0.830,均匀性水平较好。玉米成熟期根系的水平幅度较乳熟期窄,下层根系仍处于生长中,垂直深度增加。玻璃窗与方形整段标本法观测的根深测定结果存在差异,这可能与观测环境条件不一致有关。  相似文献   

Soil compaction generally reduces crop performance because of degraded soil physical and biological properties, and possibly inappropriate soil nutritional status. The effects of varying compaction, and phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) supplies on the growth of Berseem or Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrimum), and accumulation of P and Zn in shoots and roots were investigated in a pot experiment using a surface layer of a Typic Torrifluvent (USDA), Calcaric Fluvisols (FAO) soil. Plants were treated with three soil compaction levels, three rates of P and three rates of Zn in a factorial combination. Phosphorus accumulation in shoots did not change up to bulk densities of 1.65 Mg m−3 and declined at bulk density of 1.80 Mg m−3. Increasing the levels of Zn and P resulted in a significant increase in shoot dry mass (from 0.3 to 0.8 g pot−1), and root length (from 11.4 to 32.5 m pot−1). Shoot and root growth were reduced by soil compaction particularly at low P and Zn application rates. Shoot dry mass was reduced from 0.8 to 0.3 g pot−1, and root length from 43 to 5 m pot−1 at bulk densities of 1.4 and 1.8 Mg m−3, respectively. However, the accumulation of P (from 0.06 to 0.15 g kg−1) and Zn per unit length of roots (from 0.8 to 1.8 μg pot−1) increased as soil compaction increased. As the Zn supply increased, Zn accumulation per unit length of roots, and total Zn accumulation increased. Severe compaction reduced P and Zn accumulation in shoots and also decreased shoot dry mass, and root length compared to lower soil compaction levels. The present study suggests that Zn and P supply can moderate the adverse effect of soil compaction on clover performance.  相似文献   

日光温室甜椒起垄内嵌式基质栽培根区温度日变化特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
针对我国北方地区日光温室冬春季低温胁迫、土壤连作障碍、单产低和水肥资源利用率低等问题,本文设计了一种新型的栽培方法——起垄内嵌式基质栽培方法(soil ridge substrate-embedded cultivation,SRSC),并在早春季节,研究了两种模式的SRSC[嵌槽式垄(SRSC-P)和嵌膜(铁丝网槽支撑)式垄(SRSC-W)]及土垄(SR)和单一基质槽垄(NPG)栽培下的甜椒幼苗根区温度的日变化特征。结果表明,日光温室内栽培垄根区温度与温室内、外的气温变化呈显著正相关,室内和栽培垄根区的平均温度分别比室外提高8.07℃和10.93℃,夜间分别提升9.90℃和14.81℃。在夜间低温阶段,SRSC-W维持根区较高温度的能力相对优于SR和SRSC-P,其根区平均温度分别比SR和SRSC-P高1.34℃和0.52℃;在白天高温阶段,SR、SRSC-P、NPG、SRSC-W最高温度平均值分别为28.06℃、27.21℃、29.93℃、26.05℃,SRSC-W抗高温效果最佳,NPG抗高温效果最差。阴天条件下,栽培垄的蓄热保温性能比晴天条件下差。SR白天和夜间的中心根区平均温度皆高于外侧,但SRSC-P和SRSC-W白天外侧温度高,夜间中心根区温度高。栽培垄北部根区温度高于南部根区温度,具有空间差异性,其中SRSC-W栽培模式的南部中心根区温度和北部中心根区温度差异相对于其他处理最小。此外,SRSC-W中心根区温度变化滞后时间最长,温度缓冲能力强。总之,SRSC-W栽培方法维持早春季节夜间甜椒根区温度能力和对低温及高温胁迫的缓冲性最强,且成本低,在日光温室抗低温生产中具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Based on the enclosed chamber method, soil respiration measurements of Leymus chinensis populations with four planting densities (30, 60, 90 and 120 plants/0.25 m2) and blank control were made from July 31 to November 24, 2003. In terms of soil respiration rates of L. chinensis populations with four planting densities and their corresponding root biomass, linear regressive equations between soil respiration rates and dry root weights were obtained at different observation times. Thus, soil respiration rates attributed to soil microbial activity could be estimated by extrapolating the regressive equations to zero root biomass. The soil microbial respiration rates of L. chinensis populations during the growing season ranged from 52.08 to 256.35 mg CO2 m−2 h−1. Soil microbial respiration rates in blank control plots were also observed directly, ranging from 65.00 to 267.40 mg CO2 m−2 h−1. The difference of soil microbial respiration rates between the inferred and the observed methods ranged from −26.09 to 9.35 mg CO2 m−2 h−1. Some assumptions associated with these two approaches were not completely valid, which might result in this discrepancy. However, these two methods' application could provide new insights into separating root respiration from soil microbial respiration. The root respiration rates of L. chinensis populations with four planting densities could be estimated based on measured soil respiration rates, soil microbial respiration rates and corresponding mean dry root weight, and the highest values appeared at the early stage, then dropped off rapidly and tended to be constant after September 10. The mean proportions of soil respiration rates of L. chinensis populations attributable to the inferred and the observed root respiration rates were 36.8% (ranging from 9.7 to 52.9%) and 30.0% (ranging from 5.8 to 41.2%), respectively. Although root respiration rates of L. chinensis populations declined rapidly, the proportion of root respiration to soil respiration still increased gradually with the increase of root biomass.  相似文献   

Quantification of root biomass through the conventional root excavation and washing method is inefficient. A pot experiment was conducted to estimate root-derived carbon (C) in soil. Spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. ‘Quantum’) was grown in plastic containers (6 L) filled with sterilized sandy soil in a greenhouse. Plants were enriched with 13CO2 in a glass chamber twice at growth stages GS-37 and GS-59 for 70 min at each time. In one treatment, roots were separated from soil at crop maturity, washed and dried for the determination of biomass. Isotope ratios were then separately analyzed for roots and soil. In a second treatment, roots were thoroughly mixed with the whole soil and representative samples were analyzed for 13C abundance at crop maturity. Control plants were untreated with 13C, in which roots were separated from soil. The root biomass was calculated based on the root-derived C, which was measured through 13C abundance in the soil and root mixed samples. A substantial amount of root-derived C (24%) was unaccounted while separating the roots from soil. Similarly, about 36% of the root biomass was underestimated if conventional root excavation and washing method is used. It has been shown that root biomass can be estimated more accurately from the root-derived C using 13C tracer method than the estimates made by the conventional excavation and washing method. We propose this as an alternative method for the estimation of root-derived C in soil, based on which root biomass can be estimated.  相似文献   

玉米/大豆套作可显著提高粮食产量和养分利用效率。研究间套作作物根茬分解、养分释放规律及其对土壤生物学特性的影响,对阐释该系统中作物养分高效利用具有重要意义。本研究采用室内培养方式,控制根茬总量为2%(2 g根茬+98 g土壤),分别设置单独的大豆根茬(S)和玉米根茬(M)及两种根茬按3∶1、1∶1和1∶3混合(分别表示为SM 3∶1、SM 1∶1和SM 1∶3)共5个不同根茬配比处理和1个不加根茬处理(CK),动态测定根茬矿化速率,碳、氮含量和土壤微生物量碳等指标。研究结果表明:培养前9 d,根茬矿化速率最快,而后矿化速率逐渐降低,到培养60 d后所有处理根茬矿化速率趋于稳定。整个培养周期内玉米根茬CO_2累积释放量显著高于大豆根茬处理,但SM 1∶3处理的CO_2累积释放量始终高于其他处理。培养结束后,SM 1∶3处理的有机碳矿化量显著高于其他处理。根茬总碳含量在前10 d无显著变化,10~60 d时显著降低,后趋于平稳。培养结束后SM 1∶3处理的根茬碳含量相比初始值降低最多,降幅达到24.8%,其次是玉米根茬(M)处理,降幅为21.4%,大豆根茬(S)处理碳含量降低最少,为9.7%。根茬总氮含量在前10 d显著降低,10~100 d总氮含量显著增加。培养结束后大豆根茬(S)总氮含量最高,SM 1∶3处理总氮含量最低。土壤微生物量碳含量在培养周期内呈先增加后降低而后趋于平稳的变化规律。培养结束后与CK相比,SM 1∶3、SM 1∶1、M、S和SM 3∶1处理的土壤微生物量碳含量分别增加89.4%、58.8%、47.1%、41.2%和37.5%。因此,玉米、大豆根茬混合后在土壤中的矿化速率、养分释放速率明显高于单一根茬处理,且有利于土壤微生物的繁殖。在本试验所选的3种配比中,SM 1∶3的配置效果最佳。  相似文献   

Soil microbial biomass plays important roles in nutrient cycling, plant-pathogen suppression, decomposition of residues and degradation of pollutants; therefore, it is often regarded as a good indicator of soil quality. We reviewed more than a hundred studies in which microbial biomass-C (MB-C), microbial quotient (MB-C/TSOC, total soil organic carbon) and metabolic quotient (qCO2) were evaluated with the objective of understanding MB-C responses to various soil-management practices in Brazilian ecosystems. These practices included tillage systems, crop rotations, pastures, organic farming, inputs of industrial residues and urban sewage sludge, applications of agrochemicals and burning. With a meta-analysis of 233 data points, we confirmed the benefits of no-tillage in preserving MB-C and reducing qCO2 in comparison to conventional tillage. A large number of studies described increases in MB-C and MB-C/TSOC due to permanent organic farming, also benefits from crop rotations particularly with several species involved, whereas application of agrochemicals and burning severely disturbed soil microbial communities. The MB-C decreased in overgrazed pastures, but increased in pastures rotated with well-managed crops. Responses of MB-C, MB-C/TSOC and qCO2 to amendment with organic industrial residues varied with residue type, dose applied and soil texture. In conclusion, MB-C and related parameters were, indeed, useful indicators of soil quality in various Brazilian ecosystems. However, direct relationships between MB-C and nutrient-cycling dynamics, microbial diversity and functionality are still unclear. Further studies are needed to develop strategies to maximize beneficial effects of microbial communities on soil fertility and crop productivity.  相似文献   

Summary Freezing was investigated as a means of preserving samples in soil respiration studies. Concentrations of CO2 in the headspaces of incubation bottles before and after freezing, and respiration rates derived from fresh or frozen samples were not significantly different over periods of up to 30 days. Freezing permits many samples to be assayed for respiratory activity at one time, increases the accuracy of the incubation period and defers the need to analyse headspace concentrations of CO2 until it is convenient.  相似文献   

Global atmospheric nitrogen deposition has increased steadily since the 20th century, and has complex effects on terrestrial ecosystems. This work synthesized results from 54 papers and conducted a meta-analysis to evaluate the general response of 15 variables related to plant root traits to simulated nitrogen deposition. Simulated nitrogen deposition resulted in significantly decreasing fine root biomass (<2 mm diameter; −12.8%), while significantly increasing coarse root (≥2 mm diameter; +56.5%) and total root (+20.2%) biomass, but had no remarkable effect on root morphology. This suggests that simulated nitrogen deposition could stimulate carbon accumulation in root biomass. The root: shoot ratio decreased (−10.7%) suggests that aboveground biomass was more sensitive to simulated nitrogen deposition than root biomass. In addition, simulated nitrogen deposition increased the fine root nitrogen content (+17.6%), but did not affect carbon content, and thus decreased the fine root C:N ratio (−13.5%). These changes delayed the decomposition of roots, combined with increasing of the fine root turnover rate (+21.4%), which suggests that simulated nitrogen deposition could increase carbon and nutrient retention in the soil. Simulated nitrogen deposition also strongly affected the functional traits of roots, which increased root respiration (+20.7%), but decreased fungal colonization (−17.0%). The effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on the plant root systems were dependent on ecosystem and climate zone types, because soil nutrient conditions and other biotic and abiotic factors vary widely. Long-term simulated experiments, in which the experimental N-addition levels were less than twofold of the average of atmospheric nitrogen deposition, would better reflect the response of ecosystems under atmospheric nitrogen deposition. These results provide a synthetic understanding of the effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on plant root systems, as well as the mechanisms underlying the effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on plants and the terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Riparian vegetation exerts a number of mechanical and hydrologic controls on bank stability, which can affect the delivery of sediment to channels. Estimates of root reinforcement of soils have commonly been attained using perpendicular root models that simply sum root tensile strengths and consider these as an add-on factor to soil strength. A major limitation of such perpendicular models is that tensile strength and resistance is wrongly considered to be independent of soil type and moisture, and therefore variations according to these bank properties are omitted in conventional models. In reality, during mass failure of a streambank, some roots break, and some roots are pulled out of the soil intact; the relative proportions of roots that break or pull out are determined by a combination of soil moisture and shear strength. In this paper an equation to predict the frictional resistance of root–soil bonds was tested against field data collected at Long Creek, MS, under two soil moisture conditions. The root pullout equations were then included in the root-reinforcement model, RipRoot, and bank stability model runs for Goodwin Creek, MS, were carried out in order to examine the effects of spatial and temporal variations in soil shear strength and rooting density, on streambank factor of safety. Model results showed that at smaller root diameters breaking forces exceeded pullout forces, but at larger root diameters pullout forces exceed breaking forces. The threshold diameter between root pullout and root breaking varied with soil shear strength, with increasing soil shear strength leading to a greater proportion of roots failing by breaking instead of pullout. Root-reinforcement estimates were shown to reflect changes in soil shear strength, for example, brought about by variations in soil matric suction. Resulting Factor of safety (FS) values for the bank during the period modeled ranged from 1.36 to 1.74 with 1000 grass roots/m2, compared to a range of 0.97 to 1.37 for the non-vegetated bank. Root reinforcement was shown to increase bank stability under the entire range of soil moisture conditions modeled. However, the magnitude of root reinforcement varied in both space and time as determined by soil shear strength and soil moisture.  相似文献   

基于样点个体代表性的大尺度土壤属性制图方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大空间尺度范围的土壤属性分布信息是陆地表层过程模拟的基础信息.基于野外样点进行空间插值是获得土壤属性空间分布信息的重要手段.现有的空间插值方法通常要求所用样点对研究区土壤属性空间分布规律具有良好的全局代表性.然而,受采样经费和野外采样条件的限制,所采集的样点往往难以全面地反映研究区土壤属性的空间分布规律.基于这样的样点用现有空间插值方法得到的土壤属性分布图通常精度较低,并且由样点全局代表性差带来的推测不确定性也无法得到度量.为了合理利用这些已采集的但全局代表性不好的样点,本文提出了基于样点“个体代表性”推测土壤属性空间分布并度量推测不确定性的方法.该方法在两点环境条件越相似、土壤属性就越相似的假设下,认为每一样点可以代表与其环境条件相似的地区,并且代表程度可以由两点的环境相似度度量;通过分析环境相似度计算推测不确定性,并以环境相似度为权重计算样点可代表地区的土壤属性值.将该方法应用于推测新疆伊犁地区土壤表层有机质含量,经验证,本文方法能够有效地利用全局代表性差的样点推测样点能够代表地区的土壤属性空间分布,并且所得的推测不确定性与预测残差呈现正向关系,能够有效地指示推测结果的可靠程度.  相似文献   

土壤干旱对冬小麦幼苗根系生长及生理特性的影响   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
盆栽试验研究了土壤干旱对冬小麦幼苗根系生长及生理特性的影响。结果表明,随干旱胁迫的加剧,幼苗总根数、根系总长、根系体积、根系干重、根水势、根相对含水率、根系脱水速率和根系活力均降低,根冠比、饱和亏、可溶性糖含量、脯氨酸含量、质膜透性、MDA含量以及SOD、POD活性均呈增加趋势。表明干旱胁迫下冬小麦幼苗可通过改变生物量分配策略而提高根比重,并通过改变根系内部的生理变化以提高其抗旱性。  相似文献   

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