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开展根系生物量的观测和研究,建立通用性的根系生物量模型对于开展生态系统生物量的监测和评估具有重要意义。为得到根系生物量的实时信息,2016年9月末利用挖土法和根系扫描系统,获取玉米根系的生物量及生态指标,分析了玉米根系生物量的垂直分布特征并建立了根系生物量与根系生态指标之间的模拟方程。结果表明:玉米根系生物量主要集中于0~30 cm,占玉米根系垂直分布量的94.44%。利用普通最小二乘法建立根系生物量模型均存在异方差问题,增加根长作为自变量建立的根系生物量模型显著提高了模拟精度,决定系数(R2)达0.91以上。采用对数转换消除方程的异方差及比较不同的模拟方程后发现,玉米根系生物量与根径和根长的组合变量(D2H)建立的指数函数是模拟玉米根系生物量的最优方程,决定系数(R2)最高,为0.90,平均绝对误差(MAE)、估计值的标准误差(SEE)、平均预估误差(MPE)均最小,满足了模拟方程的精度要求。对该方程进一步验证发现,模拟值和实测值之间的相关系数为0.92,说明此模型能较好地模拟根系生物量。利用根系生物量模型结合微根管法,可解决根系生物量实时观测难的问题。  相似文献   

玉米根系在土壤剖面中的分布研究   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
玉米根系在土壤剖面中的分布是准确量化植被与气候相互作用不可缺少的参数,也是玉米生产科学管理和节水农业发展的重要科学依据.在中国气象科学研究院固城生态环境与农业气象实验站内的大型根系观测系统中,采用地下室玻璃窗观测法和方形整段标本法,观测了\"屯玉46号\"玉米的根深、根宽、根长和根重,分析了玉米根长、根长密度、根重密度和根系粗度等在土壤剖面中的分布状况.结果表明,玉米根长、根干重均随土壤深度的增加基本呈递减类型.吐丝期0~40 cm土层根长占整层根长51.5%,0~80 cm土层占76.2%,0~120 cm土层占90.5%.乳熟后期其分布趋势与吐丝期相似.玉米根系粗度随着土壤深度增加,在上层呈减少分布型,在下层呈增加分布型.乳熟后期,玉米最大根深可达230 cm,根长总量达8.288 km·m-2,显示出该玉米品种有较发达的根系.通过玻璃窗观测的根深大于远离玻璃窗处的根深.  相似文献   

Root responses to tillage vary and the driving factors are not well understood. Characterization of root response is requisite to optimize fertilizer placement and to understand limitations to no-till production. Corn (Zea mays L.) root length and weight were measured in the top 0.3 m of coarse-textured soil (Psammentic Hapludalf) in southwestern Ontario, Canada after 5, 6 and 7 yr of conventional and no-till management. Root length density in the top 0.1 m was greater under no-till (17 km m−3) than under conventional till (7 km m−3) 2 yr out of 3. Root length density was 4 km m−3 lower under no-till than under conventional till in the 0.15 to 0.3 m layer 1 yr out of 3, but otherwise root growth below 0.1 m was unaffected by tillage. Each year, root length and weight were distributed more horizontally under no-till than under conventional till. Corn grain yields did not vary with tillage, even though soil water content was often greater under no-till. The increase in soil water (of between 0.01 and 0.03 m3 m−3) was partly due to increased water holding capacity—water held between −8 and −200 kPa matric potential was usually greater under no-till (0.07 m3 m−3) than under conventional till (0.06 m3 m−3) in the top 0.15 m. The shift in root distribution was apparently driven by soil structure because variation in bulk density with tillage and depth followed the same trends as variation in root length. Bulk density was greater under no-till (1.5 Mg m−3) than under conventional till (1.4 Mg m−3) in the top 0.15 m. In the top 0.075 m, the proportion of the total space occupied by capillary pores (<36 μm diameter) was greater under no-till (17%) than under conventional till (15%), there were more dry-stable aggregates under no-till (9% of total soil in the 0.85–5.7 mm size fraction) than under conventional till (7%), and a greater proportion of these aggregates were water-stable under no-till (25%) than under conventional till (16%). Greater bulk density may trigger formation of lateral roots, and greater aggregation contribute to the more superficial development by deflecting roots from their gravitropic pathway. Given the more superficial root distribution under no-till, shallower placement of downwardly mobile nutrients such as nitrogen may be more efficient than knife-injection.  相似文献   

Soil compaction generally reduces crop performance because of degraded soil physical and biological properties, and possibly inappropriate soil nutritional status. The effects of varying compaction, and phosphorus (P) and zinc (Zn) supplies on the growth of Berseem or Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrimum), and accumulation of P and Zn in shoots and roots were investigated in a pot experiment using a surface layer of a Typic Torrifluvent (USDA), Calcaric Fluvisols (FAO) soil. Plants were treated with three soil compaction levels, three rates of P and three rates of Zn in a factorial combination. Phosphorus accumulation in shoots did not change up to bulk densities of 1.65 Mg m−3 and declined at bulk density of 1.80 Mg m−3. Increasing the levels of Zn and P resulted in a significant increase in shoot dry mass (from 0.3 to 0.8 g pot−1), and root length (from 11.4 to 32.5 m pot−1). Shoot and root growth were reduced by soil compaction particularly at low P and Zn application rates. Shoot dry mass was reduced from 0.8 to 0.3 g pot−1, and root length from 43 to 5 m pot−1 at bulk densities of 1.4 and 1.8 Mg m−3, respectively. However, the accumulation of P (from 0.06 to 0.15 g kg−1) and Zn per unit length of roots (from 0.8 to 1.8 μg pot−1) increased as soil compaction increased. As the Zn supply increased, Zn accumulation per unit length of roots, and total Zn accumulation increased. Severe compaction reduced P and Zn accumulation in shoots and also decreased shoot dry mass, and root length compared to lower soil compaction levels. The present study suggests that Zn and P supply can moderate the adverse effect of soil compaction on clover performance.  相似文献   

The concentrations of organic C, labile organic fractions and the size and activity of the microbial community were measured to a depth of 30 cm below the plant row and at distances of 30 and 60 cm into the inter-row area under sugarcane under pre-harvest burning or green cane harvesting with retention of a crop residue (trash) mulch. Total root mass was similar under burning and trashing but under trashing there was a redistribution of roots towards the surface 0-10 cm in the inter-row space as roots proliferated beneath the trash mulch. Soil organic C content decreased in response to both increasing distance from the plant row (to a depth of 20 cm) and burning rather than trashing (to a depth of 10 cm). Declines in K2SO4-extractable C, light fraction C, microbial biomass C, basal respiration and aggregate stability in response to distance and burning were much more marked than those for organic C and occurred to a depth of 30 cm. Bulk density was greater under burnt than trashed sugarcane and was greater in the inter-row than row, particularly under burning. Heterotrophic functional diversity (measured by analysis of catabolic response profiles to 36 substrates) was also investigated. Principal component analysis of response profiles demonstrated that soils below the row and those under trashing at 30 cm out from this row were separated from the other soils on PC1 and the sample from the inter-row centre (60 cm out) under burning was separated from the others on PC2. Catabolic evenness was least for the latter soil. It was concluded that soil in the inter-row of burnt sugarcane receives few inputs of organic matter and that conversion to green cane harvesting with retention of a trash mulch greatly improves the organic matter, microbial and physical status of the inter-row soil.  相似文献   

刘坤  陈新平  张福锁 《土壤学报》2003,40(5):697-703
通过田间试验研究了少量多次和少次多量的灌溉方式下冬小麦根系的分布与水分养分的空间有效性。结果表明 :少量多次的灌溉方式降低了冬小麦返青后表层根系的生长 ,减少了拔节后该层根系的衰退。在少次多量的灌溉方式下返青期不灌水促进了表层根系的生长 ,然而拔节后该层根系衰退较多 ,但中层 ( 3 0~ 60cm)根系生长高于少量多次的灌溉方式。不同灌溉策略下根系分布的差异并不影响冬小麦对土壤水分和养分的吸收 ,由于播前土体内蓄水不足 ,三种灌溉方式下 0~ 90cm土壤可用水在收获后均消耗殆尽。灌溉促进了表层硝态氮的吸收和向下迁移 ,但两种灌溉方式下硝态氮在土体内的迁移均未超出 60cm土体 ,仍在根层之内。而不同的灌溉方式对冬小麦全生育期内土体速效磷钾的分布没有影响。扬花前两种灌溉方式下冬小麦的生长发育和养分的吸收并无差异 ,扬花后少次多量的灌溉方式由于水分供应不足 ,影响了灌浆 ,降低了千粒重 ,进而影响了产量 ,同时土壤水分缺乏也减少了该时期养分的吸收。而在少量多次的灌溉方式下 ,扬花后灌水不仅可以促进冬小麦灌浆 ,提高千粒重 ,而且增加了对养分的吸收。  相似文献   

王占义  金净  王成杰  侯佳  徐文艺 《土壤》2017,49(2):414-416
介绍了一种测定荒漠草原植物根系生物量的装置与用法,并将其在实际中加以应用。实践证明,本方法可有效测定荒漠草原植物根系生物量及地下净初级生产力,比较适用于植被覆盖度较低的荒漠草原地区。  相似文献   

The capability of the soil water balance model SIMWASER to predict the impact of soil compaction upon the yield of maize (Zea mays L.) is tested, using the results of a field experiment on the influence of soil compaction by wheel pressure upon soil structure, water regime and plant growth. The experimental site was located on an Eutric Cambisol with loamy silt soil texture at an elevation of 260 m in the northern, semi-humid sub-alpine zone of Austria. Within the experimental field a 7 m wide strip was compacted by a tractor driven trailer just before planting maize in May 1988. Compression effects due to trailer traffic resulted in distinct differences of physical and mechanical soil parameters in comparison with the uncompressed experimental plots down to a depth of about 30 cm: bulk density and penetration resistance at field capacity were increased from 1.45 to 1.85 g/cm3, and from 0.8 to 1.5 MPa, respectively, while air-filled pore space as well as infiltration rate were appreciable lowered from about 0.08–0.02 cm3/cm3 and from 50 to 0.5 cm per day, respectively. The overall effect was a clear depression of the dry matter grain yield from 7184 kg/ha of the non-compacted plot to 5272 kg/ha in the compacted field strip. The deterministic and functional model SIMWASER simulates the water balance and the crop yield for any number of crop rotations and years, provided that daily weather records (air temperature, humidity of air, global radiation, wind and precipitation) are available. Crop growth and soil water regime are coupled together by the physiological processes of transpiration and assimilation, which take place at the same time through the stomata of the plant leaves and are both reacting in the same direction to changes in the soil water availability within the rooting zone. The water availability during rainless seasons depends on the hydraulic properties of the soil profile within the rooting depth and on rooting density. Rooting depth and density are affected by both the type of the crop and the penetration resistance of the soil, which depends on the soil moisture status and may be strongly increased by soil compaction. The model SIMWASER was able to simulate these effects as shown by the calculated grain yields, which amounted in the non-compacted plot to 7512 and to 5558 kg dry matter/ha in the compacted plot.  相似文献   

玉米/大豆套作可显著提高粮食产量和养分利用效率。研究间套作作物根茬分解、养分释放规律及其对土壤生物学特性的影响,对阐释该系统中作物养分高效利用具有重要意义。本研究采用室内培养方式,控制根茬总量为2%(2 g根茬+98 g土壤),分别设置单独的大豆根茬(S)和玉米根茬(M)及两种根茬按3∶1、1∶1和1∶3混合(分别表示为SM 3∶1、SM 1∶1和SM 1∶3)共5个不同根茬配比处理和1个不加根茬处理(CK),动态测定根茬矿化速率,碳、氮含量和土壤微生物量碳等指标。研究结果表明:培养前9 d,根茬矿化速率最快,而后矿化速率逐渐降低,到培养60 d后所有处理根茬矿化速率趋于稳定。整个培养周期内玉米根茬CO_2累积释放量显著高于大豆根茬处理,但SM 1∶3处理的CO_2累积释放量始终高于其他处理。培养结束后,SM 1∶3处理的有机碳矿化量显著高于其他处理。根茬总碳含量在前10 d无显著变化,10~60 d时显著降低,后趋于平稳。培养结束后SM 1∶3处理的根茬碳含量相比初始值降低最多,降幅达到24.8%,其次是玉米根茬(M)处理,降幅为21.4%,大豆根茬(S)处理碳含量降低最少,为9.7%。根茬总氮含量在前10 d显著降低,10~100 d总氮含量显著增加。培养结束后大豆根茬(S)总氮含量最高,SM 1∶3处理总氮含量最低。土壤微生物量碳含量在培养周期内呈先增加后降低而后趋于平稳的变化规律。培养结束后与CK相比,SM 1∶3、SM 1∶1、M、S和SM 3∶1处理的土壤微生物量碳含量分别增加89.4%、58.8%、47.1%、41.2%和37.5%。因此,玉米、大豆根茬混合后在土壤中的矿化速率、养分释放速率明显高于单一根茬处理,且有利于土壤微生物的繁殖。在本试验所选的3种配比中,SM 1∶3的配置效果最佳。  相似文献   

We studied the recovery of ATP from soil. A soil-water suspension was prepared by two different methods (simple stirring or ballottini mill treatment) at different pH levels and in the presence of different chemicals [Na2SO4, Na3PO4, Na5P3O10, adenosine, ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid (EDTA), TRIS]. The ATP recovery was evaluated by adding [3H]-8 ATP to the solution and comparing the values obtained by radioactivity measurements with those obtained by an enzymatic assay. Strongly acidic (pH lower than 1.0) or alkaline (pH 10.0) extractions yielded the best ATP recoveries compared with intermediate pH values. At pH 10.0, the addition of Na3PO4 or Na5P3O10 gave a high level of ATP recovery, 68 and 96%, respectively. No ATP hydrolysis occurred under alkaline extraction conditions. Under acidic extraction conditions, the addition of adenosine, EDTA, Na2SO4, or Na5P3O10 improved ATP recovery but it was never higher than 34%. The results were discussed in terms of the effects of different physical and chemical conditions on cell disruption, ATP stability, ATP interactions with soil components, and ATP solubilization.  相似文献   

为明确用于三峡库区消落区植被构建的岸生植物物种根系特征与土壤抗水蚀之间的关系,对狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon(L)Pers.)、空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart)Griseb)、荻(Triarrhena saccharifloraNakai)、牛鞭草(Hemarthria compressa(L.f.)R.Br.)、香附子(Cyperus rotundusL.)、野古草(Arundinella anomala Steud.)等6种耐水淹植物根系进行了研究。利用根钻(Eijkelkamp agrisearch equipmentmodel 15.01)在野外直接取样的方法,获取了含有目标物种根系的土柱试验样品,采用改进的抗崩解装置测量土壤的水蚀速率,计算了这6种植物根系对土壤的抗水蚀增强系数,并使用根系分析系统(WinRHIZO Pro.2004c)对根系特征进行了分析。研究发现,空心莲子草、荻、香附子和狗牙根的根冠比均值较大,野古草、荻具有较大的根长密度和根表面积密度;含有根系的土壤水蚀速率显著低于对照,空心莲子草、荻、野古草的土壤抗水蚀增强系数显著高于其他3个物种;根长密度、根表面积密度均与土壤抗水蚀增强系数之间呈极显著的线性关系;根系径级中D≤2 mm的根系与土壤抗水蚀关系最为密切,土壤抗水蚀增强系数与D≤2 mm根系的根长密度和根表积密度均呈显著的线性关系,相关系数随着径级的增加而减小。结果表明,6物种均能显著增强土壤的抗水蚀能力,空心莲子草、荻、野古草的增强作用最为明显;根长密度、根表面积密度能很好地表征土壤的抗水蚀能力,尤其是D≤2 mm或D≤0.5 mm根系的根长密度和根表积密度,可以作为表征土壤抗水蚀能力的最重要参数。  相似文献   

Many biological processes vary in a curvilinear manner, reaching a maximum rate at an optimum water content. Optimum conditions commonly extend across a range in water contents, and providing there are no soil-related limitations to biological processes, this range can be referred to as the non-limiting water range (NLWR) of a soil. The rate of a biological process would be expected to be similar in soils with different structure when the water content is in the NLWR and soils are under similar environmental conditions. This range potentially is a useful characteristic to describe the quality of soil structures with respect to a biological process—the larger the range the higher the quality. The distinction between optimum and NLWR has received little attention. The objective of this study was to determine if gas exchange rates, biomass accumulation in shoots and roots, root morphology and rate of development of maize (Zea mays L.) vary among soils under optimum soil water contents. Plants were grown to the 12-leaf stage under controlled environment conditions in four soils of different texture, packed to two levels of compaction with two rates of N addition and maintained at three different water contents. The optimum water content, for processes involving both shoots and roots, bracketed an air content of 0.15 for the different soils. The magnitude of the plant responses at optimum water content varied among soils and with relative compaction. Plant responses were largest in the Conestogo (loam soil) and smallest in soils with the highest clay contents. The magnitude of several responses decreased with increasing compaction. In the process of determining the NLWR, it is not appropriate to assume that either shoot or root characteristics are similar in soils of different structure when the water content of each soil is within a range that is optimum for that soil. The largest root and shoot growth that can be achieved at optimum water content across a range of soil conditions must be determined and NLWR determined on soils exhibiting these growth rates. Soils at their optimum water content with root and shoot growth that are less than the largest values imply the existence of soil-related limitations and therefore, by definition, have a value of zero for NLWR.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵半干旱区人工柠条林土壤固碳特征及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨黄土丘陵区不同生长年限的人工柠条林地土壤有机碳含量的变化特征及其影响因素,更好地阐明黄土丘陵区柠条林土壤的固碳机理,本文采用时空替代法,以撂荒2 a的坡耕地为对照,对黄土丘陵半干旱区不同林龄(10 a、17 a、26 a、34 a、40 a、50 a)人工柠条林地土壤有机碳(SOC)、全氮(STN)、全磷(STP)及柠条林的根系生物量和枯落物现存量进行了分析。结果表明:1)在0~60 cm的土层剖面上,0~20 cm土层SOC含量明显高于其他土层,并随土层深度的增加逐层递减,其中柠条林地0~20 cm土层SOC含量变化幅度为2.68~11.44 g·kg-1,而40~60 cm土层SOC含量仅在1.64~2.73 g·kg-1波动;与对照相比,随林龄增加柠条林地0~60 cm土层平均SOC含量先减小后增加最后趋于平稳:10 a和17 a柠条林SOC含量比对照显著降低了34.5%和26.9%,26 a柠条林的SOC含量显著升高,其值是对照的1.43倍,40 a和50 a柠条林SOC含量处于积累与消耗相对稳定的状态。2)对SOC含量与STN、STP含量及根系生物量和枯落物现存量进行相关性分析表明,SOC含量与STN含量、根系生物量及枯落物现存量之间存在极显著线性相关,但与STP含量相关性不明显,说明土壤中氮含量的增加能明显提高土壤的固碳能力,而根系生物量和枯落物现存量的多少能够决定土壤的固碳水平。  相似文献   

High rates of cattle slurry application induce NO inf3 sup- leaching from grassland soils. Therefore, field and lysimeter trials were conducted at Gumpenstein (Austria) to determine the residual effect of various rates of cattle slurry on microbial biomass, N mineralization, activities of soil enzymes, root densities, and N leaching in a grassland soil profile (Orthic Luvisol, sandy silt, pH 6.6). The cattle slurry applications corresponded to rates of 0, 96, 240, and 480 kg N ha-1. N leaching was estimated in the lysimeter trial from 1981 to 1991. At a depth of 0.50 m, N leaching was elevated in the plot with the highest slurry application. In October 1991, deeper soil layers (0–10, 10–20, 20–30, 30–40, and 40–50 cm) from control and slurry-amended plots (480 kg N ha-1) were investigated. Soil biological properties decreased with soil depth. N mineralization, nitrification, and enzymes involved in N cycling (protease, deaminase, and urease) were enhanced significantly (P<0.05) at all soil depths of the slurry-amended grassland. High rates of cattle slurry application reduced the weight of root dry matter and changed the root distribution in the different soil layers. In the slurry-amended plots the roots were mainly located in the topsoil (0–10 cm). As a result of this study, low root densities and high N mineralization rates are held to be the main reasons for NO inf3 sup- leaching after heavy slurry applications on grassland.  相似文献   

Soil microbial activity drives carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. Soil microbial biomass is commonly limited by environmental factors and soil carbon availability. We employed plant litter removal, root trenching and stem-girdling treatments to examine the effects of environmental factors, above- and belowground carbon inputs on soil microbial C in a subtropical monsoon forest in southwest China. During the experimental period from July 2006 through April 2007, 2 years after initiation of the treatments, microbial biomass C in the humus layer did not vary with seasonal changes in soil temperature or water content. Mineral soil microbial C decreased throughout the experimental period and varied with soil temperature and water content. Litter removal reduced mineral soil microbial C by 19.0% in the ungirdled plots, but only 4.0% in girdled plots. Root trenching, stem girdling and their interactions influenced microbial C in humus layer. Neither root trenching nor girdling significantly influenced mineral soil microbial C. Mineral soil microbial C correlated with following-month plant litterfall in control plots, but these correlations were not observed in root-trenching plots or girdling plots. Our results suggest that belowground carbon retranslocated from shoots and present in soil organic matter, rather than aboveground fresh plant litter inputs, determines seasonal fluctuation of mineral soil microbial biomass.  相似文献   

为探明华北平原灌溉条件下秸秆覆盖的土壤温度效应对冬小麦根系和籽粒产量的影响,利用大田试验研究了不同秸秆覆盖时间和覆盖量处理对冬小麦土壤温度、根系和籽粒产量的影响。试验设冬小麦播种后覆盖和三叶期覆盖,覆盖量设上茬作物(夏玉米)秸秆全量覆盖(HM)、1/2量覆盖(MM)、1/3量覆盖(LM)和不覆盖(CK)。结果表明:1)与不覆盖(CK)相比,播种后覆盖和三叶期覆盖冬小麦产量分别降低8.6%和2.0%,播种后覆盖减产幅度大于三叶期覆盖;播种后减产是由于小麦千粒重比CK降低4.1%、穗粒数降低6.6%和收获指数降低2.4%,三叶期覆盖减产的原因是收获时有效穗数比CK降低5.8%造成。播种后覆盖处理中随着覆盖量的增加千粒重、有效穗数、收获指数显著降低,三叶期覆盖处理的产量构成没有显著差异。2)秸秆覆盖对小麦分蘖期和越冬期(冬季)土壤温度具有提升作用。覆盖处理日均温平均比CK提高0.56℃;小麦返青期后随着气温的升高,秸秆覆盖具有降温作用。冬季秸秆覆盖提升土壤温度的贡献主要是提升了夜间土壤温度,返青后降温的作用是降低白天的土壤温度;冬季随覆盖量增加增温效应增大,返青后随着覆盖量的增加降温效应增加,各覆盖处理间的土壤温度差异不显著。3)秸秆覆盖促进了冬季冬小麦根系生长,秸秆覆盖处理的根长密度大于CK;返青后秸秆覆盖减弱了根系生长,至扬花期随小麦冠层覆盖度增加,秸秆覆盖与CK的根长密度差异减小。由于小麦分蘖期和越冬期土壤温度高于CK,根系生长快于CK,消耗了更多的土壤氮,造成返青—拔节期土壤全氮含量低于CK。因此,华北平原冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟灌溉区,为了降低秸秆覆盖对冬小麦产量的不利作用,秸秆覆盖应在三叶期后实施,覆盖量采用上茬玉米秸秆产量的1/3~1/2,其余秸秆可以用于畜牧业饲料。  相似文献   

In semi-arid areas under rainfed agriculture water is the most limiting factor of crop production. To investigate the best way to perform fallow and its effect on soil water content (SWC) and root growth in a barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) crop after fallow, an experiment was conducted on two soils in La Segarra, a semi-arid area in the Ebro Valley (Spain). Fallow was a traditional system used in these areas to capture out-of-season rainfall to supplement that of the growing period, usually lasting 16 months, from July to October of the next year. Soil A was a loamy fine Fluventic Xerochrept (Haplic Calcisol, FAO) of 120 cm depth and Soil B was a loamy Lithic Xeric Torriorthent (Calcaric Regosol, FAO) of only 30 cm depth. The experiment was continued for four fallow-crop cycles in Soil A and for two in Soil B. In Soil A, three tillage systems were compared: subsoil tillage (ST), minimum tillage (MT) and no-tillage (NT). In Soil B, only MT and NT were compared. In the fields cropped to barley, SWC and root length density (LV) were measured at important developmental stages during the season, lasting from October to June. In the fallow fields SWC was also monitored. Here, evaporation (EV), water storage (WS) and water storage efficiency (WSE) were calculated using a simplified balance approach. The fallow period was split in two 8-month sub-periods: July–February (infiltration) and March–October evaporation (EV). In Soil A, values of WSE were in the range 10–18% in 1992–1993, 1993–1994 and 1994–1995 fallow, but fell to 3% in 1995–1996. Among tillage systems, NT showed significantly greater WSE in the July–February sub-period of 1992–1993 and 1993–1994 fallow, but significantly lower WSE in the March–October sub-period, due to greater EV under NT. Consequently, no differences in total WSE were found between tillage systems. In Soil B, WSE was low, about 3–7%, and there were no difference between tillage systems. During the crop period, the differences in SWC and LV between tillage systems were small. Regarding yields, the best tillage system depended on the year. NT is potentially the best system for executing fallow, but residues of the preceding crop must be left spread over the soil.  相似文献   

亚热带红壤坡地季节性干旱空间特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王峰  李萍  陈家宙 《土壤通报》2016,(4):820-826
红壤坡地季节性干旱严重危害农业生产和区域发展。季节性干旱时间上多发生于夏末秋初,但其空间发生特征及原因尚不明确。对2006年和2012年两年的坡耕地7、8月份土壤水分时空变化特征的研究结果表明:0~60 cm土壤含水量随土层深度增加而提高;且表层土壤含水量波动最剧烈,随土壤深度增加,波动减弱,60 cm土层土壤含水量变化极小。林地、草地、裸地和农田四种土地利用方式中,农田最易发生季节性干旱,且主要发生在0~30 cm表层土壤。作物根系分布和根系吸水是导致该区季节性干旱的主要原因,土壤蒸发是另一原因。促进作物根系下扎将是缓解该区季节性干旱的有效途径。  相似文献   

覆盖作物根系对砂姜黑土压实的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
轮作直根系的覆盖作物被认为是缓解土壤压实的有效手段,但不同覆盖作物对土壤压实的适应性在不同气候和土壤条件下存在较大差异.为筛选更适宜缓解砂姜黑土压实的覆盖作物品种(模式),在安徽典型砂姜黑土设置不压实(Non-compacted,NC)与压实(Compacted,C)处理,通过种植不同覆盖作物(休闲、苜蓿、油菜、萝卜+...  相似文献   

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