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Increasing irrigation costs and declining water availability compel producers to adapt irrigation strategies for maximum crop yield and water use efficiency. A field trial was conducted to observe the effects of various drip irrigation ratios (IR-0, IR-25, IR-50, IR-75 and IR-100) on water use efficiency (WUE), the irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE), lint yield, yield components and fibre quality at two upland cotton varieties during 2004 and 2005. WUE was found to increase from 0.62 to 0.71 kg m−3 as the irrigation water applied was reduced from 100 % to 75 % of soil water depletion. Deficit irrigation of cotton with drip irrigation at 75 % treatment level (IR-75) did not decrease seed cotton yield and yield components during 2 years, with the exception of the number of bolls in 2005. Among fibre quality parameters, no significant differences in fibre length, fineness, uniformity index and elongation were detected between the 100 % and 75 % irrigation levels in 2005. The results revealed that irrigation of cotton with a drip irrigation method at 75 % level had significant benefits in terms of saved irrigation water without reducing yield, and high WUE indicated a definitive advantage of employing deficit irrigation under limited water supply conditions.  相似文献   

Seven cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) accessions were tested over 2 years under irrigated Mediterranean conditions on a loamy soil with nitrogen (N) as the only nutrient input. The study aimed to identify the critical nutritional and physiological factors determining seedcotton yield and fibre quality. A suite of leaf physiological traits [chlorophyll content (assessed by SPAD), carbon isotope discrimination (Δ), 15N natural abundance (δ15N), leaf water potential, N and C concentrations, C/N ratio, K, Na, Ca and Mg concentrations, their sum and ratios] was assessed, and their interrelationships then analysed. It was found that physiological indices such as SPAD, Δ and δ15N failed to discern genotypes for yield and did not relate with fibre quality traits. At the same time, leaf Ca concentration was the trait that showed the strongest correlation with both seedcotton (SY) and lint yield (LY). An increase of K/Na ratio up to 5.74 was beneficial for SY but higher ratios impacted yield adversely. In this line, exclusion of K in favour of Ca (lower K/Ca ratios) increased both SY and LY. The above results could be explained by Ca2+ control over activity of tonoplast and plasma membrane cation channels, resulting in redistribution of K+ between cell compartments. It is suggested that Ca2+‐rich plants are more efficient in sequestering higher K+ quantities in leaf vacuoles, at the expense of cytosolic K+. Under K+‐limiting conditions, such redistribution may trigger programmed cell death and enhance leaf senescence. This would remobilize and translocate nutrients (e.g. N) and organic substances to sinks (seedcotton), contributing to higher yields reported in the present work.  相似文献   

陆地棉衣分差异群体产量及产量构成因素   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
 以衣分差异较大的陆地棉品种为材料,构建了包含188个F2单株的作图群体,应用6111对SSR引物对亲本进行了分子标记筛选,结果仅获得了123个多态性位点,其中88个位点构建了总长为666.7 cM、平均距离为7.57 cM的遗传图谱,覆盖棉花基因组的14.9%。通过复合区间作图法对F2单株和F2∶3家系进行QTL检测,共鉴定出了18个控制产量及产量构成因素变异的QTLs,包括2个衣分QTLs、4个子棉产量QTLs、4个皮棉产量QTLs、2个衣指QTLs、3个单株铃数QTLs、2个铃重QTLs和1个子指QTL。 解释的表型变异分别为\{6.9%\}~16.9%、5.6%~16.2%、4.8%~15.6%、7.7%~13.3%、8.2%~11.6%、6.1%~7%和6.6%。不同QTLs在相同染色体区段上的成簇分布表明与产量性状相关的基因可能紧密连锁或一因多效。产量及产量构成因素QTLs的遗传方式主要以显性和超显性效应为主。检测到的主效QTLs可以用于棉花产量及产量构成因素的分子标记辅助选择。  相似文献   

本研究于2006―2007年度在费萨拉巴德农业大学农业研究试验场进行,试验目的是为了比较三个不同品种陆地棉在不同的行距下的性状质量。试验处理包含三种行间距(60cm、75cm和90cm)和三种不同陆地棉品种(NIAB-111,CIM-496与FH-901)。所有的实验数据均进行变异系数的统计学分析。试验结果显示,行距显著影响GOT值,但是对纤维长度、纤维比强度、纤维整齐度和纤维细度没有影响。三种陆地棉品种之间在纤维长度、纤维比强度和纤维细度上存在显著差异,而在纤维整齐度和GOT上没有显著差异。  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】为了解新疆棉花铃柄长与主要农艺性状、产量性状以及纤维品质之间的关联关系,【方法】通过两年比较试验,跟踪调查了棉花主栽品种(系)的主要农艺性状、产量性状以及纤维品质,总结了两年的主要气候数据,并将这些与铃柄长做了比较分析,【结果与结论】结果表明:棉花各品种的铃柄长与棉花主要生长阶段6-8月的最高平均气温呈负相关的关系;与平均最低气温和平均日照时数呈正相关;与有效果枝、单株铃、果枝始节和始节高度成正相关,与株高、无效果枝成负相关;与衣分、果枝数和折合亩产均呈正相关的关系,与单铃重呈负相关;与纤维的上半部平均长度、马克隆值呈正相关,与整齐度指数大致呈正相关,50%参试棉花品种(系)的铃柄长与纤维断裂比强度呈正相关的关系,剩余50%呈负相关的关系。  相似文献   

陆地棉产量组分对皮棉产量的遗传贡献分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用加性-显性-母性及其与环境互作的遗传模型,对5个陆地棉亲本及其F1代20个组合6个产量组分和皮棉产量的两年资料,利用估算条件方差分量和预测条件遗传效应值的统计方法进行了贡献分析.结果表明,产量组分对皮棉产量表型值的贡献变化范围为-46%~80%;铃数对皮棉产量有很高的显性贡献率(CRD=96%),其次是铃重(CRD=41%);铃数对皮棉产量的母性×环境互作遗传方差贡献率最大(CRME=98%),其次是铃重(CRME=77%)、衣指(CRME=62%)和子指(CRME=42%);铃数对皮棉产量的加性、母性效应贡献因亲本而异;对亲本皮棉产量的母性×环境互作贡献最大的产量组分性状因不同亲本而有所不同,表明各亲本具有其独特的遗传和发育特性,亲本1的铃重对其皮棉产量的母性效应在环境1中有最大的贡献(MEi(C→T)= 5.49 g),在环境2中,亲本3的铃重有最大的母性×环境互作效应贡献(MEi(C→T)=0.71 g),亲本5的铃数具有最大的母性×环境互作效应贡献(MEi(C→T)=0.51 g).多数杂交组合皮棉产量的显性效应主要受铃数和铃重影响,因此铃数和铃重可作为间接选择组合皮棉产量显性效应的指标.  相似文献   

陆地棉品种间杂种的霜前皮棉产量及其杂种优势研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
利用 2 0世纪八、九十年代我国棉花生产上推广的主要品种 (系 )做亲本 ,组配 15个组合的正反交杂种 ,对其 F1 、F2 代杂种的霜前皮棉产量及其竞争、中亲和超高亲优势进行了研究。结果表明 ,陆地棉品种间杂交 ,F1 、F2 代正交与反交组合间的霜前皮棉产量及其竞争、中亲和超高亲优势均无明显差异。 3 0个正反交 F1 杂交种具竞争、中亲和超高亲优势 (以下简称三优势 )组合率分别为73 %、10 0 %和 83 %。其中竞争优势在 15 %以上的组合率为 46.7% ,最大竞争优势值为 40 .6%。 3 0个正反交 F2 杂交种三优势组合率分别为 60 .0 %、90 .0 %和 66.8% ,其中竞争优势在 10 %以上的组合率达 3 3 .3 % ,最大竞争优势值仍达 3 1.3 % ,F2仍具有较高的生产利用潜能。亲本鲁 11、石远 3 2 1等品种 (系 )表现遗传配合力高 ,是目前棉花杂交制种选用的优良高产亲本。  相似文献   

不同遗传背景下陆地棉衣分和子指性状QTL定位   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为陆地棉产量性状有关的分子标记辅助育种奠定理论基础,以高品质中长绒棉品种‘新陆早24号’为父本,转基因抗虫棉常规品种‘鲁棉研28号’和高产、优质棉花新品种‘冀棉516’为母本,构建F2和F2:3分离群体;利用7638对SSR引物对‘鲁棉研28号’和‘新陆早24号’进行多态性进行筛选,共获得225对多态性引物,对238个F2单株DNA扩增获得238个多态性标记位点,其中185个构建了包括44个连锁群,总长为1509.38 cM的遗传连锁图谱,标记间的平均距离为8.16 cM,覆盖棉花总基因组的33.91%。根据已有图谱的定位结果,40个连锁群与染色体建立联系。利用复合区间作图法定位‘鲁棉研28号’与‘新陆早24号’分离群体F2单株和F2:3家系的衣分和子指性状QTL,其中得到3个衣分和5个子指的QTL;根据定位结果,选择了14对SSR引物,分析‘冀棉516’与‘新陆早24号’的多态性,其中6个标记构建了两个连锁群。1个衣分和1个子指的QTL在两个群体中均检测到,这些共同QTLs为分子标记辅助育种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

曹娟  范君华  刘明  张建华 《棉花学报》2010,22(5):460-465
在大田条件下,以南疆主栽海岛棉和陆地棉为材料,研究棉铃发育过程中棉铃各部位的生理生化特征。结果表明,海岛棉铃壳叶绿素a、叶绿素b含量极显著高于陆地棉,类胡萝卜素含量极显著低于陆地棉。海岛棉铃壳、种子、纤维中可溶性蛋白质含量、过氧化氢酶活性和抗坏血酸含量明显高于陆地棉,且纤维中过氧化物酶活性也高于陆地棉,铃壳中丙二醛含量低于陆地棉。海岛棉与陆地棉发育棉铃各部位生理生化的异质性是棉铃铃期、铃重、衣分和纤维长度、伸长率、比强度等种间差异的内在表现。  相似文献   

本文主要阐述影响棉花转化率的受体因素。结果表明,利用不同的棉花品种进行外源基因转化,品种之间存在着显著的差异,其中冀合713、冀合321、珂字201等的出愈率、分化率均比较高,其转化苗率在3.8%以上,是良好的转化受体材料。利用易于分化再生的棉花品种作受体,是直接获得正常的转基因再生苗、提高转化率的必要条件。农杆菌菌株AGL-1和LBA4404两者对棉花的侵染力没有显著差异。  相似文献   

新疆棉花4个主栽品种的体细胞胚胎发生及植株再生   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以新疆4个主栽棉花品种新陆中20、新陆早24、新陆早33和03298为材料, 通过不同浓度的激素组合成功地诱导获得了体细胞胚并进一步发育成苗。研究发现, 所用的4种激素组合均能有效诱导愈伤组织, 其中又以0.02 mg L-1或0.10 mg L-1 KT和0.1 mg L-1 2,4-D组合的诱导效果最佳; 两个诱导措施有利于胚性愈伤组织的产生, 即沿中柱纵切棉花下胚轴切段, 并以纵切面接触培养基; 愈伤组织诱导培养基中KNO3用量加倍。挑选黄绿色、灰绿色或浅绿色的质地疏松的愈伤组织继代于无激素且KNO3含量加倍的培养基中可产生胚性愈伤组织, 并在高比例KT/2, 4-D(0.05 mg L-1或0.10 mg L-1 KT和0.01 mg L-1 2,4-D)促进下发育成胚。借助在培养基上垫滤纸产生干燥作用, 并间隔使用强透气效果的棉塞对培养三角瓶进行透气处理, 体细胞胚可成熟发育并产生根系发达的正常再生植株。应用此法, 4个实验材料在6~8个月内即可获得大量再生苗。  相似文献   

研究了花期喷施不同浓度EDTA对低酚棉生理效应及增产效果。结果表明,EDTA有助于增强低酚棉根系活力,使棉株稳健生长;增强功能叶中全氖和叶绿素含量,提高SOD和POD活性,延长棉叶的光合功能期;促进茎皮中光合产物外运和利用,增加结实器官中干物质积累比例。同时EDTA有促进低酚棉现蕾、增结伏桃及增铃重的效果,从而提高皮棉产量,花期喷施EDTA200mg·L-1对大多数生理特性的调节作用和增产效只是显著。  相似文献   

衣分不同陆地棉品种的产量及产量构成因素的遗传分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
李成奇  郭旺珍  张天真 《作物学报》2009,35(11):1990-1999
选用衣分不同的陆地棉品种配置组合,率先将主基因-多基因联合世代分析与双列杂交试验分析相结合,分别从单个和整体基因水平上对棉花产量及产量构成因素进行了遗传研究。对2个高×低衣分组合的主基因-多基因6世代联合分析结果表明,各产量性状至少在1个组合中检测到主基因的存在,说明产量性状主基因存在的普遍性。由2个组合各产量性状的主基因、多基因遗传率比较得出,产量性状的主基因遗传率比多基因遗传率在不同组合间趋势变化相对较稳定;各性状在2个组合中的主基因、多基因遗传率分量不完全相同。衣分、铃重和籽指在2个组合中分别以主基因遗传为主和以多基因遗传为主;子棉产量和皮棉产量在2个组合中均以主基因遗传为主;衣指在组合I中以多基因遗传为主,在组合II中属于典型的多基因遗传;单株铃数在组合I中属于典型的主基因遗传,在组合II中以多基因遗传为主。双列杂交结果表明,陆地棉产量及产量构成因素都有较高的遗传主效应方差,产量性状受加性效应和显性效应共同控制,其中,衣分、衣指以加性效应为主;子棉产量、铃重和籽指以显性效应为主;皮棉产量和单株铃数以加性和显性效应为主。衣分和衣指的普通广义遗传率和普通狭义遗传率均最高,与联合世代分析两性状的总遗传率平均值结果趋势一致。相关和通径分析一致表明,产量构成因素中单株铃数对皮棉产量的贡献最大,衣分次之,铃重最小。  相似文献   

India is the largest cotton‐growing country (8.9 million hectares) in the world and most of the area is rain‐dependent. Large amount of pesticides are used for the control of sucking pests and lepidopterans. Increasing demand for clean organic fibre has led to an interest in organic cotton. However, information on the effects of organic cultivation on fibre quality is limited. Seed cotton yield and fibre quality (length, strength, micronaire and uniformity) were determined for an organic and modern method of cultivation during 3 years (2002–2003 to 2004–2005) of a 11‐year (1994–1995 to 2004–2005) study. Vertical and horizontal distribution of bolls on a cotton plant was also determined in 2003–2004 and 2004–2005. At the end of year 11, soil samples were collected and analysed for soil organic carbon content, water‐stable aggregates (%), and mean weight diameter. Averaged over 3 years, an additional 94 kg seed cotton ha?1 was produced in the organic over the modern method of cultivation and the difference was significant. The year × treatment interaction was significant. Seed cotton yield in the organic plots was significantly greater than the modern method of cultivation plots in 2003–2004 because of a well‐distributed normal rainfall and low pest incidence. The main stem nodes 13–22 accounted for the largest numbers of bolls present on the plant. Plants of the organic plots had significantly (37–71 %) more bolls on nodes 13–27 than those for the plants of the modern method of cultivation. Lateral distribution of bolls on a sympodial (fruiting) branch, was noticed up to fruiting point 11. However, treatment differences were not significant. With regard to fibre quality (length, strength, fineness and uniformity), differences between years were significant. Inferior quality fibre was produced in 2004–2005 because of delayed planting and early cessation of rain. On average, cotton grown under organic conditions compared with the modern method of cultivation had significantly better fibre length (25.1 vs. 24.0 mm) and strength (18.8 vs. 17.9 g tex?1). Soil samples of the organic plots had significantly greater C content, water‐stable aggregates and mean weight diameter than the modern method of cultivation plots. Differences were restricted to the top layers (0–0.1 and 0.1–0.2 m). Yield benefits of growing cotton in an organic system over the modern method of cultivation are expected to be greater in years receiving normal rainfall and having low pest incidence.  相似文献   

为明确棉花杂种F1铃重超亲优势的遗传基础,利用数量性状主基因+多基因混合遗传P1、P2、F1和F2群体联合分析方法,分析了铃重有超亲优势的3个组合L178×L029(Ⅰ)、L178×L057(Ⅱ)与L029×GP72(Ⅲ)的铃重与铃壳率。结果表明:3个组合F1铃重的超亲优势和铃壳率的负向中亲优势表现稳定。组合Ⅰ和ⅡF2群体的铃重与铃壳率呈极显著负相关。铃重和铃壳率均呈2对主基因+多基因遗传,但主基因作用方式在组合间有所不同。铃重超亲优势主要来自多基因显性效应,而组合Ⅲ的主基因显性×显性互作对铃重的超亲优势也有很大作用。组合Ⅰ和Ⅲ铃壳率的负向中亲优势主要来自于主基因显性效应,组合Ⅱ铃壳率的负向优势主要来自于多基因显性效应。因此,改良铃重和铃壳率时可通过轮回选择或修饰回交聚集增效基因来实现。  相似文献   

棉花窄行密植生产是缩短棉花生长季节实现棉花早熟的主要举措,并且窄行密植对棉花的产量无显著影响。田间试验于2006年6月到2007年1月在巴基斯坦费萨拉巴德农业大学试验田进行,以确定行距对不同品系棉花的生长、生产和早熟性指数的影响。试验选取NIAB-111,CIM-496和FH-901 3个棉花品种,设置了60、75和90 cm 3种行距进行试验研究。结果表明:行距对棉花生长发育、产量和早熟性指数具有极显著影响;行距75 cm的处理产量最高达到2603 kg·hm-2,其次是行距60 cm的处理,产量为2541 kg·hm-2,但二者间差异不显著;行距60 cm的处理早熟性指数达到50.92%,显著大于其它处理;行距75 cm的处理次之。子棉产量最高的品种是FH-901,同时其早熟性指数也最高,达到54.34%。  相似文献   

The development of floral organs in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is related to squares and yield formation. The germination percentage of pollen grains, the rate of anther dehiscence and the length of filaments and styles of 11 upland cotton cultivars were determined before and after high-temperature periods by pollen grain culture in vitro. We aimed to analyze the effects of high temperature on pollen germination in styles and on stamen characteristics. The number of pollen tubes in styles and cytological structure of anthers were also tested under simulation of high temperatures by paraffin sectioning of cotton anthers. We found that the germination percentage of pollen grains and rate of anthers dehiscence of Ke 1053, Simian 4 and the male parent of Xiangzamian 3 were greater than those of other cultivars under high field temperatures. There was no significant difference in the length ratio of filaments and styles and filaments length between 11 upland cotton cultivars under high field temperatures. After high-temperature periods in the field, the difference in pollen germination percentage, anther dehiscence, style and filament length between the 11 cultivars was not significant. The number of pollen tubes in Ke 1053, Simian 4 and the male parent of Xiangzamian 3 was greater than those of other cultivars under the high simulation temperature. The number of deformed pollen grains in anthers was also less than those of other cultivars. These results were consistent with the field conditions. This experiment indicated that germination percentage of pollen grains and the rate of anther dehiscence are useful as indicators for screening high-temperature tolerance. The length ratio of filaments and styles and the filaments length could be used as parameters for screening high-temperature tolerance cultivars.  相似文献   

Knowledge of genetic relationships between within‐boll yield components and fibre quality is essential for simultaneous improvement of lint yield and fibre quality in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Nine parents and their F1 progeny with reciprocals from a 3 × 6 factorial mating design were grown in 2008 and 2009. Seven within‐boll yield components and two boll morphological traits and the three fibre quality parameters were analysed based on a conditional additive/dominance (AD) genetic model. Results showed that boll length contributed to the largest proportion of phenotypic, additive and dominance variances for UHM length; seed index contributed to the largest proportion of phenotypic and additive variances for fibre strength; boll width made the largest contribution to phenotypic and additive variances and the second largest contribution to dominance‐by‐environment interaction variance for micronaire, indicating that they played an important role than the other traits for fibre length, strength and fineness/maturity, respectively. It is worthy of note that those correlations between boll shape and fibre quality apply only to the nine parents and the resultant hybrids in this study and do not imply a cause and effect relationship.  相似文献   

 以南疆主栽海岛棉品种为材料,分析不同花期铃部器官同化物质积累动态、再度分配及吐絮棉铃的分配率。结果表明:同化物积累随时间呈“S”型曲线,用Logistic方程进行拟合均达到显著水平。同化物积累达最大值所需时间表现为棉纤维>种子>铃壳,新海28比优系193提前5~10 d;同化物再度分配随着花期的推移,铃壳率不断增大,子重率、经济系数、子棉/壳重逐渐减小。铃壳对子棉增重的贡献率,新海28大于优系193;棉铃的胚珠数、种子数、结子效率随开花时间的推移逐步增大,新海28单铃子房胚珠数、单铃种子数比优系193略低,而结子效率稍高;新海28具有开花早,铃期短,铃壳率小,结子效率高,铃壳同化物质的再分配对子棉增重的贡献率、子重率、经济系数、子棉与干重的比值均大于优系193,这是其早开花、早结铃、早吐絮及丰产的遗传生理基础。  相似文献   

以新疆棉区主栽品种新陆早33号和新彩棉7号为实验材料,比较不同激素组合对两者体细胞胚胎发生过程的影响,以建立高效再生体系。结果表明,新陆早33号和新彩棉7号在2,4-D+KT的激素组合下出愈率均为100%,降低2,4-D浓度有利于胚性愈伤组织的分化,分化率分别达到60.0%和7.5%;在IBA+KT的激素组合下出愈情况相对较差,分别为72.5%和85.0%;继代几次后,两个品种的胚性愈伤组织分化率可分别达到45%和55%,新陆早33号和新彩棉7号分别在DK和IK激素组合下更有利于体细胞胚胎发生过程。进一步观察发现,新彩棉7号分化形成胚状体的能力比新陆早33号更强,两品种均能在6个月内获得再生植株。再生体系的建立,为新疆棉花开展分子育种工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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