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The relative importance of habitat area and connectivity for species richness is often unknown. Connectivity effects may be confounded with area effects or they may be of minor importance as posited by the habitat-amount hypothesis.


We studied effects of habitat area and connectivity of linear landscape elements for plant species richness at plot level. We hypothesized that connectivity of linear landscape elements, assessed by resistance distance, has a positive effect on species richness beyond the effect of area and, further, that the relative importance of connectivity varies among groups of species with different habitat preferences and dispersal syndromes.


We surveyed plant species richness in 50 plots (25 m2) located on open linear landscape elements (field margins, ditches) in eight study areas of 1 km2 in agricultural landscapes of Northwest Germany. We calculated the area of linear landscape elements and assessed their connectivity using resistance distance within circular buffers (500 m) around the plots. Effects of area and connectivity on species richness were modelled with generalised linear mixed models.


Species richness did not increase with area. Resistance distance had significant negative effects on total richness and on the richness of typical species of grasslands and wetlands. Regarding dispersal syndromes, resistance distance had negative effects on the richness of species with short-distance, long-distance and aquatic dispersal. The significant effects of resistance distance indicated that species richness increased with connectivity of the network of linear landscape elements.


Connectivity is more important for plant species richness in linear landscape elements than area. In particular, the richness of plant species that are dispersal limited and confined to semi-natural habitats benefits from connective networks of linear landscape elements in agricultural landscapes.

Regional variation in nitrogen (N) deposition increases plant productivity and decreases species diversity, but landscape- or local -scale influences on N deposition are less well-known. Using ion-exchange resin, we measured variation of N deposition and soil N availability within Elk Island National Park in the ecotone between grassland and boreal forest in western Canada. The park receives regionally high amounts of atmospheric N deposition (22 kg ha−1 yr−1). N deposition was on average higher ton clay-rich luvisols than on brunisols, and areas burned 1–15 years previously received more atmospheric N than unburned sites. We suggest that the effects of previous fires and soil type on deposition rate act through differences in canopy structure. The magnitude of these effects varied with the presence of ungulate grazers (bison, moose, elk) and vegetation type (forest, shrubland, grassland). Available soil N (ammonium and nitrate) was higher in burned than unburned sites in the absence of grazing, suggesting an effect of deposition. On grazed sites, differences between fire treatments were small, presumably because the removal of biomass by grazers reduced the effect of fire. Aspen invades native grassland in this region, and our results suggest that fire without grazing might reinforce the expansion of forest into grassland facilitated by N deposition.  相似文献   

Studies investigating animal response to habitat in marine systems have mainly focused on habitat preference and complexity. This study is one of the first to investigate the affect of benthic habitat corridors and their characteristics on dispersal and colonization by estuarine macrofuana. In this study, mark-recapture field experiments using artificial seagrass units (ASUs) assessed the effects of seagrass corridors, interpatch distance (5 m vs. 10 m), and the ratio of corridor width to patch width (0.5 m:1 m vs. 0.25 m:1 m) on dispersal of two benthic organisms: the highly mobile grass shrimp, Palaemonetes sp., and the less mobile bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, in two estuarine systems in southeastern North Carolina (NC). The presence of a seagrass corridor, interpatch distance, and corridor width to patch width ratios did not significantly affect shrimp or scallop dispersal to receiver patches. Bay scallop dispersal to receiver patches was significantly higher at one site (Drum Shoals) with relatively high flow, compared to a second site (Middle Marsh) with lower flow. We then examined colonization of estuarine macrofauna to seagrass patches with and without corridors to determine which, if any, taxonomic groups respond positively to corridors at scales of 10 m and over 1 month. Colonization of estuarine macrofauna to seagrass patches was enhanced in the presence of corridors at a relatively large interpatch distance (10 m), which was statistically significant for relatively slow moving polychaete worms. Thus, although benthic habitat corridors may facilitate dispersal of relatively slow moving estuarine animals between otherwise isolated seagrass patches, several common seagrass fauna such as grass shrimp and bay scallops apparently use water currents to rapidly disperse across the seagrass/sand landscape.  相似文献   

Much of ecological research centers around discovering the underlying factors for species distribution; three such factors are of central importance: local environment, landscape features and dispersal. While all have been simplified in the past, the recent increase in metapopulation and metacommunity research makes being able to quantify dispersal all that much more necessary. In order to increase our knowledge about metacommunities in the “real word”, it is clearly time to start thinking critically about whether and how the methods that are currently available for measuring dispersal within metapopulations can be adapted. The goal of this contribution is to present and argue the technical difficulties involved in measuring dispersal within metacommunities through: (1) discussing the merits and pitfalls of some potential direct (e.g., mark-recapture) and indirect methods (e.g., isolation measures, patchiness) for studying the effects of dispersal at the metapopulation and metacommunity level; (2) discuss the types of questions that can be tackled at the metacommunity level in light of methodological decisions; and (3) make the point that the technical difficulties of measuring dispersal for multiple species may leave us with little other options than using indirect methods to estimate dispersal in metacommunities.  相似文献   

Disturbed habitats are often swiftly colonized by alien plant species. Human inhabited areas may act as sources from which such aliens disperse, while road verges have been suggested as corridors facilitating their dispersal. We therefore hypothesized that (i) houses and urban areas are propagule sources from which aliens disperse, and that (ii) road verges act as corridors for their dispersal. We sampled presence and cover of aliens in 20 plots (6 × 25 m) per road at 5-km intervals for four roads, nested within three localities around cities (n = 240). Plots consisted of three adjacent nested transects. Houses (n = 3,349) were mapped within a 5-km radius from plots using topographical maps. Environmental processes as predictors of alien composition differed across spatial levels. At the broadest scale road-surface type, soil type, and competition from indigenous plants were the strongest predictors of alien composition. Within localities disturbance-related variables such as distance from dwellings and urban areas were associated with alien composition, but their effect differed between localities. Within roads, density and proximity of houses was related to higher alien species richness. Plot distance from urban areas, however, was not a significant predictor of alien richness or cover at any of the spatial levels, refuting the corridor hypothesis. Verges hosted but did not facilitate the spread of alien species. The scale dependence and multiplicity of mechanisms explaining alien plant communities found here highlight the importance of considering regional climatic gradients, landscape context and road-verge properties themselves when managing verges. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Restoring or establishing corridors between residual forest patches is one of the most adopted strategies for the conservation of animal populations and ecosystem processes in fragmented landscapes.


This study aimed to assess whether it is more effective to focus restoration actions on existing corridors or to establish habitats in other strategic areas that can create new dispersal pathways to enhance connectivity.


We considered a real agroecosystem in northern Italy, based our analyses on graph-theory and habitat availability metrics, and focused on the Hazel Dormouse as the target species. We compared the connectivity increase resulting from (i) the simulated restoration of existing priority corridors, i.e., those with significant presence of forest but in which restoration actions would still result in considerable connectivity gains, or (ii) the simulated plantation of 30 hedgerows along new priority pathways, i.e., those areas with no current forest cover in which habitat creation would be more beneficial for connectivity.


Implementing new priority pathways resulted in substantially larger connectivity gains (+?38%) than when restoration efforts were concentrated in improving already existing corridors (+?11%).


Establishing hedgerows along new pathways allowed enhancing the complementary and functionality of the full set of landscape corridors and proved more efficient than just strengthening the areas where dispersal flows were already concentrated. We demonstrated the importance of analytical procedures able to compare the effectiveness of different management strategies for enhancing connectivity. Our approach may be applied to multiple species sensitive to fragmentation in other heterogeneous landscapes and geographical contexts.

The purpose of this study is to investigate if, or under what conditions, fires select given land cover types for burning. If fires burn unselectively then the land cover composition (the proportional area of various land cover types) of individual fires should approximate the land cover composition available in their neighborhood. In this study we test this hypothesis by performing statistical analyses of a data set consisting of paired vectors with the proportions of land cover types present in burned areas and in their respective surroundings. The statistical methods employed (a permutation technique and the Cmax statistic) are commonly used in resource selection studies where data is subject to a unit-sum constraint. The results of the analysis of 506 fires that burned in Portugal in 1991 indicate that fires are selective, with small fires exhibiting stronger land cover preferences than large fires. According to the results of a multiple comparison analysis performed for small fires, there is a marked preference for shrubland followed by other forest cover types, while agriculture is clearly avoided. A similar analysis is performed to test if fire selectivity is related to the ecological region where it occurs. The results obtained in this study contribute to the discussion on the relative importance of fuels as a drivers of fire spread.  相似文献   


Functional connectivity of semiaquatic species is poorly studied despite that freshwater ecosystems are amongst the most threatened worldwide due to habitat deterioration. The Neotropical otter, Lontra longicaudis, is a threatened species that represents a good model to evaluate the effect of landscape-riverscape features on genetic structure and gene flow of freshwater species.


We aimed to assess the spatial genetic structure of L. longicaudis and to evaluate the landscape-riverscape attributes that shape its genetic structure and gene flow at local sites (habitat patches) and between sites (landscape matrix).


We conducted the study in three basins located in Veracruz, Mexico, which have a high degree of ecosystem deterioration. We used a non-invasive genetic sampling and a landscape genetics individual-based approach to test the effect stream hierarchical structure, isolation-by-distance, and isolation-by-resistance on genetic structure and gene flow.


We found genetic structure that corresponded to the latitudinal and altitudinal heterogeneity of the landscape and riverscape, as well as to the hierarchical structure of the streams. Open areas and steep slopes were the variables affecting genetic structure at local sites, whereas areas with suitable habitat conditions, higher ecosystem integrity and larger streams enhanced gene flow between sites.


The landscape-riverscape characteristics that maintain functional connectivity of L. longicaudis differed between the upper, middle, and lower basins. Our results have important implications for the conservation of the species, including the maintenance of larger suitable areas in Actopan and the necessity to improve connectivity in Jamapa, through the establishment of biological corridors.


Strong relations between population trends and spatial distribution have been suggested at the regional scale: declining species should have more fragmented distributions because decline causes range retractions towards optimal habitats, whereas increasing species should have more aggregated distributions, because colonization processes are constrained by distance. Most analyses of the effects of land use changes on animal populations are diachronic studies of population dynamics or synchronic studies of species habitat selection. Few studies take simultaneously into account temporal changes in habitat distribution and changes in species spatial distribution. We applied the above rationale to the landscape scale and analysed how population declines, increases or stability, as diagnosed in a long term study, correlate with population connectivity or fragmentation at that scale. We used data on changes in faunal distribution and information on temporal changes in the vegetation in a Mediterranean area that had been subjected to land abandonment. We found that species declining at the landscape scale had retracting fragmented distributions and that expanding species had expanding continuous distributions. However, for the latter, we suggest that the factors involved are related to landscape structure and not to dispersal mediated meta-population processes, which are of little relevance at this local scale. We also show that even species that are numerically stable can show fragmentation of their distribution and major spatial distribution shifts in response to land use changes, especially in species that have low occurrence levels or that are associated with transitory habitats such as heterogeneous shrublands (e.g. Sylvia melanocephala). Studying the spatial structure of species distribution patterns at the landscape scale may provide information about population declines and increases both at the regional and the landscape scale and can improve our understanding of short-term risks of local extinction.  相似文献   

The present study assesses the spatial distribution of selected land cover classes at two years (1975 and 2000) in a Mediterranean urban area (Athens, Greece) to test the hypothesis that land cover changes determine an increase in the sensitivity of landscape to forest fires on a regional scale. While urban and agricultural areas increased, although with different rates of growth, forests and semi-natural areas decreased in the study area. These changes are reflected in a significant increase of vegetation sensitivity to forest fires measured by the forest fire risk (FR) index developed in the framework of MEDALUS project. The cover classes which contributed the most to the increase of the FR index were crop mosaic, mixed agricultural-natural areas and discontinuous, low-density settlements. Results of the present study indicate that the transformation of the fringe landscape towards low-quality agricultural and pasture areas and fragmented forest patches is potentially detrimental for environmental quality and the ecological fragility of land.  相似文献   

The role of human-independent dispersal vectors in the structuring of urban flora is hardly known. Our goal was to evaluate the role and scale of endozoochorous seed dispersal mediated by the rook into habitats located in 11 cities of eastern Poland. This bird is a frequent user of anthropogenic food sources: agricultural fields (outside the cities) and garbage cans and refuse dumps (inside the cities). We wanted to: (i) assess the seed pool dispersed by the rook during wintering, when the bird forms huge winter roosts in the centre of cities, and (ii) evaluate if the rook-mediated dispersal may cause homogenization of vegetation at the sites where seeds were deposited. We found 2257 seeds belonging to 60 taxa in 1008 regurgitation pellets; the proportion of archaeophytes in pellets was significantly higher than in vegetation under roosts and it was negatively correlated with city size. On the basis of the Jaccard index we can conclude that the dispersed seed pool is more homogenous than stabilized vegetation in sites where pellets were deposited, but because of the high participation of weeds and ruderal species in pellets, the bird can facilitate the transfer of these groups of species into the cities. Plant and animal dispersers interactions should be further studied and taken into consideration during the planning and management of urban green space, which is claimed to be the most important habitat type for conservation of biodiversity within modern cities. It is especially important in the case of abundant animals forming huge concentrations in the urban landscape because of their high potential impact on vegetation composition at the local scale.  相似文献   



The conversion of natural environments into agricultural land has profound effects on the composition of the landscape, often resulting in a mosaic of human-altered and natural habitats. The response to these changes may however vary among organisms. Bats are highly vagile, and their requirements often imply the use of distinct habitats, which they select responding to both landscape and local features.


We aimed to identify which features influence bat richness and activity within Baixo Vouga Lagunar, a heterogeneous landscape located on the Central-North Portuguese coast, and to investigate if that influence varies across a gradient of focal scales.


We sampled bats acoustically, while simultaneously sampling insects with light traps. We assessed the relationships between species richness, bat activity, and activity of eco-morphological guilds with landscape and local features, across four scales.


Our results revealed both scale- and guild-dependent responses of bats to landscape and local features. At broader scales we found positive associations between open-space foraging bats and habitat heterogeneity and between edge-space foraging bats and greater edge lengths. Woodland cover and water availability at an intermediate scale and weather conditions and insect abundance at a local scale were the factors that mostly influenced the response variables.


Globally, our results suggest that bats are sensitive to local resource availability and distribution, while simultaneously reacting to landscape features acting at coarser scales. Finally, our results suggest that the responses given by bats are guild-dependent, and some habitats act as keystone structures for bats within this mosaic.

In the face of the increasing mental health crisis, there is a growing awareness of the benefits of natural environments, especially urban blue-green spaces in promoting mental health. However, most studies neglected the dynamics of blue-green space over the seasons and the dynamic effects on mental restoration. In addition, the access to nature can be quantified from multiple dimensions, but few studies have measured the specific characteristics (such as revetment type, distance from water, and width of field view) of blue-green space as visitors experienced. To fill these gaps, we conducted a field investigation in 18 selected blue-green spaces in winter and summer, examining the dynamic relationship between blue-green space and mental restoration. A total of 915 samples was collected through questionnaires. The results indicated that the impact of blue-green space on mental restoration varies with the seasons, for example, green space significantly promoted physical activity in summer, but not in winter, and blue space inhibited physical activity more significantly in summer. Moreover, the overall results suggested that blue space did not directly promote the improvement of visitors’ mental health, but improved social interaction, while green space had a direct positive influence on mental restoration. This study explored the dynamic link between blue-green space and mental restoration over different seasons, expanding the potential characteristics of blue-green space that affecting visitors’ mental restoration, and contributing to our knowledge of the health benefits of visiting blue-green spaces.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional analysis among 1041 urban residents was done to examine associations between self-reported walking distance to and use of freshwater urban blue space and health-related quality of life in two German cities: a city with “poor” urban blue space supply (Bielefeld; 0.8% blue space) and one with “better” urban blue space supply (Gelsenkirchen; 3.0% blue space). Health-related quality of life was assessed with the SF-12v2, which measures residents’ self-reported mental and physical health. Results showed a significant association between use frequency and perceived walking distance to blue space. Blue space use was a better indicator of health outcomes than perceived walking distance. After controlling for green space, socio-economic and demographic variables, use frequency was associated with higher mental health in Gelsenkirchen. These cross-sectional findings suggest that blue space use increases the probability of being healthier in highly urbanised areas in cities with an appropriate amount of blue space.  相似文献   

Urban green space has various environmental and ecological benefits, and uneven access to such amenities has drawn substantial attention from policy makers in developing sustainable community planning. In this study, we illustrate the spatial distribution of publicly owned and maintained trees in Edmonton, Canada and assess neighborhoods’ heterogeneous tree availability by using the container approach. Through spatial regression models, we further investigate the association of neighborhood public tree availability with socio-economic status (SES). We contribute to the existing literature by taking resident modes of transportation into consideration, in addition to many other commonly examined SES such as household income and ethnicity. Another unique contribution of this study is that we distinguish trees planted on different location types (i.e., boulevard, park, and buffer areas) when exploring the unequal coverage across neighborhoods and among different SES groups. Key results include: (1) a general examination without differentiating location types can lead to misleading results and thus provide inappropriate policy recommendations; (2) resident modes of transportation is a critical factor associated with a neighborhood’s public tree coverage; and (3) there exists evident spatial dependence on public tree availability between neighborhoods. The results from this study provide important information to better understand the issue and to allocate public resource (such as tree coverage) more efficiently and effectively to support sustainable community development.  相似文献   

In high-income countries depression and cardiovascular diseases were predicted to be the two leading causes of DALYs in the year 2030. Private-life stress fosters both kinds of diseases. Scientific findings already show that forest exposure has stress-reducing effects. Particularly in Japan, people have practiced forest bathing to improve their health. The German population also has a strong connection to its forests, and forest law allows forest access, regardless of ownership structure. Hence, the question arises of whether forest exposure could be used in Germany as a kind of stress-coping strategy. To a certain degree, the success of such a strategy in Germany would require the participation of the stakeholders that are active in both the health and the forestry sectors. Therefore, it seems necessary to gain insight into German forest and health professionals' understanding and attitude concerning forest-related health benefits. For this reason, in this pilot study, guideline interviews with professionals of both sectors and with professionals standing in between these professions were conducted, recorded and transcribed. On the one hand, each professional’s presumptions regarding the health-fostering effects of forests were investigated, derived from their subjective certainty that forest exposure has health-fostering effects. In addition, a thought experiment was used to estimate the level of willingness to cooperate with each other in order to motivate people to be physically active in forests. For analysis, Mayring’s qualitative content analysis and a frequency analysis (MaxQDA) were applied. Findings show that most of the interviewed professionals presume forests to have health-fostering effects. Furthermore, something derived from the statements within the context of the thought experiment was that most professionals seem to be willing to cooperate with the other sector. Hence, it might be conceivable that forest exposure may be part of a German stress-coping strategy.  相似文献   

Currently, the increasing frequency of inhalant allergy is often linked to the urbanization effect. The pollen forecasts for a given city are most often prepared using data from one aerobiological station. However, there is evidence that the pollen concentrations in the air might differ depending on the city area and the height of the pollen trap. This study evaluated the spatial differences in the daily concentrations of alder and birch pollen grains in an urban area in relation to the proximity of the pollen sources and meteorological parameters. Pollen grains were sampled in Rzeszów in 2014–2016 by three volumetric traps located at the roof and nose levels in two city areas that differed in the numbers of alder and birch trees. The daily pollen concentrations were categorized into three allergy symptom thresholds. The relationship between the daily pollen concentrations and meteorological variables was examined using a redundancy analysis and circular statistics. There were spatial differences in the pollen season intensity and, to a lesser extent, the variability in its course. Generally, higher concentrations were registered at the roof level and in the city suburbs than at the nose level and in the downtown area where alder and birch trees were less numerous. Despite the spatial variability of the pollen concentrations and the differences in the proximity and abundance of pollen sources, the risks for allergy sufferers were similar throughout the city. It was concluded that the main cause of this phenomenon is the high dispersal abilities of Alnus and Betula pollen grains. Although temperature seems to be a crucial factor that influences the airborne pollen of both taxa, several weather variables were found to have complex impacts on the daily concentrations.  相似文献   

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