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本试验旨在确立能量平衡对奶牛产后卵巢静止的作用,为今后预防该病提供科学依据。从黑龙江省某集约化牛场随机选取产后14~21d奶牛80头(年龄2~4岁,胎次1~3次,泌乳量(34.82±9.51)kg/d),跟踪观测至产后60~90d,进行奶牛发情鉴定,结合B超观察与生殖激素检测从观测奶牛中选出卵巢静止与发情奶牛各16头。对2组奶牛产后14~21d和60~90d的血浆能量代谢及肝功能指标进行了统计比较。结果显示:产后60~90d卵巢静止奶牛血浆β-羟丁酸和游离脂肪酸含量高于发情奶牛(P0.05),血浆促卵泡素、雌二醇和孕酮浓度极显著低于发情奶牛(P0.01);根据受试者工作特征曲线分析确定产后14~21d血浆β-羟丁酸0.69 mmol/L、游离脂肪酸0.52mmol/L作为产后卵巢静止预警值,灵敏度和特异度分别为85.7%和83.30%,92.3%和86.70%,产后60~90d2项指标的预警值分别为0.42,0.17mmol/L。奶牛产后14~21d与60~90d血浆β-羟丁酸和游离脂肪酸浓度超过预警值,奶牛产后发生卵巢静止的风险会增大。  相似文献   

选择黑龙江省2个牛场高产奶牛,在产后60~90d调查卵巢静止,检测发情和卵巢静止奶牛生殖激素,能量代谢,肝功能和矿物质等指标,通过Pearson相关分析、二元Logistic分析和ROC分析对牛场产后卵巢静止进行预警评估。结果显示:2个牛场(Ⅰ,Ⅱ)卵巢静止发病率分别为29.5%,47.2%,主要由于产后早期能量负平衡。2个牛场卵巢静止组与发情组相比,血浆中β-羟丁酸(BHBA)、游离脂肪酸(NEFA)和门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)均显著的升高。牛场Ⅰ,当产后60~90d奶牛血浆中BHBA0.94 mmol/L、NEFA0.56 mmol/L、AST95.5U/L时;牛场Ⅱ,当奶牛产后60~90d血浆中BHBA1.00mmol/L、NEFA0.585mmol/L、AST103.5U/L时;奶牛患卵巢静止的风险增高。结果表明,奶牛产后发生的能量负平衡可扰乱奶牛发情周期的生殖激素分泌,是引起2个牛场奶牛产后卵巢静止的主要病因。奶牛泌乳早期血浆中NEFA、BHBA和AST等指标可用于产后卵巢静止的风险预警。  相似文献   

<正>在我国奶牛养殖当中,奶牛繁殖性能下降的一个重要原因就是卵巢囊肿病症的发生。对卵巢囊肿进行临床诊断的方式多种多样,本文重点介绍几种,为今后奶牛卵巢囊肿的诊断提供借鉴经验。卵巢囊肿具有发病率高、破坏力强的特点,是奶牛四大卵巢疾病之一。卵巢囊肿对于奶牛的受胎率、配种淘汰率、产奶量等都有重大的影响。卵巢囊肿的发生不仅影响奶牛的生长和繁殖,同时也给牛奶制造业带来了巨大的经济损失,阻碍其稳定发展。  相似文献   

为确定围产期奶牛氧化应激的风险因素及其预警指标,在黑龙江省2个集约化牛场(A、B场)检测了120头围产期奶牛血中能量代谢、矿物质、氧化应激等指标,以能量负平衡为判定标准,将β-羟丁酸(BHBA)>1.2mmoI/L,游离脂肪酸(NEFA)>0.4mmoI/L,葡萄糖(GLU)<0.3mmoI/L的牛分为高水平氧化应激组,BHBA<1.2mmoI/L,NEFA<0.4mmoI/L,GLU>0.3mmoI/L的牛分为对照组,通过横截面研究方法结合统计学显著性分析,Spearman相关分析、二元Logistic回归模型及ROC分析确立分界值和诊断效果。结果显示:能量负平衡奶牛血中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-PX)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、Se、总一氧化氮合成酶(T-NOS)、VE的水平降低,血中丙二醛(MDA)、Cu的水平升高,机体存在氧化应激。确定GSH-PX、CAT、Se、BHBA四项指标可作为氧化应激发生的预警指标,其预警值分别为:GSH-PX<619.28U/L,敏感度78.3%,特异度66.7%;CAT<7.87U/mL,敏感度73.9%,特异度91.7%;Se<0.51μg/L,敏感度79.2%,特异度58.9%,BHBA>0.72mmoI/L,敏感度100%,特异度83.3%。结论:产后能量负平衡、低Ca、Se和VE的缺乏是引起氧化应激的风险因素以及血中GSH-PX、CAT、Se、BHBA可作为氧化应激发生的预警指标。  相似文献   

卵巢囊肿是导致奶牛繁殖性能下降的一个重要因素,其临床诊断方法有很多,B超、多普勒超声等技术为卵巢囊肿的准确诊断提供了可靠保证。本文针对奶牛卵巢囊肿的发病情况调查、临床主要诊断方法、激素鉴别诊断、多普勒超声诊断等方面进行了阐述,并对今后的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

选择围产期健康奶牛30头,随机分为三组,产前第28d开始,饲喂不同能量日粮,即对照组(C组)、高能量组(H组)和低能量组(L组);产后各组奶牛均饲喂标准泌乳日粮,至产后56d结束。研究干奶期不同能量摄入水平对产后奶牛能量负平衡的影响。结果表明:低能量组奶牛产后干物质摄入量显著高于其它两组、体重消耗较低,能量负平衡状态缓解。  相似文献   

~~解决高产奶牛能量负平衡的有效方法@魏亭$完达山牧业开发服务有限公司!黑龙江哈尔滨15006 @韩光毅$完达山牧业开发服务有限公司!黑龙江哈尔滨15006 @何庆刚$完达山牧业开发服务有限公司!黑龙江哈尔滨15006  相似文献   

芬兰专家研究了在当地条件下,奶牛血液中葡萄糖、尿素和天冬氨酸转氨酶(ASAT)水平与繁殖性能之间的关系,以便预测以后的繁殖力。  相似文献   

如何克服和解决泌乳早期的奶牛能量负平衡问题一直以来都是科研和生产中的重大课题。大量的实践数据表明,从产犊前1周并始。逐渐提高奶牛日粮的能量浓度,特别是在产犊后至产奶高峰期之间,最大限度增加日粮的能量水平可以显著克服奶牛的能量负平衡障碍。而在日粮中添加瘤胃保护性脂肪则是最有效、最简便的方法。  相似文献   

芬兰专家研究了在当地条件下,奶牛产前产后血液中葡萄糖、尿素和天门冬氨酸转氨酶 (ASAT)水平与繁殖性能之间的关系,以便预测以后的繁殖力。   研究采用来自芬兰南部 3~ 10岁 45头高产奶牛。奶牛按芬兰饲养标准舍饲喂给牧草青贮、精料和干草。产犊季节从 12月至 3月。产犊前 1个月和产犊后 2周采血样,当日分析尿素、 ASAT和葡萄糖。产后 2个月第一次正常发情时授情。用乳硝酸盐试验诊断酮病并根据是否需要治疗将牛分为酮病组和非酮病组。   在被测母牛中,产前葡萄糖值高,产犊后下降,以后逐渐增加。在泌乳早期 ASAT活性最高…  相似文献   

We investigated the therapeutic effects of a progesterone releasing intravaginal device (PRID) on cystic ovarian disease (COD) and reproduction performance of cows. The possible influence of PRID on metabolic and/or health status was also examined. A total of 40 Holstein-Friesian cattle, with ovarian cystic structures, > or =2.5 cm in diameter, persisting for more than 7-14 days, without a corpus luteum (CL) were used for the study. PRID or placebos were inserted into the vagina for 12 days. Five animals lost the intravaginal device before removal and one was culled. Based on plasma progesterone concentration on the day of treatment, 20 (17 PRID and 3 placebos) of the remaining 34 cows had follicular cysts (progesterone < or =1 ng/ml) and 14 (10 PRID and 4 placebos) had luteal cysts (progesterone >1 ng/m l). Fourteen (82%) of the PRID-treated follicular cystic cows responded with formation of a CL within 14 days after treatment, and an overall conception rate of 53.8%. Likewise, 70% of the treated luteal cystic cows responded with CL formation and 71.4% conception rate. No significant differences were observed in hematocrit (Ht), white blood cell count and serum levels of glucose, blood urea nitrogen, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase, between the day of PRID insertion and removal, in animals with follicular and luteal cysts. PRID treatment resulted in ovulation 2-4 days later and formation of a CL in cows that recovered.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between the first ovulation within 3 weeks postpartum and subsequent ovarian cycles and fertility in high producing dairy cattle in Hokkaido, Japan. In Experiment 1, 110 cows (44 primiparous and 66 multiparous) were used to determine the effects of the first ovulation within 3 weeks postpartum on subsequent ovarian cycles. Milk samples were collected twice weekly from 7 to 100 days postpartum. The first ovulation was identified by an increase in milk progesterone (P4) to more than 1 ng/ml within 3 weeks postpartum. The numbers of cows showing ovulation and anovulation within 3 weeks postpartum were 31 (70.5%) and 13 (29.5%) in the primiparous cows and 35 (53.0%) and 31 (47.0%) in the multiparous cows, respectively. The patterns of ovarian resumption after calving were classified into two types (normal ovarian cycles and abnormal ovarian cycles) on the basis of milk P4 concentrations. Initiation of normal ovarian function in cows ovulated within 3 weeks postpartum occurred earlier than in anovulated cows regardless of the number of calvings (primiparous, 27.8 days vs. 44.4 days; multiparous, 30.6 days vs. 55.7 days; P<0.01). Out of the multiparous cows that ovulated within 3 weeks postpartum, initiation of normal ovarian function followed by a normal luteal phase was earlier than when it was followed by an abnormal luteal phase (25.5 days vs. 40.4 days; P<0.05). Milk P4 concentrations after the first ovulation were lower than those after the second ovulation in both the primiparous and multiparous cows (P<0.05). In Experiment 2, 22 multiparous cows were used to determine the effects of the first ovulation within 3 weeks postpartum on subsequent fertility. Blood samples were collected once a week from 0 to 3 weeks postpartum. The interval from parturition to first service in ovulated cows was shorter than in anovulated cows (68.4 days vs. 94.8 days; P<0.05). The conception rate by 100 days after calving tended to be higher in ovulated cows than in anovulated cows (50.0% vs. 16.7%, P=0.09). In conclusion, our data strongly suggests that ovulation within 3 weeks postpartum is a crucial phenomenon for subsequent resumption of ovarian function and conception, and thus it can be used as an index of subsequent reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The relationship among nutritional status, systemic insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and ovarian function early postpartum were investigated. A total of 27 Holstein-Friesian cows, 10 that cycled normally within 20 days postpartum, 5 diagnosed with follicular cysts, 8 with persistent corpus luteum (CL) after the first ovulation postpartum and 4 with inactive ovaries were used for the study. Blood samples were collected 1-3 times per week, for 60 days pre- and postpartum, for IGF-I, progesterone, estradiol, free fatty acids (FFA), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) determination. Inactive ovary and cystic cows had a higher body condition score before calving and lost more condition than normal or persistent CL cows. Immediately postpartum, IGF-I levels were higher and rose sharply in cows that cycled normally than in cystic, inactive ovary or persistent CL cows. At calving and early postpartum, FFA was higher in inactive ovary and cystic than in normal and persistent CL cows. There was a significant strong positive relationship between IGF-I and BUN, and strong negative relationships between IGF-I and FFA and AST in all groups. There was a positive relationship between serum IGF-I and estradiol in normal cystic and inactive ovary cows. This study found that overconditioned cows during the dry period or at calving, lost more body condition postpartum. These cows also had a deeper and longer period of negative energy balance (NEB), poor liver function and low circulating IGF-I concentrations early postpartum. Such cows were likely to have poor reproductive function as seen in development of cystic ovaries, persistent CL and inactive ovary. Changes in serum IGF-I early postpartum may help predict both nutritional and reproductive status in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

为了探究乏情奶牛同期发情处理前血浆生化指标的变化及对其输精后28 d妊检阴性(-)的风险预警意义,本试验在黑龙江省某集约化牛场选择了产后实施同期发情的奶牛共48头,根据试验奶牛产后40 d内是否发情分为发情组(E)23头和乏情组(A)25头,并对同期发情前试验牛进行血浆生化指标分析和输精后28 d妊检。结果显示:与发情奶牛相比,乏情奶牛血浆中孕酮(P_4)含量显著升高;雌二醇(E_2)、葡萄糖(Glu)、硒(Se)、牛组胺(HIS)、脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)、牛组胺(HIS)含量显著降低。应用Pearson相关分析和二元Logistic回归模型确定了应用三针法前当奶牛血浆HIS含量 26.12μg/L,输精后28 d妊检为阴性(-)的风险增大;应用五针前当奶牛血浆中E_2含量46.45 pmol/L时,输精后28 d妊检为阴性(-)的风险增大。  相似文献   

Follicular cysts are the most critical reproductive disorder in dairy cows and disturb the normal ovarian cycle, resulting in a prolonged interval from calving to conception. Therefore, this condition causes significant economic losses to the dairy industry. Two direct causal factors for cysts are suggested in this review; ovulation disorder and the delay of regression. Ovulation disorder has been accepted to be a main etiology of cystic follicle. This seems to be caused by the deficiency of positive feedback of estrogen to the hypothalamus, leading to the lack of luteinizing hormone surge. On the other hand, if a large anovulatory follicle is regressed immediately after the failure of ovulation, its follicle does not continue to grow, resulting in no cystic follicle being formed. Therefore, it is proposed that another cause of a cystic follicle is the delay (or absence) of the degeneration system of the follicle. This review will introduce these two causes separately, referring to recent advances in understanding the follicular cyst in dairy cows.  相似文献   

奶牛血浆PGFM浓度变化与子宫内膜炎关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奶牛子宫内膜炎是奶牛产后多发性疾病之一,产后子宫感染是一种非特异性感染,主要的致病菌有分泌型化脓菌(Arcanobacterium pyogenes)、埃希氏大肠杆菌及其他多种革兰氏阴性厌氧菌。子宫内膜炎对奶牛业有重要的经济影响,若能早期识别出对子宫内膜炎易感性较高的奶牛,并提高对子宫内膜炎患牛的诊断率,将会明显的减少因产后子宫感染所带来的损失。  相似文献   

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