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贵德黑裘皮羊mtDNA COI基因系统进化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前贵德黑裘皮羊品种资源形势较为严峻.试验研究利用所设计的一对引物对5个贵德黑裘皮羊样本线粒体DNA的COI基因片段进行PCR扩增并对产物进行直接测序,基于mtDNA COI基因探究贵德黑裘皮羊种群遗传现状.结果 显示,贵德黑裘皮羊与国际上乌珠穆沁羊、滩羊、青海藏羊等18个绵羊品种有较近的亲缘关系,存在基因流.研究表明...  相似文献   

试验旨在研究伊犁马催乳素受体(prolactin receptor,PRLR)基因多态性及其与产奶量之间的关联性。以60匹伊犁马为研究对象,选取PRLR基因侧翼区的部分片段,采用PCR-SSCP技术检测其遗传多态性,并与伊犁马的日产奶量进行关联分析,研究PRLR基因的多态性与伊犁马产奶性能的关系。结果显示,PRLR基因侧翼区的2个片段均具有多态性,都存在3种基因型:AA、AB和BB,测序结果显示PRLR-P1的碱基突变位置为g.29764513 G>A,该突变为错义突变,导致其编码的氨基酸由组氨酸变成精氨酸,经关联分析发现,该突变对伊犁马日产奶量有显著影响(P<0.05);PRLR-P2的碱基突变位置为g.30106804 C>A,该突变为同义突变,未导致其编码的氨基酸发生改变,经关联分析发现,该突变对伊犁马日产奶量有显著影响(P<0.05)。伊犁马PRLR基因侧翼区的碱基突变与日产奶量之间存在关联性,且可能是影响伊犁马产奶性能的重要位点。  相似文献   

雀形目(Passeriformes)莺科(Sylviidae)鸟类广泛分布于旧大陆,该科许多种类的系统发育关系一直存在争议.本研究采用分子系统学方法,对莺科11属37种鸟类的cyt b全基因序列和COI部分基因序列进行系统发育分析,构建TML和Bayesian系统发育树.结果显示,柳莺属(Phylloscopus)并非单系发生,(鹟)莺属(Seicercus)可能是其同类或其属下的一个类群;在柳莺属内,乌嘴柳莺(P.magnirostris)与极北柳莺(P. borealis)亲缘关系较近;黄腰柳莺(P.proregulus)、云南柳莺(P.yunnanensis)、橙斑翅柳莺(P. pulcher)及灰喉柳莺(P. maculipennis)亲缘关系较近;黄腹柳莺(P.occisinensis)、巨嘴柳莺(P.schwarzi)、棕眉柳莺(P. armandii)、叽喳柳莺(P. collybita)及褐柳莺(P.fuscatus)亲缘关系较近;树莺属(Cettia)并非单系发生,与拟鹅莺属(Abroscopus)和地莺属(Tesia)聚在一起;大苇莺属(Acrocephalus)为单性系;此外,林莺属(Sylvia)与绣眼鸟属(Zosterops)的亲缘关系、以及鹪莺属(Prinia)、缝叶莺属(Orthotomus)及扇尾莺属(Cisticola)三者间的亲缘关系也被支持.  相似文献   

为寻找伊犁马肉质性能的分子标记,试验以38匹伊犁马为材料,测定肉质性状(失水率、熟肉率、剪切力)和肌纤维性状(肌纤维横截面积、肌纤维直径、肌纤维密度),利用PCR直接测序法检测肌细胞生成素(meyogenin,MyoG)基因外显子1在伊犁马群体中的多态性,并对MyoG基因SNPs不同基因型与肉质、肌纤维性状进行关联分析。结果表明,MyoG基因外显子1检测出5个突变位点,分别为SNP1(g.31187343 A>C)、SNP2(g.31187333 G>A)、SNP3(g.31187132 C>T)、SNP4(g.31187105 C>G)和SNP5(g.31187099 C>T),其中SNP1为错义突变,碱基A突变为C使得氨基酸由苏氨酸突变为脯氨酸,其他位点均为无义突变。SNP3和SNP4为中度多态位点,SNP1和SNP2为低度多态位点,这4个位点均处于Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。MyoG基因外显子1中SNP1和SNP4不同基因型个体失水率、熟肉率、肌纤维横截面积、肌纤维直径、肌纤维密度差异显著(P<0.05);SNP3不同基因型个体熟肉率、肌纤维横截面积、肌纤维密度差异显著(P<0.05);SNP2不同基因型个体各指标差异均不显著(P>0.05)。综上,伊犁马MyoG基因外显子1检测到5个多态位点,其中SNP1(g.31187343 A>C)、SNP3(g.31187132 C>T)和SNP4(g.31187105 C>G)位点不同基因型对肉质及肌纤维性状有显著影响,这些位点可作为伊犁马肉质性能潜在分子标记。  相似文献   

马胃蝇幼虫寄生于马属动物的消化道内,是危害极大的寄生虫之一,可引起寄主患马胃蝇蛆病.目前已知全世界有9种马胃蝇,中国有6种,其中新疆伊犁有4种.该病在世界范围广泛分布,呈世界性流行,马匹感染率平均60%左右.国内新疆伊犁地区马胃蝇蛆病呈多发流行,平均感染强度为每匹马带幼虫142只,严重影响了新疆伊犁养马业的健康发展.为...  相似文献   

2008―2010年,对寄生于新疆卡拉麦里与普氏野马同域生活的家马体内的黑腹胃蝇(Gasterophilus pecorum)进行了实验室培养和野外行为观察。将收集到的920只3龄幼虫进行室内培养,结果成功化蛹35个(3.80%),化蛹期为13~27 d,巅峰期为18~20 d(42.86%);17个(48.57%)个体羽化,羽化期为15~27 d,巅峰期为21~22 d(22.86%)。在这些羽化的成蝇当中雄性占11.76%,雌性占88.24%,雄雌比为0.13;其存活期为2~8 d,较大存活率发生在第4-6天(58.82%)。3龄幼虫体长(13.2±7.0) mm,体宽(5.1±4.0) mm,体质量(241±30) mg。相关性分析表明,幼虫的体长、体宽和体质量与成蝇的性别无相关性。交尾行为没有在野外或者靠近的马体的周围环境中发现,羽化初期有梳理和寻求寄主行为。黑腹胃蝇的卵在马的体表和植物茎叶上也均未发现。  相似文献   

明确云南省双江县布京村大勐峨组黄牛养殖场采集的4种多足摇蚊翅膀形态特征和COI基因序列分子特征.2020年4月在云南省双江县采集摇蚊标本,采用体视显微镜根据虫体形态学特征对采集到的摇蚊进行初步鉴定,选取11只摇蚊进行翅膀形态特征观察,同时提取这11只摇蚊基因组DNA,采用COI基因特异引物进行PCR扩增,测序,采用DN...  相似文献   

为了解济南市犬瘟热病毒(CDV)的流行情况,通过随机采集7份济南市2019年1月-6月份宠物医院疑似感染CDV的临床样品,提取病毒RNA,扩增CDV H基因全长序列,连接至载体,测序后进行H基因序列的氨基酸及核苷酸同源性分析、进化树分析、主要氨基酸位点突变分析以及H基因抗原表位预测分析.结果显示,7个野毒株均为Asia...  相似文献   

文中对捕获于内蒙古居延海东西湖水域的大鳍鼓鳔鳅(Hedinichthys yarkandensis macroptera)鱼体线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基I(COI)基因序列及遗传多样性进行了初步研究.研究表明,东湖和西湖各26个样本总计52个个体中COI序列长度为626~645 bp,GC碱基含量为41.37%~42.0...  相似文献   

1972年瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学Boman HG等用大肠杆菌注射惜古比天蚕蛹,从人工诱导的天蚕免疫血淋巴中发现了抗菌物质,并提纯得到了抗菌肽,并对它们进行了氮基酸序列测序分析,确定了抗菌肽的一级结构,命名为天蚕素(Cecropins)。随后研究表明,天蚕素族抗菌肽主要存在于鳞翅目昆虫,也存在于其它目昆虫体内.如双翅目的果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)、麻蝇(Sarcophaga peregrina)、  相似文献   

The occurrence of 2nd and 3rd instars of Gasterophilus intestinalis and Gasterophilus nasalis was determined in 476 horses during the 22-year period from 1951 to 1973. Overall, G intestinalis infected 98.7% of the horses and averaged 168/horse; whereas G nasalis infected 80.7% of the horses and averaged 52/horse. Aggregate average total numbers for G intestinalis ranged from a low of 50 in September to a high of 229 in March, and for G nasalis, from a low of 14 in September to a high of 82 in February. Horses were infected by 2nd or 3rd instars of both species on a year-round basis. Differentiation between the instars provided insight into the dynamics of the infections. For G intestinalis, the data indicated (1) 2nd instars from the previous year's generation of flies continue to arrive in the stomach until April; (2) arrival of the current year's crop of 2nd instars starts in July; and (3) 3rd instars from the previous year's generation of flies are not voided in appreciable numbers until August, when numbers of the current year's crop of 3rd instars appear in the stomach. For G nasalis, the data indicated (1) arrival in the stomach of the current year's generation of 2nd instars starts in July and terminates in January and (2) 3rd instars from the previous year's generation of flies are voided over a period beginning in March and extending into August, when the current year's crop of 3rd instars begin to appear. Acquisition of infections of horses with G intestinalis is nearly a year-round process, except for April, because of the persistence of viable larvae in eggs for a prolonged period after development and fly activity has ceased in the fall. In contrast, infection with G nasalis is interrupted between December and May, because eggs hatch naturally after a short period of development, and fly activity ceases in the fall.  相似文献   

We performed a combination of proteinase assay, either in solution or immobilized in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel copolymerized with gelatin, to detect and quantify proteinases of Dermatobia hominis second (L2) and third (L3) instar larvae. In the quantitative assay, we examined proteinase activity by hydrolysis of a panel of peptide bonds specific for the main proteinase classes. We verified that the pGlu-Phe-Leu p-nitroanilide substrate was hydrolyzed by crude extracts of L2 (3.0+/-0.2 nmol h(-1)mg of protein(-1)) and L3 (7.7+/-0.1 nmol h(-1)mg of protein(-1)) and that both activities were partially inhibited by trans-epoxysuccinyl-l-leucylamido-(4-guanidino)butane, 15% and 3%, respectively. Also, we demonstrated that the Nalpha-p-Tosyl-l-Arg methyl ester substrate was hydrolyzed by crude extracts of L2 (117+/-24 nmol h(-1)mg of protein(-1)) and L3 (111+/-10 nmol h(-1)mg of protein(-1)), suggesting a predominance of esterase activity in the crude larval preparation. Interestingly, the specific activity of serine-proteinases was totally inhibited by phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride in the L3 crude extract, while only 10% of this enzyme class activity was inhibited in the L2 crude extract. The results of the qualitative assays with substrate gels suggested that L2 and L3 larvae express serine-proteinases with similar (13 and 22 kDa) and distinct (50 kDa in L2 and 30 kDa in L3) relative molecular masses. These findings contribute to the biochemical characterization of D. hominis L2 and L3 larvae.  相似文献   

A paste formulation containing 14.3 per cent of oxibendazole and 44 per cent of trichlorfon was administered to 33 ponies and horses. The dose rate used was equivalent to 10 mg and 30 mg/kg bodyweight, of oxibendazole and trichlorfon respectively. After treatment 25 animals passed between one and 82 third stage larvae of Gasterophilus intestinalis in their faeces. Dosing with 0.2 mg ivermectin/kg bodyweight three weeks later resulted in six animals expelling between one and four bots. The efficacy of the oxibendazole-trichlorfon paste was on average 96.2 per cent. This drug combination given to 52 ponies and horses at the indicated dose rate and to six ponies at twice that dose was tolerated without side effects except transient softening of the faeces in several animals and mild symptoms of colic in two horses.  相似文献   

Stomachs of 271 horses and ponies from 2 sources were evaluated for the presence of Gasterophilus intestinalis and G nasalis larvae, through 2 overlapping 12-month periods of bot fly activity in southern Texas. Equids (n = 140) from one source had nearly 96% of their stomachs infected, whereas equids (n = 131) from another source had 44% of their stomachs infected by Gasterophilus spp. Seasonal dynamics of the bot infection indicated the highest average number of bot larvae per infected stomach occurred in the winter and spring. The smallest average number of bots per infected stomach occurred in the fall. Higher percentages of early (2nd instar plus young 3rd instar) larvae of G intestinalis were observed in the fall in equids from both sources. The late (more fully developed older 3rd instar) G intestinalis larvae outnumbered the early larvae in the winter, spring, and summer. Seasonal variation in numbers and development status of the larvae was consistent with the largest period of adult bot fly activity occurring during the fall. The 2 species of bots had different predilection sites of attachment. Gasterophilus intestinalis larvae concentrated in the nonglandular portions of the stomach near the margo plicatus on the cranial (parietal) surface of the stomach and in the most dorsal extent of the saccus cecus. Gasterophilus nasalis larvae attached almost exclusively in the first ampulla of the duodenum. Predilection sites for both Gasterophilus spp occurred in dorsally positioned areas in the alimentary tract favoring increased availability of oxygen.  相似文献   

在甘肃省天祝藏族自治县采集12只达乌尔黄鼠(Spermophilus dauricus),PCR产物直接测序获得Cyt b基因1140bp序列,采用Clustal X 1.84、MEGA 6.0、Dna SP 5.0等生物信息学软件进行了序列特征和系统地位分析。结果显示,达乌尔黄鼠Cyt b基因含116个多态信息位点,群体中多态位点类型有转换、颠换,Cyt b基因T,C,A,G碱基含量分别为33.7%,25.9%,27.6%,12.9%。基于Kimura双参数的遗传距离显示,属内种间大黄鼠(Spermophilus major)与新疆黄鼠(Spermophilus fulvus)间遗传距离最小(0.034),高加索黄鼠(Spermophilus musicus)与达乌尔黄鼠最大(0.172),达乌尔黄鼠群体内遗传距离为0.140,种群分化较大,基于NJ法构建的系统进化树符合传统分类标准,研究为达乌尔黄鼠Cyt b基因标记的种群遗传学应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

鸡传染性支气管炎病毒S1和N基因遗传变异的相关性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对国内1992—2005年分离的IBV毒株的纤突蛋白(S1)和核衣壳蛋白(N)基因分别进行克隆测序,结合在GenBank中发表的IBV S1和N基因的序列,对其不同毒株的S1或N基因片段和全长、S1和N基因全长分别进行遗传变异的研究,利用统计学软件SPSS11.5进行同源性相关分析。结果表明:不同IBV毒株N或S1基因片段与其全长之间遗传变异高度相关,核苷酸r≥0.892,氨基酸0.854≤r≤0.968;但S1与N基因全长之间核苷酸的遗传变异相关性相对较低一些,而且有些毒株间S1基因同源性很低(r=0.645),但N基因同源性仍很高,显示每个基因变异的独立性。国内IBV疫苗株之间S1和N基因核苷酸高度同源(S1≥97.3%;N≥90.7%),而野毒株与疫苗株相比S1和N基因同源性均较低(S1≤84.3%;N≤87.1%),这也可能与常规疫苗对IBV野毒株不能有效保护有关。  相似文献   

A 3 m, video gastroscope was used to screen 47 horses suspected of being naturally infected with equine bot larvae. 17 of 47 (36.2%) candidate horses harbored Gasterophilus nasalis larvae in the proximal duodenum and 46 of 47 (97.9%) had G. intestinalis larvae in the stomach. All horses infected with G. nasalis had concurrent infections with G. intestinalis. 14 horses with dual infections were allocated randomly to two treatment groups. Seven horses in Group 1 received 2% moxidectin oral gel once at a dosage of 0.4 mg/kg bodyweight (BW), and seven horses in Group 2 were untreated controls. 14 days after treatment, all horses were necropsied and the stomach and proximal duodenum harvested from each. Bot larvae were recovered, identified to species and instar, and counted. At the label dosage, moxidectin oral gel was 100 and 97.6% effective (P < 0.05) against third-instar G. nasalis and G. intestinalis, respectively. In addition to demonstrating the boticidal efficacy of moxidectin, this trial illustrated that gastroscopy/duodenoscopy is a feasible method for confirming infections with different species of bot larvae in the horse.  相似文献   

Seventy-four ponies and horses were necropsied over a 4-year period (April 1973–April 1977). Prevalence data on second and third instar larvae of Gastrophilus intestinalis and G. nasalis were collected. Second instar G. intestinalis were found from late July through March of the following year. Third instar G. intestinalis were found throughout the year with minimum numbers in August, September and October. Second instar G. nasalis were recovered from two animals in February and November respectively. Third instar G. nasalis occurred too infrequently to provide sufficient data for analysis except to note they appeared to be present all year. Four animals were not infected with either species.  相似文献   

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