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由犬猫冠状病毒感染导致的犬猫冠状病毒病对宠物危害较大,不仅影响宠物行业的健康发展,还对人类健康和公共卫生安全构成潜在威胁。本文从病原学、临床症状与病理变化、诊断方法等方面分别对犬冠状病毒病和猫冠状病毒病进行介绍,并对犬猫冠状病毒病的防治进行概述,以期为犬猫养殖者、饲养者及研究人员提供参考。  相似文献   

近几年来,随着宠物犬、猫饲养数量的增加,以及对宠物犬、猫健康和动物福利的关注,人们对与宠物犬、猫动物福利和健康直接相关的的营养管理问题日益重视,研究也不断深入。本文系根据国外新近发表的有关资料编译,主要介绍了与宠物犬、猫营养管理有关的研究进展,可供我国宠物犬、猫饲养者及相关人员参考。  相似文献   

<正>随着郑州市宠物饲养量不断增加,饲养犬、猫的市民对弓形虫病的担忧也日渐突出,为充分了解郑州市犬、猫弓形虫病感染情况和做好弓形虫病的防治工作,笔者于2009年1月份—2009年12月份从郑州市11个宠物医院中随机采集犬猫血清样本进行弓形虫检测。现报道如下。  相似文献   

正近年来,随着宠物犬猫行业的兴起及人们对于公共卫生安全认识的加深,犬猫疫苗接种逐渐引起人们的关注。目前,犬的疫苗主要以预防犬瘟、细小病毒病、传染性肝炎、副流感病毒、冠状病毒病等为主,猫的疫苗主要以预防猫瘟、猫鼻支、猫杯状病毒病等为主。疫苗接种时间、疫苗质量、宠物健康状态等均可影响免疫结果。不少宠物主人由于不了解疫苗接种相关要求,导致免疫失败,引起接种过疫苗的宠物还感染传染病而死,从而给主人带来巨大的感情伤害。掌握接种疫苗失败的原因及相应对策,对饲养伴侣犬猫至关重要。  相似文献   

<正>随着郑州市宠物饲养量不断增加,饲养犬、猫的市民对弓形虫病的担忧也日渐突出,为充分了解郑州市犬、猫弓形虫病感染情况和做好弓形虫病的防治工作,笔者于2009年1月份—2009年12月份从郑州市11个宠物医院中随机采集犬猫血清样本进行弓形虫检测。现报道如下。  相似文献   

随着宠物饲养数量的增多,与犬猫有关的疾病也随之增多,给宠物健康带来很大损害,同时对人的健康和公共卫生带来威胁。以一些人与宠物共患寄生虫病的危害较为常见。本文着重对隐孢子虫病、蛔虫病、弓形虫病、华支睾吸虫病和疥螨病等5种最为常见的人与犬猫共患寄生虫病的流行病学特征、危害和防治措施进行了分析,以期能够提高认识,防患于未然,保护动物和人群健康与安全。  相似文献   

近年来,随着人们生活水平的提高和家庭成员结构的变化,许多城市出现宠物热,犬、猫等宠物越来越受到不同年龄层次人的青睐。作为伴侣动物的猫,随着其品种和数量的增加,猫的疾病也在逐年递增。因此,了解贵阳地区当前宠物猫疾病的流行情况及发病动态,对研究和制定猫病的防制措施具有重要意义。  相似文献   

犬猫皮肤真菌病是宠物门诊的一种常见病,也是一种人畜共患病,严重危害着动物和人类的健康。由于犬猫皮肤真菌病治疗周期长、复发率高以及鉴别难度大等因素,导致近年来本病普遍流行并给临床诊疗工作带来极大的困难。笔者现就犬猫皮肤真菌病的流行情况、临床症状、诊断以及防治进行逐一介绍。  相似文献   

随着我国宠物经济的发展和老龄化人口的日益增多,犬猫的数量在逐年增加,而犬猫的健康也越来越受到人们的关注。近年来,伴随着宠物的高蛋白、高脂饮食的长期使用,宠物的肠道健康问题成为研究的热点。而益生菌和益生元是目前用于改善宠物肠道健康的重要手段之一,其对宠物肠道健康起重要的作用。文章针对犬猫肠道菌群特点、益生菌和益生元应用机理及益生菌和益生元在犬猫肠道健康的应用研究进展进行了论述,为后续宠物用益生菌和益生元产品的开发提供参考。  相似文献   

弓形虫病是一种人畜共患病,应引起宠物饲养者的重视。本试验采用时间分辨荧光抗体检测法对泰州地区采集的不同来源犬、猫血清样本进行弓形虫抗体检测。结果表明,该地区宠物血清样本总阳性率为12.06%,其中犬血清阳性率为8.31%,猫血清阳性率为18.87%;并且农村散养与流浪的犬、猫弓形虫抗体阳性率最高。  相似文献   

近年来宠物经济快速发展,新型宠物食品层出不穷,而对于宠物食品快速发展的原因鲜有从人类需求层面进行分析.本文从犬猫起源的角度出发,针对犬猫与人类的关系及宠物食品的发展进行讨论,发现犬猫在起源上就具有陪伴属性,是宠物食品创造了宠物本身,宠物食品的快速发展恰恰体现的是"人民对美好生活的需要",于是从人类本身需求的层面上对宠物...  相似文献   

Anaplasma marginale is a tick-borne pathogen of cattle that causes the disease bovine anaplasmosis worldwide. Major surface proteins (MSPs) are involved in host-pathogen and tick-pathogen interactions and have been used as markers for the genetic characterization of A. marginale strains. A. marginale genotypes are highly variable in endemic areas worldwide. The genetic composition of A. marginale strains during anaplasmosis outbreaks has been characterized in one study only which reported a single msp1alpha genotype in infected cattle. However, more information is required to characterize whether a single genotype is responsible for an anaplasmosis outbreak or whether multiple genotypes can cause disease in na?ve cattle within a single herd in endemic areas. The aim of this study was to characterize the genetic diversity of A. marginale strains from an outbreak of bovine anaplasmosis in the State of Tamaulipas, Mexico. A. marginale genotypes were characterized at the molecular level using msp4 and msp1alpha gene sequences. The results revealed that several A. marginale genotypes are present in cattle during acute anaplasmosis outbreaks, thus suggesting that mechanical transmission or stochastic biological transmission through equally efficient independent transmission events may explain A. marginale genotype frequency in a cattle herd during acute bovine anaplasmosis outbreaks in endemic areas. The results reported herein corroborated the genetic heterogeneity of A. marginale strains in endemic regions worldwide. The development and implementation of anaplasmosis control measures is dependent upon understanding the epidemiology of A. marginale in endemic regions, including the characterization of the genetic diversity of strains that produce outbreaks of bovine anaplasmosis.  相似文献   

Clinical disease resulting from the vertical transmission of Anaplasma marginale has only been reported on 5 occasions despite studies demonstrating successful in utero transmission. During the reported experimental induction of congenital anaplasmosis in calves, the outcome was variable but mostly led to inapparent or mild infection. There are previous case reports of fatal congenital anaplasmosis following natural infection. The clinical findings in a 2-day-old calf presented to the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital with clinical signs of congenital anaplasmosis, which was unresponsive to treatment, are described. Subsequent post mortem diagnostic tests revealed that this calf was co-infected with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV). It is postulated that immunosuppression resulting from BVDV infection predisposed to severe, fatal anaplasmosis in this calf.  相似文献   

The sheep ked Melophagus ovinus was evaluated as a possible vector of Anaplasma ovis. In 4 tests, 45 to 293 keds were transferred from sheep with acute anaplasmosis, low level parasitemia, or carrier state of anaplasmosis to individual splenectomized ewes. Keds were confined in stockinette cages attached to the dorsal midline of the recipient hosts for 10 days. Throughout the 90-day observation periods after the keds were transferred, no clinical, serologic, or hematologic evidence of anaplasmosis was detected in any of the ked-recipient ewes. Results indicate that sheep keds probably are not mechanical or biological vectors of the ovine anaplasmosis organism.  相似文献   

为掌握西藏西北羌塘草原部分山羊养殖大县山羊无浆体病流行状况,利用快速凝集试验对日土、革吉、措勤和尼玛4县山羊480份血液进行山羊无浆体病检测。结果表明,山羊无浆体病在日土、革吉、措勤和尼玛4县公路沿线的山羊中普遍流行,山羊无浆体病平均阳性率为10.42%。其中1岁以内仔山羊无浆体病阳性率在7.50%~12.50%,以措勤县为低(7.50%),革吉和尼玛2县为高(12.50%);1~2岁山羊无浆体病阳性率4县均为10.00%;2岁以上山羊无浆体病阳性率在10.00%~12.50%,以日土县为高(12.50%)。山羊无浆体病存在于西北羌塘草原日土、革吉、措勤和尼玛4县山羊群体中,应重视该病的防治。  相似文献   

随着我国宠物数量的增多,宠物粮的需求量也随之增加,其品质将直接影响到宠物的健康与生长发育,这使得宠物粮的品质受到宠物行业的广泛关注。益生菌是一类对宿主有益的活性微生物,能够改善肠道微生态平衡,增强机体免疫力,从而保证宠物健康生长。本文主要总结了益生菌在宠物行业中的应用效果,为其在宠物食品中的应用及其健康生长提供基础。  相似文献   

Spatial analysis was used in combination with more traditional epidemiologic methods to study patterns of anaplasmosis in a transitional area between anaplasmosis endemic and non-endemic regions. Data were collected using a mail survey from 179 veterinarians with practice areas including 100/102 Illinois counties. The pattern of anaplasmosis reported by practitioners did not follow the general distribution of cattle and was clustered, with two major endemic foci. Endemic counties (22/100 counties) were bordered by areas of intermediate endemicity (36/100 counties) with only sporadic cases occurring in the remainder of the state (42/100 counties). Clinical disease occurred mainly in late summer and early fall with a small number of new herds diagnosed during the winter. Illinois practitioners most commonly identified horseflies and other biting flies as the vectors of anaplasmosis but also believed mosquitos, ticks and iatrogenic means could account for transmission in their practice areas. Ries were most often reported in summer while iatrogenic transmission was more commonly reported with winter outbreaks. Vaccination and low level antibiotics were used in endemic areas but only by a small proportion of respondents (12%). Veterinarians in endemic and marginal areas also used antibiotics to clear infection from herds more often than did those experiencing sporadic cases in non-endemic areas. Many practitioners expressed uncertainty about the actual extent of the problem in their areas. Wooded land area was used as a proxy to test for co-distribution of general vector habitat with anaplasmosis. Significantly more anaplasmosis was found in the more wooded parts of the state (based on the Kappa statistic). Respondents from western Illinois reported carrier cattle to be the source of infection for most new outbreaks while white-tailed deer were considered to be as important a reservoir as cattle in southern Illinois. Spatial analysis did not support an important role for white-tailed deer.  相似文献   

Canine babesiosis is an important global tick-borne infectious disease of domestic dogs and wild canids. B. gibsoni and B. vogeli are the most widespread species mainly endemic in dog population in southern and eastern regions of China. In this study, 272 blood samples were collected from pet dogs in five districts of Shenzhen, China. Babesia DNA was detected in 30 samples with an overall prevalence of 11.0 % in pet dogs in Shenzhen. The difference in the positive rate between female and male pet dogs, among different breed, and among the five sampling sites was not significant, while the age and health status of pet dogs significantly influence the positive rate of Babesia spp. infection. Sequencing results showed the presence of only B. vogeli in all of the samples tested. Sequence comparison and phylogenetic analysis revealed that all 30 strains of Babesia identified in this study shared the highest identity with B. vogeli. In sum, all results of this study showed a considerable high infection rate of Babesia spp. in pet dogs, and B. vogeli was the only Babesia species infecting pet dogs in Shenzhen city. Such information is necessary to help to elucidate the epidemiology of canine babesiosis in Shenzhen, and it is necessary to actively monitor this disease in pet dogs.  相似文献   

On the basis of questionnaire surveys and personal interviews with veterinarians, ranchers, and livestock farm advisors, the seriousness of anaplasmosis in California was determined. In 1976, the economic loss due to anaplasmosis in the study sample of beef cattle was $2,203,150. When inferences were made from the sample population to include the whole population of beef cattle, this loss was estimated to be $5,244,319. These values were in contrast to a farm advisors' estimate of $11 million loss due to anaplasmosis, which was included in a total estimated loss of $300 million due to all livestock diseases of economic importance in California. It appeared that anaplasmosis, although having a substantial economic impact in California, is not as economically devastating as it was once thought to be. It was concluded that private programs currently in use (vaccination and treatment) are sufficient to control anaplasmosis.  相似文献   

The keeping of fish as pets is a hobby that has experienced increasing popularity over the past decade. The hobby has also become more sophisticated in recent years and a growing number of veterinarians are gaining clinical experience and knowledge in the area of pet fish medicine. The opportunity to apply this knowledge to a pet fish problem can be a rewarding experience. This article focuses on managing acute and critical problems of pet fish at times when veterinary intervention is required within an emergency time frame.  相似文献   

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