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目的:研究营养和安全因素对牛奶产品选购种类的影响.方法:以自填式问卷调查北京市713名消费者牛奶产品的选购行为,采用SPSS 18.0进行数据分析.结果:购买牛奶的消费者看重其中的营养益处,乳糖不耐和不喜欢牛奶味道是最大的障碍.对健康相关障碍因素的认知虽然抑制了全脂奶的选购意图,但是有利于各类营养成分调整牛奶产品或有机产品的选购.结论:对营养和安全因素的关注促进消费者对多样化健康宣称产品的接受度.  相似文献   

在新冠肺炎疫情下消费者对乳制品的需求更加注重营养健康,聚焦更优质高蛋白营养的乳制品成为市场的新品类。RO反渗透膜过滤系统在低温下通过压力驱动进行浓缩,最大限度地保留了牛奶的营养成分和口感,其设备配置简单,操作方便,近两年在乳制品行业得到大力推广,成为闪蒸工艺之后牛奶浓缩的又一新工艺。本文通过对RO反渗透膜过滤系统在乳制品生产工艺流程关键控制点、膜的污染及控制措施、CIP清洗和消毒的应用进行研究,以为RO反渗透膜在乳制品工厂的运用提供参考。  相似文献   

长期以来,人们对牛奶消费的心理障碍之一是牛奶的味道。其实,消费者对牛奶消费除了关注营养成分的多寡和价格的差异,同时更关注口感是否适应。业内人士曾呼吁,应把合适的口味列入质量标准。相信消费者对高  相似文献   

要学会正确选择牛奶,首先要了解人们在选购牛奶时容易陷入的误区。误区之一:越香越好纯牛奶只有在加热时才有较明显的香味,凉奶则很难闻到香味。有些消费者认为牛奶越香越好,使得一些生产商为了迎合这种要求,在牛奶中添加香精等添加剂,以提高口感。误区之二:越浓越好牛奶的稀、  相似文献   

发酵乳制品是一类营养丰富、口感风味独特的乳制品,深受广大消费者的喜爱.随着消费者食品安全意识的增强,越来越多的人质疑食品添加剂使用,甚至产生误解和恐慌心理,肆意夸大食品添加剂的危害性.本文对发酵剂、乳化剂、增稠剂和甜味剂在发酵乳制品中的应用进行总结,以期为发酵乳制品中的食品添加剂使用和理性消费提供参考.  相似文献   

本文通过分析2007—2016年奶牛存栏量、牛奶产量、原料奶价格、原料奶质量安全等奶牛养殖业关键指标数据,乳制品产量、乳制品加工企业效益、乳制品价格等乳制品加工业关键指标数据,消费者信任和消费者利益等乳制品市场需求关键指标数据,梳理乳制品贸易视角下中国乳业的发展态势,提出基于条件要素、企业战略、市场需求和政府支撑4个视角的对策建议以促进中国乳业发展。  相似文献   

近年来,牛奶作为营养最丰富的食品逐渐得到消费者的认可,消费量在大幅度增长,但同时对乳制品的品质、口感也提出了更高的要求.这就要求乳品加工企业采取更科学的管理手段来全面提升产品质量.  相似文献   

<正>鲜牛奶、奶粉和酸奶,已经是我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,可识别常温奶是否安全、鉴定牛奶新鲜不新鲜、真假奶粉如何区分、质量好的酸奶有何特点、这些日常选购的小技巧,您了解多少?今天,就让我们来聊一聊"牛奶及乳制品"的日常选购小窍门。需要注意的是,牛奶和乳制品的潜在安全隐患主要是微生物污染、滥用添加剂和掺假等问题。  相似文献   

长期以来,由于中国国内各乳制品企业对感官分析的重视和理解程度不一,造成各企业的感官分析实验室千差万别,这会对产品品质产生非常不利的影响,阻碍了乳制品企业的发展。笔者将简述国内乳制品企业如何按照国际标准来建设感官分析实验室,以缩小与国外先进国家乳制品企业的差距,为广大消费者提供口感一流的安全的乳制品。  相似文献   

牛奶是现代人生活中不可缺少的饮品,是各类乳制品(婴幼儿奶粉、奶油、乳酪、冰淇淋等)的原料。近几年,乳制品安全事故频发,给消费者的健康带来隐患,牛奶的质量安全问题开始进入大众视野。本文即针对我国牛奶质量安全存在的问题进行分析。  相似文献   

Taste has a dual role. Like other senses it informs the individual about the external world, but unlike other senses it connects that perception with information about the internal environment. The principal function of taste is similar in all higher species. Molecules act on specialized sensory cells (= taste cells) in various regions of the oral cavity thus triggering signals, which are relayed to the cortex via afferent nerves, the caudal hindbrain and the thalamus. Taste afferents also reach the hypothalamus and the limbic system. The taste of food triggers physiological and behavioral reactions in man and animals. Stimulation of taste cells immediately elicits salivation, secretion of gastric acid and pancreatic juice as well as secretion of gastrointestinal and pancreatic hormones. Innate and learned taste preferences or aversions play an important role in food selection and taste aversions are considered to be reliable indicators of malaise. Neural signals from the periphery or humoral factors which are sensed by receptors in the central nervous system both can change the acceptance of a certain taste. Endogenous opiates in the brain seem to play a special role in the modulation of taste perception. The amygdala is apparently a brain area which is particularly important for taste perception.  相似文献   

"跨越"是犬敏捷运动中不可或缺的基础训练科目,我们会发现敏捷课程中的许多科目,都是以飞身跨越作为动作基础进行的。因此,当我们面对一只没有任何经验的狗狗时,选择跨越训练作为入门课程是最明智的决定。跨越训练的必要设施通常,训犬的障碍设备包括3道跨栏,每一道跨栏可设置在15~30厘米之间,根据犬只的身高而有所变动。每道跨栏都需要由竖立于地面的支架支撑,尽量不要使用吊杆。牵犬员要在训练过程中保持与犬之间  相似文献   

近年来,有关蜂王问题,蜜蜂刊物上不断刊登有关的文章,有的还开展了大讨论。无疑这对养蜂业的发展起到了很大的促进作用。养蜂人在实践中体会到,在相同的条件下,蜂群发展的快与慢,蜂产品收获的多与少,关键在蜂王。其中,蜂王抗病抗逆能力的强与弱,能否维持大群,是否温驯等因素,都是由蜂王的品种和遗传基因的优劣决定的。为此,养蜂人不惜千里迢迢,花重金购买优良种蜂王。对于改良蜂王的品质,提高蜂产品的产量,起到了很大的作用。我的一位养蜂师傅,为了提高蜂王浆的产量,前些年,从浙江省平湖市(浆王)种蜂场邮购来种王在全场更换蜂王后,王浆产量…  相似文献   

味觉受体自从被发现以来,人们因对其浓厚的研究兴趣增加了研究的强度和深度,人们对哺乳动物感知味觉的理解也更加深入,包括味觉感知过程的分子基础及其功能等方面。这不仅对人和动物的日常饮食调控具有重大意义,而且可以为治疗某些疾病提供新方法和新思路。本文综述了味觉受体和味觉感知过程的相关研究成果,以期加深对味觉受体分子基础的认识,促进对味觉感知过程的理解,为哺乳动物营养平衡和健康饲养提供重要参考。  相似文献   

Taste aversion learning in horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability of ponies to learn to avoid a relatively novel food associated with illness was tested in three situations: when illness occurred immediately after consuming a feed; when illness occurred 30 min after consuming a feed; and when illness was contingent upon eating one of three feeds offered simultaneously. Apomorphine was used to produce illness. The feeds associated with illness were corn, alfalfa pellets, sweet feed and a complete pelleted feed. The ponies learned to avoid all the fees except the complete feed when apomorphine injection immediately followed consumption of the feed. However, the ponies did not learn to avoid a feed if apomorphine was delayed 30 min after feed consumption. They could learn to avoid alfalfa pellets, but not corn, when these feeds were presented with the familiar "safe foods," oats and soybean meal. Ponies apparently are able to learn a taste aversion, but there were constraints on this learning ability. Under the conditions of this study, they did not learn to avoid a food that made them sick long after consumption of the food, and they had more difficulty learning to avoid highly palatable feeds.  相似文献   

“山不在高,有仙则名,水不在深,有龙则灵.斯是陋室,惟吾德馨……。”读过刘禹锡名作《陋室铭》的朋友无不对文中所描绘的那种恬淡洒脱的心境与情怀感到心驰神往。而在北上海林立高楼中的偏之一隅,真实的存在着这个城市最美丽的“陋室”及最真挚的洒脱与恬淡。  相似文献   

对Edam干酪中乳酸、氯化钠、游离氨基酸以及游离脂肪酸4 种特征滋味物质进行测定,并通过口腔唾液、模拟唾液以及普通去离子水3 种处理方式对干酪样品进行处理,对比干酪中乳酸、氯化钠、游离氨基酸的含量,并用滋味活度值判定对干酪滋味的贡献,同时对干酪进行感官评价。结果表明:经3 种方式处理后,乳酸对干酪滋味无贡献;氯化钠主要赋予干酪咸味,且人体唾液和普通去离子水处理后的含量差异不显著;游离脂肪酸主要赋予干酪酸味和醇厚感,经人体唾液处理后,干酪中的游离氨基酸中的谷氨酸含量低于阈值,无法感知到鲜味;感官分析结果表明  相似文献   

味蕾是咪感觉器官。在哺乳动物中味蕾主要分布在舌上皮中。味蕾中存在基细胞、亮细胞、暗细胞和中间细胞四种类型,蕾内神经纤维和蕾周神经纤维共同支配味蕾。利用免疫组织化学技术,能在功能上对味细胞和味觉神经纤维进行分类和鉴定。味蕾组织染色方法在舌面拓扑学和味觉系统发育研究中起着重要作用。分离出单个的味蕾细胞是研究受体细胞传导味觉机理的手段。味蕾组织培养对于研究味觉神经支配提供了有效的模型。文章介绍了味觉细胞生物学研究中的两个热点争议问题:味蕾细胞分化路线和味感觉细胞的鉴定,并探讨了形成分歧的原因。  相似文献   

Introduction The fact that taste is not even indexed in ‘Swine Production and Nutrition’, a major textbook on swine nutrition (P ond and M aner 1984), supports the notion that taste is considered to be of no consequence in pig production. Not only does this omission underestimate the consequences of millions of years of evolution of the chemical senses, it also neglects the existence of a sensory apparatus for high taste acuity in the pig (T uckerman 1888; C hamorro et al. 1993) as will be shown in the following. Oral compounds stimulate the taste buds. In the pig, as in most mammals, these are located in fungiform papillae on the tip of the tongue, and foliate and vallate papillae on the back of the tongue. The pig differs, however, from most mammals in the number of taste buds, which exceeds most species, including the human (B radley 1971). Thus the domesticated pig possesses at least 10 000 vallate taste buds, whereas the human has 6000 (C hamorro et al. 1993), and about 4800 foliate taste buds (T uckerman 1888), compared with 3000 in human. The discrepancy between the human taste apparatus and that of the pig becomes even more evident when one compares the 1600 human fungiform taste buds with the 5000 found in pig (M iller 1986). As a result of this, the pig tongue has three to four times more taste buds than the human tongue. In humans there is a positive correlation between the number of fungiform taste buds and ability to taste (M iller and R eedy 1990; B artoshuk et al. 1996). Provided a similar relationship exists between species, with regard to number of taste buds and tasting ability, then the pig’s ability to taste is superior to that of humans. It thus seems that if it is assumed that the sense of taste plays no role in the feed consumption of pigs, the same conclusion will have to be drawn on its role in human consumption. Taste information from the fungiform taste buds is conveyed in the chorda tympani nerve (CT) and from the foliate and vallate taste buds through the glossopharyngeal nerve (NG). Recordings of nerve impulses in these nerves have been used in many species to assess a species’ ability to taste. If one considers the above data, suggesting an excellent sense of taste in the pig, coupled with the importance of unperturbed growth of the pig, one would expect a large number of recordings from the pig’s taste nerves in the literature. However, this is not the case. There are only three published studies which include recordings of the pig’s CT nerve (K itchell 1963; H ellekant 1976a, b) and one from its NG (K itchell 1963). The number of tastants used is also limited to the four standard taste stimuli: NaCl, quinine hydrochloride (QHCl), citric acid and sucrose, with the exception of an earlier study by the present authors which included thaumatin (H ellekant 1976a). No commercial feed additives nor any of the many new sweeteners, such as acesulfame-K, alitame, aspartame, etc., which, due to their high potency and pig’s sweet tooth (A umaitre 1980) could have potential use in the diet of the pig, have been included. Ten years ago one might think that data from other species could be applied to the pig’s sense of taste. However, there are large differences in the sense of taste between species. This was pointed out already by K are and K itchell some 30 years ago (K are 1960, 1961; K itchell 1963, 1965; K are et al. 1965; K are 1966) and has been increasingly documented when taste stimuli outside the usual array above have been used (J akinovich and S ugarman 1988; H ellekant and D anilova 1996; D anilova et al. 1998). For example, in an array consisting of 13 compounds that are sweet to humans, three were found to be sweet, three marginally sweet, and seven not-sweet to the pig (H ellekant and D anilova 1996). Data are presented of whole nerve and single taste fibre recordings from both the CT and NG nerves during taste stimulation with approximately 30 compounds. The data presented here show that conclusions on how a compound tastes to the pig have to be based on data acquired in pigs. Data from humans or other species are not sufficient.  相似文献   

苦味受体(bitter taste receptors,TAS2Rs)是一种G-蛋白偶联受体(GPCR),由30个基因组成的基因家族编码。苦味可使动物远离有毒有害物质,当动物尝到苦味物质时,会刺激舌头的味蕾中味觉受体细胞表达TAS2Rs,进而引发下游一系列信号转导反应,最终通过鼓索神经和舌咽神经将信息整合传到大脑,使动物产生厌恶的感觉,从而选择拒绝摄入这些苦味物质。本文就TAS2Rs的生物学特征、信号转导机制及苦味剂和苦味抑制剂对苦味受体的影响进行简要综述。  相似文献   

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