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为了解楠杆自然保护区不同植被类型枯落物的储量和持水特性,以保护区9种不同植被类型作为研究对象,分别对枯落物储量、持水量和持水过程进行分析。结果表明,(1)不同植被类型下的枯落物层平均厚度在1.15-4.57cm之间,大小顺序为落叶阔叶林杉木林马尾松林麻栎林竹林灌木林针阔混交林杨树林华山松林;枯落物蓄积量为1.13-11.36t/hm~2,大小顺序为杉木林马尾松林竹林落叶阔叶林针阔混交林麻栎林灌木林华山松林杨树林。(2)9种不同植被类型下的枯落物最大持水量在3.817 9-21.405 3t/hm~2之间,其大小顺序为杉木林马尾松林竹林落叶阔叶林麻栎林针阔混交林华山松林灌木林杨树林;枯落物最大持水率为336.46%-460.45%,表现为落叶阔叶林马尾松林华山松林麻栎林灌木林竹林杉木林针阔混交林杨树林。(3)9种不同植被类型下的枯落物持水量随浸泡时间增加而增加,未分解层和半分解层持水量分别在12h和1.5h基本达到饱和,吸水速率随浸泡时间的增加而减小,在前5min内速率最大,而未分解层和半分解层持水速率分别在12h和1.5h之后趋近于零。  相似文献   

千岛湖地区不同森林类型枯落物水文功能研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对千岛湖库区富溪林场针阔混交林、常绿阔叶林、毛竹林、灌木林、新造林、马尾松林、杉木林7种林分林下枯落物层的厚度、储量及其持水特性的研究,揭示了该区不同森林类型林下枯落物层的水文生态功能。在实验室进行持水试验得出各种林分最大含水量大小顺序是:灌木林〉阔叶林〉混交林〉新造林〉杉木林〉毛竹〉马尾松;前30min内林地枯落物持水作用最强,其吸水速率顺序为:混交林〉毛竹林〉灌木林〉阔叶林〉杉木林〉新造林〉马尾松林;各林分枯落物有效拦蓄量大小顺序为:混交林〉阔叶林〉杉木林〉灌木林〉毛竹林〉新造林〉马尾松林;从水文效应各项指标来比较,阔叶林水文生态效应最好,马尾松林最差。  相似文献   

对湖州市7种主要林分类型植被的枯落物层持水性能和土壤层蓄水能力进行了研究.结果表明:7种林分类型林地枯落物层和土壤层的持水量存在差异,枯落物现存量变化范围为5.92~ 9.88 t/hm2,土壤总孔隙度的变化范围为49.00% ~58.11%,土壤最大持水量的变化范围为1 934.8~2 324.4 t/hm2.枯落物最大持水量依次为针阔混交林>常绿阔叶林>疏林>马尾松林>灌木林>杉木林>毛竹林,林地水源涵养能力依次为针阔混交林>常绿阔叶林>疏林>灌木林>毛竹林>马尾松林>杉木林,毛竹林的林地持水能力要好于马尾松林和杉木林.全市非毛管总蓄水量为12 919.2万t,最大蓄水量为43 617.7万t.  相似文献   

浙江省江山市不同森林类型枯落物持水性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2017年10月,选取浙江省江山市典型地段的阔叶林、毛竹Phyllostachys edulis林、杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata林、马尾松Pinus massoniana林、针阔混交林、灌木林设立标准样地,研究不同森林类型枯落物持水性能。结果表明,6种不同森林类型枯落物储量为7.86~25.64 t·hm~(-2),由大到小依次为针阔混交林阔叶林马尾松林杉木林毛竹林灌木林,且枯落物厚度和储量大小排序一致;最大持水量变化在11.19~33.42 t·hm~(-2),有效拦蓄率范围为87.37%~126.41%,有效拦蓄量由大到小依次为针阔混交林阔叶林杉木林马尾松林毛竹林灌木林,含阔叶树种的森林枯落物的持水能力优于针叶林;枯落物持水量与浸泡时间呈对数函数关系,吸水速率与浸泡时间呈幂函数关系。  相似文献   

为合理调整自然保护区内森林结构布局,充分发挥森林的水源涵养功能,对7种不同森林群落类型下的枯落物进行了储量、持水量及吸水速率的测定。结果表明:各森林群落类型枯落物储量排序为针阔混交林篦子三尖杉林人工杉木林阔叶林红豆杉林竹林灌木林;各森林群落类型枯落物最大持水量排序为:阔叶林针阔混交林竹林红豆杉林人工杉木林灌木林篦子三尖杉林;各森林群落类型枯落物在持水作用较强的前2h内,总吸水速率大小结果为阔叶林针阔混交林人工杉木林红豆杉林灌木林竹林篦子三尖杉林。0~2h各林分林下地表枯落物层持水量几乎呈直线上升,2h后吸水速率上升速度逐渐变缓并趋于最大值;0~2h各林分林下地表枯落物层吸水速率几乎都呈直线下降,2h后吸水速率下降速度逐渐变缓并趋于动态平衡。综合分析了7种不同森林群落类型下枯落物的水源涵养功能得出优势群落为针阔混交林和阔叶林,劣势群落为灌木林。  相似文献   

对皖东低丘主要森林类型枯落物储量、持水量、吸水速率、拦蓄量等水文参数进行了调查分析研究。结果表明,麻栎林(8年)、湿地松林(24年)、马尾松林(14年)、天然次生林枯落物储量依次为21.53t/hm^2、21.34t/hm^2、15.51t/hm^2、12.45t/hm^2;天然次生林枯落物未分解层最大持水率315%,枫香林275%、麻栎林249%、松栎混交林175%、湿地松林174%、马尾松林149%;松栎混交林枯落物半分解层最大持水率252%,天然次生林225%、麻栎林222%、枫香林215%、马尾松林183%、湿地松林181%;8年生麻栎林拦蓄能力最强,有效拦蓄量达34.48t/hm^2,其次为天然次生林、湿地松林(24年)、马尾松林(14年),阔叶树、针阔混交林拦蓄能力明显高于针叶树:短周期麻栎薪炭林造林后前3年林分枯落物储量少,第4年枯落物明显增加,并形成半分解层,7年生麻栎林有效拦蓄量已超过14年生马尾松林,8年生其枯落物储量高于当地分布的主要植被类型,具有良好的水源涵养和保持水土作用。  相似文献   

对闽北山区7种主要森林类型中的活可燃物含水率和枯落物持水能力进行了研究,结果表明:杉木和木荷的鲜叶和鲜枝同时具有较高的最大含水率,而不同树种枯落物的最大持水率相差不大,以油茶林最高,毛竹林最小。不同树种鲜叶失水最快的是丹桂;其次为毛竹和青冈;失水最慢的为油茶和木荷。鲜枝失水最快的为毛竹;其次为油茶和青冈;失水最慢的为杉木和木荷。林下植被失水最快的是油茶林、马尾松林和毛竹林;杉木林和青冈林失水较慢。枯落物失水最快的是青冈林和杉木林;最低为油茶林和马尾松林。  相似文献   

根据浙江省天台县公益林固定监测小班数据,以推算包括松林、杉木林、阔叶林等6种典型森林群落的生物量为基础,估算天台县公益林涵养水源量及效益。结果表明:天台县公益林总生物量274.92万t,单位面积生物量为101.94 t·hm~(-2),其中松林的生物量最大,为208.46万t、针阔混交林的单位生物量最大,为139.15 t·hm-2;2011—2012年间天台县公益林的调蓄水量累计达1.25亿t,涵养水源效益达到10.30亿元。其中,竹林的涵养水源效益最大,其次为阔叶林、松林、针阔混交林、灌木林,最小的是杉木林。  相似文献   

凋落物蓄积量和持水能力是反映森林水源涵养能力的重要因素。对祁门低山丘陵区不同林分类型地表凋落物层蓄积量及其持水性能进行了调查分析,结果表明,不同林分凋落物蓄积量大小为:马尾松林杉木林马尾松阔叶混交林阔叶次生林;其最大持水率依次为:阔叶次生林杉木林马尾松阔叶混交林马尾松林;最大持水量及有效拦蓄量依次为:马尾松林杉木林马尾松阔叶混交林阔叶次生林。  相似文献   

文章以流溪河林场5种不同林分为研究对象,分析其枯落物和土壤持水特性。结果表明:(1)5种林分枯落物持水能力表现为:荔枝(Litchi chinensis)林针阔混交林杉木林阔叶混交林毛竹林;(2)5种林分0~60 cm土壤容重随土层深度增加而增大,60 cm土层平均容重大小依次为:毛竹林针阔混交林阔叶混交林杉木林荔枝林;(3)5种林分土壤总孔隙度平均大小依次为毛竹林针阔混交林阔叶混交林杉木林荔枝林;(4)5种林分土壤贮水量大小为毛竹林针阔混交林荔枝林杉木林阔叶混交林。总体而言,荔枝林枯落物持水性最好,毛竹林土壤持水性最强。  相似文献   

"我家门前有条河"、"16万平米现代东方水景园林社区"……点击2000年以来的楼市,不难发现,"水景"已经成为一个重要主题词,特别是后非典时期,更是高潮迭起.调查显示,在目前销售楼盘中,南方城市的水景楼盘比例普遍在20%以上,北方城市在10%以上.  相似文献   

Some forest plantations with native species are established in semiarid central Chile to compensate for industrial activities such as those of mining. Two of those operational forest plantations were monitored from age 1 to 3 years-old (2014–2016). Some plant attributes and soil volumetric water content (VWC) were monitored for eight native tree species (Acacia caven, Schinus polygamus, Porlieria chilensis, Lithraea caustica, Quillaja saponaria, Cryptocarya alba, Drimys winteri and Maytenus boaria), and a water balance model fitted to assess plant water use. Site preparation comprised planting holes of 40 cm?×?40 cm by 50 cm in depth dug with a backhoe. Substrate was removed and mixed with compost in proportion 70:30 before mixing it in the planting hole. Planting holes acted as water reservoirs over the study period with soil VWC generally increasing with soil depth being also less variable deeper than in the upper soil layers. The ratio of adaxial (upper leaf side) to abaxial (lower leaf side) stomatal conductance approximately followed a species gradient from xeric to mesic. Irrigation represented about 26% and 53% of the total water input for the sclerophyll and the D. winteri plantation, respectively. At the plant level (0.4?×?0.4 m), soil evaporation and transpiration of D. winteri (273 and 232 mm year?1, equivalent to 43.7 and 37.1 L plant?1, respectively) were about twofold the values for the sclerophyllous/malacophyllous plantation (138 and 128 mm year?1, 22.1 and 20.5 L plant?1, respectively). We suggest the water budget for the sclerophyll/malacophyllous plantation was tight but feasible to be adjusted while for D. winteri irrigation was excessive, could be drastically reduced, and suppressed altogether if planted in gullies. We believe water balance models and soil moisture content sensors could be used to better plan and manage irrigation frequency and amounts in compensation forest plantations in semiarid central Chile.  相似文献   

地表水水生生物指标与水质理化指标相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用逐步回归分析方法,对岷江水系1993--1999年地表水的水生生物与水质理化同步监测数据进行相关性分析,结果表明,水生生物监测指标与水质理化监测指标之间存在明显的相关性。其中,紫露草平均微核率主要与水质指标中的COD、pH值两个指标相关,不同于污染水体;大型蚤24h死亡率主要与水质指标中的酚、Cr^6 、As^2 |三个指标相关。获得的回归方程具有较好的预测效果。  相似文献   

Single tree’s sapwood scattering style and diurnal water consumption rhythm for different diameter classes were studied in a 48-year-old Quercus variabilis stand, water protection forest in Beijing. Results showed that the tree’s sapwood area was closely related to diameter at breast height (DBH). Single tree’s daily water consumption ascended as DBH and sapwood area increased. Daily water consumption of different diameter classes in September ascended steeply in the early morning and reached the peak around 11:00, and then descended slowly to the valley at 18:00. The course of daily accumulated water consumption was in accordance with a typical Richards model (R=0.985,8). Parameters of diameter-time equation for scaling-up can be achieved by parameter-recovering method in the gradient of all diameter classes and at any time of a day, characteristic parameters of the course of daily stand water consumption were calculated from a modulated Richards equation derivative:
. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2004, 40(6): 170–175 [译自: 林业科学, 2004, 40(6): 170–175]  相似文献   

Pita P  Pardos JA 《Tree physiology》2001,21(9):599-607
Changes in leaf size, specific leaf area (SLA), transpiration and tissue water relations were studied in leaves of rooted cuttings of selected clones of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. subjected to well-watered or drought conditions in a greenhouse. Significant differences between clones were found in leaf expansion and transpiration. There was a significant clone x treatment interaction on SLA. Water stress significantly reduced osmotic potential at the turgor loss point (Pi0) and at full turgor (Pi100), and significantly increased relative water content at the turgor loss point and maximum bulk elastic modulus. Differences in tissue water relations between clones were significant only in the mild drought treatment. Among clones in the drought treatments, the highest leaf expansion and the highest increase in transpiration during the experiment were measured in those clones that showed an early and large decrease in Pi0 and Pi100.  相似文献   

Sap flow was measured on five branches of two poplar (Populus trichocarpa Torr. & A. Gray x P. tacamahaca L.) trees from June to September 1994 in the south of England with stem-surface, heat balance gauges, and was scaled up to estimate transpiration from single trees on the basis of leaf area. On six days, stomatal conductance and plant water potential were measured simultaneously with a porometer and pressure chamber, respectively. The effects of solar radiation (S), vapor pressure deficit (D) and stomatal conductance on transpiration were evaluated. Sap flow per unit leaf area (F(a)) was closely related to the time course of demand attributable to S and D throughout the season, and only slightly affected by the water content of the top 120 cm of soil. Although F(a) increased linearly at low values of D, it showed a plateau with increases in D above 1.2 kPa. The canopy coupling coefficient (1 - Omega) ranged from 0.48 to 0.78 with a mean of 0.65 +/- 0.01, indicating that transpiration was controlled more by stomatal conductance than by incident radiation. The seasonal pattern of tree water loss followed potential evaporation with a peak in late June or early July. On bright days, daily transpiration over the projected crown area was 3.6 mm early in the season, 3.8 mm in mid-season, and 2.7 mm late in the season. The water balance of the system indicated that poplar trees took 15-60% of water transpired from groundwater, with the proportion increasing as the soil in the unsaturated zone dried out. Access to the water table resulted in high predawn water potentials throughout the season. Estimated hydraulic resistance to water flow in the soil-tree system was in the range of 1.5 to 1.93 x 10(6) MPa s m(-3).  相似文献   

土壤相对含水量对阿月浑子叶片内源激素含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了土壤相对含水量对阿月浑子叶片内源激素含量的影响。结果表明,随着土壤相对含水量的降低,阿月浑子叶片ABA和IAA含量呈上升趋势,ZA含量呈下降趋势;但在80%~40%的土壤相对含水量范围内,ABA/IAA的比率随着土壤相对含水量的降低基本不变;干旱胁迫下,阿月浑子幼苗通过激素调节保持相对稳定的IAA/ABA比值可能是其抗旱性强的内在机制之一。  相似文献   

Water content reflectometers allow temporal and continuous assessment of spatial differences in soil water dynamics. We hypothesized that volumetric soil water content estimated by the water content reflectometers (CS616 Campbell Sci. Inc., Logan, UT) is influenced by clay content and temperature and therefore site- and or soil-specific equations are required for accurate estimations of soil water. Objectives of the study were to develop calibration equations and to evaluate soil water dynamics for an agroforestry system using the improved calibration equation. Putnam silt loam (fine, smectitic, mesic Vertic Albaqualfs) and Menfro silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Hapludalfs) soils were selected with 23–54% clay. Soils were packed in cylinders and sensors were monitored at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40°C. Calibration equations for volumetric water content (θ v ) as a function of sensor measured period, temperature, and clay content were developed. Coefficient of determination (r2) and root mean square error (RMSE) were used to compare goodness of fit. RMSE varied between 0.028 and 0.040 m3 m−3 for soil specific and soil-combined linear and quadratic equations with period. Coefficients of determination ranged between 0.89 and 0.96 for these calibrations. RMSE decreased and r2 increased as temperature was included. The effect of temperature varied with water content, with the strongest effect at high water contents. Clay content did not contribute significantly to improve predictability. Water content estimated by the linear calibration equation with period and temperature showed differences in θ v influenced by vegetation and soil depth, and closely followed precipitation events and water use by vegetation. The field study showed significant differences between the two treatments. Also the importance of temperature correction is emphasized during periods with large diurnal fluctuations and site specific calibration equations. Results of the study showed that water content reflectometers can be used to estimate θ v with less than ±4% error and may need site specific calibration and a temperature correction to research more precise estimates.  相似文献   

对衡水湖香蒲大量繁殖水域和无香蒲深水水域的水温、pH、DO、COD进行了分析比较。结果表明:香蒲在气温较低时期,有明显提高水温作用。近几年香蒲过度繁殖,其植株死亡后大量残体沉积在湖底,导致香蒲区在高温时期pH、DO明显下降,COD明显上升。  相似文献   

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