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The infectious yellows disease of glasshouse lettuce, endive and cucumber is further described and now also reported from ornamental pumpkin and the weedEpilobium sp. growing in an infested glasshouse, and from chicory witloof grown in the open near that glasshouse. In the Netherlands it was of major importance in cucumber and lettuce from 1978 to 1980, but has rapidly declined since then because of intensive whitefly control and better overall hygiene. The pathogen could neither be transmitted mechanically nor with aphids and via seed of infected lettuce plants, and no virus particles could be detected neither in crude sap with the electron microscope nor in any other way. However, infectivity could easily be demonstrated in transmission tests with the greenhouse whitefly,Trialeurodes vaporariorum. Attempts to transmit the pathogen inLapsana communis withAleurodes proletella failed. The pathogen could also be transmitted by grafting inNicotiana glutinosa. In addition to the 6 species that were found naturally infected, 15 other species (belonging to 7 families) out of 27 tested were susceptible. All of these but 2 reacted with characteristic symptoms. The pathogen is similar to if not identical with beet pseudo-yellows ‘virus’ first described in California and later also reported in France, Italy and Tasmania. It may be of much wider distribution and of considerable yet incompletely assessed economic importance. Its nature remains obscure.  相似文献   

As a result of government policy and consumers' attitudes to environmentally compatible growing systems, research is focused on reduction of pesticide input into the environment. This aim is approached in different ways. With so-called “closed growing systems”, soil fumigants are no longer needed, resulting in an estimated 60% reduction in the total use of pesticides. Further, far smaller quantities of (systemic) pesticides need to be added to plants, via the nutrient solution, than with soil-grown crops. Water disinfestation is essential to minimize the spread of diseases and heat treatment and ozonization are already used under commercial conditions. Filtration appears to be neither reliable nor practical. Other disinfestation methods are under investigation. Ventilators may be provided with insect-proof screens to minimize infection pressure, especially on young plant material. Air filters in combination with mechanical ventilation may be an option for the future to raise healthy plants. A further reduction in the use of pesticides can be achieved by developing biological and integrated control of insects and fungi. Simultaneous application of several biocontrol methods in the fruit vegetable area has increased the complexity of IPM. Open rearing systems of parasitoids on alternative hosts to control cotton aphids and leaf miners are promising. IPM is highly dependent on the availability of selective chemicals. Biological control of root-infecting fungi in substrate crops shows promise. Integrated control of powdery mildew in cucumbers using a combination of nutritional and climatic management and varieties showing partial resistance will be studied. Improvement of application techniques for pesticides is being studied by plant pathologists in cooperation with technical experts. The aim is to reduce pesticide application rates, to minimize losses to the environment and to avoid health risks for the worker. By developing decision-support systems for crop protection, optimal use of beneficial insects is achieved and unnecessary applications of chemicals are avoided. A programme to develop such a system for the sweet pepper crop is under way.  相似文献   

A rapid glasshouse‐based bioassay method to screen large numbers of cotton plants for responses to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum (Fov) was developed. Different Fov inoculum concentrations and methods of inoculation were assessed using resistant and susceptible cotton cultivars. Cotton seeds were planted directly into Fov‐inoculated soil. Studies of seed germination, seedling establishment, seedling mortality and fusarium wilt symptoms (i.e. stunting, foliar symptoms and vascular browning) were performed to optimize the bioassay parameters. Growing seedlings in Fov‐inoculated soils at 5 × 104 or 1 × 105 CFU g?1 soil, in individual seedling tubes with 12 h at 28–30°C and 12 h at 15–18°C, gave consistent results when assessing Fov disease responses 6 weeks after inoculation. When fusarium wilt resistance ranks (FWRRs) and vascular browning index (VBI) means of 18 Australian and other cotton cultivars from the Fov glasshouse bioassay were compared against their fusarium field performance ranks (F‐ranks), assessed on adult plants for cotton cultivar release, Pearson’s correlation was highly significant for both comparisons. The level of congruence between field and glasshouse data indicated that this protocol should be an effective tool for large‐scale screening for Fov‐resistance responses in diverse germplasm and breeding populations and for advancing genetic research to develop molecular markers for Fov resistance in cotton.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) is the second whitefly-transmitted, phloem-limited, bipartite closterovirus described infecting tomato. ToCV is distinct from tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV), based on lack of serological and nucleic acid cross-reactions and differences in vector specificity. TICV is transmitted only by the greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum), whereas ToCV is transmitted by the greenhouse whitefly, the banded-wing whitefly (T. abutilonea), and Bemisia tabaci biotypes A and B (B. argentifolii). Double-stranded (ds) RNA analyses of ToCV show two prominent dsRNAs of approximately 7,800 and 8,200 bp, with several small dsRNAs. Digoxigenin-11-UTP-labeled riboprobes derived from cDNA clones representing portions of RNAs 1 and 2 were used in Northern blot hybridizations to detect two large nonhomologous dsRNAs and a subset of smaller dsRNAs. These probes were used in dot blot hybridizations to detect ToCV in infected tomato. Inclusion bodies and cytoplasmic vesicles were consistently observed in phloem tissues of ToCV-infected Nicotiana clevelandii. Computer-assisted sequence analysis showed significant homology between ToCV clones that hybridize specifically with RNAs 1 and 2 and the lettuce infectious yellows virus methyltransferase of RNA 1 and the HSP70 heat shock protein homolog of RNA 2, respectively. Thus, ToCV is another member of the growing subgroup of bipartite closteroviruses transmitted by whiteflies.  相似文献   

Cucurbit chlorotic yellows virus (CCYV), a whitefly-transmitted virus, is a new member of the Crinivirus genus, that causes major economic losses in cucumber, melon and watermelon crops. To develop immunodiagnostic methods for CCYV, we produced an antiserum by immunizing rabbits with bacterially expressed recombinant coat protein of CCYV and detected CCYV from CCYV-infected plants with western blotting and immunoelectron microscopy. CCYV in extracts from infected plants was also readily detected by double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with high sensitivity and specificity. A tissue blot immunoassay indicated that CCYV localizes in the phloem tissues of the petiole and is distributed in tiny spots within the leaf lamina.  相似文献   

为了监测烟粉虱传双生病毒在广东的发生与扩散动态, 2003年-2021年, 本课题组对全省烟粉虱传双生病毒进行了长期调查与监测。结果表明, 在广东省广州、湛江、惠州等14市均有烟粉虱传双生病毒病的发生, 危害的寄主植物有番茄、南瓜、甘薯等24种, 其中番茄黄化曲叶病发生和危害尤为严重, 广泛分布于全省各地;从14市采集的病样中共鉴定出烟粉虱传双生病毒21种, 其中广东番茄黄化曲叶病毒(tomato yellow leaf curl Guangdong virus, TYLCGdV)、广东番茄曲叶病毒(tomato leaf curl Guangdong virus, ToLCGdV)、黄蝉曲叶病毒(Allamanda leaf curl virus, AllLCV)、广东雾水葛花叶病毒(Pouzolzia mosaic Guangdong virus, PouMGDV)、十萼茄黄花叶病毒(Lycianthes yellow mosaic virus, LyYMV) 5种病毒为新种;同时, 发现危害不同寄主的病毒种类存在差异, 危害同一作物的病毒种类也存在动态变化。本文明确了广东烟粉虱传双生病毒分布广、种类多、危害重, 为全省烟粉虱传双生病毒病的防控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

广东黄秋葵黄脉曲叶病样中检测到烟粉虱传双生病毒   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
黄秋葵是近几年来从日本和我国台湾引进的一种蔬菜作物。近期,广东的黄秋葵上发生了黄脉曲叶病。病株的典型症状表现为叶脉黄化,在叶片正面形成网络状,在叶背面叶脉肿大突起明显,病株幼叶小且向下卷曲,甚至整片幼叶黄化。植株早期被感染表现矮化。在发生黄脉曲叶病的黄秋葵田间,其病株率高达60%以上。用烟粉虱传双生病毒简并引物对随机采集的病样进行PCR检测,从这些病样中均能扩增出1条预期大小为570 bp的特异片段;基因克隆及测序分析结果表明,与该特异片段同源的均属双生病毒科菜豆金色花叶病毒属病毒DNA,其中与木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(Cotton leaf curl Multan virus, CLCuMV)分离物G6相似性最高,为99%。这些研究结果表明,广东黄秋葵黄脉曲叶病中存在烟粉虱传双生病毒,该病害可能也是由CLCuMV侵染引起的。  相似文献   

从海南省杂草胜红蓟和假马鞭上检测到粉虱传双生病毒   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
 利用三抗体夹心ELISA(TAS-ELISA)及PCR检测的方法对采自海南的胜红蓟(Ageratum conyzoides)和假马鞭(Stachytarphetajamaicensis)的5个病样进行了检测,表明均为粉虱传双生病毒。PCR扩增产物克隆后进行序列测定,结果表明存在2类双生病毒,其中样品Hn2存在2类病毒的复合侵染。这是在海南首次报道存在有粉虱传双生病毒。  相似文献   

Tilletia indica, which causes Karnal bunt of wheat, has been perceived as a pathogen that has a high risk of establishment in the UK and other countries in Europe. This viewpoint is challenged with arguments for the risk of establishment being much lower. The present distribution of the pathogen and its likely widespread dissemination with consignments of germplasm and wheat seed from Mexico over a 20 year period without establishment outside the hot arid and semi-arid zones strongly suggests that T. indica is unsuited to environments other than those similar to where it is now found. A critical density of teliospores needs to remain viable and ungerminated between periods of wheat anthesis and then germinate during a narrow window of opportunity to ensure infection and establishment. Despite the results of outdoor teliospore longevity experiments, it is by no means certain that this can occur under European conditions. Generally cooler conditions and more frequent periods of rain in Europe are likely to trigger teliospore germination at times unsuitable for infection making establishment much more unlikely. A model based on year-round soil conditions, especially moisture content, is seen as appropriate to predict teliospore survival and germination potential. It is only after areas where teliospores can survive and germinate in sufficient numbers to guarantee regular infection cycles have been defined can another model, based on temperature, rainfall and/or humidity prior to anthesis, be applied to determine if environmental conditions are suitable for infection. David Jones is a retired employee of the Central Science Laboratory (CSL). Statements and opinions expressed in this paper are those of the author and are not the views of the Central Science Laboratory.  相似文献   

Symptoms of red leather leaf of oats were widespread and severe in spring 1988 on autumn-sown oat crops in the south and east of Ireland. The disease was characterized by grey-brown elliptical lesions, developing into light-grey eyespots surrounded by dark borders. Plants were stunted and showed reddish-brown foliar pigmentation extending beyond the lesions. Spermospora avenae was isolated and shown to be pathogenic to oats. Cultural characteristics of the pathogen on several agar media are described. The disease has previously been reported only from the USA, Turkey and Australia.  相似文献   

Potato wart disease, caused by the chytridiomycete Synchytrium endobioticum, was first introduced into Europe in the late 19th century. It spread quickly, and today is reported in 15 European countries. Initially, only one pathotype was found, and the disease was efficiently controlled using resistant cultivars. In 1941, however, formerly resistant cultivars showed wart formation in the field simultaneously in Germany and South Bohemia (Czech Republic), indicating the occurrence of new pathotypes. New pathotypes have since been reported from Germany, The Netherlands, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Canada. Today the pathogen is present in The Netherlands (only in fields for ware and starch potatoes) but restricted to two demarcated areas and subject to official control. Outside these areas, the pathogen is absent. For pathotyping, different countries have used different sets of differential cultivars, and the usual system of numerical coding of pathotypes has not been consistently followed. In this review we propose a new standardised code to be used for the 43 pathotypes currently known and described in Europe. The code is a combination of a numerical and letter code, combining the two terminologies used by former West and East Germany, respectively. We also plead for harmonisation in the choice of differential cultivars used for pathotype identification. The set of differentials described in the international standard for diagnosis of S. endobioticum issued by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO), should serve as a basis. Through close collaboration of European countries dealing with new pathotypes of potato wart disease, a final agreed upon set of differentials, combined with a set of reference isolates, should ultimately be established, allowing a clear distinction between the most important pathotypes occurring in Europe.  相似文献   

Cowpea mild mottle virus (CMMV) has physicochemical properties typical of carlaviruses, but has remained unclassified due to a number of unusual properties, including no serological cross-reaction with 18 carlaviruses; production of brush-like inclusion bodiesin vivo; and the ability to be transmitted by whiteflies (Bermisia tabaci). In this paper we report the use of a carlavirus specific PCR primer to identify CMMV as a member of the carlavirus group. This is confirmed by nucleotide sequence (958 nucleotides) from the 3 terminal region of CMMV RNA which contains a partial open reading frame (ORF) having high similarity with the coat proteins of other carlaviruses. The sequence also contains an 11.7K ORF at the 3 terminus, containing a zinc-finger motif which is unique to carlaviruses.  相似文献   

The primary evaluation of ten fungicides for the control of cucumber powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca fuliginea), tomato leaf mould (Cladosporium fulvum) and tomato grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) indicated that nine of them were systemically active against one or more of the pathogens when applied as soil drenches. Benomyl, thiophanate, thiophanate-methyl, thiabendazole and Cela W52A showed activity against all three diseases, but dimethirimol, triarimol and dodemorph were more specific and mainly active against cucumber powdery mildew. An in vitro bioassay generally indicated that fungitoxicity was not translocated from sprayed to unsprayed leaves, and though toxicity to B. cinerea, following soil drenches of benomyl, thiophanate and thiophanate-methyl, was detected by bioassay in leaf sap and calyces it was not detected in fruit. Furthermore, extended evaluation of benomyl for the control of grey mould on cropping tomotoes showed that in the presence of abundant B. cinerea inoculum, benomyl soil drench treatment effectively controlled flower and leaf infection but not fruit ghost-spotting.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A novel whitefly-transmitted member of the family Potyviridae was isolated from a squash plant (Cucurbita pepo) with vein yellowing symptoms in Florida. The virus, for which the name Squash vein yellowing virus (SqVYV) is proposed, has flexuous rod-shaped particles of approximately 840 nm in length. The experimental host range was limited to species in the family Cucurbitaceae, with the most dramatic symptoms observed in squash and watermelon, but excluded all tested species in the families Amaranthaceae, Apocynaceae, Asteraceae, Chenopodiaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae, and Solanaceae. The virus was transmitted by whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) but was not transmitted by aphids (Myzus persicae). Infection by SqVYV induced inclusion bodies visible by electron and light microscopy that were characteristic of members of the family Potyviridae. Comparison of the SqVYV coat protein gene and protein sequences with those of recognized members of the family Potyviridae indicate that it is a novel member of the genus Ipomovirus. A limited survey revealed that SqVYV also was present in watermelon plants suffering from a vine decline and fruit rot recently observed in Florida and was sufficient to induce these symptoms in greenhouse-grown watermelon, suggesting that SqVYV is the likely cause of this disease.  相似文献   

Residues of 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) were readily estimated in treated vegetables down to levels of 0.2 mg/kg. Clean-up was effected by steam distillation into a toluene trap. This was followed by X-ray fluorescence determination of the collected EDB in the toluene. Good recoveries of added EDB were obtained at 0.5, 2, 5 and 20 mg/kg in cucumbers, pumpkins and zucchinis.  相似文献   

十字花科蔬菜根肿病研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
概述了十字花科蔬菜根肿病菌分离培养、病原菌检测、病菌致病性分化、品种抗病性和病害综合治理等方面的研究进展 ,并对其研究前景进行了讨论  相似文献   

蔬菜的低温障害,是指由低温引起的一类常见生理病害.低温障害可分为2种:1种是当温度低到0℃以下,蔬菜的细胞间水分结冰,致使细胞破裂、死亡引起的伤害,常称为冻害;另1种是温度尚未达到冰点,而使蔬菜生理机能受阻而引起的异常表现,常称为冷害.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of three clones of Aphis gossypii Glover to 15 insecticides was established by bioassay. A high level of resistance towards pirimicarb was confirmed for a clone from Holland (Dutch R) and a clone from Japan (Jap R), while the susceptible clone (S) was killed by very low doses of the insecticide. However, only limited cross-resistance was shown towards other carbamates and organophosphates, and no marked resistance to the pyrethroids tested. The acetylcholinesterase (AChE) of both resistant clones hydrolysed acetyl-choline faster than that of susceptible aphids, with greatest enzyme activity shown by the Dutch R clone. Inter-clone differences in these rates were consistent with differences in catalytic centre activities. Inhibition (I50) of AChE by pirimicarb was approximately 900-fold higher for the resistant clones than for the S clone. First-order kinetics revealed that resistance to pirimicarb in Dutch R and Jap R involved a modified AChE which had a reduced (approximately 350-fold) affinity (Kd) for pirimicarb. The marked change in AChE affinity for pirimicarb was not repeated with the other carbamates tested, ethiofencarb and aldicarb. It was considered that the resistant aphids would not require mechanisms in addition to insensitive AChE in order to show the high level of resistance to pirimicarb shown in the bioassay.  相似文献   

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