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I. M. Hanssen A. Paeleman E. Vandewoestijne L. Van Bergen C. Bragard B. Lievens A. C. R. C. Vanachter B. P. H. J. Thomma 《Plant pathology》2009,58(3):450-460
Based on a survey conducted in commercial tomato production in Belgium in 2006, four Pepino mosaic virus (PepMV) isolates that differed in symptom expression in the crop of origin were selected for greenhouse trials. The selected isolates were inoculated onto tomato plants grown in four separate plastic tunnels. PepMV symptom development was assessed regularly and extensive sampling followed by ELISA analyses, genotyping and sequencing was performed to study viral presence and variation in PepMV sequences throughout the trial period. Two isolates (EU-mild and CH2-mild) that were selected based on mild symptom expression in the crop of origin caused only mild symptoms in the trial, while two other isolates (CH2-aggressive and EU + CH2) that were selected for severe symptom display, caused considerably more severe symptoms. Sequence homology between CH2-mild and CH2-aggressive was as high as 99·4%. Results of this study show that differential symptom expression can, at least partially, be attributed to the PepMV isolate, which may be related to minor differences at the nucleotide level between isolates. 相似文献
A. Th. B. Rast 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1965,71(3):91-93
Samenvatting Er wordt een korte beschrijving gegeven van de symptomen op tomaat, tabak en andere waardplanten (fig. 1), veroorzaakt door een blijkbaar onbekende stam van het tabaksmozaïekvirus (TMV). Er werden proeven gedaan om de verwantschap met tabakstype TMV vast te stellen. Er wordt een poging tot identificatie met andere stammen ondernomen. 相似文献
A. Th. B. Rast 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1982,88(4):163-170
A number ofCapsicum accessions including nine species were tested for resistance to TMV based on hypersensitivity. The tobacco strain MA and the tomato strain SPS, which were both isolated from tomato, and two pathogenically distinct pepper strains P 11 and P 8, were used. Of the 73Capsicum accessions tested 58 were resistant to MA and SPS, 31 were resistant to P 11 and five were resistant to P 8.Samenvatting Om verschillen in pathogeniteit tussen twee in Nederland voorkomende paprikastammen van het TMV nader vast te stellen, werd een aantalCapsicum-herkomsten, waaronder negen soorten, op resistentie getoetst. Hierbij werden de representatieve paprika-isolaten P 11 en P 8 vergeleken met de uit tomaat afkomstige isolaten MA en SPS als vertegenwoordigers van respectievelijk de tabaks- en tomatestam van het TMV. Bij het beoordelen van de symptomen duidden lokale, necrotische vlekken en afvallen van geïnoculeerde bladeren op resistentie, systemische necrosen of mozaïeksymptomen op vatbaarheid. In deze symptomen kwamen tussen de gebruikte stammen verschillen in virulentie tot uitdrukking. Er werden echter vooral verschillen in agressiviteit waargenomen met betrekking tot zowel afzonderlijke, voor resistentie uitsplitsende,Capsicum-herkomsten als het totale aantal getoetste herkomsten. Van de ruim 73 herkomsten waren er 58 resistent tegen MA en SPS, 31 daarvan tegen P 11, maar slechts vijf daarvan tegen P 8. Deze resistentie tegen P 8 werd gevonden inC. chinense. 相似文献
为探明湖南烟草上发生的黄瓜花叶病毒Cucumber mosaic virus(CMV)的遗传多样性及分子进化特征,对来自湖南烟区的303份疑似感染病毒的烟草样品进行检测,分析CMV系统发育、遗传变异和群体结构等特征。结果表明:部分分离物的外壳蛋白(coat protein, CP)基因与NCBI上登录的CMV分离物的一致性为86.34%~98.42%;系统发育分析发现湖南烟草CMV分离物属ⅠB组,不同组间的分离物地理特征不明显,无重组现象,进化的主要驱动力是负选择;组间遗传变异比较明显,基因交流频率较低,受到遗传漂变影响,遗传多样性高,群体趋于扩张。研究结果为烟草抗CMV育种提供了理论依据,对病害防治具有重要意义。 相似文献
番茄斑萎病毒(tomato spotted wilt virus, TSWV)和烟草花叶病毒(tobacco mosaic virus, TMV)是2种重要的植物病原病毒, 对多种经济作物的产量和品质均造成严重影响。2021年-2022年, 在云南省丽江市烟草种植区不同烟区采集叶片黄化、皱缩以及无症状的青蒿Artemisia caruifolia样品共计14份, 利用免疫金标速测卡和RT-PCR对其病原病毒进行检测。利用免疫金标速测卡检测结果显示, 在所检样品中有9份样品检测出TSWV, 检出率为64.28%, 有3份样品检测出TMV, 检出率为21.43%, 2种病毒复合侵染的检出率同样为21.43%;利用RT-PCR对复合侵染的3份样品进行分子检测, 结果显示, 在3份复合侵染青蒿样品中获得3条TSWV N基因序列、3条TMV cp基因序列和2条TMV RdRp部分序列。TSWV青蒿分离物与分离自云南的TSWV-2分离物相似性最高, 为99.6%;TMV青蒿分离物与分离自辽宁的TMV-Shenyang分离物和分离自云南的TMV-Yongren-1相似性最高, 均大于99.4%。这是首次发现TSWV和TMV 2种不同属病毒复合侵染青蒿。 相似文献
Purification and properties of two isolates of tobacco rattle virus from pepper in California 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
J S Semancik 《Phytopathology》1966,56(10):1190-1193
A. D. Avgelis V. I. Manios 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1989,95(3):167-170
Tomato plants infected by tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) were composted. Although the temperature in the stack of tomato residues did not exceed 47°C during composting, ToMV was not detected in samples during composting. Moreover, tomato seedlings grown in pots containing a mixture of Russian peat and the composted material did not become infected. Because ToMV was detected in samples stored in an incubator at 47°C up to the 75th day of the incubation, it was concluded that the biological degradation of ToMV seems to play a more important role than the heat inactivation of the virus.Samenvatting Met tomatemozaïekvirus (ToMV) geïnfecteerde tomateplanten werden gecomposteerd. Hoewel de temperatuur in de composthoop tijdens de compostering niet hoger werd dan 47°C, kon ToMV niet worden geïsoleerd uit monsters, die tijdens de compostering werden genomen. Bovendien werden tomatezaailingen, die in een mengsel van potgrond met gecomposteerd materiaal waren opgegroeid, niet met het virus geïnfecteerd. Omdat ToMV tot 75 dagen na het begin van de incubatie bij 47°C in de monsters kon worden aangetoond, kan worden geconcludeerd, dat de biologische afbraak van ToMV een belangrijker rol speelt dan de inactivering ten gevolge van de warmteontwikkeling. 相似文献
Five zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) isolates designated ZYMV-1, -3, -5, -7 and -FL were purified from zucchini plants grown under the same environmental conditions. Isolates were divided into three groups on the basis of yield of purified virus: group one (ZYM V-5 and -7) yielded 18-24 mg/100 g tissue, group two (ZYMV-3) 5.0-5.7 mg/100 g tissue, and group three (ZYMV-1 and -FL) low yields of 0-5-1-5 mg/100 g tissue. The yield of purified virus was positively correlated with the number of local lesions produced by inoculation of Chenopodium amaranticolor with extracts from infected zucchini leaf tissue. No serological differences were exhibited among the isolates in SDS-immunodiffusion tests. Results of ELISA tests indicated that ZYMV-FL differed from the other isolates and that antiserum to ZYMV-7 absorbed with ZYMV-FL failed to react with ZYMV-FL but retained some serological activity to ZYMV-7 and the other three Taiwanese isolates. The relative molecular masses of capsid proteins for the four ZYMV isolates from Taiwan and ZYMV-FL were similar. 相似文献
Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) were isolated from clones of Buddleia davidii collected at Long Ashton Research Station for assessment of horticultural characteristics. The AMV isolate investigated in this study (AMV-B) infected 18 species and cultivars of herbaceous test plants. The in vitro properties of AMV-B were determined. The virus was purified by permeation chromatography on controlled-pore glass beads and an antiserum prepared. AMV-B appeared to be serologically indistinguishable from AMV isolate 15/64. The sizes and shapes of the virus particles were those of classical AMV components. The capsid protein was a single polypeptide of Mr 24 375. Buddleia seedlings inoculated with AMV-B showed only mild chlorosis and slight distortion of leaves. 相似文献
烟草品种对烟草花叶病毒病和黄瓜花叶病毒病的抗性鉴定 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
由烟草普通花叶病毒(TMV)和烟草黄瓜花叶病毒(CMV)引致的烟草病毒病是世界烟草主产区普遍发生且危害严重的侵染性病害,每年给烟叶生产造成了重大的经济损失。本文采用温室苗期接种鉴定的方法,对16份烟草种质进行了TMV和CMV的抗病性鉴定。结果表明:不同的烟草品种对TMV和CMV的抗病性存在较大差异。在供试种质中,对TMV表现免疫的有‘牛耳烟’、‘8301’、‘台烟7号’、‘三生-NN’共4份材料;表现抗病的有‘吉烟5号’、‘双抗70’、‘大护脖香’、‘秦烟95’共4份材料;表现中抗的有‘铁把子’、‘中烟15’、‘秦烟98’、‘中烟98’共4份材料;表现中感的有‘NC89’、‘翠碧1号’、‘云烟97’共3份材料;表现感病的只有‘秦烟97’。对CMV表现中抗的材料有1份,是‘铁把子’;表现中感的有‘秦烟95’、‘三生-NN’、‘8301’、‘牛耳烟’、‘翠碧1号’共5份材料;表现感病的有‘秦烟98’、‘云烟97’、‘中烟98’、‘NC89’、‘大护脖香’、‘双抗70’、‘秦烟97’、‘中烟15’、‘台烟7号’、‘吉烟5号’共10份材料。研究发现,‘铁把子’是兼抗这两种病毒病的材料。本研究明确了我国16个烟草品种资源的抗病性水平,为抗耐病品种的利用与品种合理布局提供科学依据,同时为烟草抗病毒病育种的亲本选择提供抗源信息。 相似文献
D. Hendrina Wieringa-Brants Francisca A. Timmer Marion H. C. Rouweler 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1978,84(6):239-240
Samenvatting Protoplasten werden geïsoleerd uit cowpeabladeren en konden worden geïnfecteerd met tabaksmozaïekvirus en tabaksnecrosevirus serotype A. De virusvermeerdering in de protoplasten werd tot twee dagen na de inoculatie onderzocht. 相似文献
Inge M. Hanssen Rick Mumford Dag-Ragnar Blystad Isabel Cortez Beata Hasiów-Jaroszewska Dimitrinka Hristova Israel Pagán Ana-Maria Pereira Jeff Peters Henryk Pospieszny Maja Ravnikar Ineke Stijger Laura Tomassoli Christina Varveri René van der Vlugt Steen Lykke Nielsen 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》2010,126(2):145-152
C. C. Thanassoulopoulos 《Phytoparasitica》1976,4(2):137-140
The severity of Verticillium wilt symptoms increased 20-30 days earlier in the season in tomato plants in the presence of Tobacco Mosaic Virus than in plants infected with fungus alone. There were no differences in symptom intensity between tomato plants infected withFusarium alone and with aFusarium-TMV combination. The increase of fungus infectivity in aVerticillium-TM’V combination treatment is suggested to be a synergistic effect. 相似文献
A brief account is given of the work leading up to the synthesis of epronaz (BTS 30 843), 1-(N-ethyl-N-propylcarbamoyl)-3-propylsulphonyl-1,2,4-triazole, a new pre- and early post-emergence herbicide for annual grasses. The synthesis is described, together with the occurrence and isolation of all three possible positional isomers in the final (carbamoylation) stage. The evidence for the structure assigned to epronaz is presented together with that for the other two isomers, and their interconversion is described. Some chemical properties of epronaz are described, with particular reference to its hydrolysis and its ability to function as a carbamoylating agent, in relation to persistence in the environment and to mode of action respectively. Some physical properties are also reported, including vapour pressure, solubility, and spectra. The mass spectral fragmentation pattern is also discussed. 相似文献