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Multiple congenital or developmental anomalies associated with the central nervous system have been reported in English Bulldogs. The purpose of this retrospective study was to identify and describe the prevalence and MRI characteristics of these anomalies and their association with presence and degree of cerebral ventriculomegaly. Magnetic resonance imaging studies of 50 English Bulldogs were evaluated. Forty‐eight dogs had some degree of cerebral ventriculomegaly, 27 of which had an otherwise normal brain. Presence of lateral ventriculomegaly was not significantly associated with presence of another intracranial lesion. Appearance of the septum pellucidum was variable, ranging from intact to incomplete or completely absent. The corpus callosum was subjectively thinned in all but three dogs, two of which had normal lateral ventricles. Fusion of the rostral colliculi was not found in any dog. A persistent craniopharyngeal canal was identified in one dog. Aqueductal stenosis caused by fusion of the rostral colliculi was not identified in any dog. Findings indicated that cerebral ventriculomegaly is a common finding in English Bulldogs with or without other intracranial lesions, aqueductal stenosis caused by fusion of the rostral colliculi is unlikely to be a common etiology leading to obstructive hydrocephalus, and a large craniopharyngeal canal is a rare finding that has unknown clinical significance at this time.  相似文献   

Sachie  Kii  DVM  Yuji  Uzuka  DVM  PhD  Yasuho  Taura  DVM  PhD  Munekazu  Nakaichi  DVM  PhD  Hisashi  Inokuma  DVM  PhD  Takafumi  Onishi  DVM  PhD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1998,39(3):185-189
Eighteen healthy Beagle-type dogs were studied using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging from a few days after birth up to 7 months of age. We evaluated the onset of lateral ventricular expansion, the developmental change of lateral ventricular volume and the ratio of the largest to the smallest lateral ventricular volume. The onset of lateral ventricular expansion was defined as the day that the expansion by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was first visible in unilateral or bilateral lateral ventricles on the transverse images at the level of the intraventricular formen. It was found that the expansion of lateral ventricles were first detectable at 3–4 weeks. Lateral ventricular volume ratio varied most from the onset of lateral ventricular expansion to 75 days of age and stabilized after that, although absolute brain and lateral ventricular volumes continued to increase.  相似文献   

Tracheal hypoplasia is commonly seen in English Bulldogs affected with brachycephalic airway syndrome. Previously published diagnostic criteria for tracheal hypoplasia in this breed have been a radiographic tracheal diameter:tracheal inlet ratio (TD:TI) < 0.12 or a tracheal diameter:third rib diameter ratio (TD:3R) < 2.0. Computed tomography has become increasingly used for airway evaluation, however published information is lacking regarding CT tracheal dimensions in English Bulldogs. Objectives of this prospective cross‐sectional study were to describe radiographic and CT tracheal dimensions in a sample of clinically normal English Bulldogs and compare these values with tracheoscopy scores. Computed tomography (n = 40), radiography (n = 38), and tracheoscopy (n = 40) studies were performed during a single general anesthesia session for each included dog. Tracheal measurements were recorded at three locations: cervical, thoracic inlet, and thorax. Tracheal diameters were narrowest at the thoracic inlet with all techniques. Computed tomographic measurements averaged 19% greater than radiographic measurements. All included dogs had radiographic tracheal measurements greater than the previously published criteria for tracheal hypoplasia. Mean CT TD:TI was 0.26 (± 0.03, 0.20–0.33), and mean CT TT:3R was 2.27 (± 0.24, 1.71–2.74). Radiographic TD:TI and CT TD:TI were significantly correlated (P = 0.00); however radiographic TT:3R and CT TT:3R were not significantly correlated (P = 0.25). Tracheoscopy identified hypoplastic changes in all dogs and tracheoscopy scores were not correlated with CT or radiography diameter measurements. In conclusion, findings indicated that some CT and radiographic tracheal diameter measurements were comparable in English Bulldogs however diameters for both imaging techniques were not comparable with tracheoscopy scores.  相似文献   

Detecting canine brain lesions on computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance (MR) scans can be difficult if the lesions do not enhance well following administration of intravenous contrast material. Changes in the shape and position of the ventricular system can be important in the diagnosis of such lesions. Normal variation within the canine ventricular system has not been documented. MR scans from 62 normal Labrador retriever type dogs were evaluated. Five dogs had symmetric enlargement of the ventricles, while nineteen dogs had mild to severe ventricular asymmetry. The incidence of asymmetry in normal dogs must be considered when using ventricular configuration as an indication of central nervous system abnormality.  相似文献   

We describe histopathologically confirmed intracranial metastasis of cutaneous lymphoma. In magnetic resonance (MR) images there was a heterogeneous, contrast‐enhancing, extraaxial mass in the right parietal and piriform lobes at the level of the optic chiasm. Our MR imaging findings are consistent with reports in humans in that lymphoma masses have indistinct borders that are iso‐ to hyperintense relative to adjacent gray matter on T2‐weighted images. Our report varies from findings in humans in that the mass was extraaxial, whereas masses reported in humans are intraaxial. Contrast enhancement can be heterogeneous, as in our report, or homogeneous.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography was effectively used to evaluate lateral cerebral ventricles in 28 dogs with persistent fontanelles. There was a significant incidence of ventriculomegaly in miniature and brachycephalic breeds. No relationship was found between the size and the fontanelle and the presence or size of ventriculomegaly. A significant relationship was found between the presence of a fontanelle and the presence of ventriculomegaly. There was no statistically significant relationship found between the presence of clinical signs and ventricular size.  相似文献   

The brain of one control dog and two dogs with spontaneous central nervous system pathology (one hydrocephalus, one meningoencepholocoele) were examined with low- and high-field-strength magnetic resonance devices to evalute the suitability of low-field magnets for canine brain imaging. We used 0.1 T and 1.0 T magnetic resonance (MR) imagers. The best image quality was seen 1.0 T imaging due to better signal-to-noise-ratio, but both systems produced satisfactory anatomic images of the brain.  相似文献   

The magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features of a cerebral hemangioblastoma in a 9‐year‐old dog are described. Imaging revealed a well‐defined contrast‐enhancing lesion of the rostral forebrain that appeared extraparenchymal. Histopathology of the excised mass showed clusters of small blood vessels interspersed with interstitial cells staining positive for neuronal specific enolase, features consistent with a cerebral hemangioblastoma; the mass also appeared intraparenchymal after further immunohistochemistry study. This neoplasm should be considered a rare differential diagnosis for intracranial masses in dogs.  相似文献   

We conducted a retrospective study in presumed normal dogs to determine the adrenal gland attenuation and volume values. Multidetector computer tomography (MDCT 16) analysis of the gland was carried out in 48 adult dogs without evidence of adrenal gland disease that underwent CT examination for acute spinal injuries. The mean nonenhanced attenuation value +/- SD of the left adrenal gland was 36.0 +/- 5.3 HU (range: 22.0-42.0 HU). The mean nonenhanced attenuation value +/- SD of the right gland was 34.3 +/- 7.0 HU (range: 20.4-48.6HU). The mean enhanced attenuation value +/- SD were: left gland 101.5 +/- 10.6HU (range: 86.8-128.0 HU), and right gland 97.4 +/- 12.4 HU (range: 58.9-123.6 HU). The mean CT volume +/- SD were: left gland was 0.60 cm3 (range: 0.20-0.95; SD 0.17), and right gland (0.55cm3, range: 0.22-1.01; SD 0.19). Attenuation values and volume data were related to age, weight, and gender, using ANOVA. There was no statistically significant difference between the left and right side or in adrenal measurements, because of body weight class effects. The animal effect was the most important source of variation for all adrenal measurements. Based on our study, CT is an effective method for assessing adrenal characteristics in the dog. Normative CT data are provided to allow estimation of normal adrenal gland size and volume.  相似文献   

Hydrocephalus was diagnosed in a juvenile African Grey parrot by high-field strength (4.7-Tesla) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Excellent anatomic detail was achieved, and there was severe dilation of all ventricles. Relative obstruction was localized to the level of or beyond the outflow of the fourth ventricle. There have been several reports of hydrocephalus diagnosed postmortem in psittacines (i.e., hook-billed parrots), however, this is the first report of an antemortem diagnosis in a psittacine using high-field strength MRI.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance images were acquired of the brain of a 7-year-old male Golden Retriever with hydrocephalus secondary to a medullary lesion. Images were acquired prior to and 4 weeks following surgical treatment for the hydrocephalus, and the dog was euthanased following the second imaging session. The MR images demonstrated a medullary lesion with patchy but predominantly hyperintense signal with both T1- and T2-weighting, within which small areas of low signal were scattered. There was little edema associated with this lesion and no enhancement with gadolinium. Postmortem examination revealed the medullary mass to be a dermoid cyst. Several small nodular lesions were identified within the central nervous system on the magnetic resonance images whose origin was uncertain on postmortem examination.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance images of twenty-five dogs with histopathologically confirmed primary brain tumors were evaluated. A lesion was visible in each dog. Meningiomas were extra-axial lesions that enhanced markedly withj gadolinium-DTPA. Glimas were Characteized by intra-axial location, significant mass effect and surrounding edema, and variable enhancement patterns. Choroid plexus tumors and pituitary tumors were differentiated by their location and marked enbancement. Prediction of general typeof tumor was correct in 24 of 25 dogs.  相似文献   

Takeshi  Tsuka  DVM  Shingo  Okamura  DVM  Munekazu  Nakaichi  DVM  PND  Satoshi  Une  DVM  PHD  Yasuho  Taura  DVM  PHD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2002,43(1):55-61
The purpose of this study was establishment of the criteria of transorbital echoencephalography in cattle and experimental applications to bovine practice. Quantitative investigations using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging revealed that this examination could be applied to cattle under 3 months of age. The method of transducer positioning was established in Japanese Black (J.B.) and filial (F1) cattle (turning caudally at an angle of about 16 degrees and dorsally at an angle of about 23 degrees) or in Holstein cattle (turning caudally at an angle of about 20 degrees and dorsally at an angle of about 21 degrees). Examinations in clinical calves revealed that the cerebral parenchyma and the lateral ventricle could be detected antemortem or postmortem. In this study, the diagnoses of hydrocephalus or hydranencephaly was possible using antemortem transorbital echoencephalography. Transorbital echoencephalography was especially useful as the imaging method for bovine hydranencephaly.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old neutered female mixed breed dog was examined because of severe, generalized seizure activity, tetraparesis, and encephalopathic signs. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) evaluation was unremarkable except for a mild increase in protein. Serum and CSF titers for infectious diseases were negative. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging examination of the brain was performed and lesions were found within the cerebral gray matter of the temporal and parietal lobes. The lesions had increased signal intensity on T1, T2, and proton density-weighted images. There was mild inhomogeneous enhancement following intravenous contrast medium administration. Neurologic status improved and the seizures were well controlled, but the dog never regained normal mentation and euthanasia was performed 10 weeks after initial evaluation. At necropsy, severe cerebral cortical necrosis was found in the regions corresponding to the lesions seen on MR imaging examination. Large numbers of fat-containing macrophages (gitter cells) were found within these areas, and are thought to be responsible for the characteristic hyperintensity seen on the MR images.  相似文献   

Intracranial arachnoid diverticula (cysts) are rare accumulations of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the arachnoid membrane. The purpose of this retrospective study was to describe magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics of fourth ventricle arachnoid diverticula in a group of dogs. The hospital's medical records were searched for dogs with MRI studies of the brain and a diagnosis of fourth ventricle arachnoid diverticulum. Clinical characteristics were recorded from medical records and MRI studies were reinterpreted by a board‐certified veterinary radiologist. Five pediatric dogs fulfilled inclusion criteria. Clinical signs included cervical hyperaesthesia, obtundation, tetraparesis, and/or central vestibular syndrome. In all five dogs, MRI findings were consistent with obstructive hydrocephalus, based on dilation of all ventricles and compression of the cerebellum and brainstem. All five dogs also had cervical syringohydromyelia, with T2‐weighted hyperintensity of the gray matter of the cord adjacent to the syringohydromyelia. A signal void, interpreted as flow disturbance, was observed at the mesencephalic aqueduct in all dogs. Four dogs underwent surgical treatment with occipitalectomy and durotomy. A cystic lesion emerging from the fourth ventricle was detected in all four dogs during surgery and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of arachnoid diverticula. Three dogs made excellent recovery but deteriorated shortly after surgery and were euthanized. Repeat MRI in two dogs revealed improved hydrocephalus but worsening of the syringohydromyelia. Findings from the current study supported theories that fourth ventricle arachnoid diverticula are secondary to partial obstruction of the central canal or lateral apertures and that arachnoid diverticula are developmental lesions in dogs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify magnetic resonance (MR) signs that aid differentiation of neoplastic vs. non-neoplastic brain diseases in dogs and cats. MR images of 36 dogs and 13 cats with histologic diagnosis of intracranial disease were reviewed retrospectively. Diagnoses included 30 primary and three metastatic brain tumors, 11 infectious/inflammatory lesions, three vascular, one degenerative disease, and one developmental malformation. Upon univariate analysis of 21 MR signs, there were seven that had a significant association with neoplasia: single lesion (P = 0.004), shape (P = 0.015), mass effect (P = 0.002), dural contact (P = 0.04), dural tail (P = 0.005), lesions affecting adjacent bone (P = 0.008), and contrast enhancement (P = 0.025). Increasing age was also found to be associated with neoplasia (P = 0.0001). MR signs of non-neoplastic brain diseases in dogs and cats were more variable than those of brain neoplasia.  相似文献   

To evaluate the age of fontanelle closure of normal kittens and the size of their lateral ventricles, 50 ultrasonographic examinations using the bregmatic fontanelle as an acoustic window were made. Seven kittens, laboratory animals, were included in the study. To verify the location of the lateral ventricle, two of the kittens were sacrificed as neonates. In one of them ink was injected prior to autopsy into one lateral ventricle under sonographic guidance. In a longitudinal study of five of the kittens, the skull depth and the depth of the central part of the lateral ventricle reproduced in a longitudinal view could be measured up to the age of about 5 months. During that period, the skull depth increased from a median value of 1.95 cm (1.92-1.98) in a seven-day-old cat to 2.58 cm (2.52-2.59) in a 154-day-old cat, while the afore-mentioned ventricle values increased from 0.3 mm to 1.1 mm.  相似文献   

This retrospective study describes the clinical and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features of chronic orbital inflammation with intracranial extension in four dogs (two Dachshunds, one Labrador, one Swiss Mountain). Intracranial extension was observed through the optic canal (n=1), the orbital fissure (n=4), and the alar canal (n=1). On T1-weighted images structures within the affected skull foramina could not be clearly differentiated, but were all collectively isointense to hypointense compared with the contralateral, unaffected side, or compared with gray matter. On T2-, short tau inversion recovery (STIR)-, or fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)-weighted images structures within the affected skull foramina appeared hyperintense compared with gray matter, and extended with increased signal into the rostral cranial fossa (n=1) and middle cranial fossa (n=4). Contrast enhancement at the level of the affected skul foramina as well as at the skull base in continuity with the orbital fissure was observed in all patients. Brain edema or definite meningeal enhancement could not be observed, but a close anatomic relationship of the abnormal tissue to the cavernous sinus was seen in two patients. Diagnosis was confirmed in three dogs (one cytology, two biopsy, one necropsy) and was presumptive in one based on clinical improvement after treatment. This study is limited by its small sample size, but provides evidence for a potential risk of intracranial extension of chronic orbital inflammation. This condition can be identified best by abnormal signal increase at the orbital fissure on transverse T2-weighted images, on dorsal STIR images, or on postcontrast transverse or dorsal images.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomographic imaging (CT) characteristics of intracranial intra-arachnoid cysts in six dogs are described.Of the six dogs, three were less than one year of age and 4 were males. Five of the six dogs weighed less than 11 kg. Five cysts were located in the quadrigeminal cistern.On CT images, the intracranial intra-arachnoid cysts had sharply defined margins, contained fluid isodense to CSf and did not enhance following IV administration of contrast. On MRI images, the intracranial intra-arachnoid cysts were extra-axial, contained fluid isointense with CSF and did not enhance following IV contrast. While spinal arachnoid cysts of dogs have been reported in the literature, other than the six dogs contained in this report, intracranial intra-arachnoid cysts have not to our knowledge been described in animals. These six dogs have a similar age, sex, arachnoid cysts.  相似文献   

Equilibrium radionuclide ventriculograms were performed in 6 normal dogs during resting and isoproterenol challenged states. A new method of analysis of the equilibrium radionuclide ventriculograms using a simple digital subtraction technique was compared to traditional methods of analysis and echocardiography. There was no significant difference between ejection fraction values from the three methods tested. The equilibrium radionuclide ventriculograms ejection fraction was significantly increased following isoproterenol administration using both the new and traditional methods of analysis but the pre versus post-isoproterenol increase ejection fraction derived from echocardiographic measurements of ejection fractions was not significantly different. The new digital subtraction method consistently produced reproducible, high quality ventricular volume curves for the left and right ventricle. Left and right ventricular maximum and average emptying and filing rates were determined from the slopes of the volume curve and the results were similar to those previously published for man and dog. The emptying and filling rates of both ventricles were significantly increased following isoproterenol administration. The time to peak emptying significantly decreased following isoproterenol. Time to peak filing decreased following isoproterenol but the difference was not significant.  相似文献   

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