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As part of the forest landscape, roadside trees are susceptible to multiple stressors that increase potential for tree damage during storm events and contribute to power outages. In exurban areas, decision-making related to the roadside forest is divided among many land ownerships and management entities with diverse objectives. Our objectives were to (1) identify general forest and roadside vegetation management objectives and challenges, (2) identify forest stressors and assess perceived severity and level of concern for forest stressor impacts to the roadside forest, and (3) evaluate manager interrelationships based on management objectives and challenges. We conducted semi-structured interviews with thirty-nine members of the forest management community who manage non-residential and non-industrial tracts of forest land in Connecticut, USA. Improving overall forest health and resilience, wildlife habitat, and forest products were the three most common general forest objectives. The two most frequently identified roadside objectives were public safety and mitigating hazardous conditions. The most common general forest management challenges included workforce limitations, financial constraints, and public perceptions. Support and satisfaction among the public and other stakeholders was the most frequently mentioned roadside forest management challenge. Although participants recognized the importance of roadside vegetation management, many avoided active management along roadsides. Immediate roadside vegetation issues such as public safety were prioritized rather than long-term planning. Stakeholders are constantly orchestrating a balance of numerous objectives as they integrate roadside vegetation considerations into broader forest management.  相似文献   


The boreal forest is globally important for its influence on Earth’s energy balance, and its sensitivity to climate change. Ecosystem functioning in boreal forests is shaped by fire activity, so anticipating the impacts of climate change requires understanding the precedence for, and consequences of, climatically induced changes in fire regimes. Long-term records of climate, fire, and vegetation are critical for gaining this understanding.


We investigated the relative importance of climate and landscape flammability as drivers of fire activity in boreal forests by developing high-resolution records of fire history, and characterizing their centennial-scale relationships to temperature and vegetation dynamics.


We reconstructed the timing of fire activity in interior Alaska, USA, using seven lake-sediment charcoal records spanning CE 1550–2015. We developed individual and composite records of fire activity, and used correlations and qualitative comparisons to assess relationships with existing records of vegetation and climate.


Our records document a dynamic relationship between climate and fire. Fire activity and temperature showed stronger coupling after ca. 1900 than in the preceding 350 yr. Biomass burning and temperatures increased concurrently during the second half of the twentieth century, to their highest point in the record. Fire activity followed pulses in black spruce establishment.


Fire activity was facilitated by warm temperatures and landscape-scale dominance of highly flammable mature black spruce, with a notable increase in temperature and fire activity during the twenty-first century. The results suggest that widespread burning at landscape scales is controlled by a combination of climate and vegetation dynamics that together drive flammability.


We evaluated changes in the Atlantic Forest landscape over the last 40 years based on changes in boundaries and mosaics, including the hypothetical landscape resulting from the application of Brazilian laws for forest protection. Mosaics were identified as sets of land-use patches with a similar pattern of boundaries. Landscapes of different years, therefore, can be distinguished by differences in mosaics. We developed a technique to identify boundaries between patches from land-use maps using ArcGis® and to build the patch x boundary matrix required for mosaic identification by means of a factorial and cluster analysis. The mosaics were characterized by some key uses as well as by their boundaries with other land uses. The mosaics were scored for forest conservation according to five issues: landscape permeability, cover, availability, quality, and fragmentation of forest. The values were based on land use and boundary patterns. Although Brazilian laws regarding forest protection have promoted conservation and the hypothetical legal landscape has presented the highest forest habitat availability, this expansion perpetuates a boundary pattern that complicates conservation and management, thus increasing the pressure on forest patches and favoring the further fragmentation of protected forest patches. These conclusions cannot be reached by simply recording changes in land uses.  相似文献   

Landscape change is an ongoing process for even the most established landscapes, especially in context to urban intensification and growth. As urbanization increases over the next century, supporting bird species’ populations within urbanizing areas remains an important conservation challenge. Fundamental elements of the biophysical structure of urban environments in which bird species likely respond include tree cover and human infrastructure. We broadly examine how tree cover and urban development structure bird species distributions along the urban-rural gradient across multiple spatial scales. We established a regional sampling design within the Oak Openings Region of northwestern, Ohio, USA, to survey bird species distributions across an extensive urbanization gradient. Through occupancy modeling, we obtained standardized effects of bird species response to local and landscape-scale predictors and found that landscape tree cover influenced the most species, followed by landscape impervious surface, local building density, and local tree cover. We found that responses varied according to habitat affiliation and migratory distance of individual bird species. Distributions of short-distance, edge habitat species located towards the rural end of the gradient were explained primarily by low levels of urbanization and potential vegetative and supplemental resources associated with these areas, while forest species distributions were primarily related to increasing landscape tree cover. Our findings accentuate the importance of scale relative to urbanization and help target where potential actions may arise to benefit bird diversity. Management will likely need to be implemented by municipal governments and agencies to promote tree cover at landscape scale, followed by residential land management education for private landowners. These approaches will be vital in sustaining biodiversity in urbanizing landscapes as urban growth expands over the next century.  相似文献   



Dispersal is essential for species persistence and landscape genetic studies are valuable tools for identifying potential barriers to dispersal. Macaws have been studied for decades in their natural habitat, but we still have no knowledge of how natural landscape features influence their dispersal.


We tested for correlations between landscape resistance models and the current population genetic structure of macaws in continuous rainforest to explore natural barriers to their dispersal.


We studied scarlet macaws (Ara macao) over a 13,000 km2 area of continuous primary Amazon rainforest in south-eastern Peru. Using remote sensing imagery from the Carnegie Airborne Observatory, we constructed landscape resistance surfaces in CIRCUITSCAPE based on elevation, canopy height and above-ground carbon distribution. We then used individual- and population-level genetic analyses to examine which landscape features influenced gene flow (genetic distance between individuals and populations).


Across the lowland rainforest we found limited population genetic differentiation. However, a population from an intermountain valley of the Andes (Candamo) showed detectable genetic differentiation from two other populations (Tambopata) located 20–60 km away (F ST = 0.008, P = 0.001–0.003). Landscape resistance models revealed that genetic distance between individuals was significantly positively related to elevation.


Our landscape resistance analysis suggests that mountain ridges between Candamo and Tambopata may limit gene flow in scarlet macaws. These results serve as baseline data for continued landscape studies of parrots, and will be useful for understanding the impacts of anthropogenic dispersal barriers in the future.



Species distributions are a function of an individual’s ability to disperse to and colonize habitat patches. These processes depend upon landscape configuration and composition.


Using Blanchard’s cricket frogs (Acris blanchardi), we assessed which land cover types were predictive of (1) presence at three spatial scales (pond-shed, 500 and 2500 m) and (2) genetic structure. We predicted that forested, urban, and road land covers would negatively affect cricket frogs. We also predicted that agricultural, field, and aquatic land covers would positively affect cricket frogs.


We surveyed for cricket frogs at 28 sites in southwestern Ohio, USA to determine presence across different habitats and analyze genetic structure among populations. For our first objective, we examined if land use (crop, field, forest, and urban habitat) and landscape features (ponds, streams, and roads) explained presence; for our second objective, we assessed whether these land cover types explained genetic distance between populations.


Land cover did not have a strong influence on cricket frog presence. However, multiple competing models suggested effects of roads, streams, and land use. We found genetic structuring: populations were grouped into five major clusters and nine finer-scale clusters. Highways were predictive of increased genetic distance.


By combining a focal-patch study with landscape genetics, our study suggests that major roads and waterways are key features affecting species distributions in agricultural landscapes. We demonstrate that cricket frogs may respond to landscape features at larger spatial scales, and that presence and movement may be affected by different environmental factors.

在对南昌市园林树种应用现状进行调查、分析的基础上,提出南昌市树种规划的原则,就南昌市主城区的基调树种、骨干树种和一般树种等规划内容进行探讨,并提出南昌市个性化植物景观的营造策略。  相似文献   

Landscape dynamics result from forestry and farming practices, both of which are expected to have diverse impacts on ecosystem services (ES). In this study, we investigated this general statement for regulating and supporting services via an assessment of ecosystem functions: climate regulation via carbon sequestration in soil and plant biomass, water cycle and soil erosion regulation via water infiltration in soil, and support for primary production via soil chemical quality and water storage. We tested the hypothesis that patterns of land-cover composition and structure significantly alter ES metrics at two different scales. We surveyed 54 farms in two Amazonian regions of Brazil and Colombia and assessed land-cover composition and structure from remote sensing data (farm scale) from 1990 to 2007. Simple and well-established methods were used to characterize soil and vegetation from five points in each farm (plot scale). Most ES metrics were significantly correlated with land-use (plot scale) and land-cover (farm scale) classifications; however, spatial variability in inherent soil properties, alone or in interaction with land-use or land-cover changes, contributed greatly to variability in ES metrics. Carbon stock in above-ground plant biomass and water infiltration rate decreased from forest to pasture land covers, whereas soil chemical quality and plant-available water storage capacity increased. Land-cover classifications based on structure metrics explained significantly less ES metric variation than those based on composition metrics. Land-cover composition dynamics explained 45 % (P < 0.001) of ES metric variance, 15 % by itself and 30 % in interaction with inherent soil properties. This study describes how ES evolve with landscape changes, specifying the contribution of spatial variability in the physical environment and highlighting trade-offs and synergies among ES.  相似文献   



Despite continued forest cover losses in many parts of the world, Atlantic Forest, one of the largest of the Americas, is increasing in some locations. Economic factors are suggested as causes of forest gain, while enforcement has reduced deforestation.


We examine three aspects of this issue: the relative importance of biophysical versus anthropogenic factors in driving forest dynamics; role of forest mean patch age influencing areas targeted for losses; and what future forest mean patch age mosaic we can expect (more forest cover and full forest maturity?).


Three land cover maps from 1990, 2000 and 2010, were used in the study. We selected six biophysical and six anthropogenic spatial determinants to analyze by means of weights of evidence, using Dinamica software.


Results show that forest regrowth is influenced by multiple factors, working in synergy. Biophysical variables are related to forest gain while anthropogenic are associated with loss. Clear patterns of regrowth on pasture and sugarcane plantations occurred, especially near rivers and forest patches, on steeper slopes and with sufficient rainfall. Forest loss has targeted both older and newer forests. Future projections reveal forest gain in a slow pace, followed by specific ecosystem service losses, due to continuous trends of older mature forest loss.


Regrowth is linked to land abandonment, and to neighboring environmental conditions. It is important to question which mechanisms will guarantee and potentiate new regrowth, thus contributing to landscape restoration and reestablishment of ecosystem services in the Atlantic Forest.

Little is known about how variation in landscape mosaics affects genetic differentiation. The goal of this paper is to quantify the relative importance of habitat area and configuration, as well as the contrast in resistance between habitat and non-habitat, on genetic differentiation. We hypothesized that habitat configuration would be more influential than habitat area in influencing genetic differentiation. Population size is positively related to habitat area, and therefore habitat area should affect genetic drift, but not gene flow. In contrast, differential rates and patterns of gene flow across a landscape should be related to habitat configuration. Using spatially explicit, individual-based simulation modeling, we found that habitat configuration had stronger relationships with genetic differentiation than did habitat area, but there was a high degree of confounding between the effects of habitat area and configuration. We evaluated the predictive ability of six widely used landscape metrics and found that patch cohesion and correlation length of habitat are among the strongest individual predictors of genetic differentiation. Correlation length, patch density and clumpy are the most parsimonious set of variables to predict the magnitude of genetic differentiation in complex landscapes.  相似文献   

The matrix of altered habitats that surrounds remnants in human dominated landscapes has been considered homogeneous and inhospitable. Recent studies, however, have shown the crucial role of the matrix in maintaining diversity in fragmented landscapes, acting as a mosaic of units with varying permeability to different species. Inclusion of matrix quality parameters is especially urgent in managing fragmented landscapes in the tropics where agriculture frontiers are still expanding. Using standardized surveys in 23 sites in an Atlantic forest landscape, we evaluated matrix use by small mammals, the most diverse ecological group of mammals in the Neotropics, and tested the hypothesis that endemic species are the most affected by the conversion of original forest into anthropogenic habitats. By comparing species distribution among forest remnants and the predominant adjacent habitats (native vegetation in initial stages of regeneration, eucalyptus plantations, areas of agriculture and rural areas with buildings), we found a strong dissimilarity in small mammal assemblages between native vegetation (including initial stages) and anthropogenic habitats, with only two species being able to use all habitats. Endemic small mammals tended to occupy native vegetation, whereas invading species from other countries or open biomes tended to occupy areas of non-native vegetation. Our results highlight that future destruction of native vegetation will favor invading or generalist species which could dominate highly disturbed landscapes, and that some matrix habitats, such as regenerating native vegetation, should be managed to increase connectivity among populations of endemic species.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2004,101(3):291-303
The relationships between tree vigour and soil and landscape properties of a rainfed olive orchard located on a marly slope of southern Spain were studied. The different properties and thickness of three soil layers (viz. the secondary carbonate-free layer, the solum, and the layer penetrated by roots), and the properties of the 0–30 cm layer, were used as soil variables. Olive tree vigour and soil properties were found to be strongly correlated. Much of the variability in tree vigour was related to soil morphology. The thickness of the root zone and the average CaCO3 content in the secondary carbonate-free layer and the upper 30 cm of soil accounted for ∼58 and ∼68%, respectively, of the variance in canopy volume. Tree vigour was related to some properties of the root zone, such as clay content and cation exchange capacity, expressed on a surface basis. Topographic properties such as distance to summit, slope gradient and profile curvature were also found to be significantly correlated with tree vigour, but had less influence than intrinsic soil properties.  相似文献   

The effect of environmental heterogeneity on spatial spread of invasive species has received little attention in the literature. Altering landscape heterogeneity may be a suitable strategy to control invaders in man-made landscapes. We use a population-based, spatially realistic matrix model to explore mechanisms underlying the observed invasion patterns of an alien tree species, Prunus serotina Ehrh., in a heterogeneous managed forest. By altering several parameters in the simulation, we test for various hypotheses regarding the role of several mechanisms on invasion dynamics, including spatial heterogeneity, seed dispersers, site of first introduction, large-scale natural disturbances, and forest management. We observe that landscape heterogeneity makes the invasion highly directional resulting from two mechanisms: (1) irregular jumps, which occur rarely via long-distance dispersers and create new founder populations in distant suitable areas, and (2) regular, continuous diffusion toward adjacent cells via short- and mid-distance vectors. At the landscape scale, spatial heterogeneity increases the invasion speed but decreases the final invasion extent. Hence, natural disturbances (such as severe storms) appear to facilitate invasion spread, while forest management can have contrasting effects such as decreasing invasibility at the stand scale by increasing the proportion of light interception at the canopy level. The site of initial introduction influences the invasion process but without altering the final outcome. Our model represents the real landscape and incorporates the range of dispersal modes, making it a powerful tool to explore the interactions between environmental heterogeneity and invasion dynamics, as well as for managing plant invaders. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Knowing which factors determine the spread of plant invaders is a relevant issue in global ecology. Cultural landscapes both influence and are affected by exotic species. Although bioclimatic boundaries, seed sources and landscape configuration all control the invasion process, they have been mostly studied separately and independently from their distant drivers.


We followed a multiscale approach to describe the invasion dynamics of the Asian tree (Ligustrum lucidum) in subtropical NW Argentina cultural landscapes by: (1) identifying the potential bioclimatic area of invasion, (2) mapping the currently invaded area in peri-urban focal sectors, and (3) quantitatively describing the landscape-scale patterns of invasion in relation to environmental and cultural variables.


Niche models were used to map potential invasion area, remote sensing, GIS and field surveys to map patterns of invasion and their association to landscape and environmental variables.


Climate suitability to L. lucidum extends over important ranges of the studied area, but currently invaded areas are mostly restricted to clusters around the main cities. The historical and demographic features of cities (e.g., date foundation, population) are important in predicting invaded forest location and spread. At local scale, invasion is associated to abandoned fields nearby urban centers, roads and rivers.


The invasion patterns of L. lucidum reflect the combined effect of historical socioeconomic connections between Asia and America, as well as the local cultural landscape history and configuration. Teleconnected cultural landscapes need to be explored as a theoretical framework for the study of biological invasions in the Anthropocene.

The determination of tree age is an important issue for urban green planning, forestry and dendrology; finding non-destructive and quasi-non-destructive methods for this purpose is of great theoretical and practical importance. The resistance drilling method is quasi-non-destructive because the average diameter of an opening that remains after drilling does not exceed 3 mm. Do electrically recording resistance drills allow precise assessment of tree age? The aim of this study is to assess the accuracy of determining the number of tree rings based on an examination of this special kind of drilling resistance profiles for three tree species, the pine Pinus sylvestris L., the oak Quercus robur L., and the birch Betula pendula ROTH. In 2015 and 2016, 15 pine trees, 15 oak trees, and 15 birch trees were randomly selected. For each studied tree, a measurement was conducted using the electrically recording resistance drill IML-Resi E400 with a flat-tipped 1.5/3 mm steel needle (research sample), and an increment core was taken (reference sample). The drill used was not a real Resistograph®. The analysis of the E400-profiles underestimated the number of tree rings; the mean bias error (MBE) values were –6.5, –2.5, and –6.0 years for pine, oak, and birch, respectively. The proportion of investigated trees with less than five years difference between the research and reference samples varied from 38.4 (birch) to 66.7 (oak) percent. The accuracy of tree age determination was lowest for birch and highest for oak. The binomial generalised linear model (GLM) revealed that the most accurate tree age assessments were obtained from tree rings wider than 2 mm. The measurements clearly showed that the electrically recording resistance drill IML-Resi E400 enables a quick, although approximate, tree age assessment. Future research should concentrate on electronically regulating and recording drills, providing a higher spatial and signal resolution, and a stronger correlation to wood density.  相似文献   

An inductive method for recognizing vegetation complexes is presented. These complexes can be used to define landscape units. The method is demonstrated with regard to the river and rivulet valleys of the Black Forest in south-western Germany. It is based on surveys of locally occurring plant communities in homogeneous landscape units, using a cover-abundance scale for the areal extension of each community. The communities have first been established on the basis of the usual relevés of small homogeneous plots.The surveys are called sigma relevés (sigma = Greek for sum), Sigma relevés can be arranged in tables by the usual classification method in order to establish vegetation complexes. Characteristic and differential communities can be elaborated to characterize the vegetation complexes. The specific spatial distribution of each complex reflects certain physical-geographical and anthropo-geographical characteristics. Some applied aspects can be included for each vegetation complex, for example, lists of woody species typical for a landscape unit. From the point of view of water economy such a survey is useful since many efforts are being made to plant woody species in accordance with natural conditions along river and rivulet embankments.  相似文献   

The manner by which pollinators move across a landscape and their resulting preferences and/or avoidances of travel through particular habitat types can have a significant impact on plant population genetic structure and population-level connectivity. We examined the spatial genetic structure of the understory tree Cornus florida (Cornaceae) adults (N Adults = 452) and offspring (N Offspring = 736) across two mating events to determine the extent to which pollen pool genetic covariance is influenced by intervening forest architecture. Resident adults showed no spatial partitioning but genotypes were positively autocorrelated up to a distance of 35 m suggesting a pattern of restricted seed dispersal. In the offspring, selfing rates were small (sm = 0.035) whereas both biparental inbreeding (s b;open canopy = 0.16, s b;closed canopy = 0.11) and correlated paternity (r p;open canopy = 0.21, r p;closed canopy = 0.07) were significantly influenced by primary canopy opening above individual mothers. The spatial distribution of genetic covariance in pollen pool composition was quantified for each reproductive event using Pollination Graphs, a network method based upon multivariate conditional genetic covariance. The georeferenced graph topology revealed a significant positive relationship between genetic covariance and pollinator movement through C. florida canopies, a negative relationship with open primary canopy (e.g., roads under open canopies and fields with no primary canopy), and no relationship with either conifer or mixed hardwood canopy species cover. These results suggest that both resident genetic structure within stands and genetic connectivity between sites in C. florida populations are influenced by spatial heterogeneity of mating individuals and quality of intervening canopy cover.  相似文献   

The impact of agricultural practices on the dynamics of weed invasion in a rural landscape was studied by describing the spatial distribution of Chaerophyllum aureum populations colonising less intensive managed hay meadows. Polyphenol compounds were used as individual markers to identify the structure of C. aureum diversity, in terms of its scale and patterns, within and between fields along the bottom of a Pyrenean valley. The results revealed, firstly, the existence of a dominant `genotype' successfully colonising the entire area, and secondly, the maintenance of high levels of polyphenol diversity within five different populations. This spatial arrangement of `genetic' population diversity was obviously not related to the natural reproduction and dispersal patterns of this species, but to human practices of hay production, the principal effect of which is to mix seeds of different genetic origin and thus accelerate and amplify the colonisation process of adapted `genotypes'.  相似文献   

桃树同一品种由于砧木和栽培方式的改变,其物候期和生长发育规律也随之发生改变.  相似文献   

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