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含锰废水的粉煤灰处理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江辉  崔敏  路捷  刘明 《中国农学通报》2007,23(3):402-405
为解决含锰工业废水对环境、土壤及生物带来的危害,研究采用热电厂废弃物粉煤灰作为吸附剂,希望能找到最佳吸附条件,同时为粉煤灰的综合利用提供更多机会;采用EDTA滴定法,对含锰废液进行了吸附研究,模拟测定了影响粉煤灰吸附特性的几种因素:重金属离子浓度、吸附时间、粉煤灰颗粒度以及待吸附液的pH等;结果表明:在其它条件相同的情况下,随着废液Mn2 浓度的增大,去除率逐渐降低;在吸附中60min为最佳震荡时间;随着粉煤灰粒度的减小,去除率增加;pH值应控制在中性偏碱性(pH值约为8.0最好)范围;可见,采用粉煤灰吸附含锰工业废水在适当工艺条件下可以有很好的处理效果,这种方法较简便,成本低廉,能达到以废治废的目的。  相似文献   

<正>一项适用于煤化工、农用化工难降解有机废水高效菌处理技术已完成中试,并入选2009年度国家先进污染防治示范技术名录。该技术采用新型微电解装置、块状催化剂和必  相似文献   

应用臭氧—活性炭联用技术处理食品厂废水的探究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用臭氧—活性炭联用技术对食品厂废水进行处理,并对臭氧处理时间,臭氧浓度,处理水的流量等因素进行不同水平单因素实验,以找出最佳实验条件,同时结合实际问题,采用L9(34)正交表进行3因素3水平实验,最终得出臭氧—活性炭联用技术处理食品厂污水的最佳工艺条件为:臭氧处理时间为30min,臭氧质量浓度为9.6mg/L,水流量为0.8m3/h。在最佳工艺条件下,臭氧—活性炭结合工艺对COD的去除率为89.8%,对UV254的去除率为97.3%,达到了农田灌溉水质(水作和旱作的灌溉)标准,基本达到蔬菜灌溉用水的标准。  相似文献   

作物抗旱生理与分子作用机制研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
干旱胁迫是影响植物生长发育的主要逆境因子之一,从形态指标、渗透调节、活性氧清除、内源激素、胁迫诱导蛋白等方面对作物耐旱生理及其分子机制研究进展概述,以期为我国抗旱农业研究与生产提供一些思路。  相似文献   

有机废水制取氢气的研究现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
笔者概括了国内外厌氧发酵制取氢气的研究进展,并对厌氧发酵制取氢气所需的条件、原理、影响因子、不同方法进行了评述。结果表明:乙醇型发酵是目前最好的产氢类型,生物制氢技术具有良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

气浮—絮凝—厌氧好氧处理马铃薯淀粉废水工艺探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马铃薯淀粉废水是高浓度酸性有机废水,主要含有溶解性的淀粉和少量蛋白质。结合甘肃临洮县某淀粉加工企业实际情况,从已有厌氧好氧—絮凝沉淀组合淀粉加工废水处理工艺入手,研究了经改进的气浮—絮凝—厌氧好氧组合工艺处理马铃薯淀粉废水的效果。结果表明,在进水COD_(cr)=12 000 mg/L,BOD_5=6 300 mg/L,SS=500~1 000 mg/L下,经过气浮—絮凝—厌氧好氧组合工艺处理,COD_(cr)去除率达到97.67%,BOD_5去除率为98.97%,处理后水质达到淀粉工业水污染排放标准(GB 25461-2010),同时采用气浮—絮凝分离技术能够回收植物蛋白,厌氧发酵产生沼气回收利用,具有良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

为了解决生物柴油废水生化处理难度大、效率低等问题。采用生物活性炭流化床工艺处理生物柴油废水,研究试验系统COD的降解效应与化学势变。结果表明:试验系统具有良好的处理效果,采用四级串联系统可使末端出水COD浓度达到GB 18918—2002中一级B标准。试验系统COD去除的基本过程可用吸附-好氧生物降解两级反应来描述,好氧生物降解反应中COD的去除率随串联级数增大而增大,说明好氧降解的总贡献率与系统串联级数呈正相关。试验系统COD去除反应的化学势变为负值,其绝对值随单元级数增大而增大,说明系统COD的去除是自发反应,系统去除COD能力随串联级数增大而增强,好氧生物降解反应在维持系统处理效果稳定中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

鉴于污染河岸消落带生态修复的紧迫性及其干湿交替生境的特殊性,本研究针对铺地黍(Panicum repens L.)在同时受到水分和重金属复合胁迫下的形态和生理特性变化展开研究,以期为构建铺地黍-消落带生态系统提供理论与实践参考。试验采用盆栽,设置5种水分+重金属复合处理。结果显示,在铺地黍株高和分枝数形态特征方面,相对于CK,水淹+低浓度重金属复合处理下的42天总体平均值高于CK,促进了生长;水淹+高浓度重金属的总体平均值虽低于CK,但差异不显著(P0.05),整个试验期均正常生长。干旱+低浓度重金属和干旱+高浓度重金属处理下的株高和分枝数都受到严重影响,处理14天植株叶片开始出现萎蔫,21天大部分植株干枯,35天(干旱+低浓度)和28天(干旱+高浓度)地上部死亡。在铺地黍生理响应方面,水淹+重金属条件下的叶片游离脯氨酸和丙二醛含量与CK之间的差异均不显著(P0.05),即植株受伤害程度不大。但是,干旱+重金属条件下的叶片游离脯氨酸和丙二醛产生了积极响应,均显著高于CK(P0.05)。  相似文献   

以仔姜为研究对象,采用1-甲基环丙烯(1-MCP)熏蒸、二氧化氯和山梨酸钾溶液浸泡及复合处理(1-MCP+二氧化氯+山梨酸钾)对仔姜进行保鲜,定期测定仔姜硬度、腐烂率、色泽和失重率等感官指标,可溶性糖、总酚和VC含量等营养品质指标以及丙二醛含量、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性和组织结构等指标,研究1-MCP、二氧化氯和山梨酸钾3种保鲜剂单独及复合处理对仔姜贮藏品质的影响。结果表明:3种保鲜剂单独及复合处理均可延缓仔姜腐烂率、硬度和失重率的下降,抑制仔姜可溶性糖、VC和总酚含量的下降,抑制过氧化物酶(POD)活性,其中,复合保鲜剂的保鲜效果最好,贮藏60 d时,仔姜仍能保持较好的生理状态和活性成分含量。研究结果可为仔姜采后保鲜技术提供理论参考。  相似文献   

研究了UV-B辐射增加与酸雨的复合处理对菠菜种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:UV-B辐射增加与酸雨的复合处理,使菠菜种子的萌发率和幼苗的株高、绿叶数、叶面积、干重呈显著降低趋势;使幼苗叶绿素含量降低、蒸腾速率减小。复合胁迫的下降幅度明显高于单一因子胁迫,并且下降幅度受UV-B辐射强度与酸雨pH的影响。UV-B辐射增加与酸雨处理在影响菠菜种子萌发和幼苗生长上具有协同作用。  相似文献   

Chlorides in the wastewater with high salt seriously interrupts the determination of chemical oxygen demand(COD). Therefore, chloride mask in wastewater has been an important and difficult issue in recent years. In the present work, experiment design is used for more accurate and precise COD determination method of pickled mustard wastewater. Two methods for masking chloride are adopted: HgSO4 masking method and AgNO3 masking method. After masking chloride, use the traditional reflux digestion method to test COD in the experimental sample. The results show that when the ratio of HgSO4 to Cl - is 40, the chloride mask results in a minimum error of 1.43%, and the minimum error is 0.21% when AgNO3 is used. Obviously, AgNO3 masking method is superior to HgSO4 masking method. However, when these two methods are used in pickled mustard wastewater, there is a COD value difference of 20 mg/L and HgSO4 masking method is more accurate. By considering the characteristics of the two methods above, a combined method is proposed, which AgNO3 is added equivalently according to the concentration of Cl - first, and then a few amounts of HgSO4 are added to prevent the free Cl - in wastewater. The facts show that combined method is more reliable.  相似文献   

Limits about the traditional flocculants and the superiorities about the microbial flocculants in the water treatment have been reviewed from the effect of wastewater treatment,poisonous to the biology,with or without the second pollution and other aspects. It is analyzed that microbial flocculants will probably replace all or partly the traditional inorganic and organic compound macromolecule flocculants. Lots of optimizing projects were brought forward about how to low the wastewater treatment running cost and how to improve the treatment efficiency. At the same time, lots of examples of the wastewater treatment have been listed to show the microbial flocculants' superiority and the development trends in the future.  相似文献   

The treatment efficiency of mustard comprehensive wastewater with high salt by electro-Fenton is studied to solve the problem that microorganism is inhibited by high salt and improve the unstable performance of biological treatment. CODcr removal effect and its influencing factors in high salt wastewater by electro-Fenton process are mainly investigated, and the degradation kinetics of CODcr is analyzed. The results show that CODcr removal rate reaches 76.33 % after 120 min at the conditions that current density of 10 A/dm 2, ferrous sulfate dosage 1.0 mmol/L, electrode spacing 15 mm, pH=5, RuO2-IRO2-SnO2-TiO2/Ti quaternary as anode, titanium mesh as cathode. Kinetic analysis shows that the degradation curve of CODcr consists with the first-order response characteristics and the value of the kinetic constant is 0.0121 min -1 when COD of raw wastewater is 4 225 mg/L. By linear regression equation, kinetics model of CODcr degradation is established. The model possesses higher regression rate (R 2=99.25%) and has higher coincide degree with the experimental results.  相似文献   

Industrial by-products FeSO4·7H2O is taken as raw material, concentrated nitric acid as strong oxidant and aluminum sulfate as additive to produce poly aluminum ferric sulfate(PAFS)flocculants, which is applied to the removal of organic humic acid. The study includes the reaction temperature, reaction time, Al/Fe molar ratio and basicity(OH/Fe). Infrared spectroscopy and scattering electron are used to characterize the structure of the PAFS. The results show that the product have the best coagulation effect when reaction temperature, reaction time, Al/Fe molar ratio and basicity(OH/Fe)are 60~80℃, 30~50 min, 1∶9 and 0.3 respectively. Infrared spectroscopy analysis shows the products structure and scattering electrons analysis suggests a large surface area and a strong condensed state for PAFS. The removal rate of humic acid is 94.72% when the dosage of PAFS is 3.36 mg /L, pH value is 7, rapid stirring speed is 350 rpm, fast mixing time is 2.0 min, the slow stirring speed is 40 rpm and slow stirring time is 12 min.  相似文献   

A quantum self organizing feature map neural network (QSOM) method is introduced for water quality prediction in activated sludge wastewater treatment processes which includes uncertainty of microbial activity and complexity of biochemical reactions and strong lagging of parameters. This approach quantizes the inlet water quality data corresponding outlet water in abnormal state and makes the quantized data sample as the input of QSOM. The correlation coefficient of the quantum inputs and its weights are calculated as the best inputs matching of network by using quantum gates to update the weights in learning the rules. The experiments illustrate the efficiency of this prediction approach by using operational data of Chongqing Jiguanshi wastewater treatment plant.  相似文献   

The treatment parameters in municipal treatment plant include COD, BOD5, SS, N and P etc. The paradoxical relationships are inevitably produced because of the different requirements on denitrification and phosphor removal. In this paper, the fundamental mechanism of biological denitrification and phosphor removal and their present situation and progress are presented. On the basis of analysis on the paradoxical relationship between biological denitrification and phosphor removal, the development of denitrification and phosphor removal process was discussed and the further study in this field was proposed.  相似文献   

Aerobic granules with mean sizes of 1300μm and 900μm were seeded with nitrifying activated sludge in sequencing batch reactors (SBR) in this study. The results show that ammonia removal efficiency of the small-size granules increased to 90% within 2 weeks, while big-size granules got to the same level in 3 weeks. It is speculated that small-size granules had greater increasing nitrification rate for their bigger surface area and greater absorption ability when seeded with nitrifying activated sludge, which caused fast seeding of nitrifying bacteria in R2. Through cycle analysis, it shows that it took about 2.5h for the both reactors to remove ammonia in the system, though the nitrification rate in R1 (0.033d-1 ) is lower that that of R2 (0.033d-1 ). The higher biomass concentration in R1 (10g/l) than that in R2 (6g/l) explains. At the same, it was found that total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) removal efficiency in R1 was higher than that in R2, i.e. 64.7% vs. 57.3%, which was resulted from the bigger anoxic zone in R1.  相似文献   

In this paper the phosphorus removal performance has been studied in Non-backflow Intermittent Aeration System (NBIAS), when the aeration duration and SRT were adjusted. At the same time, nitrogen removal was also studied. Test results show that when the cycle duration is 6 h., anaerobic duration 1.5h. sedimentation and displacement time 0.5 h. and SRT=20 d,aerobic ratio 0.42, the removal efficiency for CODcr, nitrogen and phosphorus will be 85%, 75% and 69%, respectively.  相似文献   

The municipal wastewater biology treatment process includes both pollutants transferring and energy utilization. The wastewater and sludge samples of several WWTP (wastewater treatment plant) in Chongqing are investigated. The heat value, volatile component and element content of those samples are determined. The effect of volatile component on heat value is analyzed. The results show that it has a good correlation between volatile component and heat value. The heat value has a negative correlation with volatile component when volatile component is below 30%, while it has a positive correlation with volatile component when volatile component is above 37%. The heat value is also calculated by the Dulong formula. The conclusions are pretty close: heat value has a negative correlation with volatile component when volatile component is below 28.26%, while has a positive correlation with it when volatile component is above 28.26%. It indicates that the analysis method for heat value of wastewater and sludge in this paper is effective, and it can be used in wastewater measurement.  相似文献   

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