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The aim of this study was to determine changes in crystallinity and crystalline unit cell type of heat-treated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Uludağ fir (Abies nordmanniana stev. subsp. bornmuelleriana Mattf.) wood samples by means of FT-IR spectroscopic method. Heat treatment was applied on the test samples in an oven at three different temperatures (120, 150, and 180°C) and for two different periods of time (6 and 10 h) under atmospheric pressure. It was designated that crystallinity of both Scots pine and Uludağ fir wood samples increased during heat treatment depending on the duration. However, monoclinic structure in crystalline unit cells of Scots pine and Uludağ fir wood samples converted to triclinic structure when heat treated. It was estimated that monoclinic structure was dominant in the crystalline unit cell. It was established that the crystalline structure of Scots pine wood samples was more affected by heat treatment than that of Uludağ fir wood samples.  相似文献   

UGPase gene related with wood cellulose synthesis was transferred into C. acuminata using the method of Agrobacte- rium-mediated genetic transformation, and an efficient transformation system was developed for C. acuminata on the basis of evaluations of several factors affecting Agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer rate. The highest transformation rate was achieved when pre-cultttred leaf explants were infected with an Agrobacterium culture corresponding to OD600 (0.5) for 10 min, and cultured on explant regeneration medium for three days. The results of Southern hybridization showed that genomic DNA of the kanamycin-resistant shoots to an UGPase gene probe substantiated the integration of the transgene. Transformation efficiency (6%) was achieved under the optimized transformation procedure, This system should facilitate the introduction of important useful genes into C, acuminata.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean pine forests, truffles and mushrooms generate greater profits than any other woodland products. However, there are no studies on Tuber melanosporum Vittad. associated with pines. For this reason, we have carried out a study of this truffle in mountain woods with Pinus sylvestris L. and P. nigra Arnold subsp. salzmannii (Dunal) Franco, in central Spain. Two hundred and eight Tuber melanosporum burns were monitored for 7 years in five different habitats within the same geographical area. An ANOVA test confirmed significant differences in carpophore production. In higher producing habitats, pines were less abundant. We also confirmed that in 433 burns, T. melanosporum was always unequivocally associated with the root base of Quercus or Corylus trees. Similarly, 14 truffle collectors confirmed that they had never found a single burn with carpophore production associated exclusively with pines. Nevertheless, soil analyses indicated that the soil of these pine woods was very favourable to Tuber melanosporum. We therefore conclude that at present Pinus nigra salzmannii and P. sylvestris are of little interest to Tuber melanosporum culture, as they hinder carpophore production. However, this study has also confirmed that Pinus nigra salzmannii and P. sylvestris mycorrhize easily with Tuber melanosporum, both in the laboratory and in natural environments. On this basis, we propose that pines may act as transmitters of T. melanosporum, although they do not induce fruiting. As a result, the commercial cultivation of Pinus nigra salzmannii and P. sylvestris seedlings mycorrhized with Tuber melanosporum is not recommended in truffle culture at the present time.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of shade on morphology, growth and biomass allocation in Picea sitchensis, Larix × eurolepis and Thuja plicata, seedlings were grown in the open or under shadehouses providing 25%, 50% and 75% reductions of full-light for two growing seasons. For most of the characteristics assessed there was no significant interaction between species and shade indicating that the morphological responses to changing shade treatments were not species-dependent. After two growing seasons the mean height increment for the three species was significantly greater in 25% (76.1 cm) and 50% shade (74.9 cm) than in the open (69.5 cm). Root collar diameter increment, shoot, root and total biomass declined significantly with increasing shade while the opposite was true for the height:diameter ratio. In both western red cedar and hybrid larch the shoot:root ratio was significantly greater in the shade while in Sitka spruce this characteristic was not influenced by shade. While all species had significantly greater specific shoot areas in 75% shade than in 0% shade, this trend was particularly pronounced in hybrid larch. In hybrid larch and western red cedar, the normalised specific projected shoot area increased significantly with increasing shade. The opposite trend was observed for Sitka spruce. We conclude that in the main the species studied demonstrated similar shade acclimation responses despite their reported differences in shade tolerance.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the fitting soil moisture for the normal growth of two-year-old W. sinensis (Sims) Sweets by using gas exchange technique. Remarkable threshold values of net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr) and water use efficiency (WUE) were observed in the W. sinensis leaves treated by various soil moisture and photosynthetic available radiation (PAR). The fitting soil moisture for maintaining a high level of Pn and WUE was in range of 15.3%-26.5% of volumetric water content (VWC), of which the optimal VWC was 23.3%. Under the condition of fitting soil moisture, the light saturation point of leaves occurred at above 800μmol.m^2.s^-1, whereas under the condition of water deficiency (VWC, 11.9% and 8.2%) or oversaturation (VWC, 26.5%), the light saturation point was below 400μmol.m^-1.s^-1. Moreover, the light response curves suggested that a special point of PAR occurred with the increase in PAR. This special point was considered as the turning point that indicated the functional transition from stomatal limitation to non-stomatal limitation. The turning point was about 600, 1000, 1000 and 400 μmol.m^-2.s^-1, respectively, at VWC of 28.4%, 15.3%, 11.9% and 8.2%. In conclusion, W. sinensis had higher adaptive ability to water stress by regulating itself physiological function.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the enzymatic properties of the 4CL1 of Populus tomentosa, the recombinant expression vector pQE31-4CL1 was constructed. The recombinant was identified by three restriction endonucleases, then the vector pQE31-4CL1 was transformed into expression host M15 (pREP4) and induced by isopropyl-α-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG) to express 60 kD fused protein Pt4CL1. The biologically active Pt4CL1, expressed as soluble protein, was achieved with 0.6 mmol·L-1 IPTG induction as the ex-pression temperature declined from 37 to 28°C. The 6×His tag facilitates affinity binding to Ni2 -nitrolotriacetic acid (NTA) and enables one-step purification to acquire the molecular SDS-PAGE electrophoresis purity of the active 4CL1 protein by agarose cou-pled with Ni2 -NTA affinity chromatography. The optimal substrate for Pt4CL1 was 4-coumarate.  相似文献   

Efficient use of parasitoids in pest control depend on the knowledge of the biological relationships between host and parasitoid. Eretmocerus mundus Mercet (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) is one the most important natural enemies of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) that is found in fields and greenhouses in Adana, Turkey. Although more studies have been done to determine the relationships between E. mundus and B. tabaci, the differences among strains of E. mundus could have important biological concequences. In this study, biological characteristics of native population of E. mundus parasitization of B. tabaci (Q biotype) were determined using bean plants Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) at a constant temperature of 25 ± 1°C, relative humidity 70 ± 10% and 16:8 (L:D) photoperiod regimen. All B. tabaci nymphal instars were parasitized by E. mundus, but the mean number of daily-parasitized nymphs was highest in the second instars (15.3). In addition, second instar females had the shortest mean development time (15.2 days). Mean development times of parasitoids obtained from first, second, third and fourth B. tabaci instars varied from 15.2 to 16.2 days and 15.2 to 15.9 days for female and male, respectively. Proportion of female (♀/♂+♀) varied from first (0.53) to second (0.34) host instars. Impact of results on potential biological control of B. tabaci was discussed through conservation native natural enemies.  相似文献   

Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is becoming increasingly important in grassland systems because of its high productivity, protein content and nitrogen-fixing ability, but its use has been constrained by losses due to pests and diseases, and this contributed to the decline of red clover usage allowing white clover (T. repens L.) to become the dominant legume of UK grasslands. One of the major pests of red clover is the clover root weevil (Sitona lepidus Gyllenhal, Coleoptera, Curculionidae) which attacks both the shoots and roots, particularly the N-fixing root nodules, of clover plants. This current work investigates the feeding preferences of S. lepidus with respect to 11 varieties (Pawera, Kuhn, Astra, Norseman, Norseman low, Norseman high, Marcom, Merviot, Milvus, Britta, Sabtoron) and 5 lines (AA30, AA31, AA4493, AA4494 and AA4495) of red clover in order to identify relationships between the variation in attractiveness of different red clover varieties for both adult and larval stages of the weevil. Of those tested Norseman high showed potential resistance, being less favoured by both adults and larvae of the weevil. This may be attributed to the potentially high phyto-oestrogen levels in this variety.  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜观察了忍冬(Lonicera jàponica Thunb)和华南忍冬(Lonicera confus)叶表皮形态特征,观察指标包括:气孔器、表皮毛、表皮细胞等.结果表明:气孔仅分布在下表皮,气孔器呈无规则型散生;上表皮细胞的垂周壁呈沟槽状下陷;下表皮密被表皮毛(包括腺状毛和非腺毛),同时还分布有瘤状的草酸钙簇晶.为进一步证明这种瘤状结构是否为草酸钙簇晶,作者发现利用Fluo-3/AM(钙离子荧光指示剂)处理的活体叶片在激光共聚焦显微镜下能够发出强烈的荧光.此外,通过电子探针对瘤状物进行分析,发现其元素组成为C、O、Ca.上述叶表皮构造特征,有利于减少植物体水分散失,还有助于植物适应富钙的石灰土,从而适应我国西南岩溶区特殊的干旱、富钙的环境.电镜观察结果表明,在忍冬叶上表皮中脉处有呈线状分布的腺状表皮毛,而华南忍冬叶上表皮则无表皮毛分布,这一微形态特征可以作为二者种间特异性差别,从而为二者的合理区分提供一定的依据.  相似文献   

In alley cropping systems, fast growing leguminous trees are pruned to reduce competition with crops for light and to provide organic inputs for crop nutrition. Tree regrowth depends on non-structural carbohydrate reserves in the remaining tree parts. In this study, the dynamics of starch and soluble carbohydrates in roots and stems of completely pruned (all shoots removed), partially pruned (one branch retained on the pruned stump) and unpruned Erythrina poeppigiana (Walp.) O.F. Cook and Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Kunth ex Walp. trees were studied under humid tropical conditions in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Measurements on starch and soluble carbohydrates in roots and stems were made at 0, 2, 6 and 12 weeks after pruning during both a “rainy” and a “dry” season. In general, the dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates in roots and stems of pruned E. poeppigiana and G. sepium trees were similar. Starch concentration was highest in unpruned trees and higher in roots than in stems of pruned trees. The effect of pruning intensity was first observed in stems, and starch reserves were more depleted in stems than in roots, an effect more evident during the “dry” season. The critical tree regrowth stage for starch mobilisation was that of vigorous sprout development at six or four weeks after pruning particularly in completely pruned trees. At this time, fine root biomass and length and nodule biomass in pruned trees decreased. Survival of fine roots and nodules was greater in partially pruned than in completely pruned trees. Starch accumulation in roots recommenced at 12 weeks after pruning in G. sepium, and later than 12 weeks after pruning in E. poeppigiana roots. This study showed that E. poeppigiana responded better to pruning regimes than G. sepium. Recovery of trees after pruning is better when trees are partially pruned than when completely pruned.  相似文献   

Heat treatment of Pinus pinaster and Eucalyptus globulus woods, two important species in Portugal, was performed in the absence of air by steaming, inside an autoclave, for 2–12 h at 190–210°C. Mass losses increased with treatment time and temperature reaching 7.3% for pine and 14.5% for eucalypt wood. The wood behaviour with moisture was improved. The equilibrium moisture content decreased by 46% for pine and 61% for eucalypt, the dimensional stability increased (maximum anti-shrinking efficiency in the radial direction of 57 and 90% for pine and eucalypt, respectively) and the surface wettability was lowered. In relation to mechanical properties, the modulus of elasticity was little affected (maximum decrease of 5% for pine and 15% for eucalypt) but the bending strength was reduced (by 40% at 8% mass loss for pine and 50% at 9% mass loss for eucalypt wood). The variation of properties was related to treatment intensity and mass loss but significant improvements could already be obtained for a 3–4% mass loss without impairing the mechanical resistance. The response of eucalypt was higher than that of pinewood. Heat treatment of eucalypt wood shows an interesting potential to improve the wood quality for solid timber products.  相似文献   

思茅松天然群体的遗传多样性及遗传分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈少瑜  王炯等 《林业研究》2002,13(4):273-276
采用凝胶电泳技术,检测了思茅松(Pinuskesiyavar.Langbinaensis)种子胚乳的9种同工酶。通过对9种酶系统编码的16个酶位点的遗传分析,揭示了思茅松三个天然群体的遗传多样性和遗传分化情况。思茅松天然群体的遗传多样性较高,群体的多态位点比例为0.667;平均每个位点的等位基因数为2.13;期望杂合度和观察杂合度分别为0.288和0.197。群体间的遗传分化程度较低,分化系数仅为0.052,群体间的遗传距离为0.015。表5参15。  相似文献   

The hormone combinations and dark culture of the callus induction for Cyclocarya paliurus (Batal.) Iljinskaja leaves were  相似文献   

Strobilurus ohshimae is an edible mushroom, and it specifically forms its fruiting bodies on buried sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) twigs. In this research, we studied lignindegrading activity of S. ohshimae. We isolated 18 strains of S. ohshimae from various regions of Japan, and determined their lignin degradation rates on sugi wood meal medium. All the strains of S. ohshimae degraded approximately 6%–12% of sugi lignin in 30 days, and these lignin degradation rates were 1.5–3 times higher than those of Trametes versicolor, which is a typical lignin-degrading fungus. Among the three main lignin-degrading enzymes, activity of lignin peroxidase and manganese peroxidase was not observed, while 4340U/g of laccase was produced in 30 days. To investigate the effect of wood species on lignin degradation by S. ohshimae, the lignin degradation rate and laccase productivity on sugi wood meal medium were compared with those on beech (Fagus crenata). In T. versicolor, both lignin degradation rate and laccase productivity were higher on beech than on sugi. Conversely, in S. ohshimae, lignin degradation rate and laccase productivity were higher on sugi than on beech. Therefore, it was suggested that coniferous lignin is not always difficult to degrade for the fungi that inhabit softwood. Part of this article presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Sapporo, August 2004  相似文献   

Two site chronologies of the ring widths of Hiba arbor-vitae (Thujopsis dolabrata var. hondae) were developed for the northern-most part of Honshu Island, Japan (AOTK: 1715-2001, AOSO: 1753-2000). These are highly coherent, satisfactorily indicating high values of expressed population signal and mean correlation between trees. The two series were merged into a single composite chronology, spanning a period of 287 years from 1715 to 2001, because they correlated significantly with each other. The developed chronology is the first quality-controlled tree-ring chronology for this region extending back to the eighteenth century. Using the master chronologies, we successfully crossdated three historical timbers from an old building near the sampling sites. The tree-ring dates strongly supported the documented construction date of the building. It is revealed that Hiba arbor-vitae has sufficient potential to contribute to future dendrochronological study in this region by extending the chronologies back into the past.  相似文献   

从不同地点、不同时间采集的多花筋骨草植株不同部位中提取出昆虫蜕皮激素类似物,通过向幼虫人工饲料中添加昆虫蜕皮激素类似物的方法,研究了筋骨草中植物源蜕皮激素对杨干象2龄幼虫的杀虫作用。实验结果表明:(1)在人工饲料中加入1-3 ml的筋骨草提取物,在24天内可以杀死 58%~100%的幼虫;(2)从开花前的筋骨草中提取出的物质的杀虫效果明显优于从花期和开花后的植物中提取出的物质的杀虫作用, 其1 mL、2 mL和3 mL剂量全株提取物的杀虫效果分别达到65.22%、85.07%和98.11%(幼虫校正死亡率);(3)植株的根部提取的昆虫蜕皮激素类似物的杀虫效果要比茎部或叶部提取的好,1 mL、2 mL、3 mL剂量提取物的杀虫效果分别达到100%、98.20%和98.32%;(4)筋骨草提取物的杀虫速度较慢,处理杨干象2龄幼虫16天后杀虫率才超过50%;(5)幼虫取食加有筋骨草提取物的饲料时间长短直接影响幼虫死亡率,16天的取食,幼虫死亡率达到80%以上。筋骨草采集地点和填加植物源蜕皮激素的方式对杀虫效果的影响较小。图3表3参21。  相似文献   

Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius) has developed extensive pesticide resistance in the last several decades. We have developed a supercritical fluid extraction method for Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (TFG) and studied the contact toxicities of the extracts to R. dominica. The extraction method was designed with orthogonal experiments to preserve and collect all the possible active components. Contact toxicity and efficiency of extraction were used as standard values to optimize extraction conditions, which were achieved at 55°C under 25 Mpa of pressure. The extraction efficiency for 200 g of dry sample reached 6.21% with 30 ml of 95% alcohol. Extracts loaded on filter paper showed dose and time dependent toxicities to adult R. dominica with a LC50 value of 65.02 μg/cm2 after 3 days post treatment. Our extensive in vivo studies indicated the extracts from Trigonella foenum-graecum seeds have high efficacy against pesticide resistant R. dominica. The active ingredient(s) from the extract shows promise as a novel pesticide candidate.  相似文献   

We evaluated the survival and growth of Abies homolepis and Picea jezoensis var. hondoensis seedlings on Mt. Ohdaigahara, where the population of sika deer (Cervus nippon) is high and an experimental fence has been in place for 13 years. No significant differences were detected in the survival of small seedlings between fenced and unfenced plots. The growth of A. homolepis was significantly higher in the fenced plot, but growth of P. jezoensis var. hondoensis did not show significant differences between fenced and unfenced plots. Seedlings of height ≤5 cm in the forest floor vegetation of the unfenced plot were probably too small for deer to find and browse, so they survived.  相似文献   

An observational study of early seedling establishment (first 1–2 summers after emergence) was conducted in four ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) stands east of the Cascade Range crest in central Oregon, USA. Newly emerged ponderosa pine seedlings were identified at the start of summer and were monitored through their second summer; a subsequent cohort of seedlings was identified and monitored for one summer. About 3% of the viable seed that was produced resulted in new seedlings. Mortality was substantial immediately following emergence. Most seedlings emerged without shading from understory vegetation, but few survived. Most seedlings alive after one year had emerged beneath live cover; by the end of two summers only shaded seedlings were alive. 63–85% of new seedlings initiated in clusters attributed to rodent caching, and seedlings originating in clusters remained a substantial proportion of the cohort (60%) after two seasons. Results suggest that understory vegetation in these types of stands facilitates the recruitment of ponderosa pine seedlings, most likely by buffering them against environmental stressors during the seedling establishment phase. They also reveal that seed caching rodents are highly active in seed redistribution and can exert a lasting influence on seedling recruitment.  相似文献   

The term allelopathy refers to biochemical interaction between all types of plants including microorganisms through pro-duction of chemical compounds that escape into the environment and exist widely in Quercus L. The development of investigations into types of allelochemicals, their compounding and spreading pathways, as well as expression of allelopathy in Quercus L. are re-viewed in this paper. We have closely and systematically emphasized the functional mechanisms of allelopathy in forest plants for our next research project on allelopathy in Quercus L.  相似文献   

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