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Attempts to understand farmer conservation behavior based on quantitative socio-demographic, attitude, and awareness variables have been largely inconclusive. In order to understand fully how farmers are making conservation decisions, 32 in-depth interviews were conducted in the Eagle Creek watershed in central Indiana. Coding for environmental attitudes and practice adoption revealed several dominant themes, representing multi-dimensional aspects of environmental attitudes. Farmers who were motivated by off-farm environmental benefits and those who identified responsibilities to others (stewardship) were most likely to adopt conservation practices. Those farmers who focused on the farm as business and were most concerned about profitability were less likely to adopt practices. The notion of environmental stewardship in particular was found to be much more complex than the way it is traditionally measured in quantitative studies. The interplay between on-farm and off-farm benefits to practice adoption is an issue that quantitative studies largely do not address. This study seeks to increase understanding of farmers’ environmental attitudes and the connections to conservation behavior.  相似文献   

The adoption of Precision Farming (PF) in Germany has been studied by several mail surveys, telephone interviews and personal interviews with farmers, advisors, teachers and representatives of the PF industry. The intention was to monitor how PF techniques have entered the German market over the years and geographic location. The farmers were interviewed about their experiences with PF technology and their attitudes and barriers towards it. Those farmers who had not yet used PF technologies were asked for the reason and on which condition they would probably start with PF. Although the number of PF users slightly increased between 2001 and 2006, the results of all the surveys indicate that there are still various barriers regarding PF. Those farmers who had already used some PF technologies struggled with many problems at the beginning, but after overcoming these problems, they were generally content with the introduction of PF technologies. However, the majority of the interviewed farmers hesitated to introduce PF techniques mainly because of the high costs of the technology. Most of the interviewed teachers at vocational and technical schools stated that PF was not yet a subject in courses. The interviews with the advisors show that most of them do not offer any advisory service in the field of PF. Finally, the results of the interviews with representatives of the agricultural engineering industry confirm the statements of the other surveys.  相似文献   

Eleven organic and two conventionalSwedish livestock farmers and two initiators(non-farmers who took part in shaping earlyorganic livestock production in Sweden) wereinterviewed, using a semi-structured method.Respondents were selected through purposive andheterogeneous sampling with regard toconversion year, type of production, and sizeof farm. Conversion of the animal husbandrytook place between 1974 and 2000. All but twohad positive attitudes towards organiclivestock production and saw it as a wayforward for Swedish livestock production,although especially the latecomers did notperceive it as the only alternative. There wasa distinct difference in values between thepioneers, who converted their farms early, andthose converting later. Pioneer farmers sharedthe values of the initiators. They expressed amore ecocentric view emphasizing a systemicapproach, and displayed a more holisticapproach to questions, interpreting them inlarger frameworks. They also had a moreecocentric understanding of animal welfare. Thelater the conversion, the more important theeconomic reason for conversion appeared to be.Those converting later also tended to have amore superficial relationship to organicprinciples. However, the farmers also tended tobe more influenced by organic values the longerthey worked with organic farming.  相似文献   

Food production, water management, land use, and animal and public health are all topics of extensive public debate. These themes are linked to the core activities of the agricultural sector, and more specifically to the work of farmers. Nonetheless, the ethical discussions are mostly initiated by interest groups in society rather than by farmers. At least in Europe, consumer organizations and animal welfare and environmental organizations are more present in the public debate than farmers. This is not how it should be. First, because consumers often cannot but rely on agriculture. Second, because recent research shows that farmers have moral beliefs and convictions that appear to be broader than economic considerations and that are—to a certain extent—specific to their profession. This raises the question how to make input from farmers operational in the public debates on the future of farming. We discuss one option: entrusting farmers with professional autonomy concerning moral matters related to farming. We sketch the historical background of the current situation in which farmers are relatively silent on moral matters and we present some clear indications that farmers have values and moral beliefs that are relevant for the public debate. Next the concepts of professionalism and professional autonomy are discussed and applied to the practice of farming. Finally, we discuss the relevance and limits of professional moral autonomy for the agricultural profession. We close with an overview of what this moral autonomy implies for and requires from farmers in practice. We conclude that if some preconditions are met by farmers, then this type of moral autonomy can be relevant for farmers and for society, and contributes to the quality of the public debate on the future of farming.  相似文献   

Farmers’ decisions to conserve natural resources generally and soil and water particularly are largely determined by their knowledge of the problems and perceived benefits of conservation. In Ethiopia, however, farmer perceptions of erosion problems and farmer conservation practices have received little analysis or use in conservation planning. This research examines farmers’ views of erosion problems and their conservation knowledge and practices in the Beressa watershed in the central highlands of Ethiopia. Data were obtained from a survey of 147 farm households managing 713 fields during the 2002/2003 cropping season. In-depth interviews and group discussions were also held with the farmers to obtain additional information. The results show that 72% of the farmers reported erosion problems, and they recognized that conservation was necessary. However, they considered erosion to be severe mostly when visible signs – rills and gullies – appeared on their fields. The majority of the farmers believe that erosion could be halted, and they use a range of practices for erosion control and fertility improvement. These include contour plowing (83%), drainage ditches (82%), and stone terraces/bunds (73%). Nevertheless, despite decades of conservation intervention in the area, it appears that most farmers have developed negative attitudes towards externally recommended measures. The research concludes that under the conditions present in the Ethiopian central highlands, soil and water conservation interventions should consider farmers’ conservation knowledge and practices to improve acceptance and adoption of the recommendations. Aklilu Amsalu is a lecturer in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies of Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He is currently doing his PhD research on best land management practices in highland watershed management in Ethiopia in the Department of Environmental Sciences of Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Jan de Graaff is a senior lecturer and researcher in the Erosion and Soil and Water Conservation Group of Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands. His expertise is on impact assessment and economic evaluation of soil and water conservation.  相似文献   

In Norway, the production andconsumption of organic food is still small-scale. Research on attitudes towards organic farming in Norway has shown that most consumers find conventionally produced food to be good enough. The level of industrialization of agriculture and the existence of food scandals in a country will affect consumer demand for organically produced foods. Norway is an interesting case because of its small-scale agriculture, few problems with food-borne diseases, and low market share for organic food. Similarities between groups of consumers and producers of food, organic and conventional, when it comes to attitudes concerning environment, use of gene technology, and animal welfare have implications for understanding market conditions for organically produced food. The results of our study indicate that organic farmers and organic consumers in Norway have common attitudes towards environmental questions and animal welfare in Norwegian agriculture. Conventional farmers have a higher degree of agreement with the way agriculture is carried out today. Unlike organic farmers and consumers, conventional farmers do not see major environmental problems and problems with animal welfare in today's farming system. But like the organic farmers and consumers, and to a stronger degree than conventional consumers, conventional farmers renounce gene technology as a solution to environmental problems in agriculture. These results are discussed in relation to their importance for the market situation for organically produced foods.  相似文献   

The pig sector is struggling with negative attitudes of citizens. This may be the result of conflicting attitudes toward pig husbandry between citizens and other stakeholders. To obtain knowledge about these attitudes, the objectives of this study were (1) to determine and compare attitudes of various stakeholders toward animals, humans and the environment in the context of pig husbandry and (2) to determine and compare the acceptability of publically discussed issues related to pig husbandry of various stakeholders. A questionnaire was distributed to citizens, conventional pig farmers, organic pig farmers, pig husbandry advisors and pig veterinarians. Respondents could indicate their attitude toward aspects related to animals, humans and the environment in the context of pig husbandry and they could indicate their opinion about the acceptability of issues of pig husbandry, e.g. piglet mortality and inside pig housing. Based on measured attitudes and the acceptability of issues, the studied stakeholders could be divided into three distinctive groups. The group of citizens and organic pig farmers showed negative attitudes toward all aspects of pig husbandry, the group of conventional pig farmers and pig husbandry advisors only showed negative attitudes toward aspects related to economics and the group of pig veterinarians showed negative attitudes to specific aspects of pig husbandry. This indicates that stakeholders have different interests and different perspectives with regard to pig husbandry. The pig sector should learn to understand citizens’ perspectives and take these into account in their line of work, the implementation of animal welfare measures and in their communication.  相似文献   

Mastitis is a complex, multifactorial disease. Pathogens, cows and farmers (via management) all play a role. It is costly and annoying for the farmer and threatens the image of the entire dairy industry. Prevention and control of mastitis is based on multiple principles that have been known for a long time. To implement them successfully, they should be put forward by a motivated and motivating advisor that transfers the existing knowledge to the farmer. When the changes are data-driven, applied by an encouraged farmer through a farm-specific implementation, prevention and control of mastitis will be successful and result in happy cows, happy farmers, happy advisors, happy consumers, and a happy industry. Nationwide projects focussing on communication and transfer of existing knowledge in prevention and control are very helpful in reaching high numbers of farmers and advisors and harmonizing the message brought by different parties. This paper gives an overview of multifactorial approach of mastitis management and prevention with a focus on milking, bedding and data-analysis.  相似文献   

In the precision farming (PF) literature on innovation activities, it becomes apparent that only individual aspects of the entire PF innovation process chain are considered, namely, the knowledge transfer and the adoption of PF applications. Therefore, this study seeks to analyze the innovation mechanisms in the entire PF innovation process chain. The paper identifies potentials, barriers and challenges for PF innovations in Germany and the respective agricultural subsector plant production. An in-depth understanding of innovation mechanisms is required to enhance innovation capabilities, overcome obstacles and bring further innovations to the agricultural field. A mix of qualitative and quantitative methods was applied—including interviews, an expert workshop and a Delphi survey—to explore innovation mechanisms and the role of heterogeneous actors. The research is based on the analytical framework of the sectoral innovation system approach. Key results are the identification of barriers in the later stages of the innovation processes (including validation, serial production and adoption), a gap in the knowledge transfer between science and practice, insufficient communication and co-operation between actors and the important influence of political and legal conditions. Furthermore, this study showed that farmers play an important role in the generation of innovations. For example, farmers are not only adopters or demanders but also impulse providers or co-developers. In conclusion, this study moves the PF innovation debate forward not only by providing adoption facts but also by presenting explanations for the complex interactions between actors throughout the innovation process chain.  相似文献   

为考察经济林复合经营技术采用对农户家庭收入的影响及作用机制,明晰经济林复合经营技术增收效益的约束条件,本研究利用浙闽赣3省568户农户抽样调查数据,用计量模型进行实证分析。研究表明:经济林复合经营技术采用能显著增加农业收入,原因在于增加了农户农业劳动时间,尤其是对低禀赋农户的作用更明显。通过反事实估计发现,复合经营技术的增收效应在不同技术采用状态的农户家庭中均存在。对于已采用技术的农户,经济林复合经营技术的增收效应仅在高禀赋农户中产生。对于未采用技术的农户,经济林复合经营技术的增收效应在所有农户中均存在。本研究为理解经济林复合经营技术影响农户收入的作用机制提供了新的经验证据,也为进一步促进技术扩散提供了参考。  相似文献   

New communication technologies such as the microcomputer, videotex/teletext systems, the videocassette recorder, and satellite receiving dishes have been available to farmers since the early 1980s. This longitudinal study examines ethical issues associated with the impact that differential patterns of adoption and use of these technologies have had on inequalities among farmers from 1982 to 1989. The results demonstrate a strong adoption and use bias toward larger scale farmers who already have well-developed skills for handling information. This bias is especially strong for microcomputer and videotex/teletext systems, and it isincreasing over time. Although the same farmers are not adopting all communication innovations, there is a strong tendency toward the already information-rich making the most use of the innovations they adopt. The article concludes with several recommendations that would help minimize some of these information inequalities.  相似文献   

以河北省藁城市142个样本为例,运用意愿价值评估方法,调查了示范区农户在实施补贴前提下,采纳蔬菜废弃物堆肥化处理技术的补贴意愿,以及对于环境质量及清洁生产的认知。在此基础上,提出蔬菜清洁生产补贴机制6点政策建议,以期为引导农户的环保生产行为、制定有效的蔬菜清洁生产技术补贴政策提供参考借鉴和实证依据。  相似文献   

乳腺炎是影响奶牛生产者经济效益的三大主要疾病之一。壳聚糖具有提高动物免疫力,发挥类抗生素的作用,在维护奶牛乳腺健康方面具有重要意义。为此,综述了壳聚糖在奶牛乳腺健康中的作用及应用研究进展,并对壳聚糖的应用前景进行了展望,以期为有效控制奶牛乳腺炎提供理论依据。  相似文献   

分析了加强畜产品供应链管理的重要意义,阐明了应以大中型屠宰加工企业为核心企业的观点。核心企业在供应链上应承担起对畜产品质量进行控制、带动养殖户形成品牌化经营、搭建供应链信息共享平台的功能,在此基础上提出了加强畜产品供应链管理的相关建议:围绕核心企业,组织供应链资源;建立供应链成员之间的战略合作伙伴关系;加快实施畜产品供应链管理所需的辅助体系建设。  相似文献   

SHANG Yan  XIONG Tao 《农业科学学报》2021,20(12):3323-3338
Farmers’ assessments of risk management strategies and how the assessments influence their willingness to adopt these strategies are poorly understood. This study conducts a structured survey of 469 farmers to investigate how farmers assess both crop insurance and crop price insurance, the impact of the assessments on their adoption willingness, and in particular, the differences in assessments and adoption willingness between crop insurance and crop price insurance. Empirical results show that farmers’ assessments on crop insurance can be significantly improved through communication and experience. The most effective way to improve farmers’ assessments on crop price insurance is providing adequate information about the insurance products. Furthermore, farmers’ adoption willingness would be enhanced by improved assessment of both crop yield and crop price insurance. This study provides the first empirical evidence that farmers have limited information to assess insurance, which significantly influences their willingness to adopt. This finding reflects that the dissemination of insurance policies, the effectiveness of insurance, and the availability of insurance services significantly enable farmers’ ability to assess risk management strategies, which potentially increases farmers’ willingness to adopt insurance.  相似文献   

The cow stock of smallholder farmers with less than 100 cows still accounted for nearly 50% of total cows in China. Since the milk scandal occurred in 2008, raw milk safety has become focus for the sound development of the Chinese dairy industry. Adoption of on-farm milk safety measures by smallholders is a key for ensuring milk safety, and these measures are largely voluntary in nature. The recent survey conducted in northern China reveals that an overall adoption rate of various milk safety measures by smallholders is close to 48% with wide variations across the dairy farmers. We employ the Poisson regression model to study the determinants of farmers' adoption of voluntary milk safety measures. Compared with backyard dairy farmers, dairy complex and scaled dairy farms adopted more milk safety measures. Moreover, the empirical result indicates that farmers' adoption of raw milk safety measures is positively affected by farm size. These findings suggest that the changing dairy production structure towards larger farms and away from backyard dairy farming prompts smallholder dairy farmers to adopt more raw milk safety measures. This lends some support to the role of recent policy initiatives towards larger farms and away from backyard dairy farming on increasing the farmers' milk safety practices and reducing on-farm incidence of milk safety.  相似文献   

为推进保护性耕作高质量发展,基于14省2 127户粮食种植户的实地调研数据,运用Logit模型、夏普里值(Shapley-value)分解方法和多元Probit模型,考察保护性耕作技术采纳行为的关键影响因素及其差异化表现。结果发现:决策者年龄、受教育程度以及风险偏好、是否受过农业生产经营培训和是否加入合作社对农户保护性耕作技术采纳行为具有显著的正向影响,而耕地细碎化程度则显著抑制了保护性耕作技术采纳,经营规模与保护性耕作技术采纳行为之间存在显著的倒U型关系。个体特征、生产经营特征和家庭特征之于技术采纳决策差异的贡献度逐渐降低。不同经营主体类型中,受教育程度、是否受过农业生产经营培训和在外务工人数为共同关键因素,年龄、经营规模、耕地细碎化程度和是否调整过耕地为群体差异性因素;不同兼业化水平类型中,受教育程度和经营规模为共同关键因素,年龄、是否受过农业生产经营培训、耕地细碎化程度和是否调整过耕地为群体差异性因素。此外,多项保护性耕作子技术采纳之间存在显著的互补效应。鉴于此,一方面应当结合不同类型农户的资源禀赋与生产实际需求,选择性制定保护性耕作技术推广方案;另一方面需要优化配套条件,减少技...  相似文献   

安徽省不同经济发展地区对土地整理的态度及政策启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
章超  鲁成树 《安徽农业科学》2011,39(16):10004-10006
结合近几年在土地整理中的实践和认识,通过安徽省不同经济发展地区地方政府和农民对土地整理态度及起因的分析,得出不同经济发展地区对土地整理态度不一致的结论,并就安徽省全面推进土地整理提出政策建议。  相似文献   

国外蔬菜供应链企业纷纷采用信息技术采提高市场竞争力和顾客满意度,但是这些技术在我国蔬菜供应链管理中应用还属于新鲜事物。研究蔬菜供应链中信息技术采用的障碍因素有助于促进涉农企业信息化发展,提升涉农供应链管理。文章以蔬菜供应链为研究对象,建立了基于技术-组织-结构(TOE)模型的蔬菜供应链应用信息技术的障碍因素分析框架;调查了蔬菜供应链应用信息技术情况;应用结构方程模型与Amos5.0软件进行了实证分析。研究结果表明组织因素和环境因素时信息技术采用具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

Multifunctional agricultural systems seek to expand upon production-based benefits to enhance family wellbeing and animal health, reduce inputs, and improve environmental services such as biodiversity and water quality. However, in many countries a landscape-level conversion is uneven at best and stalled at worst. This is particularly true across the eastern rural landscape in the United States. We explore the role of social networks as drivers of system transformation within dairy production in the eastern United States, specifically rotational grazing as an alternative management option. We hypothesize the importance of weak ties within farmer social networks as drivers of change. In Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and New York, we conducted 53 interviews with confinement, low-intensity, and rotational grazing dairy producers as well as 35 interviews with associated network actors. Though confinement and grazier networks had similar proportions of strong and weak ties, confinement producers had more market-based weak ties, while graziers had more weak-ties to government agencies and other graziers in the region. These agency weak ties supported rotational graziers through information exchange and cost sharing, both crucial to farmers’ transitions from confinement-based production to grazing systems. While weak ties were integral to initial innovation, farmers did not maintain these relationships beyond their transition to grazing. Of equal importance, grazier weak-tie networks did not include environmental organizations, suggesting unrealized potential for more diverse networks based on environmental services. By understanding the drivers, we can identify barriers to expanding weak tie networks and emergent properties in order to create institutions and policies necessary for change.  相似文献   

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