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Valonia oak (Quercus ithaburensis subsp. macrolepis (Kotschy) Hedge and Yaltirik), a deciduous species grown in the xerothermic conditions of the east Mediterranean zone of Europe, forms woodlands of open canopy that permits adequate light to reach the ground thus sustaining an exceptionally rich flora. In Greece, these woodlands are mainly used for livestock grazing and considered important silvopastoral systems. Nowadays, most of them are abandoned and degraded as a result of inappropriate management. For the effective evaluation and sustainable management of these woodlands and the establishment of reliable monitoring systems, a detailed analysis of their plant diversity characteristics across Greece is needed. This paper aims at determining and comparing floristic diversity measures as well as at assessing the impact of human activities on vegetation and floristic diversity of the most characteristic valonia oak silvopastoral woodlands of Greece. It was found that the truncated log-normal model adequately predicts the species abundance data for eleven out of the twelve woodlands. From the statistical comparison of the diversity indices Q-statistic, Berger–Parker dominance index and Shannon-Wiener measure of equitability, three groups of these woodlands can be distinguished (a) the high-richness group of Pentalofos, Lesvos, Lakonia and Thesprotia, (b) the medium-richness group of Kriti Island, Alexandroupoli, Strofylia and Galaxidi, and (c) the low-richness group of Kea Island, Amfilohia, Almyros and Lilaia. However, the Rényi’s diversity ordering diagram showed that, generally, in low levels of entropy inconsistency is the rule and no clear pattern of diversity is extracted reflecting the impact of complex factors. Among them, those related to management seem to mostly determine plant diversity of valonia oak silvopastoral woodlands, with abiotic factors having an occasionally supporting role. Changes of species richness and evenness due to livestock grazing as well as acorn and wood harvesting are further discussed.  相似文献   

Swidden cultivation can contribute to deforestation and land degradation, which can subsequently result in a number of serious environmental problems. This paper examines the economic and social potential of agroforestry systems and the barriers to their widespread adoption, as a land use alternative to swidden cultivation, which may potentially help protect local forest. The Gunung Salak valley in West Java, Indonesia is presented as a case study. Based on farmers’ and experts’ assessment, costs and benefits have been estimated, which show that the two investigated agroforestry systems have higher net present value and benefit-cost ratio (B/C) than the two swidden cultivation systems. Tree ownership also creates more permanent rights to farmland and is prestigious in the community. Agroforestry products (fruit, vegetables etc.) have high monetary value and help strengthen social cohesion when shared with neighbors. However, farmers are reluctant to implement agroforestry. Stated reasons are related to both culture and capacity. Farmers practicing agroforestry are less involved in forest clearing and forest products collection than swidden farmers indicating that it may contribute positively to conservation of local forests. Increasing the adoption of agroforestry farming in the study area will require support to overcome capacity constraints.  相似文献   

Coconut-based agroforestry systems have a central role in livelihoods on Malo Island in the South Pacific. These mixed plantations provide households with both food and a cash income, thanks to the association in space and time of root crops, vegetables, and cash crops (coconut, cocoa and vanilla). Vanilla has been developed on the island since the year 2000. Farmers have tried to adapt their production systems to include it, with some choosing to do so by associating vanilla with their main cash crop, coconut. A survey of these innovative practices and their economic results conducted in 2005 resulted in an economic modelling of this new agroforestry system with the software Olympe. This study illustrates the use of economic modelling with Olympe to simulate and test new agricultural practices in complex agroforestry systems. The software proved to suit agroforestry systems very well and provided useful information, particularly on economic aspects.  相似文献   

Most farm-based agroforestry projects focus on the integration of trees on arable or livestock enterprises. This paper focuses on the integration of understorey crops and/or livestock within high value tree systems (e.g., apple orchards, olive groves, chestnut woodlands, and walnut plantations), and describes the components, structure, ecosystem services and economic value of ten case studies of this type of agroforestry across Europe. Although their ecological and socio-economic contexts vary, the systems share some common characteristics. The primary objective of the farmer is likely to remain the value of tree products like apples, olives, oranges, or nuts, or particularly high value timber. However there can still be production, environmental or economic benefits of integrating agricultural crops such as chickpeas and barley, or grazing an understorey grass crop with livestock. Three of the systems focused on the grazing of apple orchards with sheep in the UK and France. The introduction of sheep to apple orchards can minimise the need for mowing and provide an additional source of revenue. Throughout the Mediterranean, there is a need to improve the financial viability of olive groves. The case studies illustrate the possibility of intercropping traditional olive stands with chickpea in Greece, or the intercropping of wild asparagus in high density olive groves in Italy. Another system studied in Greece involves orange trees intercropped with chickpeas. Stands of chestnut trees in North-west Spain can provide feed for pigs when the fruit falls in November, and provide an excellent habitat for the commercial production of edible mushrooms. In Spain, in the production of high quality walnut trees using rotations of up to 50–60 years, there are options to establish a legume-based mixed pasture understorey and to introduce sheep to provide financial and environmental benefits.  相似文献   

Soil water content and infiltration in agroforestry buffer strips   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Agroforestry practices are receiving increased attention in temperate zones due to their environmental and economic benefits. To test the hypothesis that agroforestry buffers reduce runoff by increased infiltration, water use, and water storage; profile water content and soil water infiltration were measured for a Putnam soil (fine, smectitic, mesic Vertic Albaqualf). The watershed was under no-till management with a corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max L.) rotation since 1991. Agroforestry buffer strips, 4.5 m wide and 36.5 m apart, were planted with redtop (Agrostis gigantea Roth), brome (Bromus spp.), and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.). Pin oak (Quercus palustris Muenchh.), swamp white oak (Q. bicolor Willd.) and bur oak (Q. macrocarpa Michx.) trees were planted at 3-m intervals in the center of the agroforestry buffers in 1997. Ponded water infiltration was measured in agroforestry and grass buffers and row crop areas. Water content in agroforestry and row crop areas at 5, 10, 20, and 40 cm depths were measured throughout the year. Quasi-steady infiltration rates were not different (P > 0.05) among the treatments. Agroforestry had lower soil water content than row crop areas (P < 0.05) during the growing season. Higher water content after the principal recharge event in the agroforestry treatment was attributed to better infiltration through the root system. Results show that agroforestry buffer strips reduce soil water content during critical times such as fallow periods, and increase water infiltration and water storage. Therefore, adoption of agroforestry buffer practices may reduce runoff and soil loss from watersheds in row crop management.  相似文献   

Agroforestry in the Czech Republic has vanished both from the landscape and public conscience. That raises questions about its history and fate; there are examples of this land use type from all neighbouring countries. The article looks at the record of such systems in a historical land tax survey, the Franciscan cadastre made in the Czech Republic in the mid nineteenth century. With this source, patterns of preindustrial-era subsistence systems were analysed in a considerable part of what is now the Czech Republic. Any correlation among occurrences of various land uses (including agroforestry cultures) and influences of chosen natural and cultural factors was statistically tested and further visualised by multivariate analysis. The main existing agroforestry types and their historical distribution were investigated. The results have shown that cropland with fruit trees, and meadows, and pastures with either fruit trees or wood use, were a common part of Czech countryside in the mid-nineteenth century. Some agroforestry plots were found in the 1689 total studied cadastral areas. The types of agroforestry and the overall subsistence patterns were attuned to elevation, soil fertility, population density, and the dominant language group of the inhabitants. Cropland and pastures with fruit trees were associated with more fertile inland lowlands with sound infrastructure and prevalently Czech inhabitants (so-called ‘old settlement’ areas), wood meadows and pastures with cadastral units located in border regions at higher elevations characterised by lower soil fertility, a greater ratio of coniferous forests and predominantly inhabited by Czech Germans. Traditional agroforestry, as is discussed, however, did not survive the industrialisation of agriculture.  相似文献   

Agroforestry is a new name for a rather old practice. From a historical point of view, various agroforestry systems existed in Europe, of which the wood pastures (Neolithicum), the Dehesas in Spain (~4,500 years old) and the Hauberg of the Siegerland (established in the Middle Age) are the most prominent. Other widespread systems in Europe were hedgerows, windbreaks and Streuobst (orchard intercropping). Due to mechanisation and intensification of agriculture, trees have been progressively removed from agricultural fields and traditional agroforestry systems slowly disappeared. Today, agroforestry systems are again increasing in interest as they offer the potential to solve important ecological and, especially, biodiversity problems, while at the same time enabling the production of food, wood products and fodder for cattle. Although agroforestry systems offer many advantages, many farmers are sceptical of these systems and are critical and risk-averse with regard to adopting new practices. However, in comparison to traditional systems, modern agroforestry systems can be adapted to current farming practices. By selecting suitable trees and appropriate tree management, high-quality timber can be produced without influencing agricultural crops excessively. In future, agroforestry systems will become increasingly important as they offer the prospect of producing woody perennials for bioenergy on the same land area as food and/or fodder plants, while enhancing overall biodiversity.  相似文献   

Integrated management of natural resources and the multiple use of trees and forests have prevailed in most European societies since prehistoric times. In the Middle Ages, expanding and intensified agriculture resulted in the separation of trees from agricultural fields. During the last century, with the introduction of sustainable and highly productive forest management, the goal of increased wood production has been achieved in most parts of central, northern, and eastern Europe. Today, agroforestry is not considered to be an important land-use option within the region; however, there are many practices that could rightfully be classified as agroforestry. These include tree/crop systems in which trees provide products and/or environmental benefits, and tree/animal systems in which animals are grazed in forests or open woodlands.The future seems to offer some prospects for agroforestry. Large areas, hitherto used for food production, are either marginally suited to agriculture, or will probably be taken out of production due to agricultural policy considerations. Agroforestry may, at least in part, offer alternatives for the use of such lands. The availability of (surplus) fertile soils, capital, and labor may provide incentives for site-adapted forms of agroforestry, including improved fallow management. The focus of such systems would be on maintenance of biodiversity in the landscape, environmental protection, recreation, and product diversification.There are numerous expectations as to what agroforestry might provide for the land holder and for society as a whole. These expectations should be carefully analyzed and evaluated prior to political decisions on future land use. The promotion of agroforestry requires overall investment; agroforestry does not happen by itself. A set of integrated actions — not isolated efforts — must be implemented if agroforestry is to become a successful land-use option.  相似文献   

Participatory approaches in agroforestry combine land, labor, and knowledge, by blending local experience with external expert support for sloping land restoration. We describe and analyze over a decade of bottom-up agroforestry development processes that today are influencing national policies. In the 1990s, after economic upheaval following the collapse of trade with the USSR (Soviet Union) rapid conversion of sloping lands to agriculture, in association with heavy rainfall events, caused widespread erosion and landslides. In response, pilot scale ??user groups?? obtained rights-to-use, rights-to-harvest and rights-to-plan or access to sloping lands for tree products and food. All three rights were novel in the DPR Korea and jointly contributed to success, together with active research support. Innovations in double-cropping annual food crops together with non-competitive contour strips of valuable fruits (aronia berry: Aronia melanocarpa) and/or high-value timber (larch: Larix leptolepis) emerged as preferred local agroforestry systems. Broad support for agroforestry practices has now emerged within the Ministry of Land and Environmental Protection as well as a number of universities and research centres. Further development will require increased engagement with agricultural and horticultural agencies, while the social dimensions of participatory agroforestry continue to provide rich learning.  相似文献   

Historical sources of the use of the forests around the manor Hald during three centuries are used to outline a typical development for many areas on poor sandy soils in Denmark. The balance between forest, shrub, agricultural land, fallow and heathlands in the zone depended on the intensity of land-use for agriculture, grazing and wooden products. The forests at Hald were never totally deforested, and since the forest act of 1805 and first conservation in the early 20th century, the open and shrubby oak woods have developed into oak forest. In a preliminary analysis, data on under-storey vegetation and light conditions from 1916 are compared to data from 1995. Due to conservation of the forest, light penetration has been drastically reduced in the forest since early this century and the reduced light penetration in combination with increased nitrogen deposition has changed the under-storey vegetation significantly. Species diversity and abundance have declined and the typical raw humus species are relatively better adapted to the present conditions. The relative importance of management and air pollution is discussed in relation to succession and preservation of oak forests at a certain successive stage on oligotrophic sandy soils.  相似文献   

Land use systems that integrate woody vegetation with livestock and/or crops and are recognised for their biodiversity and cultural importance can be termed high nature and cultural value (HNCV) agroforestry. In this review, based on the literature and stakeholder knowledge, we describe the structure, components and management practices of ten contrasting HNCV agroforestry systems distributed across five European bioclimatic regions. We also compile and categorize the ecosystem services provided by these agroforestry systems, following the Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services. HNCV agroforestry in Europe generally enhances biodiversity and regulating ecosystem services relative to conventional agriculture and forestry. These systems can reduce fire risk, compared to conventional forestry, and can increase carbon sequestration, moderate the microclimate, and reduce soil erosion and nutrient leaching compared to conventional agriculture. However, some of the evidence is location specific and a better geographical coverage is needed to generalize patterns at broader scales. Although some traditional practices and products have been abandoned, many of the studied systems continue to provide multiple woody and non-woody plant products and high-quality food from livestock and game. Some of the cultural value of these systems can also be captured through tourism and local events. However there remains a continual challenge for farmers, landowners and society to fully translate the positive social and environmental impacts of HNCV agroforestry into market prices for the products and services.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the types of agroforestry system that exist in Gunung Salak Valley, West Java, Indonesia in order to characterize the differences in their basic structure and associated crop plant diversity. Data were collected through rapid rural appraisal, field observation and focus groups, followed by household survey of a sample of 20 agroforestry farmers. Five main agroforestry systems (homegardens, fruit tree system, timber tree system, mixed fruit–timber system, and cropping in the forest understory) exist in the study area, and all of them exhibit a noticeable diversity in terms of both species composition and utilization. Products from farming accounted for an average 24 % of household income. They comprised agroforestry products which contributed IDR 3.25 million/year and other agricultural products contributing IDR 1.66 million/year. The observed agroforestry systems include not only a form of forest dominated by ‘cultivated trees’, but also an anthropogenic vegetation formation derived from agricultural antecedents. In land-use classifications agroforestry systems are not recognized as forestry, but like forests they provide tree products and services. Classification will always be disfunctional if a binary system is applied, thus a more sophisticated approach should be adopted that incorporates the economic and environmental characteristics of a wider range of systems.  相似文献   

The potentialities of agroforestry are generally investigated through their biophysiological phenomena, cost–benefit analysis, and possible impact upon poverty reduction. There have been inadequate studies on the actual impacts of agroforestry intervention on small landholders and of farmers' attitudes toward these agroforestry programs. Drawing upon the findings of an empirical study, this article explores the effects of small-scale agroforestry on upland community development in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh. More specifically, the study clarifies the merits and demerits of different agroforestry systems as perceived by farmers, their impacts on the rural economy and the environment, farmers' attitudes toward the adoption of agroforestry, and impacts of various government policies. Field data were collected by administering questions to 90 randomly selected smallholders of the Upland Settlement Project (USP), as well as from project staff. The research tools employed were semistructured interviews, group discussions, and uncontrolled observations. The results indicated that the agroforestry interventions have in fact increased farmers' income through employment and the selling of farm products, as well as by improving the ecological conditions of these areas through reduction of soil erosion, increasing tree coverage, and maintaining soil fertility. The adoption of different agroforestry systems was governed mainly by the farmers' interests in following these techniques, their ability to cultivate the land in the prescribed manner, and the market demand for their products. The major obstacles that prevented increased agroforestry improvements included lack of confidence in new land-use systems, inappropriate project design (e.g., top-down innovation approach), and policy issues regarding land tenure. Recommendations are proposed to strengthen social capital in local organizations to enhance the livelihoods of the upland communities.  相似文献   

Reflections on the past two decades of organized research in tropical agroforestry raise several issues. Research efforts started with an inductive and experiential approach but have subsequently followed a deductive and experimental approach that includes hypothesis testing and the development of predictive capability; agroforestry research is thus being transformed into a rigorous scientific activity. The research agenda, so far, has given high priority to soil fertility and other biophysical interactions, less priority to anthropological and sociological aspects, and little priority to evaluating costs and returns, pests and diseases, and the so-called non-timber forest (tree) products. Moreover, larger-spatial-scale issues, such as carbon sequestration, water quality, and biodiversity conservation, have been neglected because of the emphasis on field- and farm-scale studies. Overall, the high expectations that were raised about the role and potential of agroforestry as a development vehicle have not been fulfilled. In order to overcome this, it is imperative that research be focused on the generation of appropriate, science-based technologies of wide applicability, especially under resource-poor conditions and in smallholder farming systems. Future research agendas should entail a judicious blending of science and technology. Applied research should build upon the findings of basic research to generate technologies for application at the farm, regional and global levels. Such research should place increased focus on previously neglected subjects, for example, the exploitation of indigenous fruit-producing trees, the agronomic components of agroforestry systems, and the global issues mentioned above. Furthermore, an appropriate methodology that embodies economic, social, and environmental costs and benefits needs to be developed to realistically assess the impacts of agroforestry, and an enabling policy environment that will facilitate agroforestry adoption needs to be made available. Agroforestry research of the 21st century should strive to build bridges from the inductive phase of the past, through the deductive phase of the present, to the future phase of harnessing science and generating technologies for the benefit of the land and its present and future users. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

India's long tradition of agroforestry has been influenced by numerous religious, social, and economic factors. Several indigenous agroforestry systems, based on peoples' needs and site-specific characteristics, have developed over the years. Agroforestry research was initiated in the country about two decades ago; since then, considerable progress has been achieved. The interactions between and among the tree, crop, grass, and animal components have been studied, and several agroforestry technologies have been developed and tried on farmers' lands. Agroforestry research is now conducted under the auspices of the All India Coordinated Agroforestry Research Project of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research at 31 centers distributed over India's tropical and temperate regions. In addition to research, the program includes agroforestry training of farmers, technicians, and scientists at 28 centers throughout the country. Expectations from agroforestry are high in India in both rural and urban areas; these expectations include production benefits that are in harmony with the ecology, environment, traditions, and heritage of the country.  相似文献   

A 17 acre (6.9?ha) agroforestry research and extension alley cropping trial was established at the Center for Environmental Farming Systems in Goldsboro, North Carolina in January 2007, with a randomized block design with five replications. Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) and cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda) were planted in staggered rows, with each species planted for 140?ft (43?m) per replication. Crop land alleys of 40?ft or 80?ft (12.2–24.4?m) wide were left between the tree rows. Crops of soybeans (Glycine max) and corn (Zea mays) were planted in alternating years since establishment. As of 2011, survival rates were 93% for cherrybark oak, 88% for longleaf pine and 97% for loblolly pine. Average tree diameter at ground level was 1.0?in (2.5?cm) for cherrybark oak, 2.1?in (5.3?cm) for longleaf and 3.2?in (8.1?cm) for loblolly. Heights averaged 4.6?ft (1.4?m) for cherrybark oak, 5.2?ft (1.6?m) for longleaf pine and 10.4?ft (3.2?m) for loblolly pine. Growth, yield and economic projections for traditional timber production indicated that species volumes and values tracked the height and diameter relationships measured on the site. Loblolly pine had the largest projected internal rate of return, at 7.2%, followed by longleaf pine with pine straw harvests at 5.5%, longleaf without pine straw at 3.5% and cherrybark oak at 1.9%. There might be more loss in crop and silvopasture production with loblolly, however, and production of pine straw for longleaf or game mast for cherrybark oak may offer other benefits. Crop yields on the sandy soils on the site were very poor during the 4?years observed, which had a series of droughts and floods. These led to net financial losses in those years for the demonstration site, but state-wide average farm budget returns did show moderate profits. The results support the merits of agroforestry systems in the upper South to diversify income and reduce financial risks.  相似文献   

Smallholder perceptions of agroforestry projects in Panama   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
The potential effects of agroforestry systems on conservation and development have been well documented. Panama has seen a substantial rise in the number of projects with an agroforestry component in the 1990s. There has been insufficient research on the actual impacts of these projects on smallholders and of farmers' attitudes towards these systems. This study explores the perceived socioeconomic and environmental impacts of five agroforestry projects in Panama. A total of 68 smallholders were administered semi-structured interviews. In addition, 13 agroforestry experts from NGOs, government departments and research institutes were interviewed, and their responses were compared with those of the smallholders. While the projects led to an increase in the standard of living by providing wood products and fruit for domestic consumption, farm income levels generally remained unchanged. This was due primarily to limited market development, the lack of marketing organizations and poor access roads. In terms of environmental impacts, the farmers' responses suggested a slight decline in slash-and-burn agriculture, and an increase in tree planting activities. Some environmental benefits were observed by farmers, including reduced soil erosion, increased soil fertility, and improved quality and quantity of water sources. Nevertheless, slash-and-burn agriculture was still the norm for the majority of farmers. Most farmers continued to harvest wood from primary and secondary growth to meet their domestic wood requirements, rather than relying on trees planted in agroforestry projects. The main obstacles preventing increased agroforestry adoption included insufficient agroforestry extension, inappropriate project design or management (such as top-down management approaches, and the use of food incentives), smallholders' economic constraints, and larger policy issues. Recommendations are proposed to improve project design and management, and to address the economic and policy constraints. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Carbon storage benefits of agroforestry systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The process of land degradation is a local phenomenon that occurs field by field. Because of the extent at which it is occurring, however, it also has a global dimension. Agroforestry represents a link between the local and global scales. From the farmer's perspective, agroforestry can be a way to increase crop yields and the diversity of products grown. An additional benefit is the creation of a carbon sink that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Successful agroforestry systems will also reduce land clearing and maintain carbon in existing vegetation. An extensive literature survey was conducted to evaluate the carbon dynamics of agroforestry practices and to assess their potential to store carbon. Data on tree growth and wood production were converted to estimates of carbon storage. Surveyed literature showed that median carbon storage by agroforestry practices was 9 tC/ha in semi-arid, 21 tC/ha in sub-humid, 50 tC/ha in humid, and 63 tC/ha in temperate ecozones. The limited survey information available substantiated the concept that implementing agroforestry practices can help reduce deforestation.The research described in this article has been funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency. This document has been prepared at the EPA Environmental Research Laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon, through contract number 68-C8-0006 to ManTech Environmental Technology, Inc. It has been subjected to the Agency's peer and administrative review and approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.  相似文献   

Agroforestry combines perennial woody elements (e.g. trees) with an agricultural understory (e.g. wheat, pasture) which can also potentially be used by a livestock component. In recent decades, modern agroforestry systems have been proposed at European level as land use alternatives for conventional agricultural systems. The potential range of benefits that modern agroforestry systems can provide includes farm product diversification (food and timber), soil and biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration, both in woody biomass and the soil. Whilst typically these include benefits such as food and timber provision, potentially, there are benefits in the form of carbon sequestration, both in woody biomass and in the soil. Quantifying the effect of agroforestry systems on soil carbon is important because it is one means by which atmospheric carbon can be sequestered in order to reduce global warming. However, experimental systems that can combine the different alternative features of agroforestry systems are difficult to implement and long-term. For this reason, models are needed to explore these alternatives, in order to determine what benefits different combinations of trees and understory might provide in agroforestry systems. This paper describes the integration of the widely used soil carbon model RothC, a model simulating soil organic carbon turnover, into Yield-SAFE, a parameter sparse model to estimate aboveground biomass in agroforestry systems. The improvement of the Yield-SAFE model focused on the estimation of input plant material into soil (i.e. leaf fall and root mortality) while maintaining the original aspiration for a simple conceptualization of agroforestry modeling, but allowing to feed inputs to a soil carbon module based on RothC. Validation simulations show that the combined model gives predictions consistent with observed data for both SOC dynamics and tree leaf fall. Two case study systems are examined: a cork oak system in South Portugal and a poplar system in the UK, in current and future climate.  相似文献   

Temporal analysis is introduced as a method to assess the suitability of agroforestry projects for meeting rural development objectives. This form of analysis provides a common base for examining social, economic, ecological, and managerial aspects of agroforestry systems.Temporal analysis begins by describing projects and the activities comprising them for both an agroforestry system and the local population. Factors constraining the sequence of activities are then examined. The assumptions and values regarding the past, present, or future are also analyzed for all groups involved in the agroforestry system. The range of goal oriented behavior affecting scale and duration of projects may be dependent on this time horizon.By understanding these factors, the changes in activities of a social system that may result from a proposed agroforstry innovation can be anticipated. The nature of these changes and their perception by the local population can be evaluated.  相似文献   

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