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AIM: To determine whether conception rates of anoestrous dairy cows treated with progesterone and oestradiol benzoate (ODB) could be increased by treating them with additional progesterone following insemination at the induced oestrus. METHODS: Cows which had not been detected in oestrus for at least 21 days after calving in 18 herds were confirmed anovulatory anoestrus (AA) by veterinary examination, due to the absence of a detectable corpus luteum in the ovaries. All cows were treated with intra-vaginal progesterone (CIDR insert) for 6 days and injected with 1 mg ODB 24 h after insert removal (Day 0). Only cows which were seen in oestrus on Days 0, 1 or 2 were enrolled in the trial. These cows were either treated with a second CIDR insert on Day 8, for 7 days (P4+; n=422), or remained untreated (Control; n=756). Milk progesterone concentrations were measured in a subset of enrolled cows (n=669) on Day 8 to determine the proportion of cows that ovulated following the induced oestrus. RESULTS: Conception rates to first insemination were similar in P4+ and Control cows (40.3% and 37.2%, p=0.59). Of cows which had milk progesterone concentrations measured on Day 8, 78.6% displayed oestrus and ovulated, (range: 53.8% to 94.6% among herds). Of the cows that ovulated, conception rate to first insemination was 46.8% and 43.5% in P4+ and Control cows, respectively (p=0.86). CONCLUSION: Conception rates to first insemination in AA cows treated with progesterone and ODB were not increased by progesterone supplementation using CIDR inserts following insemination. KEY WORDS: dairy cattle, postpartum anoestrus, reproduction, progesterone treatment, CIDR insert.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the effect of targeted resynchronisation of cows treated for non-observed oestrus before the planned start of mating (PSM), that were not detected in oestrus or pregnant 23 days after treatment (phantom cows), on the proportion pregnant at 42 days after PSM and the end of mating.

METHODS: Farm staff from eight herds in two regions of the South Island of New Zealand identified 1,819 cows not showing oestrus by 10 days before PSM. These cows were treated with intravaginal progesterone for 7 days, and I/M gonadorelin 10 days and 1 day before PSM. Three days before PSM they were injected with cloprostenol and equine chorionic gonadotrophin, with fixed time artificial insemination (FTAI) at PSM. By 23 days after PSM, 1,218 cows had not returned to oestrus. Of these, 161 cows confirmed not pregnant by transrectal ultrasonography were randomly assigned to no treatment (control group; n=74) or were resynchronised 25 days after PSM using the same treatment programme as above, with FTAI 35 days after PSM (n=87). All cows that returned to oestrus were artificially inseminated until 42 days after PSM, when natural mating was used. All cows were examined using transrectal ultrasonography 80 to 90 days after PSM to confirm conception dates.

RESULTS: Of the 1,819 anoestrous cows treated before PSM, 526 (29 (95% CI=23.1–34.0)%) had not been observed in oestrus by 23 days after PSM and had not conceived, so were diagnosed as phantoms cows. For resynchronised cows, 42/87 (48 (95% CI=37.8–58.8)%) were pregnant by 42 days after PSM compared to 21/74 (28 (95% CI=18.1–38.7)%) control cows (p=0.009). At the end of mating 58/87 (67 (95% CI=56.6–76.7)%) cows in the resynchronised group were pregnant and 46/74 (62 (95% CI=50.9–73.2)%) in the control group (p=0.554). The hazard of conception from 21 to 42 days after PSM was 1.9 (95% CI=1.07–3.12) times greater for resynchronised than control cows (p=0.026).

CONCLUSION: In cows not observed in oestrus and treated before PSM, resynchronisation increased the proportion pregnant by 42 days after PSM.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The benefit of resynchronisation depends on the number of anoestrous cows before PSM and the number of phantom cows after PSM. However at the herd-level it is likely that providing advice to reduce the known risk factors for cows not being observed in oestrus before the PSM may well be more cost effective than identifying and treating a sub-population of phantom cows.  相似文献   

The conception rate in dairy cows is dependent on a number of cow factors such as days in milk and insemination number. Unfortunately, some of these factors were not accounted for in optimal insemination and replacement decision models. By using wrong estimates of the conception rate, the calculated optimal insemination and replacement policy might differ from the real optimal insemination and replacement policy. The objective of this study was to evaluate different sets of conception rates with an increasing level of accuracy to determine the insemination policy. An existing dynamic program for optimal insemination and replacement was used to compare three different scenarios in the estimation of conception rates, based on the reproductive performance of Dutch dairy cattle: (i) constant conception rate throughout lactation, (ii) conception rate dependent on parity and months in milk, and (iii) conception rate dependent on parity, months in milk and insemination number. The time step of the model was 30.4 days (1 month). The discounted future cash flow of culling a cow at each time step (replace a heifer immediately) was compared with keeping that cow under optimal future decisions. The difference between immediate culling and optimal decisions is defined as the retention pay-off. The insemination value was calculated as the difference between the future cash flow between immediate insemination of a cow and waiting one time-step. The results show that the difference in the insemination values and the optimal time to stop insemination depend on parity, lactation stage and the relative milk yield. In older cows with equal milk yields and at the same months in milk, the insemination value was lower than in younger cows. Within a parity, the insemination value was higher for cows with a higher milk yield. On individual cow level, using more accurate conception rate as input in the optimal insemination and replacement model might reduce miscalculation of the economic consequences for at least of €20-€38 per cow per year. Basing insemination decisions on less accurate input of the probabilities of conception, however, did not have an economic consequence at the herd level. In conclusion, using the appropriate conception rate as input in the optimal insemination and replacement model would increase the precise decision for the optimal time to stop insemination and hence improve the reproductive management efficacy.  相似文献   

This study sought to improve the reproductive performance of anoestrous high-producing dairy cows by including equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) after progesterone-releasing intravaginal device (PRID) removal. In Experiment I, 806 cows at 51-57 days post-partum were randomly assigned to a PRID (treated with PRID), PRID-500 (treated with PRID plus 500 IU of eCG) or PRID-750 (treated with PRID plus 750 IU of eCG) group. In Experiment II, 422 cows showing a long anoestrus period (animals with no oestrus signs nor luteal tissue 35 days before treatment) were randomly assigned to the PRID, PRID-500 or PRID-750 groups. The dependent variables considered in binary logistic regression analyses for both experiments were the rates of oestrus, ovulation and conception after treatment, the cumulative conception rate on Day 120 post-partum and pregnancy loss. In Experiment I, interaction between treatment and season showed a significant effect on the oestrous response. Thus, during the warm season, PRID group cows were 8.9 times more likely to express oestrus than the remaining cows. Moreover, inseminated cows with two or more corpora lutea 8-14 days after treatment were more likely to become pregnant (by a factor of 2.4) than cows with a single corpus luteum. Finally, cows without luteal structures treated with PRID were 0.4 less likely to be pregnant on Day 120 post-partum, compared with the remaining cows. In Experiment II, cows in the PRID group treated during the warm or cool season were less likely to exhibit oestrus (by a factor of 0.06 or 0.2, respectively) or ovulate (by a factor of 0.004 or 0.14, respectively) than the remaining cows. In conclusion, in anoestrous cows in both experiments, the addition of eCG to the use of an intravaginal progesterone device to induce oestrus was beneficial. The recommended dose of eCG is 500 IU.  相似文献   

The presence and importance of visual oestrous symptoms and the relation to conception, breed, housing system and milk yield were studied. Data were collected from a Swedish research herd during a 16-year period. Local, secondary and primary oestrous symptoms and an overall oestrus intensity score (OI) were studied. Decreasing trends in oestrous expression and conception rates (CR), and an increase in CR with more intensive oestrus, from 24% at OI score one (very week) to 54% at OI score five (very strong) were observed. The mean interval from first to last observed oestrus symptom was long with a large variation (54?±?SD?=?32?h). Generally, irrespectively of housing system, Swedish Red cows had higher CR, more intensive oestruses and longer oestrus durations compared to Swedish Holstein cows. Local oestrous symptoms, with CR of 24–28%, were most frequently detected, which is why more attention should be paid to local oestrous symptoms.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of a gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) / prostaglandin program (GnRH-PG-GnRH, Ovsynch) on conception rates and time to conception of lactating dairy cows compared with a PG program (double prostaglandin injection). DESIGN: A randomised multi-centre cohort study was conducted with 778 cows from nine dairy herds. Cows at different stages of lactation were randomly assigned, after matching for days open at the time of treatment, to either the PG or Ovsynch program. PROCEDURE: Cows on the PG program received two intramuscular injections of prostaglandin (2 mL, Prosolvin) 11 days apart. The Ovsynch program consisted of two intramuscular injections of GnRH (1 mL, Fertagyl) 9 days apart, separated by one injection of prostaglandin 40 h before the second GnRH injection. Milk samples were taken at the time of artificial insemination and assayed for progesterone by radioimmunoassay. RESULTS: The Ovsynch program was not significantly different to PG in achieving conception, with overall conception rates of 37.6% and 41.4%, respectively, for each program. There was, however, a significant interaction between the effects of parity and treatment (P = 0.03), because conception rates were higher in older cows (parity 5 or more) on the PG program than for older cows on the Ovsynch program. There was no significant effect of treatment (P > 0.5) on time to conception after treatment, but older cows were slower to conceive (P < 0.0001). Conception rates differed (P < 0.0001) among herds. CONCLUSION: The median days to conception for both groups was 22 and mean days from treatment to conception were 36.3 +/- 3.3 and 31.6 +/- 2.7 for the Ovsynch and PG programs respectively, indicating that reproductive performance of cows was not significantly different with Ovsynch program or PG program. There appears to be a need to evaluate causes of reproductive failure in older cows.  相似文献   

The overall rate of inactive ovaries diagnosed by two consecutive rectal examinations was 8.5 per cent for 7751 lactations. Inactive ovaries had an inverse association with increasing parity and were directly associated with twinning, retained placenta, primary metritis and high milk yield after calving in heifers. No independent associations were established with stillbirth, a low milk yield in the last 120 days before calving, a long dry period, ketonuria or a high serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase activity in the first week after calving. The presence of inactive ovaries in the previous lactation was a significant predictor of the trait. Cows with either metritis or inactive ovaries were at a greater independent risk of not conceiving within 150 days after calving and the combined risk associated with both factors was higher than their sum. It is concluded that while damage to the uterus repeatability and an energy shortage after calving are responsible for ovarian inactivity, this trait was not associated with fatty liver. Such an association could be due to an indirect causal relationship, the outcome of post parturient uterine diseases which are associated independently with overfeeding before calving and inactive ovaries.  相似文献   

对奶牛超排时输精部位进行了研究。结果发现,在其它实验条件相同的情况下,在子宫角部位输精的供体牛的超排效果好于在子宫体部位输精的供体牛,其可用胚数(7±6.353)极显著高于子宫体部位输精的(4.182±1.870)(P<0.01),且无精卵数和停滞卵数(0.222±0.183和0.222±0.183)都分别极显著低于子宫体部位输精的(1.091±0.848和0.909±0.468)(P<0.01)。这说明超排时在子宫角部位进行输精能够提高超排效果。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the association of metabolic parameters and cow associated factors with the conception rate at first insemination (FCR) in Thai dairy cows. The investigation was performed with 529 lactations from 32 smallholder dairy farms. At 3–6 weeks after parturition, blood samples and ruminal fluid were collected. Body condition scores (BCS) of cows were scored 1 week before expected calving date and at blood sampling date. Ruminal pH was measured at 2–4 h after morning feeding in ruminal fluid collected by ruminocentesis. Serum beta-hydroxybutyrate and serum urea nitrogen were measured by kinetic enzyme method. Cows with first insemination (AI) between 41 and 114 days postpartum were identified after pregnancy diagnosis for FCR. Breed, parity, interval from calving to first AI, BCS before calving, BCS after calving, loss in BCS after calving, SBHB, SUN, ruminal pH, and postpartum problems were selected as independent variables for a model with FCR as a dependent variable. A multivariable logistic regression model was used with farm as a random effect. Overall FCR was 27.2 %. The FCR depended on interval from calving to first AI, BCS before calving, and ruminal pH. The FCR between 69 and 91 days postpartum was significantly highest (45 %). Before calving, a cow with high BCS (≥3.5) had significantly greater FCR than a cow with low BCS (≤3.25; P?<?0.01). An increased ruminal pH raised significantly FCR (OR?=?2.53; P?=?0.03).  相似文献   

奶牛产后乏情对同期排卵-定时输精技术应用效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究奶牛产后乏情对同期发情效果的影响。本试验选择了黑龙江省两个牛场(I、II)产后实施同期发情的奶牛共48头,根据试验奶牛产后40 d内发情表现分发情组(E)和乏情组(A)。E组再分为同期发情后发情组13头(EE)、不发情组10头(EA);A组也再分为同期发情后发情组10头(AE)、乏情组15头(AA)。通过A和E组实验牛的临床调查分析,结果显示:(1)A组奶牛的初配天数明显高于E组;(2)三针和五针同期发情处理后乏情组奶牛的发情率和受胎率都低于发情组奶牛,两组奶牛五针法的效果优于三针法;(3)与E组相比,A组奶牛产犊间隔延长,平均利润损失1 242.5元/头。因此,奶牛产后乏情对同期发情应用效果有显著的影响。  相似文献   

This paper describes a systematic study of the development of lesions of the claw horn (CHL, sole and white line) in heifers calving for the first time, housed either in cubicles or a straw yard and fed either a low- or high-dry-matter forage diet. The feet of all animals were inspected on five occasions, at approximately four weeks before and four, eight, 16 and 24 weeks post calving. Haemorrhagic lesions of the sole and white line were described according to a geometric lesion score for severity and a cumulative lesion score based on the product of (severity x area) for each lesion. Geometric and cumulative lesion scores increased in all groups of cattle in the first eight weeks after calving. However, the severity and persistence of the lesions were significantly greater in cattle housed in cubicle yards. Wet feeding increased the severity of CHL in the cubicle yard only. There were no associations between lesion scores and body weight, body condition or foot conformation. The heels of the cattle in straw yards tended to be thick but many showed pitting erosions. In cubicles the heels were smooth but thin. This may have contributed to CHL by increasing concussive forces within the hoof. There was a highly significant (but relatively low) correlation between scores for sole lesions and lameness in individual animals. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that systemic events associated with calving and the onset of lactation may set in motion the chain of events that lead to the lesions of CHL; the extent and severity of these lesions being then determined by the externally imposed conditions of housing and feeding. Copyright Harcourt Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown significant associations between prepartum energy status and postpartum fertility in dairy cows; therefore, the assessment of energy status by blood metabolites and metabolic hormones and suitable improvement of management during the prepartum period may enhance reproductive performance. Rumen fill score (RFS) is associated with feed intake; however, it is unknown whether RFS is also related to blood parameters. Therefore, this study investigated the relationship between RFS and energy status during the prepartum period, and their associations with conception at first artificial insemination (AI) after parturition. In 42 multiparous Holstein cows, RFS assessment and blood sampling were carried out twice a week during 3 weeks of the peripartum period. Ovarian cycles until AI were evaluated by measuring milk progesterone levels. Before calving, positive correlations were observed between RFS and total cholesterol, and RFS did not change in pregnant cows at first AI after parturition, whereas in non‐pregnant cows, RFS decreased gradually as the calving day approached. After calving, non‐pregnant cows showed lower energy status compared with pregnant cows, and some non‐pregnant cows showed anovulation and cessation of estrous cycle. In conclusion, RFS during the close‐up dry period is related to real‐time energy status, and is associated with postpartum energy status and conception at first AI in dairy cows. © 2016 Japanese Society of Animal Science  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to determine effects of selected genetic and environmental factors on the concentration of acetone in blood of cows in the first trimester of lactation. The study included 124 Polish Holstein-Friesian primiparous cows born, reared and managed on the same farm. The samples of blood were collected on day 2, 5, 30, 60 and 90 after calving. The highest serum acetone concentration in the animals examined was observed on day 5 after calving. The level of this compound was inversely related to the contribution of the original Holstein-Friesian breed in gene pool. Significantly higher serum acetone level was observed in cows calved in January-March period when compared to other months of the year. Besides, the level of acetone determined on day 5 after calving was associated positively with body weight determined at the same day and negatively with body weight changes between days 5 and 60 after calving.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the reproductive performance of cows diagnosed as anoestrus prior to the planned start of mating (PSM) when they were either treated when first diagnosed, or left untreated until 16 days after the PSM. METHODS: A clinical trial was conducted during the 1996/97 and 1997/98 breeding seasons involving 823 anoestrous dairy cows in 14 herds. On Day -8 (PSM = Day 0), cows in one group (Treated) were each treated with an intravaginal device containing 1.9 g of progesterone (CIDR). The CIDR device was removed on Day -2, and on Day -1 each cow was injected intramuscularly with 1 mg oestradiol benzoate. Cows in the second group (Control) remained untreated at the time of first examination. All cows detected in oestrus after the PSM were mated by artificial insemination (AI) or a bull. Sixteen days after the PSM, all cows that had not been mated were presented for veterinary examination, and those which were still classified as anoestrus were treated with the previously described CIDR regimen. Pregnancy status and approximate date of conception were determined by palpation per rectum 10 -13 weeks after the PSM or 6 weeks after the end of the mating period. RESULTS: Treatment of anoestrous cows 8 days before the PSM significantly increased the number of cows detected in oestrus (95.0% vs 63.1%; p<0.001) and conceiving (59.5% vs 38.8%; p<0.001) during the first 21 days of mating, and reduced the interval from PSM to conception by 7.5 days (p<0.001). There was no significant difference between the conception rate of cows mated following the CIDR treatment regimen compared to cows mated at their first spontaneous oestrus after calving (52.4% vs 58.3%; p = 0.143). CONCLUSION: Diagnosis and treatment of anoestrous dairy cows prior to the start of mating significantly improves their reproductive performance under the seasonal mating conditions typical of spring-calving New Zealand dairy herds.  相似文献   

The incidence of different types of luteal activity postpartum and their effect on reproductive performance were studied in 21 postpartum dairy cows. Progesterone concentrations in defatted milk collected 3 times a week were determined by EIA. Reproductive tract examination was undertaken every other week postpartum. Body weight and body condition score (BCS) were measured before and after calving and the average 100-day milk yield was calculated. Nine (42.9%) cows had normal ovarian activity (first luteal activity < or = 50 days postpartum followed by regular cycles), 5 (23.8%) had prolonged luteal phase (PLP; ovarian cycle with luteal activity > or = 20 days pre-service) and in 7 (33.3%) cows the first luteal activity was shown later than 50 days postpartum (DOV). When compared with normal cows, both PLP and DOV had longer interval to first insemination (63.1 +/- 22.0 days versus 77.6 +/- 21.6 and 93.0 +/- 22.3 days, P<0.05 and P<0.01, respectively), lower first insemination conception rate (88.9% versus 0.0% and 57.1%, P<0.01 and P<0.05, respectively) and greater BCS loss (0.81 +/- 0.2 versus 1.05 +/- 0.21 and 1.04 +/- 0.10, respectively, P<0.01). Cows with PLP showed longer interval to uterine involution than normal and DOV groups (54.0 +/- 8.3 days versus 42.4 +/- 5.5 and 43.3 +/- 8.3 days, respectively, P<0.01) and higher 100-day milk yield (38.8 +/- 2.7 kg versus 33.6 +/- 4.7 and 29.9 +/- 6.1 kg, respectively, P<0.01). In conclusion, more than half of the cows had abnormal luteal activity postpartum, which adversely affected reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the reproductive performance of cows diagnosed as anoestrus prior to the planned start of mating (PSM) when they were either treated when first diagnosed, or left untreated until 16 days after the PSM.

Methods: A clinical trial was conducted during the 1996/97 and 1997/98 breeding seasons involving 823 anoestrous dairy cows in 14 herds. On Day-8 (PSM = Day 0), cows in one group (Treated) were each treated with an intravaginal device containing 1.9 g of progesterone (CIDR).The CIDR device was removed on Day-2, and on Day-1 each cow was injected intramuscularly with 1 mg oestradiol benzoate. Cows in the second group (Control) remained untreated at the time of first examination. All cows detected in oestrus after the PSM were mated by artificial insemination (AI) or a bull. Sixteen days after the PSM, all cows that had not been mated were presented for veterinary examination, and those which were still classified as anoestrus were treated with the previously described CIDR regimen. Pregnancy status and approximate date of conception were determined by palpation per rectum 10-13 weeks after the PSM or 6 weeks after the end of the mating period.

Results: Treatment of anoestrous cows 8 days before the PSM significantly increased the number of cows detected in oestrus (95.0% vs 63.1%;p < 0.001) and conceiving (59.5% vs 38.8%;p < 0.001) during the first 21 days of mating, and reduced the interval from PSM to conception by 7.5 days (p < 0.001). There was no significant difference between the conception rate of cows mated following the CIDR treatment regimen compared to cows mated at their first spontaneous oestrus after calving (52.4% vs 58.3%; p = 0.143).

Conclusion: Diagnosis and treatment of anoestrous dairy cows prior to the start of mating significantly improves their reproductive performance under the seasonal mating conditions typical of spring-calving New Zealand dairy herds.  相似文献   

Intramammary antibiotics are registered and tested for use in dairy cattle. This study investigated withdrawal periods of three intramammary antibiotics (Curaclox LC [Norbrook Pharmacia AH]), Spectrazol Milking Cow (Schering-Plough Animal Health) and Rilexine 200 LC (Logos Agvet [Virbac]) in dairy goats and compared them to withdrawal periods recommended for use in cattle. Three trials were carried out in two different herds. The withdrawal periods for Curaclox LC in eight relatively low producing Saanen goats were 74.3 h (+/- 19.21) measured by Thermo-Resistant Inhibitory Substances (TRIS), 90.0 h (+/- 16.97) measured by colour dye, 99.4 h (+/- 9.07) for cloxacillin measured by Parallux Beta Lactam Assay test (IDEXX distributors), and 92.6 h (+/- 11.41) for ampicillin measured by Parallux. The withdrawal period for Curaclox LC recommended for use in cattle (72 h) was significantly shorter than the withdrawal periods as measured by colour dye (P < 0.001), Parallux testing for cloxacillin (P < 0.001) and ampicillin (P = 0.003). There was a significant difference in withdrawal periods as measured by TRIS (P = 0.009) and colour dye (P = 0.036). The mean withdrawal periods measured on 12 relatively high producing Saanen and Saanen-Toggenburg crossbreed dairy goats measured by TRIS, colour dye and Parallux for ampicillin and cloxacillin were, however, shorter at 42.0 h (+/- 7.077), 64.5 h (+/- 60.26), 77.3 h (+/- 13.56) and 70.7 h (+/- 12.65), respectively. These withdrawal periods for Curaclox LC were significantly longer than the withdrawal periods recommended for cattle as measured by TRIS (P < 0.001) and colour dye (P < 0.001). The combined withdrawal periods for Curaclox LC in the two trials as measured by TRIS, colour dye, Parallux testing for Cloxacillin and Ampicillin were 58.64h (+/- 24.31), 75.8 h (+/- 17.70), 87.0 h (+/- 16.10) and 80.3 h (+/- 16.23), respectively. The withdrawal period, when data of the two trials were combined, measured by TRIS (P < 0.001) was significantly longer than the withdrawal period recommended for use in cattle. The mean withdrawal period as measured by TRIS for Spectrazol Milking Cow for seven relatively low producing Saanen dairy goats was 95.3 h (+/- 17.23). This was significantly (P < 0.001) longer than the withdrawal period recommended for use in cattle (60 h) for Spectrazol Milking Cow. The mean withdrawal period as measured by TRIS for Rilexine 200 LC for 20 relatively high producing Saanen and Saanen-Toggenburg crossbreed dairy goats was 36.9 h (+/- 9.943) and was significantly (P < 0.001) shorter than the withdrawal period as recommended for use in cattle (96 h). There were also significant differences in all the one-sample t-tests between withdrawal periods for goats and recommended withdrawal periods for cattle without the 24 h safety margin.  相似文献   

A group of 13 cows were dosed orally nine or 10 days after a normal oestrous cycle; six animals received colostrum, five animals received milk containing varying amounts of oestrone sulphate, and two cows were given milk containing a low level of oestrone sulphate. Measurements of milk progesterone levels after dosing showed that colostrum had an apparent luteolytic effect, milk containing oestrone sulphate at a level of 2000 pg/ml had a less marked effect on milk progesterone and those animals receiving milk showed no reduction in milk progesterone. These results show that there is a physiological basis for the practice of inducing overt oestrus in cows showing no visible oestrus, by dosing them with colostrum.  相似文献   

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