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Aspects of husbandry, productivity parameters, diseases, marketing and farmer attitudes in small-scale broiler farms in Botswana were studied using a questionnaire-based survey. The number of broilers per production cycle in small-scale operations ranged from 100 to 2000, with an average of 640. On average, small-scale producers had 4-5 production cycles per annum with an interval of 2-3 weeks between batches. The average marketing age was 48.3 days at a live weight of 1.79 kg and a carcase weight of 1.42 kg. The average feed conversion ratio was estimated to be 2.72 (kg feed/kg live weight) and the average mortality was 9.15%. Overall, the performance indices of broilers under small-scale farm conditions were much poorer than those obtained elsewhere under improved management conditions, but these lower performance levels are suggestive of the potential that exists for further improvement. The survey also identified several areas of concern that constrain the realization of the full potential of this sector. Factors contributing to the poor performance under small-scale farm conditions are complex, but feed supply and quality, chick quality and farmer training appear to be areas for immediate improvement.  相似文献   

Salmonella is an important human pathogen, and production animals as well as water are known potential sources. This study helped provide insight into the epidemiology of Salmonella by comparing Salmonella strains found in humans to those detected in production animals and water in the same geographic area and time frame. Salmonella was found in 55% of broiler, 30% of swine, 13% of dairy, and 10% of beef manure samples and 23% of water samples. At the farm level, Salmonella was found on 93% of broiler, 81% of swine, 32% of beef and 30% of dairy farms. Salmonella strains of importance to public health were found in all sources tested; however, they appeared to be more common in the broilers. A number of the farms in this study were mixed farms, in that they had more than one production animal species on the farm. At both the sample and farm levels, beef‐only farms had a significantly lower Salmonella prevalence (5% and 7%, respectively) than beef farms with additional production animal species (e.g. poultry) (12% and 42%, respectively) (P ≤ 0.05). Additionally, a number of mixed farms had more than one commodity sampled for this study and similar Salmonella strains by phage type and PFGE were found in the poultry and the other sampled commodity on the farm. This information can help inform the evidence base needed to help target interventions and modify best practices in production agriculture.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in South Georgia to assess the carbon footprint of poultry farms. The study included broiler grow-out farms, pullet farms, and breeder farms from one commercial broiler complex. Data collection included the fuel and electricity bills from each farm, house size and age, flock size and number of flocks per year, and manure management. Emissions were calculated using a greenhouse gas (GHG) calculation tool. The carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane (CH4) emissions were computed and a carbon footprint determined. Carbon footprint comparisons were made based on house construction and age. Based on these results, an evaluation of the mechanical sources of emissions showed that approximately 96% of the emissions from the broiler and pullet farms were from propane use, while only 3.9% of the total mechanical emissions from breeder farms were from propane use. On breeder farms, 83% of mechanical GHG emissions were the result of electricity use, while the pullet and broiler grow-out farms accounted for 2.9 and 2.7%, respectively, of the total mechanical emissions from electricity use. The data collected from the farms and entered into the GHG calculation tool revealed that breeder houses had higher levels of CH4 emissions from manure management when compared to emissions from broiler and pullet houses. Even though the GHG emissions from poultry production farms were minimal compared to other animal production farms, the different sources of emissions were identified, thereby enabling the farmer to target specific areas for mitigation.  相似文献   

为了解山东省家禽养殖场的生物安全水平,以问卷调查方式,对养殖场基本信息、场内区域划分、免疫接种、引种购进、消毒、饲养管理等问题展开调查。经预调查后,2021年6—7月在全省范围内开展本次调查。在全省16个地级市,采用随机抽样方式,每地级市抽检1~2个县(市、区);应用配额采样方式,在县市域内选取蛋鸡养殖场、肉鸡养殖场以及种禽场各1家。共收到有效问卷141份,分别来自12个地级市36个县(市、区),其中来自蛋鸡养殖场、肉鸡养殖场和种禽场占比分别为63.83%、26.95%和9.22%。所调查养殖场中,按照管理区、生产区、生活区进行区域划分的133家,一半以上的养殖场能做到每周至少消毒1次;137家养殖场有免疫计划,而无免疫计划的只有4家,包括蛋鸡场1家、肉鸡场3家。肉鸡场没有隔离场所的占比最高,达44.7%。106家养殖场对患病动物进行无害化处理。结果表明,所调查家禽养殖场在区域划分、区域管理、消毒管理、环境控制等生物安全方面都进行了相关的设计和应用,在一定程度上,能够起到预防致病因子侵入、阻挡病原微生物扩散的作用,但不同类型养殖场的生物安全水平并不均衡,因此养殖场需继续提高生物安全意识,逐步建立适用于本场的生物安全体系。  相似文献   


The following conclusions are made from an introductory investigation on the use of the coccidiostat lasalocid on 11 production farms of an integrated broiler production organisation.

(1) In terms of the incidence of sub‐clinical coccidiosis, no significant difference was found between the previous use of monensin and the use of lasalocid during the investigation. However, the incidence of coccidiosis decreased with the introduction of lasalocid.

(2) Despite the fact that on some farms sub‐clinical coccidiosis was diagnosed, the production performance clearly improved with lasalocid. EBI figures significantly increased from 163.6 to 172.5.

(3) During the investigation, in which approximately 220,000 broilers were involved, litter quality did not differ from that of previous crops in which monensin had been used.

(4) Feathering of the broilers in the trial crops in which lasalocid was used was similar to that of previous crops.  相似文献   

肉种鸡的后备期生长发育状况对其产蛋期有很大的影响,后备期的生长性能是否达标,是保证产蛋数量和质量的先决条件,也是提高种鸡场经济效益的关键环节。汇总并分析了实际生产中爱拔益加肉鸡父母代种鸡场的第一手资料,结合理想状态下的生产性能标准,通过直观的数据表和曲线图展示了后备期生长性能以周为单位的波动情况,进而对如何缩小实际值与理论值的差距,如何提升后备期生长性能,以及采用何种措施加强饲养管理工作做了深入分析,以期提高广大养殖户对肉种鸡后备期生产管理的重视程度,切实做好产蛋之前的准备工作,以获得更大的经济效益,为市场供应更多更优质的产品做出贡献。  相似文献   

Subsequent to a cross-sectional serological survey of Manawatu dairy farm workers, a case-control study was carried out to investigate the correlation between titres to leptospiral serovars in workers and those in cattle in their herds. A total of 52 herds was investigated, 25 of which were ‘high risk’ where milkers had titres of 1:96 or greater, and 27 were case-controls where milkers had no detectable agglutinin titres at a minimum serum dilution of 1:24.

The serological prevalence of titres to hardjo in cattle on ‘high risk’ farms (76.5%) was significantly higher (P<0.05) than on the case-control farms (60.0%). The geometric mean titres of seropositive cattle on ‘high risk’ farms were also significantly higher (P<0.0l) than in the cattle from the case-control farms, especially in the younger cohorts. These findings suggest that there was active endemic hardjo infection in the two- to three-year-old cattle on the ‘high risk’ farms.

Titres to pomona were demonstrated in only 5.2% of the cattle from both types of farm. Workers with titres to pomona tended to be from farms on which stock, especially calves, were bought-in and pigs were kept.

Conventional measures for protecting milkers from contact with infected urine appeared to be ineffective and it is concluded that prevention of leptospirosis in dairy farm workers can only be achieved by elimination of infection in the herd by vaccination of cattle.  相似文献   

Commercial poultry production is one of the flourishing ventures of animal production in Ethiopia. It has been providing to the demands of proteins at least to the urban population, though concurrent health constraints are hampering its intended potential. This study reports the influence of infectious diseases in commercial broiler farms in central Ethiopia. In this study, clinical signs, gross lesions, laboratory tests (serology, bacterial culture, histopathology and parasitology) and farm management data were used to identify major causes of outbreaks in an age specific manner in broiler chickens in three poultry farms in Debre Zeit, Central Ethiopia. The outbreaks detected in the farms were due to mycoplasmosis, salmonellosis, colibacillosis, coccidiosis and infectious bursal disease. It is observed that the occurrence of concurrent diseases in the farms significantly affects the productivity and health status of broilers. The risk factors that predispose birds to the various infections in the different farms studied were also recorded. In addition, recommendations were also provided.  相似文献   

The recent outbreak of avian influenza in the poultry sector of Cameroon has raised a concern about the level of implementation of biosecurity measures (BM) on poultry farms. Therefore, a study using a questionnaire on 102 randomly selected poultry farms was undertaken. Some measures with high adoption levels (>?90%) included “protection of airing openings of poultry barns by a wire mesh,” “no external animal allowed to enter the farm,” “respect of all-in all-out principle,” “functional footbath,” “rodent control,” and “feedstuff protection from access to rodents.” The least implemented measures (less than 20%) were “wearing of dedicated clothing (clean coveralls and boots) by workers,” “disinfection of visitors,” and “presence of storage room for dead animals.” Only for “isolation” component of biosecurity, compliance with biosecurity measures was good, with more than 50% of farms having an adoption rate greater than 75%. The mean biosecurity score for the assessed farms was 19.29?±?1.89 for a maximum score of 38 points. The score was significantly and positively correlated (p?<?0.05) with the number of chicken and the geographic location of farms. The other results showed that the mean number of broiler per cycle was 550.82?±?76 for a stocking density of 27.20?±?6.64 birds per m2. In conclusion, broiler production in the Western highland is dominated by small-scale units with low level of biosecurity practices positively and significantly (p?<?0.05) influenced by some production characteristics. To improve biosecurity practices in the area, efforts must focus on measures concerning “sanitation” and “traffic control” components of biosecurity.  相似文献   

Risk factors for Campylobacter infection in conventional broiler flocks in the time period up to the first removal of birds to slaughter were investigated over a maximum of five consecutive production cycles in a cohort of 88 broiler farms in Northern Ireland. Samples for Campylobacter culture, which consisted of 14 cloacal swabs per flock, were collected from one house on each farm prior to the first depopulation of birds. In total 388 flocks were sampled, of which 163 tested positive for Campylobacter spp. (42.0%; 95% CI 35.1–48.9%).

Data on farm and flock variables were obtained from questionnaires and random-effects logistic regression modelling used to investigate the association between these and the Campylobacter status of flocks. Six variables, all of which were significant at p < 0.05, were included in the final multivariable model. These included a combined variable on the presence of rodents on farms, which showed an increased odds of infection in flocks where the farmer reported having observed rodents during the production cycle (OR = 2.1) and/or where rodent droppings were observed at the sampling visit (OR = 2.9). Other variables that were significantly associated with an increased odds of infection included the age of the birds at sampling (odds ratio for its linear effect = 1.16 for each day of increase in age), season (summer versus other seasons OR = 2.0), farms with three or more broiler houses (OR = 2.9 compared to those with one house), the frequency of footbath disinfectant changes (OR = 2.5 for once weekly and OR = 4.0 for less than once weekly compared to twice weekly changes) and a categorical variable on the standard of tidiness and cleanliness of the broiler house ante-room (OR = 2.0 and OR = 4.9 for flocks from houses with poorer standards). There was no significant evidence of direct carry-over of infection from one production cycle to the next, neither was there evidence of other farm species acting as a source of infection.  相似文献   

1. The present study was designed first to explore the potential economic benefits of adopting management practices to reduce lameness in broiler farms, and second to explore farmers’ possible perceptions of this potential in the Swedish context. The likely financial effects were addressed using a normative economic model, whereas a questionnaire-based survey was used to obtain in-depth knowledge about the perceptions of a group of broiler farmers in Sweden.

2. The three alternative practices (out of 6 tested) which realised the greatest improvements in gross margin and net return to management compared to the conventional practice were feeding whole wheat, sequential feeding and meal feeding.

3. The model showed that the negative effect of feeding whole wheat on feed conversion rate was outweighed by the effect of a low feed price and the associated decrease in feed costs. The price of wheat played a major role in the improvement of economic performance, whereas the reduction of lameness itself made a relatively minor contribution.

4. Apparently, the surveyed farmers do not recognise the potential of the positive effects of changing feed or feeding practices on both broiler welfare and farm economics although their implementation can be of great importance in the broiler sector where profit margins are very tight.?  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated risk factors associated with the probability to detect Salmonella in samples of litter collected within 2 h prior to new flock placement in 76 grow‐out houses on 38 conventional broiler farms located in the US states of Mississippi, Alabama and Texas. We evaluated characteristics of location and layout of the farm; area adjacent to and surrounding the house; house construction; condition and type of equipment in the house; litter management and other production, sanitation, visitation and biosecurity practices; non‐broiler animal species on the farm; and weather conditions on the 3 days leading up to flock placement. Logistic regression was used to model the relationships between probability to detect Salmonella in litter and potential risk factors. In the screening process, each risk factor was evaluated as a single fixed effects factor in a multilevel model that accounted for variability among the sampled farms and their production complexes and companies. Of almost 370 risk factors screened, 24 were associated with the probability to detect Salmonella in litter. These were characteristics of the surroundings of the house, house construction and conditions, litter management, length of downtimes between flocks in the house, biosecurity and farm location. After investigation of collinearity between these variables and building of models for important risk factor categories, the list of candidate variables for the final model was refined to eight factors. The final model demonstrated that a higher probability of detecting Salmonella in litter was strongly associated with the use of wood to construct the base of the walls or to cover the inside of the broiler house foundation, and with the use of fresh wood shavings to top‐dress or completely replace the litter between flocks.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate farm-level economic and technical factors that are associated with the use of antibiotics on pig farms. Identification of such factors, like farm size and net farm result, may help to increase epidemiological knowledge and to specify farm advice and policy making to reduce inappropriate use of antibiotics. The study used over 300 farm-year records collected during 2004 to 2007 from pig farms in the Netherlands. Data included economic and technical factors as well as antibiotic administration. Data were statistically analyzed for factors associated with antibiotic use, both for fattening pig and sow farms (piglets only), separately. The response variable was the average number of daily dosages per average pig year. Statistical analysis was performed on 16 and 19 potential explanatory factors for the fattening pig and sow farms, respectively. The results showed that, both on the fattening pig and sow farms, the average use of antibiotics increased from 2004 to 2006, but decreased during 2007, but the effect of year was not significant (P > 0.05). Use of antibiotics varied between individual farms. Large farm repeatability for the use of antibiotics in the different years was found. Factors associated (P < 0.05) with the use of antibiotics included: farm system, number of pigs, and population density in the region of the farm (for sow farms only). As these factors are easy to collect and to register, they can be used to specify farm advice and investigation, as well as for policy making. The majority of the technical and economic factors were not significantly (P > 0.05) related to the on-farm use of antibiotics. Therefore, it is recommended to focus future research on the potential role of socioeconomic factors associated with antibiotic use on pig farms.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of technical support provided to five small-scale cattle farms in the Tadla irrigation scheme (Morocco) on their milk yield. The first stage consisted of assessing the initial management of dairy herds, especially feeding strategies, and their effects on milk output. This diagnosis revealed major gaps between the existing and the potential milk yield, due to insufficient and imbalanced dietary rations. Based on this diagnosis, technical support was adapted to the reality of each farm by regularly adjusting the dietary rations to the production potential of lactating cows using available feed resources. The production potential of either pure Holstein or crossbred cows was based on the herd’s physiological status and its genetic merit. Results showed that milk production could be rapidly improved by balanced dietary rations that enabled the average milk yield of lactating cows to be reached, while optimising feed costs and reducing the cost of milk production. Providing technical support to dairy farms should have a significant impact on overall milk production at different scales (irrigation scheme, plant supply area, national production) while alleviating the poverty of small-scale farmers. It would require the involvement of farmers’ organisations such as milk collection co-operatives to replace services provided by the State, which is currently withdrawing from extension activities.  相似文献   

不同规模工厂化养猪的成本及效率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国生猪养殖规模和水平参差不齐,本文以26家规模化猪场为研究对象,其中包括规模Ⅰ(2000头以下基础母猪)3家、规模Ⅱ(2000~3000头基础母猪)3家、规模Ⅲ(3000~4000头基础母猪)4家、规模Ⅳ(4000头以上基础母猪)16家,比较不同养殖规模工厂化养猪场的生产成本和生产效率。结果表明:不同规模的工业化猪场在生产成本与生产效率方面有显著差异。随着规模增加,生长育肥期饲料成本、兽药疫苗、固定资产折旧及人工费用降低,生长育肥阶段成本明显下降,出栏猪成本与规模呈现负相关。仔猪哺乳及仔猪保育阶段对管理水平要求较高,随着养殖规模增大,管理难度相应加大,需要强调实施精细管理,以维持平均每头基础母猪年提供断奶仔猪头数(PSY)以及平均每头基础母猪年提供出栏猪头数(MSY),达到最大限度的规模效益。  相似文献   


Black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon farming is important for Sri Lanka's rural development plans. Consumer confidence is critical for the development and maintenance of export and domestic shrimp markets. Public concern about the use of antimicrobial drugs and chemicals on shrimp farms, however, could threaten market access. We sought to identify high-risk areas and farm-level risk factors for antimicrobial use to inform the core messages and strategic placement of extension programs to help farmers develop best management practices for antimicrobial use. We undertook a survey of 603 operating farms within the Puttalam district over 42 weeks. Lower stocking density and early harvest were associated with a lower risk of antimicrobial use, whereas standard management practices, including water treatment, feed supplements, probiotic use, pond fertilizing, disinfectant use, and pesticide use, were associated with increased risk. Spatial cluster detection found three significant clusters of antimicrobial-using farms. Antimicrobials were more likely to be used in areas with lower farm density. Some of our counterintuitive findings are discussed from a socioecological perspective. A comprehensive understanding of why antimicrobials are used on shrimp farms requires an evaluation of the physical, epidemiological, and socioeconomic factors.

Received June 10, 2011; accepted December 6, 2011  相似文献   

Many smaller farms in the United States are switching to organic crop production to remain competitive in an era of industrial agriculture. In doing so, they are cultivating crops not traditionally grown in the area. In the US Midwest, a popular organic crop is buckwheat. As organic corn continues to increase in price, many organic poultry farms are using alternative grains in their poultry diets, including buckwheat. Although buckwheat has been used as a livestock and poultry feed for many years, there are very few published data available on its use. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of buckwheat as the main ingredient in organic broiler diets. Four experimental diets were used, with varying levels of buckwheat: 0, 20, 40, and 60%. The results indicated that up to 60% buckwheat can be included in broiler diets with no significant effect on BW gain. With the 60% inclusion level, however, there was a significant decline in feed efficiency. As the price of organic corn continues to increase, the lower price for buckwheat may make it an economical substitute in organic broiler diets.  相似文献   

The Ugandan dairy sector is developing rapidly over recent years and is dominated by small-scale farmers owning more than 90 percent of the national cattle population. Due to market forces and higher competition for production factors, milk production systems are intensifying, necessitating proper understanding of the new production tendencies. Three intensive and four extensive production systems were identified and analysed, using TIPI-CAL (Technology Impact Policy Impact Calculations model). The results show that the production systems are very different in many respects but share similar development trends. Whereas intensive systems use graded animals and invest heavily into feeding, buildings and machinery, extensive systems use local breeds and invest minimally. Total cost of milk production falls with increasing herd size, while dairy returns vary among farms from 18 to 35 USD/100 Kg of milk. All systems make an economic profit, except the intensive one-cow farm, which heavily employs family resources in dairying. Due to better management of resources and access to inputs and markets, dairy farming closer to urban areas and using improved breeds is highly profitable, especially with larger herd sizes. Stakeholders should favour such practices as well as others which can improve productivity, especially in African countries where traditional systems dominate dairying.  相似文献   

A study was done to find and quantify risk factors for coccidiosis. The study population consisted of 4774 broiler flocks kept on 177 farms. Flocks were considered a case when at least one bird in the flock showed microscopic presence of oocysts in intestinal scrapings in a grow-out cycle. Other flocks were defined as controls. This was done for three types of Eimeria: Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria tenella and Eimeria maxima. Logistic regression was used to assess variables that influence the occurrence of Eimeria species. There were 49 variables, based on animal, flock or farm level. There was an enhanced risk of coccidiosis due to environmental and management factors that increase the risk of introducing contamination or that are related to hygienic measures. These include lack of use of overalls by visitors, a farmyard which is difficult to clean, bad hygienic status, personnel who might also be working on other farms, presence of other animals on the farm, and feeding and drinking systems which are more difficult to clean. Also, the presence of other diseases on the farm and Eimeria species found in the previous flock increased the risk: of coccidiosis.  相似文献   

The campylobacter status of 495 broiler flocks sampled in The Netherlands between April 1997 and December 2000 was related to farm- and flock-specific information obtained from questionnaires to identify potential risk factors for campylobacter presence. Approximately 30% of the flocks tested positive for Campylobacter spp. in at least one pooled faecal sample. Multivariable logistic regression showed significant risk increments for: ages 29-35 days (OR = 2.34) and 36-42 days (OR = 3.96) compared to 22-28 days; > or =5 broiler houses on the premises (OR = 3.02); the presence of other farm animals on the farm (OR = 1.88); the presence of animals on farms within 1 km (OR = 9.56); and summer (OR = 3.48) and fall (OR = 2.59) compared to winter. Furthermore, hatcheries differed (ORs from 5.42 to 20.2), although this variable showed strong collinearity with the variables explaining feed mill and integrated poultry operations. We also identified interaction in which an increased risk from children entering the broiler house (OR = 28.0) was diminished by the use of broiler-specific workclothes. Population attributable fractions (PAFs) suggested that animals on farms within 1 km (PAF = 0.76) and hatchery (PAF = 0.67) had the highest impacts on campylobacter presence in Dutch broiler flocks. These factors, however, lack an easy interpretation of the mechanism behind the suggested effect.  相似文献   

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