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The objective of this research was to determine the impact of water temperature and soaking length on removal of nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) fractions and dry matter (DM) from legume and cool-season grass hays. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with six replications. Hay types included bud and flowering alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and vegetative and flowering orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.). Flakes were submerged for 15, 30, and 60 minutes in 25 L of cold (22°C) water, warm (39°C) water, and 12 hours in cold water, respectively. Water temperature at each soaking duration did not affect residual NSC fractions in alfalfa hays. Flowering and vegetative orchardgrass hays soaked for 30 and 60 minutes, respectively, in warm water had greater (P < .001) amounts of NSC fraction removal compared with soaking in cold water. Soaking bud and flowering alfalfa and vegetative orchardgrass hays for ≥15 minutes removed more NSC fractions compared with the control (P ≤ .005); however, soaking for 15-60 minutes resulted in similar NSC fraction removal. Conversely, in flowering orchardgrass hay, longer soaking times resulted in greater (P < .001) NSC fraction removal. Fructan removal in orchardgrass hay was greatest (P < .001) after soaking for 12 hours. DM losses were similar among hays after soaking for 15-60 minutes, but were greatest after soaking for 12 hours (P < .001). Soaking grass hay for 15-30 minutes is recommended to remove sufficient NSC fractions while minimizing DM losses.  相似文献   

Nonstructural carbohydrates are usually targeted for reduction during hay soaking, however, other essential nutrients may also be lost. The objectives of this research were to determine the impact of water temperature and time of soaking on reduction of protein and minerals from alfalfa and orchardgrass hay. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with six replications (n = 192). Hay types included bud and flowering alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) and vegetative and flowering orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L). Flakes were soaked for 15, 30, and 60 minutes in 25 L of cold (22°C) and warm (39°C) water, and for 12 hours in cold water. Changes in crude protein concentration after soaking had no effect (P > .05) on alfalfa-bud or flowering orchardgrass hay. However, crude protein concentration increased (P = .02) as soaking length increased in vegetative orchardgrass, and decreased as soaking length increased (P < .001) in flowering alfalfa hay. Soaking did not affect (P > .05) calcium (Ca) concentrations in flowering alfalfa and orchardgrass; however, Ca (P < .001) was reduced as soaking length increased in alfalfa-bud and vegetative orchardgrass hay. Reductions in phosphorus (P), potassium, and magnesium concentrations occurred with longer soaking times, resulting in high Ca:P ratios after 12 hours of soaking (P < .001). Soaking for 15-60 minutes did not result in nutrient deficiencies based on the requirements of a 500-kg horse in light work. However, supplementation of P after feeding hay soaked for 12 hours would be necessary to address high Ca:P ratios.  相似文献   

Soaking can affect respirable dust particles and the concentrations of some nutrients in alfalfa and cool season grass hays. However, the effect of soaking on nitrates in hay has not been reported. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of soaking on teff hay, a warm season annual grass, that contained high concentrations of nitrate (>2.0%). Six bales of teff hay were used for the study. Six 0.5 kg samples were taken from each bale and assigned to one of six soaking treatments: no soaking (control), cold water immersion for 10 seconds, warm water immersion for 10 seconds, cold water soaking for 1 hour, warm water soaking for 1 hour, and cold water soaking for 8 hours. After soaking, hay was dried, ground, and submitted to a commercial laboratory for analysis. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance as a block design. When the main effect of treatment was significant (P < .05), means were separated by Tukey's honest significant difference test. Soaking for 1 or 8 hours decreased water-soluble carbohydrate (P < .0001). Phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc concentrations were reduced by soaking for 1 hour or longer (P, K, Na: P < .0001; Zn: P = .003). Nitrate concentrations were reduced (P < 0.05) to safe levels for horses (≤0.5%) by soaking hay for 1 hour or longer but soaking also reduced the concentrations of some nutrients in the hay. Minimal differences were observed between cold and warm soaking temperatures.  相似文献   

随着人们对脂肪营养和生理功能认识的深入,多种脂肪产品用于高产奶牛生产中,大量试验结果证明,日粮中添加脂肪对奶牛采食量和瘤胃消化具有影响,作者综述了日粮脂肪在瘤胃内的代谢、日粮中添加脂肪对脂肪酸、干物质、碳水化合物、粗纤维和粗蛋白质采食量和瘤胃消化影响的研究进展。  相似文献   

高产反刍动物(如高产奶牛、强度育肥肉牛和肉羊)对由过瘤胃蛋白提供的小肠氨基酸的需要量较大。动物蛋白饲料的禁用使含蛋白质较高的豆粕等植物性蛋白饲料作为反刍动物摄取过瘤胃蛋白质的主要途径。大豆粕氨基酸组成与动物需要接近,是优质的植物性蛋白,然而大豆粕蛋白质在瘤胃内的降解率相对较高及过瘤胃数量相对较少,影响高产反刍动物生产陛能的发挥;因此为提高生产力,提高大豆粕蛋白质饲料的利用率,减少环境污染,通过合适的保护方法避免大豆粕在瘤胃中降解速度过快,可增加过瘤胃蛋白的数量,改善氮的利用率,增加氮的沉积,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

妊娠母猪中黑麦草粉常规养分的消化率研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑麦草在盛花期刈割,自然风干,营养物质含量为:总能16.36MJ/kg,干物质89.43%,粗蛋白质10.47%,粗纤维37.21%,钙0.33%,总磷0.22%,平均必需氨基酸为0.27%,其中赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苏氨酸和色氨酸含量分别为0.34%、0.19%、0.35%和0.05%。试验选用4头妊娠母猪。以玉米-豆粕型日粮为基础日粮,分别用黑麦草粉替代10%、20%和30%的基础日粮作为试验日粮。采用4×4拉丁方设计。结果表明0%、10%、20%和30%黑麦草粉组饲料总能的消化率分别为79.38%、74.69%、65.18%和59.88%;粗蛋白质消化率分别为78.93%、76.37%、72.43%和69.16%;干物质的消化率分别为77.30%、74.51%、66.160%和61.60%。经回归分析得出黑麦草粉总能、粗蛋白质、干物质的消化率依次为11.54%、47.65%、22.30%。黑麦草粉的总氨基酸、总必需氨基酸和总非必需氨基酸的平均粪表观消化率分别为37.98%、37.78%和38.23%;赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、苏氨酸、色氨酸的粪表观消化率为18.49%、25.08%、13.95%、56.34%。  相似文献   

科学管理减少干草损失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文讨论了影响干草产量和质量的因素,以及减少干草在收获、贮藏和饲喂时所造成损失的方法。干草由于收获、贮藏以及饲喂条件的不同而影响其产量与营养价值。动物生产为了达到一定水平的产量,需要高质量高营养的牧草,这些家畜包括奶牛、肥育肉牛、肥育羊、以及赛马。良好的管理对于生产干草是必需的。高质量干草还可以作为低质量饲草如作物秸秆的补充。低质量的干草也有营养价值。但低质量干草必须用于其它家畜生产系统,比如冬季的母牛。1干草管理系统1.1高品质干草高品质的干草具有高蛋白、易消化吸收、适口性好三大特征。要生产高营养价值…  相似文献   

In central Brazil, there are two well-defined climatic periods, the rain and the dry season, the latter being marked by massive forage shortages in pastures. In this context, forage conservation such as making hay and silage for herbivores is imperative during the dry season. Grass hay is most commonly used for horses, but sorghum silage is often used for ruminants. The objective was to compare the nutrient digestibility, fecal production, and dry matter intake (DMI) of sorghum silage (Sorghum bicolor l. Moench CV. BRS 655) to that of vaquero hay (Cynodon CV. 90160 CD × CV. Mirage). Twelve Mangalarga Marchador fillies (8 months of age) were divided into two groups: S (sorghum silage, n = 6) and F (vaquero hay, n = 6). The ration was formulated to supply 3.0% body weight in dry matter (DM) per day, with a forage:concentrate ratio of 50:50 on a DM basis. The concentrate used was a corn-based ration formulated to meet or exceed requirements for growth when fed at 1.5% body weight DM to young horses. The animals were housed in individual stalls (3 × 3m) for a period of 25 days, with 21 days for adaptation, followed by 4 days of total collection of feces. During the collection period, an external marker of digestibility, Purified and Enriched Lignin (LIPE), was added to the concentrate as an external marker to determine the apparent digestibility coefficients of DM, crude protein, gross energy, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, hemicelluloses, and cellulose. The forage DMI was calculated by subtracting the quantity supplied at each meal minus the amount of forage that was not eaten by the next meal (orts). The measures of digestibility of the sorghum silage were not different (P > .05) from that of vaquero hay. However, DMI of the sorghum silage was lower (P < .05) than the vaquero hay and may be of concern if fed for prolonged periods of time and not supplemented with carefully balanced concentrates. Purified and Enriched Lignin can be used as a marker for evaluation of digestibility of nutrients in weanling horses.  相似文献   

刈割期和晒制方法对苜蓿青干草粗蛋白和粗纤维含量的影响   总被引:29,自引:4,他引:25  
对不同刈割期和晒制方法处理的苜蓿青干草中粗蛋白和粗纤维含量的方差分析结果表明 :始花期收割的粗蛋白极显著的 (P <0 .0 1)高于盛花期并可获得较高产量。搭架晒干的粗蛋白显著 (P <0 .0 5 )高于小捆晒制和薄层摊晒 ,粗蛋白分别提高了 0 .82 %和 1.91% ;粗纤维显著降低 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,降低率分别为 0 .91%和 1.6 1%。因此 ,在始花期选择晴朗天气收割 ,采用搭架晒干可获得优质、高产的苜蓿干草  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the factors affecting water intake in modern genetic lines of broilers that might contribute to problems of wet litter. A total of 128 Ross 308 one-day-old chicks (equal numbers of males and females) were fed commercial grower and finisher rations ad libitum from 10 to 39 d of age, containing 0.2% Ti2 O3 as an inert marker. Birds were housed in groups of 4 in metabolism cages. Body weight and feed consumption were recorded weekly from d 10, and water intake was recorded daily. Excreta from each cage were collected daily and, at the end of each week, the DM content of a sample of pooled excreta from each cage was measured. The results showed that male broilers consumed more water (P < 0.001) and produced excreta that had a lower mean DM content (P < 0.05) compared with females. Males grew significantly faster (P < 0.05) compared with females. There was a significant correlation between feed intake, and hence the intake of N and the major minerals, and water intake (r = 0.623, P = 0.001). Despite a higher apparent retention of DM, CP, and feed efficiency in favor of males, variation among cages was high, and differences between gender were not statistically significant. Water intake tended to be correlated to mean live weight gain of the cage (r = 0.301, P = 0.06), and when live weight gain was used as a covariate in the analysis, the gender difference in water intake was no longer significant. In conclusion, it appears that the higher water intake and lower excreta DM content for males is related to their higher feed and water intake. Mineral excretion was similar for males and females; however, males retained significantly more P compared with females. Male broilers had greater tibia bone size and strength parameters, which indicate higher bone mineral deposition compared with females.  相似文献   

反刍家畜采食量的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对影响反刍家畜采食量的饲料因素,如饲料容积、饲料含水量、日粮中的脂肪与中性洗涤纤维、挥发性脂肪酸以及牧草的调制方式进行了分类综述。同时扼要分析影响反刍家畜采食量的环境因素、动物因素及其调节机制,并对各阶段奶牛(泌乳、妊娠、生长)采食量的典型预测模型作了介绍。  相似文献   

现已有试验结果表明 :日粮中纤维素水平影响了老鼠和猪的内源氮的排出和干物质消化率,同时也影响着它们的内源氨基酸.较多学者认为,随着粗纤维的吸收的增加而引起了消化液分泌量的增加,同时也引起了肠道中细菌生成的多氨基酸合成物的增加.有关无氮日粮中纤维水平对内源氮排出量和干物质消化率的影响,不同学者研究结果不一致,这些结果很可能与所观察的种类有关系.Kim等(1992)和Leterme等(1992)认为,无氮日粮中的纤维水平不影响内源氮的排出,而Green等(1987),Taverner等(1981)和Seve等(1994)的研究结果表明 :在一定范围内随着猪无氮日粮中纤维水平的增高,内源氮的排出量显著增加.Hallsworth和Coutes证明,纤维对鸡的肠壁有粗糙的作用,而Bolton(1964)报道,日粮中粗纤维的浓度增加刺激家禽的分泌到肠道中.Ro11esetal发现,鸡的上皮细胞代谢并不受加入日粮中麦麸的影响.  相似文献   

生物处理对秸秆的瘤胃干物质降解率的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验采用3个重复对比设计,将玉米,小麦和稻草秸秆生物处理样与原样放置在永久瘘管牛体内,分别在6、12、24、36、48和72h时间点取出样本进行降解率试验测定分析。结果表明:秸秆处理样在各个时间点的瞬间降解率和有效降解率均显著优于原料(P〈0.01),而玉米秸秆处理样也极显著优于小麦和稻草处理样(P〈0.01)。  相似文献   

干物质采食量(D M I)是反刍动物饲养中最重要的指标之一,是科学配制反刍动物饲粮的前提,它决定着维持动物健康和生产所需养分的数量。正确估计D M I对于制定饲料配方尤为重要,它可以防止供给养分的不足或过剩,以及促进养分的有效利用。养分供应不足会限制动物的生产性能,并影响健康;养分供应过剩,会导致饲料成本增加,并造成大量的养分随粪排出,造成浪费。1干物质采食量的概念干物质采食量通常是指动物在一定时间内采食饲料中干物质的总量。根据采食活动性质的不同,可分为随意干物质采食量、实际干物质采食量和规定干物质采食量。这三种干…  相似文献   

选用3只育成蒙古羊,分期探讨了饲喂不同剂量的胡麻油(LF)对干物质采食量、纤维性物质消化率和能量转化卒的影响.每期设预饲期7 d,正试期3 d.基础日粮(BR)由玉米秸秆60%和混合精料40%组成.时照期喂BR(含脂质2.52%),I期喂BR+LF 15g/d(舍脂质4.32%),Ⅱ期喂BR+LF 30 g/d(含脂质6.31%).试验结果:I、Ⅱ期与对照组相比玉米秸秆采食量分别下降10.7%(P<0.05)和17.1%(P<0.05);I期干物质、粗蛋白质(CP)、粗纤维(CF)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)和酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)消化率无明显差异(P>0.05),Ⅱ期的分别降低21.2%、16.7%、23.3%、26.9%和23.4%(均P<0.01).对照组和I组氮沉积率、消化能占总能的比例无显著差异(P>0.05),而Ⅱ组与对照组和I组比较显著下降(P<0.05).以上结果表明:日粮中添加胡麻油降低DMI,添加1.8%的胡麻油使日粮脂肪含量达4.3%,对干物质、粗蛋白质和纤维物质消化率以及氮沉积率和总能向消化能的转化效率无负面影响.  相似文献   

围产期奶牛,特别是高产奶牛普遍处于能量负平衡状态,容易导致生产性能降低和酮病、脂肪肝等代谢病的发生。通过育种、改善日粮和使用添加剂等技术措施,可提高奶牛的干物质采食量(dry matter intake,DMI),在一定程度上提高奶牛的生产性能和改善奶牛的健康状况。作者对奶牛采食量的意义及其影响因素进行了叙述,并提出了一些可以提高奶牛采食量的技术措施。  相似文献   

山羊对不同饲草瘤胃干物质降解率的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择装有永久性瘘管的雄性黑山羊3只(25±0.5)kg,采用尼龙袋法研究不同牧草的干物质瘤胃降解率。结果显示,新鲜菠萝皮、青贮菠萝皮、荆树叶、苦楝、早稻在瘤胃内都有较好的降解率;青贮对菠萝皮在瘤胃内的降解率有显著提高(P<0.05)。该试验得出了全株象草的降解曲线,以期为生产实践提供理论指导。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对燕麦地上干物质积累及灌浆期光合特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对不同盐浓度胁迫下4个燕麦品种丹麦444、定莜4号、白燕2号、Ronald分蘖期到灌浆期的干物质积累变化以及灌浆期燕麦旗叶的光合特性进行研究,结果表明:盐胁迫降低了燕麦干物质积累量,抑制了燕麦生长。随着盐浓度的增大和胁迫时间的持续,燕麦叶片光合速率、胞间CO2浓度、气孔导度和蒸腾速率显著下降。4个品种中Ronald耐盐性最强,定莜4号最差。  相似文献   

不同处理方法对玉米秸干物质和粗纤维瘤胃降解率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用尼龙袋法测定了氨化和微贮玉米秸瘤胃 4 8h降解率 ,并与未作任何处理的玉米秸 (对照 )进行了比较。试验结果表明 ,自然风干后未经任何处理、氨化和微贮玉米秸干物质和粗纤维降解率分别为 2 5 .4 %、35 .5 %、2 8.1%和30 4 %、4 7.8%、36 .1%。氨化处理与对照组相比差异显著 ;微贮处理与对照组相比 ,虽然差异不显著 ,但干物质和粗纤维降解率均有不同程度的提高。氨化处理不仅能提高粗纤维瘤胃降解率 ,而且能增加秸秆含氮量 ,是比较理想的秸秆处理方法  相似文献   

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