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板栗(Castanea mollissima)在山东省是一重要的干果树种.自2004年起,山东泰安、济南、潍坊、临沂等地相继发生一种新的叶部病害,板栗感病后,叶片上产生褐色的斑点,随后病斑迅速扩大,呈不规则大面积干枯,9月中、下旬开始大量落叶,10月中、下旬二次发芽抽稍,新发枝稍冬季枯死,极易诱发板栗疫病,引起树木整株死亡.近年来,该病逐年加重.2006年对泰安市徂徕山林场600hm2板栗林调查,发病率为100%,800余株10~15年生板栗树死亡,2007年死亡9000余株,减产近12万kg.为控制该病害的危害,生产上迫切需要确诊出该病害及病原,2006-2009年,笔者对该病害进行了系统的研究,旨在为研究病害的发生发展规律和防治措施的制定提供理论依据.  相似文献   

岩野  周蓉 《云南林业》2002,23(2):17-17
松赤枯病是松树幼林的一种主要病害,由半知菌亚门腔孢纲黑盘孢目的枯斑盘多毛孢所引起,危害云南松、马尾松、思茅松等。此病不但影响林木生长,病害严重时,林分一片枯红,状似火烧,甚至导致林木死亡。该病的防治方法如下:1提高造林质量和管理水平在造林树种的选择、配置上,应按适地适树的原则选择适生的阔叶树种与松树混交;在中幼林的管理上,应强化林间卫生管理和水肥管理、及时修枝、抚育间伐,必要时灌水、施肥,以增强树势,提高松树的抗病性。2清除侵染源一方面于冬春季节,在该病发生区,发动群众有计划、有组织地清除落叶和枯…  相似文献   

八角炭疽病是我区近年来在八角林中经常发生的一种病害。该病可引起八角异常落叶、枯梢、削弱树势,产量和质量均受到影响。该病每年的2~12月均可发生,若遇上阴雨天,则病害严重并且容易流行起来。为做好防治该病的药剂筛选工作,给生产提供参考,今年5~6月笔者分别在高峰林场界牌分场和凌云县国税局黄某承包的八角林内使用美国罗门哈斯公司生产的80%的大生M—45可理性粉剂进行喷洒防治该病的效果试验,历时1个防治周期45天。试验统计结果显示:防治效果很好。高峰界牌试验点和凌云县试验点喷药区与对照区相比,叶感病率和…  相似文献   

板栗胴枯病又名干枯病、枝枯病、栗疫病等。该病对板栗为害极大 ,常成片为害 ,引起主干 ,主枝树皮腐烂 ,直至全株枯死。据对河南安阳、信阳等板栗产区调查 ,该病发生普遍 ,发病率一般在 2 0 %左右 ,管理粗放的达 4 2 %以上 ,严重影响板栗生长、成花结果 ,减产 2 5 %左右 ,经济损失很大。为了控制该病发生、漫延 ,我们从 1997年开始 ,对该病进行了观察调查、防治实验 ,总结出了一套行之有效的防治办法。1 板栗胴枯病的为害症状胴枯病主要为害板栗的主干及主枝 ,少数在枝梢上引起枝枯。病树一般发芽较晚 ,叶片发黄 ,严重时叶缘枯焦 ,树势衰弱…  相似文献   

板栗球果生命表的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
板栗球果在生长发育期间,因桃蛀螟,栗皮夜蛾,栗实施舍病为害及落果原因,每年都要损失幼果,果苞及成熟期栗实25%-80%。桃蛀螟多发生8月中旬果棋 9月下旬熟果阶段,脱粒后仍有为害栗实现象;栗皮夜蛾为害发生在7月幼果期和8月中旬的果产实腐病为害发生在9月中下旬的熟果期阶段;  相似文献   

油橄榄炭疽病及其防治研究城固县柑桔育苗场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
油橄榄炭疽病在陕西汉中地区普遍发生。该病危害油橄榄各部器官,但只有在果实和叶片上呈现典型症状。发病严重时引起落果、落叶、枝梢枯死,树势生长衰弱。病果含油率降低30.4—42.3%。油橄榄炭疽病病原菌Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz.[异名Glocosporium olivarum Alm.]在陕西汉中地区尚未发现有性时代。初次侵染源为病枯枝、病叶和病落果所产生的新的分生孢子。该病每年4月下旬在幼嫩叶尖端出现新病斑,5月中旬花发病,6月中下旬果实开始发病,11月上旬达发病高峰。高湿条件下有利于病害发生发展。室内外接种均能发病,潜育期2—7天。抗病性差异可能与不同品种果实表皮细胞层次及缀密度有关,爱桑(Elbasan)、米札(Mixaj)较抗病。冬春剪除油橄榄病枯枝,清除病叶和病落果,结合使用1%波尔多液和50%退菌特800倍液防治油橄榄炭疽病效果显著。  相似文献   

板栗疫病发生流行原因分析及防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
板栗疫病(Cryphonectria parasitica(Murr.)Barr.)又称板栗干枯病、胴枯病、溃疡病、腐烂病等,是一种世界性病害,属对内对外检疫对象。该病在欧、美发生严重,在亚洲也曾大肆流行。我国北起辽宁南至广东有10多个省市都有发生,且局部发生严重。辽宁的丹东发病率达38%,发病面积1.7万hm^2,结果树  相似文献   

国外李叶片、果实、新梢分别于3月上中旬、4月上旬、4月下旬、5月上旬出现细菌性穿孔病症状,且条件适宜可以不断侵染。病害发生与风关系最密切。品种之间抗病性差异大,在园区主栽的5个品种中,黑琥珀和“李王”最感病,“早美丽”中等,“皇家宝石”和“玫瑰皇后”最抗病。通过园地选择,清除初侵染来源,生长期药剂防治,管道施药,加强树势管理等措施可有效控制该病的发生。  相似文献   

白水江林区落叶松落叶病的发生规律与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
落叶松落叶病在白水江林区1年完成1次侵染循环。每年6月下旬~7月上旬为病源侵染高峰期,海拔2300m以上、树势衰弱的林分发病程度最重,日本落叶松较华北落叶松、波氏落叶松抗病。于病源侵染高峰期,采用安林Ⅰ号、Ⅱ号烟剂防治,效果在70%以上。  相似文献   

近几年来,枣焦叶病在南皮县发病严重,据调查,在南皮县鲍官屯镇董丁庄村发病率达40%,个别地块高达60%,并呈逐年加重趋势。枣树染病后,首先叶片出现灰色斑.进而转褐,斑与斑相连导致顶端、外缘向内枯焦;枣吊顶部坏死焦枯。后期病叶发黄早落。幼果瘦小、早落。发病严重时病株在9月中、下旬出现二次萌芽,新叶发出后,重新感染发病。该病对树势、产量影响很大。  相似文献   

The government of Indonesia allocated state land to private companies to establish forest plantations. However, ownership of this land was contested by some Sumatran communities. The plantation company, endorsed by the government, quickly developed a partnership to resolve the conflict, but this was unclear and inequitable. Action research was carried out to facilitate communication among stakeholders. This communicative action changed some perceptions and shared values began to emerge. A forum was established, which contributed to equitability producing a better partnership. This research is a model for empowering local communities in climate change, bioenergy, and food security negotiations.  相似文献   

The effects of isolated, mature Samanea saman trees on herbaceous production and species composition were investigated over the 1993/1994 growing season in a subhumid tropical grassland in north-east Queensland, Australia. Under the crown, the cumulative aboveground biomass over the season was almost 90% above that of the open grassland. This increase was associated with a difference in species composition. The principal grass under the crown was Panicum maximum, while in the open grassland, the dominant species was Urochloa mosambicensis. Near the crown, cumulative biomass was intermediate and this was reflected in a mixed species composition. This study confirms earlier, largely anecdotal reports of the potential beneficial effects of S. saman on forage production, but by itself was unable to explain the mechanism by which this increase occurred. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

以鸡公山自然保护区为例,通过发放调查问卷获得评分,用层次分析法确定各指标的权重,利用韦伯-费希纳定律改进后的评价模型得到综合评分,针对开展旅游活动后保护区视觉环境受到的消极影响进行了研究评价。  相似文献   

The impact of trees on processes involved in soil acidification is not clearly understood. This study has measured the cation and anion composition of leaf litter from 28 tree species including both indigenous species and those exotic to Australia, which varied widely in composition. The excess cation content was calculated and shown to be highly correlated with ash alkalinity, determined by ashing and titration. Calcium (Ca) was the dominant cation in these samples and was highly correlated with ash alkalinity. Four rates of ground litter samples were incubated with an acid soil and after eight weeks soil pH and extractable cations were determined. The pH was strongly influenced by the addition of litter, and the increase in pH was linearly related to the amount of ash alkalinity added. Extractable Ca in the soil was highly correlated with Ca added in the litter. A second property of litter measured was the ability of water extracts from the material to complex aluminium (Al). This was assessed by reacting leaf litter extract with Al solution under standardised conditions and measuring the uncomplexed (monomeric) Al using the 8-hydroxyquinoline 15 sec reaction. Species varied markedly in complexing ability. Using the two properties, complexing ability and ash alkalinity, a framework is developed in which the effects of different species on nutrient cycling and podzolisation processes in relation to soil acidification are discussed, and predictions compared with available evidence from field studies. This index for assessing the potential impact of the removal/addition plant material could be used to predict the long- term consequences of cut and carry agroforestry systems on soil chemical properties. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The delivery of sustainable development goals (SDGs) through a participatory land and forest conservation initiative was evaluated in South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The initiative focused on the rehabilitation of a 410 ha forest that was managed by local villagers. A forest rehabilitation and management initiative was developed through participatory action, establishing a well-managed rubber plantation that provided new livelihood opportunities. Poverty reduction was promoted, evidenced by a reduction in inequality amongst the local community. Between 2010 and 2018 the Gini coefficient of inequality declined from 34.6% to 31.3%, demonstrating a contribution to SDGs 1 (No Poverty) and 10 (Reduced Inequalities). In addition, forest rehabilitation resulted in improved carbon stock and biodiversity management contributing to SDG15 (Life on Land). This was attributed to successful forest rehabilitation and the reduced incidence of forest fires. Cooperation amongst local villagers categorized as living in poor households was improved, facilitated by capacity building. This focused on rubber plantation management, cooperative action, and firefighting activities. This capacity building contributed to the delivery of SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals). Results from a socio-economic survey demonstrated that group activities and cooperation amongst stakeholders were essential to improve both livelihoods and forest management practices.  相似文献   

高纯度甜茶甙的制备   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
以甜茶叶为原料,经水提、柱层析、重结晶等手段,制备出单体,并对其用熔点、TLC、液相色谱进行纯度检测,红外光谱、核磁共振进行结构表征,表明该化合物为甜茶甙。  相似文献   

条纹紫竹Phyllostachys nigra ‘Shimadake’属于刚竹属Phyllostachys Sieb. & Zucc.的紫竹P. nigra (Lodd. ex Lindl.) Munro,为紫竹种下一栽培品种,特征与紫竹近似,区别在于其秆上有宽窄不同的纵向条纹。若秆紫色则为绿色条纹;若秆绿色,则为紫色条纹。该竹最早(1972年)发现于日本岛根、广岛,后引入美国、法国栽培。2017年在中国四川成都望江楼公园首次被发现,后引入都江堰栽培,至今特征稳定、生长良好。该品种已于2021年4月通过了国际竹类栽培品种登录权威的新品种国际登录认证,国际登录号:No. WB-001-2021-050。  相似文献   

利用SWOT-AHP分析法,对吉林敦化市老白山森林康养产业进行发展评价。结果表明,其最大优势是多样的地方特产,最大劣势是康养设施的欠缺;最大威胁是巨大的行业竞争压力和资金投入的有限性,最大机遇是国家政策的支持。分析认为,老白山森林康养基地应充分依靠国家政策的支持,吸引相关专业人才,逐步完善康养设施;通过大力发展地方特产,扩大品牌效应,提高经济收入的同时,提高行业竞争力,推动其森林康养产业的发展。  相似文献   

观赏植物叶面积测定及相关分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用扫描仪采集鹅掌柴、仙客来、三角梅、非洲茉莉、桂花和绿萝6种植物叶片图像,利用像素得到叶片真实面积,与叶面积仪测定的叶面积相比较,结果表明叶面积仪能够完全反映叶片的真实面积;确定了6种植物的叶面积、比叶面积、叶形指数和叶面积指数,并对叶面积与叶宽进行了相关性分析,结果表明叶面积和叶宽的相关性显著,进一步回归分析得出叶宽和叶面积的一元二次方程,即只需测量叶宽就可推算叶面积的简便方法;通过对比叶面积进行聚类分析,得出6种植物适宜的栽培环境,为合理管理观赏植物提供了可靠的参考依据。  相似文献   

基于VBA的柔性吊桥桥型成图系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述利用VBA进行AutoCAD二次开发过程设计和关键技术的处理。在已建立柔性吊桥设计的数学模型和已开发的悬索设计系统基础上,实现柔性吊桥桥型成图系统,完成桥型布置图的自动绘制,改变传统的手工绘图方法,为柔性吊桥的设计提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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