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机体内一种化学感受器--颈动脉体研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
颈动脉体是机体内一种化学感受器 ,在机体血液内出现缺氧、CO2 分压升高、H 浓度增加等变化时 ,颈动脉体接受刺激而使机体发生相应的变化 ,表现为呼吸加深加快 ,心跳加快 ,心输出量增多 ,脑和心脏血流量加大 ,而腹腔内脏的血流量减少等综合征 ,而且缺氧时颈动脉体细胞成分 ,电子致密核心囊泡 ,细胞内pH和膜电位等也发生变化。一般认为 ,颈动脉体主细胞胞浆内的电子致密核心囊泡是具有调节心血管及呼吸功能的神经分泌颗粒。颈动脉体接受交感神经颈前节、舌咽神经和迷走神经的支配  相似文献   

以30%HRP注入5只家兔颈前神经节,在C1-T2脊神经节、迷走神经结状节、颈静脉神经节、舌咽神经近节和远节以及三叉神经节均出现标记细胞,以舌咽神经远节最多,占42.55%;C1-T2脊神经节次之,占34.19%;其余各神经节标记细胞均在10%以下。标记细胞均以中小型细胞为主。5例均未见膝神经节。结果表明,投射至颈前神经节的感觉纤维来源广泛,为“以交感神经节为中心的中枢外短反射环路”理论和针灸机理  相似文献   

应用CB-HRP溶液注入母鸡输卵管子宫部浆膜下,四甲基联苯胺(TMB)组织化学呈色,以探察母鸡输卵管子宫部初级感觉神经元的定位。结果表明:母鸡输卵管子宫部的初级感觉神经元位于双侧T1-LS13脊神经节、颈静脉神经节和结状神经节。标记细胞数分布不均,在体左侧多于体右侧,在脊神经节多于颈静脉神经节和结状神经节。在脊神经节内标记细胞有T5-LS1和LS8-LS11前后两个相对集中区,峰值分别在T7和LS11。说明尽管母鸡输卵管子宫部是单侧发育成熟脏器,但其感觉沿双侧脊神经和迷走神经传人中枢,以体左侧传入为主;且感觉经脊神经传入较迷走神经传入中枢优势明显。  相似文献   

仔猪子宫角传入神经的起源—HRP法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本实验用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)法研究了仔猪子宫角传入神经的起源,结果如下: 一、标记细胞出现于T_(10)—S_3背根节,主要集中在L_2、L_3及S_1、S_2背根节。在注射子宫角前半部组、后半部组及全子宫角组,标记细胞出现的背根节范围基本相同。 二、标记细胞出现于双侧背根节,注射侧出现的标记细胞数明显多于对侧。这表明仔猪子宫角的感觉经双侧背根节传入脊髓,以同侧传入占优势。 三、标记细胞以小型为主,大、中型较少。它们混杂散在分布于整个背根节内。 四、胸腰部背根节出现的标记细胞数约为骶部的四倍,结状节中未出现标记细胞,表明猪子宫角的感觉主要经交感途径传入,小部分经副交感途径传入,不经迷走神经传入。  相似文献   

鹅颈动脉颈神经分布到颈动脉上的神经丛有两种情况:有神经节与无神经节。溃变结果表明在颈前神经节和颈交感干神经节上都出现有溃变细胞,说明颈动脉神经中至少含有由颈前神经节的节后纤维和经由颈交感干神经节的节前与节后纤维。颈动脉颈神经在第15~16颈椎段从两侧颈长肌缝中走出分布于皮下。  相似文献   

为了检测雌性山羊颈动脉体中是否存在卵泡刺激素受体(FSHR),探讨卵泡刺激素(FSH)是否可以影响雌性山羊颈动脉体的活动,本试验采用免疫组织化学SP法观察卵泡刺激素受体(FSHR)在山羊颈动脉体内的分布特点,利用IPP 6.0图像半定量分析系统分析FSHR在颈动脉体中实质细胞和非实质细胞上的表达量差异。结果显示,FSHR主要分布在颈动脉体的实质细胞(Ⅰ型细胞和Ⅱ型细胞)。Ⅰ型细胞中FSHR强阳性产物分布于细胞核,中等阳性产物分布于细胞膜,弱阳性或阴性产物分布于细胞质;Ⅱ型细胞中有强阳性产物;血管内皮细胞中有中等阳性或强阳性产物。FSHR在颈动脉体的实质细胞与非实质细胞中相对表达量呈显著性差异(P<0.05)。结果表明,证实FSHR在雌性非妊娠山羊颈动脉体内广泛表达,提示颈动脉体可能接受FSH的调节,这为研究FSH作用于非生殖系统及颈动脉体神经内分泌调节机制提供形态学依据。  相似文献   

采用霍乱毒素辣根过氧化物酶(CBHRP)标记法,逆行追踪鸡输卵管蛋白分泌部初级感觉神经元位置。结果显示,两侧颈静脉神经节、结状神经节以及颈12至腰荐12脊神经节出现标记细胞,左侧的标记细胞明显多于右侧。在脊神经节的分布区域内,有两个相对集中区,分别位于胸5至腰荐2和腰荐8至腰荐10。颈静脉节和结状节的标记细胞数量比脊神经节的少。表明,鸡输卵管虽属单侧发育器官,但其蛋白分泌部接受双侧感觉神经的分布,只是以同侧(左侧)神经支配为主;感觉神经既经脊神经途径传入,也由迷走途径传入,但以前者为主,文中还对交感与副交感传入途径的优势现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

艇HRP法对兔减压神经进行了研究,标记的传入神经元绝大多数位于迷走神经结状节尾侧半部偏一侧,少数见于颈静脉神经节,其中枢突标记终末见于延髓闩以上的孤束核内侧部,腹侧部以及迷背核内。在颈前节也出现标记细胞,表明减压神经中也含有起源于 前节的交感节后纤维成分。主动脉压力感受器有经减压神经来的感觉神经交感节后神经纤维支配。提示减压神经是含有一般内脏传入和一般内脏传出纤维的混合神经,为研究心血管生理提供了  相似文献   

用实验用家兔25只,以HRP法研究了家兔小结肠及关元俞穴区传入神经原的节段性分布。结果,被标记的小结肠传入神经原胞体位于T_6~Co_1段脊神经节中,且多集中于L_1~L_5和S_3~Co_1两部分.两部之间出现少标记细胞区或无标记细胞区,表明小结肠各部的感觉神经纤维,均经交感神经和副交感神经两个途径传入脊髓.但从数量上分所,小结肠前部以伴随交感神经传入途径为主,后部则以伴随副交感神经传入途径为主。被标记的关元俞穴区传入神经原的胞体位于T_7~L_4段脊神经节内,多集中于T_3~L_2段。小结肠及关元俞穴区传入神经原胞体在T_7~L_4段脊神经节相重合.  相似文献   

家兔脾俞穴和肝俞穴的神经支配   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
用辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)法研究了家兔脾俞穴和肝俞穴的神经支配。结果表明,脾俞穴的标记细胞出现于T6-L1背根节、椎旁节和脊髓腹角,高峰节段为T8-T11;肝俞穴的标记细胞出现于T5-T12背根节、椎旁节和脊髓腹角,高峰节段为T7-T10;而相应非穴区的标记细胞仅分别出现于T7-T10和T8-T11节段,且数目明显少于穴区侧。表明穴区是神经末梢相对集中的部位,受初级传入、交感节后和躯体运动三种纤维成分的支配,且支配范围广泛,具有"既分散又集中"的分布模式。  相似文献   

The right and left cranial cervical ganglia in the heads of 10 adult guinea pigs (5 male, 5 female) were dissected in detail. The cranial cervical ganglion (CCG) was located on the caudo-ventral aspect of the distal ganglion of the vagus nerve, and medial to the digastric and styloglossal muscles. It was present also ventral to the tympanic bulla, ventro-lateral to the longus capitis muscle, and between the ascending pharyngeal and the internal carotid arteries. The branches of the CCG included the internal and external carotid nerves, the jugular nerve and connecting branches to the pharynx, vagus, glossopharyngeal, accessory, cranial laryngeal, first and second cervical nerves, and vessels in the carotid body region. The number of nerves ramifying from the CCG of the guinea pig varied among cases. Compared to other species, there are also differences in the number of nerve branches and the course patterns. No sex differences are present as far as the guinea pig CCG is concerned.  相似文献   

In this study, the left and right cranial cervical ganglia (ganglion cervicale craniale) of eight young (four male, four female) domestic pigs weighing around 70-80 kg were inspected macro anatomically. The cranial cervical ganglion (CCG) was found cranio-ventrally of the distal ganglion of the vagus nerve, medial of the jugular process extremity, ventral of the atlas, dorsal of the epiglottis base and medial of the common root (CR) established by the internal carotid and occipital arteries. The internal carotid nerve and jugular nerve ramified from the cranial part of CCG. The jugular nerve gave branches that merged with the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves. Other nerve branches originating from the cranial part of the ganglion reached to the external carotid artery and CR. The internal carotid nerve varied among cadavers in number of branches (two to four). These branches did not travel along the side of the internal carotid artery. The central part of CCG gave thin nerve branches that reached to various anatomical structures including the first and second cervical nerves, wall of the pharynx, accessory nerve, hypoglossal nerve, vagus nerve, external carotid artery and CR. The caudal part of CCG gave nerve branches that merged with the vagus, cranial laryngeal nerves, and common carotid artery. The external carotid nerves, which were two or three in number, also originated from the caudal part of CCG. In conclusion, the nerves ramifying from CCG of the pig varied in number among cadavers. Compared with literature raised in other species, there are also differences in number of nerve branches and course pattern of these nerves.  相似文献   

The carotid body was found in/on the cavernous sinus of the carotid rete of the Japanese miniature Shiba goat by light and electron microscopies. The carotid body-like aggregated cell group consisted of two types of cells arranged in the lobule. The first type contained membrane-bound granular vesicles; these cells resembled to the type-I cells in the carotid body. The second type contained no cytoplasmic vesicles, and were located in the periphery, investing the type-I cells. These features appear to be consistent with those of the type-II cells in the carotid body. The nerve ending showed two peculiar features in the intercellular space of type-I cells. The clear vesicle-containing nerve ending showed a structural feature indicative of efferent synapsis. The small granular vesicle-containing nerve ending has been described as a baroreceptor-like ending by VERNA (1979). All of these features are typical characteristics of the carotid body.  相似文献   

The morphology of the terminal segment of the common carotid artery of the camel was studied. It was found that this artery terminated by giving off a patent internal carotid artery and continuing as the external carotid artery. A presumptive carotid sinus was present at the region of origin of the internal carotid. Similar to that of other mammals, the carotid sinus of the camel was characterized by a comparatively thin vascular wall rich in elastic fibres. With the electron microscope, free (non-encapsulated) afferent endings, efferent endings, encapsulated axons and bundles of unmyelinated and myelinated nerve fibres were found in the wall of the presumptive carotid sinus. The free afferent endings closely resembled baroreceptor endings of the carotid sinus of other mammalian species in their mitochondrial content and the presence of abnormal organelles such as lamellar bodies, vesicular mitochondria and dense bodies. They were regarded as slowly adapting baroreceptors. The presumptive efferent endings were considered adrenergic whereas the encapsulated axons were thought to be the proximal parts of encapsulated sensory nerve endings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the morphology of the rabbit carotid body and its artery at the light microscopy level. The carotid body was situated between the internal and external carotid arteries after the bifurcation point of the common carotid artery. The carotid body was usually found to be a single, ovoid tissue mass but, in some cases it consisted of two or three parts. More carotid bodies were supplied by a single carotid body artery (glomic artery) which arose from the common carotid artery or the internal or external carotid arteries near the bifurcation point of the common carotid artery. In only one case were there two arteries which arose from opposite sides of the external carotid artery at its origin. There was a distinguishable sinus (glomic sinus) at the origin of the glomic artery. This artery had a thin wall with elastic laminae in the sinus area which become thinner distal to the sinus.  相似文献   

双峰驼脑硬膜外异网   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用动脉内注射红色油画颜料,红色乳胶溶液的大体解剖学方法,解剖了15例双峰驼,研究了双峰驼的脑硬膜外异网,并追踪了进入和传出硬膜外异网的血管。结果发现双峰驼有发达的硬膜外异网,部分位于颅内硬膜下海绵窦内,部分位于眶圆孔和翼腭窝后部。构成异网的血管来自颈内动脉和颌内动脉的分支吻合动脉,这些动脉进入海绵窦后立即分支互相吻合形成异网;在异网的背内侧部这些吻合支又聚集形成颈内动脉颅内段和后交通动脉自海绵窦传出并互相连接形成大脑动脉环。在异网中找不到颈内动脉贯穿异网的迹象,这一点与牛的硬膜外异网不同。  相似文献   

Paraffin sections of the carotid rete-cavernous sinus complex of sheep were studied, using different stains. The carotid rete of sheep was composed of medium-sized arteries with smooth muscle layers that were oriented in different directions. The carotid body cells may have migrated proximally in the adventitia of the intracranial portion of the internal carotid artery as its extracranial portion degenerates early in life. The cavernous sinus shared a common tunica adventitia with surrounding rete branches. At places, the wall of the cavernous sinus had a distinct tunica media interposed between the endothelial cells and the tunica adventitia. Therefore, the name cavernous venous plexus has been proposed for the cavernous sinus in sheep.  相似文献   

The right and left carotid body and carotid baroreceptor zone of six adult domestic fowls were examined. Nerve cell bodies were found in nine of the twelve carotid bodies and in ten of the twelve carotid baroreceptor zones. They showed the general ultrastructural features of autonomic neurons. Nerve cell bodies in both locations contained intranuclear inclusion bodies and cytoplasmic dense cored vesicles. A few presumptive adrenergic endings, and dendritic processes were associated with nerve cell bodies in the carotid body. Large numbers of presumptive adrenergic endings and presumptive cholinergic endings, and dendritic processes were associated with nerve cell bodies in the carotid baroreceptor zone. The possible identity and function of these nerve cell bodies are discussed.  相似文献   

Chloralose anaesthesia in dogs increased the H+ ion concentration significantly from its reference values. The findings favoured that it was most probably engendered through anaesthetic depression of neural centre regulating H+ ion concentration of blood. Such increase was largely contributed by a significant increase in its metabolic fraction. A further increase of metabolic fraction after separate and joint section of carotid sinus nerves and vagi indicated their holding effect. The section of carotid sinus nerve induced greater increase in this fraction than that of vagi. It indicated differences between the two nerves in their metabolic fraction controlling influence. Hyperpnoea after vagi section decreased the carbonic acid fraction, whereas marginally reduced ventilation after carotid sinus nerve section increased the carbonic acid fraction. Moreover, the overall changes in H+ ion concentration followed the changes in carbonic acid fraction. The present study suggested that the depressive effect of chloralose anaesthesia on H+ ion controlling neural mechanism could be largely determined by degree of increase in its metabolic fraction.  相似文献   

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