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Two methods are described for the partial purification of a high molecular weight, heat-resistant component (CO1) of sonicates of smooth and rough Brucella abortus which is precipitated by sera of some infected cattle. Method 1, a combination of gel filtration chromatography and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, was used to prepare CO1 from sonicates of a smooth field strain of B. abortus. Method 2, a combination of gel filtration chromatography and heat treatment, was used to obtain CO1, from sonicates of rough B. abortus strain 45/20. Rabbit antisera produced against CO1 prepared by either method contained only CO1 precipitins but were negative in standard agglutination and complement fixation tests conducted with whole cell antigens. Evidence is presented that CO1 is identical to Brucella antigen A2, and it is proposed that in future the designation A2 be employed.  相似文献   

Selected sera from cattle naturally infected with Brucella abortus precipitate water soluble antigens extracted by sonication from B. abortus. One of these antigens resembles antigen E (Baughn and Freeman) as it is excluded from Sephadex G-200 gels, migrates anodally when electrophoresed at pH 8.6, resists heating at 100 degrees C for ten minutes and appears to be susceptible to papain digestion. Precipitins specific for this antigen remained in sera from which all detectable Brucella agglutinating antibody had been removed by adsorption with live or heat killed B. abortus. The antigen has been extracted from smooth and rough strains of B abortus. Precipitins specific for this antigen have been detected in antisera produced against Brucella canis.  相似文献   

Optimal reagent parameters for a haemolysis in gel test for detection of bovine anti-Brucella abortus antibody were established. Using an alkali-treated crude lipopolysaccharide antigen attached to J-negative bovine erythrocytes, 0.125 mg of antigen, 0.1 ml of erythrocytes and 0.4 ml of guinea pig complement were required to perform 15 tests with appropriate serum controls. The haemolysis in gel test and an IgM radioimmunoassay (RIA) procedure were compared for their ability to detect the onset of increased serum antibody levels and antibody levels in sera diluted to extinction. While the RIA was more sensitive in amount of antibody detected, the haemolysis in gel test was equally able to detect initiation of antibody synthesis.  相似文献   

Antibodies specific for Brucella abortus were purified from the serum of hyperimmunized sheep using immunochemical procedures. They were conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate and used in a fluorescent antibody (FA) test for B. abortus. The conjugate did not stain any heterologous bacterial or fungal species tested and background fluorescence associated with its use on smears and sections of abortion materials was particularly low. Of 239 cases of abortion examined fluorescent microscopy demonstrated B. abortus in all 12 cases in which the organism was isolated. A few areas of fluorescence typical of B. abortus were also seen in 3 cases from which the organism was not cultured. B. abortus was demonstrated in lymph nodes from 6 of 36 Brucella reactor cows by culture and 7 by the FA test. However, only very low numbers of B. abortus were isolated or seen and sampling errors would have been significant. Use of the FA test allows diagnosis of Brucellosis to be made in 2 hours, compared to 6 days by the usual cultural procedures.  相似文献   

A second generation competitive enzyme immunoassay (CELISA) for detection of bovine antibody to Brucella abortus was developed. This assay was different from previously developed CELISAs in that the detection reagent used was a recombinant combination of the receptor portions of protein A and protein G, labelled with horseradish peroxidase. This eliminates the need for polyclonal anti-mouse-enzyme conjugate reagents for detection thus allowing for true standardization. The assay utilized a monoclonal antibody specific for a common epitope of the O-polysaccharide (OPS) of smooth lipopolysaccharide (SLPS) derived from B. abortus S1119.3 but which did not react with protein A/G. This monoclonal antibody was used to compete with antibody in the bovine test serum. Binding of bovine antibody to the smooth lipopolysaccharide antigen was then measured directly with the protein A/G enzyme conjugate. In this case, development of colour in the reaction was indicative of the presence of bovine antibody. The performance characteristics, sensitivity, specificity and exclusion of B. abortus S19 vaccinated animals, of the assay were very similar to those of the classical CELISA.  相似文献   

The standard agglutination tests for detecting antibody to Brucella abortus were modified by addition of chelating agents (EDTA and EGTA) to the antigens. Approximately 80% of "singleton" agglutination test reactions, negative on the diagnostic complement fixation test, obtained with cattle sera were eliminated while no decrease in titer was apparent when sera from B. abortus infected or vaccinated cattle were tested.  相似文献   

This work is a part of an ongoing effort to develop vaccinia virus recombinants expressing various Brucella abortus proteins. The B. abortus groEL gene encoding the antigenic heat shock protein GroEL was subcloned into vaccinia virus via homologous recombination and expression confirmed by Western blotting. Female BALB/c mice inoculated with recombinant vaccinia virus/GroEL produced GroEL and vaccinia virus specific antibodies. Mice were challenged 8 weeks post-inoculation with virulent B. abortus strain 2308 and protection measured by the rate of clearance of live Brucella from spleens. Although induction of specific immune response to GroEL and vaccinia virus was demonstrated by the appearance of antibodies in mice, no significant level of protection was demonstrable.  相似文献   

The half-life of bovine immunoglobulins was established in a group of 60 calves suckled on non-infected dams immunised with antigens to Brucella abortus. The half-life of the "incomplete antibody" as determined by the anti-bovine globulin test was 20.9 days. Up to 45 days, the mean half-life of antibodies in the calves was 17.1 days; from 46 to 99 days it was 21.1 days and for periods exceeding 100 days it was 24.4 days. In 39 calves born of and suckled on infected dams the mean half-life of antibodies was 22.4 days. Up to 100 days the figure was 19.5 days; over 100 days it was 22.8 days. There was no significant difference in the mean half-life of antibody between calves from infected and non-infected dams. In both cases the antibodies appear to be catabolised at a progressively slower rate.  相似文献   

A Brucella abortus-soluble antigen was investigated, using in vitro assay of lymphocyte immunostimulation, to determine which concentration of this antigen and which period of incubation of the lymphocyte cultures would induce maximum specific lymphocyte immunostimulation as an additional method for further study of B abortus infection in cattle. Soluble antigen was prepared from autoclaved cells of B abortus strain 1119-3. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were obtained from cattle infected with B abortus and from healthy control cattle not infected with B abortus. The lymphocytes were prepared by the Ficoll-Hypaque density gradient technique, suspended in RPMI 1640 medium (1.5 X 10(6)/ml), cultured with several dilutions of soluble antigen, and incubated. Prior to termination of incubation, cultures were labeled with 1 muCi of [3H]thymidine and, after harvesting, assayed for [3H]thymidine incorporation in DNA by a liquid scintillation spectrometer. Maximum specific immunostimulation of lymphocytes from B abortus-infected cattle was induced in this assay system with 6 days' incubation and 22 microgram of protein/ml/1.5 X 10(6) lymphocytes, using protein content to express concentration of soluble antigen in this system.  相似文献   

Killed Brucella abortus strain 1119-3 cells were treated with hot phenol/water or dimethyl sulfoxide to extract soluble crude lipopolysaccharide antigen. Antigen preparations were characterized with respect to protein and lipopolysaccharide content and were compared for efficacy in the hemolysis-in-gel test (HIGT) for detecting anti-Brucella antibodies. All antigens were equally effective in sensitizing bovine RBC in the HIGT and in detecting the presence of anti-Brucella antibodies. A slide modification of the HIGT was developed and compared with the plate HIGT. Seemingly, both tests were comparable.  相似文献   

Enzyme immunoassay has gained wide acceptance for serological diagnosis of bovine brucellosis because of its ability to detect antibody of all isotypes unlike the conventional tests. The indirect enzyme immunoassay, however, presents several parameters that require careful analysis. These parameters include the choice of antigen and antiglobulin-enzyme conjugate reagents for use in the assay, dealing with the large amount of data the semi-automatic or automatic assay can generate and the inter- and intralaboratory standardization and quality control. This review considers the various methods described in the literature and, briefly, how some of the problems have been overcome or how they might be dealt with.  相似文献   

Two experiments were done on 57 steers. These cattle were allotted to 8 groups (4 groups/experiment) and vaccinated with 1 to 3 X 10(9) colony-forming units of Brucella abortus strain 19. Cattle in 3 of the 4 groups/experiment were given 6 mg of levamisole/kg, subcutaneously, either at the time of vaccination (day 0), 7 days later, or at both times. Serum antibody titers to B abortus were measured sequentially for 28 days in experiment 1 and for 56 days in experiment 2, using the card test, Rivanol test, complement-fixation test, fluorometric immunoassay, and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In general, the highest mean antibody titers, as determined by all serologic tests, occurred in steers treated with levamisole at 7 days after vaccination or in those treated at the time of vaccination and 7 days later. By the card test on day 56, there was a significantly (P less than 0.05) greater number of seropositive cattle among those given levamisole 7 days after seropositive cattle among those given strain 19 alone. Simultaneous administration of strain 19 and levamisole did not alter antibody responses to B abortus.  相似文献   

Five different adjuvants were examined for potentiation of humoral and cell-mediated immune (CMI) responses in cattle to a Brucella abortus soluble antigen (BASA). Two separate experiments were performed involving a total of 64 steers, divided among six groups (Experiment 1) and 9 groups (Experiment 2). The adjuvants used were: muramyl dipeptide, Freund's incomplete adjuvant, dimethyl-dioctadecyl ammonium bromide (DDA), Bordetella pertussis and Propionibacterium acnes. In each experiment, three groups received BASA (2 mg protein) subcutaneously with adjuvant, one group received a reduced dose of B. abortus Strain 19 (S19), one group served as unvaccinated controls, and another group received BASA alone. Primary responses were studied following a single immunization in comparison to the single inoculation with S19. For each experiment serum antibody responses and CMI responses were sequentially determined over a period of 56 days. Antibody responses to B. abortus were measured using the brucellosis card, rivanol precipitation-plate agglutination, complement fixation, and fluorometric immunoassay tests, and as well as with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The CMI response was measured using antigen-specific lymphoproliferation (LP) and skin testing for delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to BASA (Experiment 2). Specific aspects of induced CMI responses investigated were macrophage activation (IL-1 production), helper T cell activation (IL-2 production), and release of soluble suppressor factor(s). In general, mean antibody responses were significantly higher (P less than 0.05) in immunized steers than in control steers and those receiving BASA alone. The LP responses to heat-killed B. abortus were generally higher in immunized groups than in the controls. The LP and DTH responses were greatest in the groups receiving S19 and BASA + DDA. Increased induction of IL-1 was largest in the group receiving BASA + DDA whereas IL-2 release was greatest in S19 vaccinated steers. Suppressor T cell responses were most obvious in the groups receiving S19, BASA + B. pertussis, and P. acnes. These studies demonstrated that DDA potentiates CMI responses to a soluble B. abortus antigen and may be useful as an adjuvant for future vaccines, particularly subunit vaccines.  相似文献   

Smooth lipopolysaccharides (SLPS) from Brucella abortus contain A-epitopes against which the majority of serum antibodies are directed during infections. SLPS from Yersinia enterocolitica 0:9 possesses identical epitopes, which are the cause for serological cross-reactivity. All Brucella spp. possess M- and C-epitopes which are not present in Y. enterocolitica 0:9. In order to examine the usefulness of these M- and C-epitopes for discrimatory serological testing, a panel of sera were used in this study, comprising sera from Y. enterocolitica 0:9-infected heifers, sera from B. abortus-infected cattle of comparable strength in the serological brucellosis tests to the sera from Y. enterocolitica 0:9-infected heifers, sera from B. abortus-infected bovines with strong serological reactions and sera from animals free from B. abortus or Y. enterocolitica infections. These sera were tested in blocking ELISAs with seven M- and one C-epitope-specific monoclonal antibodies in combination with SLPS from B. melitensis M16 high in M-epitopes as antigen. Strong B. abortus sera inhibited most strongly, while negative sera showed no or little inhibition. Sera with weak or intermediate titres blocked to a lower extent. Unexpectedly, the sera from Y. enterocolitica 0:9-infected heifers showed inhibition behaviour virtually identical to the comparable sera from B. abortus infected animals. Absorbing out of the A-epitope specific serum antibodies with either Y. enterocolitica 0:9 SLPS or with Y. enterocolitica 0:9 bacteria, indicated the presence of M- or C-epitope-specific serum antibodies in some sera from B. abortus-infected cattle but not in the sera from Y. enterocolitica 0:9-infected animals. These results demonstrate that the M- or C-epitope-specific antibody response in sera from B. abortus infected cattle is only of limited value for the serological discrimination between B. abortus and Y. enterocolitica 0:9 infections.  相似文献   

An enzyme immunoassay that utilizes antigen bound to a matrix which can be removed from the substrate to stop development is described. The assay which is performed in glass or plastic disposable tubes uses Gel-Bond film strips for attachment of antigen. The only equipment requirements are a rotary shaker and a spectrophotometer (optional). The antigen coated strips are passed through a series of tubes containing test serum, wash solution, antibody-enzyme conjugate, wash solution and substrate-chromogen taking about 45 minutes to perform. In testing sera with or without antibody to Brucella abortus a very high correlation existed between same day tests and tests performed over several days as well as with data on the same sera obtained by an enzyme immunoassay in a microtiter format.  相似文献   

This study determined if murine interleukin-12 (IL-12) would influence immunity in mice vaccinated with live or killed Brucella abortus strain RB51 (SRB51). Mice received live or gamma-irradiated SRB51 bacteria alone, or with IL-12 (0.5 or 1.0 microg, 2x or 3x), whereas other mice received saline or IL-12 alone. Post-vaccination antibody responses to live or killed SRB51 and clearance of live SRB51 from splenic tissue were not influenced by IL-12 treatments. Mice were challenged at 12 weeks with 4 x 10(4) cfu of B. abortus strain 2308 (S2308) and were euthanized 2 weeks later. The highest IL-12 treatment increased (P < 0.05) post-challenge antibody responses when co-administered with killed SRB51. Co-administration of 1.0 microg of IL-12 with live SRB51, but not killed SRB51, reduced (P < 0.05) S2308 colonization of splenic tissues. Our data suggest that although IL-12 may augment protective immunity induced by live SRB51, it does not influence protection induced by vaccination with killed SRB51.  相似文献   

A competitive enzyme immunoassay (EIA) for the detection of circulating bovine antibodies to Brucella abortus has been developed using horseradish peroxidase conjugated monoclonal antibodies (MAb) raised against B. abortus cell surface antigens. Antibodies present in the serum of either vaccinated or infected cattle can apparently displace the conjugated MAb from the lipopolysaccharide antigen (LPS) in a quantitatively different manner allowing an assessment of immune status of the animal. The results from a panel of sera from animals with a known status of vaccination or infection indicated that the test was more selective in the detection and discrimination of infected from uninfected or immunized animals, than conventional complement fixation, agglutination or indirect enzyme immunoassay procedures.  相似文献   

An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of Brucella abortus antibodies in bovine bulk milk samples was evaluated. About 31 individual milk samples from B. abortus infected cows were diluted into bulk milk from a brucellosis free herd. Individual milk samples obtained from 96 negative or positive herds to ELISA or Brucella ring test (BRT), were tested by ELISA. All positive cows were bled and serum samples were tested by the complement-fixation test (CFT) which was considered the definitive test. A herd was considered infected if at least, one cow was positive in the CFT. Four samples were negative in the BRT at the dilution 1:10 but positive in the ELISA. For samples positive in both tests, BRT titers ranged from 1:10 to 1:480 while ELISA titers ranged from 1:10 to 1:3200.Using bulk milk samples, the sensitivity of the ELISA (98.1%) was higher than the BRT (72.2%) but the specificity of BRT (90.5%) was not statistically different (P=1.0) from the ELISA (88.1%). The implications of the results for brucellosis control are discussed.  相似文献   

Eighty-eight cattle were injected SC with 2.5 x 10(8) viable cells of Brucella abortus strain 19. All but 1 heifer became seropositive on the basis of the results of 7 brucellosis tests, and the proportion positive decreased with time. The proportion of cattle that were seropositive during a 20- to 67-week period after vaccination was as follows, in decreasing order: hemolysis-in-gel, 59%; buffered-acid plate antigen, 39%; ELISA, 16%; card, 10%; rivanol, 8%; cold complement-fixation, 7%; and automated complement-fixation, 5%. Using the serologic classification in Uniform Methods and Rules for brucellosis eradication, 7 cattle tested brucellosis-positive (2 suspects and 5 reactors). None of the 27 nonpregnant heifers tested positive. Of 18 heifers that were 84 to 135 days in gestation when vaccinated, 6 (33%) tested positive for brucellosis, compared with 0 of 13 and 1 (3%) of 30 heifers that were 11 to 78 and 145 to 253 days in gestation at vaccination, respectively (X2 = 12.07; 2 df; P less than 0.01). Neither breed (Angus, Hereford, Jersey, and Brahman) nor calf survival was related to brucellosis-positive results. Postpartum milk samples from 61 heifers and 24 tissues from 2 reactor cattle were culture-negative for B abortus.  相似文献   

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