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The management of the fertilization in integrated production intends to produce good yields and high product quality, while protecting the soil from different processes such as erosion, salinization, and acidification. Principally, it seeks to maintain and improve soil fertility by preventing loss of organic matter and nutrient imbalances, while also preventing surface and groundwater pollution, and the main objective being to produce food of maximum nutritional value. In this paper we assess, in prevailing soil types in central Spain (Cambisol and Regosol), several limiting factors of soil fertility, such as soil compaction due to conservative tillage systems and climatic conditions which influence the vegetation and soil conditions (mainly during the summer). The analysis of integrated fertilization allows us to highlight the importance of maximizing resources and natural production mechanisms. We evaluate the nutritional requirements of crops, aiming to ensure long-term sustainable compatible agriculture which satisfies both the demands of society (concerning environmental protection) and the agricultural productivity requirements. In this context, the official guidelines in Spain have been to meet the standards and requirements established in integrated management programs.  相似文献   

基于多源数据的盐碱地精确农作管理分区研究   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
为了便于对盐碱地实施变量管理和精确农作,以海涂围垦区盐碱土为研究对象,以NDVI数据、盐分数据以及作物产量数据作为分区变量,对一面积为15 hm2的盐碱地农田进行了基于多个数据源的精确农作管理分区研究。利用模糊c均值聚类方法进行分类分区,引入了模糊聚类指数(FPI)和归一化分类熵(NCE)作为最佳分区数目的判断标准,通过单项方差分析对分区结果进行比较和评价。研究发现,对本研究区,最佳的分区数目为三个。不同管理分区之间土壤化学性质(EC1:5,有机质,速效磷,速效钾,全氮,碱解氮以及阳离子交换量)的均值都存在着统计意义上的显著差异性,其中子区3具有最高的肥力水平和作物生产能力而子区1最低。利用所选取的三个变量,模糊c均值聚类算法可以较好地进行精确农作管理分区划分。分区结果不但可以指导采样, 而且可以作为变量管理的决策单元用于田间变量管理作业中,为精确农业变量投入的实施提供有效手段和决策依据。  相似文献   

基于土壤电导率时空变异性的管理分区技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
LI Yan  SHI Zhou  LI Feng 《土壤圈》2007,17(2):156-164
A coastal saline field of 10.5 ha was selected as the study site and 122 bulk electrical conductivity (ECb) measurements were performed thrice in situ in the topsoil (0-20 cm) across the field using a hand held device to assess the spatial variability and temporal stability of the distribution of soil electrical conductivity (EC), to identify the management zones using cluster analysis based on the spatiotemporal variability of soil EC, and to evaluate the probable potential for sitespecific management in coastal regions with conventional statistics and geostatistical techniques. The results indicated high coefficients of variation for topsoil salinity over all the three samplings. The spatial structure of the salinity variability remained relatively stable with time. Kriged contour maps, drawn on the basis of spatial variance structure of the data, showed the spatial trend of the salinity distribution and revealed areas of consistently high or consistently low salinity, while a temporal stability map indicated stable and unstable regions. On the basis of the spatiotemporal characteristics, cluster analysis divided the site into three potential management zones, each with different characteristics that could have an impact on the way the field was managed. On the basis of the clearly defined management zones it was concluded that coastal saline land could be managed in a site-specific way.  相似文献   

上海市水力侵蚀现状与水土保持措施分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究上海市水土流失及措施现状,以第一次全国水利普查水土保持情况普查结果为基础,结合上海市基本情况,分析上海市水力侵蚀现状和水土保持措施情况。结果表明,上海市水土流失面积超过了200km^2,水土流失以河道两岸和湖泊沿岸的坍塌淤浅为主要特征,建设项目施工造成的人为水土流失也是上海市水土流失的一个重要方面。上海市中心城区水土保持措施较完善,但郊区部分河道还没有采取有效护坡措施,基本处于自然状态,很容易发生水土流失;因此,河道边坡和湖泊岸线的护岸整治、海岸滩涂的保滩促淤治理是上海市水土保持工作的重点,同时还应加强建设项目的监管和水土保持监测,以防止人为水土流失。  相似文献   


The present study was to delineate management zones (MZs) in salt affected Mahakalpada block in eastern India by capturing both spatial variability of soil parameters along with satellite derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI). Grid wise 237 soil samples collected from the study area were analyzed and spatial maps were generated for physicochemical properties, DTPA extractable micronutrients, i.e. iron, zinc, copper, and manganese and major nutrients, i.e. available nitrogen (AN), phosphorous (AP), and potassium (AK). Soil electrical conductivity and AK showed a high CV of 100% and 56.7%, respectively. Principal component analysis was performed using the soil spatial maps, NDVI and EVI maps and only four principal components which produced eigenvalues > 1 and accounting for 75.4% of the total variability were retained for further analysis. Further, fuzzy c-mean clustering was used to delineate the MZs based on fuzzy performance index (FPI) and normalized classification entropy (NCE) was used for identifying the three MZs. There was a significant difference between MZ1 and MZ2 for all the variables except AN and EVI whereas all the variables were significantly different between MZ1 and MZ3 highlighting the usefulness of MZs delineation technique for site-specific nutrient management.  相似文献   

水蚀风蚀交错带土壤剖面水力学性质变异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
土壤剖面水力学性质的确定是土壤水分动态预测的基础。该文在水蚀风蚀交错区六道沟流域分别对居于坡中和坡上两块样地160 cm土层不同深度未扰动土壤的水分特征曲线进行了测定,将Van Genuchtens水分特征曲线模式与Mualem导水模式相结合,确定了两样地土壤剖面的水力学参数,对水力学参数在剖面的变化进行了分析。结果表明,土壤剖面饱和含水率、滞留含水率、进气吸力倒数和孔隙大小分布因子沿剖面变化不大,滞留含水率、进气吸力倒数属于中等程度变异,饱和含水率和孔隙大小分布指标属于弱变异,但经方差检验均不显著,说明该地区160 cm土壤剖面可以处理成均质剖面。  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted at Kezuohouqi County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China, which was located on the southeastern edge of the Horqin Sandy Land, to study the spatial variability of soil nutrients for a small-scale, nutrient-poor, sandy site in a semi-arid region of northern China; to investigate whether or not there were "islands of fertility" at the experimental site; and to determine the key nutrient elements that sustained ecosystem stability. Results obtained from geostatistical analysis indicated that the spatial distribution pattern of soil total nitrogen (STN) was far different from those of soil organic matter (SOM), total phosphorus (STP), and total potassium (STK). Compared to SOM, STP, and STK, STN had a lower structural heterogeneity ratio and a longer range, while other elements were all similar. In addition, STN had an isotropic spatial structure, whereas the others had an anisotropic spatial structure. The spatial structure patterns of herbage species, cover, and height also differed, indicating that spatial variability was subjected to different ecological factors. Differences in the spatial variability patterns among soil nutrients and vegetation properties showed that soil nutrients for a small-scale were not the primary limiting factors that influenced herbage spatial distribution patterns. Incorporating spatial distribution patterns of tree species, namely, Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litv. and shrub Lespedeza bicolor Turcz. in a research plot and using fractal dimension, SOM, STP, and STK were shown to contribute to the "islands of fertility" phenomenon, however STN was not, possibly meaning that nitrogen was a key limiting element. Therefore, during restoration of similar ecosystems more attention should be given to soil nitrogen.  相似文献   

中国水土流失防治任务仍然繁重,有计划分批次实施水土流失治理是现阶段条件下的必然选择,优先治理小流域识别是其首要解决的一项基础工作,然而目前相关成果较为缺乏,难以支撑小流域水土流失治理智能决策和精准施策。在当前大力推进智慧水土保持背景下,积极探索优先治理小流域识别方法非常迫切,对于科学、合理、高效促进水土流失治理工作具有重要意义。该研究立足于小流域自然禀赋条件,以中国水土流失重点区域——三峡库区秭归县为例,坚持科学性和可操作性相结合原则,以水土流失“减量和降级”双重目标和治理效益最大化需求为导向,综合水土流失面积和土壤侵蚀强度两个维度,提出小流域水土流失治理优先度定义及定量评价方法,为识别优先治理小流域提供科学依据和技术支撑。结果显示,秭归县2021年现状水土保持率为69.12%,远期(2050年)水土保持率为81.74%,总体提升12.62个百分点。秭归县2021年全域土壤侵蚀模数现状为758.50 t/(km2·a),最小可能土壤侵蚀模数为408.71 t/(km2·a),总体下降比例达46%。秭归县大部分区域均具有较大的水土保持率提升潜力和土壤侵蚀控制度,可完全治理和可降级的水土流失地块分布较为广泛,尤其在县域中西部的小流域存在较大的水土流失面积消减和土壤侵蚀强度降级空间。秭归县各小流域水土流失治理优先度的空间分布总体呈现中部高,东部和南部相对较低的分布格局,全县治理优先度大于0.6的小流域占总全县小流域的11.76%。通过典型县应用,该研究提出的小流域治理优先度涵盖了水土流失面积和土壤侵蚀强度两个维度,能更为全面满足小流域水土流失“减量和降级”双重目标和和治理效益最大化需求,直观反映了水土流失面积消减空间和土壤侵蚀强度降级空间的目标和相对大小,对支撑小流域治理决策更加准确、科学,治理优先度评价方法不仅可行,且易操作。  相似文献   

基于GPS和GIS的田间土壤特性空间变异性的研究   总被引:77,自引:10,他引:77       下载免费PDF全文
以一块面积约为13.3 hm2的冬小麦田为研究区,利用GPS接收机定位,按50 m×50 m设置网格,共取63个采样点,测定土壤表层(20 cm)内的土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾、容重、田间土壤含水率和电导率,研究麦田土壤特性的空间变异规律。采用传统统计学和地统计学相结合的方法对所取的数据进行了分析,利用Arcview3.2软件的空间分析功能,绘制了表达这些土壤特性随机性和结构性的半方差图和空间分布图。研究结果表明:所有土壤特性均服从正态分布;土壤容重具有弱变异强度,其它土壤特性具有中等变异强度;土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效钾和电导率具有很强的相关性,土壤容重、速效磷和含水率具有中等强度的空间相关性,土壤特性的相关距变化范围为246.8~426.8 m。该成果可为农田的定位施肥、灌溉以及其它的农田精细管理提供依据。  相似文献   

Our objectives were to describe the field-scale horizontal and vertical spatial variability of soil physical properties and their relations to soil map units in typical southeastern USA coastal plain soils, and to identify the soil properties, or clusters of properties, that defined most of the variability within the field. The study was conducted on a 12-ha field in Kinston, NC. A 1:2400 scale soil survey had delineated three soil map units in the field: Norfolk loamy sand, Goldsboro loamy sand, and Lynchburg sandy loam. These are representative of millions of hectares of farmland in the Coastal Plain of the southeastern USA. Sixty soil cores were taken to ∼ 1-m depth, sectioned into five depth increments, and analyzed for: soil texture as percentage sand, silt, and clay; soil water content (SWC) at − 33 and − 1500 kPa; plant available water (PAW); saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat); bulk density (BD); and total porosity. A penetrometer was used to measure cone index (CI) at each sample location. Variography, two mixed-model analyses, and principal components analysis were conducted. Results indicated that soil physical properties could be divided into two categories. The first category described the majority of the within-field variability and included particle size distribution (soil texture), SWC, PAW, and CI. These characteristics showed horizontal spatial structure that was captured by soil map units and especially by the division between sandy loams and finer loam soils. The second class of variables included BD, total porosity, and Ksat. These properties were not spatially correlated in the field and were unrelated to soil map unit. These findings support the hypothesis that coastal plain soil map units that delineate boundaries between sandy loams versus finer loam soils may be useful for developing management zones for site-specific crop management.  相似文献   

土壤侵蚀使水土资源流失,河道泥沙淤积,严重制约着区域生态、社会、经济的发展。伊朗地处干旱、半干旱气候带,土壤侵蚀严重,河流泥沙问题突出,已成为影响该国经济社会发展的主要环境问题之一。通过介绍伊朗土壤侵蚀和泥沙淤积的基本情况,并对该国有关土壤侵蚀及河流泥沙方面的研究和治理成果进行总结,提出未来研究的趋势和相关建议,以期为伊朗和我国的水土保持及泥沙治理提供参考。  相似文献   

Spatial variability of soil organic carbon (SOC) of different land use patterns and soil types was examined in a county-wide red soil region of South China,using six sampling densities,14,34,68,130,255,and 525 samples designed by the method of grid sampling in 6 different grid sizes,labeled as D14,D34,D68,D130,D255,and D525,respectively.The results showed that the coefficients of variation (CVs) of SOC decreased gradually from 62.8% to 47.4% with the increase in soil sampling densities.The SOC CVs in the paddy field change slightly from 30.8% to 28.7%,while those of the dry farmland and forest land decreased remarkably from 58.1% to 48.7% and from 99.3% to 64.4%,respectively.The SOC CVs of the paddy soil change slightly,while those of red soil decreased remarkably from 82.8% to 63.9%.About 604,500,and 353 (P < 0.05) samples would be needed a number of years later if the SOC change was supposedly 1.52 g kg-1,based on the CVs of SOC acquired from the present sampling densities of D14,D68,and D525,respectively.Moreover,based on the same SOC change and the present time CVs at D255,the ratio of samples needed for paddy field,dry farmland,and forest land should be 1:0.81:3.33,while the actual corresponding ratio in an equal interval grid sampling was 1:0.74:0.46.These indicated that the sampling density had important effect on the detection of SOC variability in the county-wide region,the equal interval grid sampling was not efficient enough,and the respective CV of each land use or soil type should be fully considered when determining the sampling number in the future.  相似文献   

The landscape of many semiarid rangelands is characterized by a two-phase, shrub–intershrub vegetation mosaic, each phase having different soil properties. However, this broad subdivision groups together types of intershrub surface cover that may also differ in their soil properties and play important roles in ecosystem functioning. In the northern Negev region of Israel, we examined the soil properties associated with flock trampling routes and rock fragment clusters, as well as those associated with the remainder of the intershrub area and shrub patches. Moisture content, organic carbon content, bulk density and calcium carbonate content of the soil were determined for the above four types of cover, inside and outside long-term grazing exclosures. Soil was sampled in the peak of the growing season and in the end of the dry season, on a north- and a south-facing hillside, and from two depths. The shrub patches exhibited the highest soil moisture and organic carbon contents, and the lowest bulk density and calcium carbonate contents. The trampling routes showed opposite trends. The rock fragment clusters and the remainder of the intershrub area did not generally differ and had intermediate values of these properties. Grazing did not have a significant effect on soil properties at the whole-plot scale, but there were highly significant interactions between grazing and type of cover. Compared with the former trampling routes in the exclosures, the active trampling routes outside them had higher bulk density and lower moisture and organic carbon contents. The intershrub area had higher moisture and organic carbon contents under grazing than in the exclosures. Grazing increased the spatial heterogeneity of the soil properties examined via the creation of a network of trampling routes on the hillsides. The routes themselves, which constituted over 20% of the landscape cover, had degraded soil properties but they led to the improvement of the properties of the remainder of the intershrub area via functionally important source–sink relationships. The study of the soil of regions in which such networks are apparent should be duly cognizant of this intershrub subdivision in addition to the widely recognized shrub–intershrub dichotomy.  相似文献   

花岗岩崩岗区土壤可蚀性因子估算及其空间变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤可蚀性K值是土壤侵蚀模型的必要参数,研究花岗岩崩岗区土壤可蚀性K值有助于宏观判断和定量分析崩岗区土壤侵蚀的空间变化特征.采集湖北通城花岗岩典型崩岗淋溶层、淀积层、母质层土壤,运用5种土壤可蚀性K值估算方法分析各层土壤可蚀性差异,通过室内人工模拟降雨实验验证花岗岩风化土可蚀性K值的有效性及5种估算方法的灵敏度.结果表明:花岗岩风化土的各层土壤可蚀性差异显著,母质层平均K值最大,是淋溶层的1.20倍,淀积层的1.03倍,且各层土壤的稳定含沙率和各粒径流失量差异显著;诺莫法估算的各层土壤的可蚀性K值与40 min每层土的稳定含沙率之比最接近,诺莫法估算各层土壤可蚀性K值的灵敏度最高,为修正诺莫的1.5倍,EPIC模型法的6倍.因此,针对南方花岗岩风化土可采用诺莫法准确评价土壤可蚀性K值.通过估算崩岗不同层次土壤的可蚀性K值及其空间变化特征,对针对性地研究崩岗形成机制及其治理具有一定指导意义.  相似文献   

概念性土壤侵蚀模型的建立及在紫色土小流域的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概念性土壤侵蚀模型在描述流域基本过程的同时对参数要求较低,现有概念性模型中计算产沙所需参数主要靠律定或借鉴经验值。该文介绍了1个无需流域出口产沙量长序列观测资料来律定且能适用于研究流域的概念性土壤侵蚀模型。模型中引入了分布式水文模型WetSpa Extension作为水文模块,结合流域内试验小区上建立的流量—产沙量经验关系计算侵蚀量,再结合泥沙输移比构建起产沙模块。通过在紫色土地区小流域的应用表明,模型能够得到较合理的流域出口产流量、产沙量以及侵蚀率的空间分布等模拟结果,在没有试验小区的邻近流域地区也具有推广性,且能作为评价水保措施效益的有力工具。该概念性模型对于流域出口泥沙资料稀少的地区具有很高的应用价值和协助流域管理的 潜力。  相似文献   

Soil quality is essential for plant growth and terrestrial ecosystem maintenance. Although soil properties can be influenced by the agricultural production system, this influence has seldom been studied under semi-arid Mediterranean conditions. We analyzed the effect of the management system on soil physical and chemical parameters and soil microbial communities over three consecutive years under different conventional and conservation management regimes: conventional tillage (CT), direct seeding (DS), direct seeding with a winter crop cover (DSC), and long-term conservation management after nine consecutive years of direct seeding with winter cover (DSCLT). The study was conducted on a maize (Zea mays L.) crop under irrigation in south western Spain. An improvement of the physical, chemical and biological parameters of the DS and DSC soils with respect to the CT soil was observed after two years management. Soil water content increased around 30% during the three years in the DS and DSC soils; organic C, nitrogen, and aggregate stability increased after the second year; total culturable microorganisms were twice as numerous in DSCLT as in the CT soil; and soil penetration resistance was 50% less in all soils under any of the conservation management regimes. Hence, there was a major improvement in soil quality related to a potential increase of crop yields, and a reduced environmental impact, after short-term as well as after long-term conservation management.  相似文献   

Abstract. Precision Agriculture seeks to match resource application and agronomic practice with soil and crop requirements as they vary in both space and time. Therefore, an understanding of both the temporal and the spatial components of variability is essential before decisions can be made about the feasibility of site-specific management. In the present study, the spatial and the temporal components of variability in certain key soil properties of a grassland field were evaluated to assess the likely feasibility of adopting a site-specific approach to grassland management. A 7.9 ha grassland field was selected for the study and soil samples were taken three times at regular 25 m intervals across the field over a two year period, and chemically analysed. Classical and geostatistical procedures were used to evaluate the spatial variability and the temporal stability of soil property distributions. Soil extractable P and K had the greatest within-field variability and soil pH the least. Soil K distributions were also highly unstable over time and it was concluded that the optimal risk aversion strategy would be to apply uniform dressings of this nutrient to the entire field. In contrast, soil pH, P, Mg and sulphate distributions were not only temporally stable, but were also spatially correlated over reasonably large ranges. It was concluded that these properties might be managed in a site-specific way based on the results of periodic soil testing in three clearly defined management sub-units within the field. Over the two year period, C and N accumulated in the soil at surprisingly high rates on certain parts of the field but not in others.  相似文献   

Abstract. In general, agricultural management has focused on differences between fields or on the gross differences within them. Recent developments in agricultural technology, yield mapping, Global Positioning Systems and variable rate applications, have made it possible to consider managing the considerable variation in soil and other properties within fields. This system is known as precision agriculture. More precise management of fields depends on a better understanding of the factors that affect crop input decisions. This paper examines the spatial variation in crop yield, soil nutrient status and soil pH within two agricultural fields using geostatistics. The observed properties vary considerably within each field. The relation between yield and the measured soil properties appears to be weak in general. However, the range of spatial correlation for yield, shown by the variogram, is similar to that of the soil chemical properties. In addition the latter changed little over two years. This suggests that information on the scale of variation of soil chemical properties can be derived from yield maps, which can also be used as a guide to a suitable sampling interval for soil properties.  相似文献   

建设项目水土流失现状与综合治理对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
根据“中国水土流失与生态安全综合科学考察项目”中“建设项目水土流失研究课题”所取得的相关成果,总结全国“十五”期间建设项目的概况、建设项目所造成水土流失的特点、水土流失量及其分布特点,从法制建设与宣传教育、科研和技术支持体系建设等方面对建设项目水土流失综合治理工作提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

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