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Investigations on bovine teat-end defenses and their role in mastitis control were reviewed. Alteration of teat canal keratin by method of intramammary drug infusion through the teat canal influenced the number of new infections. At the beginning of the nonlactating period, 2 methods of administering antibiotic were studied: full insertion of treatment syringe cannulas into teat cisterns and expelling contents and partial insertion of cannulas into the distal 2 to 3 mm of teat canals and slowly infusing contents. Partial cannula insertion reduced new infections by 50% and is an easily adopted management tool to reduce prevalence of mastitis. Intramammary devices used during lactation and the nonlactating period increased leukocyte concentrations in mammary secretions. An abraded polyethylene coil device reduced clinical mastitis and increased milk yield. Staphylococci colonize teat canal keratin and lacteal secretions of dairy heifers as early as 9 months of age, leading to intramammary infection at time of calving and persisting into lactation. Subsequent somatic cell counts are associated with milk production losses. Previously, such infections were shown to be associated only with older, mature animals.  相似文献   

The udders and teats of cows were examined by brightness mode (B-mode) ultrasonography. A 5-MHz linear array transducer and a 5-MHz or 10-MHz mechanical sector transducer were used in the examinations. In lactating animals, the teat sinus, gland sinus, and lactiferous ducts were imaged easily. The scans also allowed visualization of the layers of the teat wall. The annular fold and the folding of the mucosa at the junction of the teat sinus and the papillary duct were seen best with the 5-MHz and 10-MHz mechanical sector transducers. In one cow lacking milk flow from one quarter, a mass at the junction of the papillary duct and the teat sinus was observed ultrasonographically. Surgical removal of the mass resulted in a return of milk flow from that quarter.  相似文献   

A 4th of 667 cattle examined at a Wisconsin abattoir had teat papillomas. Excised teat papillomas were sorted by gross morphologic characteristics into 3 groups: (i) atypical filiform, (ii) atypical flat, and (iii) typical fibropapilloma. Bovine papilloma virus capsid antigen was detected in thin-section slides of the 3 groups of teat papillomas by peroxidase-antiperoxidase assay. The bovine papilloma virus involved with the atypical papillomas could not be characterized by molecular hybridization, because enough pure virus could not be harvested. Homogenates of the 3 groups of teat papillomas were inoculated on 2 ponies and 4 calves. Typical fibropapillomas were produced on the 4 calves, and fibromas, on the 2 ponies. Atypical papillomas were produced only in 2 heifers.  相似文献   

Most pathogens that cause bovine mastitis invade the udder lumen through the teat canal. Amino acids and intercellular lipids may support microbial colonisation of the teat canal epithelium by pathogenic microorganisms. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between teat end hyperkeratosis, which is induced by machine milking, and teat canal microbial load. Contralateral teats, which differed in teat end hyperkeratosis scores, were identified in a split-udder experiment. The teat canal's microbial load was evaluated using the wet and dry swab technique. Staphylococcus (S.) aureus, Streptococcus (Sc.) uberis, Escherichia (E.) coli and other coliforms were detected by agar plate cultures. The positive detection of E. coli and the log(10)-transformed E. coli load of a teat canal were significantly associated with the teat end hyperkeratosis score (P<0.05). There were significant differences with respect to positive findings for E. coli, as well as the microbial load of E. coli and Sc. uberis, between the less-calloused and the more-calloused teat of a pair. For S. aureus, no significant associations between hyperkeratosis score and teat canal microbial load were detected. In general, a teat with a highly calloused teat end had an increased teat canal microbial load compared with the contralateral teat, characterised by a lower callosity. The results of the present study indicate that the environmental pathogen load is associated with teat end hyperkeratosis. Further research is needed to identify factors that may affect teat canal microbial load in lactating dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Tissue from the ends of teats of dry, periparturient and lactating cows were studied using light and electron microscopy. Accumulations of infiltrating leucocytes mainly in the folds of the distal rosette of the teat cistern (Furstenberg's rosette) were detected; plasma cells predominated. The latter were classified by the type of immunoglobulin (Ig) which they synthesised. Plasma cells synthesising IgG1 were found to be the major antibody producing cell type of the teat. Neither the number of stromal plasma cells present nor the class of Ig which they synthesised was significantly altered by changes in mammary gland secretory activity. Scanning electron microscopy revealed areas of epithelium of Furstenberg's rosette that contained cells differing in surface characteristics from epithelial cells of adjacent areas of the teat cistern.  相似文献   

The teat canal of lactating dairy cattle is of particular importance for the defence of facultative pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms (e.g., staphylococci) invading the bovine udder. Furthermore the canal is usually colonized with microorganisms, too. In addition to microorganisms inhibiting mastitis pathogens the teat canal is colonized by staphylococci. The microbial colonization can be influenced by the environment of the animals, the care and disinfection of the teat skin and indirectly by the effects of forces being associated with machine milking. Because of vacuum fluctuations occurring under the teat tip microorganisms, which colonize the teat canal, can invade the bovine mammary gland and cause infections there. This paper gives a review of the microbial colonization of the bovine teat duct and of influencing factors on the microbial populations as well as of the significance of the teat canal colonization for the development of mastitis.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli mastitis was first reproduced in 1903 by sticking the organism to teat orifices. E coli is very common in the environment of housed dairy cows and mastitis can easily be reproduced experimentally by the introduction of as few as 20 organisms into the teat cistern via the teat duct. It is generally accepted that this is the route of natural infection but the processes by which the organisms traverse the teat duct remain unclear. The literature is reviewed and the facts and hypotheses are considered.  相似文献   

Endotoxin-induced local inflammation was studied by frequent samplings in a bovine teat cistern model, which provides a unique possibility for in vivo studies of reactions in the teat without interference from the mammary gland. A rapid inflammatory response of rather short duration was elicited after endotoxin administration. An initial increase in the concentrations of bovine serum albumin and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase, indicating a disturbance in the epithelial integrity, was observed between 1 and 1.5 h post infusion (p.i.). Approximately 0.5 h later, the first influx of leukocytes, mainly neutrophils, appeared. The neutrophils tended to enter the teat cistern in several peaks occurring between 2.5 and 5 h p.i. The sampling procedure decreased the accumulation of cells by approximately 40%, which was probably due to the removal of inflammatory mediators at an early stage. The parallel use of 2 teats instead of 1 had no major influence on the inflammatory process. This teat cistern model and the experimental procedure used should be suitable for further studies of the development of local inflammation.  相似文献   

Changes in the microscopic anatomy of the bovine teat canal were examined during mammary involution. Morphometric analyses revealed a significant (P less than 0.05), temporary dilatation of the teat canal lumen on day 7 of the nonlactating period. Additionally, the teat canal epithelium physiologically atrophied as evidenced by decreased cross-sectional area and thickness during the first 30 days of the nonlactating period, significantly so (P less than 0.05) between days 0 and 7. This physiologic atrophy was due mainly to a reduction in area and thickness of the stratum granulosum and may have resulted from continuing keratinization, a process that led to increased thickness of the keratin layer and formation of a functional plug during later stages of involution. Changes in cells of the stratum granulosum indicated a decrease in the rate of epithelial cell maturation during involution. The mitotic index (percentage of basal cells in mitosis) of the teat canal epithelium decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) between days 0 and 7 of the nonlactating period. Bacteria, observed in histologic sections, appeared to colonize only certain regions of the keratin layer. Seemingly, changes in the teat canal during mammary involution may be important factors in changing susceptibility to new intramammary infection during the early and mid-nonlactating periods.  相似文献   

Changes in dimensions of impressions of the lumen of the teat canals of 13 cows were examined at 17 intervals during the nonlactating period and early lactation. Impressions were made of teats of 2 diagonally opposed quarters of each cow, using dental impression material. Impression length was measured and cross sections of the impressions at the proximal (distal to Furstenburg rosette), distal (proximal to the teat orifice), and middle (midway between the 2), portions of the teat canal were prepared. Cross sections were photographed and enlarged, and circumference and area were determined by use of planimetry. Effects of making repeated impressions during the nonlactating period and early lactation on new infection rates and somatic cell counts were also assessed. Mean length of teat canal impressions decreased between days 0 and 3 of involution and during the prepartum periods. Depending on the level from which they were taken, cross-sectional areas of impressions tended to increase or increased significantly during the period of involution and again in the prepartum period. Significant changes in cross-sectional area were not observed during early lactation. Changes in circumference of proximal, middle, and distal cross sections followed trends similar to area measurements, but were more variable and differences were less statistically significant. On the basis of our findings, we suggest that heightened susceptibility to new infection during mammary involution and the prepartum period may be attributable, in part, to changes in the patency of the teat canal. Making impressions repeatedly throughout the nonlactating period and early lactation did not affect the number of new intramammary infections.  相似文献   

An examination of teat canal swabs established that 51 teat canals out of 68 quarters of machine-milked cows were colonized by Staphylococcus aureus. Only 31 of these quarters yielded milk from which S. aureus could be cultured, and 6 out of the 31 produced milk containing somatic cell counts in excess of 500 000/ml. No inhibitory substances could be detected in milk samples 12 h after 10 mg of sodium cloxacillin had been deposited in the test canal on 1-4 successive occasions. Teat canal swabs and milk sample cultures of the same quarters became and remained bacteriologically negative for at least a week after the last treatment. Six quarters, which according to the International Dairy Federation criteria were suffering from subclinical mastitis, became negative after local teat canal therapy. Scanning electron micrographs of one infected teat canal revealed the presence of cocci in depressions and crevices on the epithelial surface, suggesting that such cocci are not always flushed out into milk samples. Teat canal therapy should make a marked contribution to the control of bovine mastitis.  相似文献   

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