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The expression of cyclins A, D1, D2 and E were examined immunohistochemically in 5 canine normal testes and 31 testicular tumors, including 14 seminomas, 11 Sertoli cell tumors and 6 Leydig cell tumors. In canine normal testes, cyclin A expression was detected in spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes. This suggests that A-type cyclins may play some role in canine spermatogenesis. Cyclin A expression was also observed in 13/14 (92.9%) seminomas and 2/11 (18.2%) Sertoli cell tumors, but no positive reaction was observed in Leydig cell tumors. Parallel examinations for cyclins D1, D2 and E gave negative results in canine normal testes and testicular tumors. High levels of cyclin A expression in canine seminomas indicate that the neoplastic germ cells may be arrested at the spermatogonia and primary spermatocyte stages of differentiation.  相似文献   

Standing laparoscopic removal of abdominally retained cryptorchid testes may reduce patient morbidity and speed recovery compared with traditional laparotomy because anaesthesia is avoided and skin incisions are smaller. Reliably locating the testis preoperatively is therefore optimal to avoid unnecessary surgical morbidity and expense. We describe and review the results of a simple method of location using ultrasound scanning of the inguinal region, with a negative result indicating abdominal retention. One hundred and twenty‐seven horses with 141 cryptorchid testes were identified. Eighty‐five testes were identified inguinally: 56 abdominal. Two inguinally retained testes were not observed on ultrasound (false negatives) and 2 testes were considered inguinal but subsequently had to be removed from the abdomen (false positives). Sensitivity of inguinal ultrasound to predict the location of cryptorchid testes was therefore 98% and specificity 97%. The technique described herein proved a reliable technique to locate cryptorchid testes prior to surgery, minimising morbidity and cost. Suspect cryptorchids with no external evidence of testes should undergo a screening blood test prior to this ultrasound method of diagnosis.  相似文献   

Scrotal (n = 66), inguinal (n = 7) and abdominal (n = 36) testes from pigs differing in age (from 1 day to 4 years) were collected after slaughtering or by castration, fixed in 4% formalin and examined by light microscopy. The expression of vimentin, desmin, alpha-actin and PCNA was detected by immunohistochemical technique. Histologically no differences between scrotal and cryptorchid testes are obvious during the prepubertal period, until the age of 10-12 weeks, but with the onset of puberty degenerative alterations (Sertoli-cell-only morphology, giant cells) in dystopic testes occur. Additionally the differentiation of the interstitial cells is disturbed in abdominal testes resulting in a deviating expression pattern of alpha-actin. The Sertoli cells show different distribution patterns (basal, perinuclear, apical) of vimentin depending on the position of the testis and the age of the animal.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic and histological studies were carried out on an intersex horse which was diagnosed clinically as a cryptorchid. Surgery confirmed the horse to be a bilateral abdominal cryptorchid and histological examination revealed ovarian tissue associated with the left epididymis. Chromosome analysis of cultured cells from testicular tissue, ovarian tissue and skin revealed 64-XX and 64-XY make-up, the left gonad containing a greater preponderance of XX cells over XY cells. The external characteristics and behaviour of the horse were indistinguishable from that of a "routine" cryptorchid. Other cases of equine intersexes are reviewed and theories for the discrepancies between genetic, gonadal and phenotypic sex are discussed.  相似文献   

Ziwuling black goats are typically found in loess plateaus regions and the Ziwuling Nature Reserve. Cryptorchidism is a common disease in this inbred goat, and its pathogenesis has been linked with the expression of insulin-like factor 3 (INSL-3). Therefore, this study aimed to investigate anatomical alterations caused by cryptorchism and the expression and distribution of INSL-3 in normal and cryptorchid testicular tissues. The testicular tissues of 6-month-old Ziwuling black goats were collected for microscopic analyses using histochemical, immunohistochemical, immunofluorescence and biometrical methods, as well as Western blotting to compare the expression and distribution of INSL-3. A lower expression of INSL-3 was observed in cryptorchid compared with normal testicular tissues (p < .01). Cryptorchidism caused a significant reduction in layers of spermatogenic epithelium and tubule areas in Ziwuling black goat (p < .01). The interstitial to seminiferous tubule area ratio was larger in cryptorchid than in normal group. Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) staining revealed pronounced positive bands in the interstitial tissue, while positive Alcian blue (AB) staining was not clear, and AB-PAS staining revealed a positive red band in the basement membrane of cryptorchid group. Immunofluorescence revealed a strong signal of INSL-3 expression in Sertoli and peritubular myoid cells, and moderate signal in Leydig and spermatogenic cells in the normal group. However, in cryptorchid testicular tissues, the signal of INSL-3 expression was strong in primary spermatocytes, occasional in Sertoli cells, limited in Leydig cells and absent in peritubular myoid cells. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry showed that INSL-3 expression was higher in normal testes compared with cryptorchid testicular tissues (p < .05), especially in primary spermatocytes and Sertoli cells. Collectively, our results indicate that cryptorchidism is closely related to the disorder of acid glycoprotein metabolism and the reduction in release of INSL-3 from Leydig cells. Moreover, Sertoli and peritubular myoid cells are crucial for INSL signalling and could underpin further research on the mechanism of cryptorchidism in animal.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopy revealed an age-related progression of alterations of Sertoli cells in the intra-abdominal and scrotal testes of unilaterally cryptorchid West African dwarf goats between the ages of 1 and 30 months. Alterations in the scrotal testis were, however, maturational and included differentiation of Sertoli-to-Sertoli cell junctional specializations, profusion of smooth endoplasmic reticulum, convolution of nuclear profiles, development of vacuolar components of the nucleolus, and an overall change in cell shape in response to proliferation of germinal cells. Corresponding features were observed in Sertoli cells of the contralateral intra-abdominal testis, but the cytoplasmic features were transient because the cells degenerated progressively. Early changes included segregation of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum into compact masses composed of dense, narrow cisternae, dilatation of the rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae into large, irregular profiles, atrophy of the Golgi complex, and accumulation of lipid droplets and lipofuscin granules. Many of these organelles and inclusions no longer were obvious in Sertoli cells of 12- to 15-month-old goats; rather, intracellular vacuoles and dilated intercellular spaces had become common. In the 24- to 30-month-old goats, Sertoli cells in the intra-abdominal testis contained mostly microfilaments and basally located mitochondria with circular cristae in dense matrices. The Sertoli-to-Sertoli cell junctional specializations were structurally intact. These results indicated that, in spite of the unfavorable intra-abdominal environment, Sertoli cells of the intra-abdominal testis, before their degeneration, had developed features similar to those of the scrotal testis.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Transrectal ultrasonography is a reliable technique to identify intra-abdominal testes, but can be hazardous or impractical in fractious, juvenile or small equids. The transabdominal approach therefore requires validation. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of transabdominal ultrasonography to localise cryptorchid testes. METHODS: Thirty-eight horses admitted for cryptorchidism underwent transabdominal ultrasonography to locate errant testes. Location of the testes was confirmed during surgery (n = 37) or necropsy (n = 1). RESULTS: Horses weighed 175-760 kg. Twenty-two testes were located within the abdomen, 19 in the inguinal space and 3 in a subcutaneous location. In 2 horses, a thick winter coat prevented adequate contact between the probe and the skin, and visualisation of their inguinal testis and one abdominal testis was missed during transabdominal ultrasonography. Excluding the 2 horses with excessive hair, the sensitivity of transabdominal ultrasonography to locate errant testes was 97.6% (93.2% when all horses were included), and its specificity 100%. CONCLUSIONS: Transabdominal ultrasonography is a reliable, safe and immediate technique to diagnose cryptorchidism precisely in horses of all ages, sizes and temperaments. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Transabdominal ultrasonography provides an immediate definitive diagnosis of adominal cryptorchidism and should enhance selection of an appropriate surgical approach for their removal.  相似文献   

An intra-abdominal testicular tumour was diagnosed in a 10-year-old, male, cryptorchid golden retriever. Upon surgical removal, torsion of the testis was found. The histopathological diagnosis was seminoma. The ultrasound examination in this case revealed a parenchymal mass lesion. An ultrasound examination is a useful supplemental diagnostic tool for differentiation of abdominal mass lesions.  相似文献   

Canine mast cell tumors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the fact that the mast cell tumor is a common neoplasm of the dog, we still have only a meager understanding of its etiology and biologic behavior. Many of the published recommendations for treatment are based on opinion rather than facts derived from careful studies and should be viewed with some skepticism. Because of the infrequent occurrence of this tumor in man, only a limited amount of help can be expected from human oncologists; therefore, burden of responsibility for progress in predicting behavior and developing treatment effective for canine mast cell tumors must fall on the shoulders of the veterinary profession.  相似文献   

Canine mammary gland tumors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An understanding of the known biologic facts of this disease and methodical evaluation of the individual patient are necessary prerequisites for outlining rational courses of therapy for dogs afflicted with mammary tumors. Because of the common occurrence of multiple tumors arising at various stages of development simultaneously and the heterogeneity of histology of the complex (mixed tissue types) tumors, presurgical biopsy is recommended only in cases in which mast cell tumor or anaplastic carcinoma is suspected. Although investigative work is being performed regarding the efficacy of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy, surgery still remains the mainstay in treatment of this condition. No one surgical procedure fits the needs of all patients, although it seems logical to remove as much breast tissue as is reasonable in each circumstance owing to the multicentric nature of the disease. Ovariohysterectomy has not been demonstrated to be of value in treatment of dogs with mammary tumors, but it is a markedly effective method of preventing mammary tumors if it is performed before puberty; it is moderately effective if performed before the dog is 21/2 years of age.  相似文献   

Canine mast cell tumors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are common in the dog, occurring most frequently in the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Their biologic behavior can be quite variable, with approximately 50% being malignant. Although clinical features and histologic grading can help determine the likelihood of malignancy, it is difficult to predict the biologic behavior of an individual tumor. Consequently, all MCTs should be considered potentially malignant. Wide surgical excision is the most common therapy for canine MCTs, although approximately 50% recur locally. Nonresectable or recurrent MCTs can be treated with radiation and/or chemotherapy. Chemotherapy is also used in the treatment of metastatic MCTs, and it may be helpful in preventing the recurrence and/or metastasis of undifferentiated tumors.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical detection of inhibin-alpha, -betaA and -betaB chains and 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD) was carried out on primary testicular tumors from 15 dogs and normal testes from three adult dogs. Histopathologically, the tumors were composed of three types: Leydig cell tumors in five dogs, Sertoli cell tumors in five dogs, and seminoma in five dogs. In normal testes, immunostaining against inhibin-alpha, -betaA, and -betaB chains and 3beta-HSD revealed positive reactivity in the cytoplasm of Leydig cells. In testicular tumors, immunoreactive cells against inhibin-alpha, -betaA, and -betaB chains and 3beta-HSD were localized in all Leydig cell tumors but not in any Sertoli cell tumors or seminomas. The results of radioimmunoassay for plasma inhibin in dogs with Leydig cell tumors showed higher concentrations than those in dogs with Sertoli cell tumors and seminomas and those in normal dogs. The concentration of inhibin in the plasma was markedly decreased by the surgical removal of the Leydig cell tumor in one dog. Our findings suggest that inhibin is synthesized by normal and neoplastic Leydig cells in the canine testis, and the secreted inhibin may be inhibin A and inhibin B.  相似文献   

The National Consensus Group recommends that all women with tumors larger than 1 cm be offered chemotherapy regardless of tumor histology of lymph node status. This recommendation is to ensure that everyone at risk for failing, even though the risk may be low in women with relatively small tumors and favorable histology, has a choice and receives the benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy. This type of treatment recommendation may also be made in dogs based on recognized, well-accepted prognostic factors such as tumor size, stage, type, and histologic differentiation. Based on the limited clinical information available in veterinary medicine, the drugs that are effective in human breast cancer, such as cyclophosphamide, 5-fluorouracil, and doxorubicin, may also have a role in the treatment of malignant mammary gland tumors in dogs. Randomized prospective studies are needed, however, to evaluate the efficacy of chemotherapy in dogs with high-risk mammary gland tumors and to determine which drugs and protocols are the most efficacious. Until such studies are performed, the treatment of canine mammary gland tumors will be based on the individual oncologist's understanding of tumor biology, experience, interpretation of the available studies, and a little bit of gut-feeling. Table 2 is a proposal for treatment guidelines for malignant canine mammary gland tumors according to established prognostic factors, results from published veterinary studies, and current recommendations for breast cancer treatment in women.  相似文献   

Equine testicular interstitial cell tumors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Interstitial cell tumors from nine stallions were described. In all but one horse the tumors were found in undescended testes. Five animals had bilateral tumors. Two animals showed increased aggression. Tumors contained two cell types. The first type were large distinctly bordered eosinophilic cells interpreted to be hyperplastic and hypertrophic interstitial cells. They blended with pleomorphic often spindloid neoplastic cells which had fibrillar, vacuolated cytoplasm and indistinct cell borders. This latter cell population was arranged in nodules or broad sheets as endocrine-like packets or interweaving fascicles. Biologic behavior of the neoplasms could not be ascertained from histologic examination.  相似文献   

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