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为明确中国西北地区大麦条锈菌群体的毒性结构及其与小麦条锈菌的交流程度,采用"Flor基因对基因"假说,对采自甘肃省的398份小麦条锈菌标样和采自甘肃、青海及四川省的67份大麦条锈菌标样进行毒性测定、致病类群及专化型分析,同时对侵染大麦的小麦条锈菌标样进行致病范围测定。结果表明,大麦条锈菌与小麦条锈菌对17个小麦条锈病近等基因系材料均致病,其中,小麦条锈菌对近等基因系的13个抗性基因的毒性频率在56.82%及以上,而大麦条锈菌仅对1个抗性基因的毒性频率达到56.82%以上。通过对2个条锈菌专化型群体进行致病类群分析,发现二者都含有贵农22、水源11、杂46及中四致病类群,表明大麦条锈菌与小麦条锈菌的毒性结构有较大差异,但2个专化型之间有毒性交流,贵农22类群在小麦条锈菌和大麦条锈菌专化型群体中均占第一位。利用100份甘肃省小麦条锈菌对大麦进行致病性测定,发现有10.00%的小麦条锈菌能够侵染西北地区的大麦主栽品种。  相似文献   

西藏大麦条锈病Puccinia striiformis f.sp.hordei在致病性和流行规律方面都有其特点,不同于小麦条锈病P.striiformis f.sp.tritici。过去国内很少有人作这方面的工作,对大麦条锈菌的专化型更没有人研究过。为了获得这方面的知识,便于进一步提高大麦抗条锈育种工作和此病的流行规律等研究,逐步搞好综合治理,本文报道了西藏地区大麦条锈菌专化类型的初步研究。  相似文献   

为查明西藏小麦条锈菌Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici群体结构和遗传多样性,采用中国鉴别寄主和近等基因系鉴别寄主,以及竞争性等位基因特异性PCR-单核苷酸多态性(kompetitive al-lele specific PCR-single nucleotide polymorphism,KASP-SNP)分子标记对2017年采自西藏的150个小麦条锈菌菌系分别进行表型分析和基因型分析。表型分析结果显示,中国鉴别寄主将150个菌系区分为 12 个已知小种、6 个已知致病类型和 13 个未知致病类型,所有菌系均不能侵染中四和Triticum spelta album鉴别寄主。近等基因系鉴别寄主将150个菌系区分为88个毒性类型,这些毒性类型均不侵染携带抗性基因Yr5Yr10Yr15的品种。基因型分析结果显示,26对引物将150个菌系划分为73个基因型,表明西藏小麦条锈菌群体基因型丰富。基因流分析结果表明,波密县与洛扎县小麦条锈菌亚群体之间的基因流Nm最高,达5.86,米林县西部与波密县、洛扎县、巴宜县、米林县东部条锈菌亚群体之间的Nm较低,分别为0.25、0.34、0.42和0.67,表明西藏不同地区条锈菌群体之间基因交流强度差异较大。说明西藏作为我国小麦条锈病的独立流行区,条锈菌群体毒性结构复杂,遗传多样性高。  相似文献   

 在温室用95个西藏大麦条锈病菌菌株接种35个小麦品种的苗期,用20个小麦条锈病菌菌株接种72个大麦品种的苗期,并用条锈病菌两个类型有代表性毒性的菌株接种西藏重要大、小麦品种的成株期,结果大麦条锈病菌不能侵染绝大多数参试小麦品种。小麦条锈病菌不能侵染绝大多数参试大麦品种。表明二者致病性存在明显差异。大田观察结果也表明条锈病菌两个类型在西藏的发生与流行是独立的。因此,作者赞同将二类型区分为不同专化型的观点。  相似文献   

1990-1993年我国小麦叶锈菌生理小种及其致病性特点研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1990—1993年共鉴定了来自全国18个省(区)的496份叶锈菌标样。根据在全国统一的8个鉴别寄主上的反应,划分为16个生理小种和10个未定型,其中叶中4号为优势小种,出现频率为60.5%,是目前小麦抗叶锈病育种的主要对象。其次是叶中34号、叶中3号、叶中44号、叶中19号、未定Ⅲ型和叶中5号,其出现频率分别为9.5%、7.7%、5.2%、2.4%、2.0%和1.4%。小种致病性特点分析结果表明:①不同小种对我国主要麦区大面积种植的生产品种和重要抗源的毒性各不相同,以叶中4号毒力最强,毒谱最宽;②同一小种不同菌株(系)的毒性既有共性,也具异质性,但共性是主要的;③抗性基因在不同的遗传背景中反应不尽相同。作者还对锈菌生理专化研究方法进行了讨论。  相似文献   

小麦条锈菌鉴别寄主和小种命名现状   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
 中国是世界上小麦条锈病最大的流行区之一,也是限制中国小麦生产的最严重病害之一,特别是当条件适于其发生时会造成巨大的产量损失.小麦条锈菌小种生理专化性研究及小种监测是掌握小麦条锈菌及其毒性变化动态、抗病基因有效性及病害流行预测预报的重要依据,是治理由此病原菌引起的小麦条锈病的基本环节之一.由于地域、条锈菌群体结构、研究水平和历史等的差异,目前国际上不同国家和地区采用相应的小麦条锈菌鉴别寄主和小种命名方法.中国、美国和印度均使用了各自不同的小麦条锈菌鉴别寄主,并采用了相应的小种命名体系,例如从1957至2002年,中国利用10多个鉴别寄主已鉴定和命名了32个小种和30多个致病类型,美国利用10多个鉴别寄主已鉴定和命名了80个小种;另一类是采用1972年Johnson提出的二进制国际小种命名法,这种体系包括了国际鉴别寄主和欧洲鉴别寄主,象一套鉴别寄主被整体使用,欧洲、中东、亚洲、非洲和南美国家及澳大利亚和新西兰均采用此体系监测小麦条锈菌变化,是一套被最为广泛接受和使用的小麦条锈菌小种鉴别方法和命名系统,但随着研究深入和各国实际情况差异等原因,不同研究人员加入了不同的辅助鉴别寄主,以更能准确和实际地反映本国和地区的现实情况,为生产服务,本文对此现状进行了分析和比较.由于此病菌具有长距离气传和扩散的特点(地区间、国家间和洲际间),因而也讨论了未来小麦条锈菌鉴别寄主组成、小种命名方法和研究结果的交流和比较等实际问题.  相似文献   

小麦条锈菌有性生殖与毒性变异的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦条锈病是由条形柄锈菌小麦专化型Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici Erikss.et Henn.引起的、最具毁灭性的小麦真菌病害之一,在全世界小麦种植的国家或地区均有发生,其流行常常导致小麦严重的产量损失。利用抗病品种是防治小麦条锈病最为经济、有效的措施。然而,由于病原菌毒性变异不断产生新小种,频繁导致品种抗病性"丧失",继而引发病害流行成灾。小麦条锈菌的有性阶段过去一直未被发现,有性生殖与条锈菌变异及其在病害发生中的作用研究一直处于空白状态。近年来,随着小麦条锈菌转主寄主的发现,国内外学者开展了相关的研究工作,取得了一系列重要的研究进展。本文综述了小麦条锈病的发生症状、病菌的生物学特性、转主寄主、有性生殖与条锈菌毒性变异、转主寄主在条锈病发生中的作用、影响有性生殖发生的因素等方面的最新进展,并展望了深入开展小麦条锈菌有性生殖的研究思路。  相似文献   

鲁豫皖交界地区四个小麦禾谷孢囊线虫群体致病型鉴定   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为了明确鲁豫皖交界地区小麦禾谷孢囊线虫的致病类型,利用23个国际鉴别寄主品种和1个当地小麦品种温麦19对采自山东菏泽、安徽颍上、河南商丘和淮阳的4个小麦禾谷孢囊线虫群体致病型进行了鉴定。4个群体的致病型不同于国际上已命名的16个小麦禾谷孢囊线虫致病型。13个A组鉴别寄主对山东菏泽与安徽颍上群体具有相同的抗性反应,这2个线虫群体属于同一致病型;河南商丘群体与上述2个群体的毒性相似,但大麦寄主KVL191对山东菏泽群体和安徽颍上群体表现为抗病,而对河南商丘群体表现感病;河南淮阳群体的致病谱较宽,明显不同于其它3个群体。对照小麦品种温麦19对4个小麦禾谷孢囊线虫群体均表现感病。  相似文献   

1999年我国小麦叶锈菌毒性监测   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
采用国际通用的小麦叶锈菌鉴别寄主和辅助鉴别寄主分析了来自1999年我国不同地区小麦叶锈菌的毒性基因,479个叶锈菌株共划分为162个毒性类型,其中23个为主要毒性类型.毒性类型中出现频率最高的为FHB、PHT、FHG、THT,它们对抗叶锈基因Lr2a、Lr2b、Lr3、Lr10、Lr14b、Lr16、 Lr26的平均毒性频率高于80%,而对Lr3ka、Lr25、Lr19、Lr24、Lr30、Lr15、Lr35的平均毒性频率低于30%;发现对Lr35有毒力的菌株,出现频率为1.04%;至今尚未发现对Lr38、Lr45抗性基因有毒力的菌株.研究同时发现,不同地区小麦叶锈菌的毒性类型不同,毒性频率存在一定的差异.Lr9、Lr15、Lr19、Lr24、Lr35、Lr38、Lr45为小麦抗叶锈育种可利用的有效抗病基因.  相似文献   

为持续控制小麦叶锈病及促进小麦的抗叶锈病育种工作,2019—2020年自江苏、浙江和安徽3个省采集自然感叶锈病的小麦病叶,经分离获得小麦叶锈菌单孢分离物,利用43个小麦叶锈病鉴别寄主材料对其致病类型进行鉴定,并对其毒性结构进行分析。结果显示,从170份小麦叶锈菌单孢分离物中共鉴定出67个致病类型,主要致病类型为THS、SHJ、PHS和SHS,出现频率分别为8.8%、7.6%、5.9%和5.9%。江苏、浙江和安徽3个省的单孢分离物对携带抗叶锈基因Lr10、Lr12、Lr22a、Lr22b、Lr29、Lr33、Lr35和Lr36的鉴别寄主材料的苗期毒性频率均超过90.0%,而对携带抗叶锈基因Lr9、Lr24、Lr25、Lr28、Lr38、Lr40、Lr41、Lr42、Lr43和Lr13+3ka的鉴别寄主材料的苗期毒性频率均小于10.0%。卡方检验及Fisher精确检验显示,3个省小麦叶锈菌群体对抗叶锈基因Lr1、Lr2a、Lr3、Lr14b、Lr18、Lr21、Lr26、Lr27+31、Lr32和Lr37的毒力存在显著分化。浙江省小麦叶锈菌群体具有较少的毒性因子(4.73)和毒性值(600...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Stripe rust is one of the most important diseases of wheat and barley worldwide. On wheat it is caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici and on barley by P. striiformis f. sp. hordei Most wheat genotypes are resistant to P. striiformis f. sp. hordei and most barley genotypes are resistant to P. striiformis f. sp. tritici. To determine the genetics of resistance in wheat to P. striiformis f. sp. hordei, crosses were made between wheat genotypes Lemhi (resistant to P. striiformis f. sp. hordei) and PI 478214 (susceptible to P. striiformis f. sp. hordei). The greenhouse seedling test of 150 F(2) progeny from the Lemhi x PI 478214 cross, inoculated with race PSH-14 of P. striiformis f. sp. hordei, indicated that Lemhi has a dominant resistance gene. The single dominant gene was confirmed by testing seedlings of the F(1), BC(1) to the two parents, and 150 F(3) lines from the F(2) plants with the same race. The tests of the F(1), BC(1), and F(3) progeny with race PSH-48 of P. striiformis f. sp. hordei and PST-21 of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici also showed a dominant gene for resistance to these races. Cosegregation analyses of the F(3) data from the tests with the two races of P. striiformis f. sp. hordei and one race of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici suggested that the same gene conferred the resistance to both races of P. striiformis f. sp. hordei, and this gene was different but closely linked to Yr21, a previously reported gene in Lemhi conferring resistance to race PST-21 of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici. A linkage group consisting of 11 resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) markers was established for the genes. The gene was confirmed to be on chromosome 1B by amplification of a set of nullitetrasomic Chinese Spring lines with an RGAP marker linked in repulsion with the resistance allele. The genetic information obtained from this study is useful in understanding interactions between inappropriate hosts and pathogens. The gene identified in Lemhi for resistance to P. striiformis f. sp. hordei should provide resistance to barley stripe rust when introgressed into barley cultivars.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to produce somatic hybrids between isolates of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici and f. sp. hordei. A mixed infection was produced on a common susceptible barley host, Fong Tien, using white-spored isolates of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici and yellow-spored isolates off. sp. hordei. Selection was made for non-parental spore colour on selective wheat and barley hosts, and variants thus isolated were analysed for virulence markers, and for isozyme and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) markers, all of which clearly differentiated the parental isolates. Two white-spored (non-parental) isolates were found on the selective barley host which otherwise resembled the parental f. sp. hordei isolate in virulence, isozyme and dsRNA markers. The most likely explanation of the origin of these isolates is mutation to white spore colour in the f. sp. hordei isolate.  相似文献   

西藏地区是中国相对独立的小麦种植区,小麦条锈病是西藏冬小麦上最重要的病害.长期以来,对西藏小麦条锈菌生理小种群体结构缺乏全面系统的了解.为了弄清西藏小麦条锈菌生理小种群体结构,本研究从西藏地区小麦条锈病发生的关键地区采集并鉴定了小麦条锈菌标样261份.西藏地区小麦条锈菌群体结构复杂,小种类型数多,主要优势小种以CYR32和CYR33为主,水源11类群为优势类群,Hybrid46类群结构简单,未发现CYR32以外的类型;CYR32之前的小种数较多、其中CYR17、CYR20、CYR31出现频率较高;西藏小麦条锈菌群体结构与内地有着较大的相似性,同时也有其自身的独特性,表现西藏小麦条锈菌优势小种组成与四川、云南两省相似,与青海省差异较大.推测西藏地区小麦条锈菌与四川和云南省存在较密切的菌源交流,与青海省交流较少.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Most barley cultivars are resistant to stripe rust of wheat that is caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici. The barley cv. Steptoe is susceptible to all identified races of P. striiformis f. sp. hordei (PSH), the barley stripe rust pathogen, but is resistant to most P. striiformis f. sp. tritici races. To determine inheritance of the Steptoe resistance to P. striiformis f. sp. tritici, a cross was made between Steptoe and Russell, a barley cultivar susceptible to some P. striiformis f. sp. tritici races and all tested P. striiformis f. sp. hordei races. Seedlings of parents and F(1), BC(1), F(2), and F(3) progeny from the barley cross were tested with P. striiformis f. sp. tritici races PST-41 and PST-45 under controlled greenhouse conditions. Genetic analyses of infection type data showed that Steptoe had one dominant gene and one recessive gene (provisionally designated as RpstS1 and rpstS2, respectively) for resistance to races PST-41 and PST-45. Genomic DNA was extracted from the parents and 150 F(2) plants that were tested for rust reaction and grown for seed of F(3) lines. The infection type data and polymorphic markers identified using the resistance gene analog polymorphism (RGAP) technique were analyzed with the Mapmaker computer program to map the resistance genes. The dominant resistance gene in Steptoe for resistance to P. striiformis f. sp. tritici races was mapped on barley chromosome 4H using a linked microsatellite marker, HVM68. A linkage group for the dominant gene was constructed with 12 RGAP markers and the microsatellite marker. The results show that resistance in barley to the wheat stripe rust pathogen is qualitatively inherited. These genes might provide useful resistance against wheat stripe rust when introgressed into wheat from barley.  相似文献   

我国小麦条锈菌体细胞遗传重组的分子证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 小麦条锈病是影响我国小麦生产的重要病害之一,条锈菌毒性变异是引致小麦品种抗病性丧失的主要原因。本文应用SSR分子标记技术,研究了陇南越夏区小麦条锈菌群体遗传结构,以期寻找条锈菌群体遗传重组的分子证据。研究结果表明,陇南地区小麦条锈菌群体遗传多样性比较丰富而遗传分化较小,遗传变异主要存在于群体内部,而在群体之间,遗传多样性有显著的差异。在11对SSR引物中,有4对能够检测到陇南地区小麦条锈菌群体存在遗传重组,而且重组体出现的频率不同,CPS15揭示的条锈菌重组体出现的频率为20.0%,CPS34揭示的条锈菌重组体出现的频率为18.5%,RJ20揭示的条锈菌重组体出现的频率为12.8%,RJ18揭示的条锈菌重组体出现的频率为15.0%,陇南地区小麦条锈菌群体重组体出现频率平均为16.6%。本文揭示的遗传重组现象表明陇南地区条锈菌体细胞结合十分普遍,由此推测我国小麦条锈菌在自然条件下通过遗传重组而导致毒性变异的可能性。  相似文献   

新疆棉花枯萎病菌群体结构的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 采自新疆24个不同植棉县(市或团场)的37株棉花枯萎病菌代表菌株,经人工接种于国际通用鉴别寄主,致病性反应均表现为典型的7号生理小种特征。RAPD分析结果也显示出这37个供试菌株与7号小种各对照菌株间基因组DNA的指纹图谱高度相似,属同一遗传相似组,而与3号和8号小种的对照菌株间遗传差异较大,亲缘关系较远,即7号生理小种是组成目前新疆棉花枯萎病菌群体的优势小种,而原分布于新疆吐鲁番等地的3号小种在本研究中未被发现。结合部分自选辅助鉴别寄主对其中18个菌株进行的致病力分化研究表明,在7号小种内部还存在着侵染力的分化,显示出棉花枯萎病菌较强的变异性和适应性。  相似文献   

Gel electrophoresis was used to examine the variation in isozymes and dsRNA within and between the rust species Puccinia striiformis, P. recondita and P. hordei. No differences in isozyme phenotype were found among 29 diverse isolates of the wheat-attacking form of P. striiformis (WYR). Smaller numbers of isolates of the barley-attacking form (BYR) of P. recondita and of P. hordei showed similar intra-group uniformity. There were major differences in isozyme phenotypes between the three species, while WYR and BYR differed for two of 12 enzymes. Double-stranded RNA was detected in each species and in all 26 isolates examined. For WYR and BYR, all isolates within each group had the same or a similar phenotype. In contrast, each isolate of P. recondita and P. hordei had a unique phenotype. There were differences in dsRNA phenotypes both between the three species and between WYR and BYR.
The uniformity of these rust populations and species for isozyme phenotype is contrasted with their variability in pathogenicity and with the variability in isozymes encountered in higher organisms. Uniformity may result from a feature of the biology of the rust species and populations examined, or from the relative homogeneity of the environment of biotrophic pathogens. Consistent differences in isozyme and dsRNA phenotype between the WYR and BYR isolates of P. striiformis indicate that these are two discrete populations, supporting the view that they should be recognized as f.sp. tritici and f.sp. hordei , respectively.  相似文献   

欧洲小麦品种Mega抗条锈病基因的遗传分析及分子标记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 本研究表明欧洲小麦品种Mega对我国小麦条锈病重要流行小种CYR30、CYR31、CYR32、Su-4和Su-14在苗期都具有良好的抗病性。采用小麦条锈菌小种CYR30对Mega与感病小麦品种铭贤169杂交的F1、F2和BC1代及双亲进行苗期抗病性遗传分析,结果表明,Mega对CYR30的抗性由1对显性基因独立控制。采用SSR标记技术对其携带的抗性基因进行分子标记,在237对SSR引物中,发现位于5BL上的2个SSR引物位点Barc232Wmc640在双亲和抗、感池间能扩增出稳定的特异性片段,与抗病基因连锁的遗传距离分别是3.7cM和8.6cM,暂命名为YrMe。本研究结果为科学利用Mega抗条锈基因培育抗病品种提供了依据。  相似文献   

In 1986, two spring barley cultivars were widely grown in the UK for the first time: Klaxon, which carries the powdery mildew resistance alleles Mla7, Mlk and Ml ( La ), and Natasha ( Mla12 + Ml(Ab) ). Significant amounts of a third cultivar, Doublet ( Mla7+ Ml(La) ), were grown for the first time in 1986. The individual resistance genes, and the combination Mla7+Mlk , had previously been used separately in different varieties. Isolates of the mildew pathogen Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei , which were virulent on Doublet and Klaxon, were rare up to June 1986. One clone of E. g. f.sp. hordei , virulent on Doublet and Klaxon, increased in frequency from < 1% to 36% from June to October 1986, in samples from the airborne population in Cambridge, UK. This consisted of isolates with apparently identical virulences, responses to fungicides and genetic fingerprints. It also formed the majority of Doublet-virulent mildew sampled from a field of Doublet near Cambridge in 1987. By contrast, isolates virulent on Natasha were already common and genetically diverse in 1985:22 of 100 isolates sampled in October 1985, belonging to 13 races, were virulent. Natasha appeared not to influence the E. g. f.sp. hordei population greatly, as the frequency of Natasha-virulent isolates fell slightly, from 15·5% to 11·7% between June and October 1986. No single clone predominated in the Natasha-virulent population. These results support the view that new epidemics of barley powdery mildew in the UK arise by highly stochastic evolution of E. g. f.sp. hordei populations. They also indicate that varieties with new combinations of previously exposed resistance genes do not necessarily provide durable control of mildew, because the frequency of a virulent clone may rise rapidly.  相似文献   

河南省小麦白粉病菌生理小种及其致病性测定   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
1990—1991年,于小麦生长季节从河南省14个县(市)采集了126个白粉菌株。根据9个鉴别寄主的抗感反应进行小种划分,并用毒性公式和八进制法编码。结果表明,15号小种的频率最高,达17.46%,与国内其它地区的结果基本一致。但对鉴别寄主毒力频率分析发现不同年份及地区间,小麦白粉菌群体有较大差异;而且同小种不同菌株对豫麦2号等10个推广品种的致病性存在明显差异。原因在于传统小种鉴定方法存在较大弊端,现行鉴别寄主中与生产基本无关的高抗品种较多,缺乏代表性的生产品种,不能准确反映当地小麦品种与当地白粉菌群体问的互作。提出应对鉴别寄主予以修改,或用病菌群体毒性基因结构测定代替优势小种分析,以提高研究结果的实用性。  相似文献   

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