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The collection of biting midges was taking place some months before the first bluetongue outbreak in Belgium in August 2006. The Walloon Agricultural Research Centre had been monitoring aphid populations at two sites annually in Belgium (Gembloux and Libramont), using two stationary ‘12-m’ Rothamsted suction traps. For the Gembloux trap, collections of insects captured daily from 11 May 2006 onwards were already available at the time of the outbreak. An examination of these samples revealed the presence of Culicoides, some species of which are considered as potential vectors of the bluetongue virus (BTV). The trapping was therefore extended beyond the normal aphid activity period and the Culicoides captured were identified to species level. From 11 May to 31 December 2006, the Gembloux trap caught 664 Culicoides specimens belonging to 19 species comprising known BTV-vectors. The second trap, at Libramont, was reactivated from 12 September to 13 October and caught 97 specimens belonging to nine species, all of which had been found at the Gembloux site. Among the 19 species identified, four were new to Belgian fauna: Culicoides achrayi, C. deltus, C. lupicaris and C. newsteadi. This paper examines the overall phenology and the physiological status of Culicoides in 2006 before and during the bluetongue epidemic. It discusses the potential of the Rothamsted suction trap to monitor Culicoides.  相似文献   

After bluetongue (BT) appeared in northern Europe in August 2006 entomological studies were implemented in all five affected Member States (MSs) to establish which species of Culicoides had acted as vectors. The findings can be summarised as follows: (i) C. imicola the principal southern European/African vector of BTV has not penetrated into northern Europe, (ii) three pools of C. obsoletus/C. scoticus and one of C. dewulfi assayed RT-PCR-positive to BTV-8, (iii) in support of these results it was found that both potential vectors had also high parity rates (approximately 40%) indicating increased longevity favouring BTV virogenesis and transmission, (iv) furthermore, C. obsoletus/C. scoticus and C. dewulfi occurred also widely and abundantly on sheep and cattle holdings across the entire affected region, (v) and during the latter part of the season showed strong endophily readily entering livestock buildings in significant numbers to bite the animals inside (endophagy), (vi) which demonstrates that housing at best offers only limited protection to livestock from Culicoides attacks, (vii) in contrast the potential vector C. pulicaris sensu stricto was restricted geographically, was captured rarely, had a low parity rate (10%) and was exophilic indicating it played no role in the outbreak of BT, (viii) the incrimination of C. dewulfi as a novel vector is significant because it breeds in cattle and horse dung this close association raising its vectorial potential, but (ix) problems with its taxonomy (and that of the Obsoletus and Pulicaris species complexes) illustrates the need for morphological and molecular techniques to become more fully integrated to ensure progress in the accurate identification of vector Culicoides, (x) midge densities (as adjudged by light traps) were generally low indicating northern European Culicoides to have a high vector potential and/or that significant numbers of midges are going undetected because they are biting (and transmitting BTV) during the day when light traps are not effective, and (xi) the sporadic capture of Culicoides in the winter of 2007 invites re-examination of the current definition of a vector-free period. The re-emergence of BT over a wide front in 2007 raises anew questions as to precisely how the virus overwinters and asks also that we scrutinise our monitoring systems in terms of their sensitivity and early warning capability.  相似文献   

Culicoides were captured at a BTV-infected dairy near Gulpen in the province of Limburg (south-east Netherlands) between 14 September and 4 October 2006. Onderstepoort-type blacklight traps were used to sample Culicoides both inside and outside a partially open shed housing 11 cattle. A total of 28 light trap collections were made at the shed and yielded:
• 9371 Culicoides representing 11 species; >90% comprised five potential vectors of BTV and in order of abundance were Culicoides obsoletus and Culicoides scoticus (of the Obsoletus Complex), Culicoides dewulfi, Culicoides pulicaris and Culicoides chiopterus; Culicoides imicola, the principal Mediterranean (and African) vector of BTV, was absent.
• 2339 Culicoides representing seven species were captured inside (endophily) the cattle shed; >95% comprised the Obsoletus Complex and C. dewulfi. Conversely, the Pulicaris Complex, represented by five species and including C. pulicaris, showed strong exophily with >97% captured outside the shed.
• 7032 Culicoides were captured outside the shed, approximately threefold more than inside. This trend was reversed on an overcast day, when eightfold more Culicoides were captured inside; this indicates that when the light intensity outdoors is low Culicoides will attack (i) earlier in the day while cattle are still at pasture, and (ii) might follow cattle into the sheds in the late afternoon leading to elevated numbers of biting midges being trapped inside the shed during the subsequent hours of darkness.
Culicoides were captured inside the shed on all 14 sampling nights. On occasion up to 33% were freshly blood fed indicating they had avidly attacked the cattle inside (endophagy); because half the cattle had seroconverted to BTV, and because no cattle were left outdoors at night, the data indicate that (i) the housing of animals in partially open buildings does not interrupt the transmission of BTV, and/or (ii) BTV is being transmitted while cattle are grazing outdoors during the day.
• The capture of partially engorged midges inside the shed shows they are being disturbed while feeding; this may lead to cattle being attacked repeatedly, and if these attacks include older parous BTV-infected Culicoides, may enhance virus dissemination (particularly in sheds where cattle stand close together).
• Endo- and exophagy by potential vector Culicoides – coupled to increased adult longevity and multiple feeding events in single (potentially) infected midges – would ensure an R0 of >1, resulting in the continued maintenance and spread of BTV within local vertebrate populations.
• Four light trap collections made additionally in a mature deciduous forest 70 m from the shed yielded a high proportion (48%) of gravid females amongst which 10% had incompletely digested blackened blood meals in their abdomens; the absence of this age category in Culicoides captured at the sheds indicates that all Culicoides, after engorgement, exit the buildings to undergo oogenesis elsewhere.
In Europe, the blacklight trap is used widely for the nocturnal monitoring of Culicoides; a drawback to this approach is that this trap cannot be used to sample midges that are active during the day. Because diurnal biting in vector Culicoides may constitute a significant and underestimated component of BTV transmission a novel capture methodology will be required in future and is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

A novel method was developed and implemented during the recent outbreak of bluetongue (BT) in sheep and cattle in The Netherlands to obtain rapidly a 'snapshot' of Culicoides vector densities at the national level. The country was divided into 110 raster cells, each measuring 20kmx20km; within 106 of these cells, a farm was selected with a minimum of 10 cattle and sampled for Culicoides for one night only using the Onderstepoort-type blacklight trap. Prior to deployment of the light traps in the field, local veterinarians were trained in their use and in the preservation of captured Culicoides. The collections were despatched daily by courier to a field laboratory where the Culicoides were counted and identified. The 'snapshot' commenced on 12 September 2006 and was completed on 28 September coinciding with the 5-7 weeks of BT virus (BTV) activity in The Netherlands and when the number of weekly cases of disease was on the rise. Analysis of the 106 collections was completed on 5 October. The number of grid cells in which a taxon occurred is represented by the index 20(2)gFR (=20kmx20km grid Frequency Rate); this index essentially reflects the percentage of examined raster cells found to contain the potential vector in question. The 'snapshot' results can be summarised as follows: The northward advance of BT in Europe compels the competent authorities in affected and in neighbouring territories to acquire rapidly baseline information around which to plan sound vector surveillance and livestock movement strategies. The Culicoides 'snapshot' is a tool well suited to this purpose. It is stressed that a vector surveillance program must be built upon a firm taxonomic base because misidentifications will flaw the mapped seasonal and geographic distribution patterns upon which veterinary authorities depend.  相似文献   

In August 2006, bluetongue virus (BTV) was detected in the Netherlands, Belgium, western Germany, Luxembourg and northern France for the first time. Consequently, a longitudinal entomological study was conducted in the affected region of northern France (Ardennes) throughout the autumn of 2006. Data on the spatio-temporal distribution of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) associated with livestock were collected and an attempt was made to identify the vector(s) involved in BTV transmission by means of virus detection in wild-caught biting midges. Weekly sampling using standardized Onderstepoort-type blacklight traps were performed simultaneously both outdoors and indoors in one BTV-free and three BTV-affected farms between September and December 2006.Culicoides were sorted according to farm, location (outdoors vs. indoors), time point (in weeks), species and physiological stage. BTV detection was conducted by RT-PCR on monospecific pools of non-bloodfed parous female Culicoides.The principal results showed: (i) the absence of the Mediterranean vector, C. imicola, (ii) the relatively low abundance of C. dewulfi and C. pulicaris, (iii) the widespread occurrence and abundance of C. obsoletus/C. scoticus with longevity and behaviour compatible with BTV transmission, and (iv) all Culicoides pools tested for BTV were negative.In France, the very low levels of BTV-8 circulation were probably due to the limited introduction of the virus from affected neighbouring countries, and not due to the absence of local vector populations. A key finding has been the substantiation, for the first time, that Culicoides, and particularly the potential vectors C. obsoletus/C. scoticus and C. dewulfi, can be active at night inside livestock buildings and not only outside, as originally believed.The endophagic tendencies of members of the Obsoletus group are discussed in light of the prolonged period of BTV transmission during the autumn of 2006 and the risk of BTV overwintering and resurgence in the spring of 2007. Overall, there is an urgent need to improve our knowledge on the ecology of local Culicoides species before any clear, effective and reliable recommendations can be provided to the veterinary authorities in terms of prevention and control.  相似文献   

Increased transport and trade as well as climate shifts play an important role in the introduction, establishment and spread of new pathogens. Arguably, the introduction of bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 8 in Benelux, Germany and France in 2006 is such an example. After its establishment in receptive local vector and host populations the continued spread of such a disease in a suitable environment will mainly depend on movement of infected vectors and animals. In this paper we explore how wind models can contribute to explain the spread of BTV in a temperate eco-climatic setting. Based on previous work in Greece and Bulgaria filtered wind density maps were computed using data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). Six hourly forward wind trajectories were computed at pressure levels of 850 hPa for each infected farm as from the recorded onset of symptoms. The trajectories were filtered to remove wind events that do not contribute to possible spread of the vector. The suitable wind events were rastered and aggregated on a weekly basis to obtain weekly wind density maps. Next to this, cumulated wind density maps were also calculated to assess the overall impact of wind dispersal of vectors. A strong positive correlation was established between wind density data and the horizontal asymmetrical spread pattern of the 2006 BTV8 epidemic. It was shown that short (<5 km), medium (5–31 km) and long (>31 km) distance spread had a different impact on disease spread. Computed wind densities were linked to the medium/long-distance spread whilst short range spread was mainly driven by active Culicoides flight. Whilst previous work in the Mediterranean basin showed that wind driven spread of Culicoides over sea occurred over distances of up to 700 km, this phenomenon was not observed over land. Long-distance spread over land followed a hopping pattern, i.e. with intermediary stops and establishment of local virus circulation clusters at distances of 35–85 km. Despite suitable wind densities, no long range spread was recorded over distances of 300–400 km. Factors preventing spread Eastwards to the UK and Northwards to Denmark during the 2006 epidemic are discussed. Towards the east both elevation and terrain roughness, causing air turbulences and drop down of Culicoides, were major factors restricting spread. It is concluded that the proposed approach opens new avenues for understanding the spread of vector-borne viruses in Europe. Future developments should take into consideration both physical and biological factors affecting spread.  相似文献   

The Netherlands has enjoyed a relatively free state of vector-borne diseases of economic importance for more than one century. Emerging infectious diseases may change this situation, threatening the health of humans, domestic livestock and wildlife. In order to be prepared for the potential outbreak of vector-borne diseases, a study was undertaken to investigate the distribution and seasonal dynamics of candidate vectors of infectious diseases with emphasis on bluetongue vectors (Culicoides spp.). The study focused primarily on the relationship between characteristic ecosystems suitable for bluetongue vectors and climate, as well as on the phenology and population dynamics of these vectors.Twelve locations were selected, distributed over four distinct habitats: a wetland area, three riverine systems, four peat land areas and four livestock farms. Culicoides populations were sampled continuously using CO2-baited counterflow traps from July 2005 until August 2006, with an interruption from November 2005 to March 2006. All vectors were identified to species level. Meteorological and environmental data were collected at each location.Culicoides species were found in all four different habitat types studied. Wetland areas and peat bogs were rich in Culicoides spp. The taxonomic groups Culicoides obsoletus (Meigen) and Culicoides pulicaris (Linnaeus) were strongly associated with farms. Eighty-eight percent of all Culicoides consisted of the taxon C. obsoletus/Culicoides scoticus. On the livestock farms, 3% of Culicoides existed of the alleged bluetongue vector Culicoides dewulfi Goetghebuer. Culicoides impunctatus Goetghebuer was strongly associated with wetland and peat bog. Many Culicoides species were found until late in the phenological season and their activity was strongly associated with climate throughout the year. High annual variations in population dynamics were observed within the same study areas, which were probably caused by annual variations in environmental conditions.The study demonstrates that candidate vectors of bluetongue virus are present in natural and livestock-farm habitats in the Netherlands, distributed widely across the country. Under favourable climatic conditions, following virus introduction, bluetongue can spread among livestock (cattle, sheep and goats), depending on the nature of the viral serotype. The question now arises whether the virus can survive the winter conditions in north-western Europe and whether measures can be taken that effectively halt further spread of the disease.  相似文献   

Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are vectors of important diseases affecting wild and domestic animals. During the last decade they have played a major role in the epidemiology of the largest bluetongue epizootic ever recorded in Europe, the disease is transmitted between hosts almost exclusively by bites of Culicoides midges and affects both domestic and wild ruminants however severe disease usually occurs in certain breeds of sheep and some species of deer. An accurate vector identification is of major importance in arthropod borne diseases surveillance, as great differences in vectorial capacity are found even between close species. Unfortunately, specialized taxonomic knowledge of Culicoides identification is rarely available in routine surveillance, mainly based on wing morphology. Recently, some European species of Culicoides belonging to the subgenus Avaritia Fox, 1955 and Culicoides Latreille, 1809 have been described as new bluetongue virus vectors.In the present study, by using a fragment of the barcode region (COI gene) we report the presence of up to 11 species within the subgenus Culicoides in Catalonia (NE Spain), a region recently affected by a bluetongue epizootic. The molecular analysis revealed new non-described cryptic species which were grouped in three complexes of morphologically similar species, two in the Pulicaris complex resembling Culicoides pulicaris, two in the Fagineus complex resembling Culicoides fagineus and three in the Newsteadi complex resembling Culicoides newsteadi. The phylogenetic relationships among them showed that cryptic species detected in both Pulicaris and Fagineus complexes were closely related, whereas those in the Newsteadi complex were more distant. Accurate analysis of all species using morphological and molecular approaches resulted in the detection of diagnostic metric traits for cryptic species and the design of several new species-specific single and multiplex PCR assays to identify unambiguously all the species, most of them still lacking a specific molecular diagnosis.  相似文献   

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