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On the morphology of the marginal lingual papillae in newborn pigs The morphology of the marginal lingual papillae in eight newborn pigs aged 1-5 days was examined at the light-microscopical level, as well as, for the first time, using electron transmission and scanning methods. The papillae marginales are arranged tuft-like or rosetted with chief and accessory papillae, the individual papillae varying considerably in shape. Leaf-, tongue- or fingerlike and conical shapes predominate. The stratified squamous epithelium is either keratinized, resembling the epidermal differentiation pathway, or non-keratinized, according to the mucosal pathway. The characteristic morphology of keratinocyte differentiation is shown with special reference to the establishment of the permeability barrier. The connective tissue papillae are intensively surface-enlarged by means of multiple fingerlike protrusions.  相似文献   

Fine structure of normal capillaries in the gray matter of the cerebral cortex of the pig The capillaries in the cerebral cortex over the Ammon's horn were studied with the electron microscope in 8 specific pathogen-free pigs. The capillaries had a thin continuous endothelium without perivascular space and their lumina on the average measured 5.8 ± 1.23 μm. in diameter. Their fine structure was by and large similar to that described for the capillaries of other species.  相似文献   

In the whale the superficial layer of the epidermis (stratum paracorneum) is incompletely cornified and is characterized by high contents of phospholipids, neutral fats, and glycoproteins. This finding, and especially the structure of the dermis (hypodermis) in relation to its function, are discussed as to the role they play in the adaptation of whales to the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

To gain a basis for diagnosing the frequent pathological changes of the porcine hoof, the fine structure of normal hoofs taken from landrace pigs was examined with the light microscope, the polarizing microscope and the electron microscope. The hoofs were taken mostly from 6 to 7 month-old slaughtered pigs, but also from younger animals, beginning at birth. The hoofs destined for light microscopical study were not softened before frozen sections were made; these sections were stained while floating on the stain. The hoof horn of the pig consists of mostly flat cells which are shaped like pancakes. The horn tubules often have oval cross sections and do not present a distinct boundary with the adjacent intertubular horn. The harder horn of the hoof has more horn tubules per mm2 than the softer horn.  相似文献   

Inhalt: Gonavet®“Berlin Chemie”, ein synthetisches Gonadotropin-Releasing-Hormon, wurde zur Ovulationsinduktion bei spontan brünstigen Rindern eingesetzt. Verabreicht wurden 0,1 mg Gonavet vor der Insemination in einer Zeitspanne von maximal vier Stunden. Die Erprobung umfaβte 935 Versuchs- und 911 Kontrolltiere in 12 Betrieben. Bei allen Tieren wurde ca. 24 Stunden nach der Insemination eine Ovulationskontrolle vorgenommen. Ovulations- und Trächtigkeitsrate dienten als Prüfparameter. Die Ovulationsrate konnte um 10,4% angehoben werden; in elf von zwölf Herden ging der Anteil an nicht termingerechten Ovulationen zurück. Die Trächtigkeitsrate wurde um 6,1% verbessert. Von den zwölf Herden trat eine Erhöhung der TR in acht ein (1,1 bis 17,5%), in einer Herde waren die Konzeptionsergebnisse bei Versuchs- und Kontrolltieren identisch und in drei Herden erzielte die Kontrollgruppe bessere Trächtigkeitsergebnisse (2,1 bis 9,7%). Die Anwendung des Praparates ist bei Tieren mit einer Ovulationsstorung angezeigt. Contents: The induction of ovulation in the spontaneous estrous in cattle by Gonavet “Berlin Chemie” Gonave®“Berlin Chemie”, a synthetic gonadotropinreleasing-hormone was used for induction of ovulation in spontaneously estrous cattle. 0.1 mg Gonavet were applied no more than 4 hours prior to insemination. A total of 935 experimental and 911 control animals of 12 farms were included into the study. Ovulation was assessed in all animals about 24 hrs following insemination. Rates of ovulation and pregnancy were used as endpoints. Ovulation rate was increased 10.4%; in 11 out of 12 farms, the number of on-time ovulations improved. Rate of pregnancy also improved for 6.1%. In about 8 out of the 12 herds pregnancy rate increased between 1.1 and 17.5%. In one herd conception rates were not different between experimental and control animals. In three herds the control groups had better conception rates (2.1 to 9.7% increase) when compared to experimental groups. Gonavet® ist indicated in cases of ovulatory problems.  相似文献   

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