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The factors involved in the successful escape of overwintered larvae of Epinotia granitalis from host oleoresin in the phloem of Cryptomeria japonica were studied. The mortality, period, and body weight of E. granitalis overwintered larvae while feeding on the phloem of C. japonica were compared with the same parameters for Semanotus japonicus larvae. The seasonal fluctuation in the ability of C. japonica to form traumatic resin canals in the phloem was also assessed. The oleoresin mortality of E. granitalis was low compared with that of S. japonicus. Although both species started feeding on approximately the same date in spring, the feeding period of E. granitalis was only about 24 days, showing that E. granitalis faced the danger of host oleoresin for a shorter period than S. japonicus. The larval weight of E. granitalis was consistently greater than that of S. japonicus through the phloem-feeding period of E. granitalis, and the growth rate was also higher in E. granitalis, suggesting that E. granitalis had a better ability to avoid host oleoresin. These results demonstrated that not only the feeding habits, that is, the tendency of a single larva to feed at several sites, but also the shorter feeding period and larger body size were probably the important factors facilitating escape of E. granitalis from host oleoresin mortality. Furthermore, the ability of C. japonica to form traumatic resin canals increased after the starting date of larval feeding in spring. Because E. granitalis finished feeding before the culmination of the ability of C. japonica to form traumatic resin canals, it was likely that the shorter feeding period was the most important factor in enabling E. granitalis to escape from mortality by host oleoresin.  相似文献   

To detect developmental differences inEpinotia granitalis in two host tree speciesCryptomeria japonica andChamaecyparis obtusa, the fourth or fifth instar larvae were collected daily from the two species located on the grounds of the National Forest Tree Breeding Center, from April 19 to May 9 in 1994 and April 18 to May 10 in 1995. Larvae ofE. granitalis collected fromC. obtusa had heavier body weight, developed to larger adults than those collected fromC. japonica, and mortality from the fourth or fifth instar larval stage to adults onC. obtusa was lower than that onC. japonica. All these facts suggest that larval performance onC. obtusa was higher than that onC. japonica.  相似文献   

The short-term responses of non-target soil arthropods to insecticides (Nomolt: Teflubenzuron, Karate: lambda-Cyhalothrin) applied against the nun moth (Lymantria monacha L.) were investigated in 2003. This phytophagous pest infested 30–40-year-old monocultures of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) located at an active military training area in northeast Saxony (Germany). According to the non-target epigeic arthropods, extinction of a higher systematic taxon (family, order) was not observed. Activity densities of soil macroarthropods were lower on plots treated with Karate, while those of necrophagous ground beetles increased considerably. Nomolt revealed no distinct impact on soil invertebrate density. Statistical analysis did not prove any consistent insecticidal effects on non-target arthropods. Adjacent open-heathland arthropods were not affected by a possible drift of the agents.  相似文献   

The effect of the chloronicotinyl insecticide (thiacloprid 480 SC) was evaluated to determine its potential in controlling the potato tuber moth, Phthorimaea operculella. Application of thiacloprid at various concentrations (0.1–0.4 ml/l) on different age groups of eggs (1–4.5 day-old) had no effect on egg hatchability. However, slight embryocidal effect was noted in all egg age groups exposed to 0.4 ml/l concentration. Egg incubation period was increased (20%) when 4–4.5 day-old eggs were treated with thiacloprid at a rate of 0.4 ml/l compared with the untreated control. Thiacloprid was effective in reducing larval survival on potato seedlings or adults emergence from potatoes, exhibiting activity for at least 14 days after application. When already infected potato seedlings or tubers were treated with thiacloprid at a rate of 0.4 ml/l, adult emergence was decreased. Larvae that hatched from thiacloprid-treated eggs and fed, untreated tubers, encountered some difficulties in surviving and emerging as adults. Our data suggest that potato plants or tubers treated with thiacloprid at a commonly used rate (0.4 ml/l) should be well protected from the possibility of infestations by the potato tuber moth. Publication of this article was held up owing to technical problems. The publisher apologizes sincerely for this lengthy delay.  相似文献   

This paper is the first of a series dealing with morphological characteristics, biological cycle and damage importance of insect species newly identified as cone and seed pests in Northeastern China. The spruce cone mothBarbara fulgens appears to be a serious pest of korean spruce cones in Heilongjiang province.  相似文献   

An Olethreutine speciesCymolomia hartigiana (Saxesen, 1840), attacking toAbies nephrolepis Max., is reported for the first time from Daxing'anling, Heilongjiang, China. The morphological characteristics are briefly re-described with illustrations. Also its damage and biology are noted. Foundation item: This study was carried out under the financial support by KOSEF (Korea Science & Engineering Foundation) with the program of “Korea and China Young Scientist Exchange Program” (2002–2003). Biography: *BYUN Bong-Kya (1963-), male, Ph.D., Researcher in Korea National Arboretum, Korea. Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   

The green oak leaf roller (Tortrix viridana L.) is a major pest on oaks. The green oak leaf roller is one reason within a disease complex for the oak decline, and it leads to defoliation of oaks in spring. In Germany, Quercus robur L. is mainly affected. The partitioning of genetic variation within and among populations of forest pests is linked to their capacities for migration. And the capacity for migration is the basis for dispersal of the pest species to different host trees and host populations and, therefore, for further outbreak events. Thus, the within population spatial genetic structure (SGS) of T. viridana was investigated based on nuclear (AFLP) markers to analyse the dispersal capacity of this insect pest species at a very small spatial scale. A total of 401 individuals of the green oak leaf roller from four stands in North Rhine-Westphalia (Western Germany) were examined. In three of four populations, the AFLP markers revealed clearly SGS up to 40 m, which can be explained by the mating behaviour within this species.  相似文献   

Casmara patrona is one of the main borer pests damaging Camellia oleifera in China. Few reports about this insect were published. The life history, biological characteristics and natural enemies of C. patrona were investigated through field survey and laboratory observation in this study. The results showed that C. patrona had one generation in one year or two years, and overwintered as 3rd-5th instar larva in Zhejiang Province. About 88 percent of larvae began to pupate in early May, and the rest kept feeding till the next year. The adults could be observed from early June to early July, and the peak of emergence occurred in late June. The adults began to oviposit in late June and terminated in early July. The eggs started hatching in early July, and then the larvae bored into the branch to feed. The entrance holes of the larvae distributed predominately in the middle of the eastern and southern part of C. oleifera tree. The larva had five instars, and there were 10-50 days when the larva did not feed between consecutive instars.  相似文献   

Genus Eurydoxa Filipjev in China is reviewed and noted for the first time. Based on the present study, two species are recognized, including rhodopa Diakonoff and advena Filipjev. All available information for the species is reviewed and provided.  相似文献   

The parasitoid complex of Choristoneura murinana (Hbn.), a pest of Abies cilicica Carr., was studied in Isparta, Turkey. Shoots and needles of A. cilicica with C. murinana larvae and pupae were collected and examined under laboratory conditions in 2002 and 2003. As a result of this study, 14 parasitoid species of C. murinana were determined: Apanteles obscurus Nees. (Hym.: Braconidae), Brachymeria intermedia Nees (Hym.: Chalcididae), Mesopolobus mediterraneus Mayr, Mesopolobus dubius Walker, Pteromalus chrysos Walker, Pteromalus sp. (Hym.: Pteromalidae), Monodontomerus aereus Walker (Hym.: Torymidae), Itoplectis maculator (Fabricius), Apophua bipunctoria Thunberg, Triclistus globulipes Desvignes, Dirophanes maculicornis Stephens, Hyposoter sp., Dusona sp. (Hym.: Ichneumonidae) and Aprostocetus sp. (Hym.: Eulophidae). In the studied parasitoid complex, A. obscurus, B. intermedia and I. maculator were the most important in reducing pest numbers. The level of total parasitism of the C. murinana was 19.4% in 2002 and 22.3% in 2003.  相似文献   

Parasitic Hymenoptera from the suprafamily Ichneumonoidea attacking the horse chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) were studied in southwest Slovakia during 2000 and 2001. The search for such species resulted in the determination of eight ichneumonid species, Gelis agilis (Fabricius), Itoplectis alternans (Gravenhorst), I. clavicornis (Thompson), I. maculator (Fabricius), Scambus annulatus (Kiss), S. brevicornis (Gravenhorst), Zatypota percontatoria (Müller), Adelognathus sp. and a braconid Colastes braconius Haliday. The most abundant species was S. annulatus. All these species recorded are polyphagous and often facultative hyperparasitoids, except C. braconius, which departs from this norm in not being hyperparasitic. The presence of more diversified native parasitoids and hyperparasitoids from the Ichneumonoidea predicate a slow successive adaptation of the parasitoid fauna to the invasive host, Cameraria ohridella.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of 13 strains of entomopathogenic fungi belonging to genera Paecilomyces, Tolypocladium, Beauveria, Metarhizium, and Lecanicillium (=Verticillium) was evaluated on fourth instar larvae of Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Schiff.) (Lep.: Thaumatopoeidae). Larvae were treated individually by dipping into conidial suspension with the concentration of 1.0 × 105 conidia ml−1. All the tested isolates resulted in various levels of mortality (16–100%), and eleven of them were able to grow and sporulate on dead larvae. Mortality caused by three isolates of P. fumosoroseus, one isolate of Beauveria bassiana and one isolate of Metarhizium anisopliae were significantly higher than that of the other treatments. Three isolates of P. fumosoroseus, one isolate of P. farinosus, and one isolate of M. anisopliae showed mycelial growth and sporulation on significantly more cadavers compared to other treatments. Dose–mortality test was conducted with P. fumosoroseus (isolate no: 2679), which appeared to be the most promising isolate among the tested fungi, by spraying five concentrations of its conidia (1.0 × 106, 1.5 × 106, 7.5 × 106, 1.0 × 107 and 1.5 × 107 conidia ml−1). The estimation of the LC50 (95% confidence limits) was 3.4 × 106 (9.3 × 105 − 6.9 × 106) conidia ml−1. This study showed that P. fumosoroseus (isolate no: 2679) could be a good candidate as a microbial control agent against T. pityocampa in forest environment.  相似文献   

In anAbies homolepis Sieb. et Zucc. forest at Matsumoto, Nagano Pref., cumulative damage byXylotrechus villioni (Villard) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) was observed on tree branches. Of the 14 major branches in one sample tree, six had cumulative damage by boring larvae, of which 3 had been bored by multiple larvae. No adult emergence holes were found on the whole tree, suggesting very low survivorship from boring larva to emerging adult. Galleries made by single larvae were often observed to be terminated by a depression apparently carved by a picid woodpecker, suggesting that they are important predators of the cerambycid. The manner of cicatrix formation with phloem tissue over the larval gallery in anAbies veitchii Lindl. branch at Mt. Fuji, Yamanashi Pref. is presented. Studies onXylotrechus villioni (Villard) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), a primary borer of coniferous trees in Japan (III). This work was presented at the 104th Annual Meeting of Japanese Forestry Society at Morioka (April, 1993) and 20th International Congress of Entomology at Firenze (August, 1996). This work is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No.02660163) from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   

In a study of the parasitoid complex of the locust leaf miner Phyllonorycter robiniella (Clemens, 1859), 23 species of its parasitoids were recorded at 18 localities in Serbia. The parasitoid species included 2 species of the family Braconidae, 1 of the family Eupelmidae, and 20 of the family Eulophidae. The recorded species of parasitoids are polyphagous; in addition to Ph. robiniella, they also develop on other species of leaf miners as primary; primary and secondary; or primary, secondary, and tertiary parasitoids. Among the recorded species of parasitoids, the most significant were the species Pholetesor bicolor, Pholetesor nanus, Sympiesis sericeicornis, Sympiesis acalle, Minotetrastichus frontalis, Pediobius saulius, and Baryscapus nigroviolaceus. The parasitoids were found to have a strong effect on the abundance of Ph. robiniella because they reduced more than 50% of its larvae and pupae in the majority of study samples.  相似文献   

General biology, seasonal flight numbers and ovipositional data were gathered to understand the phenology of the cherry bark tortrix, Enarmonia formosana Scopoli in Seattle, WA. Pheromone trapping during 2001 and 2002 showed a continuous flight period from May to September. During this time the greatest abundance of adults occurred during July and August. The combined seasonal egg data and larval developmental times indicate E. formosana is a univoltine species in the Pacific Northwest. Field releases of Trichogramma cacoeciae Marchal increased E. formosana egg parasitism on individual trees. During the two years, parasitism levels ranged from 72 to 74%.  相似文献   

Dendrolimus superans is one of the important pests feeding on the needles of Larix gmelinii. Six standard compounds, (1R)-(−)-α-pinene, (1S)-(−)-α-pinene, ocimene, (1S)-(−)-β-pinene, R(−)-α-phellandrene and camphene, the main volatiles of L. gmelinii were used to test the electroantennogram (EAG) responses of moths. The results show that the order of the EAG responses of moths to seven concentrations of these six compounds were as follows: mated females > virgin females > unmated males, except for 0.1 μL/μL R(−)-α-phellandrene, where the order was: virgin females > mated females > unmated males. There are statistically significant differences between the EAG responses of virgin females and unmated males (p < 0.05), and also between mated females with virgin females and mated females and unmated males (p < 0.01), which suggests that the mated females are more sensitive to the volatiles of host plant. The results of EAG responses of the mated females, virgin females and unmated males indicate that they are more sensitive to R(−)-α-phellandrene than to the other volatile components. The active time for the EAG responses of both mated females and unmated males occurs during the night, i.e., from 20:00 to 04:00 hours. This is consistent with their eclosion, mating and oviposition periods. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2007, 43(7): 55–60 [译自:林业科学]  相似文献   

Defined populations of American (Periplaneta americana), German (Blattella germanica), and Oriental (Blatta orientalis) cockroaches, and silverfish (Lepisma saccharina) were observed after exposure to deposits (25 g/m2) of a new 1,1,1–trimethyl-N-trimethylsilane-modified, highly hydrophobic diatomaceous earth (DE) formulation by using a computer-aided device measuring motility, circadian rhythm, and mortality under defined environmental and climatic field-simulating and exposure-enforced conditions. In a humid climate (85% relative humidity) with water and food offered ad libitum, complete population eradication could be achieved on the sixth day against B. germanica, on the eighth day against P. americana, and on the ninth day against L. saccharina, respectively. No population eradication occurred within 10 days of exposure when testing B. orientalis, showing a mean survival rate of 29.4 ± 6.7 % of the populations. When comparing the species-specific mortality rates with the results obtained from corresponding reference control groups, significantly higher mortality rates could be observed in B. germanica (F = 66; df = 52; P < 0.00001), P. americana (F = 344; df =66; P < 0.00001), L. saccharina (F = 253; df = 24; P < 0.00001), and B. orientalis (F = 422; df = 11; P < 0.00001). Overall, the efficacy of the hydrophobised DE examined ranked as follows: B. germanica > P. americana (F = 51; df = 24; P < 0.00001) > L. saccharina (F = 43; df = 24; P < 0.00001) >> B. orientalis (F = 9; df = 15; P < 0.000001). DE exposure resulted in complete disruption of the circadian activity in B. germanica and P. americana, but not when tested against B. orientalis, where the species-specific circadian motility peak was still preserved at lower levels after 10 days of exposure. In contrast to the cockroach species examined, no specific circadian rhythm could be measured in the L. saccharina control and treatment groups. Results indicate that hydrophobised DE originating from freshwater diatoms modified with 1,1,1-trimethyl-N-trimethylsilane can be successfully used for the control of infestations with German and American cockroaches as well as silverfish, but not against Oriental cockroaches. It is concluded that species-specific morphological, physiological and behavioural characteristics of insects influencing DE efficacy as well as the toxicological risk of modified DE to humans deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

The major bioecological characteristics of Bracon intercessor Nees (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid of the poplar clearwing moth, Paranthrene tabaniformis (Rott.) (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae), were studied from 1987 to 2003. Poplar shoots infested with P. tabaniformis larvae were collected in 11 localities in Bulgaria and examined in the laboratory, and infestations were also studied in the field. B. intercessor was recorded in seven localities and was found to be a gregarious external larval parasitoid of P. tabaniformis. Two generations of the parasitoid developed on the host. The first (summer) generation was associated with early and mid-stage (up to third instar) host larvae, and the second (overwintering) generation with third- to fifth-instar larvae. The average number of parasitoid individuals feeding on a host was 4.5 and 12.4 in summer and overwintering generations, respectively. The maximum number recorded was 25 individuals per host in the overwintering generation. B. intercessor overwintered as a mature larva on the host and completed its development in early spring. The adults from the overwintering generation appeared in April, about 1 month prior to emergence of P. tabaniformis. The life cycle of B. intercessor was not in close synchrony with the development of P. tabaniformis in the spring, but the parasitoid adults which fed on honey-sugar solution lived for up to 31 days (males) and 86 days (females), respectively. This suggests that, in the field, B. intercessor females eclosing in the spring could survive until the host larvae appear if nectar is available. Adults of the summer generation emerge from July to September when sufficient suitable host larvae are available. B. intercessor was responsible for 1.5% of the average mortality of the P. tabaniformis overwintering larvae. The host mortality caused by the summer generation of the parasitoid ranged from 3.2% to 5.8%.  相似文献   

A novel emulsified wax dispenser (SPLAT-OFM) of pheromone was evaluated in concert with a custom-built, tractor-mounted applicator, designed for fast application of dispensers for mating disruption of Oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), in apple. The formulation consisted of microcrystalline wax emulsified in water. It was loaded with G. molesta pheromone (93:6:1 blend of (Z)-8-dodecen-1-yl-acetate:(E)-8-dodecen-1-yl-acetate:(Z)-8-dodecen-1-ol) at 10% by weight. The hydraulically driven applicator dispensed the wax formulation as discrete particles from a rotating double-orifice distributor positioned directly above the tree canopy. Wax-drop size averaged (±SEM) 0.38 ± 0.16 g and 4.3 ± 0.5 drops adhered per tree. Following a single mechanized application of SPLAT-OFM on 24 April at 8 ml per tree (1.6 kg/ha) to 0.8 ha blocks of apple, male G. molesta orientation to optimally attractive pheromone traps was disrupted by 98% relative to untreated control plots for the whole season. Furthermore, on 17 weekly deployments of tethered virgin females (1,016 females deployed and 732 recovered for dissection) throughout the season, no mating was detected in SPLAT-OFM-treated blocks, while mating in control blocks averaged 27%. During the first 17 days following deployment in sticky traps, SPLAT-OFM drops attracted ca. 1/46th of the number of male G. molesta attracted to optimized synthetic lures. However, following 17 days of field aging, SPLAT-OFM drops became equally attractive to optimized synthetic lures for the remainder of the season. The release rate of pheromone from wax drops 0–14 and 15–76 days following deployment averaged 21.4 and 5.3 μg/h, respectively. The trapping and release rate data were consistent with competitive attraction as the mechanism mediating disruption. Shoot injury following the first moth generation was sevenfold less in SPLAT-OFM treated blocks compared with controls and fruit injury at the end of the season in treated blocks was approximately half of that recorded in controls.  相似文献   

Potato tuberworm (PTW), Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), is one of the most important pests of potatoes in tropic and subtropic regions. Previous studies suggested that tuber periderm may limit larval penetration and establishment of PTW. Short term influence of parental host plant acclimatization, influence of tuber dormancy and influence of tuber periderm (the outer cork layer of tubers) on aspects of PTW biology were investigated on tubers of a susceptible commercial potato cultivar, cv. Allegany (Solanum tuberosum L.), and a resistant hybrid potato clone, Q174-2 (S. tuberosum × S. berthaultii Hawkes). Short-term parental host plant acclimatization did not affect numbers of PTW larvae on resistant and susceptible tubers. Numbers of larvae produced on tubers of Q174-2, and Allegany, were similar although larval weight was less on Q174-2 than on Allegany. Larval production increased with tuber age on both susceptible and resistant potato clones, suggesting that bud sprouts may enhance fitness by providing food and shelter for first instars prior to tuber entry. Removal of tuber periderm led to a significant increase in larval survival on Allegany and Q174-2, although proportional survival on Allegany and Q174-2 was similar to that on intact tubers, suggesting the involvement of internal rather than external periderm factors in tuber resistance of Q174-2. Weights of larvae reared on Q174-2 were consistently less than those of larvae reared on susceptible potato tubers in both intact and peeled tuber assays. Although the expression of periderm-mediated tuber resistance declines with tuber age, such resistance could significantly reduce preharvest field infestations by PTW and constitute an important component of sustainable PTW management, particularly for fresh market crops and for those potato crops stored for several months or less in the absence of refrigeration.  相似文献   

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