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Effects of nematicides on growth and microbial antagonism toRhizoctonia solani were investigated as part of a study on the mechanisms involved in the increased incidence of this pathogen in nematicide-treated potato crops.Ethoprophos inhibited mycelial growth ofR. solani on potato dextrose agar (PDA), Czapek Dox agar (CDA) and on water agar (WA). Aldicarb stimulated its growth on PDA up to 14% but not on CDA and WA. Oxamyl inhibited mycelial growth on CDA and WA, but not on PDA.Ethoprophos and aldicarb stimulated development of the mycoparasiteVerticillium biguttatum on cultures ofR. solani. The effect was dependent on the medium on which the host fungus was grown. ForRhizoctonia cultures on PDA, growth of the mycoparasite was highly promoted by aldicarb and to a lesser extent by ethoprophos. WhenR. solani was grown on CDA, the development of the mycoparasite was not affected by aldicarb, slightly stimulated by ethoprophos and slightly inhibited by oxamyl. On water agar, its development on the host mycelium was not affected.In field trials on sandy soil, nematicides encouragedV. biguttatum probably by increased availability of substrate (i.e.Rhizoctonia mycelium) perhaps through reduced activity of the mycophagous fauna.Soil fungistasis was increased by ethoprophos and to a lesser extent by aldicarb at very high doses. At normal field rates, no effects can be expected on fungistasis. So the increased stem and stolon infection of potatoes in nematicide-treated fields was not caused by a direct effect of the nematicides on growth ofR. solani or by suppressing the microbial antagonism.Samenvatting De invloed van granulaire nematiciden op de groei vanRhizoctonia solani en op het microbiële antagonisme tegen deze schimmel werd onderzocht in het kader van een studie over de mechanismen die een rol spelen bij de toename van de aantasting in een met nematiciden behandeld aardappelgewas.Ethoprofos remde de myceliumgroei vanR. solani op aardappeldextrose agar (PDA), Czapek Dox agar (CDA) en op wateragar (WA). Aldicarb stimuleerde op PDA de groei met maximaal 14%. Op CDA en WA werd geen effect van aldicarb waargenomen. Oxamyl veroorzaakte groeiremming op CDA en WA, maar niet op PDA.Ethoprofos en aldicarb stimuleerden de ontwikkeling van de mycoparasietVerticillium biguttatum op cultures vanR. solani. De mate van groeistimulering was afhankelijk van de voedingsbodem waarop de waard,R. solani, werd gekweekt. De groei vanV. biguttatum werd sterk gestimuleerd door aldicarb en in geringere mate door ethoprofos, wanneer de waard gekweekt werd op PDA. Aldicarb had geen effect op de mycoparasiet wanneerR. solani op CDA gekweekt werd, terwijl ethoprofos de groei wel iets stimuleerde en oxamyl een gering remmend effect had. Op WA werd geen effect van de nematiciden op het mycoparasitisme vastgesteld.In veldproeven op zandgrond stimuleerden de nematiciden het voorkomen vanV. biguttatum op de stolonen. Het effect werd waarschijnlijk veroorzaakt door een verhoogde substraat beschikbaarheid (d.w.z. mycelium vanR. solani). De verhoogde beschikbaarheid van dit mycelium kan samenhangen met een door nematiciden gereduceerde activiteit van de fungivore bodemfauna.De bodemfungistase werd verhoogd door ethoprofos en, in geringere mate, door aldicarb bij hogere doseringen. Bij de in de praktijk aanbevolen doseringen kan echter geen effect op de fungistase verwacht worden. De toename in stengel- en stolonaantasting van aardappelen, geteeld in met granulaire nematiciden behandelde percelen, kon niet worden toegeschreven aan een direct effect van de nematiciden op de groei vanR. solani of aan een vermindering van het microbiële antagonisme.  相似文献   

Verticillium biguttatum was able to grow axenically in a synthetic liquid medium with a compound containing ammonium or amino group as nitrogen source, glucose as carbon source and biotin as growth factor. Among various carbon and nitrogen compounds tested, highest mycelial production was achieved with mannitol and with two ammonium salts and glutamine; sporulation reached highest values with galactose and glutamine. Highest yields of mycelium and conidia were obtained at pH 4.3 and 5.1, respectively. Although neutral and alkaline conditions were growth-limiting in the synthetic medium some growth ofV.biguttatum occurred on solid media at pH 7.0 and on sclerotia ofRhizoctonia solani in natural soil at pH 7.2–7.3.Samenvatting Een synthetisch vloeibaar medium met glucose als koolstofbron, een ammonium- of aminogroep bevattende verbinding als stikstofbron en biotine als groeifactor voldeed aan de voedingseisen vanVerticillium biguttatum. Van de verschillende koolstof- en stikstofbronnen leverden mannitol en twee ammoniumzouten en glutamine de hoogste opbrengsten aan mycelium; de opbrengst aan conidiën was het hoogst met galactose en glutamine. De hoogste opbrengsten aan mycelium en conidiën werden bereikt bij respectievelijk pH 4,3 en 5.1. Ofschoon neutrale en alkalische omstandigheden de groei vanV. biguttatum in het synthetische medium beperkten, werd enige groei vanV. biguttatum waargenomen op vaste voedingsbodems bij pH 7,0 en op sclerotia vanR. solani in natuurlijke grond bij pH 7,2–7,3.  相似文献   

Polymyxa betae, the vector of beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), (the causal agent of rhizomania of sugar-beet), forms cystosores which are very persistent and might be dispersed by soil, beet seeds, plant material and stable manure. Research has been carried out into the risk of dissemination; relative importance was not determined. Inoculation with diseased soil in a field caused rhizomania in sugar-beets within one year. This implies that even small amounts of soil adhering to plant roots constitute a potential danger. Direct transmission of BNYVV by sugar-beet seeds could not be demonstrated, but, after processing and cleaning seed lots originating from infested fields, the seed waste proved to be contaminated. Cystosores ofP. betae and, to a lesser extent, BNYVV could pass through the intestine of sheep in fodder experiments carried out with heavily infested sugar-beet tails.Samenvatting De vector van het bieterhizomanievirus,Polymyxa betae, vormt zeer persistente ruststructuren (cystosoren) die verspreid worden met grond, bietezaad, plantmateriaal en stalmest.Onderzoek is uitgevoerd naar de risico's van verspreiding, maar door het ontbreken van kwantitatieve methoden kon de relatieve belangrijkheid niet worden vastgesteld.Wanneer een gezond perceel werd besmet met geïnfecteerde grond (20 ng dm–3 op bouwvoor), werd binnen één jaar aantasting door rhizomanie waargenomen. Dit wijst erop dat geringe hoeveelheden grond, die meekomen met wortelmateriaal van plantgoed, een potentieel gevaar vormen.Directe overdracht van het bieterhizomanievirus door bietezaad kon niet worden aangetoond, maar na het schonen en bewerken van zaadpartijen afkomstig van zieke percelen bleek dat schoningsafval en in het bijzonder de grondfractie daarvan, wel was besmet.Cystosoren vanP. betae en in mindere mate het bieterhizomanievirus konden het maag-darmkanaal van schapen passeren, hetgeen werd aangetoond in enkele voederproeven, uitgevoerd met zwaar besmette suikerbietestaartjes.  相似文献   

Relatively large amounts of pesticides are needed to control diseases and pests in modern, intensive potato production. Integrated crop management offers a way of reducing the need for pesticides. It aims to reduce costs and improve the quality of the product and of the production methods, while maintaining soil fertility and the quality of the environment. The components of integrated crop management are described. Prevention of diseases and pests has high priority. If diseases or pests are present, non-chemical control methods are preferred and chemical control is based on economic criteria and the monitoring of the soil and crops. The contribution of integrated crop management to the control of two important fungal diseases, late blight (Phytophthora infestans), and stem canker (Rhizoctonia solani) and of one pest, potato cyst nematode (Globodera spp..) is described. The prospects for further development of integrated crop protection are discussed.  相似文献   

Sclerotia ofRhizoctonia solani collected from potato tubers from different countries were assayed for the presence of mycoparasites. Among the mycoparasites observedVerticillium biguttatum predominated. Its geographical distribution was not restricted to certain latitudes or soil types;V. biguttatum occurred worldwide in potato fields.The minimum growth temperature of 57V. biguttatum isolates was found to be in the narrow range from 10 to 13°C, irrespective of their geographical origin. A non-linear logistic growth model was used to describe the radial growth onRhizoctonia mycelium and nutrient agar plates. At near-minimum temperature the maximum colony radii varied considerably; they were up to 3.8 times that of the reference isolate M73. Based on parameter values for logistic growth, fast-and slow-growing isolates could be distinguished. Although the growth properties ofV. biguttatum isolates from different locations varied, the presence of fast- and slow-growing isolates was not restricted to particular areas and both types could be found in the same field. However, bioassays with selected fast- and slow-growing isolates do not support the assumption that growth at near-minimum temperatures is a relevant criterion for screening isolates ofV. biguttatum in terms of effectiveness for biological control ofR. solani.  相似文献   

The present paper presents the rationale for the use of pathogen surveys, inoculated and non-inoculated disease nurseries and varietal resistance characteristics in an integrated approach to control wheat yellow rust in Denmark. The non-inoculated disease observation plots, which gave valuable information about yellow rust at the year, site and variety level, served as the primary sample source for the pathogen survey revealing pathogen virulence dynamics. This survey was also the main source for isolates of new pathotypes, a prerequisite for the assessment of the resistance characteristics of varieties and breeding lines in inoculated nurseries, and the postulation of race-specific resistance genes. A simple grouping of varieties into four categories with respect to resistance to the current yellow rust population proved robust, and this grouping was used as a determinant in a web-based decision support system for pesticide applications in cereals, Crop Protection On-line (CPO). The interplay between the different research and survey activities in the integrated pest management (IPM) approach demonstrated the need for a coherent and long-term involvement at all stages from plant breeding to the official variety approval system, extension service and research in disease epidemiology and resistance genetics.  相似文献   

Effects of crop rotation on the incidence of soil-borne pathogens and on the performance of potato were investigated in five field experiments. Rotations differed in cropping frequency of potato and in crop sequence.Incidence of stem canker caused byRhizoctonia solani was strongly influenced by the cropping frequency of potato and not by crops with which the potato was alternated in the rotation. Cropping frequency of potato also affected the occurrence of black scurf, but less pronounced than for stem canker. The antagonistVerticillium bigutatum slightly reducedR. solani (black scurf) in plots on sandy soil continuously cropped with potato. Incidence of stem canker was also strongly affected by granular nematicides applied to the soil, nitrogen level and the cultivar grown.  相似文献   

Samples of heavily infested crop residues were incorporated in static compost heaps (2.5–4.6 m3) of the Indore type. Temperature increased to 50–70°C within 6 days depending on the type of crop residues used and the location within the heap. The heat phase (>40 °C) lasted 2–3 weeks and was followed by a c. 5-months maturation phase (<40 °c).=" among=" the=" 17=" pathogens=" tested,=">Olpidium brassicae and one of the four formae speciales ofFusarium oxysporum that were tested survived composting, but also their inoculum was greatly reduced.Survival during specific phases of composting was studied by incorporation and retrieval of samples at various stages of the process.F. oxysporum f. sp.melonis was completely inactivated andO. brassicae andPlasmodiophora brassicae were almost completely inactivated during the short heat phase. The three pathogens survived the long-lasting maturation phase without loss of viability. Heat evolved during composting was found to be the most important factor involved with sanitation of crop residues. The possible involvement of fungitoxic conversion products and microbial antagonism is discussed.  相似文献   

In a long term field experiment the influence of crop rotation and the application of insecticides and herbicides on soil arthropods (mesofauna), nematodes, soil fungi and weeds was investigated. Possible changes in numbers of not only pathogenic organisms, but also of predators or parasites of pathogens, could affect seedling establishment and/or yield of sugar beet. In soil samples taken during the spring, high population of the springtailOnychiurus armatus ware detected which caused considerable damage in the first two years. Later also rather severe infestations byAtomaria linearis occurred, probably caused by frequent sugar beet cropping.No significant influence of crop rotation on damage caused by soil arthropods could be detected yet, but in the 1/3 sugar beet and 2/3 winter wheat rotation more micro-arthropods and a higher diversity of species were found than in the blocks with continuous sugar beet growing. In the latter ones the numbers ofHeterodera schachtii increased and in 1980 the tolerance level was exceeded. On the contrary in the 1/3 sugar beet blocksPratylenchus spp. were dominant. Since a number of perennial weeds cannot be controlled sufficiently in sugar beet, some of them created a problem in the 1/1 sugar beet blocks.In the plots not treated with a soil herbicide large numbers of annual weeds provided alternative native food forO. armatus, which resulted in less plant damage. No significant effect of chloridazon on the micro-arthropod fauna could be detected. The insecticides lindane and aldicarb controlledO. armatus andA. linearis partially, and improved seedling emergence and to a lesser extent yield. Both insecticides had a variable effect on the relative abundancy ofCollembola and in addition lindane suppressed numbers ofAcariformes and aldicarb those ofParasitiformes. No negative influence on the species diversity could be detected. All effects did not last long and varied considerably from year to year.Indications were found that, if species ofCollembola, which could act as predators of nematodes, were suppressed, the numbers ofPratylenchus spp. andH. schachtii increased.Samenvatting In een veeljarig proefveld (1976–1979) werd de invloed van de vruchtopvolging en toepassing van insecticiden en herbiciden op bodemarthropoden (mesofauna), nematoden, bodemschimmels en onkruiden onderzocht. Niet alleen mogelijke veranderingen in de aantallen schadeverwekkers, maar ook in de aantallen predatoren en pathogenen van bodemplagen zouden het plantbestand en/of de opbrengst van suikerbieten kunnen beïnvloeden.Gedurende de eerste twee jaar van de proef werden in grondmonsters, die gedurende het voorjaar werden genomen, grote aantallen springstaarten (Onychiurus armatus) aangetroffen, die aanzienlijke schade veroorzaakten. Later kwamen eveneens aantastingen door het bietekevertje (Atomaria linearis) voor, waardoor in meerdere of mindere mate planten wegvielen.Er kon nog geen duidelijke invloed van de vruchtopvolging op de schade door bodemarthropoden worden vastgesteld, maar in de rotatie met 1/3 suikerbieten en 2/3 wintertarwe werden meer micro-arthropoden en een grotere soortenrijkdom gevonden dan in de gedeelten met een continuteelt van suikerbieten. In laatstgenoemde veldjes zijn de aantallen bietecystenaaltjes (Heterodera schachtii) toegenomen, waarbij in 1980 de tolerantiegrens werd overschreden. Daarentegen vond in de veldjes met 1/3 suikerbieten in de rotatie een sterkere vermeerdering vanPratylenchus spp. plaats dan in de continuteelt. Aangezien een aantal wortelonkruiden in suikerbieten niet voldoende kan worden bestreden, veroorzaakten enkele na enige jaren een probleem in de continue bietenteelt.In de veldjes die niet met een bodemherbicide waren behandeld vormden grote aantallen zaadonkruiden een alternatieve voedselbron voorOnychiurus armatus, wat een geringere aantasting van kiemplanten tot gevolg had. Er werd geen aantoonbaar effect van chloridazon op de micro-arthropoden vastgesteld.De insecticiden lindaan en aldicarb konden schade doorOnychiurus armatus enAtomaria linearis slechts gedeeltelijk voorkomen; er werd een duidelijk betere opkomst en soms ook een hogere opbrengst verkregen. Beide insecticiden hadden een wisselende invloed op de relatieve talrijkheid vanCollembola en bovendien onderdrukte lindaan de aantallenAcariformes en aldicarb deParasitiformes. Er kon geen negatieve invloed op de soortenrijkdom worden vastgesteld. Al deze effecten waren niet van langdurige aard en verschilden sterk van jaar to jaar.Er werden aanwijzingen gevonden dat, indien bepaalde soortenCollembola, die als predatoren van nematoden kunnen optreden, werden onderdrukt, de aantallenPratylenchus spp. enHeterodera schachtii toenamen.  相似文献   

The endoparasitic nematophagous fungusHirsutella rhossiliensis was tested for its ability to suppress root penetration and cyst formation by the potato cyst nematode speciesGlobodera pallida. Isolates ofH. rhossiliensis were obtained from infected potato cyst nematode juveniles from different starch potato fields in The Netherlands. The isolates showed no difference in spore adhesion to juveniles on agar plates (adhesion rate: ±90%). The most rapid growing isolate, CBS 108.94, was used for experiments. Vegetative mycelial colonies ofH. rhossiliensis CBS 108.94, grown in potato dextrose broth, were used as soil inoculum. During submerged cultivation the mycelial colonies produced phialides (spore-bearing cells) but no spores. Exposed to the air, however, spores were rapidly formed. The effect of different soil inoculum densities of mycelial colonies on root penetration byGlobodera pallida was examined in an experiment in 250-ml pots. Up to a mycelial colony concentration representing a potential spore density of 104 g–1 soil no suppression occurred. At approximated densities of 2.5×104 and 105 spores g–1 soil the numbers of juveniles which penetrated roots were reduced by 30% and 34%, respectively. The distribution of the inoculum could be improved by fragmentation of the mycelial colonies before soil inoculation. Using mycelial fragments, again no suppression of root penetration was observed up to a potential spore density of 104 g–1 soil, but at densities of 105 and 106 g–1 a suppression of 54% and 88%, respectively, was measured. In a greenhouse experiment, soil inoculation with mycelial colonies with a potential spore production of 2.5×105 g–1 soil resulted in a suppression of root penetration of 37% and 51% after 5 and 6 weeks, respectively, but the number of newly formed cysts after 18 weeks in soil was not different for control and inoculated pots. It is concluded thatH. rhossiliensis may be useful for the reduction of root damage caused by juveniles of potato cyst nematodes, but the usefulness for population control is doubtful.  相似文献   

为明确不同土壤质地对禾谷孢囊线虫Heterodera avenae发生危害的影响,分别测试了6种土壤质地中禾谷孢囊线虫的侵染、发育及其种群动态。结果显示:在整个小麦生长季,不同土质中禾谷孢囊线虫2龄幼虫(J2)的种群变化趋势一致。冬前土壤中少量线虫孵化,11月下旬各种土质中J2种群密度达到10.8~14.2条/100 mL土壤;4月初为J2发生高峰期,其种群密度为54.6~77.1条/100 mL土壤,且土壤中含壤土比例越高J2数量越大;J2在壤土与砂土比为6:1和1:0土壤中侵入根系的数量最多,单株根系J2数量为672.7~685.0条,且土壤中砂土比例越大J2侵入数量越少,相应地根系内3龄幼虫和形成的孢囊数量也越少;不同土质中不同时期孢囊内虫口减退率不同,但在生长季末不同土质中孢囊内虫口总减退率无显著差异。研究表明,土质对孢囊内虫口减退率无影响,土质沙性越大越不利于禾谷孢囊线虫的发生危害。  相似文献   

The mechanisms of suppression of fusarium wilt of carnation by two fluorescentPseudomonas strains were studied.Treatments of carnation roots withPseudomonas sp. WCS417r significantly reduced fusarium wilt caused byFusarium oxysporum f. sp.dianthi (Fod). Mutants of WCS417r defective in siderophore biosynthesis (sid) were less effective in disease suppression compared with their wild-type. Treatments of carnation roots withPseudomonas putida WCS358r tended to reduce fusarium wilt, whereas a sid mutant of WCS358 did not.Inhibition of conidial germination of Fod in vitro by purified siderophores (pseudobactins) of bothPseudomonas strains was based on competition for iron. The ferrated pseudobactins inhibited germination significantly less than the unferrated pseudobactins. Inhibition of mycelial growth of Fod by bothPseudomonas strains on agar plates was also based on competition for iron: with increasing iron content of the medium, inhibition of Fod by thePseudomonas strains decreased. The sid mutant of WCS358 did not inhibit Fod on agar plates, whereas the sid mutants of WCS417r still did. This suggests that inhibition of Fod by WCS358r in vitro was only based on siderophore-mediated competition for iron, whereas also a non-siderophore antifungal factor was involved in the inhibition of Fod by strain WCS417r.The ability of thePseudomonas strains to induce resistance against Fod in carnation grown in soil was studied by spatially separating the bacteria (on the roots) and the pathogen (in the stem). Both WCS417r and its sid mutant reduced disease incidence significantly in the moderately resistant carnation cultivar Pallas, WCS358r did not.It is concluded that the effective and consistent suppression of fusarium wilt of carnation by strain WCS417r involves multiple mechanisms: induced resistance, siderophore-mediated competition for iron and possibly antibiosis. The less effective suppression of fusarium wilt by WCS358r only depends on siderophore-mediated competition for iron.  相似文献   

Sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region 1 were used to examine the phylogenetic relationships among races of 19 isolates of Phytophthora vignae f. sp. adzukicola and between this forma specialis and three isolates of the closely related P. vignae f. sp. vignae. The ITS 1 sequences were highly conserved (> 98.7% similarity) among representatives of both formae speciales groups. The results of this study indicate that P. vignae is a monophyletic group. The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession nos. AB120062–AB120080 and AB120122  相似文献   

为明确山东省玉米纹枯病菌对噻呋酰胺的敏感性及其抗药性风险,采用菌丝生长速率法分别测定了采自山东泰安、临沂、潍坊、莱芜、日照及青岛6个地区的102株玉米纹枯病菌对噻呋酰胺的敏感性。结果表明:其EC50值分布范围为0.010~0.194 μg/mL,平均EC50 值为 (0.086 ± 0.004) μg/mL,且敏感性呈连续单峰曲线分布。通过紫外诱导与药剂驯化的方法各获得5株耐药性菌株 (TA3-X2、TA17-X6、LY8-3、QD14-Y7和WF6-A2) 和1株抗性突变体 (QD2-Y4),其抗性水平在6.46~20.08倍之间,突变频率分别为0.87%和0.52%。对抗性突变体生物学性状的研究表明,紫外诱导获得的5株耐药性菌株其耐药性不能稳定遗传,而经药剂驯化获得的1株抗性突变体QD2-Y4的抗药性可稳定遗传;耐药性菌株TA3-X2的菌丝生长速率高于亲本菌株,其余菌株与亲本菌株差异不明显;5株耐药性菌株和1株抗性突变体的菌丝干重和菌核干重均低于亲本菌株;TA3-X2、WF6-A2及QD2-Y4的致病力低于亲本菌株,TA17-X6、LY8-3及QD14-Y7的致病力与亲本菌株无明显差异。交互抗性测定表明,噻呋酰胺抗性突变体与戊唑醇、丙环唑、咯菌腈、井冈霉素、苯醚甲环唑和多菌灵之间均无交互抗性,与啶酰菌胺和氟唑菌苯胺之间则存在交互抗性。研究表明,山东省6个地区的玉米纹枯病菌对噻呋酰胺比较敏感,推测噻呋酰胺可作为防治玉米纹枯病的理想候选药剂。  相似文献   

In field experiments, supplementing chemical haulm destruction (CHD) with cutting off roots resulted in a lower incidence of black scurf and skin damage (ripping off the skin) at harvest date than CHD alone. The lower susceptibility to skin damage at harvest allowed harvesting to beging on an earlier date, when only a few sclerotia ofRhizoctonia solani had developed. Furthermore, black scurf often developed more slowly after haulm destruction if roots had been severed and this enabled harvesting to be postponed.At harvest, gross yield was highest if roots had not been cut through prior to CHD: the extra weight existed merely of water. Weight loss during storage, however, as well as grading losses resulting from black scurf were greater after CHD alone. This resulted in an equal or even lower net yield after CHD alone than after CHD supplemented by root severing. The favourable effects of supplementing CHD with cutting off roots almost equaled those of the mechanical removal, often called haulm pulling or plant pulling. Factors that may affect the development of black scurf are discussed.Samenvatting Pootaardappelen raakten minder bezet met lakschurft en werden minder ontveld bij de oogst na looftrekken of na wortelsnijden plus doodspuiten dan na loofklappen plus spuiten. Al vanaf de derde dag na trekken of wortelsnijden plus doodspuiten was de mate van ontvelling zo gering, dat met het oogsten kon worden begonnen. Op zo'n vroeg tijdstip na loofdoding konden knollen worden geoogst met nog weinig lakschurft, want de stimulering van lakschurft werd pas zichtbaar vanaf 7 à 10 dagen na loofdoding. Lakschurft ontwikkelde zich het traagst na looftrekken. Ook wortelsnijden bij het doodspuiten gaf meestal een tragere ontwikkeling van lakschurft dan klappen plus spuiten. Daardoor konden na wortelsnijden plus doodspuiten en vooral na looftrekken op nog latere tijdstippen knollen met weinig lakschurft worden geoogst.Na klappen plus spuiten was het bruto gewicht bij de oogst het hoogst. Dat meergewicht bleek louter uit water te bestaan en het verloop in knolvochtgehalte leek erop te wijzen dat de wortels nog gedurende een week na doodspuiten blijven functioneren. Dat gaf wel knollen met een hoger vochtgehalte die meer ontvelden en meer vocht en dus gewicht verloren. Dit groter gewichtsverlies bij bewaren en de hogere leesverliezen door lakschurft deden de meeropbrengst teniet: zo werd het netto knolgewicht na klappen plus spuiten, al naar gelang het moment van oogsten, meestal gelijk aan, of lager dan het netto knolgewicht na het trekken of na wortelsnijden plus doospuiten. In dit artikel worden de factoren besproken, die mogelijk van invloed zijn op de ontwikkeling van lakschurft.  相似文献   

The response of key regulatory enzymes of the pentose phosphate and glycolytic pathways in disease development was assessed in genetically-related rice plants resistant and susceptible to the sheath blight fungus, Rhizoctonia solani. The plants were grown and maintained under greenhouse conditions and inoculated at 50% flowering. Uninoculated healthy plants served as controls. The activities of pentose phosphate pathway enzymes (glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) increased more than two-fold in both the resistant and susceptible plants. Activities of ATP- and pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase and phosphoenolpyruvate phosphatase increased in infected plants while activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase in infected plants was lower than in the healthy plants. Furthermore, for enzymes with increased activity, the levels were higher in the resistant line than in the susceptible line. The enhancement of the enzyme activities correlated well with the post infection period. These data suggest that altered carbohydrate metabolism in sheath blight infections may play an important role in modulating the rice plant's response to infection. The isolation of an infection-induced gene encoding a basic enzyme of pentose phosphate and glycolytic pathways could be used to develop plants with more resistance towards sheath blight disease.  相似文献   

In five different soils originating from Scotland (Craibstone and Cruden Bay), Germany (Magdeburg and Uelzen) and Greece (Tymbaki), Pseudomonas fluorescens B5 reached higher population sizes (4.7–5.7logCFU/plant) on 12-day-old sugar beet seedlings than Bacillus subtilis MBI 600 (4.1–4.8logCFU/plant). Total population size per plant was not affected by soil type. In all five soils, the antagonists reached highest population densities in the hypocotyl and the upper 2cm root section (P. fluorescensB5: 5.2–6.8log10CFU/g plant fresh weight, Bacillus subtilisMBI 600: 5.2–6.1log10CFU/g plant fresh weight) and declined to 0–3log10CFU below 4cm root depth. Colonisation by P. fluorescens B5 down the root was slightly increased in the soils from Craibstone, Magdeburg, and Uelzen compared to the sandy clay loam from Tymbaki. In lux-marked P. fluorescens B5, population density was positively correlated with light emission in all soils; the light emission indicated physiological activity of the strains. However, P. fluorescens B5 reduced Pythium damping-off (measurement after 14 days plant growth) only in three of the five soils (Craibstone, Cruden Bay and Magdeburg). Co-inoculation of B. subtilis MBI 600 increased downward colonisation of the root by P. fluorescens B5, but not the total population ofP. fluorescens B5 per plant. Bacillus subtilisMBI 600 did not reduce Pythium damping-off in any of the soils nor did it influence the efficiency of co-inoculated P. fluorescens B5; its population consisted mainly of physiologically inactive spores. In Craibstone soil, pH did not affect population density, distribution along the root or biocontrol activity against P. ultimum of P. fluorescens B5 or B. subtilis MBI 600.  相似文献   

河北省小麦纹枯病菌群体组成及致病力分化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为明确河北省小麦纹枯病发生特点及病菌特征,采用五点取样法调查该病的发生情况,通过细胞核染色、菌丝融合反应和r DNA-ITS序列分析测定196株纹枯病菌群体组成,并比较其对不同小麦品种的致病力差异。结果表明,河北省3个不同生态类型麦区30个监测点均有纹枯病发生,临漳县发病最重,其次是邯郸县和馆陶县,青县发病最轻;纹枯病菌可划分为AG-D、AG-B(0)、AGI、AG-4和AG-5共5种融合群,分别占菌株总数的88.3%、1.5%、5.1%、3.6%和1.5%;采自黑龙港平原区和山前平原区的纹枯病菌对石新828、良星99和邯6172的平均致病力均明显强于冀东平原区;菌株可划分为极强、强、中等和弱4个致病类型,分别占菌株总数的45.92%、33.67%、7.65%和12.76%。表明河北省小麦纹枯病发生普遍,总体呈南重北轻的趋势,纹枯病菌群体组成较简单,以强致病力AG-D融合群为主。  相似文献   

Germination and appressorium formation of wheat leaf rust urediospores were studied in two experiments. No consistent differences could be detected between 11 genotypes of wheat (Triticum aestivum), two of barley, one ofTriticum dicoccum, one ofT. dicoccoides, one ofT. boeoticum and one ofAegilops squarrosa. Host genotypes and non-hosts gave similar results, suggesting that the phases before penetration of the host leaf are not affected by the resistance mechanisms operating in hosts and non-host genotypes.Samenvatting Kieming en de vorming van appressoria is bestudeerd in twee experimenten. Er zijn geen systematische verschillen waargenomen tussen 11 genotypen van tarwe, twee van gerst, een vanTriticum dicoccum, een vanT. dicoccoides, een vanT. boeoticum en een vanAegilops squarrosa. Waard en niet-waard genotypen gaven overeenkomstige resultaten, dit suggereert dat de fasen voor penetratie van het gastheerblad niet beïnvloed worden door de resistentiemechanismen werkzaam in waard en niet-waard.  相似文献   

Bayoud, caused by the soilborne fungusFusarium oxysporum f.sp.albedinis (FOA), is the most serious disease of date palm. Since the disease is located in the North African countries of Morocco and Algeria, and advancing steadily eastwards, the ultimate goal is to prevent spread of the pathogen to other date-growing areas in the region and farther afield. Molecular diagnostic techniques have been developed for detection of FOA. In view of the fact that the fungus does not exist in Israel, DNA of FOA was obtained to determine the reliability of these methods for diagnostic purposes. Random amplified polymorphic DNA was not reliable enough for differentiation between FOA and various pathogenic and saprophyticFusarium isolates. However, the polymerase chain reaction utilizing FOA-specific primers was accurate and enabled amplification of a unique band specific to FOA DNA alone, and not that of the other tested pathogenic and saprophyticFusaria. The availability of a rapid and reliable diagnostic tool for detection of FOA will enable the Plant Protection and Inspection Services of the Israel Ministry of Agriculture to test date palm tissue for the presence of the pathogen. Contribution no. 513/00 from the Inst. of Plant Protection, ARO, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel.  相似文献   

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