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OBJECTIVE: To identify common risk factors for antebrachial fractures of captive polar bears and to evaluate outcome after fracture repair. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study. ANIMALS: Four captive polar bears. METHODS: United States zoological collections were surveyed to determine the prevalence of fractures in captive polar bears. Medical records of captive polar bears that had antebrachial fractures were reviewed for signalment, history, physical and radiographic findings, fracture management, postoperative care, and outcome. Serum samples from healthy bears and bears with antebrachial fractures were assayed for 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) concentrations. RESULTS: Nineteen fractures (12 polar bears) occurred from 1974 to 2002; 12 fractures involved the antebrachium. Management of 4 antebrachial fractures was reviewed; 3 were repaired by internal fixation and 1 by external coaptation. Fractures healed and bears were returned to exhibit on average 3 months postfracture. Of 11 serum samples assayed for 25-OHD concentrations, 6 were below normal, 1 was low normal and 4 were within normal reference intervals. The 7 bears with subnormal or low normal values were housed in 2 zoos. Subnormal vitamin D concentrations were identified in 2 of 3 bears with fractures. CONCLUSIONS: Fracture disease is not uncommon in captive polar bears. Additional research is necessary to explore the role of nutrition in polar bear fracture disease. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Internal fixation of antebrachial fractures is feasible and reasonably well tolerated in captive polar bears.  相似文献   

A 1:1 combination (by weight) of zolazepam and tiletamine is the drug of choice for anesthetizing polar bears (Ursus maritimus), but recovery time is prolonged when additional doses are administered. Recoveries may last 24 hr and may threaten the health of the bears. We compared the anesthetic effects of zolazepam-tiletamine (ZT) with those of medetomidine-ketamine (MK) and medetomidine-zolazepam-tiletamine (MZT) in 93 free-ranging polar bears. The MZT combination was administered in smaller dose and volume, resulted in more rapid, safer, and more predictable induction, provided more reliable anesthesia, and was safely reversed with atipamezole. Frequent occurrence of sudden recoveries during anesthesia with MK limited our use of this combination. MK and MZT sometimes caused apnea and bradycardia initially and hyperthermia at increased ambient temperatures. Hypoxemia occurred transiently with all combinations. When anesthesia with ZT and MK exceeded 1 hr, frequent necessary top-up doses caused irregular physiologic function. ZT is recommended for short duration anesthesia (< or = 1 hr), but MZT is better for anesthesia of longer duration and under circumstances where reversibility is desirable.  相似文献   

The gastric fluid of six bottlenose dolphins and the faeces of four polar bears from the same oceanarium were examined for the presence of Helicobacter. As detected by PCR, all dolphins and 8/12 samples collected from polar bears were positive for Helicobacter. Novel sequence types were identified in samples collected from these animals of which several were unique to either the dolphins or the polar bears. At least one sequence type was, however, detected in both animal taxa. In addition, a sequence type from a dolphin shared a 98.2-100% identity to sequences from other Helicobacter species from harp seals, sea otters and sea lions. This study reports on the occurrence of novel Helicobacter sequence types in polar bears and dolphins and demonstrates the broad-host range of some species within these animals.  相似文献   

Male polar bears (Ursus maritimus) have not been successfully instrumented with satellite transmitters because they readily shed collar-mounted transmitters. Seven male polar bears were captured on the pack ice off the northern coast of Alaska and surgically implanted with satellite transmitters with percutaneous antennae into the subcutaneous space of the dorsal cervical region. Transmitters failed prematurely with lifetimes of 30-161 days (mean = 97 days). Efforts to relocate implanted bears after transmitters failed were not successful. The mean number of location solutions per transmitter was 204 (range 118-369). An average of 10% and 19% of the locations were accurate to <150 m and to 150-350 m, respectively. Our successful tracking of male polar bears, the high quality of locations obtained from transmitters with percutaneous antennae implanted in the subcutaneous space, and the low visibility of such units make further technical development worthwhile if the reason for premature failure of the transmitters can be determined.  相似文献   

Corrective surgery on a 1.5-yr-old male polar bear (Ursus maritimus) with hypospadias included amputation of the vestigial penis, bilateral orchiectomy with scrotal ablation, and distal perineal urethrostomy. Hypospadias in other species is a congenital deformity that may be caused by extra- and intrauterine factors resulting in a disruption of the testosterone balance during urethral development, but the causative mechanism in this bear is unknown. The urethrostomy site was functional without complications 8 mo after surgery.  相似文献   

From 1999 to 2002 samples from 114 free-ranging polar bears (Ursus maritimus) were collected in the municipality of Scoresby Sound, East Greenland, to detect levels of organochlorines and potential histopathologic changes. Livers of 16 female polar bears from this group were evaluated histologically and analyzed for hepatic retinol-binding protein by immunohistochemistry. Retinol-binding protein is the main transport protein for retinol, an important vitamin A metabolite in the polar bear. Only mild pathologic changes were noted on histologic evaluation of the livers. Small lymphocytic or lymphohistiocytic infiltrates were present in all the livers. Small lipid granulomas, mild periportal fibrosis, and bile duct proliferation were found in several cases. Immunohistochemistry for retinol-binding protein of hepatic tissue from free-ranging polar bears showed no distinct difference in staining intensity by a number of criteria: age, season (fasting and nonfasting), or lactation status. The staining was diffuse to finely stippled in the cytoplasm and showed very little variation among the animals. Because of the lack of macroscopic changes and the absence of severe histologic liver lesions, these polar bears were assumed to be healthy. The diffuse cytoplasmic retinol-binding protein staining in hepatocytes of free-ranging polar bears varies markedly from the prominent granular, less intense staining of captive polar bears investigated previously.  相似文献   

The cardiopulmonary effects of three drug combinations in polar bears (Ursus maritimus) were studied. In 1995, five adult polar bears received i.m. injections of either 8.2 +/- 1.3 mg/kg of Telazol or a combination of 159 +/- 34 microg/kg of medetomidine with 4 +/- 0.8 mg/kg of ketamine in a crossover design. Significantly higher mean arterial pressure, lower heart rate, and lower partial pressure of arterial oxygen (Pao2) occurred with medetomidine-ketamine. In 1996, six adult polar bears were immobilized with i.m. injections of either 8.2 +/- 2 mg/kg of zolazepam-tiletamine or a combination of 74.8 +/- 11.8 microg/kg of medetomidine plus 2.2 +/- 0.3 mg/kg of zolazepam-tiletamine in a crossover design. Significantly higher mean arterial pressure and lower heart rate, base excess, and Pao2 occurred with medetomidine-zolazepam-tiletamine compared with zolazepam-tiletamine alone. Hypertension, bradycardia, and decreased Pao2 were observed with both medetomidine-ketamine and medetomidine-zolazepam-tiletamine. Both combinations should be well tolerated by healthy bears, but both have the potential to produce adverse effects in animals with cardiopulmonary disease. Zolazepam-tiletamine produced minimal adverse cardiopulmonary effects, consistent with the wide margin of safety of this combination in bears. The analgesic effect of zolazepam-tiletamine was apparently poor on the basis of the marked increases in pulse rate and mean arterial pressure after noxious stimuli.  相似文献   

Two polar bear (Ursus maritimus) cubs born at the Denver Zoological Gardens were abandoned by a primiparous mother. Lethargic and extremely chilled, the cubs were transported to the zoo hospital for intensive care and hand rearing. Both cubs developed rickets. Dietary changes were instituted, and both cubs completely recovered with the exception of a bowed right femur (genu varum) in the female cub.  相似文献   

A 14.6-yr-old, female, multiparous polar bear (Ursus maritimus) acutely developed an apparent hind limb weakness. Physical examination and diagnostic tests including a hemogram, serum biochemistry, electrolytes, radiographs, and myelogram did not provide a definitive diagnosis. No improvement in condition was noted during 4 days of supportive care, and the bear was euthanized. An ovoid mass was present in the anterior mediastinum, and a thymoma was confirmed histologically. Compared with control polar bears, elevated serum acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies (0.13 +/- 0.06 nmol/L vs. 0.86 nmol/L) were detected by immunoprecipitation radioimmunoassay, which is consistent with myasthenia gravis (MG) in other species. Although the AChR antibody test has not been validated in the polar bear, we are confident in the postmortem diagnosis of MG, which is commonly associated with thymoma in other species.  相似文献   

Liver tumors of unknown cause have frequently been described in polar bears. Concurrent decrease of vitamin A levels and chronic liver disease are associated with hepatic carcinogenesis in humans. More than 90% of the body's vitamin A is stored in the liver, where it is bound to an intracellular retinol-binding protein (RBP). Therefore, in this retrospective study, RBP was assessed by immunohistochemistry in liver sections of 11 polar bears. Two of these polar bears had hepatocellular carcinoma, four showed other chronic liver changes, and five had normal livers. In normal livers, the cytoplasm stained diffusely positive with intensely staining cytoplasmic granules. RBP staining was evaluated and the abundance of diffuse cytoplasmic staining and intracytoplasmic large granules was determined. All cases with pathologic liver changes had markedly decreased staining intensities for RBP compared with normal livers. The findings of this study suggest that in polar bears, as in humans, vitamin A metabolism may play a role in hepatic carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Cerebral arteriosclerosis was observed upon necropsy of a 36-yr-old female captive polar bear (Ursus maritimus) that developed a sudden onset of seizure-like activity and died. The medium and large cerebral arteries of the meninges had moderate to severe diffuse discoloration and mineralization of the matrix of the tunica media, with little or no associated cellular reaction. Scanning electron microscopy of the affected arteries showed discrete crystalline calcified deposits in the media and sclerosis of the arterial wall. There were no lesions in the brainstem. The findings suggested a sudden and rapidly fatal loss of blood flow to the brain caused by long-standing arterial lesions. Incidental findings included numerous 0.1- to 10-cm-diameter, hepatic cysts lined with hyperplastic biliary epithelium, a unilateral, unipolar, 3-cm-diameter renal tubular adenoma, and approximately 250 active Baylisascaris sp. nematodes in the intestines.  相似文献   

A male polar bear (Ursus maritimus) was diagnosed with tracheitis associated with Bordetella bronchiseptica that was cultured from an endotracheal sample of thick mucopurulent exudate. The condition responded to oral amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, and clinical signs of inappetence, depression, dysphagia, and tussis were resolved. One week after this presentation, a female conspecific presented with similar clinical signs, suggesting a transmissible nature of the disease or the same source of infection. The source of infection remains unknown.  相似文献   

The muscles of mastication of the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) and those of the brown bear (U. arctos) were examined by anatomical approach. In addition, the examination of the skull was carried out in the polar bear, brown bear and giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca). In the polar bear, the rostro-ventral part of the superficial layer of the M. masseter possessed the abundant fleshy portion folded in the rostral and lateral directions like an accordion. Moreover, the rostro-medial area of the superficial layer became hollow in the nuchal direction when the mouth was closed. The M. temporalis of the polar bear covered up the anterior border of the coronoid process of the mandible and occupied the almost entire area of the cranial surface. The M. pterygoideus medialis of the polar bear was inserted on the ventral border of the mandible and on the ventral part of the temporal bone more widely than that of the brown bear. As results of our measurements of the mandible, an effect of the leverage in the polar bear was the smallest in three species. In the polar bear, the skull was flat, and the space between zygomatic arch and ventral border of the mandible, occupied by the M. masseter was the narrowest. It is suggested that the muscles of mastication of the polar bear is adapted to the flat skull feature for supplementing the functions.  相似文献   

Since we have clarified the manipulation mechanism using the radial sesamoid (RS) in the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), our aim in this study is to examine the position, shape and function of the RS morphologically, and to observe the attachment to the RS of the M. abductor pollicis longus and the M. opponens pollicis in the other Ursidae species. So, we focused on the carpus and manus of the polar bear (Ursus maritimus) and the brown bear (Ursus arctos) in this study. The RS was tightly articulated to the radial carpal, and could not adduct-abduct independently of the radial carpal. The M. abductor pollicis longus tendon and the M. opponens pollicis belly were attached to the RS, independently. In the polar bear, the deep concave and the flat surface were confirmed in attachment area for these two muscles. The morphological relationship between the RS and the M. abductor pollicis longus and the M. opponens pollicis in the two species of bears were essentially consistent with that in the giant panda. It also demonstrated that the manipulation mechanism of the giant panda has been completely based on the functional relationship between the small RS, and the M. abductor pollicis longus and the M. opponens pollicis in Ursidae species.  相似文献   

One hundred serum samples collected from free-ranging white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) in Kruger National Park (KNP) during the 2007 capture season were selected for measurement of antibody levels to several different vector-borne viral agents. These infectious diseases were chosen to compare with an earlier serosurvey that had been conducted in KNP in rhinos during 1987-1997. Positive antibody titers were found against epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) of deer (8%), Bluetongue (BT) (1%), and Rift Valley fever (RVF) (49%). However, none of the 100 animals tested had detected antibody levels to African horse sickness (AHS). These values were in sharp contrast to those measured in the 1987-1997 survey in KNP white rhinos (AHS 60%, EHD 30%, BT 37%, RVF 0%). Vector-borne viral infection prevalence in white rhinos in the same geographical location appears to vary over time and may be important for monitoring presence of pathogens in an ecosystem.  相似文献   

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