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Summary Genetics of resistance to Ascochyta fabae Speg. in Vicia faba L. was studied with a final objective to develop resistant faba bean varieties to Ascochyta blight. The study was conducted separately on 3 single spore isolates (AF10-2 and AF13-2 from Tunisia and AF4-3 from France) and belonging to different groups of virulence (GV1 and GV2). Important general combining ability (GCA) effects were found especially with isolates AF10-2 and AF4-3. Specific combining ability (SCA), although significant for the 3 isolates, was important only with AF13 -2, but less important than GCA. Additive gene effects were predominant to non-additive effects. Lines 29H and A8817 transmitted to their progenies resistance to the 3 isolates, whereas 14–12 and 19TB conferred resistance to their progenies only with isolates AF13-2 and AF4-3, respectively. In the material studied, resistance was generally controlled by dominant genes but also could be attributed to recessive genes although less frequent. Analysis of segregation in the F2 of 2 crosses between the resistant lines (A8817 and 29H) and the susceptible line (14–12) with isolate AF4-3 revealed dominant monogenic control at the level of leaves in the 2 resistant lines and, in addition, a recessive gene controlling resistance of stems. Non-allelic interactions were occasionally manifested and their origin appeared to be due to line 19TB. A recurrent selection scheme was proposed with the objective to develop improved open-pollination populations and synthetic varieties responding to the objective of the national Tunisian research programme on faba bean.  相似文献   

Summary Rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) belonging to five ecotypes (aus, aman, boro, bulu and tjereh) and to two groups of Japanese rice (lowland and upland) are examined with respect to KClO3 resistance, phenol reaction and apiculus hair length. These characters have been used as available criteria to classify rice into two types indica and japonica, for the last thirty years.The findings of this study are that the aman, boro and tjereh ecotypes should be classified as typical indica; and that the Japanese lowland rice cultivars are mainly typical japonica. Some of the aus, bulu and Japanese upland rice cultivars differ from typical indica and typical japonica, so the respective terms aus type, bulu type and J.u.r. type, are proposed. Aman, boro tjereh and Japanese lowland rice are cultivated in lowland. Some of the aus, bulu and Japanese upland rice cultivars have the characteristics of upland rice. In general, lowland rice cultivars can be clearly classified into indica or japonica, while upland cultivars cannot.Abbreviations Aph dominant gene for apiculus hair length > 0.7 mm - aph recessive gene for apiculus hair length < 0.7 mm - J.u.r. type Japanese upland rice type  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of the seed coat colours violet, spotted, brown, green, red, black and beige was investigated in a 10×10 diallel cross between broad bean (Vicia faba L. major) lines. Spotted seed colour was dominant over any uniform seed coat colouring. Brown was dominant over black, green and normal (beige colour). Black and red seed parents behaved as recessive in all F1 progenies. A 3 (coloured): 1 (normal) segregation ratio was observed in the F2 of crosses of violet, brown, black, red and spotted seed coat parents to nornal seed coloured parents. Green x beige gave a segregation ratio of 9:7 in F2. When two parents with different seed coat colour were involved in a cross, the F2 showed a typical digenic segregation ratio thus demonstrating two unlinked and sometimes epistatic loci.Segregation of a multiallelic series at two loci explains all segregation ratios observed for seed coat colour in broad bean.  相似文献   

Summary Factors favouring callus proliferation and subsequent regeneration of plants from pollen grains of rice anthers (Oryza sativa L., cvx. Bahia, Girona, Balilla × Sollana and Sequial) were determined. Cultivar differences in response were found, such as a high rate of haploid plant regeneration.In addition, isolated pollen grain culture was used to induce tissue proliferation outside the anther walls. The frequency of callus formation from isolated pollen grains was very low. It was necessary to preculture the anthers before pollen grain separation, in order to accomplish a successful development later. Root differentiation was observed in some of the obtained callus.  相似文献   

Summary To assess the feasibility for synthetic varieties of Vicia faba L., 108 faba bean genotypes were screened for cross-fertilization rate in five field experiments carried out in 1989 and 1990 at Wageningen.Significant genotypic differences were observed for outcrossing rate, which ranged from 1 to 55%. These percentages, however, are thought to be not high enough for a commercially feasible production of synthetic varieties.The inheritance of cross-fertilization rate, determined by testing the F4 generation of a cross between two inbreds, both with high outcrossing rates, appeared to be of a polygenic nature, as was indicated by the wide variation in, and the continous distribution of, the cross-fertilization rates. Among the F4 lines tested some had a significantly higher cross-fertilization rate than the parents. However, this difference was not found when these lines were retested, indicating that possibilities for successful selection for higher outcrossing rates might be limited.  相似文献   

Summary A method was developed for screening faba bean seedlings for resistance to Ascochyta fabae. Several factors were investigated, including amount and concentration of inoculum, period of high humidity and age of leaves. Seedlings of different cultivars were tested and results compared with available field data. Older leaves proved to be less susceptible than younger leaves. Seedling tests reflected differences in resistance in the field, especially in material uniform in growth habit.  相似文献   

D. G. Roupakias 《Euphytica》1986,35(1):175-183
Summary Fertilized embryo-sac development and pod growth was studied in one Vicia faba cultivar, one Vicia narbonensis population and their reciprocal crosses. The initial development of endosperm and embryo was at least four days faster in V. narbonensis than in V. faba. Pods and ovules developed also faster in V. narbonensis than in V. faba. The growth rate of the hybrid pods followed the growth rate of the mother species, but was slower than that of the pods from selfed flowers. In the cross V. narbonensis × V. faba the ovules stopped growing 9 days after pollination, while in the reciprocal cross they stopped growing 15 days after pollination. Hybrid embryo-sacs from V. faba × V. narbonensis were aborted before they reached the stage of 256 endosperm nuclei or 200 embryo cells. Selfed V. faba embryo-sacs reached this stage in less than 9 days after pollination. In the reciprocal cross the embryo-sacs were aborted before they reached the stage of 128 endosperm nuclei or 80 embryo cells. Selfed V. narbonensis embryo-sacs reached this stage at the 4th day after pollination. Given that at these stages the embryo has less than 200 cells it was concluded that an in-ovule embryo culture technique should be developed to obtain hybrid plants.  相似文献   

Zhang  Xiao-ming  Shi  Chun-hai  Yue  Shen-Hai  Wu  Jian-guo  Bao  Geng-liang 《Euphytica》2004,139(3):249-256
Genetics of methionine content in indica-japonica hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) was studied in 35 F1 hybrids derived from crossing 7 male-sterile indica rice cultivars with 5 restorer japonica rice cultivars. Two genetic models and their corresponding statistical methods for quantitative traits of triploid endosperm in cereal crops were used for the analysis. One is the unconditional model, which refers to the analysis of cumulative measurements along the developmental stages, while another is the conditional model, which relates to analysis throughout the developmental stages. Results showed that methionine content of indica-japonica hybrid rice was controlled by expression of triploid endosperm nuclear genes, cytoplasm genes, diploid maternal plant nuclear genes, and their genotype-environment interaction effects. Dominant effects were important at the first three developmental stages, while additive effects were important at the next two stages of grain development under both unconditional and conditional analyses. With regard to the components of heritability, maternal and cytoplasm general heritabilities and their environmental interaction heritabilities were important. It was suggested that enhancing methionine content could be more efficient when selection is based on maternal plants in early breeding generations.  相似文献   

Summary Five subtelocentric primary trisomics of Vicia faba L. were isolated from crosses between asynaptic mutants and normal plants or translocation tester stocks. The extra chromosome of each trisomic was identified cytologically by critical multivalent association at metaphase I of meiosis.  相似文献   

Summary Wide compatible varieties (WCVs) show normal spikelet fertility in crosses with Indica and Japonica rice varieties. Crosses of Indica and Japonica varieties frequently show high spikelet sterility which prevents exploitation of heterosis for grain yield. We screened 41 rice varieties for the wide compatibility trait by crossing each with three Indica and three Japonica testers. Varieties giving fertile F1 hybrids with both groups of testers were classified as WCVs. Seven varieties viz., BPI-76 (Indica); N 22; Lambayeque-1 and Dular (Aus); Moroberekan, Palawan and Fossa HV (Japonicas), were identified as WCVs. The frequency of WCVs was higher among Aus and Japonicas. The wide compatibility trait in varieties: Dular and Moroberekan was controlled by a single dominant gene linked with the Est-2 and Amp-3 loci (mean recombination 32.0%). Est-2 and Amp-3 showed complete linkage. Pgi-2 was found to be linked with Est-2 and Amp-3 (mean recombination 16.1%). Est-2 and Amp-3, showed a tighter linkage with C + (mean recombination 4.1%). Pgi-2 showed a lower linkage with C + (mean recombination 17.3%). The recombination values between the WC gene in Dular and C + was much higher than those reported in Japan for the WC gene (S5 n) from Ketan Nangka. It is possible that the WC gene from Dular is different from that in Ketan Nangka. Linkage intensities with the WC gene were not strong enough to be of use for indirect selection for the wide compatibility trait. A search for a more closely linked isozyme or DNA marker was proposed.  相似文献   

Genetic modification from selfed progenies of 18 rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants regenerated from callus tissues which survived desiccation, were investigated at the DNA level using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. Twelve 10-mer random primers were used to amplify DNA of progenies from the regenerated plants, and a total of 228 PCR products and 1780 DNA fragments were obtained by primers, generating between four to thirteen major bands. The size of the amplified fragments ranged from 0.2 to 2.55 kb. The results showed that 10 out of 12 primers produced polymorphic bands, two primers (RA31 and RA185) showed no polymorphism among plants tested. A dendrogram of the genetic distance was constructed based on their polymorphism, demonstrating that somaclonal variation exists in rice plants regenerated from callus which survived the desiccation treatment. Part of this variation can be useful in rice breeding. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Gérard Duc 《Euphytica》1995,83(2):147-152
Summary Mutagenesis ofVicia faba L. using ethyl methanesulfonate has yielded three mutants (f13, f73, f245) with ineffective nodulation (Nod+Fix), one mutant (f48) unable to nodulate (Nod) and one supernodulating mutant (f32) having 3 to 5 times more nodules than the control in the absence of combined nitrogen, and expressing nitrate tolerant nodulation (Nod++, Nts). All of the mutant phenotypes were controlled by single and distinct recessive genes designatedsyml tosym5, respectively. Grafting experiments showed that the (Nod+Fix) and (Nod) phenotypes were both under root genotype control and that the (Nod++, Nts) phenotype was under shoot genotype control.  相似文献   

Summary The genetic relationships between rice varieties were analysed by using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), with arbitrary oligonucleotide primers in the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. PCR with 22 arbitrary primers applied to 37 varieties produced 144 useful markers, of which 67% were polymorphic. Thus, with selected primers sufficient polymorphism could be detected to allow identification of individual varieties. Visual examination of electrophoresis gels and analysis of banding patterns confirmed that commercial Australian and USA lines and their relatives were very closely related, with similarity indices of 88–97%. Three varieties originating from more distant geographical centres were easily distinguished, producing variety-specific amplification profiles and expressing a lower similarity index of 80% to all other varieties tested. PCR offers a potentially simple, rapid and reliable method for rice genotype identification and recognition of lines that could contribute genetic diversity to new commercial varieties.Abbreviations PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction - RAPD Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA  相似文献   

The number of vascular bundles in peduncle and the ratio of vascular bundles to primary rachis branches (V/R ratio)distinguishable between indica andjaponica, are the traits associated with the processes of differentiation between indica and japonica inrice (Oryza sativa L.). In this paper a doubled-haploid population derived from the F1 hybrid of a cross between anindica cultivar and a japonicacultivar was used to map quantitative trait loci(QTLs) controlling numbers of vascular bundles in peduncle, primary rachis branches and the V/R ratio. For vascular bundles, three QTLs were detected and they collectively explained 58.8% of the total variation. Among them, the QTLqVB-8 with the largest effect,located on chromosome 8, individually accounted for 31.1% of the total variation. Two QTLs controlling primary rachis branches, located on chromosome 8and 10 respectively, were identified and they individually explained 10.5% and18.0% of the total variation respectively. Three QTLs for the V/R ratio, mapped on chromosome 1, 2 and 8, respectively,jointly explained 61.3% of the total variation. Of the three QTLs, the QTL qV/R-1 with the largest additive effect,explained 25.3% of the total variation,was located on chromosome 1 and found to be closely linked to the gene sh-2, a major gene underlying grain-shattering ability. In addition, four and two pairs of significant epistatic QTLs were detected for vascular bundles and the V/R ratio,respectively, but none for rachis branches. Our results suggested that the numbers of vascular bundles and primary rachis branches were independently controlled by different polygenic systems, but the two polygenic systems shared a fraction of quantitative trait loci. The present study also demonstrated that the chromosome region carrying the QTL qV/R-1 for the V/R ratio and the gene sh-2 might play an important role in the processes ofindica-japonica differentiation in rice (Oryza sativa L.). This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Six chickpea lines resistant to Ascochyta rabiei (Pass.) Lab. were crossed to four susceptible cultivars. The hybrids were resistant in all the crosses except the crosses where resistant line BRG 8 was involved. Segregation pattern for diseases reaction in F2, BCP1, BCP2 and F3 generations in field and glasshouse conditions revealed that resistance to Ascochyta blight is under the control of a single dominant gene in EC 26446, PG 82-1, P 919, P 1252-1 and NEC 2451 while a recessive gene is responsible in BRG 8. Allelic tests indicated the presence of three independently segregating genes for resistance; one dominant gene in P 1215-1 and one in EC 26446 and PG 82-1, and a recessive one in BRG 8.Research paper No. 3600  相似文献   

Screening of 136 faba bean lines forresistance to chocolate spot caused by thefungus Botrytis fabae was conductedin field conditions with artificialinoculation. Detached leaves of thesegenotypes were also assessed for diseaseseverity after inoculation under controlledconditions with a B. fabaesuspension. The BPL710 and Aguadulcegenotypes were inserted as resistant andsusceptible checks, respectively. Diseasesymptoms were scored visually in bothexperiments. Diameter of lesions andproduction of spores were measured in thedetached leaf assay. The disease scoreindex and diameter of lesions were used tocalculate the area under the diseaseprogress curve (AUDPC) to measure thedisease progress. Significant differenceswere detected among genotypes for reactionto the disease in the field. However, nocomplete resistance was observed. Forhighly susceptible and highly resistantgenotypes, the laboratory assay generallyled to the same result as the field test,nevertheless, for more intermediate levelsthe agreement was weak. On detached leaves,diameter of lesions was significantlycorrelated to the AUDPC of disease scores(r = 0.89) and moderately correlated tosporulation (r = 0.52). The correlationbetween field AUDPC and detached leaf AUDPCof disease scores was low (r = 0.26). A lowcorrelation was also observed between fieldAUDPC and lesion size (r = 0.30) andbetween field AUDPC and sporulation (r =0.32). Among the 136 genotypes evaluated inthis study, nine were convincingly andhighly resistant in both tests. FRYM167 andFRYA58 genotypes were the most resistantwith low AUDPC of disease scores, low AUDPCof lesion diameter and low sporeproduction. These genotypes obviously havepartial resistance.  相似文献   

Summary Nine japonica × indica F1 hybrids of rice involving 6 indica and 3 japonica tropical varieties, were large scale anther cultured. The frequency of callusing anthers averaged 18.7%. The microspore-derived calli produced green plants with a mean frequency of 8.7%. Albino plants represented 61% of the shoot forming calli. Monitoring of the green and albino plant regenerating capabilities of calli arising between week 4 and week 8 of incubation of the anthers showed no increase of the albino/green ratio and a slow decrease of the shoot forming ability of the transferred calli after the sixth week of culture. Spontaneous doubled haploids (SDH) represented 46% of the regenerated green plants in 4 hybrids. However, a high frequency of partially sterile regenerants was noticed among 132 SDH plants generated from a hybrid.  相似文献   

Summary A survey of the protein content of various field bean varieties indicates a range of variation extending over sixteen units of crude protein from 22–38%. Analysis of single plants from within three WPBS varieties Dylan. Danas and Dacre indicates that a similar range exists within commercial varieties. Examination of the progenies of high and low protein single plant selections together with a preliminary estimation of heritability suggest that protein content is highly heritable. No significant correlations were found between protein content and seed yield.  相似文献   

Summary Activities of ATPase and succinic dehydrogenase were assessed in three F1 hybrids of rice and their parental lines during boot leaf stage, flowering, on 10th and 20th days after flowering. ATPase activity showed increase at the flowering and on 20th day after flowering. Succinic dehydrogenase activity continued to rise till 10th day after flowering and declined on 20th day after flowering. Hybrids with high yield were generally endowed with more positive heterosis for these two enzymes. Correlation coefficient of grain yield per panicle was significantly positive with ATPase activity at all the stages studied. Heterosis for ATPase activity might serve a reliable criterion for the selection of efficient F1 combinations.  相似文献   

D. A. Bond 《Euphytica》1989,41(1-2):87-90
Summary It has not yet been possible to utilise cytoplasmically inherited male sterility (CMS) in Vicia faba, in the commerical production of F1 hybrids. The main problem has been a rapid increase in the proportion of fertile revertants during multiplication. Investigations, mainly in France, have clarified environmental causes of phenotypic instability, CMS and maintainer lines with improved stability have been selected, and two new cytoplasms have been produced by mutation of the first two. CMS is known to be associated with cytoplasmic spherical particles, and recognisable types of double stranded RNA, and there may also be an association with mitochondrial DNA, and polypeptides of mitochondrial origin.The better understanding of CMS may eventually lead to more easily managed forms, either through genetic manipulation or biochemical assays that breeders can use for screening for stability.  相似文献   

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